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both xx


glad you have some better weather at last. Do you get to keep any of the fallen apples?

I watched Secret Lives of 4 Year Olds, the things they say on that show are just so funny!

Rather annoyed that we only get to see 2 episodes of IAC, then it gets taken off!



shame about the spring onions and beetroot. Hope the doctors visit goes ok in the morning. That is an early start for you, but best to beat the queue before lots of people arrive with germs! Hopefully you will be in and out quickly at that time in the morning.

Yes Scarlett and Larry are just great, and I agree those 4 did so well last night. We seem to have some good competitors, as they did so well the night before too.


Nothing to watch on tv tonight now, so I am off to read my Christmas magazines in bed now. 

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Emptybox.

A cooler day, sun and shower spells, some wind as well.

Was at the docs surgery for 8am to get an appointment, the next one was 10.15, O/H didn't want to go back home to wait as it's a good way away, went to a local pub that now does breakfasts, after that we sat in the car outside the surgery till 10.00, i wanted to find out the results of the blood tests and the heart scan, when we went into the docs office, the first thing he said was, Hello, what can i do for you, i said, it's to check on the results of the bloods and heart scan, oh, he said, thats fine you didn't need to come in about them, if there was a problem you would have been sent for.

I then had him check on my tablets and got a new prescription with the new tablet on so it can all be renewed in December.

I was talking to one of my neighbours, about 80% are elderly, this one has had 2 knee joints renewed some years ago, he showed me his ankle, in a bit of a mess, i asked what had happened, he had slipped and fallen into his fish pond, his wrist was in a mess as well, but he doesn't heal well as he is on Warfarin.

At least you got a couple of jobs done, yes, the temperature is slowly dropping, maybe it's because Winter isn't that far away.

I think the Brake Disc is in the middle of nowhere, between the callipers, what kind of a noise was it, can you remember?

I pulled so carrots, intending to give them to my MIL but O/H said i can't give those to her, they only need boiling or something like that, steaming would be better, anyway, we are going to have them instead, but i have loads more to pull yet, oh dear.

Anyway, the Jungle is on for 90 minutes tonight, and the aftershow is on also on ITV2 later.

Hope Mollie is finding life easier with the new carers for her Mum.


Hi Hicky.
Not a very nice day here either. High wind and rainy.
Didn't go out to work, but I was waiting in for the post anyway.
Needless to say the thing I ordered didn't turn up, and the postie didn't come till ÂĢ2.30pm.


I've ordered a cheap (ÂĢ3) CPU from Ebay to test on my broken PC. I'm pretty sure it's the motherboard at fault, but this should confirm it. I could always sell the CPU on afterwards, but at ÂĢ3 it might not be worth it, In fact the CPU was 99p and the P+P was ÂĢ2. For some reason the seller has sent it  first class signed for, otherwise I wouldn't need to wait in.
It was posted on Monday morning, so really should have come today.


I usually just peel and slice carrots and then steam them. They don't need boiling really.


Pity your doc visit wasn't strictly necessary, specially as you had the early start. But at least he put your mind at rest and renewed your prescription. And you got another brekkie out.


Don't know what your elderly neighbour was doing, messing around near a fish pond, if he's got dodgy knees.


The noise from the wheel was like a loud bearing type noise. Or a metallic whooshy noise. It was definitely coming from the wheel going round.
But if it was noise from a bearing it wouldn't just have stopped. And if it was a stuck on brake it surely would have done it again since?
It'll have to remain a mystery, unless it does it again.


IAC was good. Scarlett and Carol did well at the eating task.
The young lads were useless at Morse code though.


Evening Emptybox.

Not very nice weather today, 7c with rain most of the day, some sunny spells in between, some wind as well.

I see Wales had some hight winds 90mph, some destruction on the West Coast.

Stayed in apart from bringing the wheelie bins in.

Nothing worse than staying in for the postie, but it should only take a few days.

It's good when you can get a cpu for for ÂĢ3.

Yes, these lovely fresh small carrots shouldn't need an awful lot of steaming, they are so tender, but i have rather a lot left i think as i've only pulled a third of the crop so far.

Not sure what the neighbour was doing by the pond, he just slipped, he was lucky really as he could have done an awful lot more damage than he did.

Strange that wheel noise, i wonder if it will come back again.

Loving Scarlett more each day, she is so funny, and very good for the show.

It just shows, many people are brought up not knowing what Morse Code is or how it operates, doing 2 dots for a dash really put them back loads.

Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed with looking after her Mum.



