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Hi guys.
Everything in deep freeze here. Doubt it got above zero all day.
Bit worried about driving to the supermarket tomorrow, because of icy roads, especially after hearing about your poor Mum's carer Mollie.
Plus I have a dentist appointment on Monday. Guess I'll just have to take it easy.


At least that's something Mollie, that you have a good relationship with the carers.


Hicky, I've only got a little sand left here, but it's very useful in frosty conditions.
Good idea to leave the garage to Spring.
Good news that your tax is all sorted out, and you might get a bit back.


A real nuisance CBB being on so late.
I don't think Gemma is quite as thick as she makes out Mollie.
I think she knew fine how to play that game, she just didn't want to be labelled as lazy.


Evening Mollie.

Went out for brekkie, waitress made a mistake and brought a bigger meal than we had ordered, I can only just manage the smaller one.

Didn't do much today, it was 2C here any way.

O/H had put a blanket over the car screen but it rained so got soaked, i put it in the outside dryer for her, made a lovely Lamb roast dinner, my lad brought his young ones round for a bit this afternoon.

This damp under the bay window is confusing, the reading are going up again, but it's mainly in the corners, not sure how it's getting there unless it's via the damp course layer, it's not from inside as the window ledge etc is dry.

Thats nasty, you carer falling off her motorbike, tbh i don't believe 2 wheels should be allowed on the road, the death rate is crazy, and to go out in the winter is just insane, she was very lucky to escape as she did.



Hi Hicky.
Very frosty here but sunny.


The roads had been gritted so they weren't too bad when I went to the supermarket. I'd cleared the ice and snow off the windscreen, but there was snow on the car roof, and of course this slid off onto the windscreen half way there, so that didn't help. Had to frantically use the wipers to see where I was going.


Hope you get the damp thing puzzled out Hicky. Hope it's not a problem with your new render.
That's nice, having the family round for a bit. The lamb dinner sounds good as well.
Can't believe you got too much food to handle for brekkie?


I treated myself to a bit of fillet steak tonight. Sealed it off in the frying pan, then put it in the oven for a while. I was aiming for medium rare, but it ended up more rare. But it was delicious with chips, mushrooms and tomatoes.


This thing between Stephanie and Jeremy on CBB is getting boring now.


both xx


Good job the bad weather didn't stop you going to the supermarket. Did you stock up on the beers ?  Glad you enjoyed your steak treat. Yes indeed Steph and Jeremy is a bore off.


you let a brekkie defeat you, as Emptybox says, that must be some breakfast then. HOpe you can sort that damp out with not too much difficulty.

Tired out, had a meeting with social worker and day centre lady, they think mum is getting too frail and tired to go to day centre each day, so we might knock it down a few days.

Looking forward to CBB.

Enjoy the show. xxx


Evening Emptybox.

Pretty cool here this morning, 3C max but not much wind.

No frost of snow here today.

The water went off midday, it must have been a few roads, rang the water people, they said they would look into it as others had rang, later a neighbour said they had done some work that was scheduled but had cut off more than they thought, it was back on at 4pm, have got 50 litres in the garden if we are stuck.

Just had some of my bacon for brekkie with a couple of eggs, yummy.

Just had a big Ribeye steak with roast spuds, mushrooms and onion.

I do it the way they tell you on TV, oil the steak not the pan, get pan very hot, put some pepper on the oiled steak and put in pan, oil the top side and add pepper, give the steak about 4 minutes then turn over, if it's a thick steak then put it into a hot oven for a few minutes while you fry the onions and mushrooms.

If you just want to do it in the pan and it's thick just cut some slashes into the meat to allow the fat/heat to get into the meat.

I believe you are supposed to clean the snow off the car roof before you set out as it can easily cause an accident.

I think Steph and Jeremy will end up together.


Hi guys.
Had a little snow overnight that turned to rain this morning. No frost anyway.


Went to the dentist. No work required.
On the way home the car started to make a funny noise again.
Can't identify it yet. Might be a belt noise? Hope it isn't some damage the rodents have caused.
I'll see if it's still there next time I go out, but it might be another garage job.
Getting thoroughly sick of this car now.


Good job they got your water back on Hicky. Very bad they cut you off without any warning.
I'll try doing that with a steak the next time.


