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Evening guys.
Not bad day. Not much sun, but no wind. Cold though.


Got some work done, but having problems with my mower again.
The blade was spinning loose again, and I couldn't get it tightened or loosened in the field, so had to abandon mowing.
At home I did manage to get the blade tightened again, but it looks like it's going to be a continuing problem.
I may have one more attempt to buy another blade boss from a different seller, and see if that is any better than the previous one.

I did try drilling a hole in the boss, and fitting what I thought was a reasonably substantial bolt in to hold the blade in place. But on the first turn of the blade it just sheared straight through the bolt. So the forces involved must be immense.


Quite enjoyed The Apprentice, and not bothered about the one that went, but they seem to do a lot of bickering this year.
Must admit I thought gilet was spelled with two 'L's


Evening Emptybox.

Cool today here 10c and cloudy, no wind.

Didn't do much, stayed in and watched tv really.

Ordered more of the stainless steel clothes pegs, i use them for most of the fixings on the tubs and on the netting etc, you get 40 plus 40 free.

We haven't had frost here yet, not far off though.

Strange your eye sore in the morning, i thought your eyes stayed still while you sleep.

Yes, the UPS units can be expensive, it depends on the current rating really, but you get a very short peiod if the power goes off, probably minutes but it will stop the surge.

We used to use them in the old days at work for the PLC controllers in the car factories, they cost about ÂĢ400 each we had 24 in one control room.

Hope Mollie has managed to sort the carers.

Watched the Apprentice, it was ok, still think they are idiots.


Evening Both.

Emptybox, Just realised we posted together yesterday, what size bolt did you use to hold the blade on, the one you fitted that broke,

How can the blade have that much torque on it? wow.


A cool day here, 9c with some rain showers.

Didn't do much today, put some stuff through the shredder for the compost.

Had Prawns for lunch, i picked them, had lobsters for tea, too nice to put in a meal so just had some melted ghee over them, O/H got them from Sainsbury's a while back as a treat, they were a good size as well.

O/H did some shopping, very surprised she didn't get me cakes, pies or biscuits, she did get these peel yourself prawns, they are wonderful, i call them Pinks as they aren't like normal prawns, a different colour when cooked, not orange.

She also gets me Crab and brown Shrimps, her Brother is a shrimper/fisherman same as what her Father was, but it all goes abroad for processing these days, so to get them from Sainsbury's is fantastic.

Been looking to see when the F1 is on, it's next week Brazil, darn it, no wonder i couldn't see the practice times on the TV.

Hope you are all fit and well, and Mollie has her carers sorted, and you computers are ok Emptybox.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Started off OK today, but very heavy rain this afternoon and evening.


It wasn't too thick a bolt I used for the mower. Perhaps 5mm diameter? It had to go through one of the holes that the lugs had fitted into.
Perhaps if I'd put one on the other side as well it would have been more stable? But I wore out the drill bit just making one hole in the alloy blade boss.
I can't try again because the remains of the bolt are still in the hole, like a rivet.


Sounds like you've been overdosing on shellfish today? Very healthy, I'm sure.
My eye seems to be better today. Hardly any sign that anything was wrong.
But yes, there a period of sleep called REM (rapid eye movement) that happens when we dream.


My UPS is a 550w one and cost about ÂĢ60 a few years ago. I could probably get a 400w one a bit cheaper, and that would probably be enough for the business PC.
But when you consider that you can buy a PC power supply for about ÂĢ15, and the PC I'm now using as my business PC only cost me ÂĢ50 second hand, then it's relatively expensive.


Watched CH4 tonight. Jamie's Superfood, then Food Unwrapped then Gogglebox.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, 7c with sunny spells, no wind.

Didn't do much, a bit of shredding, am going to set the teeth of my branch saws, but with them being tempered you aren't suppose to touch them, but if the set goes on the teeth the saw is useless.

going to have to dig out some warm clothing for the garden, the cold was going through my clothes i had on.

Had some more Prawns to peel at lunchtime, and had duck for tea, love duck.

My pack of new stainless pegs came as well, thats quick, they are mainly to fix the bubble wrap when i put that on, this must be the 3rd or 4th lot i've bought, they are so good, but i use so many.

I see you had rain again, it's like duck country were you are.

A 5mm bolt is pretty week but if it's the same size as the original lug it should have been ok.

Not sure how you blunted a drill on Alloy, but it depends what it is made of, most alloys wouldn't blunt a drill unless they had added certain materials.

I can't understand were all this torque is coming from to snap the lugs off in the first place, it's as if something is jamming the blade somehow, which of course would give the results you are getting.

