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Sounds like your fruit and figs are doing really well already. All this good weather we have had lately is probably a great help to them. That is interesting about the magpie, and what Emptybox said about crows, Hadn't thought about it, but yes you don't see dead crows in the road. Hope it is nice again there for you to get in your garden.



I thought you would appreciate some of those young ladies on BB. Yes the twins were very attractive, and the way they so easily caried on talking straight after each other, showed how close they were. They seem nice enough. Hopefully the excited screaming will calm down with time. So good to have BB back again.


Hot again here today, but can't complain, better than pouring rain.

Took doggie out a walk, she has been hobbling a bit, so took her to vets and she has damaged a ligament in her leg quite badly. Vet said she needs complete rest for a week, no jumping up or walks. Oh dear, didn't realise and I  have been walking her thinking her hobbling was just arthritus. Dogs don't show pain as it is seen as a weekness, so it was hard to know, but when vet touched it, the knee of her back paw, she clearly winced. Vet said if it doesn't go in a week she will need an x ray, and an operation.

Have to go look after mum now, so a busy day for me, so will be in need of a nice BB tv rest tonight. Looking forward to seeing the connection tonight between some of those "other" HM's.

Have a good day both xx


Evening Emptybox.

Another nice day, 20c but a lot of cloud, no wind really.

Didn't do much, went out to Parkgate for a fish and chips on the seafront, no sea mind, just a front, sea left many moons ago.

Trying to adjust the inner front door but 2 of the 3 parts of the hinges that should release in order to fit an allen key won't open, need a nudge with an object and a hammer while O/H is out.

I looked on the web and found the YT video of what to do, it's easy enough if i can release the cover over the socket.

I might have to protect the Blueberry bush from Birds, although don't think they were eating them last year, but it's laden this year.

Had to do a little green fly spraying again, they will persist.

Enjoyed BB, just watching the Live feed from last night now,

Got Love island at 9pm and BB at 10pm


Lovely sunny day here, but with a little breeze. Ideal for working.


Sorry your dog has damaged her leg Mollie. Hope it mends with rest. No more doggie walks for a while.


Sounds complicated trying to adjust that door Hicky. Hope the videos helped.
I looked up Parkgate. I see what you mean about a front but no sea.


Had a look at my old bicycle that's in the shed. Haven't ridden it for years. I thought as I've only the one vehicle now it might be useful to get the bike going, but don't think it's going to be practical. Everything seems to be rusted solid. The chain, the brakes, the gears, even the padlock on the security chain won't open. Plus one of the tyres is split.
I might be better buying a new (or second hand) one.
Got the bicycle in 1971 when I was 11, so it's 45 years old.


Watching BB. I'm sure this 'others' twist is a set up. There's no way the exes just applied to BB by coincidence. And it's just too convenient that Jason just happens to mention his ex girlfriend in his entrance interview.
However, that's par for the course for the CH5 series, and should still be interesting.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, glad of it being a bit cooler, it was 23C still but very cloudy.

I repotted my baby fig trees, i'll see if they take.

Going for brekkie with my lad in the morning as he's going on holiday later tomorrow.

I watched a video that was showing me how to adjust the UPVC door, exact same one but i can only side one of the covers that hide the allen screw adjusters that move the door in and out, there are 3.

O/H told me they are coming tomorrow afternoon to adjust the door, i have to keep adjusting the back door as well.

The front one is the inner of 2 doors.

You are braver than me, going on the roads on 2 wheels to me is bad news, the death and injury rate on the roads involving 2 wheeled transport is crazy.

Realistically to go on the roads on 2 wheels you need a leather all over suit leather gloves, leather boots, a crash helmet, even with all the correct gear on it will only protect you form road burn but less than that and you are at the mercy  of luck.

I remeber when i was young, under 21, i had 7 motorbikes, had one accident were i was thrown over the bonnet of a car onto the road the other side, didn't have a scratch, i was lucky, just had the correct gear on.

Roll on BB, i don't mind who is in the house, so many complaints though, as you say, a few did know someone in the house, not sure this other house is a good idea though.

I'll have to record Love Island tonight as it's on the same time as BB.

Hope Mollie is managing to keep up with BB.




hope the videos were of a good help to do your door. Nice to enjoy your fish and chips by the seafront. Sounds like you should be due some good blueberry crumber soon, if you can keep those birds away.



Gosh a bike from 1971, how interesting. Shame you have so much work to do on it to get it going though.

BB...Yes I agree it is very odd coincidence to have an ex next door.  All this ex stuff might be a bit of a pain. Makes you wonder how "ex" an "ex" really is? Or even if they were an "ex" in the first place?

Still enjoying having BB back though, even if they do some weird stuff on it.

Took doggie out a walk in my mum's wheelchair today, as she was barking to go out for her usual morning walk. Luckily she did enjoy it.

