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Evening guys.
Started off a bit cloudy, but turned into a nice sunny day. a little too breezy perhaps.
Got plenty done. The grass is going mad now it's getting a bit warmer, after all the rain.


Forgot it was the longest day Mollie. Think it was lighter last night, but I can still see the colours in the garden now at 10.45pm.
I'd be surprised if this was a good summer unfortunately. I think you need a dry June for that, and this June has been a washout, up here anyway.


Glad you got your washing dry Mollie, I had a load out on the line today as well.
Glad your dog is improving and walking a bit, even with a limp.


Hi Hicky. That's good going making all that compost tea.
Glad your figs are doing so well too.

I put in canes for my tomatoes and loosely tie them to them.
Think mine all have 3 sets of flowers now. I usually let them get to 5sets before I pinch the growing tip out.


It's an old petrol mixer Hicky, from 1962.  But I can't get it started anyway, so someone would have to buy it as a project.


Yes, I hope it's Natalie that goes this week.
Charlie is being too full on with Jason. She'd do better playing it a bit cool. Can't say I like her as such, but it's interesting to watch.
Georgina is the closest thing I have to a favourite. Not sure what she see in that scruffy scrawny little fellow?


Evening Both.

Yesterdays post never went for some reason so i will post it here, then carry on with today Thursday.


Evening All.

A cloudy start to the day, it cleared up though and was quite a nice day then.

Put the next load of compost tea into the tank, will keep it till the end of the month.

Nothing much going on, not a lot i can do in the garden, keep looking out for little nasties trying to eat everything.

Just had fried sliced spuds for brekkie with double fried egg on toast, then at lunchtime i cooked one of those Costco Ciabatta bread pieces, sliced it first then cooked, they are part cooked anyway, had it with Costco ham and mustard, for tea just had some of Costco Cod fillets fried in butter, yummy.

Am really enjoying this pain-free period, i am taking a Omega3 oil capsule twice a day, a Glucosamine & Chondroitin  tablet at night, 2 paracetamol morning, 2pm and going to bed, it's working so far anyway.

Got Masterchef, Love Island and BB tonight, can't be bad.


Evening Thursday, a very nice sunny day here today, 19C.

The fellers came to fix the doors front and back, i couldn't release one of the adjusters or more, they have repositioned the glass in the back door as it's position controls how the door hangs, sorted now.

They are taking about giving us bags to put our food waste in so it doesn't get mixed with the general waste.

The window cleaners came, they use hose pipes and brushes with distilled water from their van, they washed the gutters and soffets again as well, not bad for ÂĢ10, they come once a month.

I wonder if Natalie will go Friday, i hope so really, but maybe the public like this mayhem.


Evening both.
Lovely sunny day here, and as there was no wind, it was actually quite hot.
Got plenty done.
 I hear there was flooding down South though, and it's a wetter forecast up here for the next few days.


Had another fella ring up about the mixer. He might come and see it over the weekend, or he might not......


Hi Hicky, glad your drug regime seems to be effective.
That's good that the guys came to fix your doors.


Hi Mollie, pity your post disappeared yesterday (and Hicky's).
I didn't post as I didn't have much to say.
(I suppose I could have wittered on about the wind, but I'd have been talking to myself    )
Hope you had a good day in Cardiff?


A lot of arguing in BB per usual.

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Evening Both.

Quite a lot of rain today, didn't do much, gave the fig tree some tomorite.

Did some shredding using Amazon boxes, jut the right thickness for the machine, one of the neighbours came round with a bag of grass cutting, didn't have tohe heart to tell him i didn't want it so am making another box of compost, i have plenty of shreddings so it's ok.

Have ordered another cooker hood for the hob, this one we have has never been piped to the outside wall and thats not good, will get my lad to fit it when it comes.

Going to change my watering system over to water in the morning, watching a video of the feller in Ohio and he says if you water at night it aids the slugs etc to move around so water in the morning it usually dry by night time and slugs don't like dry soil.

Mollie, I can't believe we keep forgetting to press 'Post Reply' something doesn't seem right.

Hope your day in Cardiff was fruitful, you are under a lot of strain, take it easy, enjoy the eviction tonight, maybe Charlie will go to unshackle jason, would like Natalie to go bu the public must be loving the speech wars.

Emptybox, Yes, the South have really been hit with flooding, the BB house 1 had to be evacuated to house 2 when the rain came through the roof.

Hope the feller comes to get your mixer the weekend, haven't you got a Tool Hire company near by, they might buy it to rent out.

Yes, it's great not having pain in bed or during the day, hope it continues.



Hi Hicky.
Started out nice here but torrential rain this afternoon.
Got three jobs done before I got a soaking.


Well....the Nation has spoken. Can't help thinking it's going to be a big mistake. But I find I'm not as bothered about it as I thought I would be.
Perhaps because although the pound and the stock market crashed, they recovered a bit by the end of the day.
I stayed up till 3am watching the results show, then got up at 7.30am to see the final outcome.

Inevitable that Cameron had to resign I suppose?
Perhaps we'll get to find out if Boris makes a good PM.

Of course it now makes Scottish Independence much more likely.


That was good of your neighbour, bringing you the grass cuttings. Pity you don't need it anymore.
I hadn't thought of that, about the slugs, but they certainly come out on a damp evening.


Haven't heard from the new mixer fellow yet (he said he'd phone today).
Not sure a tool hire place would be interested in a vintage, non-starting mixer?


Made a little headway with my phone. I let it run right down, then left it for a few days, then charged it up and it started.
While it's going I turned on USB debugging mode and followed guides online to unlock the bootloader and root the phone and install a custom recovery utility to it (TWRP). That way I can perhaps inatall a custom ROM of it turns out to be a software problem.

At the moment I haven't put any apps on it. I'm leaving it with the minimum installed for a few days to see if it behaves. Then I'll start adding third party apps one at a time to see if it crashes.


