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Evening Emptybox.

Wow, so hot today, 26C here in the shade, it was hard to stay cool, only 23 in the house, roasting in the summerhouse, a slight breeze which was nice.

Did a few jobs, found a small blockage in the 4mm pipe watering one of the strawberry hanging baskets, made a bucket of concentrated compost tea, about another 10 buckets to make, planted the other fig tree, used quite a bit of my home made compost.

It looks like soil, but it was only shredded paper and card and grass, how does that make soil? or whatever it is, anyway I have quite a bit of it.

I get the capsules from Costco, will see if they just have Glucosamine Tablets on their own.

Glad it's warmed up by you, about time, it's been fantastic here.

The leaves are coming out now on the big fig tree, all this warm weather woke it up. 




Glad you got to enjoy brekkie for the little ones brekkie.  Did you manage to get a taste of the Costco birthday cake?

Yes best to pace yourself in the garden as your arthritis can play up. Is your dizzy ok now you gave up the tablet?

What is compost tea?



yes it must be odd not to see the Jag now after all these years. Glad you at last got the hot weather yesterday. It is back to the rain again here today, but at least it didn't rain all day.

Don't they do the pure omega 3 & glucosamine tablets at amazon? They seem to most tablets there.


Made headway with the VAT but still a lot to do yet. Also had to sort the business insurance out and the P60's for the accountant.

OH and I cut dogs fur yesterday as she was getting so hot, her skin was itchy. She is a black fluffy dog so we have to cut her hair in summer. And if her skin gets itchy, she has to have anit histamine tablets that are meant for humans but the vet said they are good for dogs, but you can't tell the chemist when you buy them they are for the dog.    She does share them with me though when I get hay fever.

Not much on tv tonight, but managed to watch episode 30 of Can BB. I think there is only a couple of shows left now, I will miss it as it was so good.

Goodnight both xxx



Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Another lovely sunny day here. Not as hot as with you Hicky, but warm enough for me.
Got plenty of work done.


Pity you had a blockage in your water pipe Hicky. Hope you sorted it.
Wouldn't have thought paper would make good soil-like compost, but grass on it's own just makes a black sludge, so perhaps the paper dries it out and bulks it up?
Yes, I think the warm weather will wake a lot of things up. Half expecting my bats to put in an appearance any day now. The warm weather is usually their cue to appear.


Mollie. That's a pity you got some rain today.
I expect you could find anything on Amazon, but I don't usually send away for much during the season, as I don't really want to be waiting in for parcels if the weather is good. But when I was in the pharmacists today picking up my prescription, I noticed they had an omega 3 & glucosomine capsule, so I might try that.


That's a lot of paperwork for you to sort out.
I can imagine a black haired dog could easily get overheated in hot weather.
I suppose it's not surprising that the same remedies can often work on animals as well as humans? But funny that you can't let on to the chemist.


I was just watching bits and pieces of things on telly tonight. Didn't really settle on anything. Just watched Rylan's new chat show.




hope you managed to get in your garden/gazebo today.

How is the dizzy now? And has the aches in your thigh eased?



Glad you got a nice day so could keep up to date work wise. Hope those bats don't reappear, they were such a noisy nuisance for you. Oh yes that is the trouble with amazon, you have to wait around for the parcel. On my last order they gave a tracking thing so that is easier to tracke when they are due.


Done VAT now with son's help. Just have to collate and get it in the post tomorrow now.

We had quite a lot of rain today, but dried up now.

I so hope it is dry this weekend because we are going up North to see family and look round some houses to give us an idea of what we can get for our money. Last time we did a 4 and half hour drive one day, then we got flu, so OH had to drive back the next day! Not good at all. This time we hope to stay 2 nights, we are staying at a hotel on seafront in LLandudno. Mum all sorted with our favourite carers.


Not much on tv, will watch the baking programme though.


Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Another lovely warm day here. Got plenty of work done.


Finished a little early so I could give my van a spruce up, as I'm going across to my Brother on Saturday, and of course I've got to go in the van.
So I'm hoping for a dry weekend as well.
Slightly annoyed that I'll miss Eurovision, but I'll record it.