Pity your Mum is now getting too frail for the Day Centre Mollie, as it's been a big help to you in looking after her and keeping her spirits up.


Really sad that David had to leave CBB.
I think he could easily have won it, if he hadn't got ill.


Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day really, cool 4C but not much wind, didn't go anywhere, apart from the garden, always take a walk around that.

After David leaving CBB now Angie has gone as well, still an eviction tonight i suppose.

That was handy, no work needed on your teeth, but bad news about the car noise, wonder what that is?

About the water, we were not supposed to be cut off, they thought they had just cut off an area but we were cut off as well, not to worry.

Hope Mollie isn't too bogged down with jobs? such a strain.

Looking forward to CBB tonight.

Just had some lamb chops with veg and mash for tea, had an Omelette for breaky, probably have my bacon tomorrow, try to eat less meat, not easy though.


Hi Hicky.
No frost here either today, but dull and drizzly.


Went out in the car again, and at first I thought it wasn't making the noise, but after about 10 mins, when it had warmed up, the noise started quietly then got louder. It varies though, and sometimes gets quieter again. Sort of an uneven chittering type noise. Not too loud most of the time.
It's only making it when I am going along though. With the car idling and listening under the bonnet, I can't hear anything from the belts etc. So I don't really know? It might be something from the exhaust manifold? The engine is running smoothly anyway, and the car running fine besides.
Checked the wheels and wheel nuts, and nothing seems to be loose.
Doesn't seem to be something that's going to conk the car out, but I guess it'll have to be looked into at some point.


Really sad that Kristina has gone. Thought she was really nice, and a sensible influence. Not a very exciting HM perhaps? But I'd rather have HMs like her than people screaming and shouting and bouncing off the walls.
But I guess that's what the young audience wants nowadays?


Oh that reminds me; I haven't had an omelette for ages for some reason. Used to have a lot of them. Thanks for reminding me Hicky.
Hope you enjoy your bacon tomorrow.


Evening Emptybox.

A beautiful day here wall to wall sun all day, 4C cool day though.

Just had Cereal and crumpet for brekkie then went to Parkgate for Fish & Chips, the best you can buy, had Spag on toast for tea.

Not sure about the car noise, as you say but there's only so many things it can be if it happens under strain, it's just not easy to find when you are driving.

I was glad Kristina went as she did nothing since she has been in really.

Got my Hospital appointment tomorrow at the Urology clinic, hope that goes ok.

Must go and take another of my bacon packs out of the freezer.

Hope Mollie is OK with all this pressure on her.




hope you enjoy your bacon. As you have got it out the freezer now, do you plan eating it for supper tonight or brekie tomorrow? Hope all goes well at your hospital appointment tomorrow, but at least you know you have improved so well recently.


can't believe you have more car problems, no wonder you are sick of it now, car things have been unlucky for you lately, I hope the noise turns out not to be much when you do eventually get to the garage. Sssshhh don;t look at your share prices! 

Been real busy lately, mum too tired to come to our house after day centre now, so I have been going over there, usually using the bus. And has a long meeting with day centre and social worker Monday, we are not sure what to do for the best with mum yet, whether to withdraw her some days at day centre or not. They are going to reveiw in a few days.

It was FREEZING waiting for the bus tonight after carers arrived to put mum to bed. Luckily daughter had made me a nice hot meal with gravy when I got home, but I had to grab a glass of rose wine beforehand. (to warm me up!)  

CBB time now...what a strange lot they are.

Goodnight both xx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
No frost again, but no sun either. Dull and damp.


I check my shares daily Mollie. Very depressing just now, and no end in sight.
Very difficult to decide what to do for the best for your Mum as she gets frailer.
At least you got a nice hot meal and glass of wine at the end of a difficult day.


Good luck with your Urology appointment tomorrow Hicky. As Mollie says, you seem to have made good progress.
Yes it's very difficult to tell about the car.
Glad you got the nice sunshine.


Tiffany really doesn't like getting nominated, does she?
Watching 10,000BC. Really glad this series has come back. Looks like it might be more realistic than the first series turned out to be.


Evening Both.

