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glad you got a nice day at last and managed to sort your garden out.

Nice and dry today so got loads of washing dry.

Very cold wind though.


Hope Hicky could get in his garden and sort his trees out, or maybe have tea in his gazebo?


Not much on tv tonight, might have a go with the karoke game in the hope that helps get rid of the last of this cough.

No Canada BB either, as I am up to date. Looking forward to watching that tomorrow though to see who wind Hoh.

Have a good evening both. xx


Very wet overnight; the road to the village was partially flooded, but turned into another sunny day.


Yes Hicky, it was a pity it was only the two lads in the final two on the Voice, but I guess they were both good singers, so we can't complain too much?
The little girl that sung the Gravity song was great on BGT, and the guy swallowing swords was scary when he slid down the pole, just stopping with the hilt an inch from the ground.

That's good that you've got someone to point your roof.
Glad you had a nice afternoon with your Lad's lot.


Glad you got a nice dry day Mollie.
Not sure of your theory that Karaoke would be good for your cough?


No, telly was rubbish tonight.
I watched The Durrells then turned over to 5 to watch the action film 'The Town'.


Think the weather for me is supposed to be OK tomorrow, but is a bit iffy after that?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not a bad day, didn't do a lot, tidying up and trimming some canes that lep support the watering system, it seems to be raining at night a lot as everything is wet in the morning but at least i can walk on the slate, no water there, next door gets a lot of water, it's like a moat around her lawn.

Roofer never turned up, probably thought it was going to rain, he hasn't got our number either.

I'm making a list for when we go to Costco.

Waiting for a few deliveries, hope some turn up this week.

Mollie, The episode 18 of BB can is out, will watch tomorrow, love the program, haven't been watching the live feed as the video's are better and the good bits are not shown live anyway.

Emptybox, Watching the sword swallower was hard to swallow, where the heck does the sword go?

Yes, that 12 yr old singing was very good, how on earth can anyone sing like that at 12?

One thought about the Karaoke, maybe the singing clears the path to the Lungs which could take away the irritation that causes the cough.


Hi Hicky.
Dull and windy this morning, but a sunny afternoon.
Got a few jobs done anyway.
Yes there's been a lot of rain overnight. The grass has stayed wet up till now.


Pity your roofer didn't come. Maybe he'll turn up tomorrow?
I'm hoping I get that Blu-ray drive delivered tomorrow. Looks like the forecast is rain, so I can probably wait in for it.


About the only thing I found worth watching tonight was The Island with Bear Grylls.
On the sword swallower. Not sure if it's a trick sword, or if they really do take it down their gullet?




Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, cloudy but hardly any wind, didn't rain, it did last night though.

Just tidied up the canes again, just so the trees stand out more, so many getting bloom on now, loads that haven't flowered before.

Picked some nice Asparagus Spears, will have for brekkie fried.

Am expecting fruit on about 26 trees so far.

My Kelsae Onions have been dispatched today, so that is good.

No Roofer again, probably with it raining overnight, they want the roof dry i assume and they don't want it to rain.

Hope your Blu-Ray drive came, you will be busy indoors then, at least you got a few jobs done, thats good.

I didn't watch Bear Grylis, not sure what i watched, i just flick through.

Waiting for the little truck to come, also the Strawberry gear and a new Gooseberry bush, they will give me something to do.




Pity the roofer didn't come again. Gosh, fruit from 26 trees that is a lot for you to look forward to .

What a good job the slate has stopped your garden holding the wetness. Hope your deliveries don't take too long to come now.

I loved the Nikki bits on Canada BB episode 18.

Roll on tomorrow for episode 19.



hope your blu ray thing came , especially if you waited in for it.

the sword guy was on This Morning and he said it was a real sword, and he uses the same method hospitals do when they put a camera down you. He said he has injured himself a few times doing it though.

Yes the little girl has a fab voice, but I am always unsure of them being too young to handle such exposure on national tv. But because she has been at stage school for 5 years, she will of had a lot of good training.

Very sad about David Gest,   I thought he was a very likeable chap. Wonder what was wrong with him?

We had some thunder tonight but not much rain. Doggie went spare barking through the patio door to shut the thunder up.

Done loads of washing today, managed to help son finish off his assignment to get it in today, and caught up with some paperwork.

Beans on toast all round for tea today as I was so busy, and daughter couldn't help as she too has an assignment and tutorial tonight.
Good job OH loves beans on toast.

Watching Baking show, then the A word tonight.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
It was rainy and cold all day, so I was able to wait in for my delivery, which thankfully came. We don't seem to be getting the post till after 2pm these days. Think the usual postie must be on holiday, as I haven't seen him for a couple of weeks.


Already got the Blu-ray drive installed and have ripped 3 of my disks to the computer. Luckily there's a free program that will do that (makeMKV).
Haven't got a program for playing the actual disks, but I don't really need to do that, as once you've ripped them to .mkv files, VLC will play them.
If I'd have bought a new drive it might have come with software, but that would have been twice the price.


Asparagus for brekkie Hicky? Not sure I'd want anything green for breakfast?
Pity no roofer again.
Hope the Kelsae onions and other deliveries come soon.


Mollie, I think the cameras that doctors put down your throat are flexible, which swords definitely aren't. One wrong move and you've got a liver kebab.
Yes, a great pity about David Gest at only 62. A strange chap, but very funny and no harm in him at all.


Glad you got your washing and paperwork done.
I'm sure your family didn't mind beans on toast for once. Love beans on toast myself.