Let's hope your trip is illness free, and you see some nice houses.
Well done on getting the VAT done.


Rylan's show was OK. He had on Keith Lemon, Alisha Dixon and Charlotte Crosby.
But he's on 4 days a week, so he's on again tonight at 11pm.
I wouldn't say he was a 'must watch' every night though. It's only Rylan after all.


Watched Penguin A&E with Lorraine Kelly.


Evening Both.

Edit, I thought I posted this yesterday, somehow id didn't go so just posted it as it asked if I wanted to stay on the page, oh dear.

It's been rather dull and wet here today, had a look around the garden but apart from making some more compost tea stayed indoors. 

Mollie, Now you mention it, didn't get any of the cake.

I've stopped 2 of the 3 times I take the tablet for sickness, seeing how it goes.

Compost tea is the liquid feed I make by adding concentrated manure to water and leaving for 24hrs,then strain it and put in into the 100litre feed tank.

Have only got up to episode 28, will have to try and catch up, can see next 2 waiting for me.

I see the Glucosamine tablets on Amazon, might get some.

Emptybox,  I found it hard to understand how my shredded paper/card and grass would make compost that looks like soil, also it has hundreds of worms in it, I con try it and see how it does.

Didn't know Rylan had a chat show, just don't like teller.

Tomorrow doesn't look very nice either, Thursday looks better.


Last edited by Hicky

Evening Both.

Got lost with that post not going.

A rather dull day, warm but cloudy with some showers.

Only made some more Compost Tea, enough for now.

Mollie, Llandudno is nice, used to go there a lot in the summer when we had the lads at home.

Hope you can do the 2 days and don't all get colds.

Emptybox, Your Van should be fine going to your brothers, hope the weather stays nice.

Will have to watch the Eurovision lark, for a laugh.

Just watching antiques road show, not much on.

Have ordered Glucosamine from Amazon.




that is so annoying if your post doesn't appear here, but at least you didn't lose it completely.

Which glucosamine did you order? My OH might try some. Yes I guess Llandudno was not far for you to travel to when the family lived at home. Our little niece also loved it when we took her on the pier, the land train and the tram up the Orme.

Hope your compost tea does the job with all your things in the garden.

You missed out there, not getting to sample a Costco birthday cake.



Are you staying overnight at your brother's? Hope you are not too uncomfy travelling in the van.

4 times a week for Rylans show seems a lot. Makes you wonder if they will run out of guests to invite on it?

Looked after mum today, she ate well. The weather here has been awful today, a real downpour when we came back from mum's.

Watched the GP show today and The Vet man.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Another lovely sunny warm day here. Think it's supposed to get cooler towards the weekend, but don't think there is any rain forecast.
Pity you are getting the rain Mollie.


Got some paid work done, and because I'm up to date, I did some work in my own garden this afternoon as well.


Pity you lost your post yesterday Hicky.
One of my customers is trying the shredded paper and grass method to make compost, so I'll be able to see how it turns out first hand. She puts a tub of shredded paper by the compost box, and when I put a layer of grass cuttings in I cover them with a layer of paper. She just started doing it today, so it's a bit of a co-incidence.


I'm not planning an overnight stay Mollie, unless something goes wrong.
I've been across there in the van before, but you certainly feel more tired after a long drive than in the comfortable car.

A 2 hour drive across there is OK, but I certainly wouldn't relish having to drive down to Norfolk in it. So I can see myself buying another car, or perhaps a more comfortable van, before I have another trip down South.
But that's not for another 18 months anyway.
Unless the van fails it's MoT miserably in July, then that would bring a decision forward.


Watched Horizon about Alzheimer's, then Mary Beard on Rome, now watching Katy Piper's 'Never Seen a Doctor'.
Will you watch Eurovision while you're away Mollie?
Unfortunately my Brother and his wife don't watch it.





yes I am sure it is a lot more tiring travelling in the van.  Good job you aren't due that long drive for a long time! It is good that the weather has been nice enough for you to get up to date at work and also get your own garden done.

What a strange coincidence Hicky mentions paper compost then you come across a customer who uses it.

Shame your brother doesn't watch Eurovision, but won't you be home before it at least finishes?

