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Evening Hicky.
A lovely sunny calm day here. Warm enough for me at about 17 degrees.
Got a couple of jobs done and called into Lidl for yet more water.


Still not sure about the mower? It might even be something to do with the spark plug? But I think it's more likely to be fuel.
Anyway, it gave me no problems today so I'll not worry about it till I have to. 


You really pamper those apples. If you could fit them all with their own tailored jackets and little hats, I'm sure you would.
I hope they repay you with a cracking harvest.
Bet you're glad to get the flu jab out of the way?


Paralympics come to an end tomorrow. They've been great.
Can't wait to see Celebrity Island with Bear Grylls tomorrow.
I see Mark from The Hotel is on. He should be good.
That'll give Mollie a dilemma, as she dislikes Bear, but might want to watch Mark?


Evening All.

Not a bad day really, 18C sunny and no wind.

Didn't do much really, watched TV, we had a pork roast dinner, called at my lads for a cuppa.

O/H used a couple of apples to make apple sauce for the pork, very nice too.

Worked on a few more net sleeves, i think i will make the new fleece sleeves over the winter instead of waiting till the spring, i could have them all made.

Seeing the nurse Wednesday about the bloods because i don't have enough of the tablets to get me to when i see the Doc.

Hope Mollie enjoying her break.



Hi Hicky.
A cloudy and cool day here, about 13 degrees, but dry anyway.

Bought one of these Brita water filter jugs in the supermarket for ÂĢ15. Hopefully it'll make the water a bit safer by taking some of the lead out of it. Although I'll still have to combine that with boiling it to get rid of any bacteria.
Just hope they do something about it soon.
Having said that if there is lead in it, it's been there for all of the 24 years I've been here, and I don't think it's affected me yet? 


Pity you are running out of tablets. Hopefully the nurse will be able to top you up.
Good idea to make those fruit nets well ahead of time.


Might watch a bit of the Para closing ceremony. But as it only starts at midnight, I doubt I'll watch much of it.


The Island was good. The celebs seem more clueless than the civilians.
Mark is either going to end up leading them or alienating them.
I wonder who's idea it was to give him the silliest hat?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Cooler today, 17c sunny and dry with no wind.

Been messing around with one of the swing doors in the living room, have got the 2 very big hings, have got the next size down but think i would have to change both hinges not the top one on it's own,

I was going to fit another extra one under the top one using the spare 3" ones as they match the others, took the door off and realised the top hinge is half seized up and has been running with no oil and has been wearing the 2 running surfaces, looking at the last ones i bought it looks like maybe there should be a hard wear ring under base metal ring that is taking the wear, the last ones i bought have one so have ordered another set but this time it's the 3" to see if they are better, have a feeling the original ones are fake, horror.

Hope your filter just etc will sort your water out.

I think most of the old lead pipes has a coating inside with all the years of water running through so that probably gave some protection from the lead. 

yes, seeing the nurse Wednesday might tell me more, the Bloods results and the ankles are still swelling, i don't think they are as bad myself but it's hard to tell really.

I didn't see the closing ceremony but the island was ok, they sure are crazy, some people like silly hats, they show up on TV. haha

SCD starts Friday, The Apprentice starts soon, so things are looking up.

Hope Mollie had a good time in North Wales.

6.43pm 19-Sep-16.

Last edited by Hicky


got back late yesterday after our few days away. Did you see me wave to you across the water towards the Wirral Hicky? We were so close, we could see it clearly. The weather was wonderful, we walked a lot round Llandudno and had a wine on the end of the pier. And we met the family, our little nieced loved the bouncy castle on the pier.


Gosh you are right, I did like Mark on The Hotel, but I did decide against watching the Island thing, as can't bear to see them kill animals. What a shame your mower is being temperamental now. Did they not have any ÂĢ99 ones left in Lidl? This water thing is such a nuisance for you. Did you watch Victoria last night? It was a bit lovey lovey for you though, being the wedding. I enjoyed the episode though.



I reckon your apples are going to be the best in the country when they are ready.

Hope you manage to sort your hinges out, the sound difficult to sort.

It was still warm here today, but a bit drizzly.

Goodnight both, going to watch Cold Feet now. xx



Evening both.
Cloudy with a bit of sun today and quite cool.
Got some work done anyway.


Glad you enjoyed your break in Llandudno Mollie.
Good weather would have made all the difference.


I doubt the group on the Island will be killing many animals somehow. Perhaps if one dies of old age in front of them?
Looked at the garden stuff in Lidl on Saturday when I bought more water. They had the plug in hedge trimmer in your link, but not a cordless one.
They didn't have any mowers, but I already have a spare small mower at home anyway, so wasn't looking for another one.


