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Evening Both.

Not done much, finished making the small nets for the apples, that seems to work, better than the bags on small groups of apples, nice when you can see the apples.

Went out at 1.30pm for a snack at the local pub, had Mac n Cheese, got a nice salad with it and garlic toast.

Mollie, Fruit flies are attracted by the fruit getting over-ripe, non ripe fruit doesn't give off the distinctive oder.

Don't know anything about Christmas shows, CBB starts again in Jan anyway.

Emptybox, I like those torx screws, they go up from T10,15,20,25,30 etc but they don't slip so a lot better than x screws, i used the Torx decking screws, fabulous.

Maybe you little black flies are another type, they wouldn't be on your van if they were fruit flies.

The Olympics takes over your life doesn't it, we are doing very well anyway.

It looks like it will be Lewis & James, but things can change as we know.



both xxx


pity it was more complicated for you to clean the grass out. Nice that your good old dad's bits and pieces came to the rescue. he would of been dead chuffed to know that I bet.

Doesn't sound like fruit flies then, as sounds like the flies were at places by you that don't have fruit. I'll have to watch out for those midges next time we are in North Wales.

Yes don't forget to dig your banana skin out of the bin, worth a try anyway.


Hope you had a good day Hicky, and are enjoying all your home grown produce.

Been very warm and humid here today. Just did a few jobs and plenty of washing and sorting various things out with mum's care rota.

Looking forward to CBB tonight. Wonder when it finishes?

The dog vet is on tonight on C5, bionic series, he is doing some pretty amazing hi tech things, he said vets and human docs need to join together as the things he does could be done on humans eg the false leg implants but they aren't moving forward with human stuff, even though he has succesfully done this on animals for 8years. 

Have a good evening both  xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Hello Mollie and Hicky.
Another largely lovely day. Did get a bit cloudy and windy for a short time, but then returned to sunshine.
Got a lot done; grass cutting and hedge cutting.


I remembered to put the banana skin into the greenhouse with the tomatoes, so we'll see if it hastens the ripening.
Was able to harvest my first 3 tomatoes anyway.


That was a nice pub snack Hicky.
I'd rather just have normal screws in the mower, as I don't have room in the van to take the drill round with me, so I can only work on it at home; whereas if it only needed a screw driver I could work on it when I'm out and about, if the belt gets clogged up.
If you leave it the cable could break or the belt.
Also with the drill it's very easy to over tighten the screw and round it off.

I see you can buy torx screw drivers on Ebay for ÂĢ1, so I might get one, if i can work out which size I need.
Of course, if I have a better look around the workshop I might find I've got one anyway.


Mollie. I haven't been watching the current series with the super vet, but I've seen him previously, and he does seem to try stuff that could translate into human surgery, if only they had more imagination.


Watched a bit of CBB today, as there wasn't any British interest on the Olympics at the time. Only about 5 minutes of it though.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Raining most of the day, it's stopped now, but too late to do anything.

Just watched TV & Olympics.

Mollie, CBB finishes on the 26th doesn't it.

I should be having a lot of Raspberries when the main stems come into fruit, have a lot of bees coming round, the JoanJ fruit until the 1st frost, i got 3 types this time so i could have Raspberries right through from Spring, it seems to have worked as i can pick a couple at any time.

I put all the onions into the gazebo as i knew it was going to rain today, although the rain wouldn't have any adverse effect on them.

It is strange how all these ops can be performed on animals but not on Humans, I suppose animals can't take you to court.

Emptybox, On a lot of equipment the nut's and bolts & screws are fastened to a specific Torque so that they don't come loose.

I think it is a good idea to get a set of hand Torx drivers, but if you have a Battery Screwdriver they have Torque settings, usually about 16 settings so you just turn the torque down to start then adjust it up, i always have sets of torx bits to hand.

I wonder who will go, if it goes by the betting then it's Lewis & James.


Hi Hicky.
Raining here today as well this afternoon, so no good for work.
Went into town to do some banking and get some weedkiller at the garden centre, but got a bit wet doing so.
I took advantage of it being dry early on to get my own grass cut, as I'm getting visitors on Sunday.