Yes I hope to be able to watch it whilst we are away, we are in a hotel this time, got a good last minute deal.

Hope Hicky got the nice weather today, I am  sure he will find plenty to do in his garden if so.

Won't be around for a few days now. Hopefully the forecast for a dry weekend will prove correct.

So hope you enjoy your visit to your brother's Emptybox, and hope Hicky can enjoy his gazebo/garden over the weekend.



Evening Both.

Another scorcher today, had to come in the house a lot as it was so hot.

Couldn't really do much in the garden with this heat, my thermometer on the gazebo in the shade said 24C.

Mollie, This is the glucosamine I ordered.

We used to travel along the Welsh coast and often stop in various resorts, Llandudno was the furthest we traveled on the coast in 1 day, sometimes it was hard to get back because of traffic but in later years they opened a short cut inland which really improved times.

Hope you enjoy your trip away, weather should be reasonable.

Emptybox, glad your up to date at work, it's nice to spend some time in your own garden.

I used to get grass from at least 3 neighbours and I used to keep in in bin bags until I had the shredded paper ready, it was layered into my compost box, this is about 3ft square, I collected for the whole season, as I put it in it sank down, but I kept putting in, I think it is supposed to be turned out into another box every couple of weeks but I couldn't do that, I managed to turn it out once myself but I got the gardener to do it in the end.

Enjoy your trip to your brothers, hope the van runs well.

I only watch the Eurovision for a laugh, it can't be taken serious.

My Rhubarb is getting very big, will have to be using some soon.

The Mulberry buds seem to be just leaves, very strange, can't see any flowers yet.

The Figs are now about the sixe of marbles, leaves starting to grow.


Evening both.
Bit of a dull start but it turned into another lovely warm day.


Have sent away for some cable to re-cable my satellite dish.
Had a look today, and it had nearly worn through where the cable had rubbed against the metal bit on the point of the roof.
Explains why I was getting no signal on one cable and only a few channels on the other.
I checked the dish and the LNB, and they're both fine, so it's just a case of fitting new cable. This time I won't put it over the roof, but will go round the gable end. I measured it out, and it's actually just about the same distance.
I did try to buy cable from the local hardware stores, but they would have worked out twice the price of Ebay. It's a seller I've used before, so should be good quality.
I don't really need the satellite as well as Freeview I suppose, but as I have the satellite dish and box, it might as well be working properly.


Mollie, I should be back before the end of the Eurovision vote, but that's not the same as watching it.
Hope it stays dry for you this weekend. I think there might be some rain for me on Saturday unfortunately.


Sounds like it was really hot for you Hicky. Not sure what the temp here was, but not as hot as you anyway.
That's a good price for the glucosomine. Should last you nearly a year.
That compost box sounds very similar to my customer's, 3ft x 3ft. She's actually got three in a row, but one of them is for leaves only I think.
Can't help you with the mulberry I'm afraid. Don't know anything about it.


Enjoyed Kirstie and Phil this evening.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day a bit cooler which was nice, didn't do a lot, made up the compost tea  the 100 litre with rain water.

It looks though the pears have been caught out by the frost, the blossom has been hit.

You can get good twin satellite cable from the dish to the set box, that's what I have for Freesat.

My browsers are playing up, so slow, keep changing browsers but all a problem, taking me so long to type.

Is Eurovision Saturday.



Hi Hicky.
Dull and cold this morning, but a little sun this afternoon. But very different to yesterday.
Yesterday I was in shirt sleeves. Today it was sweatshirt and padded waistcoat.
Still, I got a big job done.


It's the twin cable I've ordered Hicky. The thinner stuff - WF65 rather than the WF100. It's what I had before, and gave a good signal before it wore out.
Plus the holes drilled through the wall are only big enough to take the thinner cable, and I don't want to enlarge them.

Pity about your pear blossom Hicky. Hope you still get some pears.
You seem to have a lot of problems with your browsers? I just stick with Chrome, and don't seem to have too many issues.
Mind you, I do have a problem with the Amazon site being very slow lately. No other site affected, which is a bit strange.


Yes Eurovision is tomorrow night. 8pm to 11.30pm.

