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both xx


Good job the weather enabled you to get a full days work in. Yes it does make sense to buy a spare battery as it is only ÂĢ20. At least you did find something of use on your trip to Lidl though.


Glad you are pleased with the cooker, good job your lad was able to help. Hadny that the bird netting isn't too expensive seeing as the birds have taken a liking to your cherries.


I agree, I think BB the last few nights has been so sloppy and frankly stupid! So much for isolating HM's from the outside. They have only been there for a few weeks. And I have really gone off Emma, if she misses the bf that much, why did she go in the first place? I do not want to see her slobbering over him, he is not even a HM! And the Laura story seems far fetched to me! Seems we only have one team player from that and it is Jason. 


Wales in the news today with the big footie match to come. You get a free ride on the bus and a free bottle of beer if you wear your red shirt round here today!

Nice day yesterday so did lots of washing.

Looking after mum later today. The bus driver had trouble opening the security door again when he bought mum home, so will have to complain to LL again. She is not fond of spending money doing repairs!

Mum's day centre rang me yesterday and asked if I minded if she was in a photo because the press were coming to take photos of a party they are having there as one lady turns 100 today! The carers have dressed her in her flowery top and put her hair up with her pink clips.

I hope there is no more sloppy stuff tonight on BB. I want a proper task that involves real competitiion. Looks like we are unlikely to get that this year!

Emptybox...Jane is the only HM I like too, an unlikeable bunch this year, they are.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, not much sun, not much wind, mainly cloud.

My lad came and put another vent, this time in my room office, just not enough circulation.

I made bacon and egg on toast sandwiches for us anyway.

I had to cut the new growth off the cherry trees and cover the lot in netting, but i found a place a bird had been clinging onto the netting and eating the cherries through the mesh, clever these birds.

Glad you got a days work in anyway, thats good when the rain stays off.

That seems cheap for a new battery, i had one coming from China once, never arrived.

I'm like you on BB, i can't put my finger on one i back. don't even like Jayne and i usually like a few of the girls.

Edit: Meant to say, still pain free, so thankful.

Just watching, Behind closed doors.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening guys.
Dry morning but wet most of the afternoon.
Got a bit of work done but disappointed in the afternoon, considering they were forecasting sun.
They seem to have now decided to have rain again next week as well.


One good thing about the rain was that I was in when the postie brought my tyres and inner tubes, and I was able to fit them this afternoon.
Even had a little test bike ride during a break in the rain.
Everything seemed to work fine on the ride, but seemed to take more effort than I remember from 20 years ago for some reason?


This hedger battery that I've got coming from Ebay is supposed to be from the UK but the seller is definitely Chinese (going by the messages they've sent me), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll come.
The one I originally ordered was out of stock seemingly so she's going to send me a slightly cheaper replacement (2Ah rather than 3Ah) and give me a partial refund. Alarm bells are ringing for me a bit, but we'll see.
The original batteries were only 1.5Ah, so the 2Ah one should be fine as a back up machine, and it's a wee bit cheaper.


Hi Mollie. Yes I think Emma was a bit selfish opting for a second date with her BF.
I've remembered I quite like Latysha as well as Jayne.


Pity Wales didn't win tonight.
I would have gladly worn a red top if a free bottle of beer was on offer.
That's nice that your Mum might get her photo in the papers.
Hope the security door gets fixed.


Hicky, more help from your lad I see. Great that you are pain free.
Pesky birds, eating cherries through the nets. Not playing fair.
Obviously not a very warm night there, if you're watching TV behind closed doors?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not a lot happening, my new baking tray for the bottom of the oven came, don't want stuff going on the oven base.

The new vent tile came for the kitchen hob extract unit.

Watched some of the tennis, saw a pesky squirrel rooting around, will have to see if it's been at the strawberries, it jumped onto an apple tree tub and ate a windfall, so to speak, when some drop inside the sleeve netting i take them out and put a few on the tub top, better than eating them off the tree eh.

Mollie, Yes, Emma is a strange one, i believe she broke out again but BB wouldn't let her back in.

Wales did well to get that far, it was just that their luck ran out, they could have won on the day but it wasn't to be.

Your Mum could be famous if she gets in the paper.

to be honest none of them really do anything for me, a few i don't like but thats it.

Emptybox, Glad you tyres and tubes came, pity about the weather, been pretty dull here as well.

I think it is not good to compare what you did 20 years ago with now, your legs haven't had any bike training.

Hope the battery is ok and not fake, it's hard to trust stuff off the net these days.

Been watching some tennis today, watched 2 recordings of Love Island as well.


Hi Hicky.
A dry day here, and sunny and warm this afternoon.
Got a few jobs done.
Because of all the recent rain the grass is soaking wet, despite the sunny day, so it's more difficult to make a good job.


Good idea to put a baking tray in the oven. I always do that when I'm cooking a casserole or mince, or something that's likely to boil over.
Hope the squirrel hasn't done much damage to your fruit.


Yes it's difficult to know whether to trust the Ebay seller. But they've got good feedback, and paypal will repay me if it's never delivered or is the wrong item.
Trouble is I don't know when it's likely to arrive. They gave me a tracking number but it only has info for the 5th July, and nothing since then.


Still waiting for refunds for the road tax and insurance from the car that I sold at the beginning of May. Don't know why they're taking so long?
I got an acknowledgement from the DVLA at the end of May, and they said the refund should come within 6 weeks, so I'm expecting it any day.