I've recorded Victoria and Poldark last night as The Island was on at the same time. I'll definitely watch Victoria but may end up deleting Poldark, as I haven't got around to watching any of it.


I'm sure you'll work out how to fix the hinges Hicky. Sounds complicated, as Mollie says.
You may be right about lead pipes getting coated over time. Might provide some protection. No idea if there are any lead pipes coming down to me, but better not to take the chance.
Hope you get some answers on Wednesday about your water retention.


Difficult to know what to watch tonight. Ended up watching Crimewatch.


Evening Both.

A cool day, 16C very little sun, dry with no wind.

O/H's Birthday today, we are all going out for a meal Friday evening.

Didn't so much today, my lad came round as he had a day off and i made him breakfast, well a rather nice bacon sandwich.

SIL came round after school with the gang, they were making stuff wuth cardboard and empty toilet rolls, one wanted to pick leaves up from the garden, that was good gave him a bucket and the Helping hand tool.

Mollie, Glad you enjoyed your trip, North Wales is lovely at this time of the year.

I'll look more into the hinge problem when the new ones come, i'm sure these are fake, i've had to stop one door swinging as the swing is wearing the part out that has the holes in for adjusting the tension, if the hinge wears i might not be able to get the adjuster rod in the hole to release the spring tension, then i would have a problem, i'm still going to have to fit a third hinge but i might have to buy another 4 after all this.

I've been getting the trays in the garage ready with paper shredder waste to put in the trays, just need a little more.

Emptybox, That hedge trimmer from G-Tech looks ideal, wouldn't mind one myself, it trims quite thick branches but for ÂĢ149 you can get a branch cutter attachment as well, the G-Tech stuff is good i've got the 2 floor cleaner units.

I'll be glad when the Apprentice starts, but SCD starts Friday anyway.

The Great British Menu, Benidorm at 9pm, Itv4, The Hotel Inspector 10pm, C5,  


both xxx



that's good you got some work done as the weather was ok. What a nuisance you have to keep going to buy water, shame the garden stuff was of no use to you when you went this time. This week is going to be DIY tools there. My OH always likes looking at the tools in there. Finds them good value. How is your health now? Are you still on the one tablet?



Happy Birthday to your OH. Have you decided where to go for you meal yet?  That is handy the little one helped clear your leaves. How annoying if the hinges are fake. I heard recently there is a lot of fake stuff out there.

Hope the visit to the nurse goes ok tomorrow, and she can sort your tablets out.

I love the Gtech stuff. We have the vacuum and the mini vacuum, and they are so easy to use. What do you mean you have the floor cleaner units?

Yes we need another good tv show, not much on again tonight.

when does Apprentice start?

I am watching Kirsty and Phil. at the ridulous price people will pay for such a small horrible place in London! You could get a 5 bed place round here for what they pay for a tiny flat tonight!

Lots of hastle sorting mum's care again today. Hopefully when I move care they will have better staff management!

What a lovely day here today, sunny and warm so lots of washing dried.

The Hotel Inspector is on late? Is it new or a repeat?

OH started his new job today and his old one rang him and asked him back! Shame that, if they had asked him last week, he'd of gone back. But at least this one is a bit closer.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
No sun here but dry at least. Got a day's work in. Couldn't say it was warm, but wasn't cold either.


Did you remember your OH's birthday this time Hicky?
Nice to have family round anyway.
Yes those G Tech trimmers look great. Might get one in the future.


Hi Mollie. Glad it was a nice day with you.
Yes I'm still on the one tablet a day. Getting a few symptoms every day at the moment, but not too bad. Quite often have to take ibuprofen as well though, to reduce the symptoms.


That's a pity that your OH's old job only decided now that they want him back. But at least he's started his new contract.


Watched Location as well. Yes the London prices are daft. I suppose London salaries are large as well, but even so....
Watched that drama with Robbie Coltrane 'National Treasure'.


I see Brangalina are splitting up. Not quite sure what into? Brang and Lina perhaps?

Last edited by emptybox

Good Evening Both.

Not a bad day here warmish with some slight wind, went the Docs, saw the sister or whatever she was, she was pretty happy with the blood results but as i still have the swollen ankles she needs more tests, she got the tablets sorted, i need another blood test to check something else so will go Friday for that, nut it's a non fasting one, i'm at the Dentist tomorrow for a checkup.

After the Docs went for a meal quite local in West Kirby, just had mash & Pie.

Mollie, Thank you for your Birthday wishes for O/H, i haven't been told were we are dining Friday, my lad will have had some input of course so it will be good.

When i said floor cleaners i meant vacuum cleaners, the same as the ones you have.

Not sure When the Apprentice starts, it just keeps saying coming soon.

It's hard work sorting the carers out isn't it, hope it's better when you move to new ones.