Last edited by emptybox

Well had a nice time at my Brother's.
The weather couldn't have been better. A lovely sunny warm day, and a nice clear night to drive home. You could still see the colours in the fields up till 10pm.

We went out to dinner to an Italian restaurant, and I got a ride in my Brother's brand new Range Rover Evoque (company car).

Got home in time to see the last of the Eurovision votes. Pity that the UK only came 3rd from last.
Now watching some of the contest.


Hope you are both having good weekends.

Last edited by emptybox

Sunny today, but cooler.


Watching The Queen's 90th Birthday Celebration.
Can't decide if it's been done well or not? I'd have thought the recollections about the Queen's early life would have been better left to another programme, and there should be more actual celebrations, while she's there watching?
She's probably familiar with her own story.


Good Evening Emptybox.

Just changed browsers again, doing my head in.

Weather ok today, 12C some cloud but a lot of sun, went out for dinner.

Got 3 browsers running, had this on Edge but that was hopeless, changed it back to FF.

Just watched last episode of BB Canada, ep 31, the brothers won, didn't really want them to.

Watched F1, trust Lewis and Nico to mess up on 1st lap, i blame Nico.

Thought i posted yesterday, maybe i didn't, Eurovision was waste of time, don't like the new voting either.

Glad you had a nice time at your brothers, the Range Rover is nice, not impressed with the rear visibility though, they make the Evoque at Liverpool.

Hope Mollie is enjoying her weekend break away, she's had nice weather anyway, a bit cooler than in the week but dry.

Looking ahead on the weather, it's just normal, nothing amazing.



Evening All.

Not a bad day, cool, 10C but dry, slight wind.

Didn't do much, had a BBQ for tea, just chops and baked spuds, they were done in the oven though and we had a salad as well.

My Glucosamine came so thats good, am taking 2 a day for a couple of weeks then go back to 1.

Veg coming on ok, spring onions, beetroot carrots, peas, onions and vines are ok, lots of blossom on the Blueberry plant.

Have stopped the dizzy tablets this week all together, will see how it goes.

Hope Mollie enjoying her break.

Hope weather good for you as well Emptybox.

Have got lots of tabs running, spread over 3 browsers, Gaga back on FF, have got some on Chrome, some on Edge, depending on what is required, the add ons etc just seem to work on certain browsers so it makes life hard, Adblock only works on FF, downloaded Ad Muncher, it's supposed to work on them all, but i still have some adverts on Edge but they seem to have gone from Chrome.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Yes, not bad day here. A bit dull at times, but some nice sunshine as well. Cooler tonight though.


Waited in all morning for my satellite cables, but they didn't arrive. Blasted Post Office. All the emails from Ebay said they were supposed to come today.
Won't be able to wait in tomorrow morning, as I always do a client on Tuesday, so if they come they'll have to leave them with a neighbour.


Got a couple of jobs done this afternoon after the postie had come. Grass growing quickly now.


Glad your glucosomine tabs came, and your veg is coming on.
Hope it goes well, giving up the dizziness tabs.


I have Adblock Plus running in Google Chrome, it's in the web store.
Adblock Plus for Chrome


My Brother's Evoque is very smart, black with black leather.  
Didn't notice the rear visibility, but then I wasn't driving.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day really, 18C with low winds and some good sun.

Didn't do much today, had brunch in the gazebo, just sandwich steaks i made from fillet with sausages on bread thins.

Thats bad news your cables not coming, a wasted day almost.

I wasn't dizzy at today so that is looking good.

Also, didn't have any pain in my shoulders and hands last night in bed, or today, maybe it's the glucosamine, but that was quick, i'll see how it goes, in fact it kept me awake because i'm not used to having no pain.

I'll have to remember about the Adblock Plus, didn't know it worked on Chrome.

Some rain expected tonight, not sure if it will get here.


Evening Hicky.
Another nice day. A bit dull at times, but sun as well.


Glad you haven't experienced any dizziness or pain in the last couple of days.
Funny you saying that the lack of pain kept you awake.
Brunch in the gazebo sounds great.


