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Evening Emptybox.

Not a bad day, got my trees sprayed, will do them every month i think.

It's been 8C here but not much wind and just cloud, sunny early on but i didn't get up till about 9am, these bed thingies keep you so warm

Excited about Tuesday night, CBB all ready, doesn't time fly?

I've seen lists of who might be going in but it's not worth the bother taking any notice.

I deleted the 64 bit Firefox as it didn't seem to be any better and my bank security program wouldn't work in it, It's IBM Security Trusteer Rapport, it's used with Natwest.

Hope Mollie isn't too stressed and will be able to watch the show.

Think The Voice starts again Saturday as well.

Turned my office around today so we could get to the windows easier.





Good for you going out for brekkie. What sort of takeaway did you have? Pizza? Curry? If the forecast is right, hopefully you should be getting some nicer drier days soon, fingers crossed. Yes I should be able to see CBB, as it doesn't start till late, and mum goes to bed early. Can't wait. A great bit of tv to unwind with at the end of the day.


what a nuisance you had to do another fix it job on the garage roof. Your landlady is lucky to have you as a tenant willing to do jobs like that. But I guess if you waited for her to act on it, you would have a long wait. I see you had to resort to neflix to watch, with the tv not being so good. I have been playing a card game with family during the evenings. It is one daughter chose for us to share, called Sherlock, based on Sherlock Holmes, quite a good game too.

Had a catch up day, some accounts to do and plenty of housework, lucky the carers had mum today, so I didn't have to travel to her flat, Good job as it has poured all day yet again.

Not sure what to watch tonight, might be Undateables or Egypt on bbc2.

Goodnight both xxx



the post I did hours ago ended up being posted after yours because I forgot to press "submit".

Good job you have better weather than us today, you'd of done no good tree spraying here in the pouring rain! Gosh didn't realise it was CBB tomorrow, how exciting! I assumed it wouldn't start till nearer the end of the week.

And it will be good to see The Voice back again Saturday.


Hello Mollie, Hicky.
Raining all day here so I didn't go anywhere.
Still a holiday in Scotland, so I wouldn't have gone out to work anyway.
Just did some ironing and other housework.
Probably take my decorations down tomorrow.

Glad it was dry to let you get the trees done Hicky.
I've seen the CBB list as well. Not very inspiring. But of course you can only judge on how they are in the house.

The banks are all pushing that Trusteer Rapport prog, and it's not a good prog at all. No idea if it increases your security, but it's notorious for making your computer run slow by using up the CPU.
I had it installed for a while on my older PC but got rid of it. Luckily my bank doesn't insist on it, but it still keeps urging me to reinstall.

Glad you'll be able to enjoy CBB Mollie.
That Sherlock game sounds interesting.

The garage belongs to me Mollie, so not the landlady's responsibility.
My Dad put it up when we moved here 23 years ago. He also built the shed and the greenhouse (well I helped him assemble it).

Watched The Undateables then the Mrs Brown's Boys film.
Yes, it'll be good to have the Voice on again.


Evening Both.

A better day here, a lot calmer, some rain but not too cold.

Made .7kg of Bacon, Organic Hickory Smoked Cured, for a change, haven't finished eating the unsmoked i made.

It's pretty cheap to make really, this piece of belly pork form Sainsbury's was only ÂĢ3 ish, it's now in the fridge in a vac pack for 5 days then wash and put back in fridge for 24hrs.

The cure for 1kg of bacon comes to 54p, thats not dear is it.

My new shed heater came, fitted that, it has 3 heat settings, 1k, 2k, 3k only using the 1k, have fitted it on the same timer i was using so it cuts down it being on too much.

All the Tree and decs are down now, my lad put them in the loft.

Mollie, for the takeaway i had hot & sour soup & Yung Chow Fried Rice, very nice, each time the delivery girl comes to the door the first thing she says is, "I love this house"

Glad you will be able to watch CBB, so exciting for tonight.

Emptybox, the IBM Rapport isn't taking any CPU, it's taking a bit of memory, all what i have running at one time is taking 70% of my 8GB, non of it would run in 4GB.

