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Yes regardless of design here, the main thing is that we can get here to chat away. And if you use it on your mobile better now, that is a bonus. I don't use it on mine though, I only just worked out how to text on that.

Strange your recordings are playing up too, might be the weather?

That was luck you fixed the sat nav.


hope you managed to sort your roof stuff out ok.

That is the good thing about being retired at last, you can pleased your self as to your bedtimes.

Dull and dark today, but at least it was rain free for once.

Mum with carer so I get a night off, think we might go to pub for tea.

Looking forward to IAC and Gogglebox.

have a good evening both. x

Missed day 3 advent, so this is for on the days you don't feel festive, Emptybox. 


I was going to say to use that 'Bah Humbug' one from now until the 24th Mollie; but you know, I might be feeling a bit festive after all.  

Enjoy your pub tea.
I'm just making a batch of mince, to have as mince and tatties tonight; then I make it into bolognese tomorrow.

Wasn't a great day here, windy and overcast, but it was largely dry so I got out to do some work for a change.
Despite the wind I was raking up leaves. They were damp enough that they weren't blowing about very much.

Hope Ferne or Vicky wins IAC.
I see Lady C is talking a lot of nonsense about being "bullied" in there by Duncan and Tony. 

I think the hard drive on my Freeview recorder froze up and stopped it recording yesterday? Seemed to work OK after I'd rebooted it, but haven't tried to see if it's recording yet.
I'm going to try it recording Gogglebox tonight, cos I wouldn't want it to fail to record Doctor Who tomorrow.


Evening Emptybox.

Not too bad a day, warm really but windy, strong winds till Sunday i think.

Marshalls said  3 apple trees coming and a pear tree off a different order arrived, they hadn't even told me the pear tree had been sent.

I'll get it planted as soon as i can.

Put some more spike strips up, saw the cat walking along the fence, chased it and it struggled a bit when it came to a 2 fence panels that had the spike strips on.

Should be able to finish them tomorrow.

I have noticed before today that i have expected a program to be recorded and it wasn't, it had been cancelled.

I've been happier with the Garmin, not that i use it a lot.

The weekend looks dry anyway, that should help.

They are getting the oldest out now from the jungle.



Hi Hicky. Glad one of your trees came, and more are on the way.
At least your fence spikes made the cat slow down a bit.

Horrible weather here. Gales and lashing with rain overnight and all today. Flooding round about.
Done some damage as well. There's a slate come off the back. Can't see where from, but it is lying broken on the flat roof.

Plus half the felt has been ripped off my garage/shed at the back leaving the bare boards. Think I've got some spare felt, but it'll have to be a calm dry day to attempt to fix that.

Also my TV aerial has been spun round a few degrees, so it's not facing directly to the transmitter. Still getting all the channels at the mo, but again it'll have to be fixed on a better day.
At least my power is still on.......for now.

My Freeview recorder came on and recorded Gogglebox OK last night, so perhaps it's gong to be alright?

Seemingly 2 going from IAC tonight, so Ferne is likely to be in danger.




if the cat struggled on the fence, hopefully it will got somewhere else instead now. Hope you finished planting your tree ok.


yes I had heard your weather was real bad too, it is terrible where OH's relatives live in North Wales too. Luckily it has not been too bad there today, dry with a bit of a wind, but not much. Hope you keep your power and the tv aerial stays in tact.

Hopefully I don't think Fern would be in danger tonight, surely Geogie would be less popular? I prefer Fern to Vicky too.

Went Christmas shopping this morning at the designer outlet. Not too busy as we went early. Then food shopping in Sainsburys. Got a lovely big Summer fruit trifle for ÂĢ1.50. (it was on offer).

Enjoyed a nice meal in the pub last night. I had lentil cottage pie, carrots, peas and curly fries.

So nice to have so much good tv to watch right now.

Am watching X factor now.

Goodnight both xxx




Hi Mollie.
Thanks for the advent pic. No tree yet here.
Glad you enjoyed your meal last night.

Glad the weather wasn't too bad with you.
Wind stronger than ever here. Wouldn't be surprised if I haven't got more damage when I look tomorrow.
Power went off a couple of times while I was trying to cook supper. Luckily only for a couple of minutes at a time, so I was eventually able to get my spag bol cooked. There must be some fail safe system I suppose, as it's stayed on since.