I wonder why your O?H's boss waited so long to offer another contract, strange.

Emptybox, I never remember birthdays, it was only when i unlocked the front doors that i noticed the car there as it's not usually on a Tuesday as she works early morning, then my lad came to wish her Happy Birthday, i checked the date and it was the 20th, oh, now i know why she's off, but i did say Happy Birthday.

Yes, that G-Tech Trimmer looks good, so does the lawn mower.




well that will be nice to be surprised where you are going for a meal, you'll have to give us a link after you've been.

at you not remembering OH's birthday. My OH never usually remembers our anniversary and this year, he took my surprise when he did. Turns out last year he put it in his phone, so it gave a reminder the day before this year.

So all you need to do is set a reminder for 19 September 2017, and then you have a day to dash out and get a suprise for you OH.

Thats good the nurse was happy with the bloods. Hope the tablets help your problem, and hope the dentist goes ok. Good for you going for a meal after!

OH;s boss took so long coming up with an offer because they had to wait for more cash to be released. But out of the 3 offers the one he has is the closest and more money, so hopefully he will get used to it. Always hard in early stages though getting used to it.



at Brang and Lina. Oh dear sounds like things weren't good for awhile there. Bet this could end up being a sticky divorce too.

Glad you got weather good enough to get some work done again today. Let's hope your health does stay stable.


Looked after mum this afternoon, but not for too long, fortunately my private carer took over, as I had a lot to do at home.

Bake Off tonight, thank goodness as tv not been too good lately.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.
A not bad day here, some sunshine, but raining tonight.


Glad your blood results were OK Hicky. But pity they didn't shed any light on the swollen ankles. Hope your dental check tomorrow goes fine.


Didn't think you would remember your OH's birthday ahead of time. But you managed to put the clues together in the end up.
Your lad wishing her Happy Birthday probably gave it away.


Mollie, glad it's turned out for the best for your OH, even if it takes him a while to settle.
That was good that the private carer was able to take over and give you time to get on.


Angelina is certainly a beautiful woman (if a bit stringy nowadays), and she does a lot for good causes, but I've always thought she had a slightly unstable personality. 'Bit o' a heidbanger' as they would say up here.

Last edited by emptybox

Very wet overnight so damp this morning. But a nice warm sunny afternoon, so I got some grass cut afterall.


This morning I did my monthly accounts and made another batch of tomato soup, as I had another glut of toms.
I used a different recipe and added some carrots rather than a potato, and used more stock, so it was a more liquid soup. Also this time I added some tomato puree, so it was probably more tasty than the last lot. Still got some of the previous batch in the freezer, so I can now pick and choose.


Watched Ingenious Animals on BBC1 then turned to CH4 for that 'Hunted' prog.
It was quite good. I hadn't watched it before.


Evening Both.

A beautiful day here, 15c but sun all day with hardly any wind.

Got to the Dentist's ok, he had retired so all new setup now, they just gave them a check, scrape and clean for ÂĢ19.70 which isn't too much.

The new 3" hinges came, they are smaller than the 3" ones that are fitted on the door, but at least they have a wear ring fitted, but as they are narrower i'll have to buy another 4 to match up, which would mean for 2 doors i will have bought 16 hinges, omg, but i hope to win in the end, maybe.

The Apprentice starts Thursday 6th Oct.

Strictly starts this Friday & Saturday, And Mary Quits the Bake-off.

Mollie, O/H stopped at Sainsbury's on the way home and bought me some clothes to wear tomorrow, they have 25% off them and we get a discount anyway.

The Bloods in the morning are to check for heart problems i think to find the reason for the swollen ankles.

Hope the work your O/H has will work out for the best anyway.

Emptybox, The last bloods test it seems checked for lots of conditions but this one tomorrow is more specific to the swollen ankles.

I think i've forgotten her birthday for most years so she's used to it now.


Evening All.

I think my post didn't go again, the last one says 14 hrs old, it should have gone yesterday, my Firefox said it had an update so i said it could restart, then Gaga said it was asking to leave the page, or did i want to stay on it, then i realised the post hadn't gone so i cancelled the update while i told gaga to post the message., this system is crazy, no way did i forget to send the message.

Yes, i think the tomato puree will give the soup a much stronger flavour.

Another nice day, sun all day, hardly any wind, didn't do much, went out tonight for a meal, we went to a Greek restaurant, had some squid for starter and a Moussaka for main, you get so much food i probably only ate half.

My lad came this afternoon and removed the old hob extractor unit and fitted the new one, it just needs the new special tile fitting in the roof and some wall tiles fitting, we have a spare box of 1sqm in the garage.

Just watching the start of Strictly, 6 tonight and 9 tomorrow, Laura was good, like that girl.

