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Hi Hicky.
Yes wet here today as well, so didn't do much outside.
That's handy, your OH getting a 20% discount.


I didn't offer the neighbour his branches back, but I just put them over the bank at the back of the house, so he hasn't got far to go if he wants to retrieve them.

Didn't realise it was another F1 this weekend.
Didn't watch Strictly but did watch X-Factor. Didn't seem to be anybody stand-out?
I then watched the film War Horse. Hadn't seen that before.


Yes hope Mollie isn't kept off the web.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.

A cooler day here.17C but cloudy and dry.

Didn't do much, \o/\\\\\\\h been cleaning everything for visitors tomorrow.

My lad popped in with his lot, had coffee and little ones were making toys with cardboard cartons and tape etc.

Some nice Raspberries ready, they are the JoanJ ones, very big as well, gave the lads some but wanted to leave some for the visitors.

Made a nice chicken roast dinner, very nice too.

Can't see much on the TV, it says X-Factor but without identity info i don't know of it's yesterdays again.


Hi Hicky.
Rain here this morning. Caught me out as it wasn't forecast, and I had some washing out.
But turned into a nice sunny warm afternoon, so my washing got dry anyway.


Went to the supermarket as usual.
After saying that I didn't know if I'd get any ripe tomatoes, I've now got a glut of them. (not sure if the banana trick helped?)
This afternoon I made a pan of tomato soup with the surplus. So I'm going to have a bowl with my supper, then I'll freeze the rest.


Glad you've got some nice rasps ready.
Yes it#s a nuisance having to clean for visitors. But in my case, the place might not get much cleaning otherwise.


It's definitely a new episode of X-Factor tonight Hicky. They seem to be having the auditions on a Saturday and a Sunday just now.
Looking forward to watching 'Victoria' afterwards.



Hope you are both well.

I am back at last. Son managed to fix my lappy. It was the pad thingie you touch at the bottom of it, he had to unsscrew the machine and refasten some tape that holds it on. Then the typing bit was skipping around so he fixed that too. Have missed you both.

Will go and read back now.

a good night for tv with X factor and Victoria. REally enjoying both of those.

What a day here yesterday, poured all day, but better today.

OH took son to Belfast to do the 2nd Game of thrones tour as he enjoyed last one so much. They flew this time, it only took plane 50 mins to get back. Here is the trip they did.


They went over the cliffs on a little rope bridge and saw Giants Causeway. They said they could clearly see Scotland, so they were not far from you Emptybox.

Off to read and see what you have been up to.




hope you have a good day with your visitors tomorrow, well done on getting all the cleaning/tidying done. Is it family or friends, and do they have far to travel? I bet they will enjoy eating some of your home grown produce.



sounds like the banana peel trick worked wonders on your tomatoes. So it is tomatoes with everything now. Hope you enjoy your soup.


Yes it s great we have 2 x factors this weekend.

have you noticed how attractive the girl who plays Victora is? (as if you wouldn't though!)   I love it because it is a true story and has wonderful sets/costumes and actors.

Finding mum's care times really difficult to plan right now, but the private carer is real good with her. The agency still have to do the getting up/put to bed bits as that takes double handlers, so social services pay. Then I now fill in the rest with me or my private carers.

Have a good evning both xxx



Hi Mollie. Glad your laptop is fixed.
Your son must be good with the technical stuff.
Pity you're still having to struggle with arranging your Mum's care, but can't be helped I suppose.


That Game of Thrones tour looks interesting.
Yes it's only about 12 miles across the North Channel from Antrim to the Mull of Kintyre in Scotland. Of course that's across the other side of Scotland from me. Maybe 150 miles as the crow flies, and over 200 miles by road.


Yes, I've been a fan of Jenna Coleman who plays Victoria since she played Dr Who's assistant. Some of the reviews have complained that she's too beautiful to play Victoria, but I'm not complaining. 

Last edited by emptybox

Evening both.

The visit went well, a beautiful dry day, a bit cloudy early on but nice when they came at 1pm.

They enjoyed picking the Raspberries, and they loved seeing all the Apple trees, it was O/H's Sister, her Mother and an Aunty, we gave them a finger buffet which they enjoyed.

They loved the Bungalow and the Garden so that went well.

Emptybox, It's nice to have a glut of tomato's, making soup is a challenge, did you find a recipe?

I've lots of cherry toms on at the mo, if the plants live it will be very nice.

Yes, as you said, it was a new episode of X-F wonder why they don't indicate on the tv guide what part it is so we know.

Mollie, Glad you got your Lappy fixed, it's awful without it.

That was nice O/H taking son to Belfast to do the 2nd Game of Thrones tour.

I'll look at the link when i finish this post, in case something goes wrong.

The family didn't come far, O/H's sister picked them up from Hoylake and brought them, which left O/H free making Royal sandwiches and plating finger cakes with fresh pork pies halved, also a salad and dishes of cucumber, beetroot, egg & cress, the sandwiches were salmon, ham, egg & cress & crab, they all went down well.

