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Evening All.

Not too good a day, cool, cloud, wind and a little sun.

Didn't do much, was expecting a delivery of a wardrobe kit for O/H, it arrived before 9am

It's half build all ready but pretty heavy as it's oak. will finish it tomorrow, only the doors to fit.

SIL came round with the young ones, i had a scarecrow kit i made for them to fix together, we spent quite some time doing that then they wanted to decorate it.

Had another pack of Mexican Spicy Chicken Wing packs, wow, so good.

Just had bacon and tomato on toast for brekkie.

I've found that with me protecting the apples from the maggots, i have some greenfly doing well in the leaves at the end of the branch, i assume they must have all ready been inside the net as i'm sure they couldn't get through the net.

It's something i need to look into and see whether i need to keep inspecting inside the net sleeves more often.




at you having to resist emptying the shelves at M and S! .....but of course their food is really nice! ....

Good job your son's hospital visit was a brief one. Wonder if he had some sort of food poisening? Gastic problems are so very unpleasant, even more so if accompanied with pain.


hope you got that phone call today to say the van was ready. Glad to hear the mower seems to be working fine. Let's hope it lasts well now.


It was nice to spend time with OH's family. Brecon is a small town in the middle of nowhere. So we all went round a WW1 museum one day, and the cathedral. Then there was 20 of us for dinner in the holiday house that evening,  including lots of kiddies and 2 dogs!  Only our drama son came with us, as the others stayed home to look after our pets. OH's relatives little kiddies loved playing versus our son in games eg table tennis etc. and our little niece dragged him endlessly down the giant slide whilst I enjoyed going on the tractor ride with one of the kidides, We all enjoyed the pig race. 

  OH was real pleased his nephew and kids came down from Edinburgh as he hadn't seen him for ages. Took him around 11 hours to drive down though as M6 was closed! OH grew up with his nephews and nieces as they are his age, his mum had OH whilst in her 40's.

Busy now trying to catch up with sorting mum's care out, doing VAT and endless washing. Luckily I have managed to catch up with CBB.

I agree, they are not a very nice lot this year though!

Have a good evening both xxx



Quite nice day here. Quite a bit of sunshine. Threatened rain on a few occasions, but didn't deliver.
Got a fair bit done.


Still no van. They are still faffing around trying to get a spare key for it.
I know these things need to be coded nowadays, but i wouldn't have thought that should take any time?
I'm coming to the conclusion that modern vehicles are too complicated for their own good. By all means improve things by adding technology, but not to the extent that even garages don't know how to fix them.
Perhaps I'm just getting too old?


I think if it's not ready tomorrow I'll just say forget about the key, and I'll just pick it up without it. 
I could probably live with having just one key, although a spare is always handy.
Not sure I'd buy from this outfit again? Although there's not many places that sell vans round here unfortunately. 
I bought an Escort van from them 16 years ago, and seem to remember they were more professional then? Mind you, that Escort van ended up needing a new gearbox about 6 months after I bought it (kept it for 7 years though).


You say you didn't do much Hicky, but then we learn you've been assembling wardrobes and scarecrows etc.
Doubt you can ever really win against all the pests that want to go for your fruit. You protect against one thing and it make it easier for something else to attack.


Mollie, didn't realise it was relatives your OH hadn't seen for a while that you were meeting. I just thought it was the same family that you go to see in North Wales.
That was nice for your OH to see his nephew that he'd grown up with.


Find myself quite liking that Aubrey girl on CBB, despite the spitting incident.
Also Sam Fox and that little Frankie fella.
Cannot stand Bear at all.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Didn't do a lot today, helped O/H fit the fittings etc for the wardrobe doors.

Picked a plastic cup of Blueberries for my neighbour

The 2 small fig trees that took off over the winter in the shed, that i planted into their own big tubs with internal water tanks have gown so well i need to move one away from the other as they are now 1m in diameter and almost that high each, one has even go figs on it.

The main fig tree which has grown so many new branches and leaves has started growing figs in between each leaf, these will have to come off as they won't over winter, if i was in another country i would be soon buried in figs.

Mollie, It's so hard to resist taking off the shelves in M&S and loading the trolley, but when you don't have dislikes in food it's like Christmas to me.

Yes, strange about my lad, but he had eaten the same as all the family which makes it even more odd.

That was nice having time with O/H's Family, sounds like you had a good time anyway.

Emptybox, bad news about the Van, surely you could have gone back when they had the key in, something strange this.

I wonder who will go tonight, not that it's going to be interesting, i don't care who goes, i would get rid of both.

Bear doesn't have long in the house, after his outburst i'm sure he will get nominated, Sam Fox is nice, always has been, I always like the girls anyway.


Hi Hicky.
Not very nice day here. Raining most of the time, which wasn't forecast.
Couldn't get any jobs done unfortunately. Will have to do a full day tomorrow and even then I'll be behind.
Just hope the weather next week is kind.


Well, I've eventually got my new van.
It was always me that had to keep phoning about it though.
I think the issue with the key was that the Ford garage was too busy to do the coding for the dealer, but they eventually did it today.

However, just as I was about to leave in the new van the salesman said "By the way, it's been limited to 60 mph. I asked the Ford garage to unlimit it for you when they were doing the key, but they didn't have time".
He says he'll pay for the Ford garage closest to me to do it, if I take it in, so I'll have to see if he's good to his word.
I don't need to go faster than 60 round here, but I might need to drive it on the motorway, if I go down South next year.
Don't think it's a big job, but they need to plug their Ford IDS equipment in to do it.
Of course driving home I did try to see if it would go over 60 , but it gets to about 62 and then the accelerator pedal has no more effect. Think it's limited in the software.
I think it was previously a fleet vehicle, and it probably kept their insurance costs down?


