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Hi Emptybox.


One of the problems with Edge is you can't use AdBlock, and i need that badly, can't stand any adverts, it really slowed the page down as it's trying to find all the parts of each advert, what a disaster.


And i under estimated my tree, left a row out, it must be about 31.


Not the best way to spend your Birthday, doing invoices.

Hope you bought yourself a nice present apart from a wheel bearing.



gosh 31 trees, that is some collection.

pity the weather was so bad today so you couldn't get anything done.



hope you have a lovely birthday evening.


I am done in with looking after mum and 3 bus journeys, good job OH picked me up so didn't have to catch another bus.

Daughter made me nice tea, which I just ate.


Goodnight both xxx


Thanks for the Birthday greetings Mollie.

Yes quite nice shorts that girl has on. (or is it a skirt?)


Haven't bought myself any presents yet, but I'm likely to buy myself a second hand computer sometime over the winter.

Plus my tablet has gone phut, so I'll be in the market for a new tablet as well.


Just had fish and chips for supper, so not exactly a "treat", but nice anyway.


Good Afternoon Both.


Pretty windy here but dry.


They are here again doing more of the wall rendering, there is a lot to do.


They put the edging white plastic up first then the undercoat/basecoat they need a couple of dry days to start the finished coat.


My galv steel mesh came, couldn't lift it hardly.


I've ordered the plastic spike strips for the fencing, can't remember if i mentioned it, the bottom area of the fence and the bottom sides need doing.

It's only cheap so thats ordered.


can't cut the Asparagus down yet, it's still growing, bit of a nuisance.


Loads of leaves to pick up in the back but the unit is so heavy and i'm feeling a bit achy.


Have altered the central heating settings again.

08.00 @ 20C till 10.00 @ 19C till 17.00 @ 20C till 20.00 @ 18C for the 12 hr night.


Must right down what these trees are.


Hi Hicky.

Quite mild here today and dry, but very windy.


Went to my new customer and tidied flower beds. But spent half the time trying to stop the stuff I'd cut down from blowing all over the garden.

Also cut someone's grass for the last time. I was surprised that it had grown, as I only did it a fortnight ago, and assumed that would be the last.


Glad your relative was able to get on with the rendering.

And your steel mesh came.


There's a lot of leaves here as well, but I'm hoping the wind will help blow them away. The trees seem to have dropped their leaves while I was away.


Thinking of putting my heating on in the mornings and earlier in the evening. But it's quite mild today, as I said, so I'll leave the decision to another day. 


Can't see a lot on TV tonight?



Evening Emptybox.


Just a windy cloudy day here, saw a few minutes of sun.


didn't do much as the wind was annoying.

Was going to vac all the leaves up but didn't feel up to it.


They carried on with the Base coat on the side of the Bungalow.

I supply all the coffee.


Yes, with it being so mild the grass will keep growing, my Asparagus is still growing.


I need to get a bag of mixed unsalted nuts, i need something to munch on at night.


Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed.





fish and chips for birthday meal is rather nice. I am sure you will enjoy your birthday treat of a computer too.

Sounds like work was not easy for you today in all that wind.

Lucky the wind had died down a lot here today.



pity the wind delayed you doing much too.

I am sure the workers are grateful for your coffee supplies.

I like nuts too to nibble, and of course they are good for you.


Been busy with mum and had to take lad to docs as he had blocked ear, the nurse had to syringe it out as he was deaf in it, doesn't help that he always wears headphones for his gaming. But at least he can hear again now. She gave him some bicarb to clear the other ear as it isn't so bad.

Lucky when I got home from mum's, daughter made me a nice tea and a sultana and maple syrup cake. Very nice.


Watched that nice programme about 4 year olds on Channel 4 tonight.


Goodnight both xxx


Good morning both xx

hope you are both well.

This morning it was dry so managed to take doggie out a nice walk and now the sun is actually shining, so have quickly bunged some of mum's washing out on the line. Think rain is forecast later though.

Apprentice night again, so at least we have something to watch tonight.