Nearly BB time, thank goodness it is on at 9pm, not keen on it being shown as late as 10pm.

Enjoy the show xxx


Evening Mollie.

Just remembered, i looked up the Glucosamine / Chondruitin on google and it showed some interesting results.

The Glucosamine can cause or interfere with Diabetes and O/H has it, it can effect her.

And the Chondruitin has side effects like Emptybox said on the prostrate, but it can effect stomach and other things so i'm cutting them down to 1 a day.

I told O/H about the Glucosamine problem so at least she knows, she has been taking it for years, now i find out it can cause Diabetes which she got.

Hope the fellers coming to sort my door out can fix it, i would have fixed it but can't release the covers for some reason, i can release 1 of the 3.

Yes Mollie, it's no coincidence that the others are all ex's.


Hi guys.
Another lovely sunny day here. No breeze though, so it was hotter than yesterday. Gone dull and drizzly this evening though.


Hope your figs take Hicky.
Probably a good idea to get someone in to adjust your doors.
Have a good brekkie out tomorrow.


Hadn't realised that about glucosomine and diabetes. My Dad took it for years and he developed type 2 diabetes in his 60s as well.
I only take one tablet a day, so hopefully will be OK. I've been tested quite a few times for blood sugar, and have always been normal. Plus I'm skinny and my Dad.....wasn't.


It's just a pedal bicycle I was talking about, not a motorbike Hicky, so I doubt I'll be donning all the leather gear and crash helmet.
Although I've still got a couple of my Dad's crash helmets here, so I could.
That's sounds like a bad crash you had when you were younger. Lucky you didn't do yourself some damage.


Mollie, that must have looked funny, taking the dog for a walk in your Mum's wheelchair. Did you buy her an icecream?


It's a pity the bike has got so bad. Unfortunately the shed is damp, due to leaks in the roof, hence why everything has rusted. It's over 20 years since I rode it.
Bikes haven't really changed in that time (unlike cars), so it wouldn't look out of place on the road today. But whether I can get parts for it is another matter.
Might be cheaper to get a second hand one.
This one is a racing/touring bike, so it was never very comfortable to ride anyway.
Cost me ÂĢ60 from my saved up pocket money back in 1971.


ETA this is the same model bike on Ebay
Vindec Speedwing 25 on Ebay
Just wish mine had been kept in a centrally heated garage, then maybe it might be worth ÂĢ150, rather than being a rusty mess.
I bought mine from Brown Brothers in Edinburgh (read the description).


Enjoying BB at the moment. Haven't got a favourite yet. Don't like that Marco though. Too full of himself.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A lot cooler today, 20C or so but cloudy and some rain.

I'm amazed at the new growth on my big Fig tree, i chopped some branches off when it was dormant and it's growing new branches from everywhere, very pleased as it's new growth that gives next years Figs.

Had a lovely brekkie with my lad and his lot this morning, went to Hoylake, fairly cheap but very good value.

Blokes didn't come to adjust the door, thought they were coming this afternoon.

I know you only have a push bike but without the right clothing getting knocked off has severe consequences if you aren't protected.

I agree, Marco is going to be a problem, he's wild, the double fake eviction should be good, sparks might fly when they go in house 2.

I'll have to record Love Island again.

I'm thinking of making a load of these netting sleeves only with more room, i have tons of stuff and have just received more staples for my heavy duty stapler so it's easy to make them, at the moment if the apples grew too much i might have to cut the sleeve off, don't really want to do that, seeing i have loads of time on my hands it would be a good exercise.





something obviously suits your fig tree, could it be the soil, the weather or all your loving attention?  Glad you enjoyed brekkie in HOylake. Did you go to a cafe or Toby? Shame they didn't turn up to do the door. I bet it is nice for you now to have plenty of spare time on your hands, but your garden does keep you busy.



yes you are right that bike wouldn't look out of place now. Shame it is in bad condition. That was  a lot of money back in 1971 for you to save from pocket money.

the dog's pushchair has arrived. At least now I don't have to nick mum's wheelchair. Yes I am sure Emptybox she too would of enjoyed an ice cream if it had been on offer.


I got the dog pram  idea from someone with one in town last week whose dog had a heart condition, it's so good to be able to take her out knowiong I haven't got to struggle to carry her home on the way back now.


BB time, hooray.

I agree Marco is just SOOO annoying.

enjoy the show, think it looks like it is promising.



Cloudy and cool here as well; quite a contrast to yesterday. At least it stayed dry, so I could get my jobs done.


Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out Hicky.
Pity the fellers didn't come to do the door.
Those apple sleeves sound a good idea.


I've just remembered that the consultant told me bike riding was one of the things I should avoid, as it can irritate the protate. So if I bought a bike, it would have to be one with a very comfortable saddle.


