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A cold misty start, but turned into a warm sunny day.
Got a few jobs done.


Unfortunately I had a little encounter with a post van.
We were passing slowly on a very narrow hill road and clonked wing mirrors. My one folded back, as it's supposed to do, and has not a scratch on it. Unfortunately his didn't fold back for some reason, and the glass fell out and cracked.
He took my details, so I suppose they might make a claim against my insurance which could push mine up next year, as I don't have protected NCD.
Oh well! These things happen.
I gave my broker a ring to tell them, just to cover myself.


I see both Louie and Sharon are getting flak for choosing Ottavio & Bradley and Honey G over more 'derserving' acts.
Not much on tonight. Might stick to Channel 4?


Got to go and decide what to have for supper now. Something with chips maybe?


Good Evening Both.

A lovely day here, 15c with sun all day, slight wind.

The apples on the James Grieve had fallen into the net bag so put them into store in the garage.

The Red Falstaff will be soon as well, quite a few on that tree.

Did more pruning on the Olive tree, it needed more branches taking form the centre to open it up, I have been training quite a few trees, it takes years but has to be done, i'll do the Fig trees in Feb as the new trees have so many branches i can't leave them all on, i have to duck to get past a couple of the fig trees as it is, and they have such big leaves but the branches are flexible.

we went to M&S for a few bits but as i don't have much room in the freezer i didn't get much, some tasty morsels and chocy with some nuts etc.

Mollie, Yes, very pleased with the meds, certainly easier to do things now, strange how a micro tablet can make such a difference.

It's really sad that your mum can no longer interact with you when you are out, it must be awful for both of you, i wonder if you mum is aware of what is happening and can't respond or is she seeing it as a dream.

But as long as she enjoys the sea front and the Fair with an ice cream then all is good.

Emptybox, Yes, it's certainly getting colder at night, i noticed it when i got up this morning, will be putting the heating on soon, but when we have a pretty warm day like today then it warms the place up.

Thats a good load of spuds, as long as you dry them, don't wash them, store them on straw or shredded paper in the garage they will keep for months, you have to check every week or so to remove any that have gone soft.

I couldn't watch the X-Factor show, i'll wait for the Live shows, at least they won't be playing games.

The Apprentice starts Thursday, i always enjoy the SCD after show each day, love watching American Pickers, see tons of them.


Evening All.

A rather nice cool day here with sunny spells, light wind and dry.

Didn't do much today, watched tv mostly, did prune the biggest new branch from the 2 new fig trees as they were getting too prominent.

ate a few raspberries as i was walking around, O/h wanted a few apples for her tea with her cheese etc so gave her 2 Ellisons Orange and a Sunset.

Not a lot to do in the garden, once i get the last of the apples off, which will be this month anyway, i might wait for one or more to fall into the net bag then i'll know they are ready to come off.

I've got a couple more on the Bramley tree, might give them to my neighbour unless o/H wants to keep them in the garage to make apple sauce.





oh dear, sorry to hear about your encounter with a post van. Let's hope they don't make a claim and if they do, hope it doesn't increase your premium too much.


at least you can readily supply apples for your OH when she fancies one, I bet it was very nice with a bit of cheese. I am sure your neighbour will be grateful for any left over apples, or the apple sauce should be nice


Another nice day good for drying my washing. Just a bit of autumn chill but at least it was dry.

Watching Kirsty and Phil, but not a lot else to watch tonight.

Roll on Apprentice.

Quiet here tonight as son gone to drama club, OH taken daughter to pokemon gaming night. Other son playing on his pc with his friends, (as usual!), and dog and bunny having a nap.


Went to town and bought 2 new pale green jumpers, reduced from ÂĢ18 to ÂĢ5 each.

Have a good evening both. xx

what are you watching tonight?


Evening both.
Not bad day here at all. Warm and dry. Not much sun, but you can't have everything.
Got a full day's work in anyway.


Haven't heard anything about the post van. Not sure if I expected to yet?
I see you can buy replacement mirror glass for my van for less than ÂĢ10 on Ebay (didn't note what kind of van the post one was), so maybe they won't think it worth while bothering with insurance. Just have to see.
Don't think there was any other damage. The plastic surround looked fine to me, although I didn't look closely.


Glad you are starting to harvest your apples Hicky, and they are keeping your OH happy.
Good idea to prune the annoying branches off the fig trees, if they were getting in the way.


That was a big reduction in the jumpers Mollie.
Probably nice for you to have a quiet night for once.


Watched Kirsty and Phil, then National Treasure.


Evening Both.

Another nice day, strong winds at lunch time, 16c and sunny so good really.

Didn't do much, took a few apples off the Red Falstaff tree in case the wind snapped the branches, i had the branches supported with a bamboo frame and the netting sleeves pegged down.

Mollie, Yes the Apprentice starts tomorrow, looking forward to that.