Such a problem with carers but not an easy answer is there?




Aaahh, so I see even though Scotland was so close to them when they were in N Ireland, but you were still a long way away!

Yes my son is real good with techy stuff (unlike his mum!), he loves unscrewing and fixing friends and families lappys. Mine is working real good again now. In fact it is faster than it was. But he wasn't sure how long it would last as it was a cheap lappy and not very well put together he said. 

How is your new mower going? Hope it lasts, and the van too!



Sounds like your visitors were well looked after food wise, what a nice choice for a spread. Nice for them to be able to pick raspberries and see all your garden produce. Godo job the weather was fine, it was wet again here today!


Looked after mum this afternoon, she ate well but I have to spoon feed her everything, and she takes ages to eat, but at least she is enjoying her food.

All of mum's carers are lovely, shame about the management of the agency! They are the ones focused on making money whilst the carers do all the hard graft!


Daugther made me a lovely tea when I got home, all veg I enjoy...mushrooms, mini tomatoes, small potatoes, roast sweet potatoes, peas, carrots and a little cheese pastry. Followed by strawberries and some cake she made.

Looking forward to watching the new Cold Feet tonight.

OH is watching Wales play football upstairs.

Have a good evening both xxx



Not too bad today. Mostly cloudy but some sunshine. Not cold.


Hi Hicky.
Glad your visitors had a good time, even if they didn't come very far.
Nice variety of food.


I followed a Delia Smith recipe from a book for the soup. It didn't turn out exactly as planned. She said to sieve the soup and throw away the skin pips etc, but I ended up with a lot of pulp and not much liquid, so I just combined the lot in a blender to give a thicker soup than planned. Delicious though.
Last year I used a Jamie Oliver recipe online which was much more liquid. I'll need to try and find that one again for the next time.


Glad your laptop is going well Mollie.
My mower seems to be behaving itself at the moment. And my van seems fine.
Glad you had a nice tea after looking after Mum.
I watched Cold Feet as well. I never watched it previously but thought I'd give it a go. Seems OK but not sure I'll stick with it?


Just heard about Diesel Particulate Filters (DPFs). Seemingly they can get blocked if you only do short journeys in a diesel van, leading to expensive repairs.
My old didn't have one and I can't find out if my new one has?
It's important to know, because you are supposed to make sure you do some longer journeys (about 20 minutes once a week), to clear out the filter.
Going by the registration doc it's Euro 4 spec, so some have a DPF and some don't. If it had been Euro 5 it would definitely have one. Googling hasn't been very helpful.
I can't see anything obvious under the van, and there's no light on the instrument panel, but the manual mentions a DPF; mind you it covers a range of models.
I'll maybe have to ask a garage to be sure.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Weather lovely again, not hot sun but warm 23C and no rain.

Had another plum of the tree, only one left for O/H now.

Didn't do much today, should have been at dentist for a check up but they rang to move it back a week. Going to open the ends of the apple bags next year so the branch can grow as normal as they are bending because they can't grow straight. I've been finishing off food that was left from the buffet yesterday, then O/H wanted to go to New Brighton for fish and chips. Don't like to turn down a meal out, although we eat it looking over the river.

Mollie, Yes, these raspberries are massive, a lovely flavour as well.

It's hard when you have carers so nice but the agency seem to have a different agenda, it's hard work having to feed you mum like that but bo option really, as long as she is enjoying it thats great.

It's nice having your daughter making food for you, and strawberries and cake, very nice.

Emptybox, Have downloaded an add-on for Firefox, it's called (NoScript) and it installs itself and has a line at the bottom of the web page, if you need a script to run you click an Option icon at bottom left of page and you select one of the options, i was getting a lot of warning post messages that said about unresponsive scripts and do i want to stop them, well now i am in control of them.

I think with the soup, you should sieve it of course but it may be better to take the core out and the skin off the tomato's first, you need to add some Tomato PurÃĐe as it gives a rich flavour which would be missing, but as long as you enjoy it

Short runs on any vehicle is the worst thing that can happen, the oil is running around cold, the engine starts with no oil as it has drained to the sump, the engine is cold so the wear is greatest, short runs will ruin the engine in no time, also the engine will get a build up of soot, the engine need a good speed distance run every couple of weeks to clean it out.

I know nothing about DPF's so can't help on that front.




Hope your OH enjoys the last plum off the tree.

Wonder why the dentist put you off for  a week, perhaps extending his/her holiday?   Good for you enjoying fish and chips out. (and the last of the party food too!).


Your tomato soup does sounds delicious.

Hope you find the answer to your van query at the garage.


Tired out today...son got all panicky about going back to college, so had to get other son to take him. OH had an interview for a job in Cardiff as he is inbetween contracts now, then when he got home he got offerred another job, but it is in Liverpool! Then I had a meeting with a new agency, they seem very nice so not sure what to do, as I like my carers now, but there is management problems. Have to think about it.

Couldn't find anything decent to watch on tv at all tonight!