Still have a ginormous black bag of washing of mum's to get through now and must do a bit of housework before mum arrives from day centre this afternoon. Lucky daughter has taken over all the cooking now. She has to cook dinner twice though, once for OH and lads when they get in from work/college, then one for me and her when I get back in late from mum's.

I promised the taxi driver a big piece of maple syrup/sultana cake she made when he drops mum off this afternoon, which I think he deserves it after giving me a freebie lift home from mum's last night, after we took her home.Saved me getting the bus back anyway.


have a good day both xxx


Evening Mollie.


The workers came this morning, we went to Birkenhead Market, got some sweets, Fish, and Saltfish, and Crab meat.


Missed the program about 4 year olds, saw one but none since.


Glad they sorted your lads ear, not always easy to tell it's blocked at the start.


Yes, Apprentice tonight, missed last weeks.


Thats nice of your daughter taking over the cooking, a big job.


that's worth a piece of cake isn't it, very nice of the driver bringing you home.


Didn't get the nuts though, didn't find what i wanted.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Wet start here and a bit of a drizzly day.

Decided not to work, but might have made a mistake if this storm hits for the next couple of days.


You've been very busy Mollie.

Good job your daughter is there to keep you fed.

Glad the nurse was able to syringe your lad's ear. Never heard of bicarb to clear ears? They usually give you oil to put in it to soften the wax.

Hope you got through all your housework?


Hi Hicky. Glad the weather was OK to allow the workers to get on. And you got those goodies from the market.


I have a handful of mixed unsalted nuts every evening, get them from Sainsburys (own brand).

I mix in some salted peanuts as well; just to get that wee sook o' salt.


The Apprentice a bit brutal tonight with 3 gone.

Pity two girls went. Could do with getting rid of some of these blokes.


Good evening both



that is good the workers came, pity you didn't find the nuts you wanted.



did you get some work done or did that storm hit?

bit dull here today, then rain later, but no storm so far.

Yes I was surprised about the bicarb soda to soften the ear wax, but the nurse said it usually works, hope so.

Yes indeed, a bit of a suprise having 3 leave Apprentice at once.


Watched Tom Jones/Rob Rydon on bbc1 and the last in the detective series on itv1. Going to bed to read my Christmas mags now.


Went food shopping in Lidl as the carers had mum this afternoon.

Got the boys some lovely fleecy zip tops from there too, really thick for ÂĢ13.99 they were.


Goodnight both xx


Evening Both.


Not too bad a day, warmish dry till late on.


Went round the garden with the vac picked up the leaves.



Had the crab meat, wow, so lovely.

Froze a big fish for another day.


Made some more jelly, it's nice to have at night.


still haven't got the nuts, like having things to munch on at night.


Enjoyed the Apprentice, so much dead wood, he only puts up with them for so long, he got the chance to thin them out.


Mollie, O/H might remember to get me some nuts tomorrow.


I think i still have the rest of the oil from the last time i needed mine cleaning out.

I don't suppose it goes off.

Think you should use it every month.

Never heard of bicarb, shows you what can be used.


Sounds good getting the fleecy zip tops, Costco by us has some good clothes offers.





Wasn't too bad today. Some sunshine but quite windy. Rain and gales this evening though. Seems to have calmed down again now.

Got some tidying up work for a customer done this afternoon.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you were able to get your garden vac going, and you enjoyed the crab meat.

Big Windows 10 update today through Windows Update.

Most of the changes must be under the hood, because it looks largely unchanged to me.


Hi Mollie.

When you say those fleece tops for the boys are "lovely"? I hope you choose appropriate manly colours, and not your usual?


Watched Ben Fogle on 5 then 'The Last Kingdom' on BBC2 (recording).

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Hicky.

Yes I'm looking forward to IAC on Sunday too.


Funny day weatherwise. Sunshine this morning, then very heavy rain and sleet this afternoon. Then another sunny spell, then back to heavy rain this evening.

There's a little bit of snow on the hills round about as well, although it won't survive the rain.


Haven't done much except go into town to collect my repeat prescription.

Been bidding for a couple of computers on Ebay. haven't won one yet.