Yes, O/H seems to be eating a lot of apples, must be part of her food routine.

Nice to have a quiet night for a change, thats a good price for jumpers, you can't complain at that.

Emptybox, Thats a blow about the van mirror, yes, get a new glass for yours but you can't do much about the post van, doubt if they will put it through the insurance as the as the insurance wouldn't pay out for small claims anyway.

Watching Take Me Out, enjoy Paddy, he's a great host, now SCD It Takes Two.


Evening Hicky.
Dry and sunny here, but windy and quite a bit colder than yesterday.


Had a problem with my mower.
About a week ago I hit a rock, and it damaged the bit that the blade attaches to (the blade boss). However the mower itself seemed to be working fine, so I wasn't particularly worried.
Today however it started making horrible noises and was difficult to start.
I think I've worked out it was because the blade was twizzling loose and I wasn't able to tighten it up properly because of the damaged part. Not sure why it went OK for a week?
The engine seemed to go OK when I took the blade off though, so I'm fairly sure it's the problem.
I think I've improved it with the help of a file, but I might have to send off for a ÂĢ15 part. I'll see how it goes tomorrow.


I was just looking up the price of mirrors to gauge how much it would cost to fix the post van. There's nothing wrong with my mirror Hicky.
No, if it was just a case of replacing the glass they wouldn't go through insurance, but they may feel they should replace the whole unit? Anyway haven't heard anything today again, so keeping fingers crossed.


Yes looking forward to The Apprentice tomorrow, and also Aisleyne on Botched Up Bodies.
Tonight I watched GPs Behind Closed Doors then Sally Phillips' doc on Downs Syndrome.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day here, cool but some sun, at least the wind dropped.

Didn't do much, just put some grass from the neighbour onto one of the compost piles.

Pleased with my water retention, it's gone from my ankles, so pleased about that, also my belly seems to have gone down a lot, not sure if that water or me trying to eat better, but it's sure not getting in the way as much.

Thats bad news about the blade boss, maybe you can replace it if it's replaceable.

I see, i misunderstood about the mirror, i don't think a company would claim for a mirror, it wouldn't be worth it, the company is probably liable for the first few hundred anyway and they wouldn't want to risk paying more on their insurance, plus all the paperwork.

yes, The Apprentice tonight, saw behind closed doors, then the Docu on Down Syndrome, but the woman was seeing it from her point of view, you can't blame her but thats not how it's seen, she just couldn't understand, the commitment is enormousness, and so many don't want to give up their life like that, the children are so lovely and for many parents they will be happy to look after them.

Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed and the Carers are sorted.





how annoying you have a problem with your mower.  Hope it stays fixed or you can get it done with not much trouble. Hopefully you won't hear about the damage to the van as it was minor. Is it warm enough at home for you? Was wondering if the electric blanket is due to come out now?



that is great your ankles are back to normal and the belly is doing a disappearnce act too. Good for your OH enjoying all those apples, you know what they say about "an apple a day!".

Been busy sorting mum and inbetween helping son with proof reading his assignment.

Been so nice and dry all week, I have got all my washing dried outside, great, as it saves me on electric bills for the drier.

Looking forward to the Apprentice tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Nice warm sunny day here, but it's turned into a chilly evening.


Mower seems to be working, but I've sent away for a blade boss on Ebay for ÂĢ13.
It has lugs that hold the blade in place, so you're not so reliant on tightening the bolt right up. It's those lugs that broke off when the blade hit a rock.
Blade Boss on Ebay

I bought the drive cable from the same seller a few months ago.


Glad your water retention is still improving Hicky.
I kinda thought the post office might get in touch and ask me to pay for the repair. That might be cheaper than losing my no claims bonus next year. But with a bit of luck they won't do anything.
Yes, Sally Phillips had a bit of an idealistic view of Downs. Downs Syndrome children might be adorable, but what about when they get to 50?


Hi Mollie. Glad you've had nice clothes drying weather.
Hope you are not having too much trouble sorting out care for your Mum?
I've been using my electric blanket for a number of nights now, but it's a bit tricky to get the heat right, because I'm either waking in the early hours too warm or too cold.
Had to put my electric fire on in the sitting room for the first time tonight.


Enjoyed The Apprentice tonight, and Botched Up Bodies.
When they said at the start of the prog that there would be offensive language I immediately thought "Oh Aisleyne ", but she behaved herself perfectly, except when the dentist wanted to give her an injection.



Evening Both.

Not a bad day here 15c with mainly cloud, hardly any wind.

Didn't do much, just watched tv.

Been trying to understand the Gas/Elec energy bill, wow, Electricity is 4 times the price of gas, what a ripoff, and the standing charge for each is over 24p a day each, i'm only using 12p a day gas, the Electric is expensive at over 13p a KWH, while Gas is .034p a KWH.

Mollie, Yes, i can tell the difference, ankles back to normal, strange what a table can do, and the size of it, minuscule.