I just love shellfish, and eels, and of course ordinary fish, was looking at some places online i can but Jellied Eel and Crab, also Lobster tails, they deliver them quick as well.

Glad you eye seems to be better, didn't realise the eye did so much during sleep/dreaming.

The wattage of your devices needs to be added of course to get a total if you wanted to plug them all into 1 UPS, you can use something like this to gage what is needed,

Watching Strictly at the mo, will have to see whats on next.



I have made it back at last. Missed you both.

Hope you are both ok, will read back after I have posted this.

Been a really difficult week for me, but have managed to change mum's agency now. The managment at the old agency were awful. Hopefully the new one will be better as they seem better organised. Also the family took the loss of our indoor bunny hard, but as we had him in our house for 12 years it was a big gap for us.
I hardly had any sleep all week because when the family weren't crying on my shoulder, the dog, who normally sleeps like a log all night, was up all night whinging and barking! She must of been in shock at losing her little bunny buddy too. All this was at a time when I had endless meetings with social services, the new agency, even day centre manager, and lots of email arguments with the old agency, who completely messed up their timings last week!

Hopefully things will settle now, the new agency are going to give us the same times each day, and regular carers instead of chopping and changing, so that makes it much easier for me.
We did go to the beach display again this year. But it was late starting so we were freezing and not as good as last year. Never mind at least we got out.

Happy Guy Fawkes both xx




sorry your eye has been such a nuisance to you. Let's hope it clears all together and doesn't feel sore in the mornings now.

You have not had much luck lately with your mower and not your pc's too. Try not to stress out too much though, as you don't want to trigger your health problems. Hopefully your beer, spag bol and a bit of X factor has helped you tonight.



that is good you enjoy fish so much as it is so good for you. I love crisps, but unfortunately they aren't so good for me.

Yes as the weather has suddenly cooled down so much, you now need to dig out your woolies for the garden. How about some long Johns from Lidl or Primark? They are very warm.

Hope you enjoyed the Dancing, haven't seen it yet, but saw X factor.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Hicky.
Relatively dry here with some sun. But very blustery and cold, so I decided not to go out to work.
Defrosted my freezer instead. It was well overdue, as I was having difficulty getting one of the baskets in and out, because of the buildup of ice.


Yes it's definitely warm clothes weather now.
I put my winter duvet on the bed today as well.
I see you had some duck today. Some variation from the shellfish anyway.
Usual spag bol and beer for me.


I had great difficulty finding the right drill bit to go through the alloy. It must be tougher stuff than it looked, because most bits were just polishing the surface.
My Dad had bits for different purposes, but they're not labelled unfortunately, so it was just a matter of trying them. The ones that worked were a goldy colour.


I don't think anything is jamming the blade. I think it's just centrifugal force when the blade starts spinning (or centripedal, or whatever it's called?)


Enjoyed the X factor.
I know you aren't watching it, but they are all very good this year.
My favourite is Saara Aalto (from Finland). She did a great performance, but wore a ridiculous costume. She reminds me a bit of Kitty Brucknell, who I loved.


Hi Mollie. Didn't see you there.
Sounds like you've had a difficult week. But at least you've got your Mum started on the new agency now.


Yes, I understand everybody (including the dog) would be upset about the loss of the bunny, but he had a good long happy life (for a rabbit), so that should be your comfort.
Good that you got out to the freezing beach to take your mind off things.


Forgot it was bonfire night till this evening. Haven't heard any fireworks. Usually the big house let some off, but maybe it was too windy and wet tonight?



Last edited by emptybox



hope you remembered to put your warmer clothing on if you were outdoors today. Did you see the family today?



Shame your dad's bits and pieces aren't labelled, but handy for you that he did keep them. Good idea to sort your freezer out as you weren't out in the gardens.

Yes I too think X factor is very good this year.

You reminded me that I too have a winter quilt, must try and find it.

Looked after mum this afternoon, carer took her out earlier, but I decided to stay home with her as it was quite cold. New agency ladies seem lovely. But it will take me awhile to get to know all of them and their names.

Looking forward to X factor in a minute and I see it is the last of Tutumcarmum tonight.

have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

Another cool day, 7c but sunny spells, dry and some wind.

Didn't do much, walked the garden, seeing what needs doing, i noticed the wind has been gathering the leaves into nice heaps so my leaf gathering tongues will pick them up easy, but the deeper the pile the easier.

The carrots and Beets need picking really but i don't have the room to freeze them and i only have vinegar to store them in.

Think i will turn off the watering tomorrow, the trees seem to be well into dormancy and i take out all the 57 spray heads to store over the winter and drain the pipes and turn off the computer timers.