Watching Children in Need tonight.




bet you enjoyed your beef redang. I too am looking forward to IAC on Sunay.

Too much sport on tv again tonight for my liking.


Windy here too today, weird weather like Emtybox though, bit of sun, then on and off heavy hail showers and a definate chill in the air.



yes indeed the boys jackets were manly colours, one navy, one gray.

Hope you get a successful bid soon.


Watched Gogglebox, but not much else on tonight.


Goodnight both x




Hi Mollie.

I'm relieved about those manly coloured fleece tops.


Bad news about the Paris attacks.

Seems to have turned out to be worse than was first reported last night?


Dry here this morning, so i took the opportunity to tidy up in my own garden. Got most of the leaves raked up and some cutting back done.


Think there's heavy rain forecast for me tomorrow, which might hamper my usual supermarket trip?





Yes indeed the news from Paris is nothing more than horrendous.


Good job you got your gardening done early.

It has been pouring with rain all day so far here, and quite dark and cold too. Have had to put the heating on for the first time, I had to sleep in my dressing gown, as well as PJ's and daughter also slept in her hat.


Don't blame you putting off your supermarket trip then if the rain is that bad.



looks like it may be wet up there for you too.

HOpe you have found something else interesting to do instead of your garden today then.


We were in the Cardiff shops by just after 9am as I guessed any later and it would be packed out. I was right, by the time we left a few hours later, it was full of crowds, which I hate when shopping.

I went to Primark, (my fave shop) where I bought a few Christmas pressies and a myself a handbag for ÂĢ5, boots for ÂĢ20 (as I found out today mine are leaking), a tartan scarf for ÂĢ4 (to remind me of Emptybox! ) and some warm jammas for ÂĢ8. Got my mum some warm jammas too , a Christmas jumper for her parties at the day centre, and a Christmas bobble hat.

Then we went to M and S for a few food treats, then came home done in.


Looking forward to X factor tonight, we have a box of maltesers to share as our family treat whilst watching it.

And let's hope we have good contestants on IAC tomorrow.


Have a good day both (despite the awful weather ) xx



Evening Both.


Not done much today, watched F1 which was on most of the morning/afternoon.


Looking forward to Strictly, recording X-Factor.


Didn't do anything in the garden as it kept raining on and off.


A lot of rain expected tonight as well.


Dreadful those attacks in France, this can only get worse, hundreds have come back from other countries with a mission.

And all those people who said about it's against human rights to let the security forces monitor us too much, this is what happens when you stifle them.

it will happen here as well, but they have found no answer to suicide bombers yet.

It's so sad, as well as so many dead, an enormous amount injured.


Emptybox, Thought you would have some snow on the hills


Are they just outbidding you?, not sure how that bidding works online.


Saw quite a bit of C in N.


Mollie, Yes, the Rendang was lovely, just have a boil in the bag rice with it, 125g bag.

It's just the meat and the curry, don't put anything else in, should do really.


I don't watch the sport either.


My Anniversary on the 17th, 42 years


Looking forward to IAC, the lovely new camp is good,

Hope the celebs are a good lot.


Evening both.

Rained since this afternoon, so was good I got the gardening in this morning.

As predicted the little snow that was on the hills has gone with all the rain.


Sounds like it was very cold overnight with you Mollie? Don't you have electric blankets? Mind you, I suppose dressing gown and hat is cheaper?


Great bargains you got at Primark. Good job you got there early.

Must admit I was still snoozing at 9am. And you know what they say - "You snooze, you lose".


Hi Hicky.

That's good going, 42 years of wedded bliss (I'm assuming?).


Yes, I think security will tighten up even further after these attacks, and Borders will close up.


I won an Ebay auction at last. Bid a bit more than the other guy this time.

ÂĢ55 (inc p&p) for a desktop PC. A core 2 duo processor, 4GB RAM and 320 GB HDD. It's got a Windows 7 Pro licence key on it, but no software. But I should be able to install Windows 10 Pro and use the key.

Should be just what I'm looking for, provided it comes and all works. Always a cross your fingers thing with Ebay.

But if things go wrong Ebay is always on the side of the buyer anyway.