Hi Mollie. Is the dog allowed to walk at all, or does she have to be in the push chair all the time? I suppose it's nice for her to be out smelling all the doggy gossip, rather than being confined to the house.


I seem to remember that when I was 11 I spent all of my saved money on the bike, and also on half of a black and white portable TV for me and my brother's room (he paid the other half).


The twist turned into a bit of a shambles, with too much going on, and nobody really knowing what they were supposed to be doing.
Can't see the Other house remaining a secret for long?
Quite liking Jayne. I keep wondering where Rod and Freddy are (Rainbow).

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A rather wet & cloudy day here, warm 20C though.

Haven't done much as every time i went out it started to rain.

Had scrambled egg for brekkie, prawns midday, made a roast lamb dinner with roasties and put mint sauce into the gravy, yummy.

Mollie, I checked the fig tree again, never seen so many new shoots, they are coming out of everywhere, it will be interesting to see it when these branches grow.

I'm enjoying the show, sparks are going to fly no doubt.

I see Victoria has left, 4 broke out last might but she wouldn't go back in, she complained of them having meat and fish in the house and no plants and fake grass.

Emptybox, I never had a push bike that i can remember, my friend at school used to go by bike but he was run over 1 day so i never got one, he was 12.

Glad you got some work done when the weather stayed dry.

BB is sure going to kick off, it will be like a war in the house.

I'm liking them all though, it was obvious before they went into house 1 that they couldn't keep anything a secret.




yes sounds like your fig tree is going to be the interesting one this year. Shame you couldn't get out and do much in the rain. It has been a bit wet here today, but not all day. BB...Fancy Victoria leaving already. But I am not keen on 2 HM's working as one as it does seem unfair to all the others on their own. What strange reasons for leaving though.

Yes I think this years BB lot are going to be very interesting, and I am really enjoying it so far. How annoying it is not on at all tonight. In fact, can't find much at all to watch tonight.


That's good it stayed dry enough to do some jobs. Sounds like it is going to be the best option to get rid of your bike, you don't want to do anything that is likely to irritate your condition. How has it been lately? Are your meds controlling it ok?

Apart from toilet visits the dog is not supposed to walk at all for a week, then just short walks in week 2, so I am glad we have the doggie pram. Here it is...we got a red one, not keen on the pink colour. A great idea for a sick or elderly dog to get them out and about and a means for me still to get exercise whilst the doggie can't walk far!;keywords=dog+pram

BB...Yes the twist was a bit of a shambles, but that made it rather funny too.


Have a good evening both xxx



Evening both.
Rainy here this morning and cooler; about 13 degrees I think.


Had another play with my bike. Sprayed WD40 on the chain. It still won't go round properly as there are bits that are solid. I managed to get the brakes freed off though. I know I could buy new tyres for it. And I could buy a new chain, if I could find the right one.


I may have got my old cement mixer sold?   You know, the one I had no interest in last year. I put it on Gumtree again and got an email from someone offering ÂĢ20. I replied saying I was hoping for more, so wouldn't hold it for him, but if he was there ready to take it away, I'd probably accept ÂĢ20 cash. He's supposed to be coming on Tuesday to look at it, so we'll see?
If I get offered more before then he'll be out of luck, but I doubt that'll happen.
I suppose ÂĢ20 is better than a slap in the face? Even though I have to split it with my Brother.


Nice food for you today Hicky.
That must have been traumatic, having your friend run over so young.
I rode a bike all my teenage years. We went for miles. I remember riding to the nearest town to see the Radio 1 Roadshow one summer Saturday. Dave Lee Travis was doing it that day.

I see the ones that escaped saw the 'Other' house through the camera runs, so the secret is definitely out.


Mollie BB was on tonight at 10pm. Hope you didn't miss it?
The Victoria one seemed a Not sure her sister is more sensible?
"not keen on the pink colour"?? Are you feeling alright Mollie?


Evening Both.

Another warm cloudy day with some rain on and off.

Didn't do anything, walked around the garden a few times between showers.

The strawberry hanging baskets are coming into flower and so are the pea plants, so that looks good, some raspberry plants flowering as well.

The figs are pretty big now, the size of eggs, the smaller trees i bought last year are doing well, i pruned them in May as you are supposed to so they might have some baby figs growing, the 3 fig branches i cultivated are still doing well, i have them in 2 litre pots.

I'm going to have to plant these cucumber plants as some have had flowers all ready and might have cucumbers soon.

Mollie, BB was on, what made you think it wasn't, BBBots wasn't on, but BB was mainly looking back at Friday so not all that good.

Yes, Victoria was a strange one, people have funny ideas, wonder why she went in.

Emptybox, You can soon get a new chain, they are probably a standard size, just measure the pitch on the sprocket and the amount of links or length of chain.