It was pretty noisy last night, never though the bangs would stop.

Mollie, That sure was a bad week for you, hope this new agency sorts things out, the dog may have though the bunny was outside or didn't realise it had died, it must miss it a lot of course.

That wasn't nice, the beach display, was it cutbacks, i could have gone to the seafront to watch the display in Liverpool seafront but O/H isn't that interested.

I have the Winter clothes somewhere, just a matter of digging them out, i've put the heater on in the big shed/summerhouse but it on pretty low as the cost to run is crazy, i have it set on 2kw but even that is 27p an hour.

Emptybox, Glad you had some dry weather, pity it was blustery and cold, yes, best keep the ice off the freezer as it also stops the freezer working properly as the cold can't get through the ice.

I only had the duck as i'm trying to eat food from the freezer to make room for Christmas stuff, some of the shelves only have my food on them as O/H tends to like other food.

I've been making a list of seafoods from this website, just got to get O/H to let me order some, i have got 11 items on the list, i just love Shellfish, other fish as well of course, I love Jellied Eels just click on products, and the prices seem very good to me,

99% of steel bits are for drilling the same material, i think the plate you were drilling was hardened/tempered so couldn't really have been an alloy as don't think alloy can be hardened.

Centrifugal force is that which throws you off a spinning disc isn't it? I just don't see how the drive starting up could possibly break the fixings, something isn't right here.

I'll watch X-Factor when the list gets smaller, just don't like fellers singing and the girls keep them in and get rid of the good girl singers.

Had another lovely Roast Dinner, O/H made it.

Just watching SCD results. have recorded the Magic program.


Evening both.
Horrible day here. Heavy rain most of the time. Had to run from the van to the supermarket and back to the car park again.


Hi Mollie. I'm sure you and the new carers will get used to each other soon enough.
Does your Mum notice there are new people around her?
Have recorded Tutankhamun, so will watch tomorrow probably.
Really glad that Saara was saved, but pity we lost the girl group.


Hi Hicky. That must be a big job to get your watering system down and stored for the winter.
Don't think I've ever tried an eel? Is it a different taste to other fish?


I think if the mower blade was properly secured there wouldn't be a problem. It's just when it's loose. There's a 160cc engine driving it at high revs, and if it's loose it'll want to be stationary but the engine is trying to turn it, so they're fighting against each other. Not quite sure what you call that force, but it's bound to be powerful I'd have thought?


Enjoyed watching 'Humans' again tonight.




Evening Emptybox.

No rain here, during the day anyway, spent some time in the garden, sunny all day, only 8c but it felt fine.

Started getting some of the little fruitlets off the Olive tree, no good for anything but a nice tree.

pulled all the celery up as O/H doesn't seem to want it.

Turned the watering system off, i still have to tape the spray nozzles out, i leave all the pipe work in as you would have to cut it up to take it out.

I see you had more rain, i suppose it's the price you pay for where you are living, it's like living in a rain forest without the trees.

A lot of people don't fancy jellied eel as it's in a pickle, but eels are lovely to eel, conga is a beautiful white flesh, when they cut the eel up into 2" pieces they leave the bone in but it's not a bone like a fish bone the flesh doesn't have little bones in it, the flesh falls off the bone, it's a back bone like a Monk fish has.

I've always eaten it, used to have it every week when i was working in London as its sold in the travelling caravans every Sunday, not sure how i would compare the taste of eel, like many fish, how do you explain the taste, what taste is dover sole or plaice.

Yes, the mower blade should have a proper means to secure it tight enough to stop it coming loose, i imagine the blade fastening screws should be tightened to an unspecified torque but that is usually set by the size of the spanner provided.

Didn't watch humans, got 146 recording to watch as it is, watched an old recording of Under Cover Boss, a Canadian one, they are so good.

Hope Mollie's carers are up to the job and she can let them take over.




sounds like it is a good job you have your leaf gathering tongues. That is nice you had a good sunny day. We did too. Got lots of washing dried even though it was cold. I like this cold but dry sunny spell we are having, Well done sorting out your watering system. Yes I am one of those who would not fancy jellied eels. You certainly enjoy your fish, which is fine as it is so good for you.

Good idea to clear out food stuff from the freezer before Christmas. I know i need to do the same.


pity you have had so much rain lately. Good job it is not your busy time work wise. I don't think mum realises she has a new care team in, as they only put her to bed and get her up. The rest of the time I share with private carer, so she still gets taken out a lot by the private carer. Hope your mower is ok next time you get to use it.

bit of a boring day, started on VAT, did lots of washing and took dog on short walk.