It is so hot and stuffy here today, not sunny just horrible humid.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Hicky.
Quite muggy here today but not much sun. Dry enough for grass cutting though.


Had a phone call from the landlady to say I was going to get a notice through the door about having to boil drinking water. It's a private water supply and seemingly it's failed a test for coliform bacteria. She said the water at the farm had passed, but another farm on the same supply failed.
So I guess I'll have to boil water for drinking for the moment, or buy bottled water.
What a nuisance. And no clue how long it might last.


Pity your dentist appointment was put back.
Good idea not to turn down a meal out. You never know when the next one is coming.


I think these DPFs are a con. They make the vehicle look cleaner and greener at testing and MoTs, by filtering out the soot from the exhaust, but because you've got to drive at high revs to burn the soot off into the atmosphere, they're not really green at all.

With fuel the cost it is I don't fancy having to go on extra trips just to clear this filter, so I'd like to find out if I have one or not.
My usage of the old van seemed to suit it as it was reliable for years.


Glad you've got those scripts under control in Firefox. Can't say I've had similar problems in Chrome.
Didn't think about tomato puree for the soup. Maybe for the next batch.


Looking forward to the Paralympics starting tomorrow.


Hi Mollie.
Congrats to your OH on his job offer, but pity it's so far away.
Will he wait and see what the result of the Cardiff one is first?
Mind you, if you moved to Liverpool you'd be close to Hicky.


Difficult decision about the care agencies. I guess continuity of carers is important for your Mum?


Think we are supposed to get more sun in the next few days.
It's quite cool at night here, but warm and muggy through the day.




hope you had good weather so you could get in your garden. Any signs of the approaching autumn within your garden?



Gosh, how annoying about your water. If you want bottled water, Lidl is dead cheap. Hope you can sort this filter type problem out ok. I don' t want you to have any disappointment in your new van.

Did you get any work done today?

Very hot and stuffy again today here.

I have told the social worker I want to change agency.  But have to wait 3 -4 weeks till they have staff available. 

Oh dear, OH decided to turn down the Liverpool job this morning, and so they then decide to offer him a lot more money! But then we have to decide is it worth the sacrifice of him staying away? Maybe, maybe not, he found his daily 120 round commute for the last 18 months exhausting. But if we can manage to move up north, the job will be a lot closer, which we'd still like to do eventually. He is going to ask more questions about hours of work, to see if he can start late Mondays and finish early Fridays. And of course , he would be able to wave over the river towards Hicky!

Watching Bake Off, which I always enjoy.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

A pretty good day weatherwise, 24C and sunny.

Went to the nurse for the annual COPD check up, not bad, she has booked for me to give Bloods Friday, to check for problems.

Gave a neighbour some fresh raspberries off the bush.

Mollie, I think the dentist moved my appointment because they are so busy and mine was just a check up.

The New Brighton F & Chips wasn't as good as it had been, O/H said, i thought it was a the same.

Got the second Olympics now to watch.

Yes, hope you are happy with whatever is finalised with O/H and his job.

Emptybox, Thats bad news about the water, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Hope it doesn't last too long.

Yes, the DPF's do a good job but no point unless all diesels have them, i thought the unburnt gasses went back into the engine to be burnt again anyway.

I'll see how it goes with the scripts, but it was probably certain scripts on certain web pages that hung the computer up, i can now see what scripts are trying to run and just allow enough to see the page, don't forget each page is like a computer program, it's a massive amount of files that all work together, but each file runs on the site that it comes from, it doesn't run on your computer, it could consist of 30 files or more and has to access each part in real time from somewhere in the world.

I might have to try Chrome again, MS Edge is hopeless.


Hi both.
Not bad day. Bit of sunshine, bit of cloud, bit of wind and a bit of drizzle. Quite muggy when it wasn't windy.
Got quite a lot done anyway. Grass cutting, strimming and hedge cutting, as per usual.


I boiled a few kettle fulls of water up yesterday and put them in bottles in the fridge overnight, to make my squash for today. I usually take 2 litre bottles with me in the summer. Don't always drink it all. Depends how much of a sweat I work up.


That's a good idea about looking in Lidl for water Mollie. I was going to look in the supermarket to see what the price was, as I've never bought it.
Should think it would still work out more expensive than boiling the kettle though? Probably a combination of bottled and boiled would be good.


Quite a dilemma for your family Mollie, if your OH decides the money is too good to turn down the Liverpool job. But I guess he's used to working away during the week?
Hope the change to the new care agency goes smoothly in a few weeks.


I don't think my van has a particulate filter, but I'd like to have that confirmed.
I think it was made just before they became compulsory. That was more by luck than judgement though, as I was completely ignorant of them when I bought it.
They make it impractical for any vehicle that mostly does short trips to run on diesel.


Glad your breathing tests were fine Hicky. Hope blood tests are as well.
Yes, I guess some media rich websites can be very complicated.


Don't know what came over me tonight? I actually watched the Great British Bake Off. And didn't hate it.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Rain early on today, cleared up by 11am then it was nice.

