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Hi both.
Mostly a lovely warm sunny day, with just a little drizzle early afternoon.
Got a couple of big grass cutting jobs done.


Hi Mollie, Yes there's always a lot of acts from South Wales on these shows I've noticed.
Glad you had a nice afternoon with your Mum yesterday. Lager and lime is just the thing when it's hot.
Glad your bunny has recovered.


Hi Hicky. My Amazon Fire TV is great, it's got all the catch-up stuff on it as well as the Amazon videos. You don't have to subscribe to Amazon Prime if you don't want to, you can just pay for stuff as and when.
I watch Game of Thrones on it (you have to pay for that).
No idea why they don't allow you just to install Kodi to it easily like the other apps, as almost everybody who buys one seems to sideload Kodi to it?


I use Kodi to play the videos stored on my network hard drive (connected to the router). There are alternative apps, such as Plex, but that needs the Plex server to be installed on your PC or tablet, to serve media to the Fire TV, whereas Kodi doesn't need that.
Plus I think you can add apps to Kodi directly to watch other streaming services, but I haven't tried that.


Enjoyed BGT, but forgot to watch the results show, so not sure who went through? Watched 24hrs in A&E instead.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Mollie.

A warm day here, 16C min, some sun but clouds as well.

Had some burgers from the BBQ at midday, very nice, had some more of the whitebait tonight, dipped it in Mango Pickle, very nice.

Then had a small Chinese microwave meals and a trifle.

Didn't do much today, checked on the tomato plants and the baby Fig tree's i'm trying to propagate.

Glad you have a day off from caring, you sure need as much rest as possible.

Saw BGT and A&E, amazing watching them in the hospital.


Hi Hicky.
Much cooler and duller here with some occasional sunshine.
Got a lot of jobs done anyway.


Some nice food for you today.
I had a Thai green curry with sticky rice for supper (just a ready meal).


Enjoyed BGT, but wasn't struck by any of the acts really.
Not sure why they were so taken with the magic act? Seemed a bit of a lame trick to me.




glad the weather is still allowing you to get jobs done. It was very warm here yesterday, got lots of washing dry, but feels a lot cooler today.

I wonder if the tv system you use would be better for us? We have everything with sky at the moment, including internet, but they keep putting the price up and it seems expensive. OH likes watching football in the season, can you get acess to premier matches with kodi/plex? To use this do you need a new tv that uses Amazon? And who do you have your internet and phone service with? We need good internet for our gamer, and for 5 users at the same time.



do you still use BT for yourphone and  internet? OH says a lot of the premier matches have been lost by Sky, so we are paying out for a lot less than we used to get. I think BT has a lot of them now.

That is good you managed to get a BBQ. Mango pickle makes food very tasty.

A and E is an amazing series. So well put together, I love how you get a bit of light hearted banter in the wating room as well as the more serious cases, and also enjoy how you hear all the real life family stories.

I agree about BGT Emptybox.

I too thought the magic trick was not that impressive at all. Obvously Amanda liked it, as it was to do with her own book.


Son's old Ford car in garage, trouble starting when engine cold, they changed spark plugs yesterday and fixed a small leak, hope it is ok today when they try and start it, it is usually a good car. It might be 4 buses for me to and fro from mum's if it isn't .


Time to take doggie out, bit grey this morning, but at least no rain. Think I need to dig my jacket out first.

Have a good day both



Evening Both.

Not a sunny day here, warm but cloudy most of the day.

The window cleaner came, we had asked him to wash the gutters and the soffets, they use extended brush things with a mini hose pipe attached connected to their van, they use special water that doesn't dry streaky.

Didn't bother doing much, watched TV and had food.

Emptybox, Glad you got a lot of jobs done, had some of my bacon with a couple of fried eggs, had a pack of cheese for lunch and a pack of Taglitelle Carbonara for tea with fruit and trifle.

Will just watch the last 10 minutes of the BGT results, probably better just watching the final at the weekend really, else im watching the losers.

Mollie, Yes, we have BT for everything, won't pay for Sky, far too expensive, we have fast fibre broadband and O'H gets the sport.

I like the magic, can never see how it's done though.

Hope they can sort your lads car out, yep, it will be harder for you if it won't run.

Roll on 7th June so i can watch BB.

Some more timing schedule for BB with details and live feed times shown.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi guys.
Dull and cold today with some drizzle.
I was strimming and my fingers actually got numb with the cold. Plus I still felt cold with a quilted gillet and woolly hat on.
Did get a little warmer towards evening though, when the north wind wasn't as strong, but it started raining then.


Mollie the Amazon Fire TV stick (or box) can connect to any TV with an HDMI socket. They get TV services over the internet and use a modified version of the Android operating system, so you can install apps to do various things including games etc.
According to this link it is possible to watch Premier League Football through an add-on to Kodi (a media centre app), but seems a bit of a faff. And as I've zero interest in football I haven't tried it myself.