Yes I'll have to take it easy at first, if I'm going to do any bike riding. Not sure it'll be a regular thing though.


Not sure how Andy escaped being up for eviction?
Not sure who I want to go. Not that keen on Jason now either.



Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day here warm and dry, some sun as well.

Pulled some more Rhubarb and made a crumble with it, yummy, don't think the squirrel has taken anything, none of the strawberries are missing.

My neighbour brought a couple of bags of grass cuttings for me, he has a new mower so it's easy for him, i'm going to just use grass and cardboard shredded and i have loads of room.

Been watching the tennis, after i had watched love island recording.

Hope Charlie goes tonight, she is fave to go according to the betting.

Yes, the baking tray is in now, the bottom is covered, also put on top of that a sheet of non stick material that will go in the dishwasher to clean.

I was going to make more compost tea tomorrow but it looks like rain on the forecast.

Strange having to wait for refunds from tax and insurance, i suppose you will get it though, just not soon.

When i was working in Belgium the bikes rode in the middle of the pavement, they had a bike lane, scooters could use it as well, probably only for the Uni towns though.

I don't think they voted for Andy as he was saved last week so it would be a wasted vote.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed out at home.




How nice to have your own rhubarb in a crumble. Glad to hear the squirrels haven't been nicking any more lately.

Yes I too saw the tennis. Andy did well.



that is good the weather is holding up to get your jobs done. But a nuisance the wet grass is meaning you take longer to get the jobs done.

Typical how these places drag their feet giving us refunds, they are certainly quick enough taking money off us! Hope it turns up soon, May was ages ago now.


I am hoping to see Charlie go tonight, she is so annoying stalking Jason.

Had to go to Cardiff hospital today for check up. All fine they said, not to worry about nose bleeds, it can happen with the type of blood disorder I have. Go to A and E if it gets real bad and show them my bleeding disorder card, she said.

Yesterday I had an afternoon in Cardiff with daughter. We went to see Guys and Dolls at the theatre, then met OH so we all had tea together at Nandos.

Tired today after being in Cardiff for 2 days and have had trouble sorting mum's care out, as agency so short staffed with staff holidays, so spent ages texting, emailing. Have sorted a mix of agency/private care out for awhile, with some extra hours for me.


Looking forward to BB soon.

Enjoy the show. xxx



Hi guys.
A nice dry day here with plenty of sunshine.
Got a few places cut, and the grass is beginning to dry out a bit, so made less of a mess.


Unfortunately the drive cable on the mower has got stretched for some reason, which means the drive is not at all positive, and I'm having to push the mower a lot, so takes more effort.
I've tried adjusting the cable this evening, and it seems to have improved it, but I think I'll have to try to source another cable from somewhere.
I could get it from the place I bought the mower, but it would be expensive, and could take weeks to arrive, going on past experience of them.
I'll try and find one online.
(ETA: found a few on Ebay for under ÂĢ20, so I can get one if needed)


Watched most of the Murray match after I got home. Glad he's through to the final.

The battery was waiting for me when I got back. They'd put it in the greenhouse.
It seems to be fine, but I'll have to see if it lasts as long as it's supposed to in action.


Glad the squirrel escaped without any loot Hicky.
That was nice of your neighbour bringing you the grass cuttings.
Yes, I believe Belgium is very big on bicycling.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got the  all clear on the nosebleeds, but they can't be pleasant. At least you know you can go to A&E if they get bad.
Glad you had a nice time at the theatre.
And well done getting the carers sorted out once again.


I think Charlie was probably the right one to go tonight, but I think Jason was just as bad at times, and started arguments with her when he had no need to.
Plus I didn't like the way he was taking being nominated personally, especially after he had nominated Charlie himself.
Don't like the idea of this Annihilation Week? It should only be the public who decides who goes.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A cloudy day here, no real sun, a little rain at times, nothing much.

My lad came with one of his lads and mrs, he was eating peas, raspberries, cherries from the garden, then melon, strawberries, blueberries from the fridge, not much he doesn't like.

Mollie, Yes, my second crop from the rhubarb, i was going to leave it but it needed picking, i always enjoy a good crumble.

Glad Charlie went, have had enough of her.

Glad the nosebleeds aren't so serious, they certainly are annoying, you probably are taking a type of blood thinner, I think my O/H's sisters hubby has the same problem as well.

At least you got a couple of days in Cardiff, sorting your Mums care out is a nightmare isn't it?

Emptybox, Yes, best get another cable for the mower even if you get it working ok, always need spare parts in case.

Don't understand this Annihilation Week, very strange, i wonder if they will go into into the second house.




Hi Hicky.
Dry this morning but rainy afternoon.
I just got a big job finished when the heavens opened. Good timing again.


Unfortunately I think I'm going to have problems with the van.
The immobiliser light is flashing while I'm driving and giving an error code. I think it's saying that the ECU is faulty. (whatever that is?)
Seemingly there are all sorts of complicated codes, and the immobiliser can stop the van from starting if things go wrong. Bloody stupid system if you ask me.
It's still stating and running OK at the moment, but could strand me if I'm not careful.
Can't help but think it might be something to do with the recent service, as I had no problems previously. They changed the fuel filter, so might have upset something. I suppose it could be a coincidence?...........
If it works OK tomorrow I'll maybe seek advice from the Garage on Monday.
Obviously if it doesn't work tomorrow I'll definitely have to seek advice.