Glad Natalie went on BB. Having said that, she wasn't too bad on BOTS
With things like that flood it shows you that it's a TV set, rather than a real house; construction-wise I mean.

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Evening Emptybox.

A pretty cloudy day here, some sun though.

Not done much, watched a couple of recording from last night.

I was surprised Brexit won, the in crowd are not happy, i think we will be fine, who wants the Germans, French, Brussels and Luxembourg running us along with 23 other countries, that is crazy.

We won a dreadful war and gave over the country to Germany, it's wrong, of course those countries wanted us to stay in, the money they get off us pays their massive wages, in Germany and France the unions run the country so they needed our money to help pay for their problems, also they are having meetings now because they are very very scared that other countries want out, France, Holland & Italy for starters, the EU is bleeding them dry and now the EU realises that the way it is is broken and will have to change or they are in big trouble, like any massive company when you get too big you get out of control.

Yes, Scotland will probably go for the breakup, thats up to them.

I re-timed all my watering system to morning watering, it starts at 9am for now, it would have started earlier but i had to be at one of the timer units to set the clock time, i might change the master timer for one thats easier to change on the run.

Hope the feller came about the mixer, is it a petrol one then?, glad you got the phone working again, it should be ok now, most computer driven devices need resetting at times.

Yes, i'm also glad Nat went, want Charlie out as well though, i like the rest, for now.

Hope Mollie has been resting, she really has far too much to do.





Same weather as you here today. So not too bad at all.

Sounds like the change in watering systems should sort those pesty slugs out. Did you order your cooker hood from Amazon? Hope you are pleased with it when your lad fits it.

Such good news that pain is still keeping well away. That glucosamine suits you. How is your OH coping with the diabetes/meds and diet?


that's good you got 3 jobs done, but shame you got a soaking. Well done getting your phone going, hope you can sort the rest of it out. Shame the 2nd mixer purchaser didn't buy either.

I am glad to see the back of Natalie too.

Took son and daughter to Newport to play their card game in gaming shop. Then did food shopping, Have mum to look after tomorrow.

Been busy but am making sure I am free to enjoy watching BB each night.

Yes so glad we are out of EU, even if it will take a little time for things to settle down. Some unknown uneclected bureurcrats making our laws and charging us a fortune to do so, could never be of benefit to us. EU itself was indeed broken before we even decided to quit. Huge unemployment with the youth and gigantic debts. I think it would be crazy and such a shame if Scotland split from us now. I think I heard their oil revenues are going down now, so surely it is of benefit for them to stay in UK?

I see Wirral voted stay in. I wonder if that is because of the wealth in that area Hicky? Most of Wales voted out, except for the few wealthy areas. Why do you think Scotland all voted in Emptybox?

BB time for me, then bed. I hate it when it is on at 10pm not 9pm.

OH pleased Wales won football. They have done real well to get this far considering it was 1958 when they last even qualified for a tournament.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening guys.
Sunshine and showers here.

Went into town and bought a new chain for my bike. I can't fit it yet because I didn't realise I'd also need a tool to take links out of it. Seemingly they are made with more links than is needed, to fit a wider range of bikes. Could have bought one at the same time if I'd known.
I was half hoping they might have a bargain on a new bike, but they were all hundreds of pounds.


Glad you got your watering system largely sorted Hicky. Although I realise it's an ongoing project.


No message from the mixer fellow. He must have decide it wasn't worth coming all the way from Edinburgh.
The phone is still on at the mo anyway, although I haven't put much on it yet.


Hi Mollie. Hope you amused yourself in Newport while the kids did their gaming?
Didn't even realise Wales was still in the footie tournament? Mind you I haven't been following it at all.


I think Scotland all voted to remain because we tend to get the benefits of EU membership without the downsides. It's a big empty country, so migration osn't really an issue. And it's very agricultural, and the farmers get huge subsidies from the EU. Plus it's a huge market for Scottish products and tourism.


I think if Nicola Sturgeon could get a deal from the EU that allowed Scotland to stay in as an existing member, rather than having to apply as a new member, then there'd be a good chance the Scots would vote for that. Doubt I would, but it would depend on conditions at the time. The EU might have disintegrated before then.


Watched some of Adele at Glastonbury. Now watching BB on +1.


Evening Both.

Another strange day, cool, cloud sunny and some rain this afternoon.

Went out for brekkie, my lad came this afternoon with his lot, they came back from holiday yesterday morning.

Mollie, Didn't get the cooker hood from Amazon as it was more expensive on there, this is from here:

Don't know much about O/H meds but she seems ok, oh, she isn't on any just now, she eats what she should and says she has lost some weight, her bloods are good and she goes to the gym 3 times a week, so all good.

I think some other countries will want a referendum now, France, Holland, Italy and some other might get a call.

haven't watched the football, not my thing.

Emptybox, Pity you didn't know how many links you wanted, they might have taken the extra links off for you, else it's a link extractor, i had one when i was younger, you could grind the pins if you have a good grinder then the link pushes out.

Glad your phone seems to be sorted, it should be fine now.

They are talking about the EU as if it is dying on it's feet, certain people abroad said the EU must change now as it has become a burden.

The Major partners, Germany want us to stay in as the system will die without us, the EU gave Germany control over us that they have been trying to get since WW2.

We must be mugs to have fallen for that.


both xxx


Glad you made it out to brekkie again. Where had your lad been for hols? and did they enjoy it? Thanks for the link, it is handy now we can shop around so easily for best value via use of the internet. Glad your OH is ok, gosh 3 times at the gym! That is dedicated. Yes I agree other countries will want a referendum, many were not happy with EU the way it has gone. Indeed amazing how we got ourselves in a postion that we were ruled by Germany! (well the MP's did for us!).



what a shame you have to go back for that tool for the bike. Yes new bikes are so expensive now, it will be good if you can fix that old one.