Glad your rasps have been so successful.
I guess possible lawsuits might be one reason the supervet gets away with some stuff they don't attempt on humans?
He often cobbles together implants etc, which an animal wouldn't be bothered by, but a human might not be too pleased with.


I see those Torx bits have their number on them, so I know it's a T10 or T15 that I need (can't remember which one fitted the screws on the mower).
Think there is probably an electric screwdriver in the workshop, but not sure if it would take those bits? I think they're for the cordless drill.


I'd like Samantha to stay on CBB, but as I haven't really been watching, I'm not that bothered really.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A bit wet and cloudy here today, 19C but i stayed in, apart from when the window cleaner came, i had to open the rear gate thats across the drive by the garage.

All i did was make a Mince Hotpot, very nice too.

Had a couple of bacon toasties for brekkie, then Shrimps and tomato sandwiches for midday, just had some Hotpot for tea.

Yes, the vets do a marvellous job, but it's different with humans altogether, but i bet a lot of info is passed on for future reference.

Yes, T10 or 15 could be the size but check first as there is a lot of sizes, if you use a battery tool it needs to have the torque slip setting ring that goes from low to high, say 2 to 16, without this you shouldn't use the driver as you will do damage, you really should use a hand driver as the driver size and bit size are matched to give the correct torque for tightening.

As i predicted it was James and Lewis who went, Sam is no 5 to win at the mo.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed.




that will be lovely to have lots of raspberries. They are always nice. Good idea to have a day in and make mince whilst the weather not so good.



let's hope the banana skin trick works on your tomatoes.

Hope you have a good day with your visitors tomorrow. I know you usually spend a lot of time doing housework prior to their visit, so hope you are not too done in tonight. Wonder what you have decided to do them for tea? Or are you going out to the pub?

Yes you could be right about lawsuits being a reason the vet's techy stuff can't be done on humans, he did say on a tv interview that it is due to vested interest his work does not go onto humans.


Glad to see Samantha stay last night, it is that horrible night when we have to wait till 10.30 to see CBB! So annoying.


 Went to Newport today so daughter could do the pokemon tournament. It lasted 3 and half hours so I had a nice lunch with OH whilst waiting. I had a help yourself roast dinner, consisting of yorkshire pudding, roast pototes, mash potatoes, new potatoes, swede, purple and whilte cabbage, cauilflower cheese, peas, carrots, veggie stuffing and gravy, and cranberry sauce for only ÂĢ2.99!  

Spent ages on phone sorting mum's care out though. Agency real short staffed, mum was stuck sitting up in bed for half hour, half ready, waiting with carer 1 to get her up, till carer 2 arrived, as she was over half hour late! (not her fault, just overworked as usual!). Can't believe how hard these girls work just for minimum wage, and they are so nice with mum.

Horrible day, wet and windy, but I didn't mind too much as I was in shopping centre, dog didn't want to walk far and she still can't with her bad leg, so we put her in her pram and she was nice and dry then.

Christmas shows all day after 12 noon tomorrow on channel 5. Remember I said their ad for this Christmas stuff included CBB. All I can see on the tv guide about CBB tomorrow is , it says the CBB house has had a glamourous make over but the celebs need to remember that  "all that glitters is not gold".

last week of CBB then, that is a shame.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
Raining here again, but not as heavy as first forecast, and it might even be dry tomorrow for my visitors, fingers crossed.


I'm going to give them roll mop herring salad for lunch and pork loin steaks potatoes and broccoli for supper. Presuming they want that of course. Not sure if the boys are coming, but I've got in 5 pork steaks in case.


Hi Hicky.
The screws on the door trim of the van are torx ones as well, and I think I damaged a couple of those, tightening them with the drill; but hopefully I wom't need to take that off again.
I don't want to damage the ones on the mower, as you have to clean behind the belt guard every couple of weeks.
Yes your prediction of who would go on CBB was correct.


Hi Mollie.
That veggie lunch was very good value.
Pity you had to spend so long sorting your Mum's care, and she was left hanging by a held up carer.


Think the CBB thing is just a Christmas task? I see twitter pics of them in various Xmas costumes.
Don't know why Channel 5 think we want to watch Xmas stuff in August.