Not much to watch on tv either, at least we;ll have IAC next week though.

Have a good evening. Wonder what you are both watching tonight?


A reasonably dry day here. Very cold though. Maybe 3 or 4 degrees.
Should have taken the chance to work really, but decided to do my invoicing instead. Also went into town to do some banking.
They're talking about snow for the Borders tomorrow. Probably only on the hills though.


I might not get a chance to use my mower again before the Spring. There are a couple of places that might need it, but I'll need to pick a good day.
Got plenty of tidying up work though.


You could always add the celery to other dishes and soups Hicky. I always put some in my bolognese sauce. It disappears in the sauce, but just bulks it out a bit.
I also sometimes like it in a salad.


Looking at your eel link Hicky, I didn't realise that the 'liquor' in pie, mash and liquor was made with eels.
I might try some if I see it in the supermarket.
They do have bones though, but maybe they are softer than other fish bones.

Mollie, that's good that your Mum has the consistency of daytime care from you and the private carer.
Pity you had the boring VAT paperwork to do. I did my own 'paperwork' today, but it was on the computer.


I've seen the list of who is going into the Jungle this year, but I won't spoil it for you.
Watched the final part of Dark Angel tonight, with Joanne Froggatt .
Now watching my recording of 'Planet Earth II'.
My TV recorder seems to be working properly again now. It was some problem at the broadcasters' end that they've now sorted out.


Pity that Jimmy Young has popped his clogs.





glad you got a rain free day at last. You had it even colder here than here. The first frost came here over a week ago, which is very early for round here and we have had several since then already. Yes I see on the forecast they are still forecasting snow for some areas (including you), so that should look real pretty. HOpe you are well stoked up on the oil though.

I bet the (computer) paperwork is the boring part of your job. The VAT is certainly boring for me, and always takes me several days to do.

I didn't watch that Joanne Frogatt show as it looked a bit depressing.

You have some good ideas for Hicky's use of celery there. I don't like celery as I find it too strong tasting. Hope it is dry for you to go in your garden today Hicky, (and with those warm winter clothes on now of course).

Got my washing out early as it is due to rain later.

One of my mum's carers has got a job with mum's new agency, so I will get her back again.

I heard about this on the radio today about CBB 2017, so thought I would post it. (it doesn't give any names of prospective HM's). I hope it is right, as it will be a good improvement I think.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

This weekend should be good, Strictly, F1 from Brazil and the Jungle Sunday night.

Just had the echocardiogram, it only takes 15 minutes so jut got to wait for the results to get to the doc, they say allow 10 days.

Didn't do much today, just took some of the spray nozzles out of the watering system.

Love the way the wind does so much work for me with the leaves.

Got an appointment Thursday to get my toe nails done as well.

Mollie, I find it hard to understand why anyone wouldn't like Jellied eels, i think it's all in the mind as the taste could never put you off.

I caught a 4ft eel when i was young, though it was a stick floating on the marine lake, flicked it onto the walkway and it was an eel sunbathing, took it home and cut it up and fried it, very nice.

I would get the freezer stock down faster but she keeps buying food so i can only get a few items out a week, i haven't mentioned this list of food i would like from the fish place, will have to pick a good moment.

Emptybox, The bones of the eel are attached to the backbone so they don't really come off with the fish, as far as i can remember, doubt if you can get it in the supermarket by you, maybe down south.

The problem with putting th mower away for the winter is, you will still have the problem in the spring, which isn't ideal.

It mentioned the Jungle cast with a picture on Loose Women, not sure if i know any of them, i have a big list of who is rumoured to go in.

Glad your recorder is sorted, fancy that, being at the other end.

No reality stars on CBB, not sure if thats a good thing or not.

Who's Jimmy Young?



Hi both.
Dull and cold today, but reasonably dry.
Got a couple of jobs done.
Used the mower for a short time and it seemed OK. Really need to see how it's like on a big lawn though. It should be fine as long as the blade stays on tight.

No sign of any frost this morning, and no sign of any snow either. So I presume the forecast was a tad on the pessimistic side. Unless it's coming overnight?


Mollie, yes the Dark Angel prog was rather dark, but very good.
That's good that you'll get one of your familiar carers back.
It would certainly be better if CBB wasn't filled with all these reality types who know what makes for good entertainment.


Hicky, hope the echocadiogram results are clear.
There are a lot of leaves here. The wind hasn't shifted them yet.
I don't think I'd find jellied eels here, but I'm sure I saw pie, mash and liquor in the frozen section. Might have been my imagination?  Probably nothing like the real stuff though.