Interesting why you think Scotland voted in, it is such a different country to England population wise. Wales is a bit of a mix as it too has areas of low population, but the cities populations are increasing faster and faster, especially with all the people arriving from EU.

It has been made out here in Wales too we are great beneficiaries of EU money. However whilst me and OH were waiting in Newport yesterday we were reading the Times in a cafe and I read that in Wales most of the money we got off EU was Welsh tax payers money, which Brussels then took and kept some of it, and then only gave part back, after Brussels chose how we spent it. Amongst other things ,they chose to use it to build the outdoor lido (that now hardly gets used as it is so cold most of the year!), a rugby training school, and doing up a few train stations!   The deprived areas, sick or elderly could of done with putting that money to better use! No wonder we voted out!


Looked after mum today, the carers had taken her out to the duck pond to feed the ducks, which was nice. It drizzled when I got there, so I couldn't take her out. All she said to me today was "thank you"  a couple of times, she hardly speaks at all now, just the odd work,  and didn't even realise I was there for awhile, despite the fact I was in front of her and talking to the carer. She was just fiddling with some toy in her own world. Awful illness it is, but at least she is well cared for and gets out and about, so she can sit and look around. She can't walk at all now. I have to spoon feed her too. I always feel tired when I get home as it is emotionally exhausting. thank goodness for the friendly hard working carers I have though.

Nearly time for BB, great to have that to unwind with each night, especially as there is only mainly football on.

Have a good evening both. Enjoy the show. xxx


Nice morning but raining this afternoon and evening.

Hicky, glad you had a nice day with your family.
That's good that your OH is managing without medication at the moment.

Think I'll practice on the old chain to see if I can get the links off without the proper tool. I'll probably have to cut it off the bike anyway, as it doesn't have a quick release link.
Or I might just send away for a tool from Ebay.


Mollie, certainly sounds tiring looking after your Mum. But at least she gets out and about as you say.


Scotland does have migrants coming in, but not in huge numbers. The population has been about 5 million for as long as I can remember.
There are a lot of people of Polish extraction in Scotland, but that's a legacy of WW2 rather than recent emigration from the EU.
I was quite surprised a while back, when the check-out girl at Lidl was Eastern European, because I haven't seen many round here.


Seems like the Tories might not be too keen to have Boris as PM? Hope they don't elect Theresa May, as i don't like her at all.
Yes, it may be that other countries will have referendums now, and the EU will collapse if it doesn't reform quickly. They should have got rid of the unelected Commission years ago, and have the European Parliament decide things.


Think I'll ring up to book the MoT for my van in the next week or so.
Not looking forward to that.

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hope it was nice enough to get out in your garden today.

A nice day here, so got lots of washing dried on the line.


Let's hope the van doesn't end up costing you a lot when you MOT it.

Yes should be interesting seeing who we get put in for the PM's job, and who stabs who in the back! What a rotten lot in Westminster they are, they even have their sights on Corbyn now.

Any of you eating the Jersey potatoes that are out now? I am, I love them but a shame they have such a short season. The strawberries are real good at the moment too, I like mine with mascapone.


Looking forward to BB. That Charlie is just awful, Justin should run for the hills to escape that one!

Have a good evening both xxx


Hello Mollie.
Patchy sunshine today and a bit breezy, but not too bad.
Got a big hedge cut, but the clippings were wanting to blow away down the street.


Got my van booked in for it's MoT on Wednesday. Hopefully it won't need too much, although doubt I'll escape unscathed?
If they need to keep it for a couple of days I'll just have to take the time off as I don't have any other vehicle, not even the bike yet.
Mind you, not sure I could take the mower round on the back of the bike anyway?


Bought some potatoes at the weekend, but just ordinary ones from Sainsburys. If they were selling Jersey Royals I didn't notice unfortunately.
Yes I like strawberries with either cream or ice cream. Like fresh rasps as well.


The stock market plunged again today inevitably.
Only upside is my gold miner shares are booming. Not enough to cancel out the slide in other shares though.


I think Justin must have already ran for the hills Mollie, and left his twin brother Jason in the house to face up to Charlie.   

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Evening Both.

No rain today, some sun,lots of cloud and some wind.

expecting deliveries tomorrow, of bin shed and new cooker hood.

Going to O/H's sisters Wednesday, we will then go for a day out to some nice places then go for a meal, yummy.

Mollie, My lad went to Morocco, Marrakesh, an all inclusive deal, a nice apartment with air con etc, he had a fine time, a lot of security around though.

Yes, all the money we got of the EU was ours anyway, they take it then tell us how to spent it, but they take a lot we don't get back, it's crazy, it's obvious they just want to run our country, a pity the youngsters can't see what is happening.

I cooked a piece of Brisket then O/H said we'll have a roast dinner with it so that was nice.

Yes, just waiting for BB, poor Jason she has ruined his BB experience without doubt.

I had new potatoes for tea, always lovely, not sure if they were Jersey though.

Emptybox, The chain links are hardened steel, you would have to grind the pin end to get the link out.

Hope the van gets through the mot ok, can be expensive.

I like those G-Tech E-bikes, they make lawn mowers and hedge cutters with 40 minutes use and cut branches up to 15mm, worth looking at, we have the vacuum cleaners which are brill.

Had some strawberries from Sainsbury's, they are so big, heavens how they grow them that big, i cut them up of course to eat.


Hi Hicky.
Hope your deliveries come tomorrow.
Glad you enjoyed your brisket, and hope you have a good visit to your OH's sister.


I've ordered a chain tool from Ebay, so hopefully I'll be able to get the chain on the bike changed.
Yes I've seen those G-Tech bikes, they look fantastic but very expensive, nearly ÂĢ1000. Might get a G-Tech hedge cutter next though.


Not much of Charlie in tonight's BB, it was Georgina playing the part of the nightmare girlfriend.


both xxx


I bet your lad was not short of sunshine in Marrakesh.

Enjoy your visit and meal out when you go to SIL tomorrow. What area does she live in?  Hope your deliveries arrrived and you are pleased with them. 

