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Evening Both.

The wind dropped tonight, too late for me to get any work done in the garden.

Very pleased with the forthcoming blossom.

Had a nice Lamb Roast again, it was such a big Leg.

Emptybox, Pity the stores didn't have what you wanted but at least you got a few bits you can use.

Mollie, That cough is so annoying, nothing worse than losing sleep, best to get some rest to recuperate.

I'm hoping for some nice fruit this year, if i can keep the insects of it all.



I have been trying and STILL can't seem to find a BB Canada link that I can actually watch! Can't understand it, as the links you gave last time Hicky worked well and I have watched up to episode 10, but the same links have gone now and I can't seem to see episode 11!

Can either of you help?


Weather on and off showers today, so hope it doesn't stop you getting in your garden Hicky.

Work day today Emptybox?

I am doing some of my normal jobs around the house, but pacing myself as I am still so tired after this flu and still coughing.

Have a good day both xx




Evening Mollie.

I've been watching up to Episode 12 which was a double eviction, a dummy though, they have gone into a secret room.

Here is the Hola address.

Run Hola if you have it.

Put the Hola browser in the url then put the big brother url into that

I have to watch live shows on Firefox and Video's on Chrome with Hola hiding the fact i am in the UK, it tells them i am in Canada.

Weather all over the place today, should be ok tomorrow, didn't do much, watched TV, checked all the trees, coming on fine.



Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, pity about the wind else it would have been great, had a lot of sun but temperature was only 8C.

Put  2 more mini sprays ready for the Strawberry Hanging baskets when they come in 2 weeks.

Very pleased with the tree buds so far, because some of the trees are still very young, some are new of course.

Mollie, Yes, it's nice to watch some of the BB Canada, the video clips are a good length, just a pity it's so much messing about.

Here's Nikki having a meltdown, i believe she messes with the fire alarm.

We never had any hail here, some big clouds passed over but no rain.

I can see some life arising from the Rhubarb tubs at last, my neighbour gave me a packet of seeds for sprouts, not sure what to do with them as i don't really have room now the area is all planned out, unless i can grow them amongst the onions as they will be coming out before the Sprouts.

Emptybox, These light nights are a bonus, the mornings are light as well, as soon as i see light through the blinds i want to put the TV on.

I'm using BB Canada to make up for the loss of our BB, it's an interesting show which shows 24/7 worry about nominations, lots of little fibs going round, love the speed of the noms, only 1 vote and no reason needed, choice of 2 people, love the POV show, very hard and it's random who takes part, very clever indeed.

Spoke to my accountant, he agreed i can cut down my payment to the hmrc for tax, i rang hmrc and a girl answered straight away, couldn't believe it, she has altered the payment, O/H said whatever i drop it i can add to my pocket money, so thats a bonus as i always have so much to buy.





hope the weather was a bit better today so you could get out.



Glad you are pleased with those buds. I too love Canadian BB, and the POV and how they nominate. I am still having problems getting it though.

I tried installing Hola, but got a message on firefox Add ons manager, saying "some add ons have been disabled. The following add ons have not been verified for use with firefox. You can find replacements or ask the developer to get them verified. Then uderneath is a big red bar saying "Hola Better Internet disabled". Did you geth this message at all?

UPDATE..I think son has sorted it out, so hopefully I can watch it now. What episode is the latest now? 12 or 13?

Yes it was wonderful that it was not dark until around 7.30 tonight.


Watching Employable Me now, quite interesting.

Cough easing, still feeling real tired though, but on the mend.


Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening both.


Day started out sunny, then the clouds rolled in and I thought it would rain, but the sun came out again this afternoon.
Got out to do a couple of jobs, but the grass was very wet, or at least the moss was.


Glad your rhubarb tubs are springing to life.
I'm sure you'll find somewhere for the brussels.


Glad your cough is easing Mollie. Soon be back to normal.
Pity you are having trouble with Hola. I hear that the latest version of Firefox is very strict with add-ons. I don't use Firefox, but have Hola installed in Google Chrome, although I keep it disabled unless I need it.


Watched Horizon, then Secret Britain and now going to watch 'Raised by Wolves' on 4.


Evening Both.

A pretty good day here, warmish and sunny all day, not much wind.

Put my mains feed into the Gazebo for the lights, radio etc.