My 'fix' on the mower's drive cable didn't last long (about 5 minutes ) so I've ordered a replacement. Just hope I can work out how to fix it.
In the meantime I'll just have to shove it (presuming the van allows me to get out and work).


That's handy that your grandson likes all the produce from your garden. You never have to worry about having an excess.


I think they've decided to finish civilian BB earlier than planned; perhaps because of poor rating? So they've now got an excess of HMs, hence the need for annihilation week in order to get rid of a few.
It should always be the public that decides though. So they would be stupid if they kick out favourites without a vote.





Oh no, not vehicle trouble again! I really hope you don't have another expensive"fix it" job to come and certainly hope it doesn't break down and strand you. I know this is your real busy time work wise right now. If it is to do with the recent service, surely they shouldn't charge you?  Make sure you emphasise this only happened straight AFTER they serviced it! And I hope the mower part turns up quickly and you can fix it problem free. Watch this doesn't stress you out too much, you don't want the health problem setting off again. Good job you have BB to focus on during your free time.



It is lovely how your grandson enjoys your home grown produce. And it is so healthy for him too. So glad to hear you are pain free, you'll have to make sure you always have a good supply of those tablets in.

I am not taking blood thinning meds, but after I had that op and lost so much blood, they said I have an abnormal bleeding condition, as it happened when I had my tonsils out as a child too and I had to have a blood transfusion. So they said this condition means I bruise easily (which I do), and now say it can cause these nose bleeds too. So it is probably a similiar response to people like your OH's hubby who has to take blood thinning drugs. 

I don't understand annhilation week either, yes it should be the public who decide. I wonder if they are going to bring public votes into in in some sort of a way? Yes I too think they will make use of the other house though, because they have spent a lot of money on it, but hardly used it so far.

Looking after mum this afternoon, hope it is sunny so I can take her down seafront for ice cream. I also like this big outdoor pub that has a balcony over the beach and a stage with perfomers on during Sundays in summer, so I will take her to see that if it stays nice.

Off to put my washing on now before I go.

Does annihation start today in highlights?

I so hope we don't just end up with the HM's choice, ie the "cool" gang. Ryan and his bogy friend pal (forget his name) are driving me round the bend! They rather mislead the HM's about the party. They couldn't wait to get rid of most of them, to take any little reward instead!

I think Sam is rather grafty, trying to swtich from the cool gang to supporting Jason when he heard the cheers! 

Looking forward to BB tonight, I am always done in after looking after mum, so it is great to unwind with my fave tv show.

Have a good day both xx

fingers crossed the van behaves today!


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, some sun and cloud but it stayed dry, very surprised.

Didn't do much with F1 on most of the day and tennis, made another load of compost tea in the 40 litre tub, will leave it to steep for a bit.

O/H went to the gym then made a roast chicken dinner, very nice to.

Emptybox. The ECU is the Electronic Control Unit, it is a management control computer, it controls virtually everything that happens to the car and engine, including immobiliser and doors etc, you need someone to plug in a ECU tester and it will guide you to the faulty part, it probably won't be the computer, but you have to get the fault sorted first.

You can see the price of ECU's here -

Just enter the reg, think they are expensive but doubt you would need one anyway.

Thats a blow, your drive fix not working on the mower, you might be able to find out how to replace it on the web.

Think we have 2 weeks of BB left then CBB starts straight away, or near enough.

Mollie, My SIL's O/H has blood thinning drugs because he has trouble with the veins in his legs, but his skin cracks and then starts bleeding but it won't stop of course.

Don't know when the annihilation starts, not sure how it is going to work.

I don't really like any of them much, Evelyn is OK.

Well done Andy Murray and Lewis winning F1 UK.



Evening both.
Started a bit rainy, then dry till late afternoon then rain again.
Got my own grass cut. Left a bit of a mess, but I don't mind that on my grass. It hadn't been cut for 3 weeks.


Mixed fortunes with the van. It didn't strand me and it wasn't giving the error codes today, but the idle speed is sometimes too low and the engine is 'hunting' on idle at times. But it drove OK and didn't conk out.
The idle speed is controlled by the ECU, so that also points to a fault with it.

I'm hoping that they perhaps disturbed a sensor when they changed the fuel filter, and that's causing the error. As you say Hicky, hopefully it won't be the ECU itself.
So I'll probably have to take it back to the garage; that's if they have the kit to test it?


Hi Mollie. Doubt the garage would admit they were at fault even of they were.
I try not to get stressed about these things because, as you say, it can bring on my symptoms. Difficult though.


Hope you got a nice afternoon so you could enjoy the seafront and pub?
I spent the afternoon watching the tennis.


Hi Hicky. Glad you enjoyed your roast chicken dinner.
Thanks for ECU link. They didn't seem to have one for my van, but would be expensive as you say.


Think the annihilation thing started today in the house, so we'll see it tomlrrow on the highlights show.


Evening Emptybox.

A rainy day here, not cold but no sun at all, just stayed in and watched TV.

Got 99 recordings to watch still.

At least you got your grass cut, do you pick the grass cuttings up or leave them on the lawn?