Having to fast now till i give blood at 10am.

Did i tell you i got special hinges fitted for my 2 swing doors, well i bought the hinges and they have been giving a problem, you would think they could give some means of filling with grease or oil, but know, when they become dryer they start playing up, on reading about them on the web i realised the size i bought is too small for these doors, i sent off for the 5" as the others are 3", they came today, omg, they are massive so i have sent off for the 4" to try them first, they don't cost much so thats ok, around ÂĢ5 each, but only need 2 as it's the top ones that matter to take the door weight, i could use 2 x 3" at the top but don't fancy that, will have to oil these before they are fitted.

Glad you got a lot done yesterday, it all helps the budget.

Some places have the big water bottles, 5 gallon or so which work out pretty cheap.

Hope you find out about the DPF, whether you have one or not.

With the Bloods in the morning i can only hope all the results are not too bad, i am certainly carrying too much water, i have put on 10kilo since i was weighed last, that was probably around the time of my hip replacement.

I like the Bake off, they are so clever with what they make.

Hope Mollie sorts her carer problem out and O/H's job location.


Hi Hicky.
Wet here most of the day so no work done. Cooler and windier too.


Fasting? That won't suit you at all. Good job it's just for the one day.
Good luck for tomorrow. Hopefully the results will help with curing your water retention.


Pity it's been a fiddle to find the right hinges for your doors. Hope the 4" ones are suitable.
Didn't realise you could buy such large quantities of water. I'll look out for those.


Enjoying watching the Paralympics so far. Success at the cycling again.
I seem to remember four years ago I found all the different categories confusing, and I ended up losing a bit of interest in it. We'll have to see if that happens this time?


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, 20C but very cloudy.

Got to the docs ok, it wasn't too bad fasting for 14 hrs, after the bloods we went for brekkie to a place down Banks Road in West Kirby, had a lovely meal, will defo go again.

Am starting taking the ends off the net sleeves i made so the branch can grow free instead of hitting the end of the net.

Have taken a lot of nets off now as the moths are long gone, thats what they say anyway.

Pity you had lots of rain, such a problem in your job.

I saw quite a lot of the Paralympics, they are so good.

I can see a lot of medals being won.

Hope Mollie has sorted her stuff out, a lot to worry about.


both xxx


good for you getting brekkie out, ,well deserved after 14 hours of starving!

Hope the blood test results are ok, very strange about the fluid thing though. I wonder if it is to do with your hip op? I often get fluid build up at the end of the day all round my neck, either side of the  op scar. Let's hope the moths have all gone now you have your nettings taken off.



pity you got wet weather there. Let's hope it doesn't last so you don't get behind work wise. Any news on when your water will be sorted. This Thursday they start some more garden offers in Lidl. Think they have hedge cutters.


Mum had a lot of cards off her carers, which was sweet of them. Have to wait a few weeks now to move agency till they get new staff.

OH has turned the Liverpool job down as he got offerred one in Swansea yesterday, thank goodness he doesn't have to work away now. Pity I won't be popping in to visit Hicky for some garden produce though.


Looking forward to watching Joanna Lumley in Japan tonight, I really like her travel shows.

Have a good evening both xxx



Evening all.
Wet start here but turned into a largely dry day. Cloudy and windy though.
Got a couple of jobs done this afternoon.
I'm up to date, but might do a job tomorrow if it's nice weather. Otherwise it'll keep till Monday.


Hicky, nice that you got a nice brekkie after the blood tests to make up for the fast.
Hope your adjusting of the netting bears fruit next year, so to speak.


Thanks for the Lidl tip Mollie. I might look in on Thursday. I probably will go in to get some bottled water too.
No idea when something might happen with the water? I guess the  3 farms on the private supply would have to clean out pipes and tanks and then it would have to be tested again. It comes from a spring, so the water source itself should be OK. Could be months though.
I was talking to the neighbour and she  says she's not bothering to boil drinking water, but I think I will just now.


Congrats to your OH getting a job in Swansea. A slightly shorter commute than to Liverpool.
That was nice of the carers to give your Mum cards.


Didn't watch Joanna Lumly. I was glued to the Paralympics again.


Hi guys.
Bit damp first thing and the grass stayed wet all day, so I decided not to do any work today.
I did get my own grass cut late afternoon, when the sun came out, but even then it was a bit damp.


Went into town to Lidl and bought some bottled water. They didn't have any 5 litre bottles, but I got two 2 litre bottle for 17p each. Not a bad price, and it just tastes like tap water.
The boiled water had a nasty taste, even after it had been chilled in the fridge. Not sure why as it tastes fine in tea and other hot drinks?


Still enjoying the Paralympics, and we had a bumper haul of golds yesterday.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, dry and 20C here, no wind either.

Didn't rally do anything, O/H had got my food list so all is good.

Just watching X-Factor, watched the Paralympics last night, till 12.15 anyway, some good medals, amazing people all of them.

Mollie, I can't remember when i starting getting all the swelling, sure i didn't have it before the Hip Op.