Did my job in the morning, then came home for lunch (don't usually). Luckily the postie came while I was having lunch, and he had my cables.
Couldn't resist taking the afternoon off to fit them.
So I've now got a feed to the upstairs bedroom, and a feed to the lounge, and they're both working properly.
Took a couple of hours, but wasn't too difficult. As it's a stone built cottage, the most difficult bit was finding places where the pins would go in.


Not much on telly. Watched Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners then Penguin A&E. Now watching a recording.


Wonder when Mollie returns from her trip?

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx

I am back here at last.

We had a lovely weekend in Llandudno.    The weather was lovely  we spent the day on the seafront with the family, and 2 days travelling. Little niece  loved the Punch and Judy, but we had to quickly take her away when they mentioned the hangman's noose, as the little girl is only 4 and she can't sleep if she sees scary stuff. 
But she kept asking my daugther what happened to Punch as she had missed the end. 
My son and daughter helped little niece build a sand castle and we all had ice creams and a walk on the pier where we struggled to get niece to get off the boucy castle. 
Little niece didn't want to leave us when it was time for her to go home, but as they left she was blowing kisses and shouting "I love you, I love you"  to us all out of the car window.

Shame it is such a long drive, we came close to Hicky's place on the way home, as OH used sat nav and it it took us close to Chester, then Manchester, then Birmingham. Wasn't keen on that route though as it was busy and boring being all motorway. Luckily it was a Sunday, as I can imagine the amount of traffic is awful on a weekeday, it was bad enough on a Sunday.

Been extra busy after being away, as I have had mum 3 times and my daughter is too busy with college work to food shop and cook tea.

Time to read back now to see what you two have both been up to whilst I have been absent.


Evening Both.

Not bad here today 18C some cloud but lots of sun, no rain since last night.

Emptybox, Glad your cables came, you could have drilled a series of small holes in the stone with a masonry drill and put a plug in so you had somewhere to drive the fixings in.

As you say, not a lot on TV, always something to watch though.

Mollie, Glad you enjoyed your time away, yes, a lot of travelling but glad you had good weather.

Little niece enjoyed her time with you anyway. bless her not wanting you to leave, you did come close, Chester 20 miles away from me.

Yes, the traffic can be very busy at the weekend as they all head for home after a day out but the traffic in the week is dreadful.

I thought you would be busy trying to catch up after being away, no problem, you get the rest you need, that comes first.

Had another meal on the BBQ in the gazebo, only thin sliced fillet steak and sausages on 50/50 thins, less bread more taste.



Yes the route to Llandudno became a lot quicker from your area once they opened the new duel carraigway along the coast.  It took us no time to get along the coast bit.

Sounds like you will have a nice lot of rhubarb crumble for tea soon.

Hope you stay dizzy free now you have stopped the tablets and hope the glucasimine sorts the aches out, but it all sounds hopeful so far. That is good value from Amazon.

I don't have trouble with chrome either, OH had put adblocker on for me, so hope you can sort it out ok.



so glad you had a nice day at your brothers, we were both lucky with the weather, weren't we? There was a real cold breeze on the seafront, but didnt' mind that with the clear blues skies. Your brother's car sounds quite impressive.

It is such a pain when you have waited in for a delivery that doesn't arrive. But it was lucky they eventually arrived when you came home for lunch. Sounds like they are doing the job well now.


I watched the GP show, and am watching the baby show now.

Don't have mum tomorrow, so I should be able to catch up with jobs round the house.

I too saw the last of Canada BB, I have enjoyed it, espeicallly the Nikki parts. Not sure I would of chosen the brothers as being the most derving winners though.


Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

We posted together Hicky.

Gosh only 20 miles away, I could of popped in for some rhubarb. (but of course we still had another 200 miles to go then, so maybe not!). 

We came up via Hereford, and I think that is a better route for us, sometimes we come via Brecon, that is very pretty too.

Glad to see you are still enjoying food in the gazebo.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
A nice morning here, but rain towards the end of the afternoon. First rain here for quite a while.
Got some work done before it started.


Glad you enjoyed your break Mollie.
You swapped walking on the seafront and eating ice cream at home for walking on the seafront and eating ice cream in Llandudno? Well, I guess a change of scene is good for you?
Joking aside, you were able to spend time with your neice, and sharing the Punch & Judy with her.
Funny that you came within shouting distance of Hicky, on your way home?
Pity you came back to a load of work.