Last day of Olympics tomorrow, so I'll miss that a lot more than CBB.




hope the day with your visitors went well. Sounds like you have your menu well planned, rather difficult if you don't know if the boys are coming, but sounds like you have that option covered too . If they are anything like my lads though, you can't go wrong for them with just a pizza!

Yes c5 Christmas shows all day today, followed by the CBB Christmas task. Sounds good. I enjoyed watching the Christmas film whilst I fed mum. (can't watch anything too taxing whilst looking after her!). Looking forward to seeing the CBB Christmas task now.

Hope the rain eased in time for your visitors. It didn't hear today, not a nice day at all.

Wonder if Hicky got in his garden or it was too wet there today?


Have a good evening both xxx

emptybox posted:


Last day of Olympics tomorrow, so I'll miss that a lot more than CBB.

you can't say that after all these of being a BB fan! And you told me only days ago you are an all round fan in that you read BB twitter etc.


I can safely say I have not watched nor wanted to watch one bit of the olympics, but have not missed one episode of CBB.

I am not sporty at all though.... hated it at school, not nice to get sweaty, as it might of ruined the hair style and make up and the most important thing about school for me and my friends at the time was our hair, make up and boys...    the most I do now is walk the dog each day, and go swimming now and agian.

Shame you will miss the Christmas task.



Hi Mollie.
Visitors away now. Just my brother and wife and dog (they don't trust leaving her in the care of the nephews).

The menu went down well, as well as the wine (not for brother as he was driving).
Just one little rain shower, otherwise it stayed dry.


I was always a fan of BB housemates Mollie, rather than the formula itself. And these days you can't get to know the housemates in the same way that you used to. Plus BB messes around with too many twists and turns, and more or less scripted storylines.
I still watch it, but it's not what it was.


I was never sporty at school either (too much of a geek). Always the last to be picked for a team.
But I've always loved watching the Olympics for some reason. I also like watching other athletics events in between Olympic years.


Pity you didn't get nice weather today, but at least you got to watch a Christmas film (rather you than me ).


Evening Both.

Can't see my yesterdays post, thought i had posted one, but it's not there.

Didn't do much today, weather not bad but had rainy drizzle which isn't nice working in.

A new type of plum is just coming into ripening, only a young tree though, the Celery won't be long now, i'm letting the onions dry in the gazebo, it takes a while, if you store early they will rot.

We went to the garden centre for brekkie Sunday and to take back the 4 solar fitting we got for the front garden, they all packed up, they have been fridges with meats etc, they do lovely bacon, i bought some, it's very nice and a good price.

Apples doing fine, Asparagus like a forest, so lovely when left to grow.

Mollie, I didn't do many sports at school, didn't, like football, cricket, rugby.

Didn't mind the jav & discuss type ones, and the shot put.

The carer situation never seems to get better, such a problem.

Emptybox, Glad you visitors enjoyed your Menu, it sounded lovely.

I wonder who will be next to leave CBB, there is still 8 in the house, so really 2 should leave Tuesday then 6 Friday.

It looks like Ricky will win, god knows why, he hasn't done anything, he just has fans.


Evening Hicky.
Dull and drizzly this morning, but some sun this afternoon. Quite warm.
Went to the supermarket this morning as I needed to replenish my supplies after the visit.


Glad your veg is coming on, and you've got a new plum ripening. 
Pity your solar lights failed.


I used to like the javelin etc at school as well, but those only came out once a year in time for Sports Day. The rest of the time it was Rugby Rugby Rugby.


Started watching CBB again as the Olympics have finished.
I think I want Aubrey to win at the moment.




so glad the visit went well and your menu was enjoyed. Yes sadly I agree BB is not what it was, such a shame they have changed it so much. Glad you are watching it with us again now though. I am not sure who I want to win this one. I am not really fond of any of them!


sounds like the rest of your produce is coming along nicely, wonder what the new plums will be like? What a shame your solar thing didn't work.

Yes wonder which 2 will leave? Sam was not at all impressed at being nominated and Katie didn't cope at all either! It is about time they realised being nominated is part of the game!