Watched How Not to DIY, then The A Word, now watching Drive.


Pic of Aisleyne and Imogen in Miami this week.
Looks like Ash didn't apply her sun block very well.
Didn't realise Imogen was going as well. Nice that they are still friends nearly 10 years later?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A beautiful day here, sun all day and no rain or wind.

My Seat on wheels arrived, soon had it built, very nice to, used it to start putting the plastic covers over the tubs again.

The roofers arrives first thing and worked all day till 6pm, they replaced the cement in the ridge tiles and scraped all the moss off, wow, so much as well.

I was making them tea every hour, i'm good like that, each even took 2 lumps.

Mollie, Yes, and some fruit trees haven't opened their buds yet so hoping for some fruit on them, one is Mulberry, Chelsea Black, some new trees might only have a few fruit but it should be interesting.

Don't know about the Gooseberry bushes, they are getting growth but i don't know about fruit yet.

Only 1 Rhubarb plant seems to be taking off, no sign from the other, i can always replace it.

Haven't seen Episode 19 yet, poor Nikki on Slop.

Emptybox, Our post comes late these days, it's just how the Post works these days, our comes in a van, parks at the end of the road and does the road then drives to the next road.

It used to be a postman with a round on a bike, all changed now.

Glad your Blu-Ray is working well, gives you something to pass your evening away.

The Asparagus was fine with brekkie, only had bacon, eggs with them, hoping for a lot more, another 3 spears showing all ready, and this is quite early in the year.

Ash and Imogen are looking good anyway.

I got the pamphlet from the Gov, it's a pity what restrictions we do have don't get mentioned, all i hear is, believes, or Risk, if someone told us what we can't do i would be happy, the Gov was talking about helping the steel works out then someone said they can't give them money it's an EU rule, i really think we are trying to run a country with our hands tied behind our back, no country outside the EU has had any problems, the Gov wants us to stay in because it's less trouble for them, nothing to do with whats best, we are now governed by 28 countries and it will get worse when the rest join, and look what happened to Greece when it had money trouble, and look at the massive amounts they had to pay, crazy, the country is bankrupt now just to pay the EU debt.


Hi Hicky.
Raining all day here so no work. Upside is I got to play with my computers all day.
Hopefully better weather tomorrow, because I could be back to frosty mights over the weekend, if the forecast is to be believed.


Glad your mobile seat arrived, and you've already put it to good use.
Glad your roofers were able to get a good day's work in.
Yes builders/roofers are known to go a bundle on lumpy tea.


Haven't had the government leaflet yet. In fact the only one I've had through the door so far has been from the Leave campaign. As they're doing so much complaining about the government one, I presume Nigel Farage must be paying for all their ones?.....No?
Not sure what EU regs would stop the government from saving the steel industry? I would be disappointed if they didn't do anything anyway.
Still think we'd be daft to leave the EU.


Watched Horizon then Scott & Bailey.


Evening Emptybox.

Thursday 14th April 2016, this x amount of hours they display, they know the date and time as you can see it if you mouse over the hours icon, so why don't they tell it as it is, crazy.

A bit dull early today, some light rain this morning but it cleared up.

My Onion plants came, 20 off, got them planted now, they were baby onions like a spring onion style about 50mm roots with 125mm of green.

My grandchildren came this afternoon with their mum, they loved playing on the seated 4 wheeled truck they are still on Easter break.

I'm sure it was frosty this morning, thats the problem with clear skys at night.

I've seen the leaflet for the out brigade, but we aren't being told the real facts, it's a bit like evidence collected in the past by the prosecution, if they had 200 witnesses and 190 said the person was not guilty then they gave the evidence from the 10 people that said he was guilty, so we don't really know what total control the EU has over us.

As for the Steel Plant, it was stated when a person asked if the Gov could put money into the plant to save it they got an answer, it's not allowed under the EU rules, and this is what you get whenever anything comes up, we have no control at all over our country.

And all the FOR people are saying, "it,s a Risk or We don't know or, the Government Believes" they just don't have a clue, they want to stay as we are because it's easier.

Hope Mollie is feeling better, and that cough is easing.

I'm great except for the Arthritis but it only really bothers me at night, no pain if i don't move but i toss and turn, then i take a couple of Paracetamol, hard to tell if it works as the next time i wake i'v got the same pain, i'm waking and getting up about 7.30 with these light mornings, i try to stay in bed till them.




Glad to hear you are pleased with your little seat.

Handy how the weather stayed dry to enable your roofer to get on well. Good idea to keep him well serviced with drinks all day. Yes that will be interesting if you have new fruit this year.

I got the BB episode numbers wrong, I have only seen up to episode 18, as episode 19 was only aired this morning. Yes indeed poor Nikki was not happy about being on slop.

Yes our postie is dropped off by the van, he delivers the letters whilst the man in the van does the parcels.

I agree with what you say about EU. Damn cheek of the government sending out these one sided leaflets and using our tax money to spout scare mongering propaganda! We need power back to make our own UK laws. Costs us far too much to stay in EU, it is just nice costly jobs for the eilte, along with their huge expenses. There has been a campaign to try and stop these leaflets, that got over 214,000 signatures, but they still sent them out!

As you say, look what a mess Greece is in, and I don't think France and Italy are much better, and I believe more very poor countires want to join. EU hasn't helped my kids, who can't have much of a future now.  House prices off the scale compared to wages, huge fees for uni, zero hour contracts, only low paid jobs, ...and the retirement age for me and OH just keeps getting further and further away.  And my mum and dad worked all their lives and now I have to pay thousands for her care, because she has a "social" disease, even though it is a progressive physical disease of the brain! Yes all dementia suffers have to pay for their own care, and if you own your own house, they put a charge on it, but if you have what is classed as an NHS physical  illness, the NHS pay for it! What a system.