Watching Antiques Road Trip, already saw the 'Can't Pay we'll take it away', next New Trawlermen Tales.

Then, the Launch, can't wait.



both xx


hope you enjoy the smoked bacon as much as you are enjoying the other one. 7kg is a lot of bacon. But as you say, it works out cheap. Your house must stand out as being so nice now you have done it up, if the delivery lady says that.


Oh yes, you get an extra bank hol for New years day, don't you? Took all our decs down Sunday, looks bare now. That is interesting your dad put the garage up all those years ago. Is the shed and greenhouse the same age? And still standing? If you ever left that rental, would you sell the garage to the landlady I wonder?

Mum all tucked up in bed, and have eaten my tea that daughter made me, so am really looking forward to settling down now to watch launch night. Watching the show about Brits in Benidorm first.

Enjoy the show.




Evening guys.
Raining here all day. Horrible dark day.

Hi Hicky. Hope the smoked bacon turns out well. Cheaper than the supermarket stuff and better for you I bet.
Glad your new shed heater came.

I've taken my decorations down as well now. And yes I'm missing them tonight.
I think you can leave them up till the 6th if you want, but I thought I'd take them down today.

Perhaps it was RAM that Trusteer Rapport used up? But certainly it uses up more resources than it's supposed to. It made my old 2GB machine virtually unusable, so I uninstalled it.
I suppose I could give it another try, now I'm using a 4GB machine for business and finance, but TBH it hasn't got a good reputation.


Hi Mollie.
The greenhouse and garage were put up soon after we moved here, and the shed a couple of years later.
If I moved I might make an arrangement with the landlady for them, the greenhouse especially. But TBH the garage was bought secondhand for ÂĢ100 at the time, and there are a few rotten boards on the roof, so wouldn't be worth much. 
I doubt I'd bother taking them with me anyway.

Quite enjoyed the CBB launch.
I like the look of Megan, Christina and Stephanie so far.

Bit disappointed that they'd boxed up all the furniture though. It looked so good in the preview pics, so I was looking forward to seeing the set.
Ah well; no doubt they'll set it all up soon.


Evening Everyone.

Not a lot happening, my recording didn't record, not sure why.

Had to watch some of botts on the episodes player thingi.

Couldn't find a copy of the Live Feed anywhere, any ideas?

Still ploughing through the stored food

Had a walk around the garden, no wind, very strange but of course nothing dries out when it's like that.

Looking forward to CBB tonight.


both xx


oh I see 0.7kg, not 7.0kg, I thought it would take you a while to eat all that much bacon. Shame your recordings played up. Wonder if there is a link to the livefeed show for you on that CBB forum you used to post on? Digital spy I think it was called.


Now I get confused with this 12 night it the actual 12th night on the 5th, so the decs come down by the 6th which is the 12th day?  Or is it 12th night on the night of the 6th?  

At least you got to see the done up CBB house that you wanted to see at the beginning of tonight's show. It looks real good, kitchen unit clever, made to look like a pub bar.

Looks like CBB is going to be good.     

Been busy again today, with accounts stuff, housework and mum to look after. But she seemed fine today, even said a whole sentence to me. Later the carers called me into the bedroom, when they were putting mum to bed, they were all excited to show me how she had tied her scarf over her head and round her ears.  The carers also were so chuffed because she was able to say "thank you" to them tonight when they layed her down in bed. Sounds nothing to us, but she can comminicate so rarely now, that anything small like this is nice.

Goodnight both xx

enjoy the show xx



Hi both.
Drizzly today. Not very nice.
Went into town to put in my repeat prescription form, but didn't do much else.

Pity your recording didn't work Hicky.

I think the 5th of January is considered 12th night Mollie, so the decs should come down after that. But I've never been sure if it's the night of the 4th into the 5th, or the night of the 5th into the 6th. If you see what I mean.
Don't think it matters nowadays anyway.

That's good that your Mum is talking a bit. Makes it a bit easier.

Not liking Gemma Collins on CBB. She seems to be trying too hard, and coming over as a bit false. Perhaps I'm just biased against her because of her stint in IAC.
The show hasn't really got going yet.