Ricky win! as you say, he has done nothing at all, in fact has hardly featured on any of the shows!

Got 7 washloads out drying, now time to get ready to go over and look after my mum, such a nice day  think I'll go a bit earlier and have a stroll on the seafront. Have a good day both, hopefully you both have the nice weather too. xx


Looking forward to seeing who is evicted.



Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Both.

Quite a warm day, 25C here with sun all day.

Went to Costco, got some nuts and 3 pair trousers and a jacket, & Loo Rolls.

O/H had some cherry toms off the plants, plenty coming if we get some sun.

Have decided to prune the fruit trees to enable a sleeve to be used on more trees, prune the side branches that would stop the sleeve, i think it could be a winning formula on most of the trees, they all really need protection from insects.

Emptybox, You need to replenish larder after a visit, i love these cartons of juice, Apple & raspberry, could live on that.

Expecting Katie & Sam to go but it all depends, it's all over Friday anyway.

Mollie, The Celery needs a bit longer, i picked another 2 plums, a bit early though, they need to have a bit of blush all round first, this is the first time i've had plums of this tree, i have 5 plum trees and 3 gage so each year i could get more fruit.

It's just the fun of growing them that i enjoy, but O/H does like walking round and picking fruit, going to get another flush of Raspberries soon as well.

Katie had a real meltdown, that hasn't done her any favours, it wasn't called for.

Ricky is escaping under the radar, i don't have time for him.

Thats a lot of washloads, it's like a Chinese Laundry.

Enjoy the eviction tonight.



Evening guys.
Bit of a dull and damp start, but quite a lot of sun this afternoon. Quite warm as well.

Got a lot done. Hedge cutting, grass cutting and some strimming.


Hope you enjoyed a nice seafront walk before looking after your Mum Mollie.


Hi Hicky. Don't think I could live on just apple and raspberry juice? Tomato juice....perhaps?
Hope your new pruning technique works out for you.


So Sam and Katie were evicted. I guess it was because of their bad reaction to being nominated?
Was surprised that Marnie seemed to get the most cheers from the crowd. When did she become so popular?
I must have missed something while watching the Olympics?


Evening Emptybox.

A nice day here, sun all day, got my hair cut, No. 2 all over, it grows so quick.

Did a bit more tree pruning, chopped all branches facing in, all branches facing down, all parallel branches, crossing branches, branches off branches so i can put sleeve on in spring, it also allows sun and light into the centre of the tree.

Glad you got a lot done, that saves you getting too far behind.

I always have the fruit juices, often Apple and Mango, bnut there are so many of them.

I thought those 2 would go, even Aubrey predicted those 2.

Think Marnie has always been popular, she must have a fan base out there, she's 3rd from the throne.




good idea to protect your fruit from insects. Hope the pruning works well. What a nice job for your OH to walk around picking all your lovely fruit.

Sounds like you had a good shop in Costco. Did you get to try any of their food samples?



Glad you managed to get a lot of work out of the way, and that you got the nice weather too.

Yes thanks, got nice seafront walk in yesterday, but it was so hot, I had to partake in a nice coffee ice cream cone.


I too was surprised Marnie had so many cheers and I have been watching all of CBB. She hasn't done much at all other than talk rude and hang onto her showmance.

Oh and welcome back to joining us in viewing CBB again. (even if this series is not very pleasant!).

I thought episode 1 of Bake off tonight was great though.

...especially these funny!

Goodnight both xxx




Lovely sunny day here, but it was pouring with rain overnight, so everything was wet first thing. Soon dried up though.

Again got a lot done - hedging, strimming grass cutting.


Well done on getting your trees pruned Hicky.


Glad you enjoyed your ice cream on the seafront yesterday Mollie.
Was quite warm here as well today.
Didn't know that Bake Off had already started. Don't think I'll be tuning in as I'm not that keen on the characters involved. Mary Berry, Paul Hollywood and Mel and Sue.


I'm sure Marnie was getting a mixed response when I was watching before, so wondered why she was getting solid cheers now that Lewis has gone? But maybe it's just because she's on Geordie Shore?
Gone off Aubrey a bit after tonight's episode, as she seemed rather full of herself; telling Bear he wouldn't be allowed to speak to her and Renee in the outside world.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Happy Eviction Final Friday.