Hope your weather improved today, so you could get out today. Was not too bad at all here today, felt a lot warmer. But like you say, according to the forecast, it is to get a lot colder the weekend.

I heard that apparently the EU  "Yes" and "No" campaigners were supposed to be allowed the exact same money alowance to give the 2 sides of the argument out fairly, BUT the govenment decided they wanted to spend an extra ÂĢ9 million of our taxes (without even asking us!) in addtion to their "In" allowance to post out all their their one sided "in" argument leaflets. 

I think the EU regulations are to do with only allowing low tariffs for imported steel to the UK. The US looked after their workers by allowing real high tariffs.  We live not far from Port Talbot, the area will have nothing without the steel works. Such a worry for those involved.


Been quite nice here today, got washing dry and took dog out anyway. Caught up with bit of paperwork.


WAtching "Tonight" about cyber crime, very scary, you need to check and re-check credit card statements. Dont' fancy using mobile phone to pay bills etc as it is so easy to fraud via phones.

Not much on tv tonight, hope I can find Canada BB to watch though.


Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*


your post appeared the same time as mine.

Sorry your arthritus is bothering you. Whereabouts is the pain? Let's hope it improves as the weather warms up.

Yes indeed, EU "stay" in will be easier for our politicians and easier for them to blame EU rules when things go wrong, but of course easier for them to line their own already cash heavy pockets.

That's nice your granchidren came and enjoyed playing on the cart.

Hope your onions do well.



At least it stayed dry here, so I got a couple of big jobs done.


Glad your onions came Hicky and you got them planted.
At least the youngsters got some fun out of your new seat.
Pity your arthritis is bothering you at night.


Glad you got good weather Mollie and were able to take the dog out and get caught up with paperwork.
Didn't see that cyber crime prog, but I agree it's a big worry.
My credit cards etc are all contactless now, so I bought one of these aluminium wallets to keep them in. It's supposed to stop anyone scanning them by putting a reader up to your pocket, or something like that. No idea if it works, but it wasn't expensive.


Don't think they are allowed to do any campaigning for the EU referendum in Scotland in the run up to the Scottish Parliamentary election on May 5th, so I'll probably be spared any more leaflets till then.

I agree with a lot of what you posted Mollie, about the present ills of the country - NHS problems, zero hours contracts, longer to wait for pension etc.
It's just that I don't think they have much to do with whether we are in the EU or not, and more to do with the financial mess the country is in.


Didn't realise the money for that leaflet was extra to the allocated money for the campaign. As you say I don't see the point in spending extra money on it.


Watched Millionaire Mansions then British Army Girls.


both xx



thought I'd post this now incase it is of interest to you.  They have more garden stuff in Lidl this week. There is a cordless grass/shrubb trimmer for ÂĢ14.99, 3 year guarantee. Perhaps if any of the garden stuff is of interest to you, you could try ringing them to see if they have any to save a wasted journey?


They showed you on Tonight how easy it was just to brush past someone and copy their credit card details, so your wallet is a good idea. Where did you get your aluminimum wallet from?


Hope you can get out today to do some work.


Yes I agree the UK is certainly in a financial mess, I think the politicians through the last few decades pushed service industry onto us, and destoyed everything else we produced, eg the mines and now the steel. The banks are full of crooks but took control and gambled away billions, that the tax payer had then bail out! It is the bankers in contol now.    Whist this is not all to be blamed on the EU, the EU encourages this.

Also being in EU means we have no control over who comes into the country, When we went to live in Oz, we had to pass a points scheme for work, health, criminal checks, but anyone from EU can come here. I heard on the radio that many criminals from EU come right here on release from jail over there and so recently the amount of inmates in our jails who recently arrived from EU, has risen 240%!  I part blame the uncontrollable immigration now for lack of housing, low wages and lack of work too.  We need immigration, but as more and more poor countries join the EU I fear these problems will escalate.


Hope Hicky's weather is good today so he can get on with his garden stuff.


Still coughing, it was worse last night. My aunt has had this too and the doc told her it is common at the moment and called the 100 day cough as it can take that long to go! I think when I eat it sets it off, so I will stop eating completely really early tonight and see if that helps.


Our grass is growing, but you can hardly see it for dandelions.

I saw this article today and it looks like the EU may be stopping us using weed killer soon.

You are both gardeners, what do you think? I am not sure on this one?  Do you think it is dangerous? Or is it just EU shoving another meanilgless rule on us like they did with vacuum cleaners?

Forgot to say, I liked to see the Immogen/Ais piccie, how interesting they are still so friendly. I think they both look nice and healthy (unlike those skinny size 0 models we usually see in bikinis). Wonder if Immogen took her little one with her?

Have a good day both.  xxx


Hi Mollie.
Raining at the moment, so I can't go out.
Sorry to hear your cough is still bothering you.


Thanks for the Lidl info.
Doesn't look like there's anything interesting there, but if I'm in town later I might look in. That shrub trimmer would be too small for my purposes unfortunately.


The aluminium wallet was just one of the cheap ones like this.
(in black, I hasten to add )
I picked it up in the garden centre at a slightly higher price than Amazon. Don't suppose it's very effective at that price, but I keep my contactless cards in the middle slots and others on the outside, so it might help?