He gave it to me with virtually no fuel in it. Didn't even get 5 miles before the fuel warning was flashing, so lucky that there was a handy garage there.
But I think that's common. They don't want to give you anything you haven't paid for.


It seems generally OK, but with a few little issues.
The right hand door speaker isn't working, which is a nuisance as I like to listen to music. Guess that could be fixed by someone who knew what they were doing.
The drivers seat is a bit lower than in the old van, and there's no adjustment that I can see. There wasn't adjustment in the old van, but the seat was higher, which I liked.
Also there are less cubby holes for storing things than in my old one. (the old one was an L model, this one is the base model).
One improvement is that there are rear parking sensors which beep when you get close to something.


I guess I'll get used to it.


That's good that your fig trees are growing so well. Pity you can't really harvest your figs.


Pity that Grant has gone on CBB. I guess he's no big loss, but I just wish that idiot Bear had been up.
I see that someone has had to be removed.
Won't say who just in case Mollie hasn't heard.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A very hot day in the sun, some cloud at times, no rain, slight wind.

Pruned my fruit trees while i was doing nothing, ha ha.

just had a bacon and tomato on toast with bacon and beans on toast for brekkie.

Had a tinned steak pie for tea.

been watching recordings and TV of the Olympics today.

Thats bad news about you falling behind with the weather, not what you want at all.

Glad you got the Van, about time, pity about the 60mph limit, yes, it's controlled by the engine management system (ems) some setting must be owner controlled.

Thats the problem with a base model, they have no extra's at all, and with it being a different model then it will be different all together.

Grant didn't bring anything for me, so he's no loss, don't think they will miss him either.

Yes i heard one had been sent home, well you have to follow the rules.

It's on late tonight, but it's only a copy of last night.


both xxx


thank goodness you have the van at last. Pity you still have some minor issues to sort though. Hope they stick to their word about the 60mph thing, and you can manage to get the speaker fixed with not too much expenses. Typical, making sure they didn't give you even a miniscule amount of fuel! Let;s hope you are pleased with it. 


Yes indded that is really odd your lad being ill if they had all eaten the same. Good job he soon got well again though. Sounds like your figs are going to do well, shame you can't harvest any yet though.


Went to costco to stock up today, some lovely food samples again.

I am taking some hours off the agency as my fave carer is leaving, and the agency are already messing me about as they are short staffed, but this carer says she will still work private for me. So once things settle it should be a win, win as I pay her more than she normally gets, but I pay less to her than to the agency.

Hot and sticky here again, woke in the night feeling too hot. At least i got lots of washing dried though.

BB not on till 10.30! How annoying! Tv awful tonight as I don't like olympics.

I have now heard who has left the house. I didnt' like a few things we heard him say over the last few days though. I am surprised they didn't chuck that awful Bear out too for damaging things, Guess they think he will give them storylines and the spitting was awful!

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.
A lovely day here as well. Just right for grass cutting.
And the new mower is making a good job at the moment, so that's good.


I'm sure I'll get used to the new van. It's driving well anyway. More oomph low down than the old one. Accelerates well up to 60mph, then feels like you're pushing the pedal into porridge because it won't go any faster.
Also inhibits you from overtaking anything, because you think if I get stuck out there I can't accelerate out of trouble.
So I think I'll definitely see about getting it de-limited next week.


Not sure what I'll do about the stereo, because with a car audio you'd have to dismantle so much to get to the wiring, so would be expensive. Bit strange that a 4 year old system is broken? It's not something that would be covered by the warranty anyway.
If you switch the balance all the way across to the right, there's a tiny amount of sound coming from the speaker, so the wire's not broken. It's either a bad speaker or the amplifier on the head unit is not outputting properly on one channel.


If I'd had the luxury of time I'd have looked around for a better van, but as mine was malfunctioning I had to get one fairly quickly.
But I'm not displeased. Only time will tell if it'll be reliable.


Hicky, glad you got your fruit trees pruned.
Watched quite a lot of the Olympics after I'd finished work.
The women's rugby sevens were good.


Mollie, That's good that you'll get to have your favourite carer privately, and will actually save money in the process.
Pity it's been hot and sticky for you overnight. It's been much cooler here at night. I've even considered putting my electric blanket on to warm the bed up, but I haven't succumbed......yet.
In fact there hasn't been a single night this summer when it's been uncomfortably hot, which is unusual even for up here.


Can't see why they took Biggins out for the comments they aired? They were just his opinions as far as I could see, and no worse than what Renee was saying?
I notice they didn't say what he had said to Katie Waissel,  so I expect that was the one that did for him?


Evening Both.

A nice day here, plenty of sun, some wind as well.

Been catching up on the recording of the Olympic opening Launch.

Did a bit more Tree pruning, hadn't pruned under the big insect net over 2 trees.

My Lad and his lot cam, they have been making vehicles from small cardboard boxes and toilet rolls.

Been eating more Blueberries, tons on the plant, some Toms ripening as well, some raspberries ready, i must pick the onions i planted in the Autumn.

The big Onions that i planted are coming on fine, about 10cm dia now.