Hi Hicky. Glad you got the warm weather and enjoyed another BBQ.
I'm not very clever with a drill I'm afraid. Specially not up the top of a ladder.
Plus as it's a rented cottage, I want to minimize the number of holes I make in it. Considering we never actually asked permission to put the satellite dish up in the first place. (it was put up in 2007 when my Dad was the tenant. That would be my get out clause anyway )
So I've just tapped a few pins into the render between the stones, that could easily be taken out when I move, if necessary.
Previously I did drill a hole through a wooden window frame in the living room, to get the cable in. But that is fairly rotten, and the landlady has been promising to replace it for a few years now anyway. (if I remember right, I broke at least one drill bit doing that as well )


Watched 'Weight for Love' on BBC1, about couples trying to lose weight. Then a wildlife thing about the Highlands of Scotland, then Katie Piper's thing. Now watching Rylan, for my sins.


Evening Both.

A bit cooler today, dry this morning but it turned to rain, it's stopped again now.

Didn't do anything today, watched tv most of the time.

Mollie, Yep, will have to pick some Rhubarb soon, it's getting pretty big, all red stalks as well, a great colour.

Haven't had any dizzy spells, still doing some exercises getting into bed, maybe that helps, but i haven't taken any of the pills this week.

The uk BB should start in June, it's late because of Rylan having that show to do.

Emptybox, I keep forgetting you only rent the place, you have to be careful making changes of any tyoe to the building without permission.

I see you had to drill a hole through the window originally, i assume you used a steel drill bit, they only break if you bend them as they are tempered.

Just watching 'American Pickers', love this program, it's on Dave, watch a lot of Dave, a great station.



both xxx



yes that is one of the things that are a pain when you rent, you have to think about it before fixing anything structural. You shouldn't have any trouble though as you have gone for pins that you can remove. That's good you managed to get some work done before the rain moved in. I bet you aren't too behind this year are you with all the decent weather we have had recently?



Glad to hear the dizzy has stayed away, I guess doing exercises before bed are good for you all round. Fancy delaying the start of BB for Rylan's show! He showed a preview of the BB eye on This Morning the other day, It features broken glass. He said it was going to be a different game this year, wonder if they are going to change it to be inline with BBUSA and BB Canada type of game?

I haven't seen American pickers. Are they fruit pickers?

Watched a programme about quads. Gosh what hard work! I only had 3 kiddies close together and that was hard enough! I know you had a big family too, didn't you HIcky? Must of been hard when they are young.

At lunch time today I got a phone call from son who was sobbing. During college lunch time he saw a car speed down road, and run down a cat. He said it was a loud thud, the guy looked back so knew what he'd done, but he didn't even slow down, let alone stop! Son was the only one around, so he got out of car and went to the cat, who he said was lying on its back kicking and bleeding badly, then it just died in front of him. Another lady then pulled up to help. I went down there as he was so upset, and when I got there an elderly lady was comforting my son, and some neighbours had removed the cat as they didnt want the owners to come home and see it at the bottom of their drive, the cat had been outside its own house. Son knew this cat as he always goes there to eat his lunch. I walked son to college, as he had an exam straight after, and he was still shaky and crying on and off. He did go into class, but I had a quiet word with his tutor to tell her nothing at college had upset him. Poor lad, he says it is hard for him to get the sight of the dying cat out of his head. 

On a good note, OH bought his nephew back to our house after work, (the one who we saw last weekend). He was down working in Newport, so was not too far away. 

Do you know when BB starts?

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.

American Pickers are buyers of old motorbikes, or advertising signs, anything that can be resold to make money.

I didn't have have all the children at home at once, only 3 was the most, i had 2 wives didn't i?

That was awful for your son, no wonder he was so upset, it will take a lot for him to get over that.

Thanks for that, hadn't seen that link, they say the house will be a lot bigger, good, should be a good show.

Not starting till late June i see.

Glad your Daughter finished her assignment, enjoy Cardiff and the shopping.

Went out for brekkie today, it makes a change.

