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Good Afternoon Both.

I'm on early as i thought the meal was at midday, misheard, it's at 7pm so i'll post now as i don't know what time i'll get back.

It's been dry today, 7C with light wind but cloud came this afternoon which spoilt it.

Got lots to do in the garden but no hurry yet.

Mollie, Yes, Costco sampling is good, i sometimes get the cottage pie on the way out to eat at home.

Hope it was nice enough to take your Mum out, cold though.

Good job you remembered to press post, it wouldn't be too much to expect the program to remind you to 'Post Reply' after you stop typing.

I've decided to grow Strawberries again, but this time i'm going to use hanging baskets and see if i can surround them with metal mesh to keep the squirrel off, i've ordered 2 baskets with 10 plants each, i have to plant them of course, they are special baskets as well.

Emptybox, I suppose the pin in the branch cutter must have been worn with time, it needs to be replaced by an equal sized pin, the place that mends your mowers could mend it for you i'm sure.

The voice was good, some good singers, that good they got pinched rather than let them go.

Haven't had any dizzy spells since i got up, strange.

I'm going to make Mesh sections held flat by bamboo canes so i can remove them easy to reap the Asparagus from the raised bed.

The Lizzy plum tree is getting more and more flowers each day, it was laden last year so i'm hoping to get a good crop again, with the flowers emerging over quite a period of time it means the fruit ripens over a period of equal time also.

Quite a few fruit trees are getting ready to open buds, just a bit cold still yet.

As soon as the daytime temperature warms a little i'll get the gardener in to help with the work that needs doing. 


Hi Hicky.
Very frosty here this morning, but a nice sunny day.


Hope you enjoy your later than thought meal.
That's great that you haven't had a dizzy spell today.


That's interesting that you're going to give strawberries another go this year.
I was just thinking this morning that it'll soon be time for me to plant tomato seeds for this year. The spring approaches rapidly.
There are bulbs coming out here now, but I haven't seen any flowers on Plum or Cherry trees yet.


The place that mends my mowers is me, in my garage, with an 'ammer.
Not sure I'd recommend that establishment?
Had another go with the loppers today. They do work on thinner shoots, but won't cut thicker ones. Mind you it was trying to cut a thicker one that broke it, so maybe they were never that good.
I think I'll just leave them alone, because, although they are easy enough to take apart, they are very fiddly to get back together again.
It's a thick bit of wire I used anyway, only bendable with pliers.


Going to watch The Jump tonight. I see Sarah Harding has now had to pull out.
Should think that Superman fella (Dean Cain) is likely to win it? If he survives.
Might watch The Wolverine film afterwards? Or Darts for Sport Relief? Haven't decided.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Another cold day here, 6c ish, too cold to work outside as had no sun.

Had a good meal, soup, crispy Won tons, curry Beef and egg fried rice, 4 of us Bill ÂĢ140, posh place though, my Lad and his O/H had 2 bottles of wine as well.

Have ordered a pack of Sphagnum Moss for the hanging baskets.

MIL & O/H's sister came for a quick visit this afternoon, had a cup of tea and a walk about then left, after having a cake.

It's a pity you can't get a steel pin to mend the tree pruners, can't you clean or sharpen them and say you were testing them and the pin broke.

I missed the Jump with going out and forgot it was on so didn't record it, i could probably find it on the computer anyway, Sarah Harding, Brian McFadden, Heather Mills, the list is probably endless, i'm sure it will get pulled.

Forecast says it will be 10C here tomorrow but wet so i might not get anything done again outside.




let's hope you manage to keep those pesky squirrels away from your strawberries this year. Glad you had such an enjoyable meal out.... an expensive one, but I guess it was nice for you to go all posh as it was the birthday do.  That is good the weather was nice enough to go a little walk with your visitors today. The dog and I enjoyed her walk too today.  I have given up on the Jump, too many injuries on it. 



glad the loppers seem to be working the same as they were before.

Did you do your gardening today? Take care climbing those ladders when you do.