Had one of the ripe Figs today, a couple more ready to eat, off the big tree of course, but the new ones growing will have to be taken off before winter, 4 on each branch.

Mollie, Glad you could get the carer to work some hours for you.

Watching Robot Wars at the Mo.

Yes, Biggins soft to air his opinions on BB, but his comment to Katie was not nice really.

I can't see Bear lasting too long either, he's out of control.

Emptybox, Yes, get the speed limiter fixed, overtaking could get you in trouble if your going over 40 mph.

Any Electrical / Radio / Speaker problems can probably be fixed by an Auto Electrician, worth a phone call.

Yes, i enjoyed the Rugby Sevens, i saw Canada vs Japan and GB vs Japan, it was a bit one-sided but i loved the game.

The latest about the Biggins removal.


  both xxx



glad you got nice weather, how sweet to be able to see your youngsters being so constructive. Sounds like you have plenty of ready food now in your garden.



Yes as Hicky says best to sort that speed thing out, hope it is not too complicated to do. But as you say you needed a van quickly with your type of work, hopefully it will last you well.

Good news how the new mower is improving your working experience all round.

It's another gardening week coming up at Lidl.


Gosh some of these CBB HM's are so annoying this year! I wish we could get rid of annoying alpha males Bear and Lewis, so we can see more of HM's like Sam and the EE;s guy. Find the way those 2 women Marnie and Chloe have to hang all over them annoying too. Have those girls no taste at all? They are not pleasant men at all.

Wonder who'll go? Hpefully Bear or Lewis.

Looked after mum today, but weather good enough to go down seafront with her, round the fair (a hot fresh donut there is a necessity!), and to sit in the park and watch the children play.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Cloudy and windy here today with heavy rain this evening. Not warm either.


Hicky. Nice that your family were over.
Glad your big onions are coming on well.
None of my tomatoes are ripening yet. Still resolutely green.


I see Biggins has admitted to some of the comments now. Still don't think he should have been thrown off, but BB is very sensitive nowadays.


Yes I'll go in one day next week and see about getting the speed limiter off.
Today I took the door trim off and the speaker out, but didn't have time to try another speaker. It's got a funny connector, so I've sent away for an adaptor connector on Ebay, so I can try another car speaker that I have.


Mollie. Glad the weather allowed you on the beach for your doughnut.
Thanks for the Lidl link.


Yes I've seen that Aisleyne article thanks. She always writes a column for the Mirror after every BB eviction. I don't always agree with her views though.


Really enjoying the fact that the Olympics are on. Am watching the Murray brothers at the tennis at this very moment.


Evening Both.

Not a bad day here, warm and sunny.

Didn't do much, watched Olympics and recordings.

Mollie, yes, it's nice walking around the garden eating, the gooseberries are ready as well, keep talking Blueberries as i pass, there are so many.

It does look like Lewis or Saira will go, as long as HeavyD stays, he's so funny.

Emptybox, A blow you having that rain, we had some strong wind though.

I think we will be getting more nice weather, may have to wait for a week.

Biggins just can't stop saying the wrong things, but thats just him.

Yes, they can't even make speaker connectors standard, nothing is standard these days.

I doubt if it would be a faulty speaker, never heard of one going wrong before.

The Olympics are going ok, the breaststroke 100m 57.14 wow, that a new WR.

Shame about the Murray lads, that was such an even match.


Hi Hicky.
Not bad day here. Some sunshine and some heavy cloud. A bit of rain this evening, but no wind today.
Got quite a few jobs done, and also cut my own grass, just before the rain started.


Booked my van in for Thursday morning at the Ford garage to try to get the speed limiter removed.
The fellow didn't give me much confidence, as he said that sometimes Connects are tricky, and they can't take the limiter off.
I mean if the Ford garage can't do it, who on earth can??
Just confirms that they've made these car electronics so complicated that nobody knows how to fix them.


I'm hoping it's the speaker that's the problem with the van stereo, because that's about the only thing I can fix myself. I can't really take the van apart to check the wiring, and I can't easily work out how to get the head unit out of the dash.
My brother says the symptoms sound like a short in the wiring unfortunately. Not sure how that could happen?


Yes pity the Murray brothers are out of the tennis doubles. Just hope Andy does better at the singles.
Saw a video of Peaty winning the swimming gold.


I hope it's either Bear or Lewis that goes, but I'm not over keen on Heavy D or Saira either TBH.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day here, 17C cooler than it has been, didn't do much, picked another cup of Blueberries.

Been watching recordings and TV.

Strange the garage saying that, but you would need a good connection, i assume the setting is a programmable parameter that is set by the garage and not set by the makers, like most are.

I thought the dash radio's / dvd units were all fixed the same, using 2 probes that fit into the side of the units which then let the unit be pulled forward from the socket with all the wiring connectors at the back.

The reason for the speaker not working could be a few things, a plug in the back of the radio coming out, a broken wire in the harness were it goes between the door and the car frame, very likely, it could be a short maybe, in the same place as an open circuit, in the moving section of the loom by the hinges, the ndrivers door gets opened such a lot that that could be the problem.

I would prefer Lewis to go, Saira is just nosey and sticks her beak into everyone's business and then tells them what they should do, very forcefully.



both xx

must of lost yesterday's post, as its not here, forgotten to press "Post reply" again, I guess!



that is good your blueberries and gooseberries have done so well. they are so good for you too.

I too would prefer Lewis to go, what a big head he is!



hope they can fix the speed thingie on Thursday and hope you can sort the speaker out. Glad you managed to get some work done yesterday, how was it weather wise today?