Don't think one of my Gooseberry bushes is going to make it, if was very small with small roots, planted as bare root in October, if no life soon will ring the company, the other 2 plants have got growth on them.

Tested my auto watering system, need to renew all the batteries, 3 sets of 2 x 'C'.

Mollie, Never had any problem with Hola, think i watched episode 12, i see 13 is out now.

Glad you cough is easing, these things always take time.

Emptybox, I mentioned about the Purple Brussel Sprouts, O/H said, no thanks, so thats that.

Very pleased with the flower buds so far, another week should show me what i have fruit-wise.






that is good the weather allowed you to get out and do a few jobs. Not surprised the grass was wet at this time of year though.

Son has put that Hola on for firefox and chrome, so hopefully I will be able to watch the next episode of Canada BB. Why do you disable it when not in use Emptybox, is it harmful? I am not sure how to disable it when not in use. But I could get son to do that when Canada BB is over, as I won't need it then.



Many thanks for the Nikki link. She is so funny, the HM's there do seem to be quite nice and patient with her though. At least I found it easier to watch your link, than it is to see the actuall programme. Do you watch the actual episodes on Firefox. It is only the episodes I want to watch. I have watched up to episode 12 now, I will try and get episode 13 now you say it is out.

Shame it looks like one of your gooseberries aren't going to make it. Good job your rhubarb is coming on nice though.

I tried purple sprouts, but was not keen on them either.

Not much on tv, but will try and watch Canadian BB now.

Still coughing but am eating well now at last.


Goodnight both xx


Hi guys
Nice sunny day here as well, and quite warm in the sunshine.
Got some more places done.


Hicky. That's good that you have to pay less to the tax people.
Pity one of your gooseberry bushes might need replacing. And sorry your OH vetoed the sprouts.


Mollie. Hope your cough goes completely soon.

Hola doesn't have a good reputation of safety. Seemingly it opens up vulnerabilities that could let a hacker use your computer for nefarious purposes. (big words to mask the fact that I'm not really sure what the dangers are )


To disable Hola from Chrome put chrome:extensions into the address bar, find the Hola extension and either untick the 'enable' box to disable it or click the bin symbol to uninstall it. I should think it's similar for Firefox.
I think it's only an issue while you're actually using it, so disabling it should be enough?


I've seen a clip of Nikki eavesdropping while using gym equipment. You're right, it's funny.
Watched Medical Mysteries, then Bear Grylls, then Celeb Juice. Now watching an old recording of The Gadget Show.

Last edited by emptybox




that's good it is starting to warm up now, so you got a couple of jobs done. Thanks for the hola info, I have managed to disable on Firefox, but will have to ask son how to for Chrome, as I can't find a disable button.


hope you got in your garden ok today.

Managed to see episode 14.  Which girl do you want to go back into the house? I'd prefer Loveita, but don't think they will choose her.

Not a bad day toay, had to go food shopping as we were low, and mum was too on food. Took mum's food over and the carers was feeding her, as I don't feel up to it whilst I am still coughing.

Had a bad nights sleep with the cough last night.

Gogglebox tonight.


Goodnight both xx


Evening Both.

A bit cool today, went out for brekkie, had my hair cut 1st though, had a No. 1.5 cut don't like to comb it.

The gardener came this afternoon so we unwrapped all the bubble wrap from the tubs, the took the covers off, i then sprayed the soil with a bug killer, we then added an inch or more of manure to each pot, used 150 litres, 3 bags.

Mollie, I watch the live feed on Firefox and the episodes on Chrome, Firefox seems to be slow on video's.

Haven't watched 13 yet, will do soon though.

Not too bothered who goes back in really.

Sorry to hear the cough is bothering you, you should get that looked into something is in your lungs which isn't nice.

Emptybox, Am annoyed about the gooseberry bush, don't think they should have sent it out that small, i've taken a picture in case they want proof, they might say wait longer.

I saw Bear Grills and Celeb Juice (think it is getting too stupid now though) the fun seems to have gone out of it.


A horrible cold windy drizzly day. Didn't get out.


Mollie. In Chrome you untick the 'enable' box to disable Hola.
Sorry to hear you didn't have a good night last night.


Hicky. I suppose that's one advantage in getting your hair done by a hairdresser/barber, you can choose a half size cut? I can only choose full numbers on my clippers. I give myself a number 2.