The Fire TV stick is ÂĢ35 to buy, but to get the best out of it you probably should subscribe to services like Amazon Prime and/or Netflix etc (both around ÂĢ7 per month) to watch films and TV shows. If you don't want to subscribe you can pay for shows individually from Amazon, but that probably would work out more expensive.
At the moment I subscribe to both Netflix and Amazon Prime, but I might give up one or the other in future, as I don't really watch enough to justify both.


An alternative for you might be the  Now TV box with a Sky Sports subscription.

I see you can buy it from Tesco bundled with a 1 month trial for ÂĢ35 (there are various other options).
However the Sky Sports sub cost ÂĢ32 a month thereafter, which might not be much cheaper than Sky? You can buy day or week passes instead though, if you only wanted to watch specific matches say.


I'm with Orange/EE for my broadband and phone, but I'm kind of in the slow lane out here, as I only get a download speed of about 4Mb/s.
Still that's just about enough to watch stuff in high definition on the Amazon Fire TV. But wouldn't be any good if there was somebody else here trying to do something else on the web at the same time.
Not sure if I'll ever get fast fibre broadband out here? Although the village 2Â― miles away is supposed to be getting it in a couple of years.


Hope your son's car turns out to be OK.


Hicky, that was useful getting the window cleaner to do the gutters as well.
Haven't had a window cleaner for a few months, as the previous one moved away. He said somebody was taking over his round, but I've seen no sign of them yet, and that was about 6 months ago. Probably just clean them myself.


Good news about BB starting 7th June. That's earlier than had been suggested?


Enjoyed BGT. Beau Dermott was fantastic, and I actually enjoyed the magician on this show, because he was humorous while doing the trick.
The previous winner with the dogs did an act, but TBH I couldn't work out what it was supposed to be about? Some kind of dog factory? And then the woman mooching about pretending to sweep up the glitter? Bizarre.


ETA: Interesting BGT snippet. Just found out that the boy ballet dancer Jack Higgins has Grace BB7 as his dance teacher.

Never liked her, but have to say she's looking good.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not a sunny day, cool, damp and cloudy.

Didn't do much as the air was damp and don't like getting wet.

My Plants came today, the 3 cucumber and the 12 celery, not to keen on the method they send them, they always end up in a right mess, covered in peat and the little pots inside empty of peat, but i think they should survive, i'll give them a day or 2 to recuperate.

It's been a lot cooler for you by the sound of it, it's got to be cold to numb your fingers.

We thought that if we kept on top of the gutters they would stay in a reasonable condition, we may only get them done every year but that could be enough, i noticed most of the neighbours had the same done.

I read the link, Grace was right what she said, the lad should have got through.

I'll watch or record the final, that will do me.

Hope Mollie isn't doing too much.




bet your gutters and soffits look good now after all that special cleaning.

Thanks for the BB link, gosh that is so exciting now we know we don't have long to wait!! I had to how it coincides with the EU referendum vote programee, no competition imo really !


many thanks for all that info about tv, sounds like we can get all we want with the system you have. Very interesting you can even get the football. Sky is so overpriced now.

That is also very interesting about who BGT dancer's teacher is.


Been very warm here today, got lots of washing dried, and doggie enjoyed her walk.

Time to watch Corrie, then BGT results, There are a few I like on tonights show. Liked the girls choir most though. Yes I agree last nights dog act was a bit odd, tonights little fluffy dog was much better.

Goodnight both xxx



Evening both.
Raining here all day, and still very cold. Didn't get any work done.


Started giving the house a good clean, as I've got my cousin and her family coming to stay for a night, in just over a week.
They'll be on their way home from a holiday in the Highlands, and will break their journey with me.
Think we'll go out for a meal in the evening, so I won't have to cook for them (two adults and two kids). Suppose I might have to make them breakfast though?)
Only thing is, I'll have to move stuff from the spare room and little bedroom (my office) into my bedroom, in order to accommodate them. But I guess it's just for one night.


Glad your plants came Hicky.
Yes I guess plants through the post could get a bit messed up.
Glad your gutters and soffits are clean. TBH I've no idea what a soffit is, but I suppose I could google?  (ETA: I just did)
In Scotland we don't call gutters "gutters" anyway, we call them roans, and the drain pipes are called roan pipes.


Hi Mollie, glad it's still warm with you.
Think it's supposed to get warmer here as well from tomorrow on.
TBH I thought they had postponed the start of  BB till late June, so the HMs didn't miss the referendum. So I was surprised to hear it started on the 7th?
But Yeah, I guess it will coincide with all the debate progs.


Didn't watch BGT tonight, watched Phil and Kirstie instead.
Saw the end of the results show, so I know who got through.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A nice day here, some cloud but sun as well, dry also.

Planted the Celery, but the Cucumber plants are not so good the grafts have fell apart, have emailed them about it, can't plant them.

Had another BBQ tonight, just thin sliced fillet steak on Thins.

Going out for brekkie in the morning.

Mollie, Yes, the gutters look good, we will have to keep on top and if we see them getting in a mess we can get them cleaned again.

