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No post from me yesterday, sure I did one, must of forgotten to press that "reply" button again,


glad you are ok dizzy wise in the day, let's hope it clears completely soon, but in the meantime you will need to take it nice and careful at night. Bet you were glad to see your OH come back with all those food goodies. Your home made mac cheese sounds lovely. Glad to hear your heater is working well for the shed. That is lucky the anaestetic had no ill effect and the nurse held your hand when you came round to make you feel secure. I guess they didn't have to give you too much stuff though as you were only under for 10 mns.



hope your tooth has settled ok , scrambled eggs and yogurt was a good choice to let the filling set.

I agree, not much on tv lately. Good job we have The Voice on tonight. Ant and Dec are back next week, so that is good.

I sitll have this damn cold, so got carers in, don't want to pass it onto mum. Not a bad cold, just annoying and can't taste food properly and feel tired.

Son is at "West Side Story" rehearsals from 10am till 9pm today, I sent him to his nans first to drop off a few things for her though, as it is handy his drama is not far from mum's flat. I hate living nearly 15 miles away from her now though. Shame we had to leave that other house. Still thinking of buying back up North closer to OH's family and taking mum in with us. All depends if we can find a place suitable. Will need to wait till summer when son finishes this year at college though, and OH finishes this contract.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.
Wet here all day with rain and snow. Too wet for the snow to lie at my level, but the hills around are white.


Sorry you are still dizzy at night Hicky. Could it be medication causing that? I have to make sure I don't get out of bed quickly, or I can get dizzy; and that's down to the pills I'm taking.


Home made mac 'n cheese sounds good.  
That sounds like a good prog, but why does the girl stay in the shop?


Hi Mollie. Yes the tooth seems to have settled fine. I forgot that an amalgam filling takes 24 hours before it's properly set. Lately I've been getting the newer white fillings, and they use some light to give them full strength immediately.
I would have chosen that on Thursday except he said he didn't have time to do that, and I'd have to book another appointment, and I didn't want that.
Still, that tooth has had an amalgam filling for nearly 30 years, so don't suppose it'll do me any harm?


Sorry you still have the cold, so didn't want to give it to your Mum; but lucky  your son was rehearsing nearby.
That's interesting that you are still considering buying a house in North Wales.


The Voice was good, but there's not much on after it. Watching The Real Marigold Hotel, but missed the first two episodes, so not sure what it's about.


Brother and SiL in Birmingham for an event to do with his firm.
I see she's posted selfies on Facebook with Guy Martin and Shane Lynch, so there must be celebrities at the event.


Evening all.

Thats strange i posted and there was only my last post there, just looked now and both of you posted after me and it's changed to a new page, so confusing.

Now i edit the post but can't see yours, what a mess.

I'll have to do another post to make it easier.


Not too bad a day, cold though, 3C but some sun and some wind.

Sprayed all the trees with the Winter Spray, a few trees have buds breaking, one plum tree has a few flowers on all ready, the Kiwi has buds opening as well.

My Lad and his lot came this afternoon, i cooked the beef this morning so it just left a few bits to do to make lunch when they went.

I will slice the new block of bacon tomorrow, it's in the freezer at the mo, i'll just thaw it enough to slice but it's easier than trying to slice fresh food, although after curing it is a bit stiffer but not stiff enough.

Another cold sunny day tomorrow, don't think i'll bother doing any work outside, nothing that urgent.

Last edited by Hicky

Emptybox, yes, looking at a lot of my meds it says can cause dizzyness, i stopped taking that table yesterday but thought i better start again as i was quite dizzy early this morning.

The Girl stays in the shop as it's like a warehouse and she sells whatever she can, the fellers roam the US looking for stuff to sell in the shop, they need to make about 100% or more, they mainly buy what they know there is a good market for.

Mollie, thats strange, wonder if you forgot to press the Post button again.

That could be handy for you, getting a place nearer your O/H's family would be nice.




hope you enjoy your bacon tomorrow. The plum flowers have started early. Nice for you to have some weekend visitors today. Hope the dizzy gets better soon, if not maybe it would be worth asking for a change in meds and telling them you think the meds might be giving your dizzy spells.

Wonder what happened with your postings? I know I sometimes forget to press the "Post Reply" since the format changed, then forget about my post, so lose it.


I bet the snowy hills look lovely. No snow here, but feeling colder. Do you keep your heating on all night? I am having to keep ours on all night as it is so cold. Glad the tooth seems ok, yes best to get it done in one visit. Sounds like your brother's work do was a big occasion if it had celebs there. I have forgotten, what line of business is he in?

Nice sunny day, my cold has dried up now, but just have a real dry throat and nose now.

Son is at drama from 10am till 9pm again, good job he enjoys it so much.

Goodnight both xx

another early night for me, this cold has left me feeling tired, but at least its nearly gone now.


Evening both.
Been snowing quite a lot today, with sunny intervals, still not really lying though.


Good that you got your trees done with the winter wash Hicky.
I've still got some apple trees to prune, so I'd better get them done before the customers complain, I suppose. Don't like doing them when the overnight temps are so low though.
Nice that your family were over today.


Hi Mollie. Glad your cold seems to be getting better.
That's a long day of drama for your son.
No I don't have my heating on overnight. It goes off at midnight and comes back on at 8am for 2 hours; then it's off again until 5pm.
I need to keep my electric blanket on 1 all night though.


My Brother is in the garage tool business for a large American company.
The event in Brum was a demonstration of the tools. Not sure if it was open to the public or not? Then it was followed by a swanky dinner dance.
I think they are due to be back home tonight? I'll see if I get my usual Sunday phonecall.