Very nice here today as sunny with bits of cloud but not stuffy and hot. Went long walk with dog down seafront, and later got some food shopping.

Looking forward to watching CBB in a minute now. OH has taken daughter to do her pokemon gaming tonight.

Enjoy the show.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Dry but cloudy morning but rain at times this afternoon. 13 degrees at most here.
Got a job done this morning, but nothing this afternoon.


Unfortunately my Lidl hedgetrimmer seems to have bitten the dust. A short but sweet career.
Now I regret not getting another one when I had the chance a few weeks ago.
I'll have a look in on Thursday, but don't think they are doing them this time

I was cutting a conifer hedge and it got caught on a thicker bit. Some smoke came out of the battery, and it stopped working and has refused to come on since. Something must have burnt out I suppose.


Got my insurance documents back for the van, and they have managed to get the model slightly wrong, even though I took in the green slip and showed them the exact model. I suppose I'll have to go in again and sort it out.
At least they got the reg number correct.
Perhaps I should offer to go on their computer and sort it out myself?


The good news is that I have sorted out the van stereo...after a fashion.
Turns out it was the speaker that was faulty. I fitted an old speaker that I've had for nearly 30 years (was fitted in my first car), and it worked. Was exactly the right size as well. Had to cobble together the connection, as the adaptor I sent away for didn't quite fit. Hopefully it won't come loose on a bumpy road.
It's not quite right, as it's an 8 ohm speaker as opposed to a 4 ohm one, so the sound is still a bit quieter than the other side, but much better than before, and I can adjust the balance to compensate.

I still might try and source an exact replacement speaker, but there's none on Ebay that I can see.


The fixings for the radio head unit on this van are hidden behind a bit of the dash, so you'd have to prise off a panel first. I suppose they think it looks smarter not seeing the fixings, but makes it more difficult to remove. (piccy)


Hicky, I'm not sure why the garage are saying it might be difficult to remove the speed limiter? If you read up on the web, everybody says it's an easy 5 minute job with the right software. Perhaps they don't have the right software?
Just hope they don't mess anything up.


Mollie, pity you lost your post.
Glad you got the good weather for your seafront walk.


Pity Saira went. Looks like that horrible Bear is there till the end.

Last edited by emptybox

both xx



what a shame your hedge cutter went, and pity they are not doing them this week with the other garden stuff they are doing. I think it was just stuff like a lopper/saw this week, wasn't it?

But fancy you getting the speaker to work and it is 30 years old!  That is brilliaint! The old saying "they don't make them like they used to", springs to mind!

It is quite chilly too here today, but if the forecast is right, we are due a heatwave. I'll wait and see, often the heatwaves only arrive in London.

Hope it is dry so you can get some work done today.

And hope it is nice for Hicky to get in his garden.

I too was disappointed Seira went. I thinks she was more interesting than the likes of Lewis and Bear!

Have the vat stuff to do now, have lost one month's bank statement, so hunting for that has slowed me up!   Then I have mum to look after this afternoon.

Think I need to dig my hoody out today as it is cool.

Son has got more work on the bbc training scheme. So didn't get home till gone 8 last night and was off again this morning by 7.30am. They are filming outside but at least it is dry today. He said they filmed the last scene first yesterday.


Have a good day both, time to press "reply" before I forget again!


Evening Mollie.
Similar day to yesterday. Dry morning but rain this afternoon.
Got some work done in the morning but nothing again in the afternoon.


Slightly warmer than yesterday, but still a bit chilly.
Haven't heard anything about a heatwave Mollie? Doubt it'll do any more than wave at me from a distance anyway.


No don't think they will have a hedge cutter in Lidl this week, bit no harm in popping in for a look.
Unfortunately I've got a lot of hedges to cut just now, so just the wrong time for it to conk out.


Hope you managed to find your bank statement so you could get on with the VAT?
Glad your son has more work on the BBC thing.
Yes, I think they always film these things in a different order to the way they are shown.


Great that team GB has got another couple of gold medals at the Olympics.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, 15C with a bit of sun but rain from 4pm.

Didn't do much, just watched some TV.

Mollie, Oh dear, this losing posts is so annoying.

Yes, it's nice when you can walk past and pick a tub of Blueberries, but if you don't pick them, they fall off.

You may be able to download a copy of the bank statement, think you can on Natwest.

Thats nice your lad getting more work with the BBC, but the hours seem late.

Emptybox, bad news about the hedge trimmer, that didn't last long, i'm sure it should cut out if the branch is too thick, not a good system that allows it to burn out is it.

That garage seems to be not up to par, messing your docs up, wow, what next.

Glad your spare speaker worked, very strange the speaker going, didn't know there was anything to go, it's only a coil of wire on a magnet with 2 leads, the speaker itself is just like a piece of flexible card.

You should be able to pick one up from a parts yard / scrappy.

I see what you mean with the dash, these days the whole dash is put in the vehicle in it's finished condition but surely the radio / cd unit is supposed to just pop out, unless they changed things because so many were being stolen, taking about 5 seconds to remove them.

Hope they sort your speed limiter for you anyway.


Hi Hicky.
Raining all day today, so a total loss as far as work is concerned.
A bit warmer though - 17 degrees or thereabouts.


Took my van in to the Ford garage and they successfully took the speed limiter off. They had it for about half an hour. I just sat and waited as it was raining.
They didn't charge me, so the dealer must have paid as he promised.