I think i have a lot of water on the stomach as well.

Will have to see what the Bloods show up.

Yes, the Moths stop laying eggs at the end of July as far as i know.

That was nice getting cards off the carers, that really does show they care.

That was handy getting a job in Swansea, at least, better than working away.

Emptybox, Glad you are up to date with your work, great, takes the pressure off.

Yes, i've got all winter to alter the netting sleeves and make more, need all different lengths but they are cheap to make and easy.

I'm not sure if it's a good idea what your neighbour says about not boiling the water,, some places have those big bottles with a handle that goes over the top to carry it, they are about 10litres or more, not sure who has them, maybe Sainsbury's as we had them when doing up the bungalow before we got water on, i have one in the shed for my shed water store for the kettle.

Yes, the Paralympics are so good, such admiration for them doing what they do.


both x


that is good you are up to date work wise. That is a bit of a blow if the water is not right for 3 months. Don't blame you carrying on being cautious especially if it tastes odd.

Yes Lidl water is the cheapest I have found. The garden stuff starts this Thursday, varies a little between areas. All areas seem to have a lot of the same stuff, eg the hedge cutter at ÂĢ29.99, and other things. Our area also has foldable petrol mowers reduced from ÂĢ139 to ÂĢ99, yours might too if you check. Ideal for you as a back up, and guaranteed for 3 years.


Glad you are still enjoying your olympics, but do try and watch Jonna Lumley, it was a great show.


hope you had a good day and got in your garden.


Went to Cardiff today, to get mum a few clothes, and to myself a few cardies in the sale too.

Started wet here today, but cleared up later .Spent a lot of time on my phone sorting mum's care out though. My usual private carer is on hols, so had a stand in, she is lovely too though.

Watching X factor then Newzoids, so funny that was last week.

Have a good evening both. xxx


Dry and bright here, but quite windy so cooler.
Went to Sainsburys as usual for a Sunday.

You were right Hicky, it's Sainsburys that have the 5 litre containers of water, but for ÂĢ1.10, so much more expensive per litre than Lidl.
Sainsburys did have basic sparkling water for 20p for 2 litres, so about the same as Lidl. But they didn't have basic still water for some reason? Sparkling is no good to me.


Thanks for the Lidl gardening links Mollie. Doesn't look like there's anything for me this time, but I might look in on Thursday just in case they have the cordless hedge trimmers.
Glad you got some clothes bargains for yourself and Mum.


Watching the Paralympics again today.
I don't seem to be losing interest in it this time.
The presentation on CH4 is not as professional as that from the BBC for the Olympics proper IMO. I know Clare Balding does both, and she's fine, but a lot of the minor presenters stumble over their words and just aren't as good.
But the sport is great.

Last edited by emptybox



Hope you had a good day, and got out in your garden.


yes the hedge trimmer at that price might do you well, and you can stack up with cheap water at the same time.

Glad you are enjoying your olympics.

I like Sunday nights because it is X factor and Victoria. I take it you still follow Victoria?

Took mum a walk down seafront and round the fare and listened to the good singer outside the seafront pub. So glad it was nice weather.

Have a good evening both. Tv time now. xx




Evening Both.

My post from last night has gone, whats going on, why are they losing the posts, then the first thing they did was ask if i want to pay the ÂĢ25 or whatever it is as if to say if you pay up you wont lose posts, very strange.

It could have not gone through but the computer crashed this morning so that wouldn't help.

Not a bad day here, Monday 6.17 pm 22C with sunny spells.

Got the Dentish tomorrow, could be a check up but may need some work doing, got the Flu jab Saturday, doctors appointment has been changed had to change it again because the gas man is coming on the 27th in the morning as the smartmeter set-up isn't working.

I recorded last nights Paralympics but deleted it by mistake as i was deleting a program and the pointer was on the wrong one, you would think they would have a undelete because it wouldn't actually delete the program, hard drives never do that, they just either hide the label or change the first letter of the title to a $ sign so it becomes a hidden file.

O/H was picking some Raspberries today, these JoanJ certainly must be the best to have.

The new hinges came today, not sure if i will be able to fit them myself because it means looking up, that could be a problem.

Fell out of bed last night, i was dreaming, i reached out in the dream to grab something and ended on the floor on my back with the duvet under me, didn't hurt anything which was lucky, didn't know if i could get up on my own but turned over and managed to get onto my knees then go up ok., have done that twice now.

I'm all out of sync with the posts now.

Mollie, That was good getting some clothes for your mum and cardies for yourself from Cardiff.

Thats awkward with your carers, hope it turns out ok.

I enjoy the NewZoids program, so good like the old days.

Emptybox, The water bottle in my shed is 5L i checked, it does seem a lot bigger though.

Enjoying the Paralympics, such courageous competitors, you have to admire them, it's hard to believe what they are capable of.

Just edited it to check it's here 6.49 12-Sep-16


Last edited by Hicky



pity you lost your post. Easy to do since they changed the forum, make sure you remember to press "Post Reply", as I have forgotten to do that a few times, then you lost my post.