Last edited by emptybox



hope you had a good day and was able to get in your garden. Not a bad day here, but a lot colder than it has been. Looks like winter might arrive after all?


did you go to work today? I know this is your quiet time though, but gives you time to do your paperwork I guess. I have been catching up with paperwork the accountant needs me to do.

I know what you mean about Gemma, see how she goes, but last night she did irritate me the way she was going on and on about some shomance between housemates.

Carers had mum tonight, so treated ourselves to tea at Pizza Hut, as I had a 41% off voucher. I like the help yourself salad there.

Watched Birds of the Feather, very funny, good to see Martin Kemp on it.

Enjoy CBB both, so good to have it back again.  xx


Evening Both.

A strange day weatherwise, some light rain, some sun, cloud windy, a normal winter day i suppose, 6C.

Didn't do much, had a sit in the summerhouse for a bit, had some of my bacon for brekkie, i do my fried eggs in 6mm deep veg oil in a frying pan, with getting these lovely eggs and keeping them in the fridge the white stays together lovely, then i just have to splash the yellow with a spatula.

Been watching last nights recordings of the aftershow, they recorded fine last night, but didn't realise the aftershows where on 5*.

Just had a baked potato with a nice big Ribeye steak with onion and mushroom.

Mollie, thought you would be busy with your family, nice that your mum can do a few things still.

That reminds me, must ring the accountant to see if they did my HMRC thingy, got to be in by the 31st.

They let my Company run out, not sure if that will cost me money.

Emptybox, Am liking them all at the Mo, not sure about Gamma yet, they all should be interesting in their own way.

It looks like a romance is starting all ready, don't wonder, some nice females.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Raining here all day.
Got my invoices done, but not much else.

Just a few jobs to do before Spring Mollie, so I can pick a good day to do them.
Tomorrow might be fair, we'll have to see.
Glad you enjoyed your Pizzahut tea.

Hadn't even realised that BOAF had returned. I'll try and catch the next episode, or maybe watch it on ITV hub, if I have the time.


Ah, that's why your recording didn't work Hicky. You were recording the wrong channel.

Nowadays I always buy the mixed sized free range eggs from Sainsburys.
85p for 6, as opposed to ÂĢ1.40 for the large or ÂĢ1.15 for the medium.
If you look through the boxes you can usually find one with 2 or 3 largish eggs anyway.

Hope you get your accountancy sorted.

Just watched channel 5 tonight.
Ben Fogle then 'Britain's Bloody Crown' then CBB, and now 'Celebrity Botched Up Bodies' then BOTS. Then turn over to 5* for the live feed.


Having trouble with the line spacing on here. You think it's correct, then when you post it's messed up. Have to keep editing to get it right. 

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Didn't do much today, just tidied a bit in the big summerhouse.

They keep swapping channels for the after-shows.

They have recorded fine for a couple of days, they are all over the place again tonight, i like this 1 hr live feed each night.

The eggs we get now from Sainsbury's are the Free Range Golden Yolk, they are very good, keep them in the fridge, fantastic.

Yes, it's set to double line spacing by default, not sure if it can be changed, the Format box doesn't do much.




that is good you found some eggs you really like.

How annoying they keep changing the channels, so it messes up your recordings.


Yes I agree, the spacing on this is sooo annoying. Looks like double spacing until you submit it.

What is BOAF?

That is good you can please yourself job wise now, especially as I hear there is snow up there. It has got colder here too, seems winter has arrived at last. However thankfully I have noticed it is already getting darker a bit later.

Managed to get loads of paperwork off to accountant and daughter's student finance forms off too.

So time to relax in front of CBB now.

Enjoy the show both. xx


Hi guys.

Very frosty this morning, then heavy snow this afternoon. I've got about 2 or 3 inches lying now. The roads will be tricky if it sticks around.

Hi Hicky. Yes it's annoying that you have to keep looking at the schedule to see which channel BOTS is on.
Haven't watched much of the live feed. I find I'm a bit bored by BB by the time it comes on.