My wanting to stay in the EU is partly that I don't want to break up the union, and partly because I fear that the UK economy would go into a long deep recession if we came out, with businesses closing, jobs lost etc.

I can see that those with children and grandchildren (I know you're not quite at that stage yet Mollie, but Hicky is ) would think in the long term, and say that the UK might ultimately be better off out, in 10 years or so, and it would be worth the pain in between.
Perhaps I'm being selfish, but I don't want 10 years of hardship in the lead up to me giving up work and getting a pension.


I'm sure you've gathered over our years of correspondence that I'm a natural pessimist? But I do hope I'm wrong, because I think all the signs are that Britain will vote for Brexit.


That Daily Mail article about glyphosate is very interesting.
My Uncle, who has a small-holding and is very hot on organic food, is dead against glyphosate and has campaigned against it for years.
He believes agricultural use of it has destroyed soil diversity, and that it is partly responsible for the increase in cancer rates and increase in allergies in humans.
He believes the US company that makes it - Monsanto is the most evil company.


He probably exaggerates, but there's no doubt it's not a good safe chemical.
I do use a weed killer based on glyphoste because it's very effective (I don't admit that to my uncle ), but I'm wary of it, and I wouldn't be at all unhappy if it was banned, and I could say to customers who ask for it "Sorry, I'm not allowed to use it".


Imogen has two little girls now. She recently gave birth again.  Not sure if she took them to Miami?
Think she and Aisleyne were in Miami separately and met up for one day while they were there. The white bikini Ash is wearing is from Imogen's range, so although I know they are friends, there was also a bit of mutual publicity, as the pictures of Aisleyne especially were all over the internet.


Evening Both.Had brekkie out for a change, very nice.

Not a bad day, pretty cloudy, didn't do anything as it was 10C cloudy and slight breeze so it felt cool.

Mollie, I've watched episode 19, found it this morning.

The EU have got their fingers in every single thing we do, i just wish someone would publish the list of rules, i imagine it is absolutely massive, and for the 'IN' folk to say it's easier to change the rules when we are in it, what a load of Rubbish, Cameron went to 28 countries to get a little change, what exactly did he get?, they won't change for us, they won't change anything, i found that out myself with working with all these different nationalities in meeting, they don't back down, they won't change.

The EU regs on Tariffs and anything to do with companies, imports etc is controlled by the EU, we don't have a say.

And as we pay ÂĢ350,000,000 a week i say, let us decide how to spend it instead of Brussels spending it for us.

Yes, on the Cyber crime, i don't really want to use contact-less cash, the bank sent me the info but to only pay up ton ÂĢ30 isn't worth the risk.

The Arthritis in bed seems to attack my shoulders, elbows, fingers, it could be with staying in one place for a while the muscles seize up, during the day it seems to be my hands and elbows, you can only take 4 sets of tablets a day, every 4 hrs means i have 8hours without, seems crazy, i wonder if i could spread the 8 tablets over the period better?

Yes, they loves the seated trolley, they were pushing each other along on it.

Emptybox, I think most of the stuff we once had to keep the nasties off the  fruit and veg has been banned for the home owner, nothing to do with the big commercial companies, it's because they can't trust the home owner to follow the instructions on the packet, thats it, but without the right treatment we wouldn't be able to grow anything at all, no doubt about that.

Some of those that don't use treatment have to grow 50% more and then see if they get any not affected by the little creatures.

I can't spray any trees while they are in bloom,  and can't spray the veg while they are so young.

Got some more Asparagus coming up, hoping later it might come up at the same time or i'll be having it one piece at a time.


Hi Hicky.
Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out. Not sure what you mean by "a change", as it seems to be a regular occurence?  


I've only used my contactless card once. I didn't ask for them, they just send them out automatically. But they might come in useful?
I think the latest thing is to pay with your mobile phone, which might be a bit safer as you have to unlock it first. But when you've got to do that you might as well just do the chip and pin thing?
My current mobile doesn't have NFC anyway, so couldn't be used for that.


Not sure if using glyphosate domestically is the big problem?
My Uncle believes the danger is that farmers are growing crops that have been bred to be resistant to glyphosate, and they are then spraying the fields to get rid of the weeds. But of course the weedkiller gets on to the crops and into the food chain.


Watched the last episode of Billy Connolly's Tracks Across America.


The forecast says it could be frosty tonight, and possible snow showers tomorrow.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Emptybox.

It's cool here today, 8C but the sun is out now.

Just came on to post a picture of the advert for Nikki who is going to tour Canada after her stint in BB Canada, she really is so funny.

Yes, of course, i do eat out quite a bit, it's so nice not having to cook it myself.

When i mentioned contactless i was referring to the phone apps really, forgot about the card.

Just going to watch F1 Qualifying.

Nikki when she gets out.

Hi Hicky.
Yes I'd seen that poster on twitter. They seem to be going a bundle on Nikki in Canada?


Strange weather here today. Very cold and windy. Spells of sunshine interspersed with heavy hail showers.
Did get the grass cut in one place, but wearing my heavy fleece, woolly hat and fingerless mittens, and with my head bent against the oncoming hail.


Enjoyed BGT, although there was too much dancing for my liking.
Just watched Mrs Brown's Boys. Funny, but it was a repeat.


Hope your cough is finally going Mollie?


Good Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day here really, cool 10C with a slight breeze that spoilt it really, the breeze was coming from a cold region.

Cut some of the front off the kids toy house, trimmed and fastened the cut off onto the top door.