You were right about Ferne staying. Unfortunately I think George might win it, but i think Vicky deserves it more.

Thought Louisa was brilliant on the X-Factor.



No Hicky yesterday, hope he didn't have a power cut.


sounds like you narrowly escaped the annoying powercut thankfully. Hope there was no damage when you looked today.

Not a bad day today here at all, for a change.

so I took mum down to the little Winter Wonderland. It was lovely, kids on rides and a couple of real raindeer next to Father Christmas grotto and sliegh, and some stalls.

Just had a spinach and ricotta pizza for tea, on offer at ÂĢ1.50 at Sainsburys at the moment, very nice.

OH and son had put up the outside lights when I got home, looks so pretty, we got them reduced (already!) in Tesco and some others in B and M, as our iceicles from last year had broken. Not done anything inside yet though.

Good tv again with X factor and IAC.

Yes Emptybox thought Fern would stay, she deserved to, seems a nice girl and I think she coped so well in that awful snake task. when it was trying to strangle her.

Would prefer her to win over Vicky, but I am wondering if the young fella will win, if young girls vote for him. Seems a nice lad though and always keen in the tasks. The youngesters have been so much more tolerant and keen compared to those miserable arugmentative oldies who left, so I am pleased with the finalists.

I agree Emptybox, Lousia was absolutely fabulous last night, can't believe she is only 17 too!

Deserves to win imo and has been the best throughout the show.

I also like Che, but second to Louisa.

Have a good evening both, must get my cards written tonight.

Goodnight xxx


Hi Mollie. Thanks for the reindeer.

Yes, I hope Hicky hasn't had any more damage in his garden, or is without power.No more damage here, but a lot of flooding. Had to go round the long way to get my papers.

Glad you and your Mum enjoyed your trip to Winter Wonderland. Hope you got what you wanted from Santa's Grotto.
Bet the outside lights looked great when you got back. I see some folk round here have them up already as well.

Not too bad weather here as well. Dry and some sunshine, and calm.
Got my ladders out and did some repairs. Put my TV aerial into the right position.
Found a couple of rolls of roofing felt in the shed, and some tacks, so patched up the garage roof. Had just enough felt to replace what had been ripped off by the wind.
It really should all be re-felted, but hopefully the patches will keep it basically watertight till Spring, when I might buy some more felt.
Of course, the next storm could undo all my work.

Really pleased that Louisa is in the X Factor final. Probably be Che that wins though.

Over the moon that Vicky won IAC. She really deserved it the way she threw herself into everything.

I suppose I'll have to think about Christmas cards soon?


Evening Both.

Time passes too quick, lose track of time.

My 3 other trees came this morning.

We had been to B&Q, got some Christmas Decs, a 7'6" fake tree with lights etc.

Also a modern type fireplace thingy that screws on the wall, it can heat or it shows fake flames, very nice anyway ÂĢ100.

Planted the trees.

Made a beef roast dinner

I've ordered the kit to make the bacon, and a machine to vac the bags.

More damage to to gazebo roof thingies, a 1.5kg 1Mx0.3M section of the tiling was found in next doors garden, about 50ft away, she brought it round this morning.

It must have sailed through the air 3M high.

Well IAC has finished, pleased with the results, might get to bed earlier now.

CBB should start in January, great.

I read back but by the time i get back to the post i've forgotten what i saw.

I miss the floating post box, can't cope with this.


Hi Hicky.

This wind is playing havoc with your gazebo.
At least you got the section back anyway. Hope you can fix it back on.

Glad your trees came.
Do you buy a new fake Xmas tree every year, or is that a taller one than before, more suited to the new house? Sure it'll look great anyway.

Do you buy a big bit of pork from the butcher to make the bacon from?

Yes, great result on IAC.




oh no not more tiles blown away, what a shame. Hope you can fix it ok and let's hope this wind goes away.

Your fireplace thing sounds lovely, do you have a links so we can see it?

That's a big tree you got, and fitted with lights too means should be nice and easy for you. What colour is it?  Didn't you have a black one, one year?


good job you had a quiet day weather wise so you could fix the wind damaged stuff. Let's hope it stays fixed now.

Yes good to see Louisa in the final, well deserved.