Hi Hicky.
Better day here. No rain and reasonably calm. Colder though.

Had to wait in again, but at least the CPU came about 1.45pm.
I fitted it into the computer, but it still didn't work, so that more or less confirms it's a motherboard fault.
I might buy a cheap motherboard off Ebay for about ÂĢ15. Or I can buy a whole computer for ÂĢ25 - ÂĢ50 (ex-business machines). Haven't decided yet.


Yes, I saw there was very high winds in Wales today, causing some destruction. Hope Mollie wasn't affected?


That's great that you've got such a good crop of carrots.
Can't believe those numpties started out doing two flashes for a dash.


Looking forward to The Apprentice a bit later.




what a shame you wasted time going to the docs, but good news they found no problems. I think it is always a bit of an odd system that no one contacts you to say it is ok and only if it is a problem, because there is always this element of doubt in case they forget to tell you if there was something wrong! But good news for you now which is what matters.

Shame you have a lot of left over carrots. I love carrots, I bet your own ones are real tasty too. Perhaps you can give them to neighbours again?

Yes indeed a big at your neighbour and the dodgy knees and a fish pond!



how annoying you were stuck in all day again for the parcel, and even worse now that your CPU didnt' fix the problem!

Yes IAC is real good, the women do seem the stronger competitors this year though and Scarlett is so funny!

I was so busy yesterday that I forgot to watch The Apprentice. So recorded it on catch up. Daughter found it repeated at 12.30am. Haven't watched it yet though.

Yes it was very very windy (and wet) here yesterday , they reckon round Aberystwyth they had a mini tornado! Much nicer today though so far. Lucky we didn't suffer any bad effects though.


I have been real busy but in a nice way for once. My son was nominated for an award and we are off to the ceremony tonight, my aunt has travelled from the midlands with her friend to see it. So me and son met them off the coach yesterday and had dinner in the pub with them. Today 8 of us are going for tea at Nandos before the ceremony, so that will be nice. Even if son doesn't win, he has done real well to be nominated. He has to have speech ready in case he wins and be prepared to speak to tv crew in case he does. So of course he is nervous!

Have you tried Nandos Hicky? Portugese, mainly chicken.

I have my mum's fave carers booked in privately, so she will be well looked after. Tomorrow we take my aunt and friend back to the midlands, so will stay overnight and back Sunday.

So will be away for a couple of days from here.

Have a good weekend both xx At least we have lots of good tv now.


Evening Both.

Coller today, 6c hailstone showers, rain, heaven knows what.

Didn't go out, didn't need to anyway.

Emptybox, Pity the cpu didn't solve the problem, as you say, probably the motherboard.

Enjoying the Jungle so far, Scarlett is so good, i could watch her all night.

I enjoyed The Apprentice, i really can't see any of them getting the money of LS.

Mollie, I agree, you would think they would contact me or send a message saying the results are OK, it has happened before were they didn't contact a person about the problem and of course that delay could really be a problem.

Yes, the neighbour that fell in the fish pond is not young, as well as having replacement knees he is on Warfarin so bleeding is a problem and he has wafer thin skin.

Thats nice, your son being nominated for an award, I don't think i have been to a Nando's.

Enjoy your trip to the Midlands, take an umbrella as it always rains there.



Evening Hicky and Mollie.
Frosty start here, but a nice sunny day. Cold though, only about 3 degrees.
Spent the afternoon raking leaves.
Pity you got the wet stuff Hicky.


Mollie, glad you weren't caught up in a tornado.
That's great that your son has been nominated for an award.
Is that the son that does drama, or the son that does music, or are they one and the same? Either way, I hope he wins.
Nice that your Aunt was able to come across to see it. Hope you all enjoy your Nandos meal, and your trip back home.


Hicky. Yes the surgery should let you know about the results either way.
Scarlett is very good on IAC.
Don't know how the yellow team won everything tonight? The blues should have won something at least.


Evening Emptybox.

Lost my last nights post, it didn't go and then i couldn't get it back.

It's Sunday now and a dry cloudy day.

Didn't go out, stayed in and watched tv.

O/H made a nice lamb roast, yummy.

Yes, don't understand why the hospital of doctor doesn't tell you if the results are ok.

Hope Molly is enjoying her trip to the Midlands, i spent quite some time there when i was younger.

Will give the trees a spray with Winter wash as soon as i have a day with no wind.

Looking at the forecast it looks like Thursday onwards.

I wonder who will go tonight on Strictly?, looking forward to the Jungle as well.


Hi Hicky.