Last edited by Hicky

Sunshine with a few showers today.
I managed to get a lot done, but the grass was a bit wet at some places.
I'm not too far behind, but it has rained at times for the last 3 days, which doesn't help.


That must have been upsetting for your son Mollie. Certainly not a good thing just before an exam.
I can imagine that he will remember something like that for a long time.
Sounds like there was nothing that could have been done for the cat anyway.


Thanks for the BB link. That's quite a late start? They're obviously going to have a bigger house, but apart from that I suspect it'll be the same old same old. Doubt they'll be changing the format fundamentally.


Good idea to celebrate daughter finishing assignment with a little retail therapy.


Hicky, no idea what sort of drill bit I used for the window. It was just one I found in the shed. My Dad had loads, of different types, but unfortunately I don't know one type from another.
Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out.

Watched Gogglebox then The Windsors, then enjoyed the film 'Legally Blonde'.


Evening Emptybox.

A mixed bag of weather today, warm though, not much wind.

My Tomato grafted plants came yesterday, have repotted to bigger pots, the lead shoot was broken on one of them.

Got a takeaway delivered tonight, just got a Liver & Onion with peas and chips, not exciting but it's food, saved me making something, had a nice lamb dinner last night i made, so will be using some of the food from the freezer to save buying too much.

Yes, too much rain must spoil your plans for work, it should be getting better now though, with a bit of luck.

Looking forward to BB, as usual, i never mind who they put in, it doesn't seem to matter all that much.

talking about wood drills, i saw a program the other night and the girl was drilling into the bark of a tree to get the sap to run, she had been doing it for years but she was turning the drill backwards which i found strange, she was turning the brace anti-clock, never seen a left handed drill.

BGT on late tonight, just watching Top Gear.




Even if you didn't have all 5 kiddies at home at the same time, I am sure you have had some very busy households overall.   There are only 5 of us, and there is always something going on. Along with constant food shopping.

Nice to have a break from cooking with a take away for a change. I had a jacket potato in Costco for lunch today, along with lots of free food samples on our way round the shop.

Could the backwards sap drill really of been forwards, but the fact it was filmed made it look backwards?



shame the showers are slowing you down at work at the moment. Wet on and off here all day today. Hopefully we should get a dry spell as it is nearly summer.


Yes a bigger BB house will be nicer, but it is not good that it is so late starting this year.

Went to Costco with OH and daughter to stock up on food and odd bits, then had coffee with my friend in Tescos.   Son went with us to Costco but then got bored waiting for us in the car whilst we were in tescos, as we were so long shopping as well, his batteries ran out on his gaming machine and phone. He is lost withoutt his gaming machine.


Enjoyed BGT tonight.

Is it on every night this week?I thought it used to be on bank hol week. There is a big Corrie storyline every day next week and they think they usually run the 2 shows alongside each other.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Dry today, but very windy this morning. Calmed down this afternoon, and I got out to do a job. Quite a nice sunny evening.


Enjoyed BGT, but I don't like when it's on every night. I get tired of it and lose interest.


Hicky. Glad your tomato plants came, but a pity one was broken.
I've got four plants now in grow bags, and four spare ones still in smaller pots.
That sounds like a strange takeaway, but I bet it was tasty.

Pity your son's batteries ran down Mollie. You must have been shopping a looooong time.


Evening Both.

A wet morning here but dry this afternoon, my lad popped round with his lot for a couple of hours.

Mollie, Yes, when i had a lot of them at home it took a lot of cooking for, but as they all liked curry it made life easier.

That drilling in the tree thing was in a documentary and she was turning the hand drill anti-clock so i don't know, it only reverses if you view the film from the reverse side, you can't do that with a video can you?

I always like the free samples from Costco, O/H doesn't have them.

Can understand why your sons batteries ran out on his gaming machine but why did they run out on his phone, or was he playing via the phone connection?

I didn't know BGT was on every night, just noticed it's on now, i'm watching it.

Emptybox, Glad you got out to do a job, lots of wet weather sure messes things up.

I'll have to keep my toms in the summerhouse until they are big enough and strong enough to stand the outside wind and temperature.

I think these tomato plants are supposed to be grown in a greenhouse so i can't out them outside yet anyway,

Still waiting for the cucumber plants and the celery plants to come.