BOAF Mollie?? 'Birds of a Feather'. I thought you'd have got that, seeing as you'd been talking about it earlier.
Well done on getting all that paperwork done.

Think I'll just leave the spacing as it comes out, and not bother editing it from now on.


Evening Both.

8C here, sun all day then rain later.

Just did a bit in the garden, picked up some more leaves, am making a leaf drum using some of the chicken netting, it's pretty stiff and rolled up when i cut some off, making a 60cm wide round tube, just got to do the base now.

Mollie, yes, those Golden Yolk eggs are really nice.

Glad you have sorted the accountant stuff, will have to ring mine next week.

He didn't think it would be a problem last time i spoke to him, but with HMRC messing my payments up you never know.

Emptybox, wow, 2 or 3" of snow, all i've seen is 2 mins of hail one day.

I notice the weather turning colder by the day, it seems to depend where the wind is coming from, strange how we can be controlled from so far  afield.

That was a strange twist last night,  getting the HM's to select who gets evicted.

Enjoying the show though, a good crowd.

Just been eating trifle, got a takeaway last night, love hot wings and Donna meat, finished it off today as you get so much.




oh yes silly me, re: BOAF, I had forgotten I had been talking about that!

How nice you have snow, bet it looks so pretty. Is it still lying? Hope you don't need to drive out if the roads are still tricky. We as usual have had rain, rain and more rain!


that is good you got a sunny day so was able to get in the garden. Hope your accounts are ok when you check them out.

Yes a very strange twist on CBB last night, but no surprise who they evicted. I love trifle, had it a few times over Christmas hols. That is good value if you can strectch your take away over a couple of nights.

We have been shopping today, there were lots of nice free food samples in Costco, so we took good advantage of that.

OH loved the spicy chicken wings so we bought some of them. I liked the vegetable filafel balls. Had lunch in their cafe after as it is cheap but nice.

Good to see The Voice back again. then CBB after.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky

Well the snow looked nice yesterday, but there's been a bit of rain today and a bit of a thaw, so some of it has gone now, and what's left looks a bit messy.
Shouldn't have much trouble getting out tomorrow anyway, which is good.


That's a good idea about the leaf drum Hicky. Have you still got lot of leaves about?

I would have thought anybody voting yesterday would have been annoyed about the twist. Although with it being vote to save, they can get away with it.


Glad you enjoyed your Costco samples Mollie. And your cafe lunch.

I enjoyed The Voice, although not sure we've seen any winners yet? Wonder why Bernie Clifton decided to do it? Silly question I suppose - publicity.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day here, 7C and sunny.

Went out for lunch, had a beef roast in a restaurant.

Have got some dampness under the bay window so have ordered a damp tester so i can keep a check on it, it's not wet but i had my desk against it so have moved it, it could be condensation, not sure yet.

Mollie, usually get one of those cottage pies when at Costco, yummy.

Still got loads of food in, washed the smoked bacon i'm making, it's in the fridge for 24 hours then i can slice it, will half freeze it first as it's easier to slice, can't wait to taste it.

Emptybox, You are bound to get a mess if it rains after it snowed, it's ok if you can stay in.

I finished making the leaf drum, it's 600mm diameter and about 1.2m high, fixed a wire base onto it, just got to position it now, i've got quite a lot of leaves in containers, could do with more really, there are still more on the slate but it's easier to get when it dries and blows into heaps.

I watched the Voice, the Bernie only did it so he can be seen as he's dried up, in more ways than one.


Last edited by Hicky


Hicky - that is good you got a nice day today, so you could finish your leaf thing. I bet you will enjoy your bacon when ready. Will OH get to sample it too?


Emptybox - Wonder if you had more snow today? We had quite a few really heavy hail storms today, and it made it white and slippy for awhile. But didn't last long.

Enjoyed CBB, what a strange lot of HM's, seem to be fighting each other for who has the most attention.

Went for brekkie with OH today,
Had mum all afternoon, she ate well, then wanted to go to bed, so was glad when carers came to help me put her to bed.
Daughter made lovely roast dinner, for us when I got back... roast parsnips, roast potatoes, roast sweet potato, carrots, peas, mash and lentil cottage pie for me with it. She also made some rice pudding, but I was too full to eat it after tea, so will eat some tomorrow.