Nobody killed in The Jump tonight. But I see they've resorted to bringing previous contestants back to fill in the gaps, plus a couple of new ones.
Nice to see Kristina there to support her boyfriend.


both x


Hope you are feeling well and managed to get in your garden today.


did you get any pruning done today? I reckon going on the forecast today, it was probably too cold again. Good job you have your nice cosy electric blanket as you turn the heating off. Going down to minue 5 in parts of Wales tonight, which is cold for here. Don't mind the cold at all though because it means we have actually seen the sun, so sick of all that rain we had. Did you get your Sunday phone call? And if so, did your brother enjoy his time away? Don't think I'd fancy a swanky dinner dance though, with having to wear posh clothes and having to make conversation. Lucky for me, my OH avoids any formal work do's like the plague.

Dog enjoyed her walk today as it was sunny. Lovely to see the local kiddies playing in the park as it is half term.

Son at drama for rehearsals again, left home 9.30am and wont' be home again till 9.30pm. Let' s hope it all goes well for them after all this rehearsing!

All the talk is about in/out EU. I am a definite OUT! Sick of all these Eurocrats telling us what to do, and taking a massive salary to do so!  Wait for the self centred MP'S and big businesses to start their scarmongering to get us to vote Yes. 

Not much on tv again. Good job I watch Corrie as I can't find anything else of interest.

Goodnight both xx



Evening Both.

My Lad in Oz has been accepted for the job in NZ and his GF has a job as well with the same company, they start 7th March.

Pretty cool here, max 5C today but with the sun out it doesn't seem so bad, had a walk around the garden checking on the trees, they look nice with the winter wash, it's like a coat of polish on them.

Sliced the bacon this morning, divided it into small packs of 8 rashers which is like 2 days if i have bacon for brekkie, made 5 packs and put in the freezer but had enough for brekkie this morning already, just had 2 eggs with it and some toast.

Had a seat in the summerhouse/shed for a while, sun streaming in, temperature about 16C which was ok, made a cup of Decaf tea as i have a kettle in there.

Emptybox, You need to get the apple trees pruned while dormant, but as the final buds are on the tree now you need to check which buds are flower and which are leaves.

Depending on what tree it is determines where the fruit grows from, if it grows from the tips of branches and you cut them all off then you get no fruit.

Trees are pruned in the summer to give you fruit next year, winter pruning is to get the shape sorted and cut off crossing branches, and downward facing branches, broken ones and water shoots.

I've been pruning my trees all summer, but only new growth, and soft fruit & stone fruit trees only get pruned in summer anyway.

I've got a bit of tidying to do on the plum trees as when it's covered with leaves you can't see what needs pruning so i have to wait for the right time before they are covered with leaves to take out the crossing branches and branches facing into the tree centre.

I watched some of the Jump, i see they jump onto an air beg now, they can't even do that right.

Some are so hopeless they shouldn't really be allowed in the program, they must be so desperate for people.

Never seen any snow here yet, this year, don't really want to see any either.

Mollie, Yes, if the dizzy starts to the day don't go i'll have to see the doc again and look further into what might be causing it.

Thats a long time for your Lad to be at Drama, good on him.

This EU problem is too complicated really for the normal person to unravel, i don't think we should be controlled by anyone else, but whether we would be better off is another thing.

If being in the EU was a good thing David wouldn't be going around the world trying to get some things relaxed, all the other countries want us in, of course they do, but what has that got to do with it.

Wish they would would talk about the cost to us to be in a bit more, how much do we pay, well it's grossed at ÂĢ55m a day, thats a lot of money to just be in it.

We probably get about 25% back, so what, we shouldn't be paying it.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Everything in deep freeze here. The frost didn't go off the lawn all day, and the puddles remained ice, so don't suppose it was above zero all day.
Sunny though.


Mollie, think my Brother and SiL had a good time in Brum, but it's work for my brother, as he was one of the ones organising the event. He seemed pleased to be home in the phonecall.
No, I wouldn't fancy a swanky dinner either.
Hope everything goes well in your son's drama production.


I'm not convinced about leaving the EU.
I know there's huge problems with corruption and inflated expenses with the European Parliament and Commision, and of course all the extra legislation, but I think we'd still be subject to a lot of the same legislation if we wanted to trade within Europe, even if we were not in the EU, and of course then we'd have no say.
The likes of Switzerland isn't in the EU, but they've got to accept freedom of movement laws in order to trade with the EU. I can't see that it would be different for us.
Not saying we couldn't thrive outside, but I think it would be a shame to throw away 40 years of union.
Also wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to those illegal migrants in the camps in Calais. They'd still be trying to smuggle themselves in.


Hi Hicky. Sounds like it was nice, sitting having a cup of tea in your summerhouse?
Hope you get to the bottom of these dizzy spells.


Thanks for the pruning advice. The customer want the apple trees taken down to a certain height, which I know isn't really what you are supposed to do.
I haven't done these trees before, and she only asked in December. Seemingly they are over 100 years old, so I'll have to please the customer, and try not to damage the trees.
I looked it up, and you aren't supposed to prune when it's frosty, so I'm off the hook for the meantime.


I wonder if they've extended jumping on to that airbag in The Jump? I'm sure Davina said last week that they'd be doing the proper ski jump this week, but there they were again, jumping in to the bag? Maybe health & safety insisted?


Watched the thing about the Chinese New Year on BBC2 then the X-Files on 5, then Benidorm on +1.