Glad you got the gardener's help today, and got some of your jobs done.
Hope you manage to replace your gooseberry bush.


Thought Charlotte Crosby looked a little strange on Celeb Juice last night?
She's had a nose job, but seems to have taken it too small for her face IMO.
I agree with you about it being too silly. I very rarely watch it, but noticed Charlotte was going to be on, and Caroline Flack.


Watched Food Unwrapped then the Billy Connolly thing.
Missed Gogglebox, but will watch it when it's repeated.


Evening Emptybox.

A wet day here for the start of the weekend, didn't do much but with me taking all the covers off the tree tubs it was handy having some rain which will have let some of the juice from the manure seep onto the plant roots.

Will see how the weather goes before i cover the tub tops again.

I fancy one of these seats on wheels for in the garden as i work best when seated.


Roving Seat for planting
Roving seat for planting

That should do me as leaning over isn't really good for me.

As far as my hair goes, if you have to comb it then it's too long, i have it short for the summer.

Found a slug in the raised bed with the Asparagus, the problem is, these creatures can smell food a mile off, how on earth it gets into a virtually sealed garden i don't know.

Lots more flower buds ready to open, some trees flowering for the 1st time which is great.

Have got the batteries for the water system timer computers, will fit them when the weather is good, don't need them yet as it rained.


Hi Hicky.
Raining here most of the day as well.
At least your tubs got a bit of a watering.
Glad your buds are coming on well. Pity about the slug though.


That seat on wheels looks good. Be better with the addition of a motor though.
Just gave my beard it's spring prune. Bet it'll get colder again now.


Enjoyed The Voice. Glad that Lydia and Cody got through.
Felt a bit sorry for Paloma, not getting anyone through to the final, but she chose the wrong people.




that little chair looks really handy for you in the garden.

The rain was well timed them with you just taking the covers off. Those blooming slugs are a nuisance how they can ruin things in your garden. Let's hope you don't get any more now.



Thanks for the chrome hint, I'll go and do that.

Yes I too enjoyed the Voice, yes shame for Paloma, but I agree her choices were not the best. I agree Charlotte just looked plain weird on Celeb Juice, not that I watched all of it, as I too think it is a silly show. I think Charlotte must have mental issues to mess with her face like that, at her age.

Went shoppping to M and S foodhall, then Costco yesterday, so we are well stocked up again. However, me, son and daughter think we overdid it and felt rough when we got back. This flu bug really took it out of us. I had to go to bed at 8.30 for a lie down.

None of us have quite got rid of the cough yet, but are eating better now.

I have carers for mum all weekend and aren't due there till Wednesday as I don't want to pass this on to her and I just feel too tired to look after her yet. The carer was taking her out down the seafront today for chips and ice cream, so I know she is well looked after.

Not much on tv tonight and I am up to date with Canada BB, so can't watch that till tomorrow.

Bit cloudy today, drizzle on and off, but feels milder.

Have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, cloudy this morning but the sun came out later, had some rain just before.

Wrapped up all the bubble wrap 2m pieces and tied with string.

Watching Bletchley Park Code breakers, with being in a code cipher & communications job in Singapore, it showed me how far we had advanced by 1961.

Just had a lovely Roast Chicken Dinner, O/H made it.

Emptybox, I will have to save up for that trolley seat, but i can't lean over while standing for more than a couple of minutes.

I was glad Lydia and Cody got through, they are good.

Mollie, Yes, the seat looks ideal, i've got a ÂĢ10 voucher as well, got till the 10th to use it.

I can only put the slug killer down, but it's amazing where they come from., but i don't really want them in my raised beds.

Hope your cough goes soon, so annoying.

Hope your mum enjoyed her chips and ice cream on the front.

Jusr watched Episode 14 of BB Canada, it's the eviction of Maddy or Dallas.

Last edited by Hicky




That is nice your OH made you an enjoyable roast dinner.

How handy you have a ÂĢ10 voucher towards your seat, it will come in so useful especially at this time of year.

I just watched episode 15 of Can BB, most enjoyable, especially the Nikki bits.


Interesting question, now I am wondering too if that army experience is how Hicky got into writing computer code?

Did you get in your gardens today or was the weather too bad?


Still coughing on and off and feel tired, but more myself now. Am feeling really hungry too after not eating well for so long. Am trying to eat healthy stuff to replace lost vitamins.