Then I went and sorted the insurance mix up with the model. They said they got the model from the insurance database, so that must be wrong. 
I've had the V5 back from DVLA and that has the correct model, so must be the insurers that are wrong.
Anyway she entered the correct model by hand, so that seems to be sorted out for now.


Then went into Galashiels to buy a cordless hedge cutter.
I did swither over spending ÂĢ200 and getting a 40v model that would have been as powerful as a petrol one. But as I've just bought a van and a mower, I couldn't really stand that expense right now.
I ended up buying a ÂĢ67 Macallister 18v one from B&Q instead.
I seem to be stuck on these cheap and cheerful ones for the moment?
Perhaps when it goes phut in a year or so I'll be in a better position to splash out on a better system?


Hicky, all these hedgecutters say they got a blade brake that supposedly stops it if the blade gets stuck, but perhaps the Lidl one malfunctioned?
Ah that's an idea, to pick up a speaker from a breaker. Hadn't thought of that.
As it seems to be working OK at the moment, I might just leave it, as it's such a faff to get the door trim off and on.
Don't know what can go wrong in a speaker? They often have foam around the paper cone, and that can degrade with age, but that's not what went wrong with this one. If it was a broken connection it shouldn't have worked at all, rather than just going very quiet.


I think they don't really want you to remove the radio in modern cars. They are all coded into the vehicle, and I know the manual for mine says the alarm will go off if you remove it when the key is not in the ignition.
Suppose it makes it more difficult to steal, but also more difficult to fit an aftermarket one.


Evening Emptybox.e

17C here but rain or cloud all day, stayed in and watched TV.

Pity you lost the daus work, good that you got the speed control sorted and the data sorted that was wrong.

Hope the Macallister lasta you for a good time, at that price it's a throw away molel really.

I forgot your speaker was only quiet, that can't be a wire broken, or a short circuit, not sure how a speaker does that on it's own either, unless something is stopping the cone from vibrating.

Thats probably right with the alarms on media device removal, it used to be a massive problem once so they had to do something.

I have even seen blokes moving down a train of cars removing the radios from an office i was in.




how lovely to be able to just pick a tub of blueberries whilst walking past. I love bueberries in a crumble most. (with custard too!). 



So pleased to hear your speed was sorted and the dealer stuck to his agreement.    Must be a relief for you.

let's hope the hedge trimmer is good value and lasts well. It might be worth you going back to Lidl and complain that the hedge cutter didn't last as long as it should of done. They are usually very good on returns. Ask for the manager though or write to them perhaps?

Glad to see you are enjoying the olympics. Do you stay up late to watch it? If so, how are you managing work wise? Or do you just watch it as a recording?


Managed to finish and post the VAT at last.

OH thought he was being helpful tidying up and had misfiled the bank statement! So at least it turned up.


Gosh what a weird selection of HM's we have this year on CBB. I don't find anyone particularly likeable, and find the reality tv 4 so annoying! Still enjoy watching the show though.

Have a good evening both xxx



Evening Mollie and Hicky.
Cloudy and windy day here, and it's raining this evening.
Did get a couple of jobs done though.

I suppose I could look into trying to get some redress from Lidl for the hedger, although as I had it for 14 months, I doubt if the store itself would be interested? 
In the manual it says it has a 3 year manufacturers warranty and says to phone a number (or email), and they will give an address to send the hedgecutter to (at my expense), and if it's found to have a manufacturing fault they will repair or replace it. But if it's deemed to have failed because of abuse then you would have to pay for a repair.

I doubt it would be worthwhile, as these things (similar to the mower) are not designed for professional use, and are meant to only be used a few times a year, not a few times a week, so they'd likely decide it was wear and tear or abuse. 
And as the thing only cost the same as a tank of diesel (about 83p a week, over the time I had it) it doesn't owe me too much. I might just leave it.
It may be anyway that the battery is fine, and it's the motor that's burnt out. If so then if I could get hold of another one, I would have a ready made spare battery for it.
Mind you, I can't keep buying all these hedge cutters.


I don't stay up very late really to watch the Olympics Mollie (about 12.30am as usual), so I don't have any problems with getting up. I just watch it when I'm at home or the highlights, I don't record it. But I have been watching it instead of BBBOTS the last few days.


Glad you managed to finish the VAT depite 'help' from your OH.


Hi Hicky. Pity you had the rain yesterday as well.
I suppose, if I was any good at soldering, I could redo the connections on that faulty speaker, and see if it made any difference to the sound. Could be a dry joint or something? (no idea what that is ).
Hope your car wasn't among those being broken into, presumably a few years ago?


Don't really mind who goes on CBB tonight.
I suppose I'd like Marnie to stay, but only because she nice to look at really.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Did some work in the garden, pulled all the rest of the onion, cleared away the old pea plants, ate a couple of Figs as they were splitting because i leave them on, ate more blueberries, had a couple of Raspberries, had a ripe Plum, this is from a later ripening Tree, had another gooseberry, should pick them all really.

Som eof the apples are getting big, the cookers are really big.

A nice dry sunny day here 19C.

My Ghee & Coconut Oil arrived, it's not so easy to get in the shops but it's better for frying certain stuff than butter as it doesn't go off and it can take high temperatures, and it smells nicer cooking.

Mollie, I'm enjoying CBB, those 4 sure rule the roost, the eviction should be interesting, If Chloe goes Bear will make life unbearable for the rest.