Edit. While i remember, did you say you had a Fire TV stick, with or without  Kodi pre-installed.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.
Sunshine with a few showers (some heavy).
Got my grass cut, even though it drizzled a bit.
Apart from that, just went to the supermarket.


Nice that your son and family paid a visit.
Hope that your celery and cucumber plants come.
Tomatoes don't do well outside up here, so I have to grow in the greenhouse.


I've got the Amazon Fire TV box, which is like the TV Stick's big brother.
It doesn't come with Kodi pre-installed, but I've side loaded it on.
There are instructions here for a couple of methods to install Kodi to the Fire TV Stick.
I see some places on Ebay are selling it with Kodi pre-installed  (for a higher price). but it's quite straightforward to do it yourself for free.


BGT was OK, but I thought only the mother and son were as good as their audition. The Welsh girl Kathleen Jenkins was OK, but not brilliant IMO.
And far too many dancers.




did you ask them to replace the broken tomato plant?  Your celery and cucumber should go well with them when ready. I like salad cream too with my salad. Nice for you to see your lad and the youngsters. Did they play in your garden cart again? Son's battery run out on his phone because when his gaming machine batteries ran out, because he then started gaming on his phone. (oh dear, shows how long we left the poor thing sitting in the car!). 



hope your tomatoes do well too, but i expect they will in a greenhouse and we have at least had a bit of sun inbetween the rain so far this year.

Yes I too enjoyed BGT. After seeing them with no staging during audtions, I like to see how they stage them, with special clothes and the background when we see the live finals. Interestngly there were 3 acts out of last nights acts from South Wales! But as I know from having a son involved with the threatre and the other doing music at college and playing the guitar, performing artis are very popular here. I do agree there was rather too much dancing on last nights show though.

Son was working in the theatre all day yesterday helping the Junior drama group rehearse, a tiring day for him with 130 children from age 5 to 14 to help supervise. But he enjoys work in the theatre.

I had a nice afternoon with mum because the weather was good, so I was able to take her to the bar on the seafront where a band was playing, My mum does repsond well to music. I enjoyed a lager and lime in the sun too. Then we moved to the seafront ice cream shop and I fed mum a tub of blackberry ripple ice cream. 


Time to catch up with my jobs, not sure whether to put out the washing though as they are promising rain later. I have been to asda, taken dog a walk, fed her and let bunny out for his exercise and fed him too. So glad the vets meds worked on him as he is so cute. 

Have a good day both. xxx

Looking forward to BGT tonight.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, a mixed bag, 16C with rain, cloud and sun.

Made an Omelette for brekkie, onion and cheese.

O/H did some shopping in M&S with her mum so got our shopping at the same time, wow, loads of fantastic ready meals, fruit etc, have frozen a lot as the date was the 27th on most,

Had some cheese at midday, then tonight i had half the pack of whitebait then a portion of duck.

Emptybox, I think the other plants could come anytime now, not going to tell them about the broken plant, i think it will be ok, it will grow another leader.

I was thinking of getting the Fire stick, my lad said he has one with Kodi he put on and it's fantastic.

It seems a bit much to have 100 people on stage, crazy.

Mollie, Yes, the little ones play on my trolley and in their shed on stilts.

You must have been a long time for all your sons batteries to die, but it's not nice waiting in a car for people to go shopping, i wouldn't fancy it.

Saw some of BGT, it's getting boring, i might just as well watch the final.


both xxx


you are in for a treat with food from M and S. It is always good quality from there. Hope your plants come soon and your broken plant is ok.

Sounds like the little ones have a lot of fun when they come to visit you.

Yes on BGT I too wasn't keen on 100 on the stage last night, but I am still enjoying the show.

Yes son chose to stay in the car whilst we shopped, but I don't think he will come with us next time. He says he'd prefer to go with us when we go to places like the zoo or walking with the dog.

Mixed day here too, but mainly dry.

Hope Emptybox was able to get to do his gardens.

Been catching up with jobs at home today as carer had my mum.

took dog a walk and went to asda on bus.

Watched BGT, am now watching A and E.


Goodnight both x


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