Not much on tv tonight again.

Nice day here today, got quite a bit of washing nearly dry on the line, and have just hung it on airer in house to finish now. Don't like using the tumble drier as so expensive and I hear they are a fire hazard now.

Carer had mum today, which is good as I was tired after looking after her yesterday.

Goodnight both xxx



Hi both.
No frost here this morning, but a bitterly cold, windy and dull day.
As it was the 29th February I decided not to work .
I cleaned out my greenhouse; got rid of the old tomato plants, and emptied the grow bags out onto my potato plot.


Hicky, glad you enjoyed your meal, even if it was a wee bit pricey.
Haven't decided what to tell the client about the loppers.
Yes, I'd be surprised if the Jump got another series.


Mollie. Glad you got a nice day, and were able to get your washing mostly dry. I'm still drying mine inside, in the back kitchen. I never use my tumble dryer either.
That's good that you were able to arrange the carers for today.


Watched Supershoppers then Davina McCall: Life at the Extreme; now watching The X-Files on +1.




hope the weather is good enough for you to get in your garden today.

Very cold wind, but the rain has now stopped, and we have a bit of sun. Dog is sunbathing in the lounge by the patio door right now.



I had to that you used Feb 29 as an excuse not to work. At least you had chance to sort your greenhouse out though. Did you work the last 2 days, or have you come up with another excuse?  Was Davina's new show interesting?


Looking after mum again this afternoon, so not much time to do house jobs today. Good job daughter made me some peanut butter cookies for lunch to enjoy.


If you too want to be hooked on lambs this spring, take a look at "lamb cam", that started yesterday.   I am waiting in anticipation for our first arrival. It started yesterday, but the the "lamb o meter" and "bas chart" shows no births as yet.

Have a good day xxx



Hi Mollie.
Dry start today, but the rain came on this afternoon.
I got my first bit of grass cut before rain stopped play. The one that rang me last week.
As predicted it was just a bit fluffy. However cutting it will probably start it growing now.
Hope you aren't too busy today.


Yes, I thought Davina's programme was quite good, but I see it doesn't get very good reviews. people are saying it was too frivolous and didn't present enough facts. But I thought it was a different take on that sort of programme, with Davina getting hands on rather than just doing a commentary.
I guess it depends whether she irritates you or not.


Thanks for the 'lambcam' link. It just looks like a pen of sheep to me?
If I want to look at lambs, one of my customers is a sheep farm, so I see plenty driving down the track to cut their grass in the Spring. In fact I have to be careful not to run them over as there are no fences either side of the track.


Posh Pawn at 8pm and 'Raised by Wolves' at 10pm (CH4).
Not sure what to watch at 9pm, but it might be Grantchester?




Evening Both.

I didn't post yesterday, thought i had, very strange.

Anyway, went to dentist yesterday, he said i'll make an appointment for you to get the work done, is tomorrow ok, he has another dentist in another room, went there this morning, she built up one of my front teeth, think it's been don't a few times, i usually break the work off when eating plums with the stones in, i keep biting the stones with my front teeth, will have to more careful.

After the dentist we went to B&Q as i needed some longer nails for the gazebo roof, i've got 20mm galv clout nails but think because i'm putting more closer pieces of roofing on the ridges and think 20mm will be too short as the nail has to go through about 4 pieces of tiling before it gets to the wood.

Too cold out to do anything today, pity really but there's always another day.

Mollie, Yes, yesterday was lovely, did quite a bit in the garden while the sun was out, have got lots of jobs planned out but 6C isn't really ideal.

Going to slice my latest bacon belly pork joint tomorrow while O/H is out taking her mum shopping.

I mix up what i have for brekkie now so i don't have the same 2 days running.

Oh, while i remember, this Heavy Duty Cleaner O/H bought is fantastic, it's ECOZONE Heavy Duty Biodegradable Cleaning Paste, it really is fantastic, it cleaned some marks off the glass Hob that i thought were burned in as i've tried for 6 months to remove them, O/H used this paste and the marks disappeared.