Jimmy Young was a very famous radio DJ.
I see Clive Dunn (Dad's Army) has died today as well.


Watching Ordinary Lies just now. Very good series.


By tomorrow we'll know who the next President of the USA is.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

I see Hilary got Trumped, another Brexit, she was so shattered she doesn't even stay at the polling place, they just sent all her supporters home, she was so sure she had won.

She just didn't realise the voters had had enough of the Democrats.

Didn't do much today, got some more of the spray jets from the tree tubs, just the raised beds left to do now.

O/H went to see her Sister today, brought me back some fresh meat pies, yummy, stopped buying the supermarket meat pies as the meat has gone hard, the fresh ones are good though.

Cheeky me had asked the scan operator at the hospital how things looked, she said it's not up to me to give the results, i said i know but what do you think now you've finished, she said she couldn't see any serious problem, hope she's right, it can take 10 days for the results to get to the doc, the hospital heart specialists check them first.

Strange you didn't get any of that snow that was forecast yesterday, i thought you would get buried.

Hope the blade stays ok on your mower, as you say, a big mow will test it.

Didn't know Clive Dunn had died, been watching the Trump news most of the day.

Hope the carers are sorted Mollie, that will take some worry off you.




hope the results of the electro thing are good, sounds like nothing too much to worry about from what she said though. Handy your OH bringing back pies from her sisters. You'll have to send your OH to her sisters again!

Yes Clinton and her troop got a bit too over confident but like us here, the US people got sick of the current system.


let's hope that blade does stay on tight when you cut a larger lawwn. Wonder if you are due any snow, they did say some places were.

Got my washing half dried, so have it hanging all round the place indoors now! Cheaper than the tumble drier though.

Looked after mum today, she ate well. New carers seem lovely. Had to sort out getting her wheelchair serviced today. VAT to do too, am too tired now though. so tv time.
Watching the vet show now, amazing what he can do for the animals.

Have a good evening both xx

what are you watching tonight. We'll all be watching IAC soon.


Yes, the USA has given a loud Trump to the rest of the world.
Time will tell if it's a smelly one.


Drizzly and cold today so no work. No snow either however.


That's good that the nurse was able to reassure you about the scan Hicky.
Those real steak pies sound good. My brother often buys steak pies direct from the butchers. They are delicious.
Mind you, I like Sainsbury's frozen steak and kidney pies.


Hi Mollie.
My washing hasn't dried outside for weeks now. I don't use the tumble drier just for my stuff. I hang it on a frame in the back kitchen, out of the way. Takes a couple of  days to dry, but I only need to do 2 or 3 loads a week at most.
Didn't know wheelchairs needed an MoT?


I was going to stay up last night to watch some of the results, but got bored at around 1am, when Hillary was still winning. So it was a bit of a surprise to wake up to a Trump win.
Too early to say whether it makes the world a safer or more dangerous place.


Watched 'The Missing' tonight. Another dark drama, but very gripping.
Before that I watched Davina's 'This Time Next Year'.


Evening Both.

A bit warmer today 9c with sun and rain showers, a little wind.

My Ex Boss rang to see if i was ok and telling me how they are doing, one of the girls from the butty wagong at work was asking him how i was.

Went to the Podiatry clinic, they do my toe nails as it's a bit hard for me to do them, on the way back we went for a meal at an American Hickory's Smokehouse, i had some smoked sausages with a dip and a Hot Dog with chips, not bad, we had gone to one of our usual haunts but they had closed for a renovation

Mollie, Yes, the scan, it should really show why i am having high BP and water retention problems, also the blood tests, otherwise we will be no better off understanding the problem.

When we both go to her sisters they get some pies and cakes in for us and if the weather is nice we go to one of their local eating places, it's only an hour away but an awful route.

Emptybox, I see you have another miserable day, no work, and no snow.

I just love the steak pies that are in the sealed metal container, they juust sit in the cupboard for as long as you want, i usually keep about 4 in stock and it takes 25 minutes in the oven, after you remove the lid, it's flaky pastry and lovely.

Fray Bentos,

And for just over ÂĢ2 you can't complain.

The Apprentice tonight, and a program 60 Days in Jail at 10pm on C4 will be interesting.

The Jungle Sunday night, F1 this weekend as well from Brazil.



both xxx



pity you had just boring drizzle and cold but no snow. Been quite nice and sunny here today, so got the washing on the line again. Wonder if you got out to work today?