Not much to do in the garden, don't need the watering system on auto yet, don't need to make plant food yet, will wait until the trees have fruit.

I can see it's pretty cold were you are, when does it warm up there, is it mid may like here?


both  xx



That is great to see the work Nikki is going to get from this in Canada. She is so funny, especially how uncompetitive she is, whilst the others all seem to be just so serious about winning. I loved the way she was crawling along in the mouse task, shouting for one of them to hurry up and win the task as she hated doing it so much!

I can well imagine how the grandchildren love you little truck. I don't reckon you will ever get to use that when they are around.

Sounds like it may be better to have your tablets every 6 hours instead of having to wait for the 8 hours. That is what I was told to do after my ops and the nurses used to wake me at night to evenly spread them too.

Ha, ha, as if the IN EU lot would be able to change any of the all powerful EU rules once we voted  in.   I certainly won't believe that. EU are our unelected political dictators whilst we remain in EU. They are powerful and make the rules that the UK have to stick to. And what a cheek... they charge us a huge fortune just for this! 



yes the weather is dead weird here too, because if the sun shines it feels warm, then later on or a bit of cloud and it is real cold! So don't put your hat/fleece away yet!

Yes I too enjoyed BGT, but don't like the dancing, loved the young crooner, and so funny when his over enthusiastic day fell off his chair.

Many thanks for the credit card cover link, I see it was a nice pink one too.

Not sure if mine are contactless, but if they are just sending them out now, best to be safe, They did say on that show that there are a lot of securtiy problems with people using mobile apps, so I wouldn't use my phone for bank details.

And thanks for the Immogen/Ais links, I know if was a photo shoot, but they dod like they are having fun. Who wouldnt though in that lovely weather?

Well Friday night I had an awful night, got woken up fighting for breathe twice  then awake most of the night, daughter sat with me and got me hot drinks and hot water bottle. The cough was obviously getting worse.

Promised daughter to see doc as it was so bad, so OH took me to hospital out of hours GP, and he was really good, he gave me anti biotics and an inhaler, and I didn't have to wait long to see him either. 

The meds are working already because I had a much better night, even though I woke feeling a bit nauseous and with a headache, I really can't believe how much the cough had eased within 24 hours. Fingers crossed I start to perk up now. The flu had obviously given me an infection, as I started to get better, then went downhill fast again after, but I do get vulnerable due to the post op throat being sensitive.

I am drinking those actimels because they are supposed to be good if on anti biotics.

Not much on tv tonight and no Canada Bb till tomorrow, so an early night for me, as feel tired.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.


So sorry to hear that your cough got a lot worse Mollie.
Yes sounds like you got an infection. Hope the antibiotics knock the head on it quick. Also I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.
I have one of those actimels every day as well.


Hicky, it was very cold here overnight, -3 so I'm told. And everything was covered in snow first thing but turned to rain and disappeared quickly. I certainly hope it warms up by May. Think it's supposed to be dry next week, but still cold at night.
Some of the trees are starting to get leaves on. The apple trees don't have any yet, but my cherry tree does.


Watched some of The Chase, then The Durrells, then turned over to BBC2 to watch the prog about whether Zoos should close.


Evening Both.

Monday 18th April 2016 6.34pm

A cool day here, 10C cloudy but dry, although it looked like rain.

Didn't do much, only delivery was stainless steel pegs i used for clipping covers to the tubs.

Made some 4" white tubes to stand over the Asparagus so i can see where it is, it's hard to find with the background of mulch.

Mollie, Yes, it will be interesting to see how Nikki gets on after the show.

Nikki was so funny in the mouse run, she's just not competitive.

I'll have to try and space the tablets out better, problem is, can't get a nurse to wake me in the night.

Yes, the EU take ÂĢ350m a week and give us some back so they can tell us what to do.

That was worrying, having to go to Out of hours, but glad you got Anti-Bio's, hope you feel a lot better now anyway.

Emptybox, My apple trees are not in bloom yet, the flower buds emerge from inside a bunch of leaves, they need another few days yet.

The buds have opened of 2 cherry trees but the flowers need 1 or 2 days, another cherry tree, buds not open yet.

The blokes are supposed to start the Garage Roof Wednesday Afternoon, probably just preparation, i bought 12 sheets of galvanised  corrugated steel, with the fixings.





Good idea, think I'll start having an actimel every day too as it is supposed to help immunity.

snow again for you! But it is also cold here for the time of the year, a late winter all round, I guess after the mild start.

Did you get out to do some work today?



Good idea to get white tubes so you dont lose your asparagus.

Just watched the next episode of Canada BB. Am enjoying it. Yes Nikki is the complete opposite to their alpha male Jarad, she is certainly not comeptitive.

Gosh ÂĢ35 million will certainly be a good saving if we leave EU, it is a fact the" IN" group seem to be keeping quiet on though.

Yes shame the NHS don't supply you with a young attractive nurse to help administer your nightime meds.

I hope spacing them out does work better for you though.

Let's hope the weather is ok Wednesday for the guys to do your roof. Do they have to remove asbestos first?


Feeling a lot better today, cough eased a lot, although had to get bus today, and felt sick on it, it was so hot and I had dashed out with son, without brekkie, so taking tablets on empty stomach then walking and bus journey felt not good for me. Felt ok later though.


Not much on tv again.


Goodnight both xxx



Bit rainy this morning, but a sunny afternoon. Got a couple of jobs done anyway.


That was a good idea Hicky, making tubes for the asparagus.
Hope you get good weather on wednesday so they can get started on the garage roof.