ÂĢ20 seems cheap for a cement mixer to me.

Yes, it was hard to get over losing a friend at that age, a lorry got him, it still happens today, nothing has changed.

I'm enjoying BB still, it is going to get more and more interesting as time passes, there's some crazy ones between house 1 and 2.



Silly me thinking there was no BB last night, I saw some show listed for 9pm, then the news listed after it, so thought it was not on. Luckily OH spotted at the last minute it was on, so I saw it.


your strawberry, figs, cucumber and peas all sound like they are doing well. Yes makes you wonder why Victoria went in at all, as she stayed for such a little time. She must of known there would be some meat eaters in the house. Yes losing a friend at that age would stay with you for life. So awful.

Forgot to say I found it very interesting how you said about glucamine affecting diabetes. What a nuisance, you try and cure one problem and it causes another one!


sounds like you are progressing well in the bike. Do you intend using it or selling it if you are worried about it affecting your condition? Nice memories for you of  riding to the Radio 1 roadshow. How far did you ride to get to that? I too remember the radioi 1 roadhshows when we lived in Weston s Mare, I too used to go to them. Hope you manage to seel the cement mixer ok. I guess even a ÂĢ20 sale is better than no sale!


Yes I too am enjoying BB right now. As you say some crazy ones in those 2 houses, should be interesting. And I like to see we have an American type strategy player too.

Took daugther to a gaming centre open day today and she played some card games, eg Pokemon. Whist she was there I went to Primark to get the boys some clothes. They hate clothes shopping, so I have to get it. Got a zombie and Batman T shirt for son, some Marvel and Batman PJ's, a jacket and other son a T shirt and  PJ's. Didn't have time to shop for anything pink for myself this time though!

Enjoy tonight's BB both xx


Hi both.
Dull and drizzly here today, and not warm at all.


Think I'm going to start trying to sell off some of the heavier equipment in my Dad's workshop. Stuff that I'm never going to use.
There's a big table circular saw and a band saw and a pillar drill and heavy vice etc.
I would get more money for the mixer if I could get it to start, but unfortunately I can't, so ÂĢ20 will have to do. There's a lot of metal in it, but scrap metal isn't worth much at the moment for some reason.


Hicky, glad your strawbs, rasps and peas are doing well. And your figs.
Yes, I think I could get a new bike chain on Ebay for not much money. Might have difficulty getting the old one off though. I'll give it a few days to see if the WD40 has any effect.


Mollie, I was thinking that the bike would be handy if the van was off the road for some reason. I could still get to the village, or to the town for a doctor's appointment etc. I wouldn't use it regularly I wouldn't think?
I could always fit a more comfortable saddle, rather than the rigid plastic one that's on it at the moment. We'll see.....


The town with the Radio 1 Roadshow was about 8 miles from where I was living, but I did cycle to another town that was 12 miles away a couple of times.
In those days your parents never worried where you were, as long as you were home for teatime.


When your daughter told you she was playing Pokemon. Are you sure it wasn't poker?


BB was a bit X-rated this evening.
Can't stand that self-centred Marco, or that gobby Natalie from the Other house.
But everybody else seems OK to varying degrees.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


hope it was dry enough for you to get in the garden today. It rained a lot later in the day here today.



Yes I guess if you have all that stuff you don't use, it is best to try and sell it on.

That is a thought, that at least you would have transport to get you to the shops if your van is off the road, and just a new saddle for it wouldn't cost much either. Maybe your brother has one hanging around in his garage?

That was a fair ride to the radio 1 show, as you say some years ago kids used to go off to play/visit friends/whatever till tea time.

yes it is definately Pokemon cards she collets, so it is not poker fortunately.

I can't stand that awful Marco or Natalie either, I so wish they didn't select such nasty HM's to instigate fights. That is not entertaining, neither is the porn, especially from the likes of someone as awful as Marco.

Apart from that coupling and Natalie I enjoyed the show though.

Not sunny today, but we have been spoilt recently with around a striaght month of sunshine.

Enjoy BB, so nice to have this to look forward to each night.


Evening Both.

A pretty cool day 16C i think, cloudy and plenty of light showers, couldn't do much as every time i went out it started drizzling again.

The fruit trees are growing an awful lot, i am supposed to do the summer pruning in August September, some have 3ft branches that have just grown.

Mollie, I think the peas might be ready for when the grand children get back from holiday so that would be good.

A dog in a pram, well i must admit i've not seen that but it seems a good idea.

I've turned the local taps of for the raised beds while we are having showers, i leave all the tub saucers getting watered as they aren't effected by the rain.

The Blueberry bush is laden so the little ones will enjoy picking some of them soon.

I've ordered an expanding hose pipe for O/h as she wants it to water the flowers in the front and in tubs or pots, i don't like watering flowers.