Strange about the van, if it gives faults again best go to garage while it's still on, although i think the unit stores any messages about faults, the garage should have the test equipment, think it's a general tool.

BB, I think one has already been evicted, one a day until Friday, then a few i think, each one has an interview with Rylan when they leave.



Hi Hicky.
A bit of rain early on, but then a nice mainly sunny afternoon.
Pity you didn't get a nice day, but at least you have your recordings to keep you occupied.


Strangely the van didn't exhibit any bad behaviour today? No error codes and no uneven idle.
It'll probably do it again, but while it's behaving there's not much point getting the garage involved.
Just have to keep my fingers crossed and hope it was just a blip.


In theory the mower picks the cuttings up, but when the grass is thick and wet it leaves trails on the lawn which look untidy.
On a customers lawn I'd have to go over it again on a higher setting to tidy up.


They must be getting very few people voting on BB in order to throw away the public vote with this Annihilation thing? Can't see anyone voting after this.
There's no point having a favourite if they could just be thrown out by the other HMs?


So we get Theresa May as PM whether we like it or not, because all the Leave bods have....well.....left. 

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad today, 16C but rain and cloud so not very nice.

I put the compost tea into the big tank ready for the next feed in a few days, can't get the gardener he's going on holiday so i'll have to do the feeding myself, it will take me longer but it should be ok.

Some cherries have been splitting with all the rain, the leaves must be taking it in as the tubs are covered, i'm putting the split ones onto the slate path so the blackbird won't feel so bad, put 3 down yesterday, they went.

Had a menu through the letterbox from an Indian takeaway, only 1.9m away and they deliver so thats very interesting, love Indian, O/H doesn't eat it so i never get out to get one.

A couple of times my S5 phone has lost all it's charge within a few hours and died completely, today i took it out of my over pocket on my work pants, they are the Dewalt ones, the ohone was very hot all over and wouldn't go on, i plugged it into the charger, nothing, so i removed and replaced the battery, it came on and said 55% charge, it was 95% earlier, something had drained the battery some.

I have ordered a new battery anyway in case it's playing up, i downloaded a batter test app as well, it gives me a lot of info about the battery etc.

Glad the van seems ok for now, you can't do much while it's running ok, you could ask the garage if it has the test meter to read the error messages on the ECU.

I think BB are just acting this way so you can't say it's predictable this year, plus they want to get this lot out and they don't care how, there are too many nasty arguments and it's damaged the ratings i would say.

Thats Chelsea out and another tonight i assume.


Hi Hicky.
Dry here but a little chilly and windy.


Wouldn't you know it, the van was giving me the symptoms again today. It was idling lumpily when I got into town and then started flashing me the error codes again.

I took it into the garage and let them see it flashing. It was idling perfectly though, so I couldn't show them that. They plugged their diagnostic tool in and got about 4 codes. Two were to do with the fuel pump. One was something to do with PAT code misalignment or somesuch (probably why the immobiliser light was flashing), and the other one was about the alternator.

They didn't have time to do anything today, but it's going in on Friday morning for them to have a proper look.
I did ask whether it could have anything to do with them fitting the fuel filter but they (predictably) said no.
I can't believe it's a coincidence that they changed the fuel filter in the service 10 days ago and also changed the alternator belt, but we shall see.

If they have to fit a new fuel filter, that could be very expensive.
My brother suggested looking to part exchange the van (rather than paying for an expensive repair) and getting a newer one. But that would be much more expensive again, and I like that van.


In the meantime I'm hoping it doesn't conk out and strand me before Friday, but it's giving no signs of it so far.


That's annoying that your phone battery is playing up Hicky.
My phone is still playing up and rebooting itself randomly. Probably have to get a new one at some point.


Pity you haven't got the services of your gardener this week.
But that's nice of you, thinking of the blackbird with your split cherries.
That'll be a good option for a night you don't want to cook; get a nice curry from the takeaway.


Must admit this Annihilation week is quite entertaining to watch, but only because I haven't been voting because I haven't got a favourite, so I don't mind who goes.




sorry to hear the van is still not right, I so hope it does not end up expensive. I imagine you have had to cut a lot of lawns to pay for your recent vehicle problems.


I bet the blackbird is grateful to you for saving him the split cherries.

How annoying your phone as well as Emptybox's is playing up now.

Very handy for you to get your Indian take away as you have one so close.


Looking after mum this afternoon. So have rushed around to do my jobs.

We are going to Devon for one night tomorrow as the forecast is quite good,  got a last minute deal before prices go up for school hols, so that is good.

I'll be back here when I get back, but will make sure I don't miss BB though, as the annalution thingie is so good.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

Cooler today, some sun, light wind, didn't really do much, was going to see if i could take some of the net sleeves off the apple trees, tried one but couldn't put a bag over the apple because the stalk was too short so couldn't enclose the apple, so i gave up, most branches have too many apples on anyway, the sleeves seem to be working though.

Emptybox, Yes, as far as i know the ECU remembers the error codes, think they have to be deleted to get rid, I certainly think they have done something to start theis series of problems, but not sure if the errors need to be deleted for them to stop giving the old errors, maybe when the error isn't there then it doesn't show on the screen, or maybe the errors are permanent and stay until the unit is removed.

The alternator error could have been because it was slipping as thats the only reason the belt would need replacing.