And...losing your recording too, not good. Could you maybe find it online?

Gosh that is not good falling out of bed, perhaps you should make something soft like a thick quilt is always on the floor as you have done it twice now.

Shame it looks like the hinges are going to be complicated, hope you can get them sorted ok.

How does your OH eat raspberries? As they come? Or with cream/bake with them?  Good luck at the dentist tomorrow.


work day or rained off today?


Looked after mum today. She ate well and was grizzly inbetween, think she was tired as her bus home was delayed. It is a special council bus though with an escort so they are well looked after.


Looking forward to watching Cold fee tonight, enjoyed it last week.

I thought Victoria was great last night too.

Have a good evening both xxx



Hi both.
Warm and muggy today but not much sun. Dry though so I got plenty done.


Posts lost, computer crashes, recordings deleted, and tumbles out of bed? Not having a good day Hicky?
Pity your smart meter isn't working properly either.
Hope you have better luck at the dentist tomorrow.

Yes better not to attempt to fit the hinges yourself, if it's going to make you dizzy.


Hi Mollie. Yes I still enjoyed watching Victoria last night, although it's turning a little bit too much into a Romance for me..
I gave Cold Feet a miss tonight in favour of the Paralympics.
The hedge cutter in your Lidl link is a plug in one. If I was going to get one it would have to be a cordless rechargeable one. But I might still pop in to see if they are selling one of those.


Got another letter about the water. Seemingly now they've decided there's too much lead in it as well. Not sure if from the same lot of testing or not?
Anyway, that's even more reason to use bottled water.
I might also buy a filter jug to filter the tap water for making hot drinks


Evening Both.

Didn't do much today, worked on my netting sleeves again, opened the end on some more.

Dentist was cancelled again, put back a week.

Doctors appointment changed as well, got Flu jab Saturday, so far, the Doc later in the month.

Mollie, I was sure i posted the other night, i check now in case, so annoying.

You are right, will have to put something down as i'm going to hurt myself.

The only problem with the hinges is me, i would have to work looking up, that could be a problem as i would probably go dizzy.

O/ just eats the raspberries as they are she collects them then sits and eats them, she's going to have a lot of Apples i know that

And these 2 new Fig plants are growing like mad, i think i can just reach the tops.

The Kiwi berry plant has started to grow as well, very pleased with that.

Emptybox, Yes, how many times have i heard that saying, Not having a good day.

I thought the pipes made of lead were taken out years ago, omg, it's poisonous, don't think boiling would get lead out would it?

A normal filter wouldn't take anything out of the water except bricks, you really need to convert the water to distilled, that would cure the problem.

Posted 8.55 13-Sep-16

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Very warm and humid here today but again not a lot of sunshine. Raining here this evening.
Cut a big hedge this afternoon, but it was too warm for that really, and very dusty.
Still have a bit of something in my eye, that I cam't get rid of. Very annoying.


Pity your dentist appointment was put back and the doctor as well.
At least you've got your flu jab to look forward to.


No, boiling the water won't take out any lead. These jug water filters are supposed to take out some of the lead and other heavy metals etc though. The best (most expensive) ones can seemingly filter out something like 90% of lead. The cheaper ones like Brita only take out about 15% of the lead, but that might be enough. Even running the tap for a couple of minutes before you take the water is supposed to help, as water standing in the pipe collects more lead.


The landlady phoned me up and said they had found 11 ppb lead in a sample taken from the farm, whereas the allowed UK limit is 10, so only just over the limit. She also said the US allows up to 15 ppb.
She also said that she thought there was an old lead pipe to the tap where they took the sample but it is a cast iron pipe that takes the water to me, so she thinks I'll be OK. 
However I don't know whether to believe her as she's obviously trying to minimize the impact of these tests.
Sounds like they haven't been maintaining the water supply properly and have been caught out.


Called into Lidl and bought 6 more litres of water as I'd almost run out. I seem to be needing about 2 litres per day. It's cheap enough, but a bloomin' nuisance having to buy all these bottles. So perhaps a combination of running the water then boiling it then filtering it might work?


It's all about the Paralympics again tonight. They don't seem to be winning as many golds tonight though.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A hot day today, pretty humid although there was no clouds in the sky, 27c on my outside thermometer in the shade.

Just messed about in the garden, my O/H had ordered the new set top box from BT you only pay for the delivery, we set that up, i had the electrician put cables and sockets in the wall all around the rooms for the Network, satellite and digital aerial so you just link up from a to b. but as she had the web and Freesat and Freeview on the  Smart TV, she can get all the sports and just about everything now, this box records as well.

I can get an upgrade on the BT broadband Hub, they say i've got the old one BT Home Hub 5, there's a 6 out now, more powerful with stronger Wifi, i just have to pay delivery, so thats ok.

I'm wondering what to do with these 2 new Fig trees, they seem to have taken off, i have to duck now while passing, i keep moving them a bit but am amazed how they could grow so much in 1 season., there's another Fig one tree, i took one fig off but i can't find the other one, it's like being in a jungle.