Emptybox, Yes, i can't see the Jump going another season, who on earth would want to risk that.

I have gone off Davina, that million pound drop was dreadful, just a stage for adverts, shocking.

Glad you got your first crass cut, all this rain will help it grow i imagine.

I've got lots of buts bursting through on the fruit trees, probably because some days they get a nice warm sun for an hour or so.

I've ordered a raspberry beetle trap, only saw 1 beetle on them last year but it's best to try and get them.


Hi Hicky.


Hope your dental work lasts this time.
Think you are supposed to eat the plum from around the stone, not bite into it!
Mind you, I can't talk after breaking my tooth on a nut the other week.


I still quite like Davina, when she's not being too silly.
She's done well for herself to be given this sort of Nature programme to present.



Evening Emptybox.

A bit warmer here today, some rain as well, managed to get a few jobs done in the garden.

Have made framework for the metal netting on the Asparagus Bed, i can't really handle the netting on it's own as it tries to curl up, it's very stiff and needed a bamboo frame to hold it flat, did both so am pleased.

Tomorrow is supposed to be cool and wet, not what i wanted as my gazebo roof was supposed to be getting done.

Spent quite some time in the house as i was waiting for deliveries, but at 5pm i realised it was Thursday, damn, was thinking it was Friday.

Sliced my bacon this morning, made a load of packs as i bag it in 8 slice packs, it will last me a month or two.

I kept biting into the plum and just nicking the stone, and with this type of added glued on section it can be broken off, probably had it done about 6 times in all.

I can stomach Davina but that program (million pound drop) was pathetic.


Hi Hicky.
Not bad day here. Not too cold and mostly dry, with just some slight drizzle this afternoon.


Got the rest of the apple trees pruned for that client. The extendible ladder I borrowed from them allowed me to get right up into them, and get most of the tallest shoots pruned. A bit hairy though, swaying about at the top of the ladder.
I didn't have any option but to tell them that their lopper had broken, as it broke again while I was there. Obviously my wire repair wasn't up to much. They didn't seem too upset, but neither did they accept my offer to have another go at repairing it. They say they'll probably buy another one.


Well done making your netting framework for the asparagus.
Yes, the weather seems likely to be wet tomorrow.
Pity you got the day wrong for the deliveries.


I like any general knowledge quizzes, so didn't mind Million Pound Drop, but some of the questions were rather silly, of the "who was born first" variety.
Watched 'The Secret Life of the Family' on 5, then Pompeii with Mary beard on BBC1, then Bear Grylls on ITV +1.
Poor little Chelsea Healey didn't last long, did she?

I see Nikki Grahame will probably be going into Big Brother Canada tomorrow.

Last edited by emptybox



thought I too posted yesterday, but must of forgotten to press "Post Reply"!

Did you managed to get the gazebo roof done, or was the weather not good enough? Well done on getting the framework done though. Oh dear fancy waiting in all day for a delivery and you got the wrong day! Oooppss!

Remember to take it easy biting those plums as they are causing tooth problems!



thank goodness you got those apple trees pruned safely. though at the thought of you on the top of that swaying ladder!  Oh well that is the end of the broken lopper tale now, and with no more repairs for you to do on them.

Thanks for the BB link. Well done to Nikki for getting on BB Canada. I will try and watch it.

This week Lidl have gardening equipment for sale, in case you are interested, here is their brochure...


Been shopping in Cardiff today, so shattered. Didn't get much as I was tired before I started, but managed to get OH a shirt for his birthday.

Looking forward to Gogglebox tonight.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Snowing most of the morning but as we are so low it didn't even stick, except on the cars.

Couldn't get in the garden as it was sleet or rain when the snow stopped, the workers never came as they couldn't work in that.

My Sphagnum moss came, and some 'S' hooks, fleece clips, raspberry beetle trap, and they sent free insect netting.