Wasn't the fuel filter error the reason they changed the fuel filter, on a service if they plug in the tester it tells them what is needed, thats the idea, it just remembers what it told them.

I'm enjoying this weeks annihilation, it's certainly a strain on them, wonder who will go tonight, and who takes the ÂĢ20k

Mollie, Enjoy Devon, it should be lovely, hope you have good weather, think the forecast is ok.

No, you don't want to miss BB, can't you record it in case?

I left a couple of ripe damaged plums out for the birds as the cherries were too good today.


Evening guys.
A nice sunny day here. Got a big hedge cutting job done. The new battery on the Bosch hedgecutter held up well; lasted for more than half an hour anyway.
I only used that hedger to finish off, did most of the job with the Lidl one.


Oh, a bit of good news. The cable came for my mower, and I was able to fit it without too much trouble. So the drive on it is now working again.


The van didn't let me down today, but it seemed to be lacking power; might have been imagining it? Still flashing the codes though.
I'll see what it's like tomorrow. If it's not driving well I'll not go far, as it's not worth the risk of getting stranded.

Hicky the mechanic tried to clear the codes from the system but the altermator one stayed on, so is a current one.
They replaced the belt because they said it was cracked. However now I'm getting a squealing sound when reversing on full lock, which I think might be related to the alternator belt. Certainly wasn't doing it before the service. Not sure how that could have anything to do with the fuel pump problem though?


They only replaced the fuel filter because I asked them to, as it hadn't been done for a few years (probably a big mistake). But they said the codes were definitely relating to the pump not the filter.
Obviously something is causing a fuel problem, because of the lumpy idle, but whether it's the filter or the pump remains to be seen.


Enjoy your time in Devon Mollie. But yeah, you'll need to be near a telly.


Pity your idea with the apples didn't work out Hicky, but at least the birds got the benefit of your plums today.


Oh well, Boris gets a reprieve and becomes Foreign Secretary. That should be interesting?


Pity that Latysha is out as I quite liked her. Didn't think it would be Jason that pushed the button.


Evening guys.
A nice sunny day here and quite warm.
It was nice using my mower without having to shove it. Also did a lot of strimming.


Have taken my van down to the garage, ready for it being examined in the morning. Doubt they'll be able to fix it tomorrow, unless it turns out to be something simple. But hopefully I'll know what the situation is. And if it needs work they can order parts in and fit them one day next week.


Put my bike in the back of the van and then cycled home. Only took 10 minutes, as opposed to at least 40 when I walk.
Mind you it was just as tiring as if I had walked.
That bike has no suspension as such, so you feel every little bump in the road, and the saddle isn't comfortable either. But it'll be fine for occasional use.
Should probably get myself a helmet though.


Hope you got the good weather Hicky, to get on in your garden?
Hope you manage to keep up with events in BB Mollie?


Evening Emptybox.

didn't do much today, picked some cherries for my neighbour, then O/H said, where's mine so had to get some more, put the split ones on the floor for the birds.

Went out midday for fish and chips to Parkgate, wow, they are so good, the fish is cod but they butterfly it, thats why it is so wide.

Glad the hedge-cutter was ok, that was handy, the drive cable going on ok, sorted.

Maybe the last error code/fault stays on the system,

the squealing sound, does it sound like a fan belt, or is the wheel touching the side on full lock, why would reversing have anything to do with the alternator?

It looks like the fuel pump has a problem or the error codes wouldn't be flashing, also the van not running right seems to back that up, there might be more than 1 filter.

Can't see the fuel pump making the idling lumpy really, if there is fuel in the carb it runs else it stops.

Jason dumped Lateysha because she would have won.


Hi Hicky.
Glad you enjoyed your fish and chips.


There's a sound like noisy belts that's there a lot of the time.
Not sure what the squealing is? I've looked in the wheel arch and there's nothing that the wheel could be binding on.
But it may have nothing to do with the alternator right enough. Who knows? (hopefully the garage tomorrow )
Maybe the fuel problem will all come down to a faulty ECU.


Evening Emptybox.

Didn't do a lot today, fed the trees with the compost tea, chased the squirrel from the strawberries, will have to look if he took any.

I see the public is on a vote to save for the HM's, last 3 will be named by Emma and the HM's will have to choose who to evict.

You can tell if it's the wheel catching, if you stop the noise should stop.

If it's a belt you should be able to tell when you are stopped, the engine speed should change the squeal noise.

These days we don't have voltage or charging meters so it's hard to tell if the alternator has a problem till it packs up and the battery light comes on, the light is wired between the battery and the alternator, it's a 12 volt lamp and only comes on if the alternator output drops, one side of the alternator is connected to earth so the light will come on if no voltage is coming from it.

Not sure about the fuel problem, not sure what part the computer plays in running the engine, if any, reading about it the ecu seems to have a lot to do with the diesel engine but i'm not sure what part it plays in a petrol engine.

 EDIT: Forgot to say, usually when O/H is going shopping she asks me for a list of what to buy for me, wow, how cool is that, and it always appears, it's like having my shopping delivered and i don't even have to go online, Ha Ha

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Dull here to start with then rain this afternoon.
Didn't get the van back till this afternoon so couldn't do any work.


They haven't progressed very far with the van. Still saying the codes could indicate a fuel pump problem, but he says he's consulted Ford, and they say those codes can sometimes indicate a fuel filter problem as well, and as they changed the filter in the service they are going to try fitting a proper Ford filter and see if that sorts it.
So at least they are now considering that it might be the filter they fitted that is the problem.
That'll arrive next week, so I'll have to book it in again.