Between washing, carers, and Son you sure don't get much rest, glad the weather was kind for the drying.

Enjoyed the Apprentice, what a bunch of idiots.

Emptybox, You could still lose your no claims as you have notified the insurance.

I saw a botched up bodies but didn't see Aisleyne, must have been the wrong one.

O/H took the car in for it's MOT and a service, needed a brake pad, all ok anyway.




Glad you could order a part so cheap to fix your mower, and at least you have used the seller before.

Let's hope you don't lose your no claims or hear anything more about the little mishap now. 

Yes I thought you might of had use of the your electric blanket now, but as you say, the night temperature is so varied right now, I too either wake too warm or a bit chilly.  Didn't see Ais and the teeth. Did she pay out for her teeth, then it let her down?



Yes it is brilliant as you say how a little tablet makes such a difference to your health problems. So pleased it has made you feel so much better.   I don't believe in over taking meds, but at times when they are needed, get the right ones and the results are wonderful. Last winter I just couldn't get rid of the awful cough after that flu and a few days on the anti biotics made me feel so much better.

I didn't realise that electric was still a lot more expensive than gas, so I guess it is a waste of money using our electric fire in the lounge instead of putting the gas heating on?

I too enjoyed The Apprentice, nice to have something good to watch on Thursdays. Gogglebox tonight, so that is good. Will record "Have I got news for you". Also looking forward to the X factor lives this weekend.

We went out for tea at Toby carvary tonight, such good value, I only pay ÂĢ4.99 for loads of help yourself veg and yorkshire puds. OH has the 2 types of meat and daughter went for the brie and broccoli pastry, she isn't a veggie, but likes the veggie option.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Cloudy and drizzly today. Not good at all.


I did swither about whether I should inform the insurance about the incident, but thought it might be a condition? To be exact it was my broker that I informed, rather than the insurance company. The girl said she would make a note of it, but not sure whether they would automatically pass that on to the insurer? Hope not.


Don't get gas, but I think electricity still works out more expensive than the oil that I use for heating.
I was only using the electric fire because I haven't switched the central heating on yet. And I always try to use it sparingly. Haven't needed it tonight yet.


Glad your car got through it's MoT fairly lightly Hicky.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed your Toby meal. And good value too.
TBH I couldn't tell much difference between Aisleyne's original 'bad' veneers, and the new ones she had done on the prog. She seemed very pleased with the results. She was very brave to show her real teeth after the dentist had taken off the old veneers though. And she was really nervous about getting the injections.
She'd paid for her original ones, that she had done abroad, but presumably the prog paid for the new ones.


Watched The Cars that Made Britain Great then Gogglebox.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, pleasant enough 15c with some sunny spells, hardly any wind, O/H wanted to go for brekkie and i needed some of the bacon from the garden centre, both very nice.

Picked some more cherry toms for brekkie tomorrow.

Mollie, Yes, a little tablet is like a miracle, don't quite understand it but happy enough.

Yes, when the Gas is so cheap it seems crazy to have any electric in the house when Gas is 3.4p a KWH why on earth would we want to use electric anywhere @ 13p a KWH.

I'm all Electric so i'm stuck with it, but i didn't get gas appliances as i hate gas.

I've recorded x-Factor as it overlaps, got the F1 tomorrow from Japan.

Glad you enjoyed the Carvery, usually a good thing, one of my Lads birthday next week, or soon anyway, will be sorting a night out for us all, will probably go for a Chinese Banquet.

Emptybox, Yes, some insurance companies are robbers, it all depends, hope they don't penalise you.

I've just been checking up on the oil for heating, it is less tan half the price of Electricity @ 5.6p a KWH which is pretty good really.

I've put my Central heating back on, it's on auto so the hall controller looks after it 24 hrs.

The car did well, i don't like her car but it's an 08 and has been a fantastic car really, just not my idea of a car, i am pretty blinkered when it comes to cars.

It amazes me how many go abroad for surgery then have to come back to get it put right, it really tells me they shouldn't go abroad for crap treatment, you get what you pay for comes to mind.

There's just so many programs on now, i can't watch them all, wish i could.


Hi Hicky.
Not bad day here. A misty start but quite sunny later.
Got my own grass cut. Perhaps for the last time this season.


Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out with OH. A Chinese banquet for your lad's birthday sounds good.
I wouldn't have thought the garden centre was a natural place to go for bacon though?


Gas is great, but you cannae power your computer on it.
Guess it would be convenient to get a combined bill for gas and electric? That's what my brother gets, but there's no gas supply out here, so I'm stuck ordering batches of oil.


X Factor pretty good. Just caught a glimpse of Strictly, but it looked like Ed Balls' dance was fun.


both xx


Glad the weather allowed you to get your own grass cut, as you say, hopefully the last for the season now. Ais's own teeth...don't they file them down to do the veneers, or am I thinking of something else? That is lucky the tv show paid to get them how she wanted.