I would of preferred to see Fern win IAC, I found Vicky a bit of a cliche, eg I've gone on a journey , I am not a bad person etc, and I got a bit fed up of her constant telegraph chats.  I think Fern was given the most hardest tasks by a mile and threw herself into them despite the fact she was petrified. Don't think the romance stuff with George helped her though, Even if she couldn't of won, she did at least deserve 2nd imo.

But having said that I have enjoyed IAC , and am glad one of those awful oldie moaners didn't win.

Son had 2 end of term concerts today, me and other son went to see him tonight. (OH too tired as gets up at 5.30am, and was late getting home). I was in a panic all day because I thought brother was visiting tomorrow for a few hours, so I was trying to tidy all our house mess up, then realised a few hours ago he had changed the week and it is next week! Phheeww, what a relief! More time to clean up and finish my cards and Christmas shopping. 

Mum with carer tonight, so I could go to concert, I am so pleased with all the carers I have now, they are so good with her. One of them even hung a little red Christmas stocking up in mum's lounge for her.

Am watching that Vegas programme now, with Trevor Mcdonut.

Strange without IAC.

Goodnight both XX



Evening Both.

Not been a bad day today, warm and dry, not so windy.

We went out to get my hair cut, for Christmas, then went for brekkie at the garden centre, bought a couple more Christmas led thingies, one is a sensor activated Christmas scene that plays music moves and showers snow down on the scene, with led lights.

Another is an led star, the house is full of led thingies now.

Emptybox, I've already bought new roofing stuff for the gazebo so thats not a problem.

Last year we had a real tree, not sure what happened top the black one, unless we gave it away, this one is only 6" from the ceiling of course.

I'll get the pork from Costco probably, i like Streaky best so will probably get belly pork.

Each kit makes 10kg, you usually make it in 1kg sections, i'm getting smoked and non-smoked, maybe just 1kg to start, it takes a week or so i think to cure.

Mollie, the fire is similar to this but don't think this is the one.

Ours only cost ÂĢ100 and has flames of sorts, and 2 heat settings if you want, but you can just have the display which is good, it makes you feel warm.

Enjoyed IAC, don't care who won really, liked all the last 3.

Enjoying SCD, sorry Helen went, think it was her name.

Looking forward to CBB in Jan, can't wait.

Hope i can get some sleep now IAC has ended.

Don't get tired at night now.

Didn't get up till 9am this morning, only woke once in the night at 4am.

I have a feeling lying in bed suppresses the urge to go to the loo, but when i get out of bed the urge tells me to go, but i can now override it so i'm ok again, back to normal i think, miracle No. 5, Appendix, A.A.A, Kidney stone removal, New Hip, TURP.

That was nice going to see 1 son in concert with another, it seems a long time since i hung a stocking up.


Hi both.

Dry here with some sunshine and quite mild.
Got another job done. Picking up fallen apples and raking leaves etc.

I wouldn't have been sad to see Ferne win IAC Mollie, but i think Vicky put more into the experience.
I watched that Las Vegas prog as well. It's a different world there.

Two end of term concerts? Your son must have been tired afterwards?
Glad you were able to schedule the carers for your Mum to allow you to be there.

Hi Hicky. A Christmas haircut? Must have really needed it, if you hadn't had one since last Christmas?
Oh yes, I think I remember you saying you had a real tree last year.

Hope your bacon is a great success.
I used to like streaky, but always buy back bacon nowadays for some reason. Can't remember why I changed?

I've got an electric fire similar to that. It sits in the fireplace, and there's some bits of coal on a tray. It lights up orange underneath where the coal is, plus there's a flame effect above that.
I only turn it on when I need extra heat though. Never turn it on just to see the effects.
It's Dimplex brand, but it's quite an old one, so doubt they sell the same model anymore.
Looks a wee bit like this one, although the effects don't look as impressive.


Yes you've had a lot of ops in the last few years. Great that you've come through them all relatively unscathed.

Last edited by emptybox



I reckon you will look and feel real cosy with your new fire.  Sounds like a bargain too....and your house will look real Christmassy with all your LED stuff. That is brilliant that you are sleeping so much better now. Marvellous how those 5 ops have changed your life for the better. I don't think we posted with you at the time of the appendix and kidney stone, did we? I can remember all the other ops though . Hope your bacon turns out well.


that is good the weather was ok for you to get a bit of work done, all helps pay the bills doesn't it?