Handy that you can get your washing dry out the back, as the tumble driers are expensive to run.

yes mum's wheelchair definiately needs its MOT. Then handles are falling off and a piece fell off the side, so her bus driver to the day centre wants it looking at.



nice that you heard from your old boss. You must of been a good and well liked customer of the butty wagon if the girl is asking after you. How nice to have a food treat at the Smokehouse after your foot appointment. Do they charge you for the foot thing, or is it NhS? I have to pay ÂĢ25 for my mum's foot appointment. But she does come to the house.

Let's hope the scan does give a solution to your health problems.

That is handy that those pies keep so long in the cupboard.

Glad the Apprentice is on tonight. Then of course on Sunday we will all look forward to IAC.

I just saw the John Lewis Chrsitmas ad on channel 4. Very clever it is too. The man on This Morning today said it costs ÂĢ200,000 to put a 30 second ad on in the middle of shows such as x factor, and John Lewis Christmas one is 2 minutes! So that is why the full one only airs a couple of times.

Was real tired today after dashing around yesterday and mum to look after, so did jobs slowly today. Son did most of VAT, so I am glad to pass that over to him.

Daughter can't help with meals as she has so much work on right now with her assignments. Washing dried nicely on the line , so just a quick hang near radiators should finish it off.

Have a good eveing,

Goodnight xxx


The day started off sunny, but the rain started just as I was thinking of going out.
Was very cold as well. The forecast suggests it's going to get a bit warmer over the weekend and at the beginning of next week. So that should make a welcome change.


That was nice that your old boss and butty girl were concerned about you Hicky.
They must be missing your custom at the butty wagon?
Pity your usual place was closed, but nice to get a treat after getting your feet done.
My Mum used to buy those Fray Bentos pies in tins, if I remember correctly. Haven't had one for years though.


Hi Mollie. Well i guess if the wheelchair is falling apart, then work needs to be done.
I've seen the John Lewis ad, It's quite funny.


Pity you were so tired today, but at least you could leave the VAT to your son.


The Apprentice was good, but pity Rebecca went, as I quite liked her.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not too bad, frost this morning on O/H's car when she went out to work early.

Didn't do much, took the rest of the spray heads out and washed them.

Watched a couple of recorded video's will have to get some watched.

O/H got my list of food this morning, am hoping to order some off the frozen food place, shellfish etc.

Had scrambled egg for brekkie, peeled prawns for lunch, had spiced chicken wings for tea.

Mollie, I used to pay for the feet to be done ÂĢ25 but i saw the doctor and he got me on the NHS system, they are only supposed to do them till your feet are better buit i managed to carry on, not sure for how long, i see them every 3 months.

It will be interesting to see what comes from the bloods and the scan, could be another op if things aren't good.

Yes, those adds are a rip off really, crazy prices, they are just made up.

Glad son sorted your vat, it all helps ease your load each day.

Emptybox, I used to go to the canteen and butty bar every day for about 45 years, so i got to know a few of them, one had been there all the time as well.

I think those Fray Bentos will be the same as most tins of food, they only cease to be edible if they get a leak in the tin somehow, they will probably last for 50 years under the right conditions, and anyway, with smell, taste and looks you can soon tell if the food has gone off, these date stamps are a racket to stop you hoarding food, it's a scam on cans of food, you even get about 10 years on batteries.

I enjoyed The Apprentice, didn't think she would go really, so many are rubbish, some of the mistakes should never be made, they are hopeless.


both xx



pity the weather got too bad for you to get out.

Yes shame rebecca went on the Apprentice, she was quite an interesting contestant.



yes the cars here were covered in frost here too. But at least we went on to have a nice sunny day.

It is nice that now you are retired, you are able to have those days when you don't have to do much. That is good you got your feet done on the nhs, you paid into the nhs long enough, so deserve to use it now when you need it.

Fingers crossed the tests are ok and you don't need an op.

No wonder they knew you well at the butty bar if you had been going there daily for 45 years!

I too wondered why they have started putting dates on tins as I thought they were fine as the air couldn't get in. I don't think they used to put dates on them did they?

Been Christmas shopping at local outlet. My mum's sister is coming next week, then I won't see her till after Christmas, so had to get pressies early.

Getting busy round the shops already with Christmas shoppers.

Had a cheese and onion pasty and tomato soup for lunch from Gregs, very nice.

Watching Gogglebox not much else on tonight, unless you like football! which I don't!

Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.
It was wet overnight so no frost here, but it was a nice sunny morning, turning into a cloudy afternoon.


I actually cut one of my big lawns. The grass didn't really need it, but the customer likes me to do it as late in the season as possible, and it picked up the leaves that were lying.
The mower seemed to work OK, and the blade didn't loosen.