Haven't watched BGT again, will watch the final, i'm not bothered who doesn't get through, most were put through just for a laugh.

Emptybox, Thats a lot of tidying etc to do for your cousin and family.

A good idea to take them out for a meal, but for brekkie i would find out what they like in advance or it could be tricky.

Yes, might be the last time i order those grafted plants on line, i can get them at one of the local garden centres, problem is knowing when they are in and ready, they are mainly for planting in a greenhouse so i can't buy them too early as the weather won't let me plant them out.


Hi Hicky.
Dull and damp here, but at least it was a bit warmer today.
Got a couple of jobs done this afternoon but the grass was still wet, so not ideal.


Think I'll just get in some extra stuff for my guests and hope for the best. Doubt they'll be that fussy after they've had a week's holiday in the Highlands.

I'll just make sure I've enough cereal and bread, and bacon and eggs in case they want cooked. They might already be on their holiday now, so might be difficult to contact them anyway.


Pity the cucumber plants weren't up to snuff. Probably better to buy local where you can right enough. At least you got the celery planted.
Enjoy your brekkie out tomorrow.


Watched George Clarke's Amazing Spaces then Gogglebox then The Windsors, then turned over to watch Graham Norton. Don't usually watch him, but it was quite good tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

A nice day here, had a nice brekkie out, bought a little tray of 3 ridge cucumber plants so at least i've got some, only ÂĢ1.99.

Gave all my trees and plants a feed of liquid compost tea, that took about 10 gallon, will have to replace that next week, still got half a tank but i'm going to need it for all summer, should feed them ever 2 weeks.

Yes, if you get some stuff in they should be all right for brekkie.

The veg seem to be doing ok anyway., so far they are growing as expected.

I watched the same as you last night, even saw a little of Norton then turned in, slept all night anyway.

Have just watched F1 practice, Hamilton having engine problems again, am recording BGT as it's too boring to watch.

Watching the darts ar the mo.


Hi Hicky.
For a change it was a nice sunny warm day, so got a big grass cutting job done.
Also got the whole house dusted.


Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out, and got yourself some cucumber plants. Hope your compost tea does the trick.


Haven't watched any F1 this year, but from what I hear Hamilton is not having a good year.


Watching BGT on +1, so I don't know who won yet, but wasn't overly impressed with anyone. Even Beau Dermott wasn't quite as good as previously IMO. Or maybe it was just because she sung the same song as at the audition (I think?)




at least you have plenty of time to tidy if they aren't coming for a week. Good idea to go out for a meal as there are 4 of them. Do you have Pizza Hut, kids seem to like that and the help yourself salad is great for all ages. Or Toby is help yourself too and not expensive. Are they coming from Norfolk. For brekkie most youngsters seem to just like cereal/toast. You could buy a mix pack of this small boxes of cereal perhaps?

How interesting i have never heard that work "roan" before.

Glad you got the sun too, it was nice here today all day, despite the fact they forecast said rain this aftenroon.



shame about the cucumber, hope they replace them, and hope the new ones you got fair better. That's good you too had good weather.


Tonight we all went to see a battle done by the English Civil war society from 1648, by Cardiff in the same field the acutal battle took place. Very good, there must of been around 100 soldiers, and horses etc. Tired now after trapsing across the fields.   But the weather was perfect. It was very noisy with the cannons and rifles.

Enjoyed BGT.

Goodnight both xxx



Evening Both.

Another nice day, didn't do much really, just went o my lads to see the little ones, helped him build a BBQ he had bought, after that dropped off at a takeawy to pick food up.

Just had Donna meat with chips and salad with chilli sauce over.

Emptybox, Glad you've had some nice weather, helps you catch up with work.

Am going to watch my recording of F1, been watching the Darts on Dave.

Just remembered, got to put the plants back in the shed, had them out in the sun all day.

Mollie, I'll see what they say about the plants, wasn't impressed about the packing or the grafting, shocking mess.

That sounds like a big battle mockup, no wonder you were tired after all that, you would think they would use silencers, (joke).

Must go and save my plants in case it rains.




Glad you got the good weather today too. It was good for your plants as well to be able to catch a bit of sun.

Good idea to treat yourself to a take away after helping your lad build the BBQ. Did the little ones want to try and help too?  What a shame your other plants were such a mess.


Hope Emptybox hasn't vanished under a mound of housework in preparation for his visitors.


Lovely day so took mum a walk down seafront with OH and daughter. We all had ice creams, it was real busy today ,lots going on. So when OH and daughter left I took mum to the big bar on the seafront and watched the band playing there, and had  a nice walk round the fair as all the rides were going.


Not much on tv at all today, roll on BB. Not long to go now.

Have a good evening both. xxx


Evening folks.
A lovely day here. Didn't do much. A bit more cleaning and went to the supermarket.


Got an email from my cousin to say she'd made a mistake and it's Friday night she's coming. So less time to get ready.