Good idea of your OH's to go out for brekkie. we did too on Saturday. We went to tesco cafe, it is much improved now, bright red sofas and food cooked fresh to order. I bet you are looking forward to the Chinese banquet for the birthday.

We only have our electric fire on now and again too to take the chill off the air. But haven't needed any heat at all yet this autumn.

It has been a great day today weather wise though, back to the summer dress and a sunbathe in the garden It was real warm in the sun.

We took dog walkies in the grounds of this posh hotel and there was a wedding fayre on. I saw the free ice cream cart outside, so told the family I'd go and blag a freebie.   Pretending daughter was getting married supplied me with a nice bucks fiz, a canape, piece of wedding cake, piece of fugdge as well as the free ice cream!

...well you never know we might go back there if daughter does get married! (if we could afford it though!).

Took mum down seafront in wheelchair as weather so nice, lots of families around on the fair. Then she ate well when I got back. Those carers are just so lovely, awful they are only on minimum wage, they have such responsible jobs and work such long hours. They are so friendly and such fun, that they make things so much nicer for me, as it is not easy for me seeing how bad my mum is now.

So much tv to catch up on at weekends with the dancing and X factor. I forward wind through a lot of the dancing though, else I'd never catch up with it all. And then we have Victoria, I have loved this series, shame it finishes today.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

A rather nice Sunday here, plenty of sun, 14c and no wind.

just watched the F1 from Japan.

Strictly was good, those 2 pairs shouldn't have been in the dance-off, it's the public that did that, they mustn't have the fans, simple as, glad Laura stayed i like her.

I cooked a piece of beef for the roast dinner, my lad came with his lot for a visit, not for dinner.

Emptybox, The garden centre has a big restaurant and also a food section with lots of meats etc in vertical type fridges, we sometimes get bacon ribs which are really good and they sell beautiful bacon, 2 packs for ÂĢ5 or 3 for ÂĢ10 but they are different size packs, probably 450g in the 2 for ÂĢ5 packs but 1 pack can last me a week as i don't have the same brekkie 2 days running.

Yes, the combined bill is ok, it is separated inside of the bill but joined up again to add vat which is 5%, didn't realise that. but when you pay 50p a day for the dual energy to be delivered the bill adds up and with gas costing so little it's just annoying, i would be better cooking on the BBQ for a fraction of the cost of Electricity, it's a ripoff.

Just try not to use the Electric, just as well this new place is using LED's for lighting.

Mollie, I put the heating on just so it doesn't get too cold while  i'm at the computer. but as gas is so cheap it's not really a problem.

That was a good idea to get some food and ice cream, very clever.

That was nice, going down to sea front is always a winner, the carers do a marvellous job but money is never going to be good, there's just no money in the business, it's a shame really.

Yes, i can never catch up, there's not enough hours in the day.

I'm trying to eat less, it's not easy but worth a try, i'll cut down my snacks i think, eat less bakery foods.


Evening folks.
Not too bad day here, some sunshine but quite cold.


Mollie. Yes Aisleyne's real teeth were filed down. That's why I said she was brave to show them on TV.
If you look at this Sun article, the first pic shows her at a premiere with her old teeth. The second pic is the one from the prog of her in the dentist chair, between having the old veneers off and the new ones fitted.
The third pic is at a premiere with new gnashers, and I think the fourth pic is a close up of the old ones, showing how they slanted to one side, which is what she didn't like.
Sun: Aisleyne reveals shocking teeth


Glad it was summer weather for you, but very naughty of you to blag free goodies from the wedding fayre.
Yes, the carers certainly deserve more than the minimum wage.
I'm recording Victoria. Sad that it's the last of the series, but great that they've confirmed there will be a second series.


Hicky Ah right, so perhaps the garden centre isn't so daft a place to buy meat after all. Must confess I've bought beer in my local garden centre before now.
I see Hamilton is getting further behind in the F1 championships?

Enjoyed X Factor, and am glad those two went. Saara isn't my favourite, but it was certainly right that she survived.
Louis seemed to have only two groups for some reason? Perhaps he misplaced one, along with his judgement?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A lovely Autumn day, 13c no wind and some sun.

Didn't do much, picked some raspberries, went to Costco for some goodies.

Glad Aisleyne got her teeth fixed after all this time.

Yes, i can't understand what goes wrong with Lewis's start, can it be that complicated, why do the wheels spin, thats wrong, i don't think he can win this year as his mate only has to get 2nd place to win overall.

I watched X-Factor but not the results as i wasn't interested, if it's public voting it's just crazy.




your garden centre sounds like a large one. Is it one of those ones that have a nice Christmas display later on in the year?

You sound like you have less time now than when you were working! You are certainly not getting bored during your retirement, which is good.