Had some of the new bacon this morning and O/H made a nice belly pork roast dinner tonight.

Emptybox, Glad you got your apple trees finished, thought the pruner would break if you cut a certain size branch.

Glad Nikki got in BB Canada but don't think we will be seeing it, unless we get a VPN.

Mollie, Oh dear, another lost post, whats going on?

Yep, no roof finishe, waiting for deliveries, often get the days mixed up, was thinking it was Saturday today, instead of Friday.

Yes, got 16 front teeth, dentist said i am lucky to have the ones i have with no false ones, lost the back lower ones, got all the uppers but of course they do nothing, when you have nothing at the bottom under them.

Forecast says i have sun in the morning so i might get some work done, have put some vine eyes up for the hanging baskets and run a plastic cord for the Kiwi plant to follow, thats if i get more growth, it's grown about 5 or 6 feet i need to train it another 8 feet.

Not a good idea going shopping when you are tired, but at least you got a shirt.

Mothers day Sunday isn't it?



Wet and windy here today. Horrible.


Thanks for the Lidl info Mollie. I'll maybe pop in over the weekend to see if they've got any gardening stuff left.


Yes, I'm glad to have got that apple pruning job out of the way, although I've got a high hedge to cut at the same place, so will need to borrow the high ladder again.
Plus I've got more apple trees to prune at another place.


Nikki did well to get into BB Canada, as she had to win a vote to get in (she was a wildcard entry). Not sure why she wants to go in though? She must be addicted to BB?
Not sure I'll watch it though. Not sure if we can?


Sorry you felt tired even before you started shopping. But at least you got a nice shirt for your OH. I'm presuming it's a nice shirt?


Watched Jamie and Jimmy, then Food Unwrapped. Then Shetland on BBC1, then Gogglebox on CH4+1.


ETA: Oh Hi Hicky.
Snow eh? No sign of any here.

Glad your stuff came anyway.
Hope you get a better day tomorrow to get on in the garden.


That can't be all that easy to chew things, if you've no molars on the bottom?
I've lost 4 back teeth top and bottom, but I've still got enough molars left to have no problems chewing.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Emptybox.

I've got the info to watch the BB Canada if you want, i have installed it on my Puter and it acts as an add-on, i'm using Firefox but it may work in other browsers.

Install the Hola program then run the BB program.

When the program is installed and acting as an Add-on in the browser you will see an icon, when you mouse over it it says Hola unblocker, you can then run the BB Canada link and you are in.

PS. had to install Chrome to get it to work.

I do have one Molar on the bottom, forgot about it, on the right, good job really.

Weather a lot better than yesterday, only 6C but had some sun.

Just making a Lamb Rendang curry.


Last edited by Hicky



glad you got better weather today, I know how busy you are in your garden.

Thanks so much for the BB link, I have chrome, so will try and give it a watch tomorrow. Wonder how Nikki will get on in the house? Hope they don't have air condtioning on there!



high hedges and more apple tress to do, make sure you are extra careful up that ladder.

Went out for brekkie today, got food from Lidl, then it was so nice today, took dog a walk along the cliffs. Lots of sheep and lambs running around, so very nice.

Talking of lambs, didn't have chance to check lamb cam today, and typical... 2 were born today! and i missed it!   

It was such a lovely day here today, just a cool breeze, but didn't feel too cold due to sun being out, so carer took mum out from around 10.30am till 1pm, so that was nice.

Watching The Voice now.

Goodnight both xx



Evening both.
Very wet here today. Didn't get out much.


Thanks for the Hola info Hicky. I've used it before, so already have it installed.
I've seen some clips of Nikki, but not sure I'll bother watching a full episode or live feed? Perhaps if I'm bored?


Glad you got some good weather and enjoyed your curry.
Yes, I guess one molar is better than none?
I enjoyed The Voice this week. There were some good singers.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got the good weather too, and enjoyed a brekkie out.
Pity you missed the happy event on lamb cam.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, cold but had some sun.