Not long got back from my Brother's. I stayed over last night.
We had a family gathering to celebrate my nephews' birthdays. The youngest was 18 a week or so ago, and the oldest will be 21 in a week.
Hopefully my days of being called on to babysit are over?


We had a Chinese takeaway meal. I had king prawn and rice with bamboo shoots and water chestnuts. Very good it was. I also had quite a lot of beer and red wine which unfortunately seems to have brought on my symptoms today, so I didn't have a very comfortable journey back. It seems to have eased a bit tonight though.


It has been very cold and frosty here. I think it went down to -4 overnight here, although it wasn't quite as cold across at my Brother's, which is more towards the west. Only -1 overnight.
There was also quite a lot of snow lying on the hillier part of the journey. None here though.


Pity you lost yesterday's post, but I wouldn't have benefited from it anyway, being away.
Nice that you had a nice lamb dinner.
I got spoiled at breakfast this morning as we had poached eggs on toast with smoked salmon and wilted spinach. A Jamie Oliver recipe seemingly.
Just had bacon sarnies for lunch, before I set off home.


Yes, looks like the next few days for me are supposed to be wet, but not as cold. Nicer towards the end of the week.
My SiL is a Strictly fan, so watched some of that last night.
IAC tonight, and I also record Humans.


Evening Emptybox.

A cool wet windy day here, 6c and rain all day.

Didn't go out again, watched tv, O/H made another roast dinner, very nice.

Think i'll be able to get the trees sprayed Wednesday/Thursday as the weather picks up, the Jet Stream is moving North so should be okm y the weekend.

That was nice having a family stay over, yes, think baby sitting is over for now.

The Chinese food sounds good, pity it brought back symptoms again.

Your brekkie sounded ok, i messed mine up today, fried potato and mushrooms and put and poured egg over them and fried and put under the grill, wasn't a good thing to do really, we live and learn.

A pity Greg went, don't want anyone to leave really, loving the Jungle and the after show, the new bloke from Homes Under the Hammer surprised me, whatr a whimp, not nice at all, not doing himself any favours at all.


Hi Hicky. Very cold here today. Think it was -5 overnight, and when I woke up everything was white with frost, and stayed that way till mid afternoon, until the rain started.

Symptoms much better today. Think it was the drink I had that irritated the prostate. Not that I was drunk, or had a hangover or anything, but maybe if I'd had one less glass of red wine.....?


Went into town to get my prescription and go to the supermarket. Didn't get any work done though.


Your OH is keeping you well supplied with roast dinners Hicky.
Hope the weather is kind to you later in the week, to let you get the trees sprayed.
Your brekkie probably looked a mess, but bet it tasted good?


Yes the Homes Under the Hammer fella is a bit wet.
Watching the prog about Guy Martin in China at the moment. Then I'll watch IAC on +1.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Quite a cloudy day here, 7c no sun and some wind.

Didn't go out, except to the garage to get some apples, i got one for myself and 2 for O/H.

Am going to leave the tree spray till January, then again before bud burst.

Will see if i can get the gardener before the weekend as well, he can help putting the winter bubble wrap on the tree tubs.

We must have had a lot of rain lately as a 40 litre builder tub has a foot of water in it, and a 30cm rainfall is massive.

Maybe it was the wine that started you symptoms again, not sure why.

Another cold frosty day for you and no work, what work do you do in the winter?

I don't mind if O/H wants to make roasts, i had a curry from the freezer, i keep a few in, the last curry i made was divided into 3 meals, which is good, need more meat to make more.

Gone off that Homes Under the Hammer feller, don't like him now, think Scarlet is nice though.





Isn't it nice now that you are retired and if for example the weather is bad and you don't feel like going out, you don't have to! Hope you got hold of your gardener, so you can get that winter bubble done.



glad you had a nice time at your brothers and enjoyed the food. Pity the booze aggravated your condition. I was wondering maybe it could be not entirely be down to the booze, maybe the additives in the take away sauces? Or stress through going away contributed? But glad it at least has calmed down again now.

Gosh your nephews are all grown up now, so as you say, the end of baby sitting for you. (or are you likely to be called in for dog sitting now?)


We had a lovely weekend last week.
Son didn't win, someone who worked on another film did, but gosh I realise now how well he did to even get nominated as there were 600 trainees in all. The film was shown on tv last night, great to see son on tv and his name in the credits. 

All of us at the Nandos meal enjoyed it.