Who will go, you decide.

Have ordered the gardener for 2 hours tomorrow, went to the docs, he has changed one of my tablets, ankle swells during the day and goes down at night, then we went for a meal, just had Fillet steak fried mushrooms, Fries and pepper sauce, can't go wrong with that really, got a table for 2, 90% of tables booked before we got there, but a table for 2 is usually ok.

Mollie, Yes, if this method of protecting the fruit i will be very happy, never seen it done like this before but it seems to be working.

I tried a few things in Costco, a bit of Parmisan Cheese which i like, that reminds me i have a chunk in the fridge.

Emptybox, Thats the problem when it pours overnight, all the grass is wet, as soon as it stops raining my garden is dry, love it.

Don't think i'll be watching bakeoff, it annoys me when they have to make 64 cakes of 6 different types, crazy, and when oven playing up no-one helps, and the time for some things isn't good, it's as if they want them to fail.

I wonder if they will follow the betting with how they leave CBB.

Aubrey, Frankie, Renee, Marnie, Rickie & Bear the winner.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
It was supposed to be dry today but drizzled all day. Useless.
Did my last month's accounts anyway.
Just hope it's a nice day tomorrow as I've got a couple of big grass cutting jobs to get done.


Hope the new tablets sort out your swollen ankles. 
Your steak dinner sounds scrummy.


I've a horrible feeling that creature Bear is going to win CBB.




Evening Emptybox.

I just lost a post i did last night, they should have a means of calling up your last post even if it wasn't posted.

It's been a lovely day here.

Went to M&S for some shopping, love that place, stocked up with some lovely grub.

The gardener came for a couple of hours, that was good, got the jobs i wanted doing done.

I wonder who will win tonight, probably Rickie.

Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed, don't know how she does it.



Hi Hicky.
Nice sunny day here. If it wasn't for the wind it would have been very pleasant.


Got my big grass cutting jobs done.
Beginning to think I might have a problem with my new mower. It always starts fine when cold, but after that it sometimes takes 4 or 5 pulls to start. Probably a problem with the stupid automatic choke system.
I've been reading up and lots of people have trouble with it. It seems to be a makeshift system that relies on the heat of the engine, and sometimes it can get stuck.
Hope I don't have to get it repaired already.  
Wonder if it could be converted to a manual choke?


I doubt there's any way to retrieve unposted posts, as I don't think they exist on the site until you press the 'post reply' button. 
If you are having problems with the button not working, you could highlight the post and copy it into something like notepad first, then you could try to post it again.
However if it's just you forgetting to press the button, there's not much can be done.


Glad you stocked up with M&S grub, and you got the help you wanted from your gardener.


So that imbecile Bear won.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A calm Saturday, 21C with some sunny spells, no real wind.

Nothing really to do in the garden, can walk round picking fruit to eat of course.

Unlikely you can convert the mower to manual choke, but if you can find a way of stopping the air getting into the carburettor then that might do the trick.

I think that it takes a low temperature to allow the choke to reset, it could follow the engine temperature, or it could have it's own bi-metal strip that it uses.

I see the wax part of the choke, if you can't check it easy, maybe just cover the air intake while you start it.

I'm sure i press the post reply button so don't understand how it can not get inserted.

A few Pictures


Kelsae Onions





I too had the same problem as you and forgot to press the reply button so lost a post!

Glad you managed to squeze in a meal out at last.

Hope the tablets solve the ankle problems for you.

Yes i too love the M and S food, such good qualitity. Handy you have a gardener now to help you out.



oh no, not the lawn mower playing up already!  i should think you are really fed up of all this what with the mower the hedge cutter and the van problems recently! Hope it does not give you too many problems or it can be easily fixed.


Really enjoyed seeing X factor with the oldies returned again. Never did like Cheryl as a judge.


Having problems with the agency, they are messing up mum's rota, didn't book her care in for bank hol and her day centre is closed!  I think they are short staffed, take on too many clients and not enough staff to do the job! Poor carers are run off their feet!