Your fire looks a bit like the one we have here, we too only turn it on when real chilly though. It works like a fan heater type of heat though.

Had a headache today from dashing around yesterday,  so took tablets, then felt sick in taxi taking mum home. But felt better when I had my tea. I dont have time to eat with the rest of the family when mum is here, so think the hunger and tiredness made me feel off. Mum looked nice when she came to us today. from the day centre. The girls this morning had dressed her lovely, they matched her Christmas jumper, with some red trousers and hair slides., and even found a red scarf in the back of her wardrobe to match.

Am watching Royal Variety and was so surprised to see part of "The Play that Went Wrong" on. We have seen 2 of their productions when they came to Cardiff and they were brilliant, but not many in the audience. Dont think people knew what it was, but they will now it has been on this show.

Bit showery again today, but not too bad, seems a lot cooler though.

Goodnight both xxx





Hi Mollie.
Thanks for the nice Xmas tree advent.

Sorry to hear you had a bad headache today.
Not a good idea to do without food for too long.
Sounds like the carers have fun dressing your Mum up.

Not so good weather here today, windy again and showery. I started out to do a job, but decided to leave it till a better day. The kind of jobs I have to do at this time of year need a calm day really.
Still mild here though.

I watched the Variety thing as well, with the play that went wrong. Didn't know what to expect when it came on.
Also forgot that the BGT winner would be on. What were the British public thinking choosing her and her dogs? Mildly amusing, but not really up to the occasion IMO.
ELO were good though. Every bit as good as in the seventies. :cool;





hope you had a good day, and managed to get out in your garden. 


Unfortunately it didn't take long for the wind and showers to come back then. Luckily it was quite nice here today, but I think the forecast says it is not set to last. At least you can choose your work days now.

Yes I don't think those dogs were really worthy winners for going onto this type of show. Missed ELO, my hubby real likes them.

Watching IAC on catch up as was late getting in from mum's, caught the bus as OH late in from work.

Mum had a Christmas party at the day centre today, she was clinging onto her paper cracker hat when she came home but then later screwed it up and put it in her drink of water. At  least it kept her occupied awhile and stopped her grizzling. She also had a present, but this year does not even understand about opening a present. And didn't know what it was when she opened it. It was a box of biccies. On a good note, she did eat well for me, I have to spoon feed her though.
Time to catch up with a bit of tv now.

Had some books delivered from Amazon for Christmas for the family, and it came after 9pm, they are delivering late this year.

Goodnight both xxx



Evening Both.

Not enjoying this forum after the update, it's gone worse, certainly not better.

I did the F5 to update and the page asked if i wanted to leave the page, i had ti say 'yes' it then came back to the same page 520.

Weather a bit better, not so windy and no rain.

My Vacuum bag sealer machine came, just need the kits for the dry cure.

Picked up more leaves, the wind does a good job of collecting them, the surrounding trees seem to be a bit bare now.

Another 13 days and we are onto the run-up to summer.

We posted together Mollie, just seen the advent for the 9th, great.

Mollie / Emptybox  I think my Appendix op was quite a while ago, the Kidney stone was only a few years, it was like a keyhole op but they didn't make a hole, ha ha, they use an existing one.

Yes the fire really makes you feel good just watching fake flames, it has a remote control to set up what setting to use.

I saw that part of the Variety Performance, it was so good.

I'll see if i can get a good one of the Christmas Tree, it has lots of lights, not sure how they will come out.

Thats a nice advent tree Mollie, the lights look good.

Enjoyed the Apprentice tonight, I wouldn't have any of them working for me though, they are numskulls.


Last edited by Hicky

Hi both.

Horrible day here. Very strong gales and rain. Has birled my TV aerial round again, but no other damage, as far as I know.
The power was flickering off and on as well.

I should really have tried to tighten the bolts holding the TV aerial to the bracket the last time I fixed it, but I just turned it back to where it should be. The wind only moves it about 15 degrees, and it's still getting all the channels, so I think I'll leave it till better weather before I get the ladders out again (and the spanner).