Emptybox, That sounds like a good idea to sell the heavy duty machine tools, you really should try and get an idea of value first though.

To get the chain off you only need to find which link if the removable one, it just unclips.

I was thinking that, Pokeman isn't a card game, thought it was a computer game, yes, Poker is more like it, i used to play that when young, not good to play with money though.

Enjoying BB, it can only get worse, very lively at the mo, but i love it anyway.

Oh, BB on now.


Dull and a bit drizzly today. Did get a couple of jobs done, but the grass was soaking wet.


Had a late supper tonight, because i went to a public meeting in the village. The community council is wanting to buy the pub for the community.
This is the same pub that I was talking about last week. The one my Dad owned.
Seemingly it's been for sale for a long time, but they can't find a buyer.
Quite interesting, but a bit airy fairy at the moment, and the price they were talking about was very high, so not surprising the owner can't sell it, and approached the council.
Be interesting to see what happens.


Mollie my Brother sold a couple of bikes a few weeks ago. If I'd been a bit quicker off the block I could have bought one of his. Doubt he has a saddle though.

Hicky. I've had a look at the chain, but it's not obvious which link is the one that releases, but I'll have another look.


Quite enjoyed BB tonight.
I see they've thrown that Andrew out for some reason?


Evening Emptybox.

Another warm cloudy day here, 18C had a heavy downpour at 5pm.

I managed to cover a couple of trees with insect netting as it would be too hard to put bags on or sleeves on the branches, i put a couple of canes up and 1 across and but netting each side, had to put bird netting over the cherry trees as i caught a wood pigeon picking off cherries, they are too hard so i don't think it was eating them.

I also cut the netting pieces to make the bigger sleeves for when the apples grow, still got some to staple though.

Went out for tea, had soup and ribs with salad and chips, not bad.

Interesting about the pub, it's got to be a restaurant these days but not easy to keep running unless it has a massive clientÃĻle.

The split link safety clip on the chain will be on the inside so you might be able to feel it even if you can't see it, it should look and feel different than a normal link.

Yes, Andrew is out, what a nut case, didn't like him at all, it might be over what he said on twitter before he went in, some time ago.

I'm enjoying BB, i have Love Island on for an hour every day as well, so i'm chuffed, and F1 again this weekend.

Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed.




Glad you got out in the garden today. your meal out sounds nice. I bet the little ones will love coming to visit you with those peas being ready and some blueberries to pick too.

Yes Pokemon is a video and card game. Daughter plays the video and is learning the card game. (but not poker with money!)



that is bad timing with your brother just selling those bikes. That is interesting about the pub, seems daft to overprice it, then they can't sell it. but if it ends up going to the community that may be a good alternative. You might even get a bingo night down there to go to Emptybox.


Still enjoying BB, am watching the Twist now. How weird, how it jumped from one ad to another, then back to livefeed. Wish the "Others" had kept Jane quiet and moved Marco out of the main house, he is the horror in the house, not Chelsea!  Don't know why Jane wanted Chelsea in there with her if she reckons she can't stand him!

My washing got a soaking whilst I was shopping in Asda today! 

Goodnight both xx


Similar day to yesterday, dull with some rain.
Got a couple of jobs done, but it's hard going in this weather.


The fella didn't come for the cement mixer today. He now says he's coming tomorrow. Not sure if he's just stringing me along?


Well done for getting the trees covered Hicky.
That sounds like a good tea, although I'm not keen on ribs myself.


It was an interesting meeting about the pub. There was some opposition to the plan. The pub comes with a field that has planning permission for a house, which I think is why the price was high.
I sat on the back row as I thought I'd be unobtrusive and would just observe, but of course the hecklers all also sat on the back row.


Mollie, pity your washing got a soaking.
Yes, they seemed to mess up the twist by getting their ads in a twist.
Actually I think Chelsea will be interesting in there. Marco would be just as annoying wherever he was.


both xxx



shame the weather we have now is slowing you down work wise. Let;s hope we get a good spell soon. Hope the cement guy turned up today.

at you thinking you were out of the way at the back of the meeting, until you found yourself amongst all the hecklers. I think you forgot the general rule at school that all the naughty ones go to sit at the back!

Yes I too find Chelsea interesting and you are right, Marco would be annoying anywhere, we might of stood more chance of getting rid of him if he'd been sent to the other house though.

Hope Hicky's weather was ok for him to get in his garden. It was wet most of the day here.

Are you watching Hotel Inspector? I know you used to like her Emptybox. I think she is great. Tonight's is such an eccentric one. I reckon tonight's owner would of been safer sticking to just working at Christmas playing Santa Claus intead of being 1 million in debt at their age!


Looking forward to BB, hope the show works out better than last night's shamble of a twist mixed with in with bits of ads.

Looked after mum today. So pretty tired tonight and looking foward to watching BB.