Regarding the youngsters and EU, it annoys me how the media keep saying around 3 quarters voted in,....what they miss out is when you take into account only about one third of youngsters actually voted, that actually only equates to around 25 % of yongsters voting to stay in EU! (and around 8% voting out.) I think a lot of them just thought if we came out they wouldn't be able to study or travel as much, but did not consider that youth employment in a lot of places in EU is around 50%, so they wouldn't be able to find work there anyway.

I too had some of those big strawberries from Sainsburys for tea with mascapone.  I thought of Emptybox when I got them out of the fridge and noticed they were Scottish ones. They were the best we have had so far this year too.

I have a GTech vacuum, and love it. Their designs are brilliant, so that is why they are so expensive.


If you think you can't stretch to a Gtech, Lidl have another gardening equipment offer. Do you think the "4 in1" at ÂĢ129 might be of use to you? On sale from Monday 4 July.

Yes I thought you would not be too impressed with the shares, but they were probably going down anyway regardless of brexit, as they have had such a good run lately. Good job you have some gold shares though to help counteract it. I reckon anything going wrong now will be blamed on brexit so MP's can say  to the public,  "told you so plebs, all your fault, not ours!".  Hopefully your shares will settle when we have new PM, and labour are sorted too.Lots of in house political nastiness to go yet before we get to that point though I reckon.

One good thing though is if they do eventually allow us to get out of EU, they won't be able to blame EU politicians for stuff that goes wrong any more!

Son has gone to the Junior drama club's end of term party tonight to help out. Daughter for made 2 big cakes for son to take with him to give to the kiddies to enjoy. She thought they'd like a choccie one with kiddie sweeties on top, so she got red laces, snakes, choc buttons, jelly beans, and topped the cakes with choc icing and sprinkles.

Yes Georgina seemed to be taking lessons from Charlie last night.

And I did not like the porno scenes at the end of the show.

Seems there are a few that will stop at nothing to ensure they have camera time and a "story" to draw attention to themselves.

hope we have an interesting task tonight. Not a good show last night with no task, just boring Georgina possessive stuff again!

Have a good evening both. xxx


Evening Both.

Another rather wet and cloudy day, cool as well.

I kept getting emails and texts about deliveries, got confused in the end, after having delivery times of 12 to 2pm and 3-4pm from another delivery sauce i thought i was going to get all the stuff today, i got a phone call asking me if Friday was ok to deliver the bin shed, i said i though you were coming today, not us she said we can't get until Friday, the 2 deliveries turned out to be 2 parts from the same supplier from 2 delivery people, i got filters and they came separate, so confusing.

Emptybox, Yes, the G-Tech bikes are expensive, i'd be worried about leaving it unattended as well at that price.

The gardening tools are great.

Hope we get the nominations tonight, i wonder who?

Mollie, SIL lives way outside Liverpool, further North in the middle of nowhere, it takes about an hour to get there.

I noticed those big Strawberries came from Scotland, but these days it's all grown under special conditions so it's so unreal.

It's strange this thing between Georgina and Jackson, i can see Evelyn getting involved one way or another.

I see the EU big boys aren't happy with us leaving, but the most upset are the main 2 countries that now rule us by having control of the EU, Germany and France, they are also scared that quite a few other countries will want out as they are fed up like us of being told what to do.

They are already talking about what they will have to change to get others to join their club, as they call it, well there's more that want out than want in.


Evening guys.
Nice dry morning but some rain this afternoon.
Got plenty done before the rain, as it might be the last work for a while, if they need to keep my van in.
I take it down first thing tomorrow for it's MoT.


Thanks for that Lidl link Mollie.  
I see that they have the cordless hedge trimmer on again, so if I've got the van, I'll maybe go in on Monday and try to buy it. It would mean another battery so I can go for twice as long, and a spare hedge trimmer as well, in case something goes wrong with the one I've already got.
That 4 in 1 tool looks good as well, but I probably couldn't afford that and the hedgecutter. And my strimmer seems to be going OK at the moment.


The shares going down is directly as a result of the uncertainty following the brexit vote. That uncertainty is likely going to continue for a while yet, although the shares stabilised a bit today. Of course it'll be a long time before we actually leave the EU, then the effect on the economy will depend on the deals we've made on trade etc, I would think.


I'm sorry, but I still can't see the point of coming out of the EU. I just don't see where the positives are going to come from? I doubt it'll have much effect on immigration at all. And any money saved will just disappear down the drain if lots of jobs are lost.
Just feels to me that we've kicked the stool out from under the British economy for the hell of it.
But it's done now, and we just have to make the best of it, and hope it works out OK.


Sorry there was confusion over your deliveries Hicky. But at least you got a couple of things. Hopefully your shed will turn up on Friday.
Yes, you'd have to have a good security lock, and chain it to lamp posts, if you had a ÂĢ1000 bike.


Unfortunately my mobile phone is going wrong again. I think it must be a hardware fault. I've got a separate business mobile, so I don't rely on that one, but it's a nuisance if I have to get another one.


Glad you both liked the Scottish strawberries. It's all the sunshine we get up here.


I see Jayne was getting it in the neck during nominations. I don't mind Jayne TBH.
Not sure who I want to go?

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Well, my van got through it's MoT.
Did need some brake work done, and an alternator belt replaced, and I got them to replace the fuel filter in the service, so it did cost ÂĢ400. Not exactly cheap, but better than it might have been, and I have the van for another year.
Will need to get new front tyres for it soon though; one of them is near the limit.


It was dry when I took it down, so I could walk back, but it rained for most of the day. They came and collected me when the van was ready, to save me walking down in the rain.
At least I wouldn't have been able to work, even if I'd had the van.


The stock market back up to where it was before the vote, but I think the volatility will continue until we have a stable Government in place. Then the next test will be what kind of deals can be cut, and whether firms abandon Britain for the continent before we actually come out of the EU.