Good night both, an early night for me again.  xxx


Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day here, warmish, some sun and no wind, getting some flowers on the fruit trees that haven't flowered before.

Packed all the bundles of bubble wrap into the summer house under the tables, it needs a lot of room.

In the military, what we handled was top secret, as was all communications, we worked from a concrete bunker but the work wasn't really any help for my future employment except it made me more extreme with security and with the saying, Only tell anything to those that need to know to carry out their job.

It used to get me in some bother at work as when i answered the phone and the person ringing asked questions i wouldn't answer them as i didn't have permission to disclose what they wanted.

My day job making programs for automated control systems started well before the PLC logic controllers came out, the logic then was 24v relay control logic and was hardwired, the memory function was relays with a latch facility that could be released by a voltage pulse, it was all DC voltage, later on when it became programmable it of course made life easier for me as i could use a laptop of a programming piece of equipment which cost a lot of money, but i could change the program with a keyboard or on-screen set of buttons.

At least some of my programs are still running equipment somewhere in the world, dozens were lost when the Dagenham Car Plant closed, and when they stopped building the Jaguar at Halewood, but quite a few programs are still in use on the Rangerover/Landrover at Halewood, i had some good programs in Southampton Van Plant, not sure if that is still open, also in Germany & Belgium, as well as many other car plants and Foundries, but it's an end of an era.

Hope Mollie's Cough is easing.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Raining here all day so I didn't go out.
Forecast not good for the week, but tomorrow might be dry?


Ripped a few of my DVDs to the computer. The idea is to eventually put them all on the hard drive connected to my router, but it's a slow process as I only put a few on occasionally.
I'm also ripping all my CDs, and putting vinyl albums on to the computer as well, although that has to be done in real time.
It'll probably take years to get everything on, as I only do it every now and again.


Glad  you are feeling more yourself Mollie, and trying to build yourself back up.
Hope the cough goes completely soon.


That must be great to think that some of your programs are still at work out there Hicky.
That's funny about you not giving much away on the phone because of your army training. Wonder how much you're not telling us?


Watched 'Vikings Uncovered' with Dan Snow on BBC1. Really good.
Now going to watch my recording of The Island with Bear Grylls.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Evening Both.

We were posting at the same time Mollie, so i missed your last post.

not a bad day here, dry anyway but the light breeze was quite annoying, had quite a bit of sun though.

Didn't do a lot, had a Burger in the Gazebo using the BBQ, very quick and easy.

Mollie, I didn't see Episode 15, will have to watch that, it's more fun than watching live feed, thats a bit boring the way the camera's are used.

Yes, you eat well and make up for lost time, you need the strength.

Emptybox, funny you mention security, i remember in Singapore, Friday afternoon all office waste had to be burned outside the bunker with the security police inspecting the burn, we had to stay untill and flames and smoke was gone and just ash left and thats not easy with loads of paper, it's so hard to burn.

But i never put anything in the waste or recycle bin with our name or address on it, all sensitive paperwork is shredded, but all that probably stems from being in a top secret job where no-on mentioned work at work.

I watched the Vikings program, not sure after that, there's so many stations these days.





your army work sounds dead important and interesting. Yes it is a good habit to get into anyway to be security concious. We also have a shredder and never put anything showing our name and adress into the bin.

Glad you had another nice day and was able to get in the gazebo for a BBQ.

Yes I really enjoyed episode 15, Nikki was on it quite a lot.

Why don't you watch episode 15 Emptybox, think you'd enjoy it.



At least the wet day gave you chance to sort your DVD'S and CD's.

Hope you got the nice day we got here today. I actually completely dried 4 washloads on the line today.

The carer has mum again today, as I don't want to go and feed her whilst this cough persists. It is nowhere near as bad now, but still annoying.

Going to watch Bake Off at 8pm, then the baby programe on C4.

Looking forward to Britains Got Talent on Saturday.

Goodnight both xxx


Raining most of the day again. Did get a little sunshine after 4pm, but too late to go out.
Did a few more of my DVDs.


That was really taking security seriously Hicky. Burning all the paperwork.
I shred everything with my name on it as well.
Just noticed a few weeks ago that my daily newspaper had a label on with my name and address on it. It gets delivered by the postman, so I should have realised.
Anyway, now I tear the label off and shred that as well.