A pretty cool day here, dry most of the time though, 5C but not frosty now. and 11C tomorrow with no frost forecast for a while.

Went to the Clinic, op was fine, prostate fine but needs to check bladder so will have to let them look at it in a couple of weeks.

Went for a meal after the hospital as it was getting late, the restaurant was pretty full but got a seat, only had a soup with whiting and chips.

Mollie, Had some of the bacon this morning, with sausage, eggs, hash browns and toast.

It's a problem, what's best for your mum, don't know what the answer is, such a worry, good job daughter can make you some food, it would be so tiring for you.

I wonder if Steph will go tomorrow, her and Megan are in the firing line, it might not be what the public decide, i want John to go really, don't like him at all.

I seem to have recorded 10,000 BC, will have to watch and see if it's worth carrying on.


Hi Hicky.
Frosty first thing, then a dull morning with rain this afternoon.
Don't think there's any more frost forecast for here either?
Didn't do much, but went into town in the van and did some banking.


Glad the Urology appointment went well.
When you say they need to look at the bladder, do you mean they are going to do a cystoscopy like I had, where they push a tube with a camera up into the bladder?
If so that's quite uncomfortable at the time, and quite painful going to the loo for the rest of the day.


Sounds like a really yummy brekkie, with your home cured bacon.
Glad you managed to get a meal at the hospital as well.


I really wish there was a chance of Gemma being evicted tomorrow, but I think it's far more likely to be Stephanie.
(mind you, Gemma is talking about walking on live feed now)
Was very disappointed in John today. He seems to be trying to get in with Gemma now that his ally Kristina has gone.


I think Stephanie is a mixed up kid. I know it looks like she is leading Jeremy on, but I think she's genuinely confused as to who she should be with.


Last year 10,000 BC kind of descended into farce, because they never managed to catch any meat, and the ones in charge just tried to eke out the nuts and berries till the end of the month, when they knew they'd be going home.
This year it looks like it'll be more realistic, because they've put in two competing 'tribes', and there seems to be more people wanting to actually hunt things to eat, and make a proper go of it.
We'll see.

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Evening Emptybox.

Warm here today, 12C and dry with sun and low winds.

Not much to do though, O/H just made a nice tea of stuffed chicken breast with salad and baked spuds, very nice.

Yes, they want to check the bladder, it seems fine to me but that doesn't mean much, yes, a systoscopy is the one, can only hope things aren't too bad.

I've got a couple of those 10,000 BC programs recorded, just finding time to watch stuff.

I've been watching the indoor bowls, deadliest catch, love that, any Undercover Boss's.

O/H had been shopping after work this morning so have lots of goodies to get through, love Samosa's, lots of fruit, meat, cheeses, eggs etc, oh and chocies and  trifles.


both xx


yes you are right Tiffany did not take to being nominated well. She is a good HM though, so funny, can't see her going hopefully. Wish it would be John, can't stand him, so crafty imo. I see even you have gone off him now.

I take it it has gone milder up your way too now? Much milder here today, but was pouring again in the morning.


Glad your hospital visit went ok. Let's hope the bladder check up is not too uncomfy for you. But sounds like if it is not bothering you they are just being over cautious, so at least you know there is no rush for it. Hope you enjoy munching your way through the goodies your OH bought. I love having a few treats on a Friday eviction night, it is a bag of mini Cadbury eggs for me tonight.

Last nights carer told me mum did not get home till 4.20 from day centre and they put her on the bus at 2.30! Carer said she was freezing, so I am pushing to reduce these day centre days. Think she will be best in her chair on her own at home watching a dvd for a couple of hours inbetween calls.

Been shopping in Cardiff today. Got my my mum 2 hoodies for ÂĢ3 each and a nice wooly top for ÂĢ2! There were loads of reductions eg coats for ÂĢ10. The shops must be struggling to get rid of their winter clothes with all the mild weather we had.

Went out for tea at the Toby carvary. Had platefull of veg, gravy and 2 huge yorkshires, family had 2 roast dinners, son had gammon roll with yorkies, roasts. Came to ÂĢ25, so real good value with our 20% off voucher.

Enjoy the eviction show. xx



Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Still very cold up here, but the mild weather is supposedly on the way.

Just about all the snow is away at least. Just a few little patches left.