My time to make the roast, did a nice boned leg of lamb, roasties, carrots, cabbage & gravy, it was as good as the one O/H did Friday.

My lad and his lot came bring goodies for O/H and flowers and cards.

Mollie, I had to go back to firefo, if the browser has an icon in the right corner you click it and select Canada then underneath, if it's not working well click Fix.

It can be a bit messy but i got it working on Firefox in the end.

I would imagine Air Con is standard.

The Voice was OK, watched some then watched the darts.

Emptybox, I watched one episode, don't get a lot of time, when the weather is nice i'm outside, i'll see what Nikki is up to though.

Been watching the darts, will record tonight's, going to watch the jump, it's the Final i think.

Been getting up earlier these days, might be the approach to spring, been watching the TV at 6.30 or 7am.



Hi Hicky.
Looked out the window at 8am and it was snowing quite heavily and everything was white. However it didn't last long, and by 10am it was almost all gone. Very strange.
Been a cold day though, but with plenty of sunshine.


Glad your roast was up to scratch, and your family came bearing gifts for Mothers' Day.


Yes it's been getting light earlier and dark later. Spring is nearly here.
Is there much to watch on telly at 6.30am? I suppose the morning programmes? I never watch those.


The Jump final was good. I'm glad Ben Cohen won.


both xx


Pleased to hear your roast came out well and the family did not forget your OH on Mother's Day. Hope the weather is ok today for you to get in the garden.



snow again, bet it looked pretty, but odd it didn't last even though it was cold. No snow here, as usual! Can't complain though as it is sunny and I have 3 washloads drying outside nicely.  Doing your gardens today?


Yes I too think my body is adapting towards summer time, as I am getting more tired in the evenings and waking up earlier. Nice to see the days getting so much lighter.

Took dog walk down seafront yesterday afternoon, which we enjoyed, lots of people around as it was dry, but it was very cold. So didn't take mum out, but carer had already taken her out earlier.

Daugther made me my fave blueberry crumble for mother's day and some pancakes. I like them with not much sugar and lots of fresh lime juice.


Hi Mollie.
Very frosty here this morning, but a reasonable sunny day.
Went into town to put in my prescription form and pay some bills. Also bought some gardening stuff.
Forgot to buy my tomato seeds though, so I'll have to get those another day.


I had a look in Lidl. No hedgecutters this time, but I did buy a new set of long loppers. These ones -
They're much longer than my present ones, and at ÂĢ25 much cheaper than any at the garden centre.
Spent the afternoon pruning my own apple and plum tree, and they are well up to the job, and I didn't have to climb into the trees to reach the top, so should really help me with my apple tree pruning in the future.
So thanks for the tip about Lidl again Mollie. You'll just have to keep your eyes open for their hedgecutter in future sales.


Glad you enjoyed your dog walk yesterday, and got some treats for Mothers' day.
Yes, I've noticed I'm waking a bit earlier now as well.


Davina's Life at the Extreme on tonight at 9pm ITV1, also the X-Files on CH5.

emptybox posted:

So thanks for the tip about Lidl again Mollie. You'll just have to keep your eyes open for their hedgecutter in future sales.


 Hi Emptybox

I now consider myself on official Lidl hedgecutter watch.

Glad you managed to get the loppers, and they have done the job well.

We have had a few things from Lidl now and have always been pleased with them. On Saturday OH bought a nightlight for the hallway and it also acts as a detachable torch. Very pleased with it. And we also like the quality of their food. I made a delicious soup from a big butternut squash I bought from there. My son when he wants a micro -wave meal, reckons their chicken korma is the best, and OH likes thier macoroni cheese. I like their in store bakery.... goats cheese pizza and seeded bread there is yummy.

Are your prescriptions free? I think in Scotland, like Wales, they are free for all?


Evening Both.

Apart form it being 5C it was a hot sunny day, wasn't feeling so good thought it was just the pain of the Arthritis but as the day moved on i think it is a cold.

Just sat in the summerhouse, didn't feel like working.