Goodnight both xx

wonder if we have a cold week to come like the forecasters say we do?



Evening both.
Very heavy rain overnight so all the snow has gone, to be replaced by flooding between me and the village.


That's a pity that you are finding dampness at your new house Hicky, after all the work you had done on it. Hope it turns out not to be serious.
Glad you enjoyed your roast lunch.
That's a bit harsh about poor old Bernie Clifton?


Hi Mollie. Yes there's been some strange rows in CBB, and Angie Bowie went very strange in tonight's programme.
Thought quite a few of them were really good singers in the talent show.
I suppose that X Factor guy should be, and Darren Day; but Megan was really good.


Great that your daughter made you another nice meal, after you'd been looking after your Mum.
Looking at my forecast it's going to be only 2 or 3 degrees during the days, and -2 at night, this coming week.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, coldish but sunny.

My damp probe tester came so i can monitor progress, it can be used for wood, for wood burning fires where it has to have a certain max water content, or for walls etc, you just tell it what you are testing, it gives the percentage of water, i've tested other walls and they are about 6 to 10% which is fine, under the window its 14 to 18 buy low down it's 24.5, O/H came home with a de-humidifier which is running now, i'll see how things go.

Finished the leaf container so next dry period i get i will start filling it.

The Fig tree in the shed/summerhouse is growing well, not too sure why, and a few asparagus spears are coming up, darn it.

Mollie, I will give O/H a taste of the Hickory bacon, she loves smoked, she said the other bacon was too salty, i didn't think so, so i soaked this pack in water after curing to take more salt out, tomorrow i'll part freeze then slice it.

Yes, they say it will get colder later in the week, but of course it depends where you are.

Emptybox, Thats the problem with a little snow, it turns into slush so easy, but flooding is probably because the ground is saturated all ready.

When you see streams going over bridges instead of under, then you know you have a problem.

I thought all the singing was first class, would have liked to hear more.

Watching 'Take Me Out', then 'Celeb Antiques Road Trip', then CBB.


both xx


hope the dehumidifier helps sort the damp out. I guess it is not surprising a little damp has come with this exceptional wet weather we have been having. That is good the figs are coming on well,. Is it too early for your asparagus, because of cold weather to come? Hopefully your OH won't find the other bacon too salty.


hope the flooding has eased, can't have you not being able to do your weekly trip to Sainsburys to stock up on your beer and spagetti bolognaise.

Yes I agree, there was some really good singers in that CBB concert.

Felt really tired today, took it out of me helping the carer put mum to bed last night, Because she was real tired I had to take the place of the 2nd carer so we could get her to bed, and my back didnt' like it.  
Lot better tonight as the carers had mum tonight.
So am now looking forward to a bit of Corrie. then CBB.

Have a good evening both xx



Hi guys.
Very frosty here this morning, but we saw the sun for the first time in a while.


Hope the dehumidifier helps Hicky.
I have a damp patch in the hall, and my dehumidifier dries it up quite quickly, but it gets damp again as soon as it rains again due to bad pointing on the house wall (I think).


Even up here things are starting to grow too early, but the frosts this week might set them back. Don't think it'll do any harm to the figs, but the asparagus might suffer. But I think you're protecting them from frost anyway?


Mollie. The road to the village floods very easily, but usually disperses quickly as well. I don't go that way to the supermarket anyway. The other route usually stays clear, although it did flood once last year.


You'll have to take it easy, helping to put your Mum to bed. No wonder you felt tired today. Glad you got a rest tonight.


Not sure whether Angie Bowie should have stayed or not? I suppose whatever makes her feel best. Doubt if she could have done any good leaving anyway.
Not bothered that Jonathon left.


Evening Both.

Not too bad a day, 7C but pretty dry most of the time.

Finished filling the new leaf container, it's get more leaves then leave it alone.

O/H came home with lots of lovely fish meals, had undyed haddock for brekkie, had big prawns and lemon sould with baked spuds and salad for tea, what a life eh.