Kids enjoyed visiting the Comic Con exhibition in Birmingham, and the German Christmas markets were lovely.
Been busy trying to catch up with shopping, mum's care etc.

Loving IAC, Larry and Scarlett my faves.

Have a good evening both xxx

Hicky posted:

Enjoy your trip to the Midlands, take an umbrella as it always rains there.


Do you know what is so funny this time...

it was pouring/hailing driving through Wales and as soon as we got over the border into England, it stopped raining!

We had a lovely walk round the German Christmas markets in Birmingham, and it was dry all the time, but I am told by the carer, it never stopped raining all day in Wales!

So I reckon we had a lucky escape that day.


Evening both.
A horrible day here. High winds and heavy rain. Some local flooding, but I didn't go out anyway.


Ordered a load of heating oil, which should come in the next couple of days. A bit more expensive than in April when I last got some, but not too bad. I've set the heating to come on for a few more hours a day now, including a couple in the morning, as I was reluctant to get out of my cozy bed into a freezing room.


I've still got a lot of cutting back and pruning work to do Hicky, and at least one more hedge to cut. Should think I'll be working well into December, unless the snow descends. But after that I don't do much until March.
Not sure if it was just the wine that brought on symptoms, but probably didn't help. 


Glad you had a good time in the midlands Mollie, but pity your son didn't get his award. Must have been great to see him on the telly.


Watching Ordinary Lies just now, and am going to watch IAC on +1.
Yes Larry and Scarlett are great. I also like Carol and Lisa and Ola.
ETA: Oh aye, and Sam. Almost forgot Sam.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Evening Both.

8c here today, dry and no wind.

We went to Liverpool to a few shops, i'm finding it too much, stopped for a meal, just had a turkey and veg soup, wow that was filling, i just can't keep walking for hours, i have to stop and get my breath, or sit for a while.

Haven't rang the gardener yet but tomorrow and Friday look good in the forecast.

Mollie, yes, it is nice not having to rush out in the morning.

Pity your son didn't win but getting nominated from that many is really good.

Isn't that strange, fancy the rain stopping when you got to Birmingham, i drove to London hundreds of times and when we passed the Midlands on the Motorway it always rained, it didn't rain till we got there and it stopped when we passed.

Emptybox, Lousy weather for you again i see, hope the weather lets you get the rest of the jobs done before it really sets in.

I've altered my heating to these times, 06.00 19c, 10.00 20c, 16.00 21c and 20.00 17c. this seems to be ok for now, will have to see how it is.

Yes, those in the Jungle just seem too nice, they are doing so well, still think they will lose weight because of what they are eating, hope homes under the hammer bloke goes out first, i see all their family are on the way out for the first eviction.

I agree with both of you choices for the best Jungle-ites.

Just remembered, last time i saw doc he asked for a water sample and some water works scans, got a call from the docs saying they have sent a prescription through to the chemist for me to pick up, also had a letter saying i have an appointment on the 12th Dec for a diagnostic scan US Urinary tract.





I guess it is not surprising you need to stop for breathe whilst going shopping round Liverpool. Shopping in a big city can be very tiring, and going from the cold outside to the overheated shops doesn't help. Glad you enjoyed your soup. Your heating settings sounds like you will be nice and cosy in little bungalow.

Hope your meds off the dog keep you healthy and the scan goes ok. Didn't you have one of those not long ago?



good job you have ordered your oil, I saw the weather forecast, and can see how cold it is up there right now. Pity the price has gone up though. Hope the weather is ok so you can finish those jobs off before Christmas.

Although not as cold here up north, it is still cold here. Lucky not wet today though.

Looked after mum this afternoon. She enjoyed her raspberries and cream for her pudding.

Enjoying watching IAC each night.

Wonder who will be first out?

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Hicky.
Frosty start but a reasonable sunny day. Raked up some leaves for a client.
Weather looking good for the next few days, if a bit frosty.


The van made the brake noise again for a short time. Fairly sure it's the rear drivers side brake sticking on. It's only doing it occasionally at the moment, but will only get worse, so it'll mean a trip to the garage I would think.

Only good thing is it's the right time of year to get it fixed, when I'm not too busy.


That's a shame, that you're not up to a long shopping trip Hicky, and that you have to stop to get your breath. Do you think that's just age, or part of your water retention symptoms?
Is the urinary scan just to check that all is going well after your op?
Anyway, hope the new prescription does you good.


Watched The Missing , and now watching IAC on +1.
No chance of the Homes Under The Hammer bloke (I'm going to call him "Martin" for short ) going out first, as he won immunity.