Enjoy the show both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Bit better day today. Even a glimpse of the sun.
Got quite a lot of work done.
Sorry you got the rain today.


No sign of the man coming to see the mixer. I think he was just amusing himself emailing me. Unfortunately I had to give him my address, which is a bit of a worry.
Had a message yesterday from someone else saying they were interested, so I might sell it yet, if he doesn't turn out to be a time waster as well.


No, I haven't watched The Hotel Inspector this series. I was watching the prog on BBC1 about the sign language Gorilla. Had to watch it on my satellite box as it wasn't on BBC 1 Scotland.


Not liking Chelsea in the Other house. Far too full of himself


Good evening Both.

Warm, dry and cloudy here, slight sun, no wind.

Don't know what happened to Wednesday post, maybe i didn't, i get carried away with the tv programs and recordings.

Went to Costco for a few bits, lamb, thin sausages, mushrooms, ham tablets, roll mops, muscles in brine, cherries.

Am making more compost tea as the trees need their next feed, it only takes a day so that won't take long.

My hip ache that i had for 3 months has gone, isn't that strange, no idea what caused it either, have never banged it, am sleeping pretty painless now but still taking paracetamol for the arthritis.

The new branches coming out on the big fig tree are lovely, i am thinking of re-potting it in the winter, i have the new 100 litre pot ready made, it's got the water tank inside the bottom, i made 3 as i always intended on having 3 fig trees, the 2 smaller ones are in the other 2.

Have just ordered a double cover for the wheelie bins, i'll put the 3rd one which is garden waste in the back as i seldom use it, the bins are at the side in the drive at the moment but O/H doesn't like seeing them uncovered.

Mollie, Yes, the pea pods are full length just need to fill out so they could be ready for the little ones, these are called green shaft and have about 10 peas in each pod, they really must be the best.

This year i planted seeds for carrots, spring onions, beetroot, & peas, i think this is better than getting them ready sown in strips.

I think the live twist was never going to be live,,BB don't do live programs for a start, they either messed up making the video and had time to fill the breaks in with ads, which happened a few times, if it had been live i don't think they could have managed that, to have either 15 delay or 30 minutes it has to be recorded, something went wrong with why Marco was called into the diary room as they certainly didn't call him in to ask him how he missed Chelsea.

I think Jayne wanted Chelsea in with her because she is blazing he dumped her, don't know why though.

Emptybox, Glad you got some work done.

Pity the person didn't come for the mixer, wish people didn't mess you around.

I used to watch hotel inspector but at a time there's not much else on the box.

That hair style of Chelsea is rather strange, i thought it was a wig.


Hi Hicky.
Wet here all day, and cold tonight.


The other person supposedly interested in the mixer is coming tomorrow he says. I won't hold my breath.


That's great that your hip is better Hicky, and you're getting a better night's sleep.
Hope your seeds come on well.

Difficult to say what happened to the 'live' twist?
Perhaps the fellow who puts the adverts on had shaky hands?


Like the fact that Marco is up for eviction. But it's likely that Georgina will be the one to go.


Evening Emptybox

Not too bad a day here, a bit of everything really, mainly cloud but some sunny intervals, it looked like it was going to rain but held off.

But the new compost tea i made into the tank, and rang the gardener and left a message on his phone, he arrived at 4pm much to my surprise as i thought he hadn't got the message, i got him to feed all the trees etc using the feed hose while i kept him sorted with the loose hosepipe, it took about an hour, it used about 10 gallon of feed but the tank holds over 20 gallon anyway, but if i let it go too low i would lose pressure of course, i have the tank on a tank base which is on a very heavy wooden base i made, it's about 2 ft high.

I've planted the 6 cucumber plants, i'll just have to see how they get one, the 3 original are in flower but very small, the 3 new ones i bought aren't.

the flowers on the strawberry plants in the hanging baskets are growing up, i thought they would grow down, hope they don't break when the fruit comes.

I don't know what happened with my hip, i thought maybe i hurt it sleeping on it as i sleep and both side, can't sleep on my back, but it ached for 3 months then stopped, no idea why.

Hope the person comes for your mixer at least that would be one thing gone.

Marco is in court next week for drug driving and is 1st in the betting to go tonight, but the public don't always follow the betting when they vote.

I thought Emma would go as i want Marco to stay in.


both xx


glad the gardener turned up to help you sort things out. Hope your cucumber and strawbeerry plants come on ok now.

that is great news your achy hip has cleared, how odd you don't know what set it off but as long as it has gone now, that is what is important.



hope the guy came for the cement mixer. Was it dry enough to get out to do your gardens today?

Glad to see the back of Marco, found him so annoying !

Been shopping in Sainsburys for a change today, we had a ÂĢ10 off if we spent ÂĢ50. which is easy for us to do!