Been watching Nikki in the house, she is so funny, think they like her anyway, they want her to stay as they think she is a scream.

Hope the workers come tomorrow to finish my gazebo, that would be a good job done.

The forecast for here on Friday, Sat, Sun & Mon is 11C so might get the gardener to come, i can cope with 11C.

Think it will be an early night for me, have to fill the dish washer yet.

Been taking Paracetamol to ease the pain, it's not too much to stand but is just annoying.

The high reach saw is similar to my loppers with the cord, it had a removable blade on the end for sawing the branches.



Hi Hicky.
Sorry you are not feeling too good today. Hope the paracetomols do the trick and give you an easy night.


I've seen a few funny clips of Nikki. One of her eavesdropping at a door and then running away. It's her facial expressions.


I think I'm forecast 11 degrees on Friday as well, but rain unfortunately.
Hope your workers come tomorrow.


My loppers have a detachable saw as well, but can't see it being much use, so I'll probably just leave it off most of the time.
They are so long that they'll only fit in the van diagonally; and that's un-extended.

Mollie, yes prescriptions in Scotland are free. But I hear there are calls to reinstate a charge because the NHS in Scotland is in dire financial straits. However I doubt if the SNP will go back on their policy?


I've never had any complaints about Lidl food, but my local store is a bit small, so not too much choice.
There was a rather attractive eastern European girl (going by her accent) on the checkout. I had to get her to hold the lopper while I put my credit card in the machine, and when she handed it back she said "Here's your toy".


Hi Hicky.
Thanks for the BB Canada Youtube link, and glad you have been feeling better today.
Are you still getting dizzy spells?


No frost today, but a bit dull with a little drizzle this afternoon.
Got my other apple pruning job done, with the help of my new loppers.
Think that's the last tree pruning job for the moment, unless someone else asks.


Looking forward to watching Happy Valley this evening.


Evening Emptybox.

Just listening to BB Canada live, it's hard to find Nikki, 4 camera's but you can only see half the HM's, don't follow it, they have the same people on 2 camera's.

Not a bad day here, workers couldn't come as their job overran, they hope to come tomorrow afternoon, i want to get the gazebo roof sorted so i can take down the platform i built which is up to the roof and in front of the entrance.

Got a lot of nice flower buds developing on the fruit tree, looking good, think it's ok to start planting some seeds, Peas and Beetroot should be ok soon.

Remember, to prune for fruit it needs to be done about September or after the fruit has been picked, the fruit buds for the next season start forming from then, but summer pruning is only to shorten the growth this year to 3 leaves to an outward facing bud.

I pruned the fruit trees a lot last year, pruning new growth of 8 inches to 4 inches which creates a spur, the shorter branch can of course support more weight.

Haven't been watching Happy Valley, not really into Drama.

I've been feeling less and less Dizzy in bed, but that could just be the pills helping.


Hi Hicky.
Been wet most of today, so haven't got out to do any work.
Did last month's accounts on the computer.


Hope your workmen were able to come and get on with the work today?
Glad the medication seems to be getting on top of your dizziness.


Probably CH4 for telly tonight?
Posh Pawn then 24hrs in A&E then Raised by Wolves.


Evening Emptybox.

Cold and sunny here, some wind as well.

Workers arrived this afternoon, finished repairing the Gazebo

I was waiting for some stuff to arrive, one item i had forgotten to order, oh dear, have ordered now anyway.

Watching Take me Out, then American  Pickers, then Posh Pawn

Had no dizzy spells in bed but today looking up at the cross beams in the garage made me dizzy, had forgotten to take a midday tablet.

Waiting for the minimum temperature to get a bit higher so i can get the gardener in, lots to do, but min with a max of 5 isn't really good enough.

Just watching BB Canada, wow, what a crazy game, a bit hard to follow, everyone is telling lies to the others and planning who goes but they mustn't find out till it's too late.