I know it is real hard to cut down on food when you enjoy it. When I try to do that, i find myself thinking about food more than ever, so just wanting more to eat than before I tried to cut back!



thanks for the link. That is sad that someone so young chose to ruin her natural teeth by going for veneers because she was bullied. Good job it is sorted now for her.

That is good you too are having good weather, even if a bit cold. Nice here again this morning, but cold first thing.

Watching Cold Feet tonight, am enjoying that.

Yes it is good news that Victoria will be back next year.

Wonder if Tuttenkarmen will be any good?

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Windy and drizzly today. Not what was forecast.
There was a bit of sunshine as well, but it's cold tonight. Have got my electric fire on again.


I see that girl group '4 of Diamonds' is being brought back to X Factor to replace that twin group that was thrown out.


I'm watching my recording of Victoria just now Mollie.
And I'm also quite looking forward to Tutankhamun on Sunday.


Good Evening Both.

Not a bad day, 14c not much sun but no wind or rain, well a small shower i think.

Didn't do much, i'm filling small bags with sweeties for those that come for Halloween, got a big tub of Swizzels Party Pack from Costco, 5kg massive, would last 5 years i think, but we will eat whats over.

Off to the docs in the morning, see what he thinks.

Mollie, Yes, the garden centres all have a great Christmas display, and this particular one has a range of bread, cakes, meats, hams, steaks, sausages, bacon, burgers, packs of chicken pieces, whole chickens, just about anything really.

It's amazing how fast time fly, never noticed when i was working, but now, wow, it's flying along, of course it does that as you get older anyway.

It is hard to cut down on food, but i can eat less and pick less between meals.

Emptybox, I didn't know any had been thrown out of X-Factor, oh, i'll look it up on my news feeds, glad they are replacing them anyway.





don't blame you having the fire on to take the chill off, after all we are well into October now. It is chilly at night here now, but luckily another dry sunny day, so I sat in garden and read a bit of my book at lunch time, best to make the most of the sun whilst I can.

Are you all up to date work wise now, so you can slow down for autumn?

yes I think "4 of Diamonds" deserved to come back, think they will do well and think you and Hicky will like them.

I like the bit on Victoria about the steam train.



Costco is a great place to find a good supply of sweets for the youngsters. Hope you don't have too many left over now. Your garden centre sounds  a great place to wonder round and stock up on food as well as garden produce.

Got plenty of washing dried again today, so nice to have this long dry spell at this time of year.

Going to watch Kirsty and Phil now, not much else on tv tonight.

Enjoyed watching the last episode of Cold Feet last night.

Have a good evening both. xxx


Evening both.
Drizzling all day here. Useless for work.


Hicky. Hope you get on well at the docs tomorrow.
Don't eat too many of those sweets, if the kids don't take them.

Yes, that's why Louis only had two groups last week. The twin boy group was thrown out of the competition due to allegations made against one by an ex-girlfriend.


Mollie, I suppose I'm a little behind now, but the grass is only growing slowly now, so it doesn't matter too much.
Yes that steam train seemed very authentic on Victoria.


Watched Location then National Treasure.


both xx



good job it doesn't matter too much work wise now as the weather was not so good yesterday.

We are lucky again today, as it was still dry, but a bit cloudy. Got my washing dried though.


Hope Hicky's doctors visit went ok.

Am tired out, looked after mum this afternoon after dashing around all morning at home trying to get all my jobs done.

Am enjoying watching Bake Off though.

Daughter enjoyed her first sugarcraft class at college this week. Just an introduction and she made a couple of figures, cakes to come next though.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Raining again here all day. Mostly light, but quite heavy this afternoon. So no work done again.
You're being lucky, having the dry weather.


The part came for my mower and I managed to fit it without too much trouble.
The difficult bit was getting the belt off and back on again.
Haven't tested it out on grass yet obviously, but hope it'll be OK.


Pity you're tired out after looking after Mum, but looks like you can look forward to relaxing and sampling the results of your daughter's classes?


Watched GPs Behind Closed Doors, then The Missing, then I watched Alice Roberts: The Lost Tribes of Humanity which I'd recorded. Love that sort of prog about prehistoric human species.


Evening Both.

Must have missed a day out somehow.

Had the Docs Wednesday, he changed the meds to a different tablet, got a blood test in a couple of weeks and a heat scan thingy, my ankles are fine but he said BP was up.

The Pharmacy said they would ring after a week to see if all was ok with the new meds, they said it's something they do with a meds change.

Neighbour from old house popped in as well, she was dying to see the garden, gave her a few different apples to try and an Asian pear.

Didn't do much today, made a lamb roast for tea though..

Mollie, Yes, Costco got some lovely stuff, had a few samples to eat as well, the Christmas toys are great, O'H bought a couple to put away for the little ones.

I just flick through the channels every hour and see what looks interesting, but every time i want to watch a recorded show there's something on to watch. haha

It sure is tiring for you, you have so much to do, could job your daughter helps out when she can.