ETA: Hi Mollie. You posted while I was typing my post. I'm a slow typist on my tablet.
Glad your Mum enjoyed her raspberries and cream.
Scarlett is being very funny on IAC tonight.
Oh, and I see the immunity thing isn't finished yet, so Martin might go yet.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Very frosty this morning, thick ice on the car.

Started gathering leaves from the garden, have started getting them out of the raised beds first, i pulled all the carrots and gave them to my neighbour, she will clean and freeze them

Mollie, This scan is for the Urinary Tract, i know it's not quite right, have got the new tables today, they are Anti-Bio's for the water system infection.

Emptybox, If the brake noise, or whatever it is comes and goes you can't take it in when the noise has gone as they won't be able to trace it.

My shortage of breath is caused by my many years of smoking before i gave up, i only have 50% capacity which is fine for living but it soon runs out if i exert myself, i take inhalers morning and night and have a short term one if i need it.

The water retention seemed to be caused by combination of tablets, when those changed it was fine, the scan is a check on the Urinary tract as my kidneys have stones and the bladder is pitted so to speak, the next check from the hospital on the bladder etc is in March.

Yes, i forgot Martin has immunity, darn it, what an escape, Lisa is fave to go on the betting.


Hi Hicky.
Very hard frost here as well. Everything covered in white, and most things stayed frosted all day, so not much I could do.
Nice of you to give your neighbour the carrots.


Ah I see. Don't think I was aware you were a smoker previously. That wouldn't help with breathing right enough.
Didn't realise you were still having urinary problems. Hopefully it's not affecting your peeing now?


I'm hoping the van carries on until I've finished most of my jobs, but of course it could get worse tomorrow and need me to call the garage. We'll just have to see.
Luckily brakes are just a regular maintenance thing,  so not too big a deal.


Martin seems to have lost his immunity, so could still be the first out of the Jungle.
The apprentice was good. Glad all the girls survived, though not sure they deserved to? Can't see why anybody would pay to go to either of those events?


Evening Emptybox.

A cool day here, dry and 7c with sun and no wind, yes, quite a frost again today, it soon melted as the sun came out.

Just watched most of the F1 practice1 & 2, practice 3 in the morning with the start lineup poll pos later.

My lad popped in with his lads after school for a bit.

Yes, i had always smoked, the last 10 years before i packed up i just did rollies, put the harm was already done i expect.

The urinary system isn't too bad but i have this strange lining in the bladder, they saw it when they took the 15mm diameter stone, it comprised of loads of little stones and may have done the lining some damage, the water sample showed an infection so hope these anti-bio's will sort it, only 6 tablets.

The next scan is on the 12th, to check the waterworks, i had a feeling i had an infection.

The van seems ok in general, and it doesn't look like the noise problem will stay long enough to get it to the garage.

Yes, with Martin losing immunity that pleases me, but people like to keep in clowns who amuse them, thats the problem.

On the betting Lisa, Sam & Ola are bottom, the girls always get voted out because it's females that vote so i would be surprised if Martin went.

I recorded The Apprentice because of the Jungle, will watch it Monday i think, not bothered who goes, can't see a winner.



both xxx


sorry your van is playing up again. I hope it does carry on working ok till  you have at least finished the jobs you need to finish. Gosh it must be cold to stay frosty all day. No frosts here for awhile now, but the air still feels cold.



Nice that your lad and the kiddies dropped in after school. Hope the tablets sort the infection out ok. If doc only gave you a few, sounds hopeful that he thinks it is just a minor infection.


I don't think this series of IAC is about females voting females out. But I doubt Martin will go, as he was very funny last night on the task. But there are a couple of real dullard females right now. Ola is a great competitive camp mate, but I wish Sam was up as I had never heard of her before, and she doesn't seem to have done anything on the show. I didn't even notice her in the camp till she sat on the thrown chair. Although I have heard of Lisa, she too doesn't seem to be entertaining either. It is mainly Martin, Adam and Joel we seem to see this year. Plus the other girls....... Ola,  Carole and gogglbox girl, I like all 3 of those girls, Great, gutsy and entertaining all 3 of them. Not sure if I am keen on Danny, Adam and Joel though. 


Been to costco today to get food, kept out of town as it was that stupid Black Friday thing from America, encouraging people to buy stuff they dont' really need, for not really reduced prices if you ask me! A lady rang This Morning and said she bought her kids toys a couple of weeks ago and the same toys are more expensive in the Black Friday offer now, than when she bought them awhile ago!