Glad you got the good weather to dry your washing Mollie.
I haven't managed any outside this year yet. Still drying it on a rack in the back kitchen as yet.


Yes, I might give that Nikki episode a watch.
Oh, I didn't realise BGT started again on Saturday. I'll look forward to that.
Watched 'How Not to DIY' on ITV, now 'The A Word' on BBC1, then I'm going to watch that celebrity Drive programme on +1.




hope you got some good weather to get in your garden today.



hope you aren't getting too behind at work as it was raining again.

showery here today, but sunny inbetween.

Yes best to get rid of your details off your newspaper. I sometimes just run the print under the tap and mush it if I can't be bothered shredding.

Hope you took note in how not to do DYI, as you watched that show.

I watched the A word too, quite good.

watching Gp's programme tonight. Then Employable Me.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Thought it was going to be a nice day, as i woke to sunshine, but by the time I was ready to go out the rain had come on.
Sunshine again by noon, so I ventured out, only to be met with a heavy hail shower, and drizzly rain for the rest of the afternoon, so no work done.


It's a bit early in the season to get behind as such, but I'll need to start giving people their second cuts before long.


I got a few tips on how best to fall off a ladder from that DIY programme.
Watched Horizon at 8pm, then turned over to BBC4 to watch James May (off Top Gear) reassembling an electric guitar - rivetting.
Watched 'Raised by Wolves' at 10pm on CH4


Bought a second hand Blu-ray drive for the computer on Ebay for ÂĢ25.
Now I can start ripping my Blu-rays as well as my DVDs.
Should come next week.



No Hicky for a couple of days, hope that means he is ok and just busy in his garden.



shame weather was too bad for you to get out, but good job you aren't behind work wise at this stage. Hope you are pleased with your ebay purchase when it arrives.

I cetainly hope you do  not need to make use of those tips on how to fall off a ladder.

Not sure whether to peg out my washing, as it looks rather grey today. Cold wind, so carer has added an extra thick jumper for mum before she leaves for day centre. Heard them on the tv say the wind is coming down from Canada so it will be colder.


Have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.

Lost last nights post, it didn't go and when i tried to post it, it said it couldn't so it's gone.

Can't remember what was in it either, should have copied it before i tried to post it tonight.

Had a couple of rain showers today, handy having the drink making stuff in the summerhouse though.

Anyway, pretty cold today, still had 2 meals in the gazebo, drew the clear plastic curtain across the opening, kept the wind out.

Had a couple of burgers and some sausages.

Ordered the little cart with the seat on, will be handy in the garden for me.

Got lots of lovely flowers on the trees, not all flowers open yet so haven't got a tree in flower count yet.

Thats Peas, Beetroot and spring onion coming through.

I better post this before something goes wrong, don't know what happened last night, crazy.


Evening both.
Similar weather to yesterday but maybe a little milder.
Started sunny, but I'd just unloaded my mower from the van when the heavy rain came on. Useless.
It was warmish while the sun was out, but a cold wind when the clouds came over.


The mower has been difficult to start, but I think I've fixed it. The choke wasn't coming on, but it just needed the cable adjusting.


Had another delivery of heating oil. A little bit more expensive than last time but still under ÂĢ200 so not bad. That should last till November now, as I'll be turning off the heating soon, so it'll just have to heat the water through the summer.


Hope you got some washing dried Mollie?
Yes, I would think your Mum would need a thick jumper if the wind there is as cold as it's been up here.


Pity you lost your post Hicky. I'm sure it would have been a masterpiece.
Hope you're pleased with your mobile seat, when it arrives.
Shows some dedication to still be eating out in the gazebo.


Watched Millionaire Mansions then Army Girls on 4, now watching Bear Grylls on +1.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Keep thinking it's Saturday somehow.

Not a bad day, not too cold, no wind, a bonus, Had tea in the gazebo, some chops and a couple of sausages with baked spuds and beans, spuds done indoors though, love this big BBQ with 4 burners and a side burner, one of the burners has the flat plate which many these days don't seem to have, can't understand why they have taken them off.

Not a lot i can do in the garden, i did prune the Fig tree though, after watching a few more video's on pruning them, it seems you are supposed to prune back the branches that are 2 years or older so they will produce figs on the new shoots, they grow them on this years growth for ripening next year, in some parts of the USA each new shoot can grow 1m in the year.