Can't find Nikki, only see her for a few seconds at a time, heaven knows where she is, she doesn't seem to be with the others.


both xx


glad to hear the workers came and managed to finish the gazebo. What a shame you forgot to order an item from your order. Hopefully it won't be long arriving. Sounds like your tablets are helping the dizzy if it came back after you forgot to take one.

Havent' had chance to watch BB Canada, but it does sounds good, especially if Nikki is on it.



glad to hear you got all the pruning done with your new loppers. (or "toy" as the attractive check out girl referred to it as)..

At least the wet day gave you chance to catch up with your accounts.

Had real busy day yesterday, house jobs, washing then food shopping and met son and daughter for coffee in their college lunch break, then caught bus to meet mum, didn't get home till nearly 10pm, as I decided to wait for lift back instead of buses.

Daughter made a nice roast dinner today, I had bought a pack of creamy rhubarb deserts for afters, very nice, I love rhubarb, but don't seem to have time to make my own desert lately. I did get chance to make myself some of my fave soup last weekend, it is butternut squash and potato.

I am going to Bristol on the train tomorrow to meet a friend I knew from when our kiddies were born.  I am now feeling a bit nervous, hope I don't get lost walking from the station. ,I will meet OH after work and come back home with him. I couldn't go with him though as he leaves at 5.45am, and I have to see to pets first thing. 
Mum will be fine as she is booked in with our fave carer tommorrow.

Goodnight both xxx




Hi Mollie.

Yes, they put some mastic under some of the tiles to stop them lifting, i'll get some tubes of mastic off my lad to put some under the other sides.

I can take the wood platform down now so the gazebo will be available again.

Been watching more BB Canada, saw Nikki a few times tonight, she walk around with a mug in her hand, and never stops eating, they seem to have fantastic food, don't think they have stupid shopping challenges, they have got the best of everything, it's like a 5* Hotel, washing & drying machines, games, pool tables, a gym, indoor pool, Jacuzzi, never seen so many rooms and it's over 2 floors.

Hope your time in Bristol goes well.


Glad your workers were able to finish the gazebo Hicky.
Annoying waiting in for something, then remembering you've forgotten to order it.
Sounds like BB Canada is luxurious compared to BB UK?


Sounds like you were very busy yesterday Mollie.
That butternut squash and potato soup sounds good.
Hope you have a good time in Bristol tomorrow. Pity you couldn't get a lift there as well, but I'm sure you'll find your way OK.



Evening Emptybox.

It's been nice today, my lad took the gazebo platform down for me as i couldn't get the big screws out.

BB Canada is like nothing i've seen before for a BB house, it's like a luxury 5 star hotel.

went to do some shopping and got a meal out, only fish and chips in the Sainsbury's.

Think the overnight temperatures are still too cold to take the bubble wrap off the tree tubs, but with them wrapped up it's hard to see if they need water.

some lovely buds ready to open on a lot of the trees, some take years to fruit for the first time, but it's so exciting, i can see some fruit buds on trees i only planted last year, maiden sticks when i put them in bare root, but if you prune the new growth back in the summer you create fruiting spurs for the following year.


Hi Hicky.
Glad you had help to get the platform round the gazebo dismantled.
Fish & chips in Sainsburys is better than nothing.


A dull day here, but it stayed dry.
Got a hedge cut. Used my rechargeable till it ran out of charge, then my petrol trimmer till it conked out, then had to finish off with hand shears.
I'll really have to buy another petrol one, or buy another battery for the rechargeable, so it can finish a job off.


Glad you've got plenty of buds coming on your trees. Hopefully you'll have plenty of fruit this year.
Saw some pics on twitter of Nikki trying to 'levitate' one of the other contestants. Not sure if it was a task or just some nonsense?
Seems she's making a big impression over there. But of course that might mean the other contestants may vote her out, as the public has no say.


Watched 'Ugly House to Lovely House' on CH4, then 'Digging for Britain' on BBC4 with Alice Roberts , then 'Bear Grylls Mission Survive' on ITV1+1.




glad the weather has been ok for you to get into the garden. Sounds like your trees are coming along nicely already.


sounds like you need to stock up on our gardening accessories so you know you can at least finish a job.