It looks like nice weather here for the weekend so looking forward to that.

Hope you both well and weather not too wet for you.

Have a good weekend both of you.


Hi Hicky.
Not too bad day here. No sunshine but dry. Very windy this evening though. Definitely Autumn now.
Got a few jobs done.


That's a good price for the dentist. Glad you didn't need any treatment.
I'm sure that eventually you'll get to the bottom of those hinges; or the top?
Hope the blood tests don't show any heart problems.


That sounds like a nice meal to celebrate OH's birthday. Moussaka is a favourite of mine.
That's great that your lad was able to fit your new extractor.


I broke the habit of a lifetime and watched Strictly as well, really only to see Laura Whitmore. Yes, I like her as well Hicky.  


Evening Emptybox.

A coolish dry cloudy day here for Saturday, 20C but it didn't reach that, when i looked it was 16c.

Didn't do anything really, just lazed about, TV and videos, so interesting what you can get. so many video's of pruning etc but it does give so many idea's.

I can't work out why the spring hinges are not full of grease when they are made, i did read somewhere that you should oil them but it's not included with the hinges, i was thinking of trying to submerge them in machine oil and then drain them, but out of all the hinges i see on the web only a few have the wear ring which is so necessary or the door swinging will just wear the softest metal away, which is pretty obvious really.

I don't mind paying for a dental check up now and again, i mean 10p a day must be worth it, although if you need treatment i think it's ÂĢ53

Strictly was good tonight, never seen high marks like these on the first night before, they are so good.

X-Factor now as well.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed out.



Been real busy with mum, and we visited the elvis festival today, so was out all least it stayed nice and dry though. I had chips, beans and cheese sitting outside the chippie for late brekkie, very nice. We watched them broadcasting a live radio show for the festival which was very interesting.



gosh those hinges are certainly giving you a lot to think about. Glad the dentist visit went ok. Hope the blood test results are ok. Have they given you any differetn tablets to help the swollen ankles?

I havent had chance to watch Strictly, but did watch X factor. Not keen on the 6 chair thing though, very stressful for the contestants.

that is nice to know the Appretnice starts soon.



that is good you are still managing to get some jobs done in the autumn weather.

Won't be long till you will be back in your hat again.

Your soup sounds nice, yuo must of had a good crop of tomatoes this year. I did hear that tomato puree is good for you, as it is so concentrate.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Dry here and reasonably warm. Some sunshine as well, but spoiled a bit by the wind.
Got my own grass cut and some housework, and went into town for a bit.


Some evidence of a mouse under the bonnet of my van. The plastic cover over the +ve pole of the battery had been nibbled through.
I've put the sonic gadget under there to see if it'll deter it.
Never had problems with the previous van, but that was probably because they preferred to eat the Jag. Now that's not there they've got to slum it with the van.
If the sonic deterrent doesn't work I'll have to set traps.


Can't help you with the hinges Hicky I'm afraid. I just thought they were simple bits of metal.
I had to go private with my dentist years ago. I pay about ÂĢ12 a month by D/D, and that just covers two visits a year for check-up scale and polish, and X-rays every couple of years. You also get a discount off any treatment. But considering A visit is only about 15 minutes with the dentist, and that costs me about ÂĢ70, it's bloomin' expensive for what it is.


Didn't watch Strictly today as it's on too early, but I caught the round up at the end of the show, before I turned over for X-Factor. Watched the Girls' six chair thing, then when the Boys came on I turned over to 'Walking through Time' on CH4+1.


Mollie glad you got a break from looking after your Mum by going to the Elvis festival (are you not sick of that by now? ).

Tomatoes are supposed to be good for you, but unfortunately they are also one of the things I'm supposed to avoid with my condition (according to the web), so I shouldn't overdo them really. Wonder if they are one of the reasons I'm getting quite a few symptoms at the moment? Anyway  the glut has finished now.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

15C here today, sunny as well, not much wind.

Watching the darts on BBC2, quite a nice day really, sun most of the day, had a short shower in the morning.

Didn't do much, my lad came this afternoon with his lot, after that i made a beef roast.

That was nice, the Elvis festival sounds nice, and the meal topped it off for you.

The Hinges shouldn't be a problem, the second one at the top goes 100mm below the other, the rest should come this week then i'll oil them and see what can be done.

They had changed the Bendro to another one Furos..... and i'm waiting to hear when i next go Wednesday to see about the bloods etc, and the tablets.

Don't like the 6 chair thing, not worth watching really, that is very stressful for the singers.

Yes, apprentice on the 6th.

Emptybox, it looks like it's the same mouse, it must be so annoyed you swapped vehicles.

That ÂĢ12 a month is about what it is at this place, but i haven't signed up.