Emptybox,  I think the difference between wear and tear and faulty parts or design should be straight forward enough, very few parts break because they are worn out, they break through strain or badly soldered, welded or faulty design.

A dry joint on soldering is when the 2 parts are not at the right temperature, or if the parts are not pre-tinned and the solder has only taken to one side of the connection but it looks like it's soldered correct but with vibration the connection can loosen and is no longer conducting.

Don't want any of the girls to go, would prefer James to go, what does he do?


both xxx



pity you don't think you can go back about the hedgecutter. Yes indeed you can't keep buying too many hedgecutters.

Glad you managed to have a break in the rain so you could get a few jobs done. Is the speaker loud enough for you to hear ok. Sounds like you are nicely fitting in your olympics viewing, don't think you are missing much if you have only given up BOTS.


Hope the weather was ok for Hicky to get in his garden. You don't seem to of been out for a meal lately, wonder if one is due this weekend?

Have mum for quite a few hours this weekend as agency were short staffed. So I will be busy and am glad I am going for private care soon. Double handle carers will get mum up and put her to bed though, social services pay and arrange for that.


Looking forward to eviction night, I was hoping James would stay as I am sick of the Geordie shore type going on with the 2 lads and their "birds".

It has been quite cool and windy here today.

Went to Cardiff to get my college lad some clothes so he isn't short when he goes back to college. As usual, he just told me to choose, as he is too busy gaming to bother to go shopping.


Enjoy the show, have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.

Not a bad day, didn't do much, pulled a few more, well the rest of the big onions, have put them on the decking to dry.

Had a few more Blueberries while passing, and a couple of toms, a couple of Raspberries, a couple of strawberries, they haven't done well, won't bother again.

We haven't been out to eat much, although we had food delivered for tea, O/H is saving for a few jobs we need to get done so she's gone tight-ish.These apples are getting big, might have to change over to plan B, just a pity i haven't worked it out yet.

I'll have to weigh one of these onions when it dries and i trim it a bit, it looks like a show onion, well a few do, might just plant this type next year, it's Kelsae.

I suppose it was obvious Chloe would be evicted, i liked her of course, James is a waste of space, he's being very quiet and clever, flying under the radar now.






well I guess it is not a bad time now to cut down on the eating out, as you have so much varied home grown produce, you may as well make good use of that instead. Pity the strawberries didn't do so well.

Sounds like you are well ready to enter a show. Are you going to give it a go?


I didn't like Chloe, found her appearance and actions rather cringeworthy. Why does a young girl like that ruin their looks with bloated lips and boobs? i saw Chantelle in a mag, she is almost unrecognisable with the stuff she is doing to her face. Such a shame, she was a natural beauty. The mag said she is feeling really upset with the fact Preston has just gone on a dating show. I sometimes wonder if she will ever get over him? Such a shame he ditched her.



was the weather ok today, so did you manage to get any jobs done? Hope the van is running nicely.


Had mum for a long period today, lucky weather good so took her down seafront for ice cream.

I DO NOT like the fact CBB is not on until 1030 on Saturdays! Drives me mad!

OH has taken son to North Wales to see his relatives today, took them about 5 hours drive. He is staying there as they are going to Ireland from Hollyhead tomorrow. He is taking son on the Game of Thrones one day walk round scenes from the series. Doesn't cost too much as they are going as foot passengers on the ferry. The tour lasts all day and cost 50 Euros which is quite good as there is a lot of travelling.

time to feed dog and other son, then bed with my book.

Daughter just baked white chocolate and raspberriy brownies.

Goodnight both xxx



Evening both.

Mixture of cloud, sunshine and showers today.
Didn't get as much as I wanted done, but I did get one job out of the way.
Also the showers allowed me to watch more of the Olympics.
Haven't had a chance to use my new hedger yet. Maybe on Monday?


Hicky, great that your crops are all ready. Apart from your disappointing strawberries.
None of my tomatoes have ripened yet. Beginning to wonder if they will this year.
Nearly time to dig some of my potatoes though.


Always find it amusing when you say the name of that variety of onions, as you are speaking in Scottish dialect without realising it.
Half expect you to go the whole hog and say "Kelsae ingins" (Kelso onions in Scottish dialect)


Pity your OH is keeping a tight rein on your eating out fund.
Wonder what she is saving up for?


Hi Mollie. Glad you got the good weather for your seafront ice.
A bit jealous of your family doing the Game of Thrones tour. Hope they keep a look out for wolves.


The new van is running very well at the moment thanks.
Almost lost it today. Parked it on a slight slope and put the handbrake on, but when I came back to it I found it had rolled back about 10 yards.
(on a very quiet country road, but still.......)
Obviously the handbrake isn't as good as I thought it was (or as good as the old van). Have to remember to always put it into gear, even on a slight slope. Oops!


I agree about Chloe. She looks a complete mess, and doesn't seem a very nice person.


The brits are going great guns in the Olympic cycling.
And really pleased that Murray is in the tennis final.
TBH I haven't even bothered to watch CBB tonight.

Last edited by emptybox



hope you too had the dry weather today. Did the family come over?



glad you are so pleased with the van but at it rolling away. Good job it didn't go any further than that. The odd shower is a good excuse for you to enjoy the olympics then. Don't think you missed much by not watching CBB last night as a lot of it is just a re-cap of the Friday night.

Have you taken a day off working today?


Been dry but cloudy today, but warm enough to take mum a walk down seafront.

Did about 8 washloads and it all dried nicely.