Forgot to watch the IAC coming out prog, but caught up with it on ITV Hub.
Great Apprentice prog. Both products were rubbish, but they're not trying to be Masterchef. Don't see why Lord Sugar doesn't give them more business related tasks? Although I suppose they have to show they are all-rounders.
Perhaps if they were given products and told to market them, rather than trying to cook up products themselves.

Mollie, nice that your Mum had a Christmas party, but a real pity that she's so confused.

Hicky. Glad your vacuum bags for the bacon came.
All the leaves have fallen round here, so don't think I'll have any more to rake up now. Still got some trees to prune though, if we get a nice spell.

Last edited by emptybox



yes a lot of leaves blowing about right now.12 days and it is a run up to summer is a great way of putting it. Glad you are enjoying making use of the new fire, it sounds nice and cosy in your house now. 


hope the winds have died down and your power and aerial were unaffected. Yes with your recent history of accidents, it is best to postpone going near the ladder until the winds go completely.

Mum with the carer tonight, so tucked up in bed nice and early. Gave me chance to finish my Christmas cards though.

OH working from home tomorrow, thank goodness as he looks tired doing such a long communte in all this bad weather we have been having.

Good night both , wonder what you are watching on tv tonight?



Evening Both

Not too bad a day, my bacon cure kits came, just need the pork now.

Am going to build a platform to get on the gazebo roof, will have to use the planks i have laid on the stone as steps onto the decking.

I've uploaded a pic of the tree and fire to Twitter so i have got the irl which i will see if it works here.

Emptybox, glad you've sorted your aerial, that should do till the next gales.

Yes, those products they made on the Apprentice were a joke, as if you would try and sell that rubbish.

Mollie, glad your O/H can have a break working at home, such a strain all that commuting.

She's a nice advent girl, i wonder if she goes carol singing?

My pic of the tree & fire (if it works)

Tree & Fire

Christmas Tree Lit Up & Wall Fire






Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Much better day here. Dry and cold, with some sunshine, and no wind.
After saying I was finished raking up leaves I actually spent the afternoon raking up leaves, at another place.
But I think that's mostly it now.

Mollie, not sure the pic looks much like Ash, apart from the assets.
I've got a few of my Xmas cards written now as well
Watching CH 5 tonight. Alex Polizzi then Ben Fogle, then my recording of 'The Last Kingdom'.

Hicky, glad your bacon stuff came. Your tree looks great.
That fire is much bigger than mine. Almost a second telly.
Hope you get some calm weather to get the gazebo roof fixed.


Evening Emptybox.

A dry cool day here, some wind as well.

Building the platform to work on the gazebo roof, it's 1.4m high so far, going to see what i can do the weekend.

Yes, the fire quite big, but it really does have some effect on you.

We haven't had the heat on yet, don't really need that as the heating works like a dream and the place seems to hold it's heat.

I'll cut the Asparagus growth down now, it seems dead enough, i'll cover with some compost and put steel netting over to keep animals out.

I'll just keep switching over channels till i see something to watch, else call up the recordings, have about 40 still.

Hoping to be able to get some belly pork to start the bacon making, only going to make 1kg at a time, i have the cure for 20kg, it might only take 6 days, it takes the same time whatever weight you do at a time.

I took the machine out of the bag, the vac/sealer one, it comes with quite a few bags, they do look a bit special so don't think it would seal the normal Ziplock bags as it's different plastic.




hope the weather is ok over the weekend to do your gazebo. What a lovely seasonal photo of your lounge. It looks lovely with the Christmas tree and fire. That fire was a bargain for the size of it. at the girl in the advent calendar doing Christmas carols.


Good job you got some decent weather so you could get your leaf job done.

Mum with carer tonight, so we were able to go to Toby for tea, very good value as I had a voucher for 20% off and I pay less than ÂĢ5 for all the veggies I care to eat. Earlier today popped down to day centre to take them a tin of Roses and saw mum there sitting at the table quite content watching the comings and goings, with a cofee and a squash in front of her. One of the dear old ladies sitting next to mum thought I was her daughter, so the lady working there told her I was not and her own daughter was coming in later. I told the old lady I liked her necklace and she said no one had ever said that before and gave me a hug. So sweet. And so sad seeing all these people like this, but they are so kind to them at the day centre, and it gives families a break whilst getting the people with dementia out and about.