At least you got a big hedge cut, you need to see about that eye, although it can still hurt when the object has gone, the eye can get scratched so be very careful.

Yes, a Flu jab is something to look forward to, not.

The water is certainly dodgy if it had lead in it, i wouldn't take a chance really.

Don't you have a stream were you can get clean water from, surely there one, you might even get some fish while you are pinching the water, it would make the journey worth while.

Loving the Paralympics, how fantastic are you.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed and has sorted the Cares out, 8.19 14-Sep-16


both xx


Your BT thing sounds like you have a lot of choice of tv for you and your OH.

Well I guess you could make your flu job a bit of something to look forward to, if you  promise to reward yourself with a nice brekkie out after.



gosh it must be so annoying having to cart all that water around. Typical, trying to cover up they haven't bothered mainting the water ok. Well your LL is bound to play it down, isn't she? let's hope they sort it soon.

Not nice having something in your eye. Have you tried filling a bowl with cold water and opening your eye in the water? Do you think something went in it when you were gardening?

Good idea of Hicky's go and get some water if yuo have some mountain with fresh water.

Gosh, far too hot and humid here today, very uncomfy. Can't believe it is September.

Worn out trying to sort mum's care out and looking after her. Took me an hour and half to get home on bus last night, as it didn't turn up! Son was at drama and OH had to take daughtr out, so I hadn't got a lift back. I iwll have to get carers in on Tuesdays now, as it is so tiring. Good job daughter had made me a nice coly cheese and veg dinner.

Watched Bake Off , like that.

Daughter is going to do a sugar craft class at college soon. So I think we will get to sample lots of cakes.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Raining here all day and much cooler, 12 or 13 degrees I think.
Hopefully the dry weather will return tomorrow as I've a lot to get done.


It's a bit of grit or something from the hedge that's in my eye. I can still feel it in there, but it's not been too bothersome today.
I'm always getting stuff in my eyes with this job, and I can never get them out with water or fingers or anything else. But they always seem to work their way out in their own time. Usually overnight.


I've had my eyeball scratched by a bush before Hicky, a few years ago (actually nearly 20 yrs ago ). It was really painful and I had to go to the doc and wear an eye patch for a couple of days. I may have had to put drops in as well, can't really remember.


You now seem to be doubly sorted for telly Hicky, with the addition of this BT box.
That was far sighted of you, to get the bungalow fully cabled up while you were at it.
Yes a good idea to get the newest BT router while it's being offered.
Great that your figs have put on so much growth.


There is a burn/river just a couple of mins walk away, at the back of the house. It's a good one for brown trout as well.
My water comes from a  hill spring anyway, so there'll be nothing wrong with the source. It'll be the pipes or tank that are at fault.


Pity you are so worn out after looking after Mum and coming home on the bus Mollie. Good you've got Bake Off to come home to, and your daughter's cooking.
What do you think of Bake Off moving to CH4 next hear, possibly with new presenters?


Loads more golds at the Paras tonight.


Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Another nice day here, cooler but a calm day.

worked on a few more net sleeves, might make some Fleece sleeves for the pear trees in the spring, maybe i could cover the blossom over night for a while if frost is expected.

Don't think i've lost a single apple this year so the idea sure worked.

O/H takes an apple off the Ellisos Orange now and again, after saying shje didn't like them, they are pretty big as well so delighted she's eating them, they are probably still under ripe but a nice apple, have got many other varieties but theink they need a few more weeks, problem is i would have to take one off to test if they are ripe or not, unless one falls off of course.

Am puzzling what to do with the hinges on the swing doors, don't think i could just change 1 hinge as they are different widths as well as different lengths, might have to add a second small on under the top hinge, i have to spare 3" all ready which i bought to replace a 3" if it went faulty.

Mollie, O/H was looking through what is available with this new set-up but lots of the stuff you have to pay to watch, darn it.

Thats a blow when you have to get the bus home, not very reliable then are they.

That will be a bonus if Daughter gets to make some tasty cakes etc, she is so talented.

Emptybox, I think your insurance for doing some of what you do would insist you had safety glasses to protest your eyes when doing hedges or anything above waist level.

Yes, before we moved in i got an aerial man to put a new dish on the roof with a new aerial, the aerial is cabled to 5 rooms under the floor and finishes in sockets and the twin dish cables are routed underfloor to 4 rooms as the LMB has 8 ways. and 4 rooms now have the BT Hub wired to them which is fantastic really, the TV in the kitchen only has the aerial but it's only a 24" as it had to sit under the cabinet on the worktop so i can watch the program while i cook.

Yes, i head the BBC can't afford it, strange, not sure how it will go on C4, i would think Mary has had enough, she certainly doesn't need the cash, and the 2 young ones are a waste of money.





glad you think the eye will heal on its own. As Hicky says, maybe the eye protectors are a good idea. Hope you get some nice dry weather to get your jobs done. I am sick of this hot and humid weather, so horrible and sticky night and day! It's like mid summer all this week, not September.