Evening Emptybox.

A cold start today, frosty windscreens, 6C max for the day but i only saw 2C in the garden.

Made another dish of Mac & Cheese but think it's better to be it by the tin.

I think when pruning old trees you should only prune a certain amount of branches in one year, i think 30% at most, and you will need to paint the wound with tree wound filler.

You really should graft new thin shoots onto the old branches to give new growth, but thats an art in itself.

You have to consider what the tree will do when it starts to push life into the branches in spring, it needs branches to push the sap into or it will probably die.

I saw Benidorm, haven't seen it for a while, it was ok.

Watched the Jump but it's hardly worth the bother.

I can't see the public voting to stay in the EU, they don't understand it all so i can't see them wanting to stay in at all.

If they asked just business leaders or something but the public haven't a clue.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed out.





Congratulations to your lad and his gf both getting a job in New Zealand. Whereabout in NZ is it? That will be a great experience for them, I reckon. Daughter would love to go there to do a Hobbit tour. That is good the winter wash has done your trees good. Bet you enjoyed your bacon. Does it taste a lot nice than the shop bought one? Even if it doesn't at least you know it is better for you.  Your summerhouse sounds lovely, fancy it warming up that much this time of year.

Yes can't believe all the bad accidents on the Jump considering they use that big air bag. Hope your dizzy is ok today.

Yes the cost for us to be in EU is just off the scale, mainly in wages and freebies  for the big boys.



I bet the frost by you looks so pretty. We did get frost here but it doesn't last long, the dog loves a walk in the frost, so I have to go take her out early before it all melts. I didn't think a swanky dinner would be up your street either. I think you would like the help yourself carvary that me and Hicky like though.

Son at theatre 12 hours again today, so got a carer in for mum, just couldn't face 4 bus journeys today as this cold has left me feeling tired. And have lots to catch up with at home.

Watched a programme about Brits in Benidorm tonight, and next the Supervet. Anyone seen this? This guy is a genious, they call him the bionic vet, he uses the latest technology to fix things other vets can't. He was on This Morning saying a lot of things he does could be transferred to humans and they need more close dicussion between his cutting edge vet treatment and humans. He sort of welded this wheel device onto a dog and into his muscles, and he walked wonderfully with 3 legs and a wheel. Tonight's family have are travelling 650 miles from Scotland to see this special vet.

What are you both watching?

Goodnight both xx



Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Not so frosty here overnight, but everything still icy.


Forgot to say congratulations to your son and his girlfriend for getting those jobs in New Zealand Hicky.
Yes, I'll have to be careful with these old trees.
I buy gluten free mac & cheese from Sainsburys, for an occasional treat.


Yes it's very difficult to tell if we'd be better off out or in the EU. It's a huge gamble.
Personally I'm not in favour of breaking up. I wasn't in favour of breaking up the UK, in the Scottish referendum; and I'm not in favour of breaking up the EU in the European referendum.
But as you say, the public will probably vote to leave.


Hi Mollie. Yes I bet the aftermath of this cold is still making you tired.
Glad the dog enjoyed her frosty walk.
I think I'd like New Zealand as well. Seems very green and lush, compared to Australia, and more like 'British' weather?


Watched 'It's Not Rocket Science' on ITV then 'Happy Valley' on BBC1.
I've seen Supervet before, and he can certainly work wonders. He seems to be able to do for animals which we can hardly do yet for humans; and he seems to make most of the gizmos himself.


Evening Both.

A rather wet day here till later in the day when it dried up, didn't go out until the rain stopped then only to put the wheelie bin out.

Just had Spag on toast for brekkie, the later had Mac & Cheese, then later had Steak & Mushrooms, just going to get a couple of hot cross buns for supper.

Mollie, not sure where abouts my lad is going in NZ, didn't ask him, will do next time we speak.

The Bacon tastes better probably because i made it and sliced it myself.

The Jump doesn't even look good enough to even watch, watching the pro's is one thing, watching these numskulls is a joke, it's not exciting and it's not funny.

Emptybox, Yes, my lad & his GF getting jobs in NZ with the same company at the same time is great, hope it works out well for them, the company is finding them somewhere to stay while he gets settled.

I really aren't sure about the EU, watched a video about what it will be like if we opt out, other countries are out and manage, but it said you have to comply with a lot of the rules in order to trade.

It sounds a bit like the old union structure in the factories, you had to join.


Hi Hicky.
Wet here as well, most of the day.
Did my monthly accounts and went into town for a little shopping.


Made a big batch of stew, and had that for supper with mashed potatoes and sugar snaps.
Froze the rest of the stew.


Hope your son's company find him somewhere good to stay in NZ.
Watched Posh Pawn at 8, then a sci-fi prog on E4 called 'The 100'.
Now watching the last two episodes of this series of 10,000 BC.

Last edited by emptybox



hope the dizzy is ok today. What type of company are your lad and his gf working for? How nice they both got a job with the same company. Is his gf an Ozzie? That will be a good help for them as the company are organsing them somewhere to stay. At least you have plenty of ready home made bacon to enjoy now. I bet your macaroni cheese in lovely too. I think home made stuff is so much nicer than shop made stuff. 


Not surprised you had to replenish your stew, after your visitors helped you finish it off last time. Well done getting your accounts done. Do you still go to Sainsburys to do your shopping? Did you manage to get out to do a bit of pruning today?

Nice day here again today, we had a frost first thing, which is much better than pouring rain we had been getting so much of recently. Dog certainly enjoyed her walk.