Emptybox, This container of sweets is massive, probably bigger than a bucket and holds more, i am putting 8 different sweets into bags, have done 14, not sure how many to make up, 2 are lollies, but they are all lovely, taking the 14 bags out and you can hardly tell any has gone, it's only a 5kg tub though, but they aren't heavy, each i mean.

Glad the part fitted back ok, it should work ok if the belt is on right.

I like the Behind Closed Doors, interesting program.


Hi Hicky.
Raining here most of the day again. Getting bored of the wet weather now, and haven't been able to do anything this week.
It's been very cold as well. Think it's supposed to warm up for a bit after the weekend though.


Pity your blood pressure is up Hicky. Just when you thought the new tablets were working. Hope these other new tablets agree with you.


That was nice of your neighbour popping in. Perhaps she knew she would come away laden with fruit?
Very good of you making up all these sweetie bags for the kids at Halloween.
That's a while away yet though. Will you be able to resist temptation?


Apprentice good. Don't think anyone would have bought either of the teams' jeans?
The right one probably went. Although I probably should support her because she was Scottish, she came across a bit glaikit to me.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Another cool sunny day, hardly any wind, it's been mainly dry for weeks here.

I only went out to walk the garden, got to put the rest of the apples into the garage before any frost though.

Thats a blow you getting so much wet weather.

Yes, darn blood pressure, got a letter about the heart scan, i had to choose a hospital and a date and time, but couldn't get one before the 8th of November.

I should have given my old neighbour some more stuff really, had some veg she could have had.

I always do the sweetie bags for the little ones, although some aren't so little, they all bring tins or containers for the goodies, so funny, but i don't mind.

From watching the after show of the apprentice i'm glad i didn't see the show really.

Hope Mollie not too stressed again.


both xxx


glad the ankles are still problem free, Shame about the BP. Maybe you are one of those whose BP goes up more when doc takes it. (I think most peoples does though, as soon as docs say they want to check the BP!). Hope the scan goes ok now, but you have a fair wait for that, so hopefully that means they are not too concerned about the BP. Sounds like the kiddies who knock your door will be glad they did.



hope the weather does improve soon, so you can get some work done. Gone  a lot colder here today. Glad you managed to fit the part for the mower ok, lets hope it works ok now when yuo get chance to try it.

Yes I too enjoyed the Apprentice but was not impressed with their jeans ads.

That was interesting reading about glaikit

Been busy with mum, family, shopping, and daughter really really upset as vet says her bunny's big lump that keeps making him fall is probably a tumour, so vet probably can't do much for him, as he is very old for a bunny though, age 12 now. Vet hasn't had one so old before. Poor daughter had him since he was a baby and she was a little girl, so hard on her to see him detiorate. She has to bathe him each night as he can't keep himself clean now and the hair has come off one of his legs. He still eats well, so vet says he is not in pain at the moment though.

Watching Gogglebox now.

Think a visit to Costco is imminent for us soon, all the family like that, especially the free food samples! I like looking at all the Christmas decs in there too now.

Have a good evening both xxx



Hi both.
Very wet overnight so a very damp morning. The sun came out later, so I was all set to do some work this afternoon, but then the rain came back on at 1.30pm.
Tomorrow is supposed to be very wet, but then it's supposed to dry up a bit, so hopefully I'll get some jobs done next week.


That's quite a long wait for a heart scan Hicky. I guess they don't consider it urgent?
You'll have to watch you're not too generous with your Halloween handouts, or you'll become a sweetie magnet for the local kids, and get even more next year.


That's sad to hear about your daughter's rabbit Mollie. Is that the one you call your house bunny?
But that's a good age, and good to know he's not in pain.


I was in the garden centre a couple of days ago and they had Xmas stuff in there already as well. I had to avert my eyes.


Watched The Cars That Made Britain Great then Gogglebox, but half way through I turned over to BBC1 Scotland to watch Still Game. It's very funny, but don't think they show it outside Scotland?


Good Evening Both.

A cooler day today, 14c some rain in the morning with some sun in the afternoon, didn't do anything really, just watched tv.

Mollie, Yes, a bit of a wait for the scan but i can wait, haven't noticed any side effects but the pharmacy will check on me next Wednesday.

Yes, i have completed the 20 packs of sweets now, the tub is so big it doesn't look as though any gone yet so i certainly won't run out.

Sorry to hear about your Daughters Rabbit, she is lucky to have had it so long.

I enjoyed Gogglebox as well, it makes a change to see their reactions.

Emptybox, I hope next week is a bit dryer for you, this wet weather is at a bad time as you need to get the maybe last grass cuts done.

I could become a magnet as you say, but with so many sweets it would be nice to see lots of them calling,  i think they only usually come from the local are but as they have masks on i can't really tell, but i do know there are quite a lot of children within the local area.