Since I've got the van back I've narrowed down this squealing problem.
It happens when the engine is running and you turn the steering wheel right to full lock in either direction. But it happens when the van is stationary as well as when it's moving, so nothing to do with the wheels catching.
Reading up it could be a number of things, including power steering fluid low (checked that), belt not tight enough, or some problem with the pulley or tensioner.
The new belt they fitted goes over the alternator and the power steering pump, so could well be the cause IMO.
Perhaps it just needs tightening? Or perhaps their fitting of it has caused a problem with the pulleys etc?
I'll certainly mention that to them when I book the van in again.


The ECU does certainly seem to control the idle speed in the diesel engine, so could still be implicated, but they haven't mentioned that.
My van has the Endura 1.8l 75hp TDDi diesel engine (2004).


Still, I'm a little more hopeful now that it might all be fixable at a not too expensive price. Especially if it turns out to be caused by what they've done in the service?
If it is a fuel pump then that'll be much more expensive. But we'll just have to wait and see on that one.
In the meantime I'll just have to keep driving it and hope it doesn't let me down.

If it gets through all this in one piece, and without costing me a fortune, I might treat the old thing to a set of wheel trims.
The steel wheels are looking a bit rusty and scruffy, and as i don't have a car now, I feel a bit self-conscious in the supermarket car park.


Have visions of you chasing around your garden after a squirrel Hicky.
Hope it didn't decimate your strawbs?


I can't see anybody voting when it's the HMs who choose who to evict?
Very silly move by BB.
Still, I hope Jayne stays.


Wonder if Mollie is back from Devon yet?

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Emptybox, I was just adding an edit to my last post when you were posting so you missed it.

I think all aspects of a diesel engine are controlled by the ecu, i was thinking yours was petrol.

It does seem to be related to the fuel filter, something not right.

The tension of all belts on a vehicle are extremely critical, too tight a bearing goes, too loose it will start to slip, in fact it's quite hard to get right unless they follow the instructions for tensioning.

Yes, Mollie should be back soon.

BB soon now, exciting, just watching Gogglesprogs.



Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day, not as much sun as i had hoped.

Noticed this morning looking out of the kitchen window that a branch had broken on the family apple tree, i quickly got some canes and some wire ties with tree tape, the branch was hanging by a thread so i don't think i can save it, i took some of the apples off as it did have too many, i took the sleeve netting off as i couldn't use it with the bamboo supports, i've wired and taped it all up but not hopeful and don't think you can graft at this time of the year.

Cooked a piece of Brisket for my tea, had some Jersey spuds with it, had cooked it with onions and carrots with some stock, that made lovely gravy.

Yes, pleased Ryan went, he's a clown.

Yes, have lots of lovely food in the fridge, have some in the freezer as well of course but making out a shopping list reminds me of the old BB.

Mollie should be back here soon, if she gets the time.



Yes I got back late yesterday, had to go food shopping today for mum, family and hungry pets.



sounds like the squirrel likes your home grown produce as much as the birds do. How nice your OH can just bring you back the shopping on your list.



fingers crossed the van is a cheap job and at least they are listening to you now about the filter. Well done biking all the way back, at least it saved you a lot of time, even though it was hard work!


We ended up not getting to Devon till 8pm. Son unexpectedly got offerred a place on the bbc film crew summer training scheme, so OH had to take him as he was not sure where to go and his car needed new tyres. Meaning we hit all the rush hour traffic especially round Bristol by the time we left for Devon! Really pleased for son though as this is a great opportunity for him. He worked 6am till 6pm last night, 2pm till 1am today and 6pm till 4am on a night shoot tomorrow!  The traineees have to prove their worth if they hope to make it in the business. He has already put a lot of hours in helping back stage at the threatre though, so know he enjoys it.

We stayed in Sidmouth, very pretty little place, lovely weather, called Jurassic coast due to dinosaur age cliffs,.... huge and very orange in colour. We had dinner in a pizza pub and a walk down seafront, then next day, we went to a  donkey sanctuary. Lots of elderly and rescued donkeys, now well looked after. Then we went to this big shopping centre with animals, and we got a real Cornish pasty. The best pasties there are from Cornish traditional bakers I think.

Daughter and now OH too have Pokemon go on their phones. They think it is great, but couldn't get it to work in the depths of Devon!

I have managed to keep up with BB. So pleased to see the back of Ryan last night. I think BB has been really good lately.

Enjoy the show both xxx


Hi both.

Reasonable sunny day here. Got a couple of jobs done.


Unfortunately my 'joy' with the mower was short lived, as it's still giving problems with the drive. There must be something wrong with the drive itself that caused the previous cable to stretch, and it's making the new cable jump off it's fixing.
I've secured it on just now, but it'll probably stretch or break the new cable just the same as the old one.
Can see myself having to buy a new mower and keeping this one as a spare, but without drive.
It's light enough to push...just, but it takes effort on any lawn that's not on the level.


Sorry to hear you've got a broken branch Hicky. Must have been the weight of apples in your bumper crop? Doubt if it'll recover.
That sounds like a nice supper.