Me and family going to see son with his drama group tonight. Must get some choccies to take with us. We like a few nibbles when we go to the theatre. eg bag of choccie buttons.

I sitll want out of EU, especially after I heard this economics guy on the radio today say we will lose out if we stay in,  as most of our trade now is with places like India, Japan, China, not EU. So places outside of EU are free-er (spelling?) to trade with them without the EU restrictions, He said eg Switzerland are doing well trade wise with them. He also said people often site security as a reason to stay in EU bit EU has nothing to do with this, it is our memebership of NATO that does that. My main reason for out though is cost to us, with all the big wigs and their self interest in staying in, just so they reward themselves with huge salaries and freebie holidays! But I am with you Emptybox is keeping Scotland within UK though, we are a  small island, speak the same language,  and need to stay together imo. (although I think devolution of some things are fine to suit each contries economies).  The next few months could be interesting debate wise over this.

Off to do a few jobs.

have a good day both x



Evening Both.

A frosty start today, not a bad day though, went to Costco, yummy, just got Lobsters, belly pork (for bacon), Steaks, Prawns, a Duck, Lamb chops, tissues, Fish fingers, oranges, easy peelers, 36 dinner rolls ÂĢ2.49.

Emptybox, My lad is going to Auckland in Oz, not sure where he will be staying yet.

I'm just watching whatever happens to be on TV.

Mollie, still dizzy when i get up in the morning, just when i get out of bed.

Not sure what type of company they are going to work for, he is going to be doing estimating, she is a project engineer, she is from the Philippines.

Hope the drama group show with your lad went well tonight.

I read your thoughts on the EU, it's complicated really, i would like to see what it is like out, i can't see Cameron getting much from the EU members as why should they give us anything if they can't get the same for themselves.


Hi guys.
Very frosty here this morning, but a nice sunny day.
Haven't done any work. There's no point when it's so frosty overnight. Maybe it'll be a bit milder next week?
I do like the frosty sunny weather though.


Hope you enjoyed your son's concert Moliie (and the choccies)?
Yes I do most of my shopping at Sainsburys, but I went to a different town when I went shopping yesterday. Bought myself some new pyjamas.


Don't think whether we are in the EU or not makes any difference to trade with the likes of China, Japan, India etc? If they want our goods they'll buy; if they don't, they won't (mostly they don't).
And it's very difficult to tell if we'd be better off. Yes, we'd save money on all the money we pay in, but then we'd lose all the EU grants that farmers seem to rely on. So it's swings and roundabouts.
But I think if we leave, then other countries will as well, and that could trigger another big recession.
We'll just have to see though. I'm not passionate about it, but I'll probably vote to stay in.


Watched Location..... then Death in Paradise on BBC1. Haven't ever watched that before, but it was quite amusing I suppose. Not very realistic though.


Evening Emptybox/

A frosty start to the day here.

O'H wanted to go out for brekkie, i'm not one to refuse, had a nice big brekkie in a cafe.

Cut my steaks up into 6, then bagged them, cut the duck into 4 and froze as well, packed a dozen chops into bags and froze.

Cut the bone off the belly pork, it left a big 1.5kg piece to make bacon, i'll do that tomorrow, cooked the pork ribs that i cut off.

Talking about the EU, if we pay ÂĢ55million a day and get back 1/3rd then we are still paying ÂĢ36 million a day (over ÂĢ13 billion a year) to go in someone else's pocket, that can't be right surely?

China doesn't need to buy anything off anyone as far as i know, we probably had to create a market for something.

I don't know whats best, i'll have to go with the flow, or maybe the majority, if i knew what that was.

It will be warmer the weekend, 11C Sunday.


Hi Hicky.
Frosty here to start with, but then turned into a windy and drizzly day.
Looks like it's going to be a wet and milder weekend, but getting cold again next week.


Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out with OH, and got your meat sorted out.


Watched the Egyptian stuff on Channel 5, now watching the film Centurian (seen it before). Have recorded Shetland, and will maybe catch up with Gogglebox later.


both xxx

not had chance to go on pc at all, been busy with seeing son's play, looking after mum , trying to sort carers as 4 are off ill and now son in a panic about his political essay so need to show him how to research. Not easy as I dont' know much about google books myself! 

hope you are both ok, will call in tomorrow. xxx




Evening Both.

Lost the post again, i made sure it was on the page yesterday, today it said do you want to change page again, had a look and post was still in the posting box, should have copied it but pressed post reply and it came back and said it couldn't but it then hung up and in the end dumped the new post and came to the thread without it, bummer.

Anyway, it was warm today, 12C, did a bit of work in the garden, my lad came round with his lot, O/H made a lovely chicken roast dinner for us tonight.

I get dizzy now if i look up, so trying not too.Been taking my BP a couple of times a day

Mollie, thats not good having so many carers off ill, and political essays, omg, no thanks, hate politics. it makes all the politicians Liars because they are nnever allowed to tell the truth for one reason or another.

Emptybox, Yes, enjoyed the Egyptian show, so much has been buried over the years.

Will have to make sure that i post this before i forget, this is crazy.


Hi Hicky.
Pity you are still losing posts.
You'll have to be careful with this dizzy feeling. Is your blood pressure low?


Glad you had warm weather today. It hasn't been warm here, but at least it's not been as cold this weekend. Set to get colder again next week again though.
That was nice, having a chicken dinner with your lad and family.