Watching Strictly, it is good, i think the dancers are very good, i see Ed didn't please the judges today.




it is handy how pharmasists are becoming more involved as back ups for GP's. After all they are the ones who are trained to know all about our meds. So good you get to see him/her on Wednesday. Did you have your flu jab and if so, were you ok, or did you get a cold? Does your OH have to have it since she got that diabetes. Hope she is controlling the diabetes ok.

That must be a big tub of sweets, but knowing Costco, everything of their's is generous! We went today and there was lots of food samples. We enjoyed them all between us. The family have the meaty ones and I have the others. I have jacekt potato beans/chees in their cafe, it is only ÂĢ1.60! Kids have drink and hot dog for ÂĢ1.25, so can't complain.


what a nuisance the weather was no good again, let's hope the forecast is right so you can get some work done next week. And hope the fixed mower copes well.

Yes the poorly bunny is our house bunny. Daughter still can't decide if it is fair on him to try and op, or just give up on him. So hard to see him getting worse, knowing we have to take him to be put down, if we don't try the op. (which may not work). That is the trouble with pets, you know you don't have them around for long, then have to make the decision when to end their lives.

Not a bad morning here, nice and warm and sunny, but then poured in the afternoon and got chilly, so we have put the gas central heating on. Remembered what Hicky said about the electric, so went for that instead of the 2 electric heaters.

Enjoyed the dancing, then turned over for X factor, which is also good today.

I thought Relley was great, and enjoyed Matt too. (not finished yet, so may add more!).

Have a good evening both xxx

do you still have your sphag bol on Saturdays Emptybox?


Evening both.
Rainy here today, so didn't do much. Did go into town and bought some more beer supplies. About 12 degrees max I think?

Had spag bol tonight as usual, watching the X Factor.
I think I see a pattern. Honey G is going to sing the same song every week, just with a different backing track.
Thought the boy group and the girl group (4 of Diamonds) were best.


Hicky. You'll probably find it's the same 5 kids coming back time and time again for your sweets. Just wearing different masks.


Mollie, that's a dilemma about the op for the rabbit. As you say, it may not respond well to it anyway.
Had my electric fire on Monday and Tuesday night I think, but it's been OK without it since. A bit chilly tonight, but I have a number of layers on.  


Evening Both.

A wet start to the day, then it dried up.

Didn't do anything really, just watched tv, i did take the rest of the apples off the Red Falstaff and the Bramley to put in store, just 1 apple left thats on a Braeburn, it says it ripens November, we'll see.

Mollie, The Pharmacist is just going to ring me to check if all is well with the new meds.

Had the Flue jab ages ago, it never seems to effect me, it just to effect my Mum when she had it, made her real ill, the same as many people, not sure why.

I did seem to have a bit of a cold but think i already had it.

O/H won't have it as she says it makes her bad, she seems to be ok with controlling the Diebetes, she hasn't said anything, but her eating diet has changed.

I used to love the cottage pie but they started putting more mash than mince and that spoils it for me.

Yes, the dancing was great, not really interested in X-Factor, Louis is a clown.

Emptybox, Well, getting some beer in sounds good, for when the weather is bad or you don't have any jobs on.

Haven't had spag bol for a while, must remember to make some, have loads of Spaghetti.

You could be right with the callers, but with all this stuff i could tell them to come back for more.

I've been ok now in the day and also the night, with the heating on it's fine and the stat keeps it within 1 deg, i might start making brekkie in the BBQ as the cost of the electric is dreadful, they hob, the grill, the oven, the microwave, the kettle, the toaster all cost a fortune to run and thats what is making the bill so high.

Electric fires cost about 15p and hour per 1KW, so 3 bars/KW is 45p an hour.



both xxx



are you making apple pie with all the apples or just eating them as they are? That is lucky the flu jab doesn't affect you as I know it does make some people unwell. That is good the pharmasist is checking on your meds. Hope your ankles are still problem free with your current meds. That would be a nice change to make brekkie on the BBQ , especially if it also keeps your fuel costs down. Your OH has done well controlling her eating diet, it is a good thing if that is controlling the diabetes.

Yes with all those sweeties you have, you will be chasing all the little ghosts and ghoulies down the road to give them all the surplus sweeties you have.


good for you getting in your beer supplies. Let's hope now for some dry weather so you can catch up work wise.

Yes you are right, looks like Honey G will be seeming the same stuff every week!

Yes we in my house all wear a number of layers, and daughter and I have a little blanket too, all good to help with the fuel bills!

Looked after mum this afternoon. Luckily I was able to go a walk with her as it was dry, but a bit breezy on sea front, so we went into the cafe for a warm latte.

Enjoyed the Dancing, X factor, then watched Tutenkarmen, but it was a bit slow. Hopefully a bit better next week.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.
Mostly wet here today. Wasn't really forecast.
Was quite bad with symptoms today so didn't do much apart from the usual supermarket.
The shelves seemed unusually bare, even for a Sunday. Not sure why? Perhaps they were running down the cheaper stock before bringing in higher prices?