Drizzle this morning, but dry afternoon.

Didn't do a lot, but gave both vehicles a much needed wash.


Hicky, glad you enjoyed your chicken tea, and enjoy getting through all those goodies.

Don't envy you that cystoscopy though.


Mollie, I've gone off John a bit, but he's still 100 times better than Gemma.

I don't mind Tiffany when she's calm, but don't like her when she kicks off.

That was a long bus ride for your Mum. Did the bus break down or did they just forget about her?


Some great bargain clothes you managed to buy. And a cheap meal as well.

As you say, they are obviously selling off the winter gear.


Well neither Gemma or John are out, so looks likely to be Steph.

ETA: Oh! That was a surprise? Maybe people are beginning to feel sorry for Steph?

Tiffany seemed cut up, for some reason?

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Evening Both.

Another quite warm day here, 10C anyway, but the sun was out.

Not a lot to do, just had my bacon and eggs for brekkie with tea being baked spuds with cheese over.

My lad popped round with his O/H and one of his lads.

Mollie, Hope they don't find any nasties with the bladder, always a worrying time when they want to check stuff.

Not sure what they were doing with your mum for all that time, very strange.

Talking about the normal cream eggs, it seems they have lost many millions of pounds because they changed the chocolate and the customers turned them down.

That Carvery sounds good, love it when you can take what you fancy.

O/H did some shopping this morning so have tons of food again, i sure won't go hungry anyway.

Emptybox, Still not seen any snow, in fact it's very strange weather as the winds are coming from a warm country.

At least you vehicles got a much needed wash.

I was surprised to see Megan go.

The last strange task thingi for eviction immunity was fixed for Gemma to be saved, the whole thing was rigged, easy to do though, when you know how, the handles on the boxes actually did nothing, the boxes were opened by remote control and i'm pretty sure all boxes had to masks in them.


Hi Hicky.

The mild weather has arrived here at last, and the last of the snow is now gone.


Nice that your lad and his OH popped round. And your OH has brought in even more food.
Hope the cystoscopy is clear. Guess they are just making sure there's no traces of stones growing in the bladder again?


Didn't know that about Cadburys Cream Eggs and the recipe? Mind you, I haven't had one for years.


I'm sure you're right about the immunity for Gemma. She knew she was going to get it.
Probably had been promised it if she went back in (after she and Danielle 'escaped'). They either knew which podium to go to, or as you say, there were two masks in each.
I guess they think she brings in the viewers.


Felt sorry for Steph tonight, and disappointed in John a bit. But the conversation between him and Tiffany was interesting.




Yes as Emptybox says, they are probably just being cautious in checking the bladder as you have had problems and stones etc in the past, but with the lack of symptoms you now have, hopefully that should mean it comes back clear. My mum's bus was late back because it was a fill in driver whilst the other one was on holiday, but it should be ok this week again now. I don't buy those cream eggs now, they are horrible. Must be making it on the American recipe full of sugar type additives. Plus they have downgraded a box of them from 6 eggs to 5 eggs! Yes it all seems a little odd that Gemma won immunity .So those plinths could of easily hidden something, eg 2 masks. Not sure how it would work,... so do you think each plinth would of been linked to a remote control then?


Glad you got the mild weather, should save a bit on your oil. Interesting point that Gemma could of known they would give her immunity. Did you get your papers today and go to the supermarket? Yes I too felt sorry for Steph. After seeing that I still think that John is a nasty pieice of work.

Went to Costco today and enjoyed the free samples as usual. Then had jacket potato, beans, cheese in their cafe. Looked after mum this afternoon. She has been out and about with the carers and us in her wheelchair quite a lot this weekend as it was so mild.

Looking forward to CBB.

Goodnight both xxx





Evening Both.

Quite warm here today, 13C but a bit cloudy.

Not much to do, made a spike stick with a nail taped to the end to pick up the leaves that had been left lying flat on the slate, got a bucket full anyway.

Emptybox, The bladder check is because of a bladder sample they sent away but forgot to tell anyone about the results, which isn't good.

After Dan & Gem walking out of the fire door the producers must have talked them back in, it's all for the TV.

Mollie, Yes, my bladder seems fine but that doesn't mean too much.