Glad you are feeling a lot better today Mollie.
Not good dashing about without breakfast though.


Yes we pay a certain amount to the EU. It's not 350 million a week because we get a rebate, but it's more like 170 million or something?
But that could turn out to be a drop in the ocean compared to the money lost through businesses leaving, jobs lost, economy crashing etc if we leave.

It's a bit like saying "I could save some money by not paying for heating over the winter " Yes, but you'd freeze to death "But think of all the money I'd save".

I was listening to a bit of Jeremy Vine before I went out, and it was summed up quite well.
If you're worried about money and financial consequences then vote to stay. Because the chances are we'll be worse off if we leave.
If you are worried about migrants and borders and lack of accountability etc then vote to leave. Because the EU's unlikely to reform any time soon.

But I don't get the impression I'm going to be able to convince you guys, so perhaps I should shut up?


Watched The Island with Bear Grylls. Looks like one of the guys got seriously injured. But we have to wait till next week to find out.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A beatiful day here, sunny all day, we had 2 meals in the gazebo on the BBQ, went to B&Q as well, but didn't half of what we wanted.

My new Gooseberry bush came, thats planted now.

Mollie, Haven't watched 20 yet, will watch tomorrow, i hope.

They should start on the new garage roof, my lad gave me big bags to cover the asbestos sheets, they are pretty safe as they are like concrete.

I haven't had any dizzy spells since i'v been doing these exercises at night, so am going to try and cut the tablets down next week.

Glad your cough eased some anyway.

Emptybox, It's good listening to both side of the in / out argument but i don't like Brussels using us as a puppet, they are controlling our country.

I was listening to a company last night that wanted a trade deal with India but to go via the EU is really a waste of time because they will never give an answer and before you can even move forward you have to satisfy another 27 countries, it's impossible.

The EU is keeping an awful lot of people in very well paid jobs, and if we pay ÂĢ170m pound a week, it's a joke, i would prefer our Gov to run this country not Brussels.

I saw the fall on Bear Grills show, they were trying to get him off the island when it finished, it seemed obvious to me someone was in for a hard time, very dangerous.


both xx



You dont have to shut up, because I like to hear your side of the EU debate even if I dont' agree.  I am a definite in, mainly because I don't like these fat cats controlling this country from Brussels. And I certainly don't believe any scaremongering things our chancellor says about finance or jobs, he can't even get his budgets right! He wants IN as it is easy for him to keep his mates in their high paid banking jobs and EU political jobs.

I expect by June we will be too busy discussing BB to give EU much discussion time.

Glad you got a couple of jobs done.

Gosh that Bear Grills programme is ridiculous if they put people in danger, I hate it, never watch it as he kills animals.



Glad you got a lovely day with meals in the gazebo. Bit grey here most of the day, but at least it was dry.

Hope your gooseberry does well.

That is brilliant you are not having those dizzy spells now, what exercises are you doing to help?

Woke in the night with breathing problems again, but at least I had my inhaler this time, so it was not so bad. Still have quite a few days tablets to go.

Bunny has a tummy upset, he is old now, 11 and a half, vet gave him some anti biotics, so me and bunny are both on them now. He also has some special food for a few days to build him up again, and she injected water under his skin in several places so he wasn't dehydrated. Hope it works he is so sweet.

Poor little thing didn't like the vet prising his mouth open to check his teeth.

Amazing how vets see so many different animals, they must have to do so much training to understand all the different animals.

Watched baking show then the A word.

Goodnight both xx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
A lovely sunny day here And warm as well. I think it's the first day when it's felt like summer.
Got a full day's work in for a change. And looks like it's dry for the rest of the week, so should get caught up.


Glad your exercises are working, and you're not getting the dizzy spells now Hicky.
That's good that the gooseberry bush came and you've already planted it.

It's was BBQ weather here for a change as well. Not that I've got a BBQ.
But it's great when the late afternoon sunshine warms up the living room, so I hardly need any heating on.
I would have normally turned the heating off by now, but the cold snap prevented that. Perhaps soon.......


Sorry you are still having problems Mollie. but at least you have the inhaler now.
Sorry to hear your house rabbit is ill. I didn't even know rabbits lived that long. But he's obviously had a great life with you.
My cousin is a vet, and I think she was 6 years at Cambridge? Plus obviously loads of years after, training on the job.


Bear isn't actually on The Island. He drops them off and then leaves them to their own devices. Which in this instance meant scrambling about on unsafe cliffs. And one rather unfit, geeky looking young chap came a cropper. Looks like he injured his back.


Watched the A word as well.
That little boy must be a fantastic actor to portray someone with autism so brilliantly.
Also to have learned the words to all those 90's songs.


Evening Both.

A lovely sunny day here, had 2 meals in the gazebo / BBQ, late brekkie of sausages and omelette on rolls and tonight, chops with mash peas and gravy, yummy.

The workers came this afternoon, have replaced 1/3rd of the garage roof all ready.

Mollie, I'm going to cut down on the sickness pills and see if anything changes, don't want to take them if i don't need them.

Sorry to hear about your rabbit, such harmless creatures.

You said, I am an 'IN' did you mean OUT? it sounded like it, i'm with you, you can't change the EU thats why the PM had to travel to every country, it's a farce, we did to get some control back to Westminster not Brussels.

Looking forward to BB, still haven't seen episode 20, been too busy, thats the problem with being retired, just not enough time, might be able to tonight.

Been covering some more tree tubs as well.