One of the rear wheels on the van was making a noise on the way home. Might be wheel bearing or brake, or might just be a little stone got into the brake drum? I was parked on loose gravel, so that's possible. The noise seemed to disappear as I got near home, so I'll have to see how it goes. Might need a trip to the garage, but won't be anything serious hopefully.


Hicky. Really hope you don't end up needing another op. You've had more than your fair share of them.
That's good that you've wangled free pedicures on the NHS.


I think they've always had best before dates on tins Mollie, for as long as I can remember anyway. It's useful to know which ones you bought first.


I'll let you off with your early Xmas shopping, as you have a good excuse.
Your Greggs lunch sounds good. I had a cheese and onion pasty type thing myself for lunch on Wednesday.


Didn't watch Gogglebox. I watched some of the Ant and Dec thing, then turned over to BBC1 to watch Still Game.


Not bad day here. Similar to yesterday but not as cold.


Did a job this afternoon. Was cutting a hedge, but the conifer hedge was really a bit too wet in places. Was a bit worried about using my rechargeable hedger, but it seemed to be alright.

The van went fine also, without any noise from the wheel. So hopefully it was just a temporary glitch. A little stone caught in the brake or something?
I thought the van had drum brakes on the back, but I see it has disc brakes front and back. Must be an improvement from my earlier model.


I've now seen the M&S Christmas ad. Quite good, but far too early for me to feel christmassy.


I've also seen a funny topical version of the John Lewis one, featuring Obama, Clinton and Trump.


Looking forward to X Factor later, after my bath and spag bol and beer.

Last edited by emptybox



hope you had a good day. In the garden or out and about?



That is a relief there seems no harm done to your van after the stone episode. Lucky your hedger coped ok so you could finish the job.

Thanks for the links, I saw the M and S one mid Gogglebox last night. Very good.

The John Lewis take off is hilarious!

Not a bad day today, sunny in the afternoon, and seems milder.

Went with daughter to get her some new shoes.

I too am looking forward to X factor.

Enjoy your sphag bol and beer as well as X factor Emptybox.

I expect Hicky will be watching the dancing. I'll watch that till X factor starts.


Evening Both.

12c here, some sunny spells, not much wind.

Didn't do a lot, picked some fig leaves up as they won't go through the vac machine as they have big stalks on them.

Watched 2 more of my recorded programs, have to wait for rubbish on the tv during the day.

Mollie, It's so strange being retired, never realised time past so quick, when at work a day seems a long time.

Don't think tins always had a date on them, they probably had one that was in code for the makers to read, they have always had information telling them when and even what machine made the product.

That's nice having your Mum's sister coming over next week, yes, best to get Christmas shopping done as soon as possible.

Emptybox, Glad your mower worked ok on the big lawn, thats handy, it might be ok now.

Never heard of a stone in a brake drum, think that could do some damage, but bearings are not that easy to spot on your own.

Yes, can do without another Op, but it's not in my hands, still don't know what is causing the water retention.

I do remember having a tin of sardines so long that they had no date on the tin, i still ate them, they were fine.

Glad your hedger was fine, thats a bonus.

Strange reading about the wheel noise, thats good having disc brakes all round, i wonder what the noise was then.

I'll look at those links when i post this, Strictly just started.

F1 practice on at 8pm as well, must watch tat, it's from Brazil


Evening All.

Not a bad day here, 11c with some sunny spells, no wind either.

Cut the tomato plants down and hung in shed/summerhouse, think it's a bit later really, i'll have to see, we have all ready had a frost.

My lad came round with his lot, i made some choc chip cookies, so nice, cooked some brisket to have tonight, made a sandwich with it, had cooked it with onions and stock, it makes such a rich gravy

Looking forward to tonight, got Strictly, Jungle and F1, have had to record F1.


both xx


Yes I get it is not surprising how time goes quick when you retire, because you get to spend time doing what you really want to do, as opposed to what you have to do at work.  That's nice your lad and the kiddies came round, bet they enjoyed those cookies.

Yes can't complain, plenty for us to watch on tv tonight.



hope you have had a good day. Supermarket day perhaps? Or your own garden?

Looked after mum this afternoon and it was really mild and dry, so I took her walk on seafront to the harbour.

Watching "Off their Rockers" now, it is so funny!

that was a suprise, Jordan just made an apperance.

Enjoy the new IAC tonight.

Goodnight both xx


Horrible wet day here.
Got wet going to the supermarket again.


My van didn't make any noises, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Of course it could have been the brake sticking on, in which case it might happen again, but hopefully not.
You can get stones caught between the brake pad and disc, and they can make an awful racket. My Dad had that when he owned the Jaguar, so it could have been that.