Been bitten whilst taking doggie out, damn thing bite through my leggings as well, I saw it, now leg has a big red bump on it and skin breaking up. Daughter has got me an ice block to ease it. I do tend to get reaction if bitten. Do the midges up there bother you Emptybox?

Enjoy the rest of the show.

Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi both.
Raining here all day, horrible. Didn't get any work done, but went into town to do some banking etc.


The guy didn't come to see the mixer, but at least he let me know beforehand, and he's supposed to be coming tomorrow morning.
TBH it wouldn't have been good to come in the rain anyway.


Glad you could get hold of the gardener to deal with your compost tea Hicky.
Hope your cucumber plants do well.


Unfortunately my smart phone seems to be dead. It started rebooting randomly and now won't come on at all. It's stuck on the 'powered by android' screen.
I've put the SIM into an older phone, so I can still get calls and texts etc, but I'll probably have to buy another phone.
There's a small chance that I could flash a new ROM to it, but that might well not work if it won't even boot up.


Sorry to hear you've been bitten Mollie.
We don't have proper biting midges here, they're up in the Highlands mainly, but there are annoying little flies here.
Plus I always have to be wary of wasps, as I sometimes get a reaction to wasp stings.


Yes really glad that Marco went. Not surprised he's landed in court.
Will be interesting to see what happens when Jason meets up with Charlie.


Dry here today at least. Even a bit of sun this afternoon.


The fellow came to see the mixer at about noon. Seemingly he thought it would be a bit bigger, so not quite what he was looking for. I said he could have it for ÂĢ20 and he seemed a bit torn.
He said he'd go away and think about it, because he might know someone who can do it up. So I'm waiting to hear. Not very hopeful, but you never know?


Went out this afternoon to do a couple of jobs. I'm quite a bit behind now, so I need next week to be good weather, otherwise things'll start to get tricky.
Still rather chilly here this evening.


Evening Both.

Not a bad day here cooler but had a lot of sun, some clouds but it stayed dry.

Nothing much to do in the garden, checked on the plants, they seem ok, tons of pea pods to fill out, toms growing well, grown a lot in a day, flowers on now.

Mollie, Yes the gardener came and fed all the plants and trees with the feed hose, it's nice to have some company in the garden, i'll try and get him to pop in every couple of weeks.

Yes, the hip ache was strange, it couldn't really be the joint as it's fake so it must have been the muscles but why start aching 1 year after i had the op, and now the ache has stopped.

Oh dear, thats nasty, getting a bite, the cheeky devil, they don't care.

Emptybox, Bad news getting rained off, you do get some bad weather there.

About your phone, have you taken the battery out to try and reset, next, put battersy back and insert charger.

You could have a corrupt file, maybe take it to a phone shop.

I see the public wanted Marco out, hope it's not too dull now he's gone.

Tried the new expanding hose we got, it's fantastic, so clean and light



Evening Emptybox.

Just posted that post, it should have gone yesterday, but for some reason it didn't, strange.

Not a bad day here today, a dry morning, watched F1 today.

went out for brekkie, and O/H made a lamb roast dinner, very nice.

Have started putting some mint sauce in the gravy, a brill idea.

Strange the feller thinking your mixer was bigger, didn't realise there were many portable sizes.

Do you have to state a mixing capacity or something, how are they described.

I've been looking up some of these seed tapes, it's amazing, you can get so many and some are multiple strips with up to 10 varieties in the pack, and all the seeds are spaced to the correct spacing for growing, might try some next year.

Here's a multi type,





glad your gardener turned up. Nice treat going out for brekkie. We went to Costco and had great free food samples for our brekkie, followed by a jacket potato for ÂĢ1.50. really good value.

That seed mix certainly looks a good variety.

When we went to Toby I noticed they have flavoured gravy, including mint and cranberry. Makes it nice and tasty anyway.

I don't think it will be dull without Marco, especially with the house wars thing. It should give us chance to get to know more about the rest of the HM's as I think Marco had taken over the show!


how annoying about the cement mixer, if size was so important to him, you'd think he would of asked you about that beforehand. Let's hope he does come back though. Sorry you are behind work wise, it is a shame the weather changed for the worse.

Any luck with getting your phone to work?

Not a nice day at all today, drizzly all morning, then pouring in the afternoon. So we went to Costco then I looked after mum in the afternoon.

Watching Corrie tonight, then looking forward to BB.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Dry most of today, but pouring with rain this evening again.
Hopefully next week will be dryer?
Got my grass cut and went to the supermarket.


Unfortunately the phone doesn't have a removable battery Hicky, so I can't take it out.
One time when it was still coming on sometimes, I managed to reset it to factory condition, but that didn't stop it crashing and rebooting, so i think it's something serious.
I'll try leaving the battery to completely run down, then charge it up again and see if that makes a difference


Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out and the meal your OH made.
I usually have mint sauce with lamb, but tonight I had a lamb chop and decided not to have mint sauce for a change.