Sorry you had breathing problems again, good job you had your inhaler, i keep one with me all the time now, if i use any energy then i run out of breath.

Emptybox,  Glad you got a days work in, the weather is improving slowly.

I've been turning my heating off for the day, then back on at night, i need to turn it off as O/H wants windows open and it's pointless with an automatic heating system.

One of my step grand children has Autism, so strange, can't look anyone in the face, can't look at leds on electronic equipment, and can't walk past a dandelion, but he's pretty clever.

 I thought Bear Grills stayed nearby, oh dear, that lad could have been killed, he was very lucky tbh.

Have had to move this thread to Chrome as Firefox slowing down.


Another lovely day here too. Actually working in my shirt sleeves today. First time this year. They're forecasting it to get colder again though.
Got another few places started for the season.


That's nice that you were able to make good use of your BBQ for brekkie and supper today Hicky.
Glad your workmen were able to get on.
Yes, good idea to try cutting down on the meds.


Not sure where Bear is while they are on the Island? They've obviously got a team nearby that they can call up, but you don't see Bear on the boat.
With all the TV he does, he maybe has to rush off somewhere else in the world to take some celeb up a mountain or something.
I see the lad in question is tweeting, so he obviously survives OK.


My youngest nephew is somewhere on the autistic spectrum. He's more towards the ADHD end, rather than autism proper, but there's a lot of it about.


Enjoyed Scott & Bailey tonight.

Hope Mollie had a good night.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

I just had a short sleeve shirt on, it really was scorching, yes, it won't last, the cold wind is due to take over.

I can see this BBQ in the gazebo getting rather a lot of use this year, with it being covered in it really is fantastic.

Just watched episode 20 and 21, Nikki is in 21 an awful lot.

I read what you said about the lad injured on the island, glad he seems ok, i think it's far too dangerous for a TV show.

Autism is so confusing, problem is he can't tell you what the problem is, he doesn't seem to know, when he first started school he would hide his face if another child and parent passed by, they had to cover all the leds in the house, even the security ones or he wouldn't go in the room, when he first came to our old house he wouldn't go in a room with the led on the video recorder.

Hope Mollie is ok and the breathing is better.


Good Evening.

Another nice day, a morning of sun with cloud later, but hardly any wind

The workers finished the roof, all done, i've put my gutter back up.

More blossom opened again, the cherry blossom is opening in stages but there's going to be plenty.

Just remembered about the Fig, it doesn't show leaves yet, and of course it doesn't show flowers because the flowers are inside the Fig, what it does do is it start to enlarge the small pea Figs it produced last year, i thought i noticed the baby figs getting bigger, they are only 5mm across now so i am excited.

Went out for tea, just had Mac N Cheese


Hi Hicky.
Another lovely sunny day here as well. Not as warm as yesterday because there was a chilly wind at times.
Got another place started for the season, and a few others given their second cut.


Glad the guys got your garage roof finished, and you got the guttering back on.
Haven't seen any cherry blossom out here yet, but I was noticing today that there is a lot of flowering currant bushes out now.
That's interesting about the fig flowers. Didn't realise that.


Glad you enjoyed a supper out.
I had fish chips and peas with tartare sauce. I like a piece of battered cod.


Watched Millionaire Mansions them 'Elizabeth at 90'. Great to see those Royal home movies.


both xx


so glad you have had a good spell of weather. Today the good weather ended, and we got drizzly rain all day. Very handy timing for you so the men could finish that roof. Just what you needed to get the blossoms going too. Hope your figs do well. Sounds like you have been making good use of the gazebo too. That would be good if you can cut down on the sickness tablets, as you say best not to take anything when you don't need it. Gosh yes I did mean OUT not IN for EU and that is now a definite for me.

That is a shame your step grand child has autism. However it is very common in lads, and if he is clever he should be able to get on later in life and find something he is enthusiastic about. His parents must be very observant if they worked out the LED bothered him. We reckon one of our lads is on the spectrum too (aspergers) too,.... very clever, has photgraphic memory, but always played alone at school, and has trouble communicating. 



that is good you too got the good weather so you could catch up work wise. I so agree, that Elizabeth at 90 was a wonderful programme. The old movie films so interesting and it was great to see the Queen and Charles sitting in that oldl fashioned room with all the old furniture and paintings on the walls whist  watching a huge tv screen. Did you too think of it being a posh Gogglebox?


Been real busy the last few days.

The agency asked me to update mum's 5 page care plan, mum's sister and friend have travelled down to see her for a few days, so I have spent some time with them.

Had a bad night with cough again Wednesday, but good last night, fingers crossed it is going.

And I can't believe it, but the vet's medicine has helped perk up our little old bunny again. He is eating and drinking again and hopping around playing with his ball. Fingers crossed, even though he is old, we get to enjoy his company for a while longer again now.

Looking forward to Gogglebox tonight.

Looked after mum today, it was good to have her sister help. Then her friend treated us to a meal in the nice local chippie. I had beans and chips, which I really enjoy.

Have watched up to episode 22 Canada BB now. REally enjoying it, wow that one is emotional. Will try and watch episode 23 later. at Hicky not having much time to watch things now he is retired.


Meeting my aunt and her friend again tomorrow, and they will help me look after mum, then later we will all go for a meal. Not sure where yet though.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.

A bit late, just been watching episode 22 and 23, wow, loved them both.

Hope Ramseys dad will be ok, 6 by-Ypasses, wow, never heard of that before, no wonder he's still in intensive care eh.