No chance of seeing the super moon here tonight Mollie.
I did look at it last night, when it was clear, but it didn't look any bigger than usual.
Mind you it was quite high by then. Think you have to look at it as it comes over the horizon?


Glad it was warm and dry for you Mollie, so you even got a seafront walk.


That was nice that the family came round Hicky.
I bet they enjoyed your chocolate chip cookies.


Watching X Factor results, and looking forward to IAC.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Warm today, 13c but cloudy mainly, no wind either.

Didn't do much, caught up on  a couple of recording, the IAC aftershow with Stacey & Joe.

It's so good to have that every night to look forward to.

Mollie, Time seems to fly when you go in the garden, there seems so much to do, i'll have to pull the beets up then it just leaves the carrots, there's loads of them.

One of the neighbours from about 10 doors away came round to ask if i would like some leaves as she is picking hers up and has 3 bags over, she came round in the summer and had a look around the garden, she was impressed, i always like leaves as they can be used for a few purposes in the garden over winter, you can cover the raised beds for over wintering.

The way i look at the supermoon is this, if i don't look will it still appear, thats the answer then.

Emptybox, I didn't think the brake pad came away from the disc, it doesn't have a spring and if it did get behind the pad it would never get out because is would be crushed with 1000 Lb per per sq inch pressure when you braked, also it would stop the brake working and make a mess of the disc, for a pad top come away from the disc it would have to push the brake fluid back into the reservoir wouldn't it


both xxx


hopefully your van is ok as it is now noise free.

No chance of seeing the moon at all here as it is so misty and drizzly today. Yes I did hear the only time to see it enlarged is when it is low on the horizon.



glad you could make good use of yours and your neighbour's leaves, there are certainly plenty around at this time of year.

I agree, it is great to have IAC to look forward to each night now. I really enjoyed the first show, as it was a bit different and entertaining. I certainy couldn't of walked on that board so high up!


Looked after mum this afternoon. The new carers are lovely, they say they really enjoy looking after mum as she is so sweet. Just like the other agency, they are rushed off their feet, working long hours on minimum pay.

Having to use tumble drier now, as weather no good for drying washing.

tv time.

enjoy the show.


Hi both.
Not bad day here. No sun, but quite warm. It was warmer outside than in.
Got a job done, raking up leaves and picking up fallen apples.


I've no real idea how a pebble can get in to a disc brake Hicky, but I know it can.
Must be very rare though, as I've parked on that same spot hundreds of times without problem.
All I know is, I haven't had any noises from the wheels since, but it was a very loud noise at the time.


I had plenty pf leaves that I could have given you this afternoon. Perhaps I could post them?


No super moon again tonight, as it's overcast.


Glad your new carers are working out Mollie.
Pity they are so badly paid.


Enjoyed IAC. I like the friendship between Scarlett and Larry Lamb.
Haven't watched the extra programme yet. I just watched the News, and am now watching my recording of Planet Earth ll. 


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, 13c with some sunny spells, no wind.

Did a bit in the garden, picked more fig leaves up, they are so big it's easy with the helping hand tool, pulled all the strange spring onions up and dumped them, pulled the last of the beetroot up and dumped them as well, too many small ones, probably with them no being thinned.

Put the bags of leaves onto the leaf compost heap, which is made of chicken wire, just got to pick my heaps of leaves up now.

Got the doctors in the morning, have to get there for 8am to get in the queue.

Mollie, Glad you new carers are ok, takes some of the strain off you.

Pity IAC not on tonight, but Stacey & Joe etc are still on ITV2 10pm.

Emptybox, I was wondering if you have wheel trims on the van, or are they alloy wheels, thinking of where a stone could get stuck in the wheel and get thrown back out.

I think it must take an awful lot of leaves to make a small amount of leaf mold, i could do with yours but it would take so many envelopes to post them.

I think Scarlett is going to be a scream, her and Larry are good together.

Those 4 did well to stand all those critters last night, wow.


Hi Hicky.
Not bad day here. Not as warm as yesterday, but some actual sunshine. Think it was about 8 or 9 degrees.
Got a couple of jobs done. Strimming and cutting back.

Yes I think the leaves compress down to much smaller than the original heap, in order to make good leaf mould


Good luck at the docs tomorrow.
Is that to get the results of the blood tests?


The van has steel wheels, but doesn't have wheel trims, they're just painted
I suppose a stone could have got between the wheel and the brake disc, rather than under the pad?
Pity you had to throw away your spring onions and beetroot without getting any use from them.


No IAC tonight. But I'm going to watch Ordinary Lies on BBC1.
Might watch the Extra Camp at 10 then, to get my IAC fix.

Last edited by emptybox

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