A pity you had all that rain, glad you found why your mower wouldn't start.

Yes, you won't be using a lot of oil in the summer so it should do you for next winter.

I watched the Army Girls, it's tough for them, have a feeling it's so tough because they don't want them anyway.

Hope Mollie has got rid of that cough, it so deprives you of sleep.




pity you lost your post, this never used to happen on the old format of forum.

Nice you are managing to eat out in your gazebo. Hope you are pleased with your little cart when it comes.



Fingers crossed your mower is fixed for the season now. Must be annoying if it starts to rain just after you have got the mower out ready to cut the grass. Yes I had heard the oil had crept up again in price again, so good job you have stocked up again.


still coughing, will take awhile to go as this flu was so nasty, all 3 of the kids still coughing too, but OH got rid of his as he had flu before us all. (he then passed it onto all of us!).


Watched Canadian BB number 17, I am hoping Nikkie will win HOH.

Watching Gogglebox now.


Goodnight both xxx



Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Actually got one job done today, before the rain came on. Progress of sorts, I suppose.
Think it's supposed to be cold over the weekend.


Glad you managed  a BBQ in your gazebo Hicky, and the weather wasn't bad.
Well done getting your figs pruned.
Don't think they were any harder on the army girls than they would be with the blokes?


That was nice of your OH, giving you all the flu Mollie?
Aisleyne's only recently recovered from a bout of it, if that's any comfort? 
Mind, you she's now off cavorting in Miami, so I doubt you've got much sympathy?


Watched Food Unwrapped then Billy Connolly in America, now watching the documentary on Cleopatra on 5+1.
I'll watch Gogglebox later.




evening Both.

It started as a lovely sunny day, the clouds moved in for a lot of the afternoon, it's sunny again now, had a few little shows, had a little hail stone as well.

More and more flowers appearing by the day, am hoping for some on some trees that have never fruited.

Mollie, I agree, don't remember losing posts in the old days.

I see you still have the cough, it shouldn't be with you much longer.

I haven't seen episode 17 yet, will look later or tomorrow.

Emptybox, Glad you got some work done, that rain ruins everything doesn't it?

I wasn't saying they were harder on the Army girls, I couldn't see why they were so hard on them.

I watch the food unwrapped, it's always good.

Will be watching the Voice in a minute, just watching tribes, etc.



both x

Hope the weather was dry enough for Hicky to get in his garden and gazebo for meals today.



oh well, I guess getting one job done is better than getting no jobs done!

Gosh, lucky Ais! Flippen heck that is just what I need, some nice warm sun in Miama to get rid of this! Stlll coughing but easing a bit more each day.

Had to go food shopping today, at least I don't feel as rough this week as I did last week when I went shopping. Been busy helping son research his assignment too, as he is behind with his college stuff after being ill with flu.

Yes indeed the whole family were not impressed with OH passing this flu bug onto to us all!

Started off real wet and cold today, but dried up in afternoon, wind is cold though.

Time to watch BGT. Great to have it back at last.

Recording the Voice to watch after, what a shame they are on same time.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Bit of a turnaround here because it was a warm and sunny day here.
Got my own grass cut for the first time this season. The grass was still quite wet though despite the sun.
Looks like I might get rain again tomorrow though.


I did the opposite to you Mollie. I watched The Voice and recorded BGT.
Pity you didn't get the good weather. Hope your cough goes soon.


Hope you get success with your fruit trees this year Hicky.
I like the girl off Food Unwrapped, Kate Quilton, I think it is?


Evening Both.

Not a bad day here, fairly warm in the sun, had no rain during the day, forgot about BGT, watching it now on ITV2, watched the Voice, wasn't happy fellers won, a bit soft having them both on at the same time.

My Lad came with his lot, had a good afternoon.

Mollie, I got in the garden most days, not a lot to do, all coming along fine so far.

Thats a blow, your lad getting behind with his course work, can't be helped though.

Emptybox, At least you got your grass cut, it takes a long dry spell to dry grass, and even then it has to be shortish to get the sun,

I like the Food Unwrapped shows very interesting.

Watching the golf now.

Got someone coming tomorrow to repoint all the ridge tiles on the roof, need the moss scraping off as well, will have to ask if they can do that.



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