The chain tool that I ordered came, and it seems to work. I practised on an old chain I foind.
I was looking in a box in the workshop to see if I had tyre levers for when I change the tyres on the bike, and what did I come across but an old chain for the bike. It had a broken link, but that could be easily replaced by one of those quick links (one came with the new chain).
I must have replaced the chain in my youth and forgotten all about it. So I didn't really need to buy a new chain after all.
I'll still put the new chain on though, as this old one must be worn, to have broken a link.

There's probably a chain tool around here as well, if I only knew where to lay my hands on it? My Dad probably had one for his motorbike chains.


Was stung by a bumblebee yesterday morning. They're usually placid, but I was trying to usher it out of the greenhouse, and it stung me on the forearm.
I took an anti-histamine tab and put some cream on it, and didn't think much more about it, as it didn't seem too bad.
This morning I woke to find my arm red and swollen around the sting.
The redness seems to be fading now, but it's still quite hot and swollen and itchy.
Guess I'll need to see what it's like tomorrow, just in case it's infected.


Got my phone to come on again, but for how long is anyone's guess. It'll probably go kronk again before too long.


And oh yeah, Big Brother......that's still on.

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Evening Emptybox.

Went to SIL's, had a good day apart from the rain, and road works in Liverpool as we were setting off from the Mersey Tunnel, went to a sort of farm centre for a coffee, then to a posh expensive restaurant for a meal, had some weird concoction of cod, prawns, squid rings with paella or something, it was ok though.

Didn't do much else as we spent most of the day away.

Glad your van is sorted, thats not cheap, but what is, strange about your bike chain but finding stuff can be the biggest problem, i often buy stuff over and over as noone knows where the gear is.

I voted out as i just hate being controlled by the Germans and they are the EU leaders, with maybe France but the rest just follow, i can tell by the way they are talked about in the big meeting, they talk about Germany as the EU heavyweights, that annoys me, we must have hundreds and hundreds of almost laws that we have to follow and the EU make them up and force everyone to follow, they have devastated our fisheries, tons of companies wanted to do trade deals with other countries but can't because you have to go through the EU and get 28 countries to agree, I think the EU is finished, loads of countries want out, it has got too big an overpowering and like all massive companies, in the end they are unmanageable and collapse, and lots of the talk we heard from persons about they wanted to stay in, of course they did, they were getting massive grants from the EU, but it was our money they gave them, I just wish they would have given us a list of the EU rules that we have to follow and what it does to our farmers fisheries and companies, it would be flabbergasting, the problem was, it was going to get worse, they are all ready admitting that they have gone to have and to stay as they EU they will have to change, wow, funny they never said that before the vote did they, the 261 who were at the EU meeting must be very very well paid, the whole system is similar to a big charity that can lose most of their income on expenses, well the EU system is bleeding the money away and telling 28 countries how to spend their own money, we are a massive contributor and thats why they didn't want us to leave, that and they are scared of loads of others wanting out now.

That was bad news getting stung, you shouldn't go near a bee with your hand, something that it can't sting is best, they are so quick to respond, hope it clears up, it depends how your body attacks the sting.

Strange your phone going off again, it's defo got a serious problem, don't know if it's worth carrying on trying to sort it.

I  wonder who will go this week, i think Andy myself but the public don't think like me. 


both x


glad you had a nice day out and a good meal, with SIL despite and weather/traffic.

Shame your order had to be spilt so you won't get it till Friday, hope you are pleased with it when you get it.



glad the van got through the MOT. Pity it was still expensive though. And shame it looks like you might have to fork out for a new phone too, but let's hope it carries on working for now.

Shame you got the bike chain for nothing, wonder how may years ago it was you replaced it originally?

I read the FTSE closed at its highest level since Arpil, so hopefully you saw things improve today. I do agree with Hicky, I think getting out of the control of the unelected in EU can only be good for UK. And I think the pound and shares will not get worse due to Brexit, so  think there has been a lot of scaremonering and blame thrown at brexit. I heard one finance guy say the Euro is a much worse state than the ÂĢ if the truth be known. I believe the EU is a failed project and if we hadn't gone first someone else would of done instead soon.


Awful day weather wise here today.

Felt exhausted coming home from mum's tonight. It is not that difficult looking after her, I just feed her now, and tidy up and son helps shop/sort things such as bins etc, but it take about an hour and half to feed her, and makes my ribs aches trying to stretch to reach her mouth. 
But when I get home I feel so down and miserable, I looked at her tonight and thought she is just a shell existing. Can't do a thing for herself, occasionally says "thank you", or "yes" and that is it. She whimpers and grizzles a lot too. She was tired tonight, so it was quite bad. 
I think I will have to get carer to do an extra night next week as it is so wearing for me. And son had to yet again drive on the  motorway through pouring rain tonight.

Looking forward to BB tonight, at last we have a fun looking task!

I hope Andy doesn't go.

I too like Jane Emptybox.

Enjoy the show. x

Last edited by *mollie*

both x



I hope the bee sting is ok now. When I got bitten recently it went red and swollen for a couple of days, then the outside skin broke and bubbled. Daughter read bicarb soda helped so she mixed some to put on it. I washed it off an hour later and put a sliver plaster on, and it had calmed down the next day. I also took an anti histamine though. Hopefully yours has calmed down now too.


hope weather was ok for you to get out in the garden.

Better today here than yesterday, but it has rained later in the day.

Managed to take the dog a walk down seafront today. There was quite a few surfers in the sea today and the lifesavers on duty as was it was a strong surf.


We have taken the dog to see the vet again and she is a bit better with her leg, but vet wants her still restricted to 3 walks of 5 mins each, such a good job I got the doggie pushchair, as she loves it, and is not stuck indoors all day. Plus I still get exercise in the fresh air.


I enjoyed the BB task last night. Chelsea was so funny being the CEO. (although with him I think it is usually unintentionally funny!).