Another beautiful day again, wow, what a week, i've been putting up trellis for my O/H on the side of next doors garage which is by our garage, it's rustic brick but O/H wants some climbing plants so it's down to me, we got 3 nice tubs and 3 x 16" plant pots to go inside, we got 4 climbing plants, got more to do yet.

Emptybox, Glad you got some jobs done, it is colder up North, colder the weekend everywhere as well.

Yep, lots more blossom out again, just waiting for the apples, got 8 types but the Asian ones are in flower, they must be used to warmer weather so they flower earlier, but had a bumper crop last year.

Yes, when you eat a fig you are eating the flowers thats inside the skin, of course you eat the skin as well, they are lovely straight off the tree, not sure how many i will get this year, couldn't see any in the autumn when i took dozens of figs off because they wouldn't survive the winter bu now i can see some minute figs a lot smaller than a pea and they seem to be getting bigger.

The buds on the Mulberry haven't opened yet, dying to see if they are flowers, they look like flower buds by their shape.

Mollie, We had tea in the Gazebo, just Burgers and Sausages, love this BBQ.

Yes, my step-grandson with the led problem can draw pictures of cars and lorries and tell you anything about any car, he loves building things, Lego, wow, he can build a new kit in minutes, but the problem is, it's like they are real to him and he carries a book of classic cars around with him, he plays on the tablet, but he just wants to crash all the cars, probably because it's easier than not crashing into them.

Thats nice meeting your Aunt & her friend again, you need all the help you can get, nice going for a meal later.


Duller and colder today, but still dry.
Now completely up to date with work, and have got all my customers started for the season.


Hi Mollie, sounds like you've been busy.
That's nice that your Mum's sister and friend are there for a few days to help out. But probably gives you more work as well.
Great news that your rabbit is hopping around as normal again. Enjoy your meal out tomorrow.


Must admit I didn't think of Gogglebox when I was watching the Queen's home movies, although i see what you mean
If you saw Gogglebox tonight, you would have seen the fella fall on The Island.


Hi Hicky. Glad you are still enjoying the good weather.
Your OH is keeping you busy I see, decorating next door's garage with a trellis.
Not sure if I've ever eaten a fig TBH? Probably a dried one, but not a fresh one.

Hope you get a bumper crop of apples again this year.
My apple tree only produces tiny crab apples, and the cherry tree doesn't produce anything you can eat either.
Not sure if it's true cherry, but I know it is of the genus Prunus. But the leaves come out before the blossom, which means you don't get that nice display you usually get from cherry blossom.


Watched Ben Fogle on 5 about the migration of Wildebeest in Africa, then Gogglebox on +1.


They were originally forecasting wet weather for the weekend, but I think they've now moved that to the beginning of next week?  So I might get my own grass cut.





Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Another beautiful day, cooler at 9C with a slight breeze but sunny with no rain.

Finished planting the climbing plants, but i think i need to make a string pattern on the trellis to allow the vines to climb, they can't climb on the wood, and i don't want to use canes, each trellis is closed at the bottom and opens out to about 3ft at the top with about 6 cross battens, 4 vertical battens, it's about 6ft high but i started it after the top of the tubs.

Glad your up to date with your work, it takes any pressure of you.

I don't have a crab apple tree, might get one as one of my Rhubarb plants hasn't survived.

Never heard of a cherry tree that doesn't blossom, you can get them that flower but you don't get fruit, did you plant it, are you sure it's cherry?

If the leaves come out before the blossom it isn't cherry as mine are in flower, no leaves at all.

Apple has leaves first as the flowers are inside the leaves.

Saw some of Gogglebox, enjoy that program.

BGT now.

Hope Mollie is better, and her Mum is OK.



Hi Hicky.
Very cold here. Looked out the window at 5am (on the way to the toilet ) and everything was white with frost.
Dull and a little drizzly.


Even so, I managed to get my lawn mowed, and I also planted out my seed potatoes. A little risky maybe, but I'm banking on all the frosts being away before they come up.


Glad you managed to get your climbing plants in.

I think it is some sort of cherry tree? You sometimes see little unripe cherries on it. Don't see what else it could be?
But the leaves definitely come before the blossom. At the moment the red/pink flowers are just coming out, whereas the leaves came out a week or so ago.
Having said that, the trees were here when we arrived 24 years ago, so I can't be sure? I was always told it was a Prunus, but that covers all sorts of species including plums peaches and even almonds.


Enjoyed BGT, but there wasn't many stand out acts apart from that last Welsh girl.
Can't believe Walliams pressed his golden buzzer for those two rubbish singers.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Didn't do much today, it was pretty cool, 9C with a cold wind.

Looking at the picture of your tree, thought cherry blossom was white, leaves come out later after the blossom, those flowers look like Apple, wonder if it's crab apple, your leaves look a bit like cherry though.

The flowers on cherry are not encased in leaves, the Apple flowers are though.

Some trees are not self pollinating so if you don't have a tree to pollinate it you won't get fruit, mine are all self fertile but even they are helped by other trees.

Maybe it is a type of nut, i don't have any of those though so can't compare.

O/H made us a roast chicken dinner, watched a program on TV, it said that the only chicken that is good for you is Organic, the rest are heavy in fat and hardly any omega 3 oils, that is produced by the chickens being free ranged and living for 70 days and being fed organic feed.

 Yes, nothing outstanding on BGT, that David is just a fool, he's always trying to stand out, can't really take him serious.

Hope Mollie is having a good weekend?

Only another week and it will be May. 


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