We don't have a Pizza Hut or Toby nearby Mollie. But my cousin wants to go to the hotel in the nearby village anyway, because that was the one my Dad owned, and I helped to run, and she used to visit as a teenager (she's 46 now ). She wants to see how it's changed, and show it to her children.
I wouldn't mind having a look as well, as it's over 6 years since I was in.
Judging from their website (link in dialog thread) they've started serving craft ales since then, which should appeal to me. My cousin's partner is a beer buff as well, but he might be driving, as I can hardly take them there in my van.


They're on holiday in Fort William in the Highlands, and they'll be stopping with me on their way home to Norfolk. While they're there they plan to climb Ben Nevis, which she and I climbed back in 1988 (think it takes 3 hours to get up and 2 hours to come down, if I remember right).


I should have read this thread before i went to the supermarket, as that cereal idea would have been a good one Mollie. As it is, I bought a packet of raisin wheats, which i thought might appeal to kids, and if not I'll have them myself.


That battle re-enactment sounds very interesting Mollie, though very noisy.
Glad you got a nice day at the seafront, and enjoyed the band in the pub.


Hicky, surprised you didn't have a BBQ at your lad's, after helping him build it? I suppose a take-away was just as good.
Hope your plants weren't fried after being in the sun all day.


Watched the new Top Gear. It was OK, but I was surprised they were just using the same set, theme tune etc. Thought they'd have everything new.
Then watched the film Hercules.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Another lovely day here, didn't do much though, just put the plants out for some sun, have to water them when i bring them in.

watching the darts on Dave, recorded Top Gear, got good ratings or reviews, don't like Chris anyway.

Mollie, That was nice all getting ice creams on the seafront and listening to the band.

Yes, BB will soon be here, sounds an interesting new show to me.

Emptybox, Thats going to be interesting when you cousin comes, be nice to see the old hotel again.

You'll have to get stuff in earlier then if they are coming Friday.

Climbing Ben Nevis, wow, they are full of go.

I would have stayed at my lads after we built the BBQ, he had loads of food but O/H is on a special diet and has some stomach problems so wanted to be at home, she's found out that she's type 2 diabetic.

Was pleased that Lewis won the F1, an awful circuit, a wonder anyone finished and if the rain had kept on it would have been a disaster.


Last edited by Hicky



Glad to hear you got the good weather.

Sorry to hear your OH has found out she has diabetes. I have heard a change to a special diet as she is going to do, can really help though. Hope she copes ok with the special diet. Does she have to take meds for it, or are they just telling her to see if the special diet controls it?



Don't panic, you still have plenty of time to prepare for your visitors. How lovely your cousin wants to go the the hotel your dad owned and she visited as a teenager, and she wants her own kids to see it too. That will be a special visit for you all. Do you think you should book a table if there are 4 of you going for a meal there on a weekend? Perhaps you could bring home a bottle of ale from the pub if you are driving?

Gosh climbing Ben Nevis, that is some feat! I am impressed you have done that. And I am impressed they are doing it with their kids again.

It certainly is a lot of driving for them as they live in Norfolk.


We had a  family day out today.  Went to a local country park/castle, with lots of animals for us to wonder round to see, There was model remote control boats on the lake and entertainment too, so we sat on bales of hay eating our ice lollies to cool down whilst we watched the wild Western entertainment. We saw Calamity Kate throwing knives at this "volunteer" from the audiience. she did manage to miss him though!   Her singing to put it mildly was not the best, OH  said she was more just "Calamity" than Calamity Kate!  
Mum had a lovely carer who took her down the sea front . 


Watched Cornonatiion Street, now am watching A and E.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening both.

Not a bad day here. A bit cloudy this morning, but sunny this afternoon.

Took the day off, as it was a holiday, but spent a lot of it hoovering the house, and getting the rooms ready for my guests. Plus got a load of washing dried outside.
I was going to cut my grass, but my Uncle phoned and distracted me, and by the time he came off the phone it was time to make my supper.


Sorry to hear your OH has been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Hicky.
My dad had that, and I know how much medication he was on.
I think nowadays they are more keen on special diets? My Dad had to give up sugar and sweets etc, but apart from that he just tried to keep his weight down (not very successfully).

Don't make the mistake of buying diabetic chocolates for her. Seemingly they are horrible.


I think part of the reason my cousin suggested the hotel was so I wouldn't have to make a meal for them, but I'm sure she'd like to see it again as well.
I pass it often when I'm going to jobs, just don't really have occasion to go in nowadays as you can't drink at all and drive with the lower Scottish limit.
Plus I'm not sociable anyway.


One Sunday, soon after we moved here, I cycled down to have what I thought would be a quiet pint. But one person bought me one, so of course I had to buy one back...... One thing led to another, and I had great difficulty cycling back, and was zonked out for the rest of the day.
I never did that again.