Watched The Jump tonight but not a lot else on. Just watched a couple of films.




sorry you are still getting dizzy. Have you seen any pattern on the BP readings yet? Is it your own machine or one the doc's gave you? Glad the weather was ok for you to get in your garden, and nice your OH did a dinner for you all to enjoy. I see Toby are doing another offer, this time 2 courses for ÂĢ6.50, not that bothered about pudding as I love the help yourself veg, but might try something as it is on offer. What a nuisance you have lost your post again.

Yes I was stunned to hear EU was costing us ÂĢ55 million a day, and I bet most of it is wasted on all the Euro MP's wages and expenses. That definately makes my mind up which way I will vote now, also added to the fact I think we want a bit of our own democracy back, I don't like the idea of all these unknowns who we haven't voted into power, making all these rules up for us. Looks like a few "friendships" amongst our MP's are about to be broken over this saga.  If the truth be known I'd rather discuss who we liked or disliked on BB.   So an important question now...I wonder if BB will of started before the vote for EU?



Have you managed to get any of your gardening done, (think you said you needed to prune?), or has the weather been too bad. Yes due to get colder soon, but preferable to constant rain, of course.  

I missed the Voice this week, and am annoyed as it is not on my Sky iplayer catch up tv, for some reason.

Son's play was lovely, he was upset after the dress rehearsal though as he missed a line, but he was so nervous as this was the biggest part he has played, he was even on stage on his own for part of it. But luckily, the proper performances with full sell out audiences all went well though, and his lines came over loud and clear, and his American accent sounded good. The director gave all of the principal characters a single rose tied up in a red ribbon. Son gave his to my mum and she loved looking at it.
Good job my  cold had cleared up before the play, it took a whole week until I felt well again though.

How are you keeping now Emptybox? Are you still on one tablet a day?

Not been a bad day today, drizzle cleared up so I could take doggie out. Seems to of got colder as the day went on though.

Goodnight both xxx



Evening Both.

Not a bad day today, cool and sunny all day, not very windy either.

Emptybox, My BP seems higher than normal, but it changes all the time.

Last one this morning after the meds was 129 / 82 Pulse 87

Just going to take it now, 153 / 93 Pulse 83

The jump was ok, at least no-one got hurt.

Mollie, I bought the machine, my BP is all over the place, not low though, more high.

I'll be listening to all the people talking about the EU, will decide for sure in June.

I would think BB will start before the Referendum, unless BB decide to hold back so they can vote.

Glad your lads play went well, that was nice giving the flower to your mum.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Not bad day here. Quite a bit of sunshine.


Got my car fixed. Rang them up and they said just to bring it along, They fixed the heat shield up while I waited, just needed some washers where the fixings had corroded. Took about 15 minutes all told. Didn't charge me anything either.


Glad your son's play went well Mollie, and he delivered all his lines.
That's good that your cold has now completely cleared up.
No I haven't got any pruning done yet....maybe this week?
Yep, still taking the tablets.


Hi Hicky. I would have thought it was low blood pressure that caused dizziness? But perhaps it doesn't work like that?
I know the pill I take (Tamsulosin) lowers blood pressure, and that's why it can make me dizzy at times.


The next few months will be filled with politics.
There's the Scottish parliamentary elections in May, then the Euro referendum in June.
Maybe BB will start just after the referendum.


Watched X-Files then Benidorm.


Evening Emptybox.

It's been a sunny day all day, only 6C but it didn't matter.

Spent some time in the garden.

Have ordered 1.5 tonne of loose slate for the back garden, with all the walking i do the slate needs topping up, will try and get the gardener to barrow it for me.

I had ordered more of the 28cm 7mm tent pegs for rocks, i use them for running plastic cord for fastening plants to over the raised beds, had used about 20 but ran out so got 20 more.

Am using my car dash cam in the window, i was having trouble keeping it running as the firmware had settings to turn it off on either low voltage or when a timer ran out.

Been unplugging the power to it every morning so it resets and runs for another day, of course in park mode it only records when it sees movement.

I was emailing the company trying to find out how you keep the camera working in park mode, never got a reply, was looking through some docs on the company site when i read that a revision had included a setting to turn of the battery and timer checks so i found the setting in the camera and now it stays working.

I can call the camera up on my phone or tablet and watch the street live, i've got my rear camera on the side window where O/H keeps her car, the pictures are in HD 1080p, if i take the micro sd card out and connect it to the Puter i can watch the videos in full HD on my 24" Puter or on my 55" TV.

Glad they fixed you car, that was handy, and cheap.

My BP this morning after i took my meds was 110 / 71 P-94

This is what Tamsulosin is for, it isn't for blood pressure


Tamsulosin (Flomax) is an alpha-blocker that relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder neck, making it easier to urinate.

Tamsulosin is used to improve urination in men with benign prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate).


I don't take it now with having the op.

4 months of EU in / out should be a laugh.



Evening Hicky.
Very frosty here this morning, then some sunshine, then cloudy.


Hope you get the gardener to help you with the slate, when it comes.
Well done on working out how to get the camera working as you wanted.
Is that for home security, or because your OH won't have them in her car?


No, I know the Tamsulosin is for relaxing the prostate muscles, but lowering blood pressure is a side effect. An annoying side effect in my case.
Last time I had a BP check (before I went on the tablets) it was normal. But must admit I don't really know what the numbers mean. Yours does seem to fluctuate a lot though?


That poor nurse with Ebola, back in hospital again. There doesn't seem to be an end to her troubles.


Watched 'It's Not Rocket Science' now 'Happy Valley', then I'm going to watch that First Contact thing about the Amazon tribe on +1.