Interesting about Nikki and Canada BB. So over there is it just the HM's and not the public who vote people out?

Had a nice day with my friend in Bristol, although I had to have 3 attempts to get my ticket!  Gosh I hate those serve yourself machines, then each time I went through a barrier I coudln't get it to open, so the man had to do it! Then this guy was just going to sit in my reserved seat on what was a packed train, so I had to say it was my seat!  Then I nearly got lost on the way, but fortunately turned around after a short time, when I realised it didn't look right. The more flustered I get about doing these things, the more ditzy I get.

Been having to catch up today, lots and lots of washing, plus ton of admin work to sort Easter cover for mum whilst day centre closed. Had to get son to do 3 emails yesterday just sorting this weekend's cover out. Typical, only go out for 1 day and I am inundated with emails i need to reply to!

Hoping to go out for tea at the Toby again today, as I have a voucher to use.

Gogglebox tonight, so that should be good.

have a good evening both xxx



Evening Both.

What a lovely day, 11C and no wind and sunny all day, thats what i have been waiting for.

Managed to put the strainers up for the Tomato plants when they come, sowed the peas and beetroot and more spring onions seeds.

Emptybox, Yes, you uaually need more than 1 battery for most tools, batteries can be very expensive when bought on their own.

Was watching Nikki having a bath earlier, then she was taking her bra off and the screen went off. have seen a few clips today but the 4 feeds are pretty random, plus they just change to a different camera all the time.

Mollie, Glad you had a nice time with your friend in Bristol, the cheek someone going to take your seat, they just don't care.

slept well last night, am sleeping better anyway, finding it hard to not get up with these light morning now.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.
Relatively mild but dull day today.
Got another hedge cut and some other tidying up.
Well, I say I got a hedge cut, in fact I got one side and the top done with my rechargeable before it ran out. Will do the other side another time.


When I got home I set fire to my big Pampas Grass plant. It's good to do that every few years to get rid of all the dead stuff that builds up in the centre of it. Might mean it won't be much good this year, but it'll improve it for next.
The wind must have been just right because it went up quickly and was just about done in 10 mins.


Sounds like you had more of an adventure in Bristol than intended Mollie? Glad you enjoyed it in the end though. You've kind of put me off train travel though.
Very tricky arranging all this cover for your Mum. Hope it all works out.
Hope you enjoy your Toby meal.


Glad you got a nice sunny day that allowed you to get on in the garden Hicky.
While I was in town doing the hedge I remembered to buy my Tomato seeds and some John Innes No. 1, so I've now got my seeds planted in a propagator on the windowsill.


That must have been a bit frustrating for you? Watching Nikki in the bath and the feed went off. Mind you I wouldn't think there's much of Nikki to see?
Glad you're sleeping better now.


Not much on TV tonight, apart from Gogglebox.


Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day, cloudy but 10C with no wind.

Managed to do some more work in the garden, covered the new seed area's with fleece fixed with some new fleece clips which work well, put the big umbrella thingy up, it's 3.5m across and it can swing to were you want it, we use it to go over the clothes thingy that is fastened to the Utility room wall.

Am tidying the gazebo now that the scaffold is down, had a little sit in it this afternoon.

Had a letter from the hospital with the results of the bladder check and the biopsy, all clear, been handed back to my doc, signed off from Hospital consultant, very happy with that, it did say that the inside of the bladder has cystitis something, i'll see the doc about that, caused by the stone i had in the bladder.

I was watching Nikki today again, she is so funny.

On the video section on this link, in case you haven't seen.

S04E01, 2 .3 .4 are the main shows, the 2a, 2b are the side shows.

Just watching S04E04 at the mo, Nikki is in it of course.

Have ordered some special Kelsae onion plants, these are prise winning big boys, i'll have to fit them in the raised beds somewhere.


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