The wall under the window has dried some, the worst reading yesterday was 24.5 but today it was 18%, didn't get a lot of water out of the air, only a cup full.

O/H thinks that area was damp when we moved in and hadn't dried out, previous they had a fixed desk covering that area and we put my desk over the same area, which has now moved.

Mollie, I think the Asparagus will be OK, have spread slug killer all over the raised beds as i saw a very very small what looked like a slug on the Asparagus.

All the spring onions which were about 8cms tall have been eaten by something so i'll replant in the spring.

I'm going to slice the new bacon pack tomorrow, trying to eat differing foods each day, just to vary diest.

O/H bought another load of fruit so that will keep me happy.

Emptybox, The new Fig tree's that i put into the summer house are fine, got the new heater so i can keep the room from getting too cold, also the small shed has a heater, that keeps it from freezing.

Of course we have the added protection of the new rendering on the outside walls so it will be interesting to see if we can dry the wall then monitor it when it rains, i can't really see how it can get wet, think it is from the past and it just hasn't dried out.

My recordings didn't record last night again, strange.


Hi Hicky.
Raining here all day. Not much fun.
Ordered a load of heating oil. Less than half the price it was 2 and a bit years ago.


Hope the wall dries out and stays dry. It should be OK if the outside wall has been newly rendered, as you say.
Sounds like you enjoyed your fishy meals.
Pity something has done for your spring onions.


What a palaver in CBB over the mix up of the two Davids and which one had popped their clogs. Shouldn't laugh really.  
Not sure why they all wanted Tiffany to go. She's loud and a bit abrasive, but you could see why she jumped to the wrong conclusion, and then backed herself into a corner.
I think Angie would be better off going TBH.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Sliced my bacon this morning, so much easier when it's half frozen, cooked some as well, very nice.

Just had a roast chicken dinner, O/H made it.

Have been picking more leaves up, found loads down the side of the decking by the fence, have almost filled the new wire basket i made.

The reading on the damp wall seem to be getting better, this damp tester is great, it's this one.

CBB is very dramatic, but i love it.

My recordings seem to have worked from last night, just going to watch, so strange.




Glad you got a good day to fill your leaf container. Bet you were pleased to see your OH when she came back with all that fish, and then the fruit too. That is good the damp patch seems to be settling down. What a nuisance something ate your spring onions. Wonder why your recordings didn't work again? Is your box too full, maybe?


That is so good that the price of the oil has gone down so much, it certainly needed to. At least you can keep nice and warm now without it costing the earth. Did the rodents disappear from your car? And how is your health now?

Yes the CBB mix up was certainly a huge one! It reminded me of one of those farce plays we like to see at the theatre, but of course, those are all fictional comedy. As you say, shouldn't laugh really, but impossible not to  when they lifted the sheets to see the "dead body"! 

And strangley only Darrne seemed to acknowledge the loss to the music world of an icon. I thought Darren came out the most sensible of the whole thing.

I am not sure they "all" wanted Tiffany to go. From what I could see, John seemed to take it on himself to speak for them "all" without even asking them. eg Christoper and Gemma were working hard at helping Tiffany move on from it. Don't like John.... too arrogant...seems to think he is in charge in that house.

Unsure whether Angie should of gone...but she has been estranged from him for so long, so it might be wise for her to stay in the house and out of the way. All the press would be after her to comment about David as soon as she left, so at least she is sheltered from that at the moment and leaving his current family to sort things out.

Had awkard day with mum yesterday.... day centre sent her home to me (before she had even had her lunch), saying she was contagious as she had conjunctivitus, which I guessed she hadn't. She has blephritus which is non contagious. They said they wouldn't take her back till I had confirmation off GP saying she had not got it any more. Not easy to sort, gp wouldn't come out to do a note until today , which meant I would have no care for her today, so they told me to take her to optician. Had to lift her into son's small car, really hard to do, I could of dropped her! And then get optician to come to see her in the car, to verify she didn't have it. It also meant she had no toilet visit from 8am till 6. 30, so the carers who put her to bed said she was sore. Seems they had a stand in member of staff for a few hours, who caused it all. 