The change to the normal cream egg was the chocolate, they scrapped the original and substituted it for some other chocolate.

It was so easy to link the box releases to remote control, i spent the last 40 years designing software that would take me 10 minutes to do that.

O/H brought me brekkie in from McDonald's, on her home from work, good job i hadn't eaten, mind you i usually wait till she comes in to see if she brings anything home.

Made a beef roast for tea, yummy.


Mildish here. Dull but dry.
Just usual Sunday things. Papers and supermarket.


Hi Mollie.
The substitute driver must not have known the route, if he took 2 hours to get your Mum home? At least the mild weather allowed her to get out and about.


Hi Hicky.
That was an enterprising solution to picking up the stray leaves. Better than having to bend down for them.
A McDonalds for brekkie? That's different. Mind you, I suppose they do a lot more than just hamburgers now?


Yes, I think the masks were definitely remote controlled, because they popped up completely independently of any winding of the handles that the HMs were doing.


Was feeling sorry for Steph yesterday, but she was acting a bit childishly on the prog tonight. OK Gemma and Danniella reaction was OTT, but Stephanie didn't seem to understand that her remarks would upset them.


Evening Emptybox.

Another warmish day here.

Pottered in the garden, bought a 20m length of yellow hose for the tree food hose, took the old yellow/green on off and will use that for the water butt supply.

Am moving the manure/feed tank to the centre of the garden to make it easier to feed the trees, won't need to unravel so much pipe.

Also i am putting small nylon washers between the gazebo plastic sheeting and the wood that it is fastened to.

Wasn't keen on those 2 exiting the house twice through the fire door, they shouldn't have let them back really.

Not sure how Steph and Jeremy are, does she still want to keep her outside BF?




that is a good inventiion to pick up the rest of your leaves. Interesting that it would be easy for you to invent software to fix that CBB game.

Bet you were pleased to see your OH arrive bearing a Maccas breakkie. I like the bagels and phily there. I bet you had a sausage egg muffin, did you?


that is good your mild weather is still there. Not bad here today either. How is your car going now? Is the noise or vermin still there?

Caught up with a few jobs at home today as mum had the carer today. Took dog a walk as it was actually dry, just managed it before the drizzle started.

CBB time now, enjoy the show. Yes Emptybox I too was not keen on those 2 getting away with exciting the house twice.

Goodnight both xxx



Hi both.

Drizzly day here, but mild.


Hicky, you always seem to be improving that watering/feeding system for your garden.
Not sure about Steph and Jeremy? I can't see her boyfriend still being waiting, but I doubt the thing with jeremy will last either? She's been rather silly really.


Mollie. That's good that you caught up with a few jobs, and you got a dog walk in before the rain started.
No sign of vermin, but the noise is still there on the car. Seems to be getting louder, so I'll have to get the garage involved. fairly sure it's to do with the front wheel, and nothing to do with engine, transmission, belts, exhaust etc.


Leyna has got herself into a bit of lumber, after that CBBBOTS drink throwing.

Not sure why she wouldn't accept a caution, but perhaps she thought it would never get to court?

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both xx


hope you got some dry weather so you could get out in your garden today.


what a nuisance the care noise is getting louder. Let's hope it is not another big expense for you. Good job the vermin seemed to of moved out for now any way.

Steph wants her cake and eat it if you ask me. Says she wants Sam, tells Jeremy she wants Sam, then leaves Jeremy hanging on a string and sulking because he dared to kiss Tiffany. Why shouldn't he because Steph keeps telling Jeremy she already has a boyfriend meaning jeremy is single, so free to kiss who he wants?

I am exhausted, what with being out most of day shopping and catching buses there and back to look after mum, good job I found a drop of rose in the fridge from New Years Eve. 

Roll on relaxation time with CBB, and daughter made some raspberry merinques to enjoy whilst watching it.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

A not too bad a day here, apart from some wind.

Didn't do much really, mainly watched TV and computer.

Mollie, Yes, the sausage & egg McM is my fave, but she also bought a brekkie in a wrap, had to leave some it was too much.

I don't doubt you are worn out, it's a big strain on you, don't know what the answer is though.