Poor Andy, must be horrible to think everyone really dislikes you.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Interesting reading from someone in Greece:

A dry day till about 4pm, got the gardener today, he pruned the fig tree, picked some growth from the slate, fed all the trees with the feed hose so that saved me some work, picking stuff up makes me short of breath, don't get breathless if i don't do anything.

Ordered a vent tile for the kitchen cooker hood extract, i can't get out of the wall as the roof comes down over the wall, the soffit isn't wide enough so got to go up through the roof.

Mollie, Yes, hope bin shed comes tomorrow.

Have just watched 2 recordings of Love Island, too often on at the same time, crazy, i do find it a great program, as many rows as BB.

It will be good if you can get the carers to do an extra day, it is so tiring for you all.

I don't think Andy will go, the betting seemed to have Georgina down to go.

Glad the dog is improving, it must be on cloud 9 going out in the buggy.

Hope Emptybox isn't having trouble with the Bee sting.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening guys.
Bit dull and cloudy today, with a lot of wind, but dry until this evening.
Got a big strimming and mowing job done.


Also found time to put the new chain on the bike. It was very straightforward using the chain tool I bought. I had to take 4 links out of it to make it the same length as the old one.
It seems to run fine, and the gears all work. Couldn't really ride it, as the back tyre is flat, but had it upside down and turned the pedals by hand.
Next job is to buy new tyres and inner tubes.


Mollie I don't remember the chain breaking at all. I found a broken gear mechanism in the box as well, so presume there must have been an incident where the chain and gears broke, but I must have purged it from my mind.
I presume my Dad must have fixed it for me, so was probably in the mid seventies, about 40 years ago.


The bee sting seems to be improving thanks. When I went to bed yesterday there was an area about 5" by 3" on my arm that was red and swollen and hot, and I thought it might be infected, but this morning the redness had mostly gone, and the swelling went down today. There's still a slightly swollen bit around the site of the sting, and it's very itchy. But hopefully it'll go soon.


I read that when you get a 'large local reaction' to a sting like that, then you are more likely to get an anaphylactic  reaction when you are next stung, so I'll have to be more careful in future.
The same (I presume) bumblebee was still in the greenhouse this morning, but I just held the door open for it this time, and it bumbled out.


Glad your dog is doing well. Probably best to take it easy on the walks for a while yet.
Hope you manage to get a carer for an extra night to give yourself a rest from looking after your Mum.


Hicky, glad you had a good time at your SiL's, apart from the weather and the roadworks. That seafood paella sounds good.
That was good, getting the gardener in to help you.


I've never watched Love Island. The concept doesn't really appeal to me.


So we aren't going to get Boris as PM because of back stabbing by other MPs.
I said the Tories didn't want him for leader.
I'd have liked to see how he did as PM, but looks like it might be Theresa May now.


Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day, a few showers here and there but some sun also.

Didn't really do much, not a lot to do in the garden, just keep checking what is going on, the peas are ok now, the cherries, some are ready.

Glad you managed to get some work done, these showers are a nuisance.

That was good, sorting the new chain and getting it fitted, i suppose tyres and inner-tubes soon decay, it's rubber, one of the worst things to be in air.

Thats a big area to be effected by the sting, if it doesn't go down a lot you will have to go to A&E quick, you don't want it to get in your blood or spread.

Not sure who all the contestants are for the leadership yet.

I have a feeling Georgina will go, thats the betting anyway, i would prefer Andy or Emma but it looks unlikely.

The suns out now, crazy weather.


Hi Hicky.
Crazy weather here as well. Sunshine to begin with, then very heavy rain showers, then sun again tonight. Very stupid weather for July.
Got about half an hour of work done before I got rained off.


The back tyre on the bike is split and the front one has worrying cracks in it. The inner tubes seem OK though, but I'd be better to fit new ones. I've sent away for a set from Ebay anyway.


The bee sting is more or less away now. Just a small half inch slightly red and itchy circle around the sting, slightly raised. I think it's your immune system over reacting to it for some reason. There was another bumblebee in the greenhouse this morning. They come in through the vents.
I suppose they like the flowers on the tomatoes, but I'll have to be careful in there.


Seems the leave leaders  (Boris/Gove) fighting amongst themselves have made it likely a Remain supporter (Theresa May) will lead the Government?


Sorry to see Georgina go. I'd far rather it had been Evelyn or Andy.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Rain on and off here all day, didn't do anything really, watched tv recording and car racing , F1 E and F1, Lewis got pole again.

Went to Lidl for a shop, i quite liked it, got what i needed anyway, it's pretty darn cheap, very pleased, O/H has been so fussy over the years but it looks like my lad has talked her into trying it.

Going out for brekkie in the morning, saves me cooking anyway.

Pity you got rained off, thats a blow.

Best to replace tyre and tube, the tube could let you down and that would mess you about, best start again, when you get the old tubes out blow them up a bit and see if they hold the air, usually it's best to replace all valves anyway.

Glad the bee sting is behaving, thats a relief, can be nasty, i've had stings when young, not nice at all.

I don't understand why Cameron backed one side or another, he could have got someone else to front the campaign for him so ha could stay neutral.

There's a few that have put there names up, it shouldn't be too hard to pick a new PM, never found out what went on between Gove and Boris.

Yes, i didn't want Georgina to go, the public wanted her out, probably for her friendship with Jackson.

I wanted Andy out, can't stand him.






So glad to hear you are a Lidl convert at last, you won't regret that! Plus you'll save a lot of money as well as getting hold of some good quality food. I find Lidl mascapone the best, their crisps great, the family think their chicken and other meats and ice cream the best too and if you want a quick meal, their currys are great, and at only ÂĢ1.49, so cheap. We like the way you can buy normal regular food each week whilst they also focus on a different country every now and again, so you can get hold of different types of food to try too.

My OH has bought a few tools from there and has been really pleased with them. I really like the leggings from there.