Mollie, glad you had a nice time in Devon.
I've heard of the Jurassic Coast, but wasn't sure where it was.
Surprised you got a Cornish pasty in Devon? Perhaps it was lost?


Well done to your son getting into the BBC folm crew training.
Sounds like a lot of hard work though, but worth it if that's what he wants to get into.


I've heard of this Pokemon Go thing, but not sure what it is. Finding Pokemon characters with the GPS on your phones or something? Perhaps it only works in cities? Can't see myself getting sucked in by it.


Evening Both.

Not a bad day really, pretty warm, getting warmer tomorrow, hot Tuesday.

Didn't do a lot, had another go with the broken branch, took the apples off, another 11, rest the break and fastened the area with tie wraps, recovered with the grafting tape and left the bamboo supports in place, i don't think it will survive and i won't be able to keep the branch alive till next Spring, i might have to see if i can graft a new branch in it's place next year.

My Lad and his lot came this afternoon, he has been away fro a week on a course, he's changed jobs and has to go to these training sessions.

Mollie, Glad to see you back, thats nice for your lad to be offered a place on the summer training scheme.

Gad you enjoyed you Devon trip, it sounds like it went down well.

Emptybox, Your mower problem is a pain, i think it's a belt drive isn't it, don't see how the control cable can stretch, surely the mower people can fix it, it's only a part thats worn or broke surely.

I think this Pokemon is crazy, i certainly won't be getting it, it's causing too many problems at the mo.


Hi Hicky.
Dull drizzly and not particularly warm here.
Think I'm supposed to get warm weather as well in the next couple of days, but maybe not sunshine.


Didn't do much today apart from the supermarket shop,


That was nice that your lad and family came round after his week's training course.


On the mower the drive cable pulls a lever on the side of the gearbox to activate the clutch. But there sometimes seems to be something in the gearbox sticking and putting resistance on this lever, so you're stretching the cable rather than pulling the lever.


Yes it could probably be fixed with a new gearbox or other parts, but I don't have a spare working mower, so would be out of action for however long they took to fix it; which I can't really afford at this time of year.
The people who I bought it from always take ages to fix things.
Plus they wanted to charge me ÂĢ50 just to replace the drive cable the first time it broke, whereas the cable cost me ÂĢ17.50 and took literally 10 minutes to replace.
And I don't know anybody else to take it to.
I could buy the gearbox online for about ÂĢ90, but do I have the skills to replace it myself?

Think I might be better off buying another mower and keeping that one as the spare.
I'll see how it goes next week.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Red hot today, 28C in the garden shade, didn't do much, tidied up a bit.

It's going to be very hot Tuesday, over 30C here.

So it's a mechanical clutch of sorts, it need a proper overhaul i think, you really need 2 of each items that could fail, the only way to keep working with a part needing repair.

I suppose you can always buy the parts and get the repair shop to fit them, but youhave to have spare machines to keep you going.




well done to your lad getting a new job. Is it working in the same field he used to work in?  What a shame about the broken branch. Let's hope if you have to do one, the graft fixes it. Glad to hear you had the nice weather too.



such a shame about your mower. Sounds like an expensive job to fix it. I'll keep an eye open for any Lidl bargains in case you need a new one.

yes the Cornish pasty in Devon was a branch of the Cornish shop that had drifted to Devon.   The Devon coast was so pretty, lots of thatched cottages. We actually saw on being thatched. OH says it is very expensive to get your roof done if you have one of those.


Daughter tells me Pokemon works anywhere in UK now. But there are more in areas with largest numbers of mobile phones, so I guess there will be some round your way Emptybox, but not that many. It is great for daughter as she is not fond of exercise normally, now she wants to walk everywhere!


BB back to boring again last night, what a stupid team game that was!

I did enjoy the annialtion week though.

I think Rylan said on This Morning that CBB starts next week?

Is that right, if so, they have a lot of HM's to get rid of quickly?

Or are some of the ones left going next door?

so hot now, going to be in the 30's here tomorrow.

Far too hot for me already today!

Son didn't get home till after 4am this morning but enjoyed it. He did the clapperboard this time which is part of the camera crews job he said.


Oh no, BB not on till 10pm! I much prefer it on at 9pm.Let's hope it is more interesting tonight.


Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.
Dull and cloudy here. Quite warm, just over 20 I think, but not as warm as you.
Think it's supposed to get up to 25 for me tomorrow, which is plenty TBH.


Got plenty done. The mower behaved itself after I secured the cable with wire to stop it jumping off. But of course it could be getting stretched.


Got the van booked in for Wednesday to get the other fuel filter fitted.
Of course that's the day when there are supposed to be thunder storms.


Hi Mollie, Devon sounds lovely. My cousin lives in a cottage in Norfolk with a thatched roof. Don't think they've had to re-thatch it yet, but they did have to have some work done on it when they had log burning stoves put in.
There are quite a few thatched cottages around here too.


I think CBB starts next Thursday?
Yes there will be a lot in the final, unless there are multiple evictions this week?


Glad your son is enjoying the film crew course.
I'll have to keep an eye open for some of these Pokemon players, wandering around glued to their mobile screens.


Yes Hicky I like to have a spare working mower.
I do still have my previous mower here but the back wheels are broken so it won't work at all. I can take some spares off it, but unfortunately it has a different drive system so the belt and gearbox etc are all different to my current one.