Lovely sunny day, so got lots of washing nearly dry out in the sun today.

We all enjoyed the free samples in Costco today, I liked the fudge toffee vodka especially!

Looking forward to IAC.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Very frosty again this morning, but the sun must have been stronger than yesterday, because the frost eased a bit this afternoon and allowed me to get a bit done.
Went into town to do a cutting back job, but even there the frost was still on the grass.
Van went OK today.


Sorry to hear you have a urinary infection Hicky. Not nice at all. Hope the antibiotics clear it. Wonder why you have all those bladder stones?
Nice that your lad came round.
Think this is the crucial F1 race? Hamilton will need some luck to win the championship.


Hi Mollie. Hadn't thought of shops having black Friday sales. I thought of it as an online thing. But I guess the shops would need to compete.
Haven't seen any good bargains this year. I'm looking for a new mobile phone, so was looking on Amazon, but didn't find much.


Quite glad Danny went first. He wasn't as bad as I thought he was going to be, but better him than Carol. I was surprised she was in the bottom two. 


That's unusual to have a big blackout in London. Wonder what caused it?



Last edited by emptybox

Another very frosty start here, but it had gone by this afternoon.
All the leaves are down now, so I raked up my own lawn and did some tidying in the garden.


My oil delivery came around lunchtime. They must have been busy, as when I ordered the girl said 2 days, but it took 4.
Anyway, it's here now.


Looking forward to my spag bol and beer.
Then X Factor and IAC.


Hope you are both having a good weekend.


Evening both.

A frosty day here 2c for most of the day, sunny with no wind.

Didn't go out, not worth it really, everything was while with frost.

The Anti-Bios seem to be working wee samples a lot clearer, must have had the infection for a while.

Mollie, The standard qty of the tablets is 6, they are 200mg though, got 1 left for later.

I agree about Sam, never heard of her, the Gogglebox girl Scarlett is fantastic, would like her to win, strange they got rid of Danny and kept Sam.

Yes, i agree about the Black Friday lark, waste of time.

Yes, i saw they had a blackout, powercut, probably an overload of the local grid.

Emptybox, I used to have loads of kidney stones, and they never got rid of them, maybe some of the stone or bits made it down to the bladder and stuck together into a big ball like a marble, i used to have so much rubbish swimming about that it used to block the catheter, hope that is a bit better now, it should be.

The problem with tomorrows F1 is that Lewis can't win it unless Nico loses it by getting 4th place i think. it's just Nico stopping Lewis now, but Lewis is pole with Nico 2nd.

Glad your oil came at last, enjoy the Spag Bol, enjoyed the F1 practices and poll contest.

Looking forward to Strictly and the Jungle, think next eviction Sunday isn't it.



Glad the antibiotics are doing their job Hicky. Hopefully they'll see off this infection. And hopefully your bladder might improve as well.

When I had my cystoscopy I saw inside my bladder on the screen, and it looked clean as a whistle, if I do say so meself.


I was glad Danny went. I'd much rather have Sam there. At least she's nice to look at.
Never liked Danny Baker on the radio. Always used to switch him off. Him and Chris Evans put me off listening to Radio 1 forever. And now that blasted Evans is on the Radio 2 breakfast show. Means I can't listen to the radio till 9.30am when Ken Bruce comes on. I suppose I could have the local station on, but that's rubbish as well.


Really enjoyed X Factor, although it was interrupted by a phone call from my Uncle. Saara's first song was utterly brilliant, but her second one wasn't as good, so she might be in danger?




hope the anti biotics completely clear the infection. Not nice if you have had that for awhile. Don't blame you not going out as it was frosty. Everywhere is very busy now too with Christmas shoppers.



glad the van was ok. Fancy your uncle ringing in the middle of X factor! Sounds like he needs some tv viewing education so he fits his calls in with your viewing time table. Good job your oil arrived with the cold weather we are having.

I agree with you both, glad Danny went, wasn't keen on him at all.

I do like Carol and Scarlet though.


We went to see a little Christmas parade today, there were some lovely huge doggies pulling little sleighs. Our dog walked part and part she was in her pram when she started limping. She had her reindeer coat to keep her warm, so lots of people liked to talk to her. Poor old thing is exhausted now.

I had chips with curry sauce, haven't had that for years. Fancied it to warm me up.

Then we then went to this farm where you pick your own Christmas tree. We bought a lovely one, not a really big one, but lovely and full. We have put it on a table in front of the window. The smell is lovely.


I think the right two are in the bottom for X factor tonight.