I agree that as our PM, Cameron should of remained neutral on a refurendum he has called. I have a feeling May won't get the job, that Angela lady might though, she came over very polite, but put her point clearly during the brexit campaign.

Interesting link about the Greeks, I thought they were mad the way they voted, but the powers that be successfully used the fear campaign with them, just like the way they tired to use it on us here. (but fortunately failed to do so!).

Enjoy your brekkie out tomorrow.



Glad the sting reaction is ok now. Don't bees die after they sting? Hope you haven't got a nest near by if you have seen several of them. I too get a strong reaction to bites with a big red swollen area. I think many do, but hopefully it is rare indeed to get that shock thing.

Well done fixing the bike chain, a good start even if you have some other work to do on it.


I was glad to see Georgina go, what a miseable moaner she was. Hated her relationship with Jackson, and the stupid way he called her the "Mrs".  He tried to play the gangster but ended up being a lap dog to her demands.

Last night we were in Cardiff for the football. 
  OH decided to go and see it with the thousands of others in the castle park on the big screen. They had free entertainment on there. So me and daughter went with him, we had to get there real early as so busy.  They searched us and our bags before we went in the park, lots of police,some on horses,  but they weren't needed, no troubles. Me and daughter left before the match started as we had already got cheapo tickets to go to the theatre to see Blues Brothers. (they hadn't sold many due to football).  Theatre wasn't very good though so we both left early and walked round the city just looking at people in the crowded pubs watching football, whilst we waited for OH.  Great atmosphere in the city, lots of  smiles, singing, laughing, and red shirts and Welsh flags! OH included.  
Here is short video of where we went in the park.
I usually have no interest at all in football but because little Wales has never got this far in the football before, I really wanted them to win.


I have managed to get my nice carer to do an extra shift next week, and I know mum eats real well with her. She is a retired ex carer, so I pay her privately.

Went to Cardiff castle today as it was free entry due to a festival being on. A young Thai lad asked us to take his photo and he spoke to us for ages to practice his English.

I keep getting these nose bleeds, not heavy but annoying and I don't know why. It may be due to allergies as I sometimes use a nose spray.

Have a good evening. Enjoy the show both xx


Evening Mollie and Hicky.
Another mixture weatherwise. Some sun some rain and some high winds.
Got three jobs done.


Had a problem at one place where I use the customer's own ride on mower. It conked out half way through cutting the lawn and refused to start again, so I had to abandon it in the middle of the grass as it is too heavy for me to push it back to the shed.
The house owner lives in London, so I suppose I'll have to phone them and ask them what they want done about it.
I'm fairly sure it's a fuel or carburetor problem, as it was coughing and spluttering before it conked out.


Lidl's OK Hicky. Just wish the one near me was bigger so there was more choice.
I'll have to remember to pop in on Monday to see their gardening stuff.


Yes you're right about Cameron; if he'd stayed neutral he'd still be in the job, and we wouldn't have the prospect of some unknown person being PM at this important time.
This Leadsom woman might be OK, but she's no experience on the world's stage, and the Tories have also to think of trying to win the next election.


Watched a bit of that electric car racing. Quite exciting, but what a funny noise they make?
The inner tubes come with valves attached anyway.

 Did your bin shed come Hicky? Don't think you mentioned.


Hi Mollie. Glad you managed to organise the carer to do an extra shift.
Sorry to hear about the nose bleeds. That can't be good.


I can imagine the atmosphere in Cardiff for the Welsh game.
Even watched a bit of it myself. Well ten minutes anyway.


It was a Bumblebee that stung me Mollie.
Honey bees die after stinging because they are protecting their colony, so it doesn't matter if individuals die, and the sting is more effective if it breaks off and keeps pumping in the venom.
Bumblebees are solitary, so it wouldn't be logical for them to die, as they are only protecting themselves. So their stinger doesn't break off.
So the sting isn't particularly sore, but you can still get an allergic reaction to it.


I've had allergic reactions to Wasp stings before, where my face has all swollen up. But that happened about an hour after the sting. With this Bumblebee sting there was about 24 hours before I got the large reaction.


Watching a prog on my satellite box on S4C about female body builders.
It's all in Welsh, so I can't understand a word, but they're all in bikinis, so who cares.
I like a strong woman, me.


Sorry to hear about Caroline Aherne's death. Far too young

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A mixed day here, sunny spells but dry, slight wind but ok really.

I saw a blackbird eating one of the cherries it pinched, it was on the path, it didn't leave any either, i don't mind if they take one, it's when they peck at them all, i'll prune the trees better for next year so i can fully protect them from birds.

Mollie, Yes, i liked Lidl but O/H was rushing around a bit fast, next time i'll try and see more of what they have.

Yes Wales did well, not that i follow football.

I wonder who is going into BB tonight then, should be interesting, family or friends.

I think sending Jasons ex into BB was a big mistake, it's ruined his time in the house.

Glad you have got the carer to do an extra shift for next week.

That is a nuisance, nose bleeds, you aren't on any blood thinning meds are you?

Emptybox, That was a pain, a ride on mower packing up, sounded like a blockage of air or fuel, or water in the carb.

Yes, the shed came, we have built most of it, just the lid sections to go on but O/H is off again next week from work so thats no problem.

I think female body builder look dreadful, only my opinion but muscles on females is not my thing.

I can't remember what i have been stung by, a few times if i remember right, by slapping one away, and i think i got hold of fruit or branch with one inside my hand.

Yes, bad news about Caroline, a great writer and actress, loved watching her.




what a nuisance the lawn mower concked out, not easy to sort as the owners live so far away. Is it a holiday home for them, or do they intend to relocate permanent?

I didn't realise  there was different bees. Good job it is cleared now. my sting reaction didn't swell up until a day later either. Just when I thought I'd got away with it, it swelled up. Wasp stings are nasty, sounds awful if your face swelled.

Yes very sad about Caroline Aherne.