You'll have to watch those tomato's if they can give you a problem, i only have cherry toms but the 4 plants are about 6' tall and have tomatoes all the way up, a constant supply.





hope they can help your problem with the meds and the blood test is ok.

Nice for you to have visitors and your roast today.

X factor...I too have not enjoyed this horrid chair challenge, but am lookingforward to Judges houses and Victoria now.



how odd, I thought I read tomatoes were good for prostrate related problems. I hope your symptoms ease for you now though if it was the tomatoes triggering it off again.

Oh no not that flippen mouse again!  Let's hope your sonic thingie puts him off your van to choose somewhere else to go.

Took mum a walk round seafront and fair today, the place was still full of Elvises and women in 50's rock dresses.  I bought mum a lovely black scarf with bright golden music notes printed on it. She loved  it.


Watching Victorian now, think this is a great series.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.
Sunshine and showers here today. Not too bad.
Didn't do much apart from going to the supermarket. Forgot to buy water though, so might have to pop into Lidl during the week.


No sign of more nibbling under the van, but it's too early to say if the mouse has been deterred.


You might be right Mollie. I just looked up tomatoes and they do say they are good for the prostate, especially prostate cancer, so perhaps they are fine for me after all?
I'm sure when I was first reading up on Prostatitis that some people said that too many of them irritated the prostate, but perhaps I got it wrong.
Mind you, I think it was anything acidic that was bad, so citrus fruits etc, and I'm sure tomatoes were also mentioned.


Hicky, I could have decided not to sign up to the dental scheme and just pay per visit, but it seemed at the time that it would be more expensive. But I think it was only ÂĢ8 per month back then.
Never been that keen on cherry tomatoes for some reason. I prefer the medium sized ones that aren't too sweet or too sour.


Mollie, glad you could get your seaside walk in despite all those leftover Elvises cluttering the place up.

I've recorded Victoria but watched The Island.
Told you Mark would either end up leading them or alienating them. Looks like he's going to do both next week?


Evening Both.

A pretty miserable day here, raining most of the time.

My last lot of hinges arrived today, that was fast, anyway, am preparing to take off the door(s), it will take a while as it means looking up and looking down which is not very easy for me, there's no hurry, i had to wedge one door open so it doesn't wear any more as the wear is meaning that it might be hard to get the release rod into the hole in the hinge that allows you to set the tension on the spring.

Mollie, I might no watch the X-Factor at the judges houses, it's not all that interesting, it's just filling time in for the adverts, i'll wait till they get on the main stage.

Emptybox, Looking into the Tomato problem with the Prostrate it seemed to say that if you have tinned tomatoes the coating on the tin can go into the tomatoes and cause a problem, but it seems so many foods can cause problems with the prostrate, yes, spicy and citric also don't help.

I grew the cherry toms for the grand children but i have been getting them and tim the top then pour boiling water over them then peeling, i then fry or grill, they are so sweet but i love that.

I would like to try and grow Rapunzel Tomatoes, i watch a video from Ray in the USA and one of his plants is 1m wide by 2m high, the way he trains it, he is giving away seeds next year so might get some from him.

I've recorded one of the Island episodes, i always forget what day they are on and my recorder only records 1 episode now.


Hi Hicky.
Wet here most of the day as well. Not very good.
Didn't do much. Went into town and bought some more filters for my water filter jug and picked up my prescription.


Those Rapunzel tomatoes look interesting (looked them up).
As you say, it's very difficult to work out what is and what isn't good for the prostate.


I'm sure you'll get to grips with those hinges in the end.
That must be annoying if your TV recorder won't do series record? That's one of the advantages of them.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, mainly cloudy with a few sun bursts.

My lad came with his work mate to try and fit the roof tile vent unit for the kitchen, it's the wrong tile type again, and this is the second one, have ordered a universal one to see if that fits.

While tinkering with some swing, spring hinges i noticed that one of the tops off a hinge was loose, they screw off, so i took one of the old ones to bits, no wonder they are failing when you have base metal rotating on the end of a steel cylinder that has the weight of a door on it.

Anyway, i took 3 of the new hinges to bits so i can grease the parts that run against each other, and these new ones have the wear ring which of course is so necessary to minimise wear.

The Gas man came this morning as arranged to change the magic meter what has failed, it stopped sending gas usage to the British Gas in July, but it didn't tell me, neither did B.G.

Ray in the US has a specific method of planting tomatoes outside, he lets the new plant in a small pot get about 6 or so leaves then pinches the top off, he lets the side shoots grow till they are 6 or 9 inches long, he then plants it deep enough to let the side shoots go below the surface of the soil, he sinks the side shoots into the soil and they grow roots of their own, so the plant grows wild, he put a heavy steel mesh section around the plant, it grew to 2m high x 1.5m wide in his 4ft x 8ft raised bed, he has loads of toms, so may he can freeze loads and feed his hens with them as well, i think he will be making chutney as well.