Quite enjoyed it on BB when they heard about the brexit vote and the new PM.


both xx


Not surprised you didn't do a lot, that is the best way to be in this current heat! What do you like to eat when it is hot? I had a slice of pizza and salad today, very nice. Then strawberries and mascapone.



thank goodness the mower behaved. HOpe it did today too. Did you get much done in the heat today, or did it slow you down?

It was in the 30's here, good for drying lots of washing for me, but not much else!

I decided to have a go for the first time with my new self tan. You leave it on for 3 minutes then shower it off, and it gradually develops! However when I got out of the shower to wait my 3 mins, the shower had leaked and I had to call OH to help mop up the floor before I could shower it off. Meaning my self tan was on for more like 13 mins, not 3!   So it is still "developing" now, I think I will look like one of the HM's when they have been "oranged" soon!


Yes I too enjoyed BB last night. Andy was real good reading the news, and great to see some of their reactions. No wonder they were suprised with the news whilst they have been in the house, so much has happened!

I now have hopes for the rest of the shows to come.

CBB is due to start very soon then. Hope they have some interesting and class HM's and they are not just Geordie shores i have never heard of!

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

A scorcher today, it's even 28.6C in the house, over 30C outside

Too hot to do anything really, had a BBQ at 2.30pm, just chops and burgers.

Was going to pick some cherries for O/H but too hot.

Mollie, My lad has joined National Grid, which may be changing it's name some time in the future, they look after the supply to all households & factory outlets.

The broken apple branch seems finished, will leave it now till the winter and cut the branch off, i'm going to support any more branches as they seem to be in trouble.

I don't think people should go around looking at their phone trying to fine stuff playing Pokemon GO, and should never be on their own, thats crazy.

Emptybox, Glad your mower behaved, hope the garage sort your van out.

Yes they have said thunder storms, great, we have one hot day and then get drenched.

Yes, i think CBB starts the last week of July so BB finishes before that.

Jason was going to walk but they talked him out of it by the looks of it.

Last nights BB was good, i ad to record it as it was on late, i forgot to record Rylan, not a big loss, my recorder seems to ignore series instructions and just records one, i need another recorder i think.

Yes, thats the problem with having 2 mowers that are not the same, not interchangeable parts.


Evening guys.
Lovely sunny day here, the hottest of the year so far.
I'm even in my shorts and sandals tonight. The first time for that as well.


Just a bit too hot to work really, I was drenched in sweat, but got a lot done.
The mower OK again, but only used it for a short time. I was mostly strimming today.


Took the van down to the garage tonight, as it's forecast heavy rain first thing.
Cycled back. The chain came off half way along the road, but was easy to put back on. Perhaps something needs a bit of adjusting? I selected top gear, but perhaps pushed the lever too far, and the chain came off the sprocket.


You paint a funny picture with your self tan tale Mollie. Couldn't you have been showering while your OH was mopping? At least you'll stand out in traffic.


Hi Hicky. I would have thought it was too hot to be cooking on a barbie? Unless someone else was doing the cooking?
Pity the broken branch seems to have had it.
Before you buy another PVR you should try reinstalling the latest firmware, if you can get hold of it. It might be a software issue.


Wonder who will be in CBB this year?
Yes I agree Mollie. Hope it's not all Towie/Geordie Shore types.


Evening Emptybox.

Another pretty hot day, took the netting off the cherries and plums, took all the ripe fruit off.

I pruned the top of the main branches, couldn't do it before because of all the fruit, i will maintain a certain height so i can get the netting around the trees easier, will be pruning all the trees in august anyway, some have a metre of growth or more but if you prune early it will all grow back, it it grows back after the August Prune you trim any new growth in September.

I'll have to coverer the trees a lot earlier next year, as soon as all flowers have dropped off.

Couldn't stay outside too much, it was too hot.

I can't find my sandals that i had on holiday which is a pain, have no idea what happened to them, i'm wearing my Crocks.

Hope they can sort your van out, at least that will be something working ok.

The chain tansion must be critical on bikes with gears, is there a tensioner that can be adjusted.

It's not too hot in the Gazebo, depending on what time of day, the BBQ is fantastic, the heat goes up of course but not out of the front, it has the side burner which we use to do the onions in a frying pan.

I'll have to look and see if i can update or replace the firmware or the software in the recorder, it's an old Humax.

I've seen quite a few reports of who might be in CBB, but not sure if everyone wants to know ahead of time.

If you want i can post names, but not all those posted get in.




glad it was warm enough to go  in your garden, but as you say best not to stay out too long in the heat. Still sounds like you got a lot done though, even if you didn't stay out long!

Shame you lost your sandals, I expect they will suddenly turn up when it is snowing or something! 

No I am one who does not like to see any names of possible HM's. I love launch night and it is much more fun if I don't know who is going in beforehand. If you put names here for Emptybox, could you please put "spoiler" then I will know not to read it. Ta.



Glad you got nice weather. That is good too you got to wheel out the sandals and shorts.  I am not surprised you were sweaty though, doing such a physical job in hot summer weather.

Good job the mower was ok too.

I am pleased it has cooled down here today though, yesterday was in the 30's and it stayed in the 20's overnight, so I didn't like that!

Looked after mum this afternoon, the carers left her windows opened so he flat cooled down by the time I got there.

BB time, not long left now.

wonder who'll be evicted next?

Enjoy the show. xxx





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