Goodnight both. xxx


Evening Both.

Another cool day, 7c dry no wind, didn't go out.

My SiL's O/H has fallen in the house and broke something so he's in hospital i think.

Enjoyed the F1 race today, though Nico would win the Championship.

Emptybox, Yes, the Anti-Bio's did the job, my water is the colour of champagne something it hasn't been for a long time, beginning to think i've had an infection for far too long.

My bladder is a mess, the lining is pitted all over, like cysts or something, i'll have to see what the scan shows next month.

I never listened to Danny on the radio, or Chris, can't stand him, like most of the Jungle critters, i mean contestants.

Can't be bothered with X-Factor any more.

Mollie, Yes, as i was saying to Emptybox, waterworks seem fine now, will have to keep an eye on it, so to speak.

You can't beat chips and curried sauce, i made some chip shop curry tonight with some rice.

Looking forward to the Jungle, i see Ed the Ball left Strictly.


Evening both.
No frost here today for a change, but a damp misty day.
Just went to the supermarket as usual.


My Uncle doesn't watch telly, so he'd have no idea about schedules. In fact when he heard it on in the background he thought I must have company.
But he'd confused the days, and thought it was Sunday.


Glad the antibiotics have done the job Hicky, and your water is a better colour.
Pity your SiL's OH had a bad fall. Hope the "something" he broke wasn't the telly?
Yes Hamilton didn't have much of a chance, but seemingly he was deliberately driving slow in the hope Rosberg was overtaken, which his team wasn't happy about.


Really glad that Saara stayed on X Factor, and probably the right time for Honey G to go.


Mollie, glad your dog got a walk, and you enjoyed your chips and curry sauce.
The rest of your post is far too Chrismassy for me though. You know how I feel about Christmas talk before December. 


Evening guys.
No frost this morning, or only a minimal one, so I got out to work.
Another leaf raking job.


Actually was a bit annoyed, as it was the place that asked me to tidy up their herbaceous beds after their old gardener retired, but when I got there they had already been mostly done.
When I asked the woman she said "Oh yes, we had a chap out last week doing them". She didn't go into any detail, but said that he would be back to finish them.
Luckily there's still plenty of other stuff for me to do there, including pruning apple trees etc, but a bit annoying after they'd asked me to do the beds.

Whether she'd just forgotten that she asked me, or the old gardener had forgotten that he was supposed to be retired, or they'd got somebody new, who knows?
Not that I'm too disappointed, as I'm not too keen on working at this time of year. Too cold and damp.


Looking forward to IAC tonight, and there's also Guy Martin in China to watch.


Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A cool sunny day here 8c no wind.

Just picked some leaves up from on top of the tubs and all the big fig leaves, tons left to pick up yet.

The gardner sent me a text, he is busy and in London Mon, Tue but will ring me in the week.

Watched last weeks Apprentice this afternoon, got the aftershow to watch yet, i'm glad bossy boots went.

Very pleased with the water, i'm sure i've never seen it as good as this before.

I'll know now if it goes cloudy again.

Made a couple of beef burgers for tea, got to get rid of some freezer stuff.

yes, Lewis was going to do whatever he could to get Nico taken out of the finish, it nearly worked as Vettol (sp) almost took him out near the end.

Didn't watch much X-Factor, the girls were good, not counting (G).

Yes, looking forward to IAC, will record Guy as they are on together.





shame your gardner is busy for awhile. Does he work in London or just visiting?

That is good news the water is now clear after the meds. I bet you feel so much better in yourself now.

What a shame your SIL's OH took a fall. What did he break?

I had a beefburge for tea too,.....well it was a beefburger without beef... with lots of lovely fried onions on a couple of  wholemal cheesy rolls. Here they are....they are delicious!




these clients with the jobs that keep disappering, done or not done, by the retired or not retired, gardner sound rather puzzling! And obvisouly rather annoying for you as you don't know what you are supposed to be doing for them.

Yes, I am sooo annoyed that lovely Ola got voted off. She was so sweet and a great contestant. She did so well with the challenges too.  I am with you, one of those fellas should of gone. I will be even more annoyed if Carol goes next!

What did you have for tea Emptybox?

Unusually we down south seem to have the freezing weather now.

It is expected to be 6 below tonight and was about 2 below last night. But the days have been really beautiful. Nice and sunny, and great for drying washing!

Looking foward to IAC, will record the Secret Life of 5 year olds on channel 4 at 8pm. Anyone watched this? It is a brilliant made programme, the children are so funny!

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

A cool day, -1 but sunny and no wind.