I need another recorder really but it's not high priority.

7.10pm Tuesday 27th Sep 16

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I saw it on tv a few times about tomato being good for prostrate problems, and each time they recommended the puree as being really good, because the tomato in it is so concentrate. Hope your symptoms settle down again.

How annoying you are having to go back and foward to get water.

No work progress today then, as it was so wet there. Not as wet here today but still drizzly most of the day. Managed to get a walk in quickly with dog when rain stopped though.


those hinges are keeping you busy, hope you can sort them ok in the end. Sounds like you would of been better off sticking with the old meter, I have heard some of them have been giving incorrect readings as well because they confused the metric and old systems of readings up!

Ray in the US does sound an expert with growing produce.

Hope the roof tile vent fits ok this time.

Private carer had mum today, so gave me some time to catch up with jobs today.

Watching Kirsty and Phil now, don't like Tuesdays for tv. Enjoyed Cold Feet last night though.

Is Mark bonkers on the Island, like he was in the Hotel?

have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Dry here and some sun, but very windy and quite cold.
Not very nice for work, but I got a bit done.


Pity about the roof tile Hicky. What a pity it was the wrong one again.
Still working out how to fit the hinges I see.
Hopefully your gas meter will work now.


That's an interesting way to plant tomatoes. Wouldn't work here as it's not warm enough usually for tomatoes to grow well outside.


Pity it was a drizzly day for you Mollie, but at least you got a short walk in.
Mark's still a character on the Island, but I think we'll see more of him this Sunday as he's taking over the leadership supposedly.


Watched Location then 'National Treasure'.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not a bad day, 20c with cloud and sunny spells, a bit of wind.

I went to the Doctor, he said the blood checks are fine again, he looked at my ankles and has put mo on a 2 week test with taking the new tablet at 8am with another at 12.01pm and to stop the Cardio..... tablet.

I spent rather a long time altering the woodwork for the new hinges, then fitted the 3 to the door-jamb, then adjusted the tension and fitted them to the door, have got 1 door working fine so i can start taking the other 3 hinges to bits and greasing them, will take a few days to finish the second door.

My neighbour from the old house that lived over the back was supposed to come and see me over the summer but his wife is on Chemo and it knocks her for 6, he rang me to ask if i could fit his new dash cam that he got, so i said pop up, i got it fitted and working ok

I'm going to pick some apples for my next door neighbour tomorrow as she's going to make some apple pies and apple crumble to put in her freezer.

Mollie, I like the new meter setup, i think it was a rare thing for it to pack in, it's not a serious problem as it doesn't stop the gas flow, just the readings, it's nice having the display in the hall with the gas and electric usage.

I get a video every week for the USA about his gardening, a few others as well, once you subscribe you get them all every week, great videos.

Mark was on the episode i saw but i keep missing them as i flick down the tv menu every hour to see what is on.

Emptybox, Thats a change for you, dry with some sun, but cold, at least you got some work done.

As i said earlier, the swing doors should be ok when i finish, the 2 top hinges share the weight and and the one i have done seems better than they have ever been.

My tomato plants are fine although they are outside and use double string to hold them up, same as they do in pro greenhouses.

Watching GP's behind closed doors.





hope the weather was ok so you got in your garden today.



well done getting the motivation to go out there and do a bit of work despite the cold weather. Hope there is still no sign of the mouse?

Still mild here, the car showed 19 degrees and that was at 7pm! Drizzly and damp so not nice though.

mark taking over leadership, well if it is anything like the leadership he has on The Hotel, there is not much hope for him or the people he will be leading!


Looked after mum this afternoon then met the family at Eds diner as we had a 50% voucher. For what you get, eg basic burger, chips, chicken dippers type stuff, it is expensive for what you get, but no complaints as we had 50% off!


Watching Bake Off now, I enjoy this show. But I really fancy a lemon merinque now

Have a good evening both.  xx


A bit drizzly and cloudy today but quite warm and muggy.
Got a couple of jobs done.


Hope the new tablet regime is better for you Hicky.
And sounds like you've got the measure of these hinges now.
That was good of you to fix your old neighbour's dash cam.


Hi Mollie. There's been no more sign of the mouse yet.
Yes I think Mark will be hopeless as leader. I should think there'll be a rebellion.
Glad you enjoyed your Ed's Diner dinner. Always better when you get a discount.


Watched Penelope Keith's Hidden Villages, then Can't Pay...., now I'm watching World of Weird.


Evening Both.

Not a bad day, 16c bust sunny spells, some wind though.