Is it CBB or olympics tonight Emptybox? Definiately CBB for me.

Have a good evening both xxx



Evening Both.

Not a bad day here, dry and sunny, went out for brekkie, haven't done much, watched some tv / Olympics

Had a couple of Figs, some more Blueberries, picked Figs & Blueberries for neighbour as well.

Went to my lads for a tea this afternoon, nice seeing the little ones.

My step grandson,  DIL said, peeled a banana over the waste bin but it broke and fell in, DIL said to him, why on earth did you peel it over the bin, he said, well if i didn't peel it over the bin and it fell on the floor i would have to pick it up and throw it in the bin anyway.

Mollie, I wouldn't enter a show, i just grow for fun and to give it all away.

Yes, it's strange how so many girls want to change their appearance, they usually have  a good personal reason why they do so.

I watched one on TV and she changed her face so that she didn't look like her mother, so it shows.

Chantelle has never got over Preston, she never will, she changed her body to try and start again, but nothing changes, she would have got upset if Preston was on the looses again, she will be devastated.

Emptybox, I had a few toms at lunchtime, i only grew the cherry ones.

Yes, i'm going to grow these Kelsae ones next year.

very impressed with all our guys and dolls in the Olympics, wow, they are so good, really admire them.

O/H is saving to get some work done in the kitchen, plus she wants it decorated, also we have to pay to get the garage roof sheets taken away.

Yes, always leave the van in reverse gear when parked any time, so it can't be pushed away, hand brakes are a waste of time really.



Hi both.
Dull and cloudy here, but not cold anyway.
Didn't do much, apart from watch Olympics and go to the supermarket.


Glad you managed another seafront walk Mollie.
8 washloads? Your electricity bill must be frightening?

It's Olympics again tonight. Not bothering with CBB just now.
Watching Murray at the tennis, but it's a painful process, as he's sooo inconsistent.


Glad you had a nice tea at your lad's Hicky.
I suppose that's logical about the banana peeling? Although if he peeled ot over a plate there'd be no chance of losing it.


I think the van must have only slowly rolled back, as it stopped on a more level bit.
Driving it the first week, I'd thought the handbrake was good, so I only had it on one notch. I won't make that mistake again.


We seem to be second in the medals table at the Olympics just now (behind USA). Don't suppose it'll end that way, but we're doing very well. Not quite as well as in London 2012, but better than expectations.


Evening Emptybox.

A lovely day here, sun all day really, no wind.

Didn't do much, picked a few spring onions for O/H, ate a couple of Blueberries.

Got O/H to hold an apple tree branch while i changed the insect protection sleeve to a wider one as the apples are getting big, 1 came off as we were doing it, O/H ate it, said it was ok. it was a Scrumptious type, it was about 3.5cm dia, but the seeds were white so they need another month probably, but having quite a few trees with apples on i'm very happy, the cookers, Brambly are getting huge, have got any branches that are at risk supported by bamboo canes.

Yes, i wondered that about the banana, surely you peel over a plate on a table, i'll have to ask him that.

Whether hand brake is good or not, always impossible to tell really, also, the brake cable stretches if it's put on hard, so it's just best to leave in reverse gear.

We are doing well in the medals table, we had 40 medals earlier but more now i think.

I watched Murray, wow, thought he was going to get beat, get big bloke was good.


Hi Hicky.
Lovely summer's day here as well. I'd almost forgotten what they were like this year.
The flies were out in force as well, but that's to be expected.

Got a lot done.
Used my new hedge cutter for the first time. It was OK, but not as good as the Lidl one TBH. Don't think it's quite got the same power, and the battery doesn't last as long. Also the charger for the Macallister one is horrible. A huge flimsy thing that doesn't tell you if it's recharging or not.
Ah well. It'll do for now.

Might still pick up another Lidl one at some point. At ÂĢ50 it's very good value, even if it doesn't last long.


Glad you are pleased with your apples, and they have the OH seal of approval.


Not so much to watch at the Olympics tonight, but I still chose to watch the cycling rather than CBB.

Really glad Murray won gold, but as you say it looked at one point that he might have thrown it away. Del Potro is a bit of a bear of a bloke.


Evening Emptybox.

Quite a warm day here, 24C anyway.

Didn't do much really, mainly watched tv.

Had a few Raspberries, Blueberries and an Apple walking round the garden.

Got a plum tree thats got fruit not ready to eat yet.

Pity your new cutter isn't up to par, fancy the charger not telling you it's charging.

We are doing better at the Olympics than i expected tbh.

Eviction tonight on CBB, HeavyD or Lewis i think.


both xxx



Glad to hear you too got the sunshine. You say the flies are out now, do you get those nasty biting knats up there?

Hope you got the sun again today too. It was a real hot one here again. Shame your hedger isn't as good as the Lidl one.

Hopefully the van moving won't happen again now with the van now you are used to the handbrake.



sounds like you are in for a great crop apple wise soon. They must be good if your OH was able to eat one already. This bit of sun we are getting is sure to help bring all your produce on well.

at the banana peeling. 

OH and son home from Ireland, they really enjoyed the Game of Thrones tour. The guide is an extra and he starts this week on filming for series 7, but everthing is hush hush, even for the extras, who dont even know where they are going to for the filming.
Lots of the places they used for filming in Northern Irealand, were really lovely areas  they said.   They met the dogs in the film, really friendly, they have to be insured for ÂĢ1 million each. They are used for other media things now. They did a lot of walking to see where they shot the film including in forests, and castles.