Hi Mollie. I probably will phone up and book, just in case they are busy. There are other places we could go, but they seem keen to go there.
Unfortunately when I climbed Ben Nevis all those years ago it was foggy at the top, so we didn't get much of a view. Perhaps I'll do it again some day.
Even though it's a relatively small mountain, on the world's scale, you still get a bit of an altitude effect. My cousin took a camping gas stove to boil up some soup at the top, but it took far longer to boil than it would at sea level, and in fact I think we drank it tepid in the end.
Plus there's nothing at all grows at the top. It's just rocks.


Glad you enjoyed your family day out.
I thought it was Calamity Jane who was supposed to be the Western heroine?
Perhaps Kate is her sister?
(think Calamity Kate was in a comic book?)


Watched Midsummer Night's Dream on BBC1, then An Immigrant's Guide to Britain on 4.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Another lovely day here, some wind but sun all day.

Had another BBQ, just sausages and thin sliced fillet steak on 50/50 thins.

watching Love island, it just started tonight.

Mollie, O/H is very fussy with her food anyway, even so more now, she had some meds but they didn't agree so she's got to start again after another blood test.

That was a nice family day out, pity the calamity was a calamity, that was nice the carer taking your mum down the front.

Emptybox, yes, i suppose they thought staying in the hotel would be easier on you, it would save a lot of messing.

I haven't watched the new Top Gear yet still, recorded it so i can skip through, not a good write up, did you watch it.

Ye, i agree, it could be hard riding back from the pub after a belly of beer.








hope they can sort your OH's meds out, it is not nice if meds disagree with you. I expect it is really hard on her having to stick to a special diet. That is good the weather was good enough for you to have a BBQ.



yes indeed not a good idea to cycle back from the pub after a couple of beers.

Sounds like your cousin really wants to visit the past by going to the hotel but I know with a big family we don't like to expect anyone to feed us all if we go and visit them and prefer to go out. So she probably realises it will be easier for you too, as it is not easy cooking for a large amount of people if you are not used to it.  Sounds like you have been busy enough anyway, so at least you don't have to get all the ingredients in for an evening meal for you all.

Shame you didn't get much of a view from the top of Ben Nevis. Interesting about the altitude. The top of Snowden is very rocky too, I have been there, but cheated and took the steam train most of the way up.


Been really hot here again today, so got lots of washing dried. The weather forecaster said there was a big east to west split today and it was only 11 degrees in south east and 23 here! Very unusal that, London is usually a lot warmer than here.

I see Scotland is going to be the warmest place tomorrow, so hopefully you will be able to enjoy a good day tomorrow.

Only a week to go till BB, good, not much to watch today, am just watching Obsessive Cleaning programme.

Have a good evening both xx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Windy and chilly at times today, but warm when the sun came out.
Don't think it's supposed to be particularly warm here tomorrow Mollie? I think the warmest place is north west Scotland. My cousin will probably get the benefit in Ballachulish (near Fort William), where they've taken a cottage for the week.


She's not going to be staying in the hotel Hicky, we're just going there for a meal.
Yes I watched Top Gear. It wasn't too bad, they're sticking closely to the old formula, just with new people. There's also an extra programme called 'Extra Gear' on BBC3 (watch on iplayer), which is quite good as well.


Sorry to hear your OH's diabetes meds didn't agree with her. They were always tinkering with my Dad's meds as well, to try to get them right. He was always having blood tests with the nurse, as well as having to test his own blood sugar at home.


It's still something to have gone up Snowdon Mollie, even if you let the train take most of the strain?
No, I'm not very good at cooking for other people. Even when it's just for my Brother and his wife something often goes wrong. You forget things take longer to cook when you have bigger quantities.
Glad you got the warm weather today anyway.


I watched the Obsessive Cleaners as well, but not much else on.


Evening Both.

Sunny all day, some cloud some breeze but good on the whole.

Didn't do much today, sat in the sun for a while, cut the seed pods off the red onions, now i've seen the white are doing the same, dam, should have used the same as i had last year, they were good, just finishing the end of them now.

Had Mac N Cheese for brekkie, a noodle curry soup midday and a spicy spag bol for tea with some strawberries and cream, have some lemon cake soon as well.

Been watching American Pickers again.

Mollie, Yes, O/H is eating different food to what she used to eat, don't know much about it, not sure when she is having a renewed look at the meds, think it's after the next blood test results.

Emptybox, Oh yes, i forgot, going to the hotel for a meal, silly me, if it was me i'd order a takeaway to be delivered to your house, we often do that, it's free delivery if the bill is over ÂĢ10 but i always give them a tip anyway.

Will have to wait till they change O/H's meds to when they review it, hope it's better than the last stuff, but that was done by the nurse not the doctor, this time the doctor is sorting it out.

Even the write ups about Top Gear put me off, complaints about Chris, they say they had stand ins for the stunts, can't really see me watching it, there's still tons of the old shows on every day.

Love island ITV2 9pm

Last edited by Hicky



have you finished all your preparations for your visitors now? Oh yes it was west Scotland they said was going to be warm and sunny. HOpefully that is good news for your visitors. Shame it was not so good for you there though. It will be lovely for you and your cousin going back in time and reminiscing when you go to your father's old hotel for dinner.