Started on the 2nd swing door, took the 3 hinges to bits and greased the moving parts, took the door off and the hinges, cut out for a new hinge on the jamb and fitted a hinge, fitted the bottom hinge, no i have to cut out the door for the new hinge, no hurry.

Gave my neighbour a Bramley apple (1.1LB) and a bag of Ellisons Orange as she wants to cook with them.

My latest roof vent tile came, surrounding the vented centre section is a new material, it replaces lead and can be moulded around the existing tiles, it says use a roofing mastic to seal the edges if required.

Mollie, I only went in the garden to pick tomatoes and apples, nothing really to do.

I started the new medication, well i say new, it's just 2 off one 4 hrs apart and stopping another, i did feel better today though, my belly seemed smaller and i swear my ankles are smaller.

Emptybox, I'm watching Weirdest Events, it might be can't pay later unless i look in my recordings stock.

Glad you got some jobs done, hate that drizzle, so annoying.


Evening Hicky.
Not much sunshine today and quite windy. Also some heavy showers.
I managed to dodge them to get a bit of work done.


You're well on the way to getting those hinges sorted.
That's good that the roof tile vent came. Hope it's the right one this time.


That's great that your new meds regime seems to be paying off, although I realise it's early days yet.
Bet your neighbour was glad of the apples?


Watched George Clarke's Amazing Spaces then Hunted.
Now I'm watching Celebrity Botched Up Bodies as a sort of a dry run for next week's episode when Aisleyne will be on.


It's about her teeth. I thought she'd had veneers done years ago, and her teeth have always looked good on every photo I've seen, but seemingly all is not as it seems, and she's had a great deal of trouble with them.





I bet your neighbour was pleased with the fruit you gave her.

I hope the new meds do carry on suiting you and settle the problem.

How are the hinges coming on? Hope you have more luck with the roof vent tile this time.



sounds hopeful that your sonic device is working then.

Good job you got a bit of work done, I guess it will be a bit hit and miss now at this time of year. Do you have to clear leaves at all as one of your jobs?

I have heard there are a few celebs who have had problems with veneers eg Jordan.


Very changeable here today, bit of sun then real heavy showers, feels a bit cooler too now.

Will have to sort my winter wardrobe out I think.

Looking after mum this afternoon.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

not a bad day, cool but sunny.

Finished the door hinges, very pleased with the result, silent running, smooth swinging.

Went out for tea, just had some chicken wings for starter then Mussels & Fries.

I do feel better with the new tablet setup, i'm sure my ankles are less swollen, belly seems smaller as well, going to cut down on food intake.

Emptybox, Rain dodging, thats not good, it leaves everything soaking.

I was looking at this latest roof tile vent, it's called a universal section so it should fit, not sure how but you are supposed to pretend it is made of lead and use a lead forming wooden tool, which i don't have, to shape the material to fit, i do have a rubber mallet which could do though.

Yes, the meds seem to be helping me, will have to see how it goes.

My neighbour told me this morning she and her cleaner had half each of one of the apples and loved it.

I gave her a pint of Raspberries this morning as well, these, these JoanJ really are special, i think i will get rid or these other twelve plants and replace them with JoanJ, which would give me 18, i would be able to make jam again then.

I saw botched up bodies, what a mess they get into, will be interesting to see Aisleyne next week.

Mollie, Yes, i covered the neighbour, meds, hinges, roof vent etc on intro so won't repeat,

I'm not looking forward to changing over to winter gear at all, also, it's all the leaves i have to pick up, think my grand children will be picking some of them up, one of them seems to enjoy it anyway.

Looking forward to F1 this weekend from Malaysia, the Jungle starts November, Apprentice the 6th Oct.

Watching CSD IT2 at the mo, then The Retweet, then G.B. Menu, then Can't pay.


Hi both.
Not bad day at all here. Sunny, dry and quite warm.
Yesterday it was woolly hat and quilted gillet, today it was sun hat and short sleeves again.
Funnily enough though, it's colder tonight in the house than it was yesterday. Won't be long till I need some heating on, I suppose?


Haven't had to pick up any leaves yet, but no doubt there'll be some as autumn advances.
Picked up some more work today. That place I go to that had the 80 gardener (think I mentioned it?). Anyway, he's finally retired, so I've got more tidying up work to do there. Herbaceous beds etc.


Hi Mollie, as I mentioned I'm already in my Autumn gear for some days. And it's sweaters and thicker shirts indoors. Have had to put my electric blanket on some nights as well.
Not sure how the Botched Up Bodies prog works exactly? But I'm hoping Aisleyne has had her teeth fixed for free by them, so no more dental problems. Guess we'll see next week.