Emptybox, Yes, as you look at things you get idea's how to improve things, in March i will do some minor pruning on the apple trees and get the gardener to give me a hand to get the trees ready for spring.

As you say, maybe the noise is a bearing again, considering it stops when the car stops it could well be.

It looks like Daniella may be going, thats what the betting is saying.

I love the way Tiff is livening up with the lads, she could win this now.

Yes, the Steph Jeremy thing is awkward, but don't think they will sort it while in the house.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Very windy and raining here all day, so I didn't venture out.


Reprinted a couple of family photos that I have in frames. They hadn't been done on the best photo paper, so had faded over the years. Used the premium plus stuff this time, so they should last.


Sorry to hear you are worn out Mollie, but at least you had the rose wine and meringues to help you relax.


I've still got some tree pruning to do Hicky, when the weather picks up.
If the car noise is a bearing, then they replaced both bearings on that side in November, so if it's a faulty one, they might have to do it for free.
It's not really a bearing type noise though, but you never know?


Quite surprised that Christopher was evicted? I'd have thought he'd be quite popular?
Yes Tiffany is being OK now.


Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day, a bit windy thats all, a few drops of rain.

Not done much, watched tv mainly and messed on Puter.

Have ordered an Asparagus cutter from Amazon and a 500 roll of food bags, the ones i am using are too expensive so wanted some a bit cheaper.

Just had a takeaway, just had a chop suey roll and a Yung Chow Fried Rice with curry sauce.

Pictures can be stored longer in the dark, a lot of prints are effected by light.

If you don't think the noise is a bearing then i wonder what it can be?

Very surprised Chris went, he wasn't down to go, in fact a long way away.

Hope Mollie not getting too stressed.

At the hospital tomorrow afternoon for my pre Op assessment or whatever it is, had a few of those.


both xx


Thanks for the Ais link, how very odd she didn't accept the caution. She must of known the cameras had picked it all up. Fancy them taking it to court though.

That will be nice reprinting your old family photos. OH reprinted some of my parents weddings piccies not long ago, and they were lovely.

Yes very old Christoper going, as he seemed a decent and likeable type. Don't blame you not venturing out in the bad weather, It was calmer here today at last. Let;s hope it is a bearing noise so you don't have to fork more out.


Glad you too got the better weather today.

You are all ready for your asparagus now you have your cutter and bags.

Did you get your take away delivered or did you go out for it? Daughter cooked me some nice veg and cauliflower cheese,... sounds silly but I was just too tired to eat a lot of it by the time I came back from mums on the bus. I have been feeling a bit nauseous and cold as well today, don't think it is much, just all the stress of trying to sort mum's calls out, and all the running around. Social worker rang me when I was shopping in tesco yesterday, so not easy to talk in there.

They are trying to push these awful 15 mins calls onto mum. Our agency never used to do 15 mins calls as carers can't make food and feed people or get them out of bed in that time. But agency had to agree to them, else council were likely  to take the contract off them because of the cut backs. Typical, to cut back on the vulnerable. eg.  The cares have 5 mins between two different 15 min calls, and have to pay petrol and only get around ÂĢ3 for 2 of these 15 minute calls!  

I rang the carers at 8.45am today and they had already gone over their time allowance for getting mum up, so they were running late for their next call.What a stressful job it is.

Good job I have CBB to sit and watch in a moment.

Goodnight both xxx


Torrential rain overnight, and raining most of today, so there is a lot of flooding around again. Seemingly the nearby town Jedburgh was flooded, and the road between me and the village was also flooded again.


Oh dear, hope you aren't coming down with something Mollie. You have to try to not let the stress get to you.
Seems ridiculous to limit the carer's visits to just 15 minutes.


I think even accepting a caution would have had some negative consequences for travel and visas and jobs etc, and Aisleyne likes to go across to the USA quite often, so it might have caused a problem?
Mind you a conviction would have even more serious consequences so I just hope she's got good legal advice, because they must be telling her she's a good chance of being found not guilty?


Good luck at the hospital tomorrow Hicky. At least it's just a routine thing.
Glad you enjoyed your take-away.


For some reason I'd printed out these photos on cheap photo paper. I've got others that were done on the best stuff, and they haven't faded the same, so I used the HP premium plus stuff this time.
They weren't in direct sunlight, but obviously light gets into the rooms.
But that's the great thing about digital photos and printers. You can print them out time and time again.