It is my anniversary today, so we all went out to local pub for dinner, it gave OH  and son chance to show us their photos.I got my private carer in to look after mum, so it was a nice break for me. Daughter is making a love hearts cake.

Are you both watching CBB tonight?

I am especially as it is an eviction.

Have a good evening.


Evening guys.
Another lovely summer's day here. Not wall to wall sunshine, but up to 24 degrees at times.
Perhaps a bit more of a breeze, which kept the flies away.
Pity the nice patch of weather is due to end at the weekend, with a low coming in, because I'm expecting a visit from my Brother on Sunday.


Used the hedger again today, actually on the same conifer hedge that did for the Lidl one, and it didn't do too bad at all. So perhaps a bit more pleased with it tonight. Also seemed to last longer after the second charge up.
It's a big hedge, in a number of sections, so I'm doing it over a number of visits.


Glad you are getting all that good produce Hicky.
A couple of my tomatoes are now ripening, probably because of the sun over the last couple of days. Unfortunately the first one was eaten by something; slugs probably.


Hi Mollie. No idea what a "knat" might be, although I have heard of a gnat.
(you handed that one to me on a plate )
But I think what you probably mean is the biting midge, the scourge of the Highlands?
Luckily we don't have those in the Borders, but we do have those tiny black flies that get everywhere. (those might be gnats actually?)


Hope you and OH had a nice anniversary dinner.
Sounds like your OH and son had a good time on the GoT tour. Interesting that they got to meet the dogs/wolves used in the filming.


I heard who went on CBB, but I didn't watch. I was glued to the Olympic cycling.
That's now finished, so I might start watching some CBB again.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Happy Anniversary Mollie, a bit late so hope you had a good day.

Another beautiful day here, over 22C with wall to wall sun.

Been making some insect proof packets to replace the bags i have on some apples, not to replace the sleeves but the apples are outgrowing the greaseproof bags as most have more than 1 apple in each, i staple the sides together then turn the bag inside out, it's better than a paper bag as i can see through the mesh, made quite a few but need another 4 or so tomorrow.

Mollie, that tour all sounded interesting for your lad, secret filming, seeing the dogs, he must have loved all that.

that was nice, getting the carer in, gave you a nice meet in the pub.

Yes, HeavyD gone, i liked him as i've seen him so many times on tv.

Emptybox, glad you got some reasonable weather at last.

That hedger doesn't seem too bad now, maybe it needed running in, ha ha.

We usually have gnat's but this year i haven't been bitten, touch wood,

The very very tiny black flies are usually fruit flies, if you any uneaten / part eaten fruit in the house in a waste bin etc for more than a few days you will get infested.

we did that at work once and the office filled with little black flies until we realised people were putting part eaten fruit in the waste, wow, it took weeks to clear the place out.

Just heard Bears Ex went in the house today, probably a task.

Double eviction Friday, wow.


both xxx


Good to hear the summer has come your way. It was nice here today again, but is raining now.

glad you are pleased with the hedge cutter so far. Let's hope it lasts well.

Yes I probably did mean midges, (not knats!)  if those are the ones I have heard hang around in Scotland. How fortunate for you they are not keen on the borders though.  We have biting things down the lane, so I avoid it in mid summer, even though the dog wants to go that way, I don't, they have got me a few times this summer already.

Yes these dogs off Game of Thrones looked really interesting, they had weird white eyes that change colour. They were told they are the nearest dog you can get to a wolf. They really look like wolves in the photos too. They were very friendly and let anyone stroke them, but son said as soon as another dog walked past they went mad!

Shame your tomato got nicked, are you trying the banana skin trick to ripen them?



glad you too have the good weather. Your insect bags sound a very clever idea.

Yes I hate those little fruit flies. One year mum got some in her flat attracted by the bananas, so I keep them covered up now.


Gosh a double eviction on Friday! Must only be a short time left now then.

I saw an ad for the Christma shows starting on Sunday and it mentiioned Christmas CBB. Wonder what that was about? Maybe just the "best of" old ones? Not sure.

Looked after mum today, so feel tired, but she did eat well, very slow though.


Enjoy CBB now the cycling has finsihed.

Goodnight both xxx



A lovely day here. Cloudless blue skies and sunshine.
There's a heavy dew in the mornings now though, so the grass isn't as dry as it could be.


Not sure if the little black flies I get are fruit flies? Haven't got them in the house, but the outside of the van was covered in them on Tuesday. Not so much since as there's been a welcome breeze.


Was taking the blade off the mower and the belt guard, to clean the grass out from around the belt, and they've even changed the screws that hold the belt guard on from philips ones in the old model to these silly torx/star screws that need an exact bit to unscrew them. Much more fiddly.
Luckily I found some torx bits that my Dad had, to go with a drill, or I'd have been stumped.


Well done on making those insect proof bags Hicky. Hopefully they'll keep your apples safe.


I think you can get those midgies in North Wales as well as the Scottish Highlands Mollie.
Biting insects seem to like upland areas for some reason. I always get bothered by flies more when I'm cutting grass in the hill farms.


I forgot about the banana trick for ripening tomatoes.....again. I just had a banana yesterday, so I might fish the skin out of the bin tomorrow and put it in with the toms.


Adverts for Christmas shows already? No idea what a Christmas CBB would be?
Must admit the Olympics won out again this evening, even though it was only a womens hockey semi final.

Last edited by emptybox

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