Last edited by emptybox



glad you too are getting the good weather. Where did you order your slate from? B and Q? I have read that is normal for BP to go up and down quite a lot during the day. Even small things like if you have been sitting, moving or had a hot drink can change it, it said. It also said most people's instantly go up once they are in the doc's surgery and he gets out the BP machine to measure it!

That is handy you can use your car camera to check your home, good job you worked out how to do it.


That is a relief your car got fixed so quickly and for nothing. Makes a nice change for you.  

Wonder if it is a pruning day?

It is a lovely day here again and the dog enjoyed her walk. Frosty, but warming up now. I took mum a walk down the seafront yesterday afternoon, and the sun was warm enough for me not to need a coat. Even the ice cream shop had opened again. Spring is definately in the air at last now. The daffs are out in our garden and the lambs jumping around the fields.

Let's hope this sunny weather lasts.

Have a good day xx

Last edited by *mollie*

Good Evening Both.

A cool day here but had sun all day so it felt fine.

Rang the Dentist so i see him next Tuesday.

The slate came this morning, early, about 8.30, been getting up earlier lately, think it's because it's getting light earlier.

Got some overpaid cash back from the accountant, only ÂĢ300 but it all helps.

Have ordered a 3 litre bottle of Rapeseed Oil, seems it's the best to use for lots of reasons, will throw away all the other oils except the Nut Oil, might keep some virgin Olive oil but not for cooking.

Emptybox, The gardener came this afternoon, he barrowed all the slate into the back and dropped it down the aisles, it only took about an hour, then we had a cup of tea in the summerhouse, it was about 20C so nice and cosy.

I've still got half to rake out as it was a bit much for me, get short of breath, O/H was telling me off for doing it as well.

These days i don't really like being driven around without the camera in the car, but this camera uses sticky pads that don't really want to come off, and it means setting up the rear camera which you can't do it 1 minute so i haven't bothered.

In normal operation it uses setting for sensitivity for all direction of bumps, like when you are in an accident, it marks those files as events, you get a file for each camera and you can set the size of the file.

While in parking mode, as in the house, it is activated by something moving in the camera sights, it has motion sensors, the other sensors, side bump, up/down, left right are not active in park, it isn't very good at night at home but it is ok when driving as there's usually lighting.

I'll keep taking the BP, this morning one reading was 153 / 96 with P84, an hour later it said 120 / 70 P94

Example of meanings:

Nasty for that Ebola nurse, strange how it comes back.

Mollie, I got the slate from the same place i got the last lot, it is stored about 10 miles away, it had gone up from ÂĢ52 a tonne loose to ÂĢ58, but that is delivered and including vat, ordered yesterday, it was here at 8.30 am.

Get the slate from here:

That was nice, taking Mum down the seafront, it was so nice in the sun here as well.

I have some flowers on one of the plum trees, the tree seems to get more flowers each day, i have lots of buds starting to open on many trees

Have asked the gardener for help in March to prepare the 32 trees for spring, they need a manure mulch, it's just too much for me as i get out of breath so easy.


Evening guys.
No frost this morning, and a calm mostly sunny day.


Got some work done for a change, and it's a bit of a shock to the system after hibernating all winter. Should think I'll be aching tomorrow.
Spent a few hours pruning apple trees. These were the ones that I was asked to do in December, but there were more trees than I'd realised and they were bigger than I realised, so I didn't get them finished and will have to go back next week.

I couldn't actually reach the highest branches with my extending long loppers, even standing on the top of my step ladder arms outstretched, so I had to climb to the top of some of the trees.  Not something a 56 year old man who can take dizzy spells should be doing.
(I'm not insured for doing that either, so they should really have got a tree surgeon in to do those)
The client said the other gardener hadn't pruned them last year, but looks like the tops haven't been done for longer than that.


Mollie, glad you are getting warmer weather that allowed you to take your Mum out without wearing a coat.
You mentioning the daffs reminds me that was another complication with pruning those trees, as there are daffs coming up underneath them. They're not flowering yet, but I couldn't avoid walking on them. Next year I'll remember to do the trees before the bulbs start coming up.


Hicky. Glad your slate came, and you got help from the gardener with the barrowing. But take it easy with the raking out.
That's great that you got some cash back from the accountant.
Thanks for the BP link. Looks like yours goes up quite high then?

Why do you think the rapeseed oil is the best now? I thought it was coconut oil that was the oil of the moment?
It's rice bran oil I'm using for cooking at the mo. Not for any particular reason though.
The apple trees had some visible buds, but they hadn't started to swell yet, so I think I caught them early enough. Things are always later up here.


Adele really cleaned up at the Brits tonight.
Obviously they needed to have a tribute to David Bowie, but not sure why we needed Annie lennox and some other guy droning on for 20 minutes? But at least Lorde did a great version of Life on Mars. Better than Lady GaGa I would say.

Last edited by emptybox



handy that, getting ÂĢ300 back. I reckon you won't have much trouble spending that will you? Glad the slate came, no wonder your OH was not happy with you doing the slate if you got breathelss. Don't you overdo it, you don't want bad dizzy again. So a good idea you asked the gardener to help later with the trees.  That store does certainly stock a lot of choice, useful that it is close to you. Your camera sounds a good one, my OH has one in the car too. Interesting BP chart,  Had you being anything physical or drinking hot drinks when you did the higher reading?



Gosh hope you are not achy now you have emerged back to work after your long winter hibernation. And at you actually climbing to the top of some trees! You are dead right, you should not of done that...., age 56 with dizzy or not! Especially not insured as well! Naughty you!