Gillian flippin' McKeith.
At least she hasn't fainted........yet.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A bit cooler today, 9C with some wind, going to get blowy over the next few days, lots of rain as well by the looks of it.

Hospital went ok, they just take all the normal tests etc. just got to wait for an admission date now.

Then went for a meal, just had chicken wings, then chicken tika massala.

Mollie, we get the takeaways delivered at night, it's from the chippy we used before we moved so they all know us well.

Hope you don't get ill, it's such a challenge for you, the 15mins seems a strange time for them to manage what they are expected to do.

Emptybox, not good all the floods all over, glad you are safe anyway, always keep enough tinned food etc so you can manage if things get rough and you can't get out.

We usually take our photos to the printers, theyare fairly cheap and they make such a good job, they only take a short time, O/H sometimes get a hundred printed off, or maybe 3 sets of each, Max Spielman here, but you can do them anywhere these days, i think Sainsbury's do them even.

My lad text me, he wants me to go to brekkie with him in the morning, never turn down a brekkie,


Hi Hicky.
Windy here all day, and rain this afternoon.


Yes the forecast for the next day or so isn't good. Loads of weather warnings for around here. Supposed to be very windy overnight tonight and tomorrow, with rain and possibly snow. And continuing bad over the weekend.
I just hope it doesn't knock my power out.


Glad your hospital appointment went well, and you enjoyed your meal afterwards.
Enjoy your brekkie tomorrow.


I need a printer anyway, for doing my invoices, so it's easier just to print out one or two photos at home. Never tried a printer service.
I also print out my own business cards etc.


Really liking 10,000 BC this year. A hint of conflict with them being split into two tribes.
Last year it was taken over by a few who were only interested in eking  out their supplies until they could leave, so it became boring.


Stephanie acting childishly on BB. Just when you think you can support her she acts stupidly. Don't know who I want to win TBH.

Last edited by emptybox



hope you enjoy your brekkie out today. Glad to hear the hospital tests went well. Is the bladder check up classed as an op, so that is why they did these tests? Do you stay awake? It is ideal that you can get a decent take away delivered, saves you leaving the house in this awful weather.


I see you do have an awful weather forecast for there today. Let's hope the strong winds don't defunk your electrics or anything else for that matter. It is windy and wet here today. Seems worse this time than this last storm they had goen on and on about that was supposed to of come from that snow storm in the States. I think it is really silly how they give any bad weather a name now. Yet another Americanism they feel the need to introduce over here I guess?

Yes I know what you mean about Steph. As soon as I start to like her, she acts silly and I go off her. Think I'd like to see Darren win now. He seems an amenable type.

Turns out I wasn't well yesterday, spent most of the day in bed sleeping it off. Felt sick, stinking headache, aching legs, feeling really cold. Bit better so up out of bed now, but still have bad head. OH reckons I probably picked it up off all the bus travel to and from mum's. Am off my food still though, so just eating light food.

Need to catch up on watching CBB now.

Have a good day. xxx


Sorry to hear you haven't been well Mollie.
I thought it sounded like something was coming on, from your previous post.
Glad you're feeling a bit better today.


Don't think the winds last night were as bad as forecast? They kept me awake at times, with very strong gusts, but there doesn't seem to be any damage. Apart from blowing down the fronds on my large Pampas Grass plant. But that's not a biggie, as it gets cut back every tear anyway.
Still heavy rain forecast for tonight into tomorrow though.


The CPS have now decided to drop all charges against Aisleyne, so she won't need to go to trial and risk a conviction.
Mirror: Assualt charges Dropped against Aisleyne

Seems she was right not to accept a caution.
Not sure why the CPS couldn't have decided this before they dragged her to court the other day.



glad the weather was not too bad so your electrics didn't suffer.

That is lucky those ridiculous charges got dropped, so she must of been well advised to say no to a caution. Yes waste of court money getting her to go the other day. All of them involved were as bad as each other and it was a minor incident, another case of UK leaning towards getting more Americanised with all these attempts to sue for daft stuff!