I am not sure how things will go on C4 for Bake Off, bit annoying how everyone seems to be running it down before they have even tried yet though.


well done with the idea for your apples as it has worked so well. Hope you can sort out those hinges. Shame they seem to charge so much for yur tv viewing. I know OH has netflix and he has to pay for it.

Exhausted again after looking after mum, me and carer had to put her to bed today. OH starts new job Monday so we are going up to North Wales to see his family tomorrow and will stay for 2 nights. I am happy about that as I need to get away for a few days.

So see you both after the weekend.

Have a good weekend. xxx


Evening both.
Damp and misty start here but turned into a hot afternoon.
Didn't cut grass in the morning because the grass was too wet, but got a couple of jobs done in the afternoon.
The mower was playing up again and taking a few pulls to start. Just hope it clears itself again.


It's been warm here during the day this week but cools down quickly in the evening, and is positively chilly getting into bed.


I carry safety goggles in the van but I've never been able to get on with them. You can hardly see through them. I wear spectacles anyway, so I think that gives some protection.
I've no idea what my insurance says on the matter.


You're looking after all your apples like children Hicky. But you'll have to let them fall one day
Yes you're certainly well cabled up.


Enjoy your break Mollie, before your OH starts his new job on Monday.
You'll need the time off after looking after your Mum.


Was just watching the wheelchair tennis. The British pair were almost as frustrating to watch as that blasted Murray bloke.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Anice day today, cooler 16C but sunny all day, wind was 15mph but it didn't matter much.

A few pears fell off the Asian Pear tree, but i'll eat them, think i'll have to sort some storage for apples in the garage as more will be coming off soon, O/H is picking the Ellisons Orange and an apple off the Scrumptious tree was in a netting bag that had fell so i gave her that one as well.

Lots of Raspberries ready every day and Toms as well, the Celery isn't far off either.

Reading about one of my new Fig trees says you can get 2 lots of figs a year as it's an early fig,unlike the brown Turkey, which has more figs now but they won't ripen now, they are the size of plums.

O/H brought me a selection of foods in this morning, yummy, thats me ok for another week.

Mollie, Don't think it's finalised about Bake off and C4, it seems Mel & Sue could be replaced by Claire & Davina, don't know if the main 2 are moving or not yet.

O/H has Netflix, think she got it for the Grandchildren.

Hope you enjoy your trip to North Wales for 2 days, a nice little break for you.

Emptybox, You should really have safety glasses on if using electric or mechanical means to cut hedges etc, i got a pair specially made for me as i didn't like wearing the big safety glasses over my normal glasses, they cost ÂĢ125 but made all the difference as in the car plant in the body in white with all the robots that do the welding it was compulsory to wear them while walking or working in the body shop.

That wheelchair tennis was fab, just watched a mens freestyle race and the winner only had one arm, unbelievable.

I could see by the forecast you are having a lot of rain, that sure messes up your work rate.

Have a good weekend both.

I've got F1 this weekend from Singapore, the new Celebrity Island starts Sunday 9pm C4.

SCD starts next Friday & Saturday so there's some programs starting, i think The Apprentice must be starting soon as well.

Just edit to add D&T 9.48 16-Sep-16

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
 A lot of rain here overnight, so another wet start to the day.
It dried up later, but was colder and windier than yesterday. Still warm when the sun was out though.
Got a few jobs done, but the grass stayed soaking wet.
I'll have to work tomorrow if it's dry.
The mower didn't give any problems, but I had to pull it twice to get it started a few times.


The safety goggles I've got are just the plastic ones that go over my glasses. I got them free with my strimmer about 15 years ago, and are all scratched up so you can hardly see anything. I could always buy some more... I suppose...?
Don't think I could run to ÂĢ125 though. I think you've mentioned those before. Prescription weren't they?


It's good that your OH appreciates your apples. Saves them going to waste anyway. At least she bought some food in for you.
Yes, a lot of good telly coming up. I'm not sure what D&T is though?


I see we've now got more medals in total than we did at the London Paralympics four years ago.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day here, cool but sunny all day, about 18C with hardly any wind.

Went for my Flu jab, then called in the garden centre for some bacon and bacon ribs.

Just going to watch the X-Factor then NewZoids, the Paralympics is fantastic, really admire them all.

Been covering the apples again, this time to stop them falling onto the slate and getting bruised, been covering the individual ones as well, i've opened the ends but can clip to the branch with clothes pegs and close the end of the sleeve with pegs.

You are getting more than your fair share of rain, a lot of places need it, obviously i don't as my system looks after itself.

Strange the mower playing up, do you think it's not catching when it takes it in?

The Optician made my Safety glasses and of course it saved wearing the big plastic ones over my normal ones as they got scratched and were dreadful, and i had to be able to see the laptop screen to program while at the side of the track in the factory.

Yes, last list i saw of medals was 126 but that was this morning.

Hope Mollie enjoying North Wales.


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