That's great that your meds are doing the trick Hicky, and your excess fluid is going.
And well done on finishing the hinges.
Glad your neighbour enjoyed the apple, and is probably now enjoying your raspberries with some cream.
Yes good idea to get more of the rasp plants that were a success.


Not sure what I'll be watching tonight, as I'm upstairs at the moment doing my business stuff. Just about to go down to make my supper.


Evening Emptybox.

A rather cool wet day here, not heavy rain but very light stuff, didn't go out in it as i hate getting wet.

I was only going to put away the stuff i used in doing the hinges, they are working well, very pleased.

It was only 14c outside, it's just over 19 in the Bungalow, i was feeling cold at times, probably because i am sitting down most of the time if i don't go out, but with the temperature the heating is set to it wouldn't come on during the day anyway as it's set to 19c, but at 5pm it changes to 20c till 8pm so that would help with a little warmth.

Thats handy getting more work after the other gardener retired, always handy.

I imagine the botched up bodies show pays for the the treatment, otherwise there wouldn't be any point of the show surely, it will be interesting to see what happened to Aisleyne's teeth.

Been watching F1 practices today, strictly now, 2 hours, then change over to X-Factor.

Hop Mollie not too stressed out.


Hi Hicky.
It was quite a nice day here, dry and mostly sunny.
Got one job done, but that was all I needed to do as I'm more or less up to date.


Pity you had rain that stopped you getting tidied up.
I haven't turned on my heating yet, but it's certainly getting cooler in the evenings.


Enjoyed X-Factor, but Louie made a mess up of choosing the groups. Why get rid of the girl group that could win it, in favour of those two spangly clowns who don't stand a chance?
Also didn't like Simon putting the two Scottish girls up against each other. He should have put both through.


Evening Emptybox.

A lovely day here, such a contrast to yesterday, 14c and sunny all day with no wind.

All the stuff tidied up now.

Took the apples of the Ellisons Orange and put them in the garage in a big tray on shredded paper.

O/H made a lovely Sunday Roast, Chicken this week.

I pruned the Olive tree after watching some video's online, the garden is filling out now with the growth on all the trees, very pleased with it.

My ankles and belly seem to have changed a lot, very pleased so far, they are almost back to normal so very excited, walking seems easier and working is as well, haven't had to sit down so often so my breathing could be improved.

Yes, although the outside temperature is down the Bungalow stays pretty warm, it's 19.2c in my office so no point inputting the heating on yet.

On X-Factor you must remember it's not all about the singing, they want to put on a show, thats why the clowns are still in, it's all about advertising revenue, Having Louis is a joke, he hasn't got a clue, i assume none else wanted to be in the show.

Simon should know what he's doing, the shows are a joke, they must know who will be the last 12 well before they get to their houses, thats just to make a program, i think Simon will tell all the judges whi he wants to go to the live show, there's no way he would let them please themselves.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed this weekend.






that is excellent that the meds seem to be doing their work and you are feeling so much better. So nice if you can get around and do jobs more comfy now. That is good your bungalow stays nice and warm, that'll help keep those heating bills down. Glad you got the hinges done. Hope you can rope the grandkids into helping get rid of the leaves.


congrats on getting this extra job,... age 80 is certainly a late age to retired. That is good you are up to date work wise, we haven't had a bad spell of weather lately.

I agree about Louis being a pain putting through those 2 idiotic clowns. I remember them from Coach Trip. They were ultra annoying.


Was real busy yesterday, went to Costco as running out of everything. Plenty of free samples. Then in the evening went to see a charity music concert which was nice.

Yesterday it poured with rain on and off all day. but today it was wonderful. I sat in the garden and it was very warm. Got around 7 washloads dried today too.

This afternoon took mum out down seafront and round fair, still really warm and sunny, so lots of people there. I had a clotted cream/caramel flavour ice cream, very nice, mum had blueberry and clotted cream. It is weird when I take her out,  I get this feeling of being really alone evern though she is there. But she can only say 1 or 2 words each day.

Ejoying watching X factor now, then love Victoria after.

Have a good evening both xx



Hi peeps.
Lovely day here as well. Only about 13 degrees, but felt warm in the sun.
Very cold first thing though. I bet if I'd been up early enough, I'd have seen a frost.


Dug up the rest of my potatoes. About 40 from three shaws, so not bad. Quite a few small ones, but quite a few big ones as well.


That's really good that you are seeing such an improvement Hicky. Health makes all the difference.


I see Sharon put Honey G through, which again must be because of the entertainment factor rather than the chance of a winner. But I guess you are right Hicky, they have to think about that as well as the singing.


Hi Mollie.
Oh yes, I'd heard that those two had done coach trip previously.
Glad you enjoyed the charity concert.
Pity your Mum can't be better company, but I'm sure the outings do her good.


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