Feeling bit better again, but still not myself, but at least I haven't had to spend all day in bed today. Good job as I had mum's care to sort for next week and her bills to pay.

Wonder who'll go tonight? I hope Steph stays, I was not fond of  how Danielle deliberately wound her up telling her she would not work again!   Danielle's past has hardly been perfect after all. I cannot take to her at all on CBB. Thought Tiffany was quite funny again, she is not fond of being nominated, but they do seem to pick her out all the time. 

Enjoy the show, hopefully I will feel well enough to stay up and watch it tonight.

Hope you had a good day Hicky.



Evening Both.

Had a nice brekkie today with my lad, went to the Carvery place for an all you can eat meal, only have sausages, bacon, eggs Toms, mushrooms and tea and toast, fantastic, and a good price.

Got my lad to move the heavy base stand that the manure 100 litre feed tank is standing on, it needs height to give pressure for the hosepipe.

Put some more nylon washers to separate the Gazebo plastic from the wood, don't want the wood to rot what is holding the plastic on, this plastic is used for bullet proof glass and also aeroplane cockpit glass, it's good stuff.

My lad is on Holiday and had to take shelter in a restaurant as a Tornado moved overhead, he sure was worried.

He has just bought a 2242 sqm of land in Mission Beach North Queensland, he is thinking of building another house, part of the land is a rain forest, and a reserve, but he has 750 sqm of it cleared so he can build on it.

Emptybox, Hope you power stays on during these storms, it's pretty wild.

Glad they have cleared Aisleyne, thats a load off her mind.

Mollie, Yes, the procedure is an Op, on the 9th Feb, i don't know if i'll be awake but if i was for the last one then i can't see why they would put me to sleep.

Glad you are feeling a bit better,

Tiff is a live wire isn't she, she's dying to get one of the lads into bed, don't think she will though.

Storms expected this weekend, bad winds as well.


Hi Hicky.
Glad you enjoyed your brekkie.
Handy to have your lad do the heavy lifting.


A tornado, that must have been frightening? Are they having bad weather in Australia just now?
That's some size of property he's bought.


Surprised Jeremy went tonight instead of Steph.
He came over as a nice lad in his interviews.


both x


sounds like you had plenty of choice for your nice brekkie. Well deserved as you have been so busy with those jobs in the garden. Your lad sounds like he is taking on a big project in Queensland, but is well on the way if he has cleared all that land already.  Was your lad in Queensland when the tornado hit? How scary. I know they can have them in Queensland.

Do you just expect to be in hospital for one day?  Yes indeed, Tiff is a real livewire, no man is safe whilst she is around.


I hear some parts have snow up there, hope you have no electrics or other problems? Yes Jeremy does seem a nice lad, but I was not surprised Steph stayed as it was a vote to stay and I think some have sympathy for her, and she is more interesting than Jeremy was.

Shame we only have another week of CBB, have enjoyed looking forward to watching it each night.

Feel quite a bit better again, but still a bit shaky, so only took dog a walk and went to sainsburys today, but got carer in for mum. Only eating light, but trying to eat healthy to get energy back.

Daugther making sweet potato mash for me tonight.

Goodnight both xx


Evening Both.

Had a scare this morning emptying the dish washer, came over all dizzy and stopped myself falling by my left elbow in the sink, i grabbed a load of dishes, which didn't do much, think i heart my face a bit and my chest, think my chest hit the open washer door, very scary but lucky i didn't actually fall, have taken it easy all day, was going to go out this morning to a garden centre but cancelled that.

Emptybox, My lad is on holiday at the mo with his GF, in another part of Oz, he's not sure what to do with the land yet, most of it is jungle but he loves that, thats why he bought it, he's still buying his Penthouse Suite he's getting built so he might just get a camper van on his land, he doesn't know yet.

Mollie, The land area that is cleared was cleared before being sold, it isn't far from a fantastic beach, he might want the land to be able to sell it later for building.

I should be in hospital for a day, i don't go till 12:45pm anyway, may depend though but not expected to stay.

Thought Steph would go, but the public have had us kidded yet again.

Glad you feeling a bit better, you need to rest as much as possible, sweet potato mash, never had that.

Had a Ribeye steak with fried mushrooms tonight, love that.


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