In one of the photos for the mixer I showed a close up of the manufacturers plate, and it clearly says "size of mixer 4/3". Now that means nothing to me, but I'd have thought somebody who knew about vintage mixers would have got a clue?
It also says the weight in cwt, but that's been scrubbed off, so isn't legible anymore.
Perhaps i should have said the opening is 18" in diameter? Will do that if I have to list it again


Hi Mollie, sorry you had wet weather. ÂĢ1.50 for a baked tattie sounds good value. Did that include a filling?
No, I doubt we'll miss Marco and his sleazy antics.
Thanks for the survey link. I've just filled it in.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A wet start to the day but is cleared this afternoon, nice and sunny since.

Didn't do much except re-potted another 2 baby fig tree that i have brought on from a cutting i took in Feb.


Had a mlti brekkie with 1st part a plated of fried mushroom, followed by a bacon butty followed by an egg butty, then i roasted a piece of brisket for butties later.

Mollie, Yes, the seed tape packs cover most veg and herbs so i'll try next time.

There's going to be chaos when the 2 houses meet tonight i think, interesting though.

Marco has split with his GF anyway, but he doesn't seem bothered.

Emptybox, Hope you have had it dry today to let you keep up to date with your work.

Strange you don't have a removable battery, can you do a reset by holding the on button for more than 3 seconds?

Yes, you could try running the battery down, anythings worth a try, else take to a mobile specialist.

I love Mint sauce but i probably used less putting it in the gravy, it was lovely.

The size of mixer 4/3 is 4:3 cubic feet of concrete, but most of the portable mixers are that.


Hi Hicky.
A similar day to you. Drizzly to start with, but sunny later.
The grass was wet to begin with, but drying as the day went on. Got plenty done anyway.


It was much more useful when you could take the battery out of phones, but it's the exception rather than the rule with modern phones.
On mine if you press the power button along with the volume down you get the 'fastboot screen', where there is options to reset to factory conditions and other recovery options, but they're not working; everything just takes you back to the initial 'powered by android' screen, and won't go any further.


I bought the phone second hand for ÂĢ70, so it mght be too expensive to take it to a repairer? We'll see.


Your multi breakfast seemed to involve a lot of butties?
Seems Marco's girlfriend has found a bit of sense at last? But as you say, he'll not be bothered. He's only interested in enjoying himself.


Ah, so it's just a standard size of mixer? Not sure why the guy thought it was going to be bigger then? He hasn't been back in touch anyway.
I haven't listed any of the other stuff that I was going to sell yet, because it was so frustrating trying to get this mixer sold.


Looking forward to BB tonight.
Watched Food Unwrapped, now 24hrs in A&E.

Last edited by emptybox



Now summer is really here, let's hope it is a good one.


hope your figs do well now you have repotted them.

Sounds like you enjoyed your buttys. 


how odd the guy questioned the size of the mixer if they are standard sizes. Shame if you can't sort your phone out. Hope the weather was ok so you could get out to work, as i know you are getting behind.

Yes Marco is not interested in a steady gf, you could see that whilst he was in the house. I am so glad he is not there now.

yes food at Costco is excellent value, it includes filling such as tuna with cheese or coleslaw. I go for one with baked beans and cheese.


Nice dry today, so got lots of washing dried.

doggie still limping but she is managing short walks now, then I wheel her back in her pushchair.

Nearly BB time, looking forward to it, not sure who my fave is yet though, A few I like and a few who annoy me too.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Not a bad day, cloudy in the morning a while then had a sunny afternoon.

Didn't do a lot, attended to a few bits in the garden, made another 35L of compost tea, twisted the tomato plants around the vertical strings i installed for them to grow up.

There are so many new branches growing on the big fig tree i can't believe it, it looks like a fig growing one one of the 2 other trees i have, they are certainly growing a lot.

Some of the trees have new branches that are 2 or 3ft long all ready, i'll do the summer prune in August.

Emptybox, I've never had a phone that the battery didn't come out so i' can't help there.

Is your mixer a mains electric one or a petrol one, for normal domestic use the electric one is handy but if you can't get a power supply then the petrol comes into it's own.

Just watched BB, i see Natalie, Hughie & Charlie up this week, i think Natalie will go myself, will have to look at the voting.

Mollie, the 5  baby fig trees i re-potted seem ok so far, this is an important time, the water and heat is critical for them.

I used to have the Shepherds Pie at the food counter in Costco, but some have more potato than mince, which makes it too dry.

I feel sorry for Jason having to put up with Charlie 24/7 like a lovesick bird, she's driving him away i think.

I see Georgina's latest beau has a little boy with his ex so i wonder how this will go down.


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