Didn't see the Brits but did hear about the near naked model that came to stand inbetween Ant and Dec. Do you think she was prearranged to generate a bit of interest?

Another lovely day here today. The lambs looked so tiny and cute running around the fields today.

Dog enjoyed her walk as it was nice and dry.

Not much on tv at all again, think I will watch Birds of a Feather.

goodnight both xx



Evening Both.

Nit a bad day here, very frosty first thing.

Did some more slate raking, still more for tomorrow.

Went to Parkgate for Fish & Chips, must be the best fish i've ever had, still don't know how they give you cod thats 8" wide and about 10 inches long with fantastic light batter, the fish costs ÂĢ4 and the chips ÂĢ1.60 but i get a small chips and still leave some.

My Rapeseed oil came today, am going to throw the Sunflower oil out.

It really is the best, Coconut oil is good but expensive.

Emptybox, Thats good that you can get out to do some work now the weather is brightening up, the gardener here says he is getting a lot of calls now.

On the big apple trees the new growth should be controlled each year but in summer after the fruit is picked to encourage fruit buds, it creates a fruiting spur, new growth should be pruned to an outward facing but 3 leaves up from the base of the growth, winter is for cutting out crossing or broken branches or inward and downward facing branches.

Mollie, I've been trying an App i downloaded on my phone, it is the same as the dash cam, it operated the same, i tested it today going to the chip shop, it gives me full HD pictures with the time and date with the speed the car is travelling, it picked up 13 satellites as well, it records the lot, if you touch the screen it saves that as a file but it saves all of it anyway, it's crazy, it's called DailyRoads Voyager, and the files are in a folder on the screen called DailyRoads Files.  

These BP readings are all over the place, mostly high though.

Haven't felt dizzy today, last time was getting out of bed.


Hello Mollie and Hicky.
No frost again, but dull and cloudy. Seemed to be threatening rain, but never came.

As predicted I could feel the effects of yesterday's exertions in my shoulders and legs. It was climbing those trees that did it.
I've got another different place with apple trees to do as well, but decided to take the day off today. No point in overdoing it.


Actually just as I was finishing yesterday the client turned up and lent me a different set of extending loppers, slightly longer than mine. I was playing with it today on my own apple tree and managed to break it. Obviously it can't handle slightly thicker shoots. Spent about 2 hours trying to fix it. The connecting pin between two internal control rods had snapped, so I replaced it with some thick wire. Not sure if it'll hold.
They must be old fashioned, as I can't find any pics that look like them, but they're the kind where you open and close a handle at one end of an extending pole, and the blade opens and closes at the other end. So you can use them one handed.
Note to self - never borrow clients tools.


Hicky, these trees are too tall for the apples to be picked, so they are just left to fall off in the late autumn, so they have to be pruned in the back end. Next season I'll try to do them in November though. But I don't see how I can reach the highest shoots. I'd like to know how the previous guy (80 years old) managed them? The client is going to lend me a longer ladder next week. That might help? But knowing me, It'll just be further for me to fall off it anyway.


That phone app looks interesting. I hadn't heard of that. Would have thought it would eat up battery life though? Although I suppose it would be alright if you kept it plugged into the car power outlet?
That's good price for fish & chips.


Thanks for the rapeseed oil link. I think some think it's not very healthy as it's highly refined, and most rape has been genetically modified to be herbicide resistant. Not sure if that applies to British grown rape though.
I think you are best to go for cold pressed organic rapeseed oil?


Mollie. No my insurance specifically says I shouldn't do any tree work higher than I can reach with a step ladder, so I try to stick to that normally.
I don't think that model in the see through body suit was planned at the Brits, but you never know?
It was a model who'd arrived with Pam Hogg (who designed the Brit statuettes).
Glad you and doggie enjoyed your walk.

Last edited by emptybox

both xx


so glad you didn't feel dizzy yesterday, hope you were ok today, and hope the raking went ok. Your fish and chip shop sounds like a good one. Thanks for the rapeseed link. Yes coconut oil is so expensive. Your phone ap sounds great, I'll tell my OH about that.



hope your achy shoulders and legs have eased, no suprise you got that after the other day's exercions. I reckon your day off was well deserved.

Oh dear, dear at you breaking the client's tool. Hope your "fix it" job holds good now. take extra care on that longer ladder when you do that job.

Thanks for the model link, if it wasn't planned, Ant and Dec did well.

Nice dry day again today, sunny on and off too.

Went to Toby for tea again, we like it there.So yummy, I had...peas, carrots, swede, mash, green beans, roasts, stuffing, cauliflower cheese, 2 huge Yorkshires, cranberry sauce, even vegetarian gravy, with a soda water, all for ÂĢ4.29!

Glad to see Gogglobox is on tonight, I enjoy that show, and have been struggling to find much on tv lately.

goodnight both xxx


Evening Emptybox.

Another cold but sunny day here, the workers came and redid the front roof of the bungalow, took a few feet of tiles off and fitted the plastic molding sheet that you but on the bottom of the roof that makes sure the water runs into the gutter, i used the same stuff on the gazebo.

Then they started putting the plastic molding on the ends of the sections of wall rendering where it reaches the door/window frames to finish it off, looks good.

Then they fitted the hook fastener to the wall for the rear gate, it's a massive gate, the hinges are 3' each and the gate is over 8ft high and about 9ft wide.

Then they started to repair the gazebo roof, they have done a lot more more to do when they get time.

I raked some more slate out but still more to do, it was pretty cold in the garden though, 6C.