I complained and am going to meet them next week. It is so hard looking after someone so vulnverable, when some professionals forget this fact and don't think out the consequences.

Off to catch bus to mum's soon, as I look after her this afternoon when she gets home.

Have a good day both xx


Hi guys.
Frosty here today, but dry.


Mollie, sorry to hear that you've had to run around sorting the situation with your Mum. Sounds like it should have been handled much better by the Day Centre.
Hope your complaint has some effect, and it was just the one staff member at fault.


Not feeling bad at the moment, and haven't seen signs of rodents in the car since before Christmas. They could easily come back though.


Hicky, glad your bacon was successful again.
Surprised you are still finding more stray leaves, but should make for good compost for you, in a couple of years time.
Glad the damp problem seems to be getting resolved with the de-humidifier.


Still quite like John on CBB, yes he seems to take it a bit too seriously, but I think he's quite fair minded.
Think he's probably done himself some damage by nominating Darren though.
I think Kristina is playing a quiet game, not getting very much involved. Liking her so far, but think she'll have to up her game a bit.




glad you are pleased with your damp tester and the damp is improving. Good job those recordings worked ok again.


Hope your rodents have moved on for good now. Glad you are feeling quite a bit better now.

Dry day here at last, colder, but don't mind as long as we are rain free for a change. Been catching up on washing and paperwork as mum with carer today.

Watching Birds of a fEather, then looking forward to CBB.

I dislike John even more now he has nominated his so called best friend.

Goodnight both, enjoy the show xxx



Good Evening Both.

Not a bad day, cold, 4C max, sunny though, some light wind.

Had fish for brekkie with my bacon and Salmon for tea, had fresh crab as a snack midday.

Mollie, Yes, pleased the damp seems to be drying, not sure how it got wet, unless it's from before we moved in.

Don't understand the recordings, last nights were fine, there's tons of room for recordings, it doesn't have many on.

It's awful what you have to keep sorting out for your Mum, the situation doesn't seem right.

Emptybox, The leaves i found were down the side of the decking by the fence, they must have blown there since they all came off the oak tree, they is only a few inch gap but the helping hand arm got them out ok, i might as well have them all as i can't get any more, will have to see if next door has any down the bottom of their garden.

I'm not too keen on John myself, he seems to get involved too much.

Not sure who will be next out, i suppose it doesn't matter too much, it will probably be a female.



Quite a lot of snow overnight. Not as much as last week, but enough for a light covering over everything. Think it's set to get very cold over the next few days as well. They're talking about -6 on Saturday night for me.


Glad you got caught up with your house and paperwork Mollie. I got my accounts done today as well.


Fishfood again today Hicky.
Perhaps you'll need to buy a new TV recorder? 


I still like John, but I think Kristina and David are my favourites at the moment.
Megan really let herself down.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day, cool, some hail showers, didn't do much.

Got an appointment for a hospital, Urology, Thursday 17:40, check up on the TURP.

The bay window wall seems to be a little dryer even with so much night rain.

Had some more of my bacon for brekkie, you get quite a lot from 1 piece of belly pork, a pack of bacon is pretty dear so there's no comparison really.

Just had prawn curry and made some fried rice to go with it.

Need a new roof on the garage, it leaks like a sieve, will be looking into what is needed, the roof is asbestos sheet now, garage is 6M x 2.6M.

The recorder worked fine last night and has even remembered i want to record tonight as well, something it hasn't been doing.

Not seen any snow, just  some hail, frost expected for a few days.

I wonder who will be going tonight, probably not the one we think, the public always have funny ideas.

Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed today?






glad to hear you are enjoying your bacon and getting plenty of it from what you made. Gosh hope that leaky roof doesn't cost you a lot, isn't asbestons expensive to get rid of?  Glad your recorder worked ok. No snow here either, but it fell in the hills not far from here.


thanks goodness you got your oil delivery and it was a lot cheaper, with those sort of temperatures to come. Well done on doing your accounts, no way could I do our accounts, I only do the book keeping for the accountant, and that is difficult enough.