Nice enough today to take mum out down seafront today, singer on at beachside bar, very good. Lots in sea and on beach.

Won't be round for a couple of days, I have a private carer in for mum and am going with family to Birmingham for the 2 kids to go to a gaming exhibition.

See you both when I get back. xxx


Hi guys.
Nice day here, sunny and quite warm.
Cut my own grass and hedge, and dug my first potatoes of the season.


Had another look at my mower. I don't think it is the automatic choke that's not working. That seems to be coming on and off as it's supposed to.
So it must be something else not working.
When you are pulling the cord it seems not to be catching. Then when it does catch it starts and runs normally. No puffs of smoke or poor running.
It could be something simple like dirt in the carburetor, or it could be something else wrong.
I suppose I'll just have to put it in for repair and hope it's done under the warranty (although obviously dirt in carburetor wouldn't be covered).
I'll see how it goes over the next couple of working days and then decide.


Enjoy yourself in your home town Mollie.
Good job you've got the private carer to fall back on (so to speak).


Hi Hicky. Thanks for the photos, I saw them on Twitter. Everything is looking good.
Although you've a way to go with your Kelsae onions.

I could probably operate the choke manually if I had to, if I disconnected the spring holding it closed, and the cylinder pushing it open, and just used my finger.
But as I say, I'm don't think that's the problem now.
I'm just lucky the old mower is still working....after a fashion, so I can afford for the new one to be in the repair shop for a shortish (hopefully) while.


Enjoyed watching the X Factor. It's good that Dermot and Louis etc are back.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A cooler day here 18c, some sunny spells, no wind.

didn't do much, just cooked a piece of beef for tea, my lad and his lot popped in for a while this afternoon.

Mollie, Ankles still swelling during the day, but they don't seem as bad as before, so hard to tell.

Yes, M&S, such a fantastic selection, it really is amazing.

Such a problem you are having with the agency for the carers, wonder why there's such a shortage, is it the holidays doing it?

The netting over all the apples is to stop the moths laying eggs on the branches which can devastate a whole orchard, so far the net sleeves to be working, on the cordon trees apple & pear under the big sheets of netting i though i would try that as i couldn't use the net sleeves with it being a cordon.

Emptybox, How was the first crop of spuds then? you can just pull for now as you need them, no need to pull them all up yet as they can stay in the ground for quite a while i imagine.

It sounds like it's the start cord that is the pronlem, if it isn't catching and turning the engine it would never start.

You could only have dirt in the carb if you have dirt in your fuel but i thought the fuel intake uses a filter.

I thought you might see the pictures on twitter, didn't know if you still looked at it though.

That big onion in your picture must be one of the ones i'm missing, thought there should be another one, rofl, i think i pulled a few up too early really, but i had planted them in between Celery which wasn't a good idea, will  try again next year.

The X-Factor was ok, i see Rylan has taken over the back stage show on ITV2 with a comedian.


Hi Hicky.
Lovely day here. Sunny and warm with just a bit of breeze, so perfect working conditions.
It's not a bank holiday up here, so I was just working as normal.


Strangely the mower behaved itself today. It started with one or two pulls every time except one, when it took three pulls.
On Friday and Saturday it was taking five or more pulls to start.
Just have to see how it goes the rest of the week.
However I'm happy not to have to put it in for repair just at the moment.

Perhaps it was something in the fuel that has now cleared itself? Or perhaps the problem will reoccur? 
Perhaps it is a problem with the pull cord mechanism getting out of alignment, or something like that, as you suggest?
Not sure if these mowers have any proper fuel filter? Just seems to be a tube goes straight from the tank to the carburettor, with just a simple cut-off switch in between. I suppose there might be something in the bottom of the fuel tank to catch particles?


The first mower I bought back in '98 or '99 needed the carburettor cleaned every few months, but I haven't had any similar problems with the four subsequent mowers, so I thought Honda must have solved the problem (all my mowers have had Honda engines).
Perhaps cost saving has meant them doing away with the filter, or whatever was keeping the carburettor clean?
The jury is still out.