I was watching a video from R?ay in Iowa, he had a big old apple tree the same, he couldn't pick most of the apples as they weere too high, he cut out the big branches that went high and was going to train the lower ones to grow out and all within reach of his step ladder.

If you were down here we could just graft new shoots onto the cut branches so you could start again with some new growth, of course you can graft any typpe of apple that you want so you could have up to 40 types of apples on one tree.

I might do some grafting but most of my trees are still young, i'll have to be quick though, you have to cut the shoots in Feb to graft in April, and the shoot you cut has to be hast years growth, the shoot is kept moist in a bag in the fridge, it gets wrapped in slightly moist tissue.

Yes, the pruners with a lever are from the past i think, the new ones have a cord and a handle on the cord, hard to manage though, i struggled.

Rape seed oil, i got this 3 litre bottle, i got this size so it would go into a particular cupboard, could have got the 5 litre instead but thought it a bit heavy:

Ant & Dec didn't seem bothered, i know which a would rather look at.



Evening guys.
Another frost free, dry but cloudy day.


Got a phone call from somebody wanting their grass cut. It's not out of February yet. Madwoman! Never cut grass this early before.

However, I said I would come and do it one day next week, so I spent a part of the afternoon servicing my mower. Sharpening the blade, changing the oil and making sure the engine was running well.


Hi Mollie. That's a lot of veg for ÂĢ4.29. Glad you enjoyed it.
I see Asda are trialling boxes of wonky veg for ÂĢ3.50.
It's supposed to be enough for a family of 4 for a week.
Yes I enjoyed Gogglebox tonight.


Hi Hicky. That sounds like a big job on your roof? Have you been having problems? I thought all the building work on your bungalow was finished?
Good idea to get them to fix the gazebo roof.
That's certainly a big gate?


Yes, I think the only real answer for those tall apple trees is to cut them down a bit, but no idea if the client wants that. The previous guy obviously wasn't doing that.


My own pruners are the type with a cord going through a pulley, and a handle on the end. They are stronger than these other ones, but not as long.
I tried the client's loppers again, and although my fix allows them to work, they are not as good as before. Think they really need a proper pin connecting the control rods. The bit of wire I used gives them too much flex, so they can only cut very thin shoots. I haven't got a suitable pin though, so I think I'll just have to give them back to the client as is and hope they don't notice. Doubt they use them themselves anyway. 
Note to self - Oh no, we did that yesterday.


Watched the Eurovision decider on BBC4. The ones that were chosen were probably the best, so might stand a chance in May.
None of them were outstanding songs though. They paled beside last year's Swedish winner.


Evening Emptybox.

A cold day here, dry but not a lot of sun.

Didn't do a lot as it was a bit cold and nothing is that urgent.

I suppose you could trim a little off the grass but if it's too wet it might spoil it.

I don't have a problem with wonky veg, if everyone grew their own i bet they would eat it.

We had some damp in one of the front bedrooms, my relation looked in the loft and saw damaged roof felt, when he took the tiles off he went and got the plastic formed sheet that goes on the roof above the gutter to flow the water correctly, I used the same stuff on the gazebo, it's 300 x 1500 each piece.

I would speak to your client about the trees, if she can't get the apples then it's poinless having branches going up there, you just need those that stretch out horizontal within reach of steps.

You shouldn't give the pruners back with wire in, you need to get or make a pin that is the same diameter as the original, even if it's a bolt.

I saw the 2 lads for the Eurovision, doubt if we will get anywhere though.

Going out tomorrow to a Chinese restaurant in Parkgate, DIL's birthday tomorrow, going for 12 oclock, yummy.




hope you have a lovely meal out for DIL's birthday, something to look forward to any way. Hope your roof will be problem free now and the gazebo too. Don't blame you getting just the 3 liter bottle of oil, it would be heavy picking up the bigger one.



grass cutting already! Even down here the grass in nowhere near needing it's first cut yet! Very interesting link about wonky veg, I am all for that, makes the veg more interesting.


Went to Costo today to get son a new office chair as he spends quite a while in one, with his gaming and college work. And of course we had to sample lots of the free food samples. I have just finished eating some cheese pizza I got from there, very nice.

Lovely day today, sunny and pretty with all the daffs out and the lambs jumping around. The carer took mum out and about, I look after her tomorrow, so will take her out too then if nice. We wrap her up well and give her a hot water bottle too.

Watching the Voice now, then will watch And and Dec that I recorded after.

Goodnight both x


oooppps, nearly forgot to press "Post Reply" then..., good job it told me I was about to leave page, else I would of lost it!


Hi both.
Frosty start today, but not bad day.


Pity there was some damp in one of your bedrooms Hicky. Hope the work they are doing will cure it.
I'd like to fix the loppers properly but doubt I can. The hole is too narrow for a nut and bolt, so whatever I put in has to stay put, but also needs to be able to turn freely, and not foul the carriage mechanism that goes up and down inside the extending pole.
It first broke when I tried to cut a thicker stem, so I should think it had been mended previously, or was rubbish in the first place. We'll see...
Hope you enjoy your Chinese family meal tomorrow.


Hi Mollie. Glad you had a nice sunny day. But you seem slightly obsessed with fluffy lambs, if you don't mind me saying.
Good that you enjoyed the free Costco grub..
I doubt the woman's grass really needs cutting, it'll just be a little fluffy.


Enjoyed The Voice tonight, now watching a comedy on BBC2 Scotland called 'The Stag'. Not sure if it's on eleswhere?

Last edited by emptybox

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