Sounds like the blackbird enjoyed your cherry, Cheeky thing! Hope you don't lose any more to the birds. Yes you need a bit of time to look around Lidl with all the offers changing so often. My OH likes to take his time checking out the tools and gardening equipment whilst me and daughter food shop. Glad your shed came. You said your OH is off next week. Is it Saisburys she still works for?

So tired now, food shopping in Lidl this morning, then half a dozen wash loads dried as weather nice, long walk with mum, OH and my friend went down seafront, then time to walk dog when we got home. (sill pushing  dog in her buggie most of the timel!). Luckily daughter made me tea else I would of been too tired to bother.


Enjoying BB now. Jackson seems to of perked up now Georgina's moaning isn't bringing him down.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening all.
Sunshine and showers again.

I went across and tried that mower again, and guess what, it started first time and I was able to get the lawn finished.
I guess whatever dirt had got into the fuel line must have cleared itself?
I probably flooded it trying to get it started again yesterday.
At least that's a worry off my mind, and I won't have to phone the owner.

It's a holiday home for them Mollie, but they haven't been up much this year for whatever reason. It's quite a big place, with a lot of grass. Not sure what their long term plans are. The man is into Salmon fishing on the Tweed, which is why they have a house here.


Sounds like a busy day for you Mollie. Good job your daughter was on tea duty.


Glad your shed came Hicky, and you got it mostly built.
Getting stung by various things is a hazard in my job. I have to be careful. Obviously wasn't careful enough the other day.


I've seen a video on who the BB visitors are, but I won't say as I know Mollie likes to see it fresh on the Highlights show.

emptybox posted:

I've seen a video on who the BB visitors are, but I won't say as I know Mollie likes to see it fresh on the Highlights show.

Thanks Emptybox - I do like to watch the highlights show nice and new and fresh.

ps..I bet when you were a kid, you couldn't resist a peep to see what pressie was in the wrapping paper.





gosh that was lucky that mower started and you got the job done. Must be nice to be able to afford a nice holiday home. But not sure I'd fancy having to work in London to be able to afford it though!

Yes I guess all the insects coming after you are just part of the hazards of the job.



hope the weather was ok today for you to get in your garden and finish the shed. What have you decided to put in the shed?

Cludy and drizzly on and off here today. Got the carer to look after mum today, glad I did as I was tired after looking after her all afternoon yesterday, and the bus driver had trouble sorting the front door out, so I had to contact mum's landlady.

Looking forward to BB tonight.

Have a good evening both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Both.

A dry day till late afternoon, some sun as well, 20C.

Had SIL come round to go to gym with O/H then for a meal, then had man in to clean the ovens, that was this afternoon, 3 hrs it takes, my Roof tile extract set came anyway.

more birds eating cherries, all the ones that were on the floor have been eaten, just stones left.

Mollie, Yes, O/H still works at Sainsbury's just on holiday at the mo.

Half a dozen wash loads, that a lot really, that was nice going down the front, not sure you should do so much walking though, glad Daughter made you some food.

Emptybox, About the mower, i have a theory, the spluttering when it stopped was because the carburettor had run dry, when left alone the carb filled because the blockage let some fuel in slowly, it could be a filter blocked, the carb is filled by gravity, they don't have a fuel pump do they, the fuel jet could be blocked or need cleaning, it's only a needle attached to a float that cuts the fuel off when the carb is full, it can also stick.

We will see tonight who goes in, i heard a few rumours.


Evening guys.
Dry and cloudy this morning, but heavy rain this afternoon.
I'd just got a big job finished when the heavens opened, so that was good timing.


You're probably right about the mower Hicky. Don't think it's got a fuel pump.
It's coughed and spluttered before, but usually stopping and shutting the blades off allows it to clear, but this time I just couldn't keep it going.
Hopefully it'll work fine the next time I use it. But the owner is coming up later this month, so if it goes wrong while he's here, he can deal with it.


That sounds like a big operation, getting your ovens cleaned.
Pity the birds are still eating your cherries.


Hi Mollie. No I never peeked at presents.
It's just that I think that the Highlights show is just part of the BB experience. I also like to look at the website and follow the twitter and read the forums etc.


Glad you got the carer in for your Mum to give you a break.
Was there some problem with the entry system to your Mum's flat?


I went to Lidl, and they had all the gardening stuff in. I decided in the end that it wouldn't be very sensible to buy another hedge cutter basically just to get a spare battery for the one I already have.
I did buy a couple of those foldable bags for grass and weeds etc, so it wasn't a wasted tip.


BB was OK. Bit too much sloppy stuff for me.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, dry anyway, quite a bit of sun.

My lad came and drilled 125mm holes through the kitchen wall to fit 2 air intakes, had ordered the wrong tile with a vent in for the new hob extract unit, so had to order another one.

The cookers are like new, he only wanted ÂĢ65 but we give him ÂĢ80 anyway.

I have rearranged the netting over the cherry trees, the birds are taking too many.

I'll redo it properly for next season that for sure, the bird netting isn't even expensive.

Yes, BB was a bit soppy, lots of cuddling.

wonder who will be nominated this week, they nom today usually.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed out.


Hi Hicky.
Mostly dry here as well, just a couple of drizzly showers. Got a full days work in anyway, which makes a change.


That was good of your lad, sorting out your air intakes. Pity you ordered the wrong vent tile though.
Hope the netting manages to keep the birds away from your cherries.


Have ordered a new battery for my first rechargeable hedger, the Bosch one. At ÂĢ20 I think that makes more sense than buying a whole other hedge trimmer from Lidl.
Does mean I'll need to take two machines out with me though.
Pity it's not easy to buy a new battery for the Lidl one. It is possible, but you've got to send away to Germany, and costs about ÂĢ35 plus delivery.


Not really engaged with BB just now. I need a favourite to root for, and I'm not that keen on any of them.
Quite like Jayne, but that's about it.

Last edited by emptybox

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