Well done harvesting most of your apples Hicky. Hope the one tree left does ripen for you.
My Dad always got a flu jab. Don't think it affected him either.
He had to give up a lot of the food he liked after he was diagnosed with diabetes in his mid sixties.


I only have the fire in the sitting room on the lower setting, which I think is 1 KW.
Have to put the central heating on soon though. Unfortunately the price of oil has gone up quite a bit since I last bought.


Mollie, glad you could get a walk on the seafront with your Mum.
i've recorded Tutankhamun to watch later.
My recorder box has started to play up, and sometimes you have difficulty setting recordings. But I checked, and it's recorded that OK.
Watched the film'Divergent' instead.


Really glad the public kept Saara in the X Factor. Her sing off song was magnificent. If only she'd sung like that on Saturday, she might not have been in the bottom two.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

It was light rain this morning so i didn't do brekkie on the BBQ, haven't changed to my winter clothes yet so not geared up for working in the garden in the rain.

It brightened up about 11am so we went to the Burley Dam gardne centre, had a mean and picked up a few spices.

We are having brekkie out with my Lad in the Morning as it's his Birthday, also we are eating out tomorrow night, having a Chinese Banquet.

Mollie, I'm going to keep an eye on the apples, i really want to just eat them from the garage, i have a few options but with not having a lot of freezer room i can't really bake and freeze or store the apple flesh in the freezer.

I've never noticed a problem after the Flu Jab but some discomfort of sorts must be worth having it.

We checked my ankles coming back from the garden centre and they were fine, so pleased with that.

Emptybox, You are getting more than your fair share of wet weather.

Thats bad news about your symptoms, are you going to get the problem looked into?

The lack of food in the supermarket could have been with it having been the weekend, new deliveries probably come overnight for Monday maybe.

The one bar on the Electric fire could cost more to run than the heating, depends on the K-Watt output of the oil burner

Think you are having similar problems with your recording gear as me, a bit erratic.

Think the Jungle starts in a couple of weeks, looking forward to that.


Hi Hicky.
Heavy rain here at about 7am, but brightened up into a not bad day. Windy though.


Got a couple of jobs done this afternoon.
Tried the mower out after my fix. It seemed to work OK, but is still making some funny noises when I start and stop it, which is a bit worrying. I'll have to keep an eye on it. The blade is secure, so not sure why it's making noises.


An eating out kind of day for you tomorrow Hicky?  Hope your lad enjoys his birthday.
Glad your ankles are still fluid free.


Yes, the supermarket is always a bit hit and miss on a Sunday, but the shelves seemed particularly bare yesterday.
Imported items are bound to start costing more from now on, because of the fall in the pound. The other side of the coin is that it should help businesses who export goods. But that doesn't help the consumer.


The symptoms are just the same as I've had for the last two and a bit years. I'm on the tablets for it, which seem to keep me mostly OK, but the symptoms reassert themselves every few weeks. I've been fine today though.


Everybody who has the same PVR box as mine (Digital Stream) has been having similar issues with it in the last week or so. The EPG is very slow, and sometimes won't allow you to set a recording. Turning it off at the mains and on again usually helps. 
Some Sony boxes are having similar issues, and the theory is that Freeview has made some change at their end which the firmware of the box doesn't like.
Unfortunately the manufacturer Digital Stream has gone out of business, so doesn't look hopeful that it'll be fixed with an updated firmware.


Not much on the box tonight, so i watched my recording of Tutankhamun.




sorry your symptoms bothered you again the other day. Good job it calmed down again yesterday. Odd how it comes back every few weeks. Can you see any pattern in when it comes back? eg stress, change of diet?

That is good your mower worked ok, let's hope it being noisy is not a bad sign.

That is annoying how your tv box is playing up because of an update.

Hope it doesn't spoil your viewing too much.



hope you enjoy your eating out day today. Brekkie out is always a nice start to the day, and the Chinese banquet should be a nice end to your son's birthday.

That is good news your ankles still appear to be ok, sounds like the new meds are suiting you.

Hope the problems with your tv box settle down soon too.

Gosh the year is going quickly now if it is only a couple of weeks till the jungle show starts. We always seem to enjoy that, so am looking forward to it.

Our little house bunny was due his op today, but got a phone call last night at 7.30 from the vet. (they do work long hours!). She said she had thought about the op and wants it done at the vet hospital to give him more chance, and Thursday because she is around there all day to observe him. Poor thing is still falling over, and he can't get up. so we have to  keep checking on him in case he needs picking up.But he is still alert and eating well, so that is why we decided to give the op a go.

Nice and sunny here today, but cooler, So am going to put washing out now. Then have to help son with his assignment.

Have a good day with your birthday son Hicky.

Hope you are well today Emptybox and the weather holds so you can get some work done.



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