I've just dug one shaw of potatoes so far. As you say, there's no hurry to get the rest up yet.
Got about 7 or 8 potatoes, so that's not bad. Had a large one baked last night with roast chicken and asparagus. Plenty of butter on the baked potato and the asparagus.  


Pity your ankles are still swelling.
Not sure what the secret of getting those big prize winning Kelsae onions is? It's probably closely guarded.


I saw that Rylan was doing the Xtra Factor show, but I didn't watch it as I was watching Jenna Coleman in 'Victoria'.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

not a bad day here, 19C with sun, no rain or wind.

took some of the netting off, it says the moths only fly and mate till end of july so took the big sheets of netting off, have left the sleeves and small pouches on they can stop the fruit falling to the floor if it's ripe.

No, no holiday up there, glad the mower played ball, i wonder if when you release the start rope you need to check if it's got a grip with the engine or not before you pull it.

I would swear there's a fuel filter somewhere, it would have to be somewhere it could be cleaned otherwise it would be worthless.

There is something satisfying about eating your own fruit or veg, and it really does taste better, probably because it hasn't come half way around the world.

I would probably do better with the onions if i prepared the bed for them rather than as a general bed, i might have to look into what is best before next season.

I just saw a bit of Rylan on ITV2, there was something else on better.


Glad you had the nice weather today Hicky, and you got to sort your netting out.


There probably is a fuel filter thinking about it. On the 2 stroke machines that I have taken apart there is a bulb on the end of the fuel pipe in the tank, that filters the fuel. So there's probably something similar in the mower.


Watched the second episode of 'Victoria' then 'My Millionaire Dads and me'.
Not sure what I'm going to watch now?


Mostly cloudy and windy today, but still dry and quite warm.
Hedge cutting and grass cutting today.


The mower worked well. Started first time every time.
Whatever problem it had it seems to have worked through it. Just hope it doesn't come back.
I'm making sure I give the pull cord a big positive pull every time, and it seems to be working.
Of course it could well mean the cord breaks some way down the line, but I can easily mend that myself.


Watched Location then the thing on BBC2 about New York, now watching the Johnny Vegas thing.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, 19C some sun, mainly cloudy.

My relation came to take the garage roof sheets to the dump, they had been covered as required and booked in ready, it's not so easy to get them taken away.

Glad the mower is working well, don't think the problem would be dirt in the carb, you could get water in it though i suppose.

It's a problem this no BB, having to try and work out what to watch for the night.

It seems Marnie & Lewis are doing ok.


Hi both

managed to post at last!

my lappy has broke! so it has taken ages to try and post. OH has linked it to a mouse as the pad won't work at all. But the mouse is only working on and off too, so driving me mad.


glad the mower is working ok and you got some work done.


sorry to hear your ankles are swelling again.

Is it worth trying some other meds from doc?

been real busy sorting mum's care out, have taken all the private care off agency, as was having admin problems. now just using private carers, pus myself and social services do a little. 

Will try and post this now, OH will try and get me a new lappy from Costco soon.

i agree, miss BB, hard to find something decent to watch each night, good job X factor back, enjoyed bake off, but it made me fancy a biscuit!

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Mixed day weatherwise. Some nice sunshine at times, but cloudy and drizzly for a while.
Mower still going well. Not sure what it was but I'm relieved that it seems to be OK.
I'll just have to be aware that this mower might be prone to starting problems.


Hicky. Pity you couldn't get the garage roof sheets uplifted, but good that your relation was able to take them to the dump.
Are Marnie and Lewis still together? I'm not convinced that was a real relationship TBH.


Hi Mollie. Hope you enjoyed your visit to Birmingham?


Pity your laptop is broken. You haven't had that one long have you?
Is it just the touchpad that's stopped working?
If the mouse is playing up as well it might be down to a driver issue, rather than a hardware problem. Have you recently had a big Windows 10 update? That can sometimes cause trackpad issues with some laptop makes.
Hope you get it sorted or get a new one soon.


Pity you had to give up the care agency. Hope you can get enough care from the private one.


I watched GPs behind closed doors, then turned over to BBC1 to watch the programme about Bake off winner Nadiya touring and cooking in Bangladesh.
Although I don't watch Bake off I quite like other cooking programmes, so it was interesting watching her cook curries etc.
I'm just not interested in seeing her make a Victoria sponge.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Didn't do much today, weather ok, 19c with some sun as well.