I picked more leaves up from in the tops of the tubs on the plastic, the little pools in the tub have frozen the leaves in them so i put the ices in the bucket as well, it was easier.

Didn't do much really, had a lazy day, another one, got all winter, keeping the temperature in the summerhouse to 10c but the sun came out and it was soon 25c.

Emptybox, Waiting for the gardener to get in touch, he should be back from London now, he's had a nice couple of days.

yes, should have realised the water was cloudy, but had forgotten what it should be like, probably with all the Ops.

I liked Ola, the betting says Carol, Sam, Wayne.

Mollie, No, the gardener only lives a few miles away, he was visiting.

Yes, so glad the water works cleaned up.

Not sure what he broke, thought it was his hip, don't know any more.

I did the same, recorded the 5 year olds, they are so good to watch.

watching IAC now, it started early.

I watched them as 4 year olds, that was so good.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Just a light frost here this morning, that soon went, so I got plenty done.
Some cutting back of herbaceous beds and some leaf raking.


Yes it's annoying when you get messed about by clients, as you don't know where you stand. I was there 10 days before, and said I'd be back to do the beds, so don't know why they didn't tell me then that they'd changed their minds.
Just means I'm less likely to make a special effort for them, so they lose out in the end.


That veggie burger looks good Mollie. Usually they are just made of nuts and beans stuck together and nothing like a meat burger, but that looks good.
I just had a readymeal tonight. Pulled pork in sauce with sweetcorn rice.


Yes, I'd heard that you'd got the cold weather down South now. Think it's supposed to be even colder tonight, whereas I'm not supposed to get a frost.
Haven't watched that 5 year olds prog.


Hicky, hope you can get in touch with the gardener.
That's not good that your SiL's OH broke a hip.


At last one of the blokes has gone on IAC.




Hello all.
Mild day here. No frost and my van told me it was 10 degrees at one point.
Haven't seen double figures here for ages. Even a bit of sun at times.


Did a couple of jobs. Cutting back shrubs and raking leaves and fallen apples.


Can't wait for the last episode of 'The Missing' tonight.
I'll watch IAC on +1. Hope another bloke goes, or better still Martin.


ETA: Forgot to say that I had a look in the drawer that I put the green tomatoes and a banana into weeks ago. And not only are the tomatoes still resolutely green, but the banana is still mostly yellow and hasn't rotted.
Admittedly the drawer is in the unheated spare room, which in this house is probably like putting them in the fridge. Perhaps if I'd put them in a warmer room it might have worked?
But anyway, the ones on the window sill fared much better, although they were slightly orange to begin with.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

No frost today anyway, down south seemed pretty cold on the forecast.

A warmer day, 8c a little sun, no wind, and dry.

Didn't do much, walked the garden, brought some tims of soup in from the garage, glad tins don't go off.

din't have much exciting food today, beans on toast for brekkie, scallops mid day, chicken wings for tea, BBQ sauce i think.

I was quite surprised Jordan went from the Jungle, but with the public voting anything can happen.

I think you are right about the tomato's, they wouldn't ripen in the fridge, they are supposed to be in a warm place.

Mine in the summerhouse are changing colour, some are ready, they are only cherry ones.

Trying to work out what to grow next year, for veg i will defo use the seed tape, just O/H seems to buy the food in, don't think she can be bothered with messing.

Hope Mollie isn't rushed off her feet.


Evening All.

Not a bad day really, 8c and hardly any wind, did a couple of hours outside, cut the Asparagus Ferns off ready to add compost for the winter, did a bit of shredding in the summerhouse.

Heard from O'H's sister, her O/H has broken his hip so they fitted a new one like mine, but they have stairs as they live in the house, but she went to docs and she has a Rupture, she might have to have an Op, not sure and not sure when her O/H can come out, what a mess, we could have both in Hospital.


O/H had to give bloods today, the surgeries have stopped doing it, she had to go to a hospital there were 60 in the queue, she was there an hour, 4 doctors though, Wonder why it has changed, will have to enquire.

No word from gardener yet but i am ready for him.

Edit: meant to tell you, when O/H came in from the blood test she wanted to eat out, i had a prawn cocktail then a beef rub with some strange mash a couple of grilled carrots halves and some strange gravy, so sweet it was like honey, when the waiter asked, after we had stopped eating, if it was ok, i said, didn't like the meat, of the mash as it seemed to have raw veg in it, i didn't like the carrots or the gravy so i think he knocked one off the bill.

Last edited by Hicky

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