That is nice you had chance to sit in the sun, it helps with getting a good dose of the vitamin D. Sounds like you had som tasty food thoughout the day too. Hopefully the doc will sort out some more suitable meds for your OH soon. I don't like it how they fob off such important things as this to just a nurse, after all they are far less qualified than the docs.


Rylan was on This Morning and said they will release the BB house photos tomorrow. How exciting, wonder what the new larger house will look like.

Been a bit greyer today but at least it has been dry.

Just did a few jobs and went to the post office.

Watching Corrie, GP show, then A and E tonight.

Goodnight both xx



Evening both.
Wet and windy here most of today. The sun did appear late afternoon though.
Didn't do any paid work, but got my own grass cut at about 5pm.
That's the place as tidy as it's going to get for my visitors.


Hoping for a nice day tomorrow, as I'll need to get a lot done. Specially if Friday is curtailed, if they arrive in the afternoon.
Suppose I could always do some work on Saturday after they've gone?


Have never had a take-away out here Hicky. It would be at least a half hour round trip from the nearest town, so expect they would charge through the nose for delivery? I could always enquire for another time, I suppose?


You don't half have some strange brekkies Hicky? Mac & cheese?
Pity your onions have started to seed. Hope they will be OK now you've taken the seed heads off.
Hope your OH gets her meds sorted out.


Hadn't heard that about stunt doubles on Top Gear, although I had heard that Chris Evans couldn't drive and talk at the same time.
As I said, the show wasn't too bad. But perhaps not worth a special effort to watch?


Hi Mollie. That'll be interesting to see the House pictures.
Glad it stayed dry for you.
Yes it should be quite nice to get a meal in the old hotel.
Course there's the dilemma as to who should pay?
As technically the host, I suppose I should offer. But as they more or less invited themselves, and the hotel was my cousin's idea, I'm hoping they might stand it?
Not that I'm mean of course. (just careful)


Watched 'Lose Weight for Love', then a bit of Secrets of Growing Old, then Versailles.


Evening Mollie.

Another lovely day here, sun all day really, slight wind, no rain.

Went out for lunch, had spicy prawns and monk fish pieces, then Lamb Shank.

Tonight i just had 2 pieces of Salmon Fillet, had a tin of sardines in tom sauce for supper.

Got some pictures of the new house.

Sliced some more bacon, still trying to vary what i eat for brekkie as much as i can.

Watching Antiques Road Trip, then deadliest pests, then Love Island at 9pm.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Nice day here as well. Got a lot done.


Thanks for the House pics. Looks smart, but doubt if it'll stay that way for long?
Interesting that the other House will be competing for places in the main House, and they'll have connections with the main HMs. Ex-boyfriends and the like, I expect? Doesn't seem radically new to me?


Quite a lot of fishy dishes for you today. Along with a bit of lamb.
Mince and tatties for me.


Watched Kirstie and Phil then the film Le Weekend. That's 2 hours I won't get back.


Probably won't be on tomorrow, because of my guests, but back to normal on Saturday evening.




That's nice you got the good weather and out for lunch too. Where did you go?

We went out for tea last night to Nandos. Have you ever been? Portugese it is.

The family had chicken, I had veggie buger with mash and a bean salad with buttermilk/advoca sauce. All very tasty. I am not keen on spice, so only have the very mild one.

Thanks for the BB link. not long to wati now.


That's good you got a lot done yesterday in the hot weather. I hope all goes well with your visitors tonight and you all enjoy reminiscing in your dad's old hotel at dinner time. And hope they enjoy the breakfast food you got in.

Yes the 2 houses and connected HM's doesn't sound too much of a deviation from normal. I was hoping for a bit more excitment than that. But who knows, it could prove to be more interesting than we are imagine? But whatever, I am still looking forward to it.


Went to Cardiff yesterday to get a bit of shopping. Son needed some summer PJ's, then we went to Nandos for a meal, a belated birthday meal for other son.

Drama son working in theatre this week with the young ones for their production. Hard work he says, especially as they are being more disruptive this year. But there are around 140 of them, so to be expected!


Another lovely sunny day so far, let's hope it stays nice over the weekend.

Have a good day both xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Both.

Another lovely day, sun all day, warm 19C hardly any wind

I planted the tomato plants, not sure what to do with the cucumber plants.

My baby fig tees i grew from some winter cutting are coming on well, well 3 or 4 are, might have to transplant them soon, have them in clear 1 pt plastic beakers so i can watch the roots, they aren't in compost just water retaining stuff.

My lad and his lot came this afternoon for a BBQ, O/H went out to get the stuff for the salad & BBQ.

Emptybox, The house looks good to me, it should be a good series, we'll soon know, 4 days to go.

Enjoy your time with your cousin, hope it all goes well, should be good seeing the hotel again.

Mollie, We went to Parkgate, The Boat House, not cheap but a good menu.