Just watched TV mainly, got loads of recording but record more than i watch.

Mollie, Oh dear, thats bad news, wonder why the Lappy is giving trouble, most usb mice a re plug and play, shouldn't plug out while lappy on though, it's ok plugging it in.

I couldn't get an appointment to see the doc before the end of the month, 27th so i'll just have to wait.

Hope using the private carers will be ok, such a problem isn't it.

Could do with the Jungle back on to give us a daily dose of reality.

Emptybox, Glad you mower is behaving thats a bonus, hope it carries on like that.

It cost me ÂĢ80 to get the roofing sheets taken to the dump but to get an Asbestos company would have cost me ÂĢ360.

As far as i can tell by the BB news feed they have had their first date so could still be dating.

I like GP's behind closed doors, some interesting cases.

I like watching the cooking shows but it depends on what is on at the same time.


Hi Hicky.
Started dry with some sun, then turned rainy early afternoon, then finished dry again.
Got a couple of big strimming jobs done.


That's a long time to wait for a doc's appointment? Is it just for a check up and to see about your swollen ankles?


Forgot the garage roof had asbestos in it. That makes it more complicated right enough. Good job you could get it away.


Mollie, hope you are not going to be kept off the web for lack of a lappy?
You'll have to borrow one off your kids.


Watched Ingenious Animals on BBC1 then turned over to BBC2 to watch 'A Week in the Wild' which had Stanley Johnson (Boris's father), Melanie Sykes and Henning Wenn trekking in Mexico. Doesn't sound promising, and an unusual mix, but it was very good.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day here, dry with some sun, mainly cloud though.

Went to the recycle place with loads of plastic asbestos waste bags left over, old electrical appliances and rubbish.

Then went to get brekkie at the garden centre, very nice, saves me cooking it anyway.

Been doing a bit more pruning, branches growing into the moddle have to go, also parallel ones are bad, and any crossing, also branches growing down, want to get the right branches for next years fruit, i've also got a top height so i can reach to put the insect netting on, i've taken a lot of the netting off now, just left some sleeves that are helping to support the branch with canes as the apples get heavy now they are not far off grown.

Got some visitors Monday so will be cleaning the garden up, have started all ready, got plenty of storage room.

Glad you got your strimming jobs done, it all helps, you do seem to get a lot of rainy periods.

Yes, the concrete type asbestos sheets are darn heavy, they had wrapped them in 2's which meant me and O/H couldn't move them but it saved a lot of wrapping i suppose, well half, they had 6 packs of 2 sheets.

I saw those clever animals, brighter that some darn people.

Yes, hope Mollie can sort her lappy, probably a new one, not sure what happened to the other one.

It looks like rain here the weekend, hope it better by you, but it won't be cold.



Hi Hicky.
Mixture of sunshine and showers here today. Started off wet so I didn't cut any grass till the afternoon, and even then there was a little shower while I was doing one job.


Before I went out I did a bit of pruning here myself.
The neighbours have a big tree right on the fence line. They had pruned some of the lower branches on their side, so I took two or three off my side as well, to even it up. Should give me a bit more light into that side of the garden.


That's good that you got some more stuff away to the dump, and got a brekkie out into the bargain.
Hope you get the garden tidy in time for your visitors on Monday. As you say, the forecast for the weekend isn't good.


Watched 'The Cars that Made Britain Great' then the couple of comedy things on BBC1, now watching a bit of Ice Road Truckers.


Evening Emptybox.

Stayed in, O/H brought the shopping, so i'm ok for a while, she got 20% today so that was good.

Didn't go in the garden, wasn't dressed for rain.

You are entitled to prune off any branches that are overhanging your property, in the uk anyway, but the branches are the property of the tree owner, if they want them.

I saw that program, the cars Britain made.

Watched all the F1 practices, yesterday and today, looking forward to the race tomorrow, Lewis on Pole.

Just seen the start of SCD, watching X-Factor now.

Hope Mollie sorts her Carers and Lappy out.


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