David is my favourite too, and I like Darren, and I know I shouldn't really but quite like feisty Megan. She has stuck to what she believes in that she thinks John is sly, but didn't go about giving her opions out in very good way. (to say the least!)

It all makes for interesting tv though.

OH's contract finished today, and they didn't properly neogiate the new one till yesterday, even though they said ages ago they would renew it. They left it till the last minute, which is very naughty as they then tried to knock ÂĢ5 a day off his rate.   So he said no as the parking had gone up to ÂĢ15 a day,  and bridge  nearly ÂĢ7 a day. They said they'd have to check, but he didn't back down, then they got back and said yes. The contract came today. 

Goodnight both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie and Hicky.
Very frosty here today, the drive was very icy. I put a trail of sand down to help the postie.


Didn't go anywhere myself. Watched some videos of Tim Peake doing his space walk.


Hicky, so you've got a leaky garage roof as well?
Asbestos doesn't sound good. You could have trouble dealing with that?
Glad your TV recorder is playing ball at the moment.


Mollie, my accounts are very simple, especially at this time of year when I'm not earning much and don't have many business expenses. They take a bit longer to do in the Summer.
Well done to your OH for standing his ground over his new contract.


Megan looks gorgeous, but I can't support her after that nonsense yesterday.
Really wish Gemma had been evicted tonight. She's terrible, and IMO she's the one trying to manipulate the house, rather than John.


Terrible news on the stockmarket. Looks like 2016 is going to be a very difficult year, unless something surprising happens.
TBH I wouldn't mind the price of oil going up again, if it meant a recovery on the markets.


Good Evening Both.

Yes, a cool day here, about 2 deg on my thermometer outside, but there was ice on O/H's car this morning.

Didn't do much today, had a walk around the garden and a sit in the summerhouse

Just been eating and drinking, have taken a liking to coffee and the powdered milk.

Mollie, I'll have to look into getting rid of the Asbestos, it's fastened on with hooks which would have to be cut off by some means.

That was awful on your O/H having them leaving a new contract to the last minute and trying to cut down the cost, but glad he called their bluff and got his money back.

Emptybox, Just realised with you mentioning the sand for the drive, i left about 4 bags at the old house, don't think i have any here.

I'll probably wait until better weather to sort the garage roof as it's hard to get a good dry spell in the winter.

I rang the accountant, he said he had filed my return and i didn't owe them any more as what i had paid was enough, he said i had some over from what tax i had paid last year, so that will come in handy.

Pleased Nancy went, she never really played a part so i'm sure she won't be missed.

Watching the Voice at the Mo.

Tonight on CBB will be mainly a repeat of last night, but at least we have another eviction Tuesday.





Good idea to stay home today with it being so cold. That is good your accounts are simple this time of year, it is nice to play being a hibernating hedgehog during cold winter months.

Yes looks like this time round the stock markets have had it. Oh dear. Hopefully by the time you choose to cash it in, it will of gone up again.

When you said you didn't support Megan, I was surprised thinking you hadn't noticed how gorgeous lookng she was, especially in her night attiret obviously had noticed.  

I still think John is manipulative, can't get over how he nominated his supposeded best friend Darren just becuase he smoked, Think John just wanted to pick off the competition. I think Gemma is too thick to be manipulative, more like interrferring.   She didn't even seem to understand how to play Guess Who.


Not a bad day then if you got to sit in the summerhouse eating and drinking.

Yes hopefully you will be able to sort the garage roof out when the spring arrives, hopefuless this time of year to even try such a job. That is great you are owed some tax back, I am sure you won't have trouble spending it.

Yes I too was glad Nancy went.

Mum's poor young carer fell off her motorbiike on the ice this morning, bless her. She said she was shook up, and hurt her arm, but just had to go off and collect her bike...she fell one way and the bike went the other...then carry on to her calls as people were expecting her. She took mum a walk to Gregs and they had pasty for lunch.
I really enjoy the company of all of the carers we have now, makes it much easier to cope with mum like this. Now I can't talk to mum I can at least have a nice chat to the girls.

CBB is a pain being on so late tonight, never mind at least it is on.

Goodnight both xxx


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