That was nice, going to Cardiff, did son get his PJ's?, Nando's as well, that tough on your drama son, must be very frustrating for him.

Another info site to watch.


Well, visitors all away now.

TBH it feels like they were only here for a very short time, because they were delayed by 2 hours getting to me, because of heavy traffic near Edinburgh.
So they didn't arrive until 7.30pm, by which time we had to dash straight to the pub as they stop meals at 8pm. Then after the meal the kids more or less went straight to bed, and their parents soon followed, as they were very tired.
Then this morning it was a dash to get breakfast, and they were away by 9.30am.


However we did have a little time to chat and remember the old days, and it was a nice meal (paid for by them ). I had smoked haddock stuffed with leek with mashed potatoes and vegetables followed by rhubarb crumble and custard.
Only trouble was they didn't have room for me in their car, what with all their gear, so I had to drive the van down so couldn't drink.


I should have taken your advice about the kiddie friendly cereals Mollie, because nobody seemed to want anything from my selection, and they all just had toast for brekkie. I did offer porridge or bacon and egg as well, but it was just toast.
Oh, and they brought their dog with them, which I hadn't realised they were going to. But they had a dog cage for her to sleep in, so she was no bother.
A little black lab cross, going by the name of 'Mollie'.


Started out very chilly here this morning, but has turned into a lovely sunny afternoon. Was thinking of doing a couple of jobs, but after tidying up after my guests and stripping the beds and moving furniture back, I thought I'd have a lazy afternoon.
Seemingly they've had a glorious week in the Highlands weatherwise, and my cousin had even got sunburnt.
They've got another long tiring drive ahead of them today, so hope a night's sleep chez emptybox did them some good.


Glad you enjoyed your retail therapy in Cardiff Mollie, and the Nandos meal afterwards.


A family BBQ is always good Hicky.
Glad your figs are coming on well, and you got your tomatoes planted.


No BGT now, so not sure what to watch tonight? There's a couple of films on, I suppose.


Good Evening Emptybox.

A rather cloudy warm windless day, very nice though.

Made a Rhubarb Crumble as i have so much Rhubarb, only pulled 3 pieces, loads left for another day, you are only supposed to pull a third at a time i think.

Going out for brekkie in the morning as O/H wabts something from the garden centre.

That was a blow being so late arriving but Friday a bad day for travelling in certain directions because of workers going home for the weekend.

A shame it was all such a rush but at least you had time for a chat.

funny you having Rhubarb Crumble but it's fresh at the mo.

Bad news having to use your van

I'm watching Road Wars, not much on.



Good Evening.

Another very hot day, over 25C here, no wind either.

Didn't do much today, it's getting harder to stay cool.

Went out for brekkie, very nice, just the usual, got too much though.

Garden looking ok, had to spray the apples against the moth.

Got some flowers on the strawberries, have cut off the trailing growth as it stops energy going to the flowers.

Very pleased with the new growth on the main fig tree, where i cut off branches when it was dormant i have new growth, only got 10 figs this year, so hoping new growth will give more fruit for next year.




that is good your figs sounds like they are doing well. That was a nice treat going out for brekkie, We went to Toby again over the weekend, using a 20% off voucher. Thanks for the Boathouse link, the menu looks good and the pub looks like it is in an interesting area.



Glad to hear the visit went down well, that was lucky you just made it on time to grab food at the hotel, and nice that they paid for the meal too. I like their dog's name. They were very lucky with the weather. I am sure the "Chez Emptybox" rest did them a world of good.

Sounds like all 3 of us have the good weather now. It was so hot stuffy and humid hear overnight, I went and bought mini usb fans today for the family. They are quite effective and only ÂĢ6.

Took mum down seafront yesterday and we all had ice creams. Lots of people in the sea trying to cool down.

Son in panic trying to finish all his end of year assignments, my head is still spinning after trying to help last night work out cash flow statements.   He left it till last minute as usual, but at least he had it done ready to hand in at college today, a lot of them won't even of done that. So they will probably give a weeks extension, he would rather get it handed in now so he can stay home and play pc games with his mates.

Have either of you heard of Steam? He uses that to play his games on.

I have to go and speak with his tutors later today about his next year course. Lucky here in Wales they get their college courses paid for and an allowance, but in England they have to take a loan for it, which seems very tough to me. I expect Scotland get their fees paid too.

I am so looking forward to tomorrow night's launch show. Hope they dont' leak any of the contestants out beforehand, so add a "spoiler" bit here if either of you find out. I love the launch show when we dont' know any of the HM's but know over the summer we will get to know them well.


Have a good day both xxx



Evening Both.

Another very warm day here, 25C minimum, making it harder to sleep now, keep a top window open a bit.

Got so many apples on the main tree that it would be hard to put a bag on each, was going to experiment and see if i can make a sleeve from insect netting that slides over the branch, like a tube, i have a heavy duty stapler which would do the trick.