Took the pets to the vets today, doggie had her injection. Bunny had never been to the vets before and the vet could not believe he was 11 years old. He said he was doing well for his age, and he had not seen a bunny that old before. Daughter had him as a young child and has always looked after him well. So the vet just gave us a few hints of how to look after the poor old fella with his little elderly problems.His legs are a bit weaker now and he is a bit thin, so we need to feed him well.

Enjoyed Gogglebox as usual.

Goodnight both xxx



Hi both.
Rainy day here, so no work.

Hicky. Glad you were able to get on with building a platform for the gazebo.
It'll be interesting to find out how your home cured bacon tastes.

Mollie. It's great the way the elderly with dementia are looked after at your day centre, and by the carers.
That's a very elderly rabbit, it must have had a very good life and been fed well.
Glad you enjoyed your Toby veggies.

Hot chocolate time again? Don't mind if I do.

Didn't watch Gogglebox tonight. Watched the Star Wars stuff on CH5 instead.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

A very wet Sunday unfortunately, couldn't get anything done, had to stay in and eat, with copious amounts of coffee.

Had the usual brekkie, then crab sandwiches for lunch with fresh salmon and baked spuds with salad for tea.

Mollie, Very pleased with the tree and fire, it gives the room very warm feeling, it makes you want to sit in there.

It's sad to think that someone can think you are their daughter, their brain playing tricks on them, they probably wouldn't understand when you tell them you aren't.

Your bunny is doing well, a good age isn't it.

Emptybox, with the weather like this i can't work on the spikes or the platform further.

I think tomorrow may be a bit dryer.

I need to get the pork yet, Costco too busy at the weekend, hope to get there next week.




Hi Hicky.
You must be a day ahead down there, it's still Saturday up here.
Wet day here all day as well though.

You've certainly eaten well anyway.
Had bacon, egg and mushrooms for brekkie. Prawn salad for lunch, and spag bol for supper, with a very nice drop of beer.

XFactor good. Really pleased that Louisa got through, but very surprised that Che is out. If I'm being honest I thought he sang best.
Unfortunately the public seem to be voting for the novelty act (Reggie & Bollie).




sounds like you and Emptybox both passed a wet day in a similiar way.  But at least you both had some nice sounding menus. What is your usual breakfast?


It's still Saturday down here too. Yes Louisa certainly deserved to get through and I think would be the most worthy winner. Although I do think Che too is quite good, but I don't rate the duo at all.

Went to Costco today, didn't start raining until evening here. Enjoyed the  plentiful food samples there, as usual. Then had lunch there too, a big jacket potato with tuna and cheese for ÂĢ1.50!

Late posting tonight as we went to Cardiff to see the Only Men Aloud singing Christmas songs. Very nice too it was.

Hope it is drier for you to get in your garden tomorrow HIcky.

Good night both xxx



Evening Both.:+))))))))))))))

Yes, i called yesterday Sunday, silly me.

Anyway, weather exact;y the same, rain all day, had to stay in, got nothing done outside.

My lad came round with the little ones, cooked a beef brisket for tea.

Not much to report really.

Emptybox, didn't watch X-Factor, it just doesn't seem to interest me this year.

While you have the public voting, same as SCD it can never really make sense, they all have their own agenda for voting the way they do, they don't vote for the best.

Mollie,  i try to vary my brellie so i don't eat too much processed food so it is between sausages, bacon, eggs, black-pudding, hash browns, tomato, beans, mushrooms.

Your tree is lovely, nice of your daughter to dress it for you, it's hard to tell how tall it is.

The fellers are coming tomorrow to do a bit more on the external walls, mainly touching up and painting the bottom of the walls black, thats under the damp course.

It should be dry tomorrow, all being well.

wonder who will go tonight on Strictly, like them all.


Hi Hicky.
Pity it was a wet day again for you.

Very frosty here today. Took ages defrosting the car to go down for the papers. Stayed below zero all day. Dry with a freezing fog.
Didn't do much apart from the usual supermarket run.

That was nice to get your meal cooked for you.
I see you go for all the healthy options for your brekkie.

Hope the guys get dry weather tomorrow to finish your wall.

Brilliant that Louisa won the X Factor.
I know she was the favourite, but it would have been silly if Reggie & Bollie won.
I recognize that they could be entertaining as a stage act, with all the backing stuff etc, but I doubt they would sell any records.

Last edited by emptybox

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