Haven't had much food today really, 2 eggs for brekkie, a carton of crab for midday snack with fruit, and for tea i had some lamb fillet and salad, got to get some afters in a minute.

Emptybox, glad you had a nice day, i could get used to this weather.

Recorded top gear, watched a bit, they had copied Jeremy, idiots, ruined the show, and the clapping/laughing was fake, they had added it on edit.

Mollie, I enjoy going to the toby but O/H not so keen.

Never heard of Steam, as used in a playing manner.

USB fans sound good, might not keep you cool in bed though.

That was nice having ice creams on the sea front, could do with some of them myself.

Glad your lad finished his work for college, strange they get their fees paid.

Very excited about Launch night, reading the info it seems the second house is full but they aren't house mates.


Evening both.
A nice sunny day here, but cloudy this evening. Having to wear a jersey just now, as it's a bit chilly (no need of fans up here yet). Was warm earlier though.


Yes I've heard of Steam Mollie, my nephew uses it on his computer. Haven't tried myself though.

Hope you got your son's courses for next year sorted? Yes the tuition fees are paid up here as well. Not sure about an allowance on top.


Hicky that's early for apples to appear surely, or do you mean the buds after the flowers have gone?
Haven't watched the 2nd Top Gear ep yet, but I see the ratings are down.
Yes I think they've made a mistake trying to copy the previous format so closely.


Looking forward to BB tomorrow as well. I've heard of one name that's supposed to be going in the other house, but I won't say.


Watched the food progs on CH4 at 8 and 8.30pm, now watching 24hrs in A&E.





yes it has been very hard to sleep here too in this hot sticky weather, but my USB fan did help a lot. I plugged it into wall instead of my lappy and left it on the bedside table, so the little breeze it gave overnight was just right. Sounds like you will be making a lot of apple pies this year when all those apples are ready. I agree Top Gear is not good now, just a poor copy of what it was. And too much shouting and overexcitement from Chris who I found annoying.

They only get their college fees paid here, but Uni, unlike Scotland,Uni is not free, but the Welsh government do pay a lot more towards Uni fees than they do in England, so it is about ÂĢ3700 a year instead of the ÂĢ9000 a year it is in England.


Probably a good thing you haven't had all the heat and humidity we have had as it is exhausting. But good job you had it dry. Sounds like your nephew too might be a keen gamer if he uses steam then. My son is mad on it.

Glad you didn't give away the name of the new HM, I'm so looking foward to it all tonight.

I did see this though, it just shows the inside of the house and the diary chair. It looks so nice, better I think in that they have a bit more room. The sun loungers look lovely, lets hope we continue with the good weather so they can get good use of them.


Have a good day, time to do a bit of washing. xxx


Evening Both.

Not a bad day, was pleased it was only 20C and cloudy as it was easier to work in the garden, very humid though.

Have been making sleeves to go over the apple branches, i have loads of insect netting so i thought if i cut pieces if netting say 60cm x 55cb and staple along the top after it is folded in 2, then staple down the side, i then turn it inside out and slide it over the branch of apples and close the bottom using a clothes peg or 2, i've done a few trees, not done the tree that didn't get attacked last year, thats the tree that had massive apples last year, not sure if this will work but i'll give it a try, might have to revise as the apple get bigger.

Last night a watched a Magpie get a piece of bread from next door, fly into my garden, cross to a tree tub with a water tray under the plant, it put the bread into the tray to soak then took it out and ate it, then it had a look at the cherry tree then took off, birds are cleverer than we imagine.

Emptybox, The apples are quite big all ready, about 18mm, some plums are the same, the cherries are about 10mm.

Some Figs are now about the size of an egg.

I watched the 2nd show of Top Gear, it's just not the same, they are pathetic, Chris is pure desperation, he needs the chop, total failure, trying to emulate Jeremy, never.

Looking forward to BB tonight.

Mollie, It's going to be hard to sleep tonight, it's very humid which makes it worse, it's 24.5C in my room.

Oh, i see, just college fees paid, England pays the most out of them all then.

The video has been blocked on (c) grounds so i couldn't watch it.



Hi guys.
Nice warm sunny morning, but thunder and heavy showers this afternoon. Had to finish early, but still got a couple of jobs done.


Mollie, glad your fan gave you some respite last night.
Strange that in Wales the college fees are free but not uni? I don't see the distinction?
Yes my oldest nephew is a keen gamer. The youngest one is too, but not to the same extent.


Hicky, your apples and other fruit must be very far on then, to already be so big.
That's interesting about the magpie. But of course they are part of the crow family, which are known for their intelligence. You very rarely see a crow dead on the road, because they know to get out of the way of cars, unlike stupid pigeons and pheasants.


Watched the 2nd ep of Top Gear. TBH I don't find it too bad.
Watching the BB launch. The name I heard doen't seem to be there anyway Mollie, so was probably just a rumour.
This 'Others' twist might be quite interesting, as they have past links to the HMs.
The twins look nice, but might turn out to be annoying.
Some other nice looking girls as well.


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