Watched X-Factor then the documentary on BBC2 about Dave Gilmour (Pink Floyd guitarist). What a thoroughly nice guy.


Evening Emptybox.


Didn't do much today, just watched F1 on TV.

Looking forward to tonights TV.


My lad and his lot came up this afternoon for an hour or so.


If been warm lately, i just have a thingie that goes over me, so warm, can't imagine how you could be cold in one.


Was looking at that computer, 4GB isn't much memory these days.

Mine is using 4.2gb of the 8 i have.

You should twice the amount you intend to use.

The later versions of Windows uses so much cpu and memory.


Saw some of X-Factor but don't really have any interest this year.






well done on winning the bid for the pc, hope you are please with it when it arrives.

It's gone milder here too again today.

Yes I was thinking of getting an electric blanket to keep warm on real cold nights.

Do you keep yours on overnight or just to warm the bed when you get in?



that is nice for you to have some Sunday visitors.

Gosh 42 years, that is a long time. Are you going out for a meal to celebrate on Tuesday?


IAC night is here at last, looking forward to it.

And what with the dancing results and X factor too, we are doing well.


Me and OH went out for brekkie in the little cafe, always nice and good value.


Going to have a few choccy treats now with the family whilst we watch tv.


Have a good evening both xxx


Hi guys.

Mild here as well today, and mostly dry, so I got to the supermarket after all.

Windy tonight though.


I've got another computer with very similar spec (core 2 duo with 4GB RAM), and it runs Windows 10 fine, so I've no worries on that score.

Windows 10 is designed to use more RAM the more RAM you have, to be more efficient, so that's why it uses more in your 8GB computer.

I can always buy more RAM if I think it's a bit slow, but I'm not going to be asking much of it anyway. I've got a better specced one (i3 with 8GB RAM) for any heavy work.


Sounds like you had a lazy day Hicky, watching the F1 on telly. 

Nice that your lad came over.


Hi Mollie.

Now I've got my winter (15 tog) duvet on I only need the electric blanket to heat the bed for an hour or so before i get in, then I can turn it off and the duvet keeps in the heat.

It will be a different story when we start to get very cold frosty nights though. Then I'll need to keep it on 1 all night.


Glad you and OH enjoyed your brekkie out.

I've started to have porridge every second morning or so, because my Uncle always has it, and gave me a big bag of oats to bring back with me.


Enjoyed IAC. Lady Colin Campbell is either going to be hysterical, or is going to get on the nerves very quickly.

They won their 10 stars very easily though? Most just had to sit in the boxes.



Sunny and dry today, but a very cold wind. Fleece jacket and woolly hat time. Brrr!


Got a couple of hours of hedge cutting done though.

Unfortunately the battery on my rechargeable hedge cutter isn't lasting as long on a charge now. Only half an hour or so. Might have to get a new battery for it.

Trouble is a new battery would cost ÂĢ34 sent from Germany (Ebay), and the hedgecutter only cost me ÂĢ50 from Lidl.

Might be better to wait and see if Lidl get them in again in the spring, and just get another one?


Looking forward to IAC again tonight.





Gosh you won't be happy with me recommending Lidl as that is a pity about your battery going, and a complication we did not think about due to having to get it from Germany. But as you say, if you can do without till next spring, you will be able to buy one then when they have them in again.

Sounds like you had better weather than us, not much sun, and rain on and off, pouring now.


Hope Hicky had the dry weather too so he could get in the garden.


I enjoyed IAC, looks Lady C is going to be an interesting character.


time to eat my pudding, daugther made me my fave lemon drizzle cake and I will eat it with some mascapone.


Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Both.


Not done a lot today.

the fence spikes came, will fit at the weekend.

Workmen here doing more of the walls, it's a big job really.


O/H made a nice roast dinner for us tonight.



Going out tomorrow for a midday lunch for Anniversary.

42 years, doesn't time fly?


Looking forward to IAC tonight.


It's nice to go out for brekkie now and again, i always enjoy it rather than make it at home.


Emptybox, I see what you mean about the Ram, if it needs it i like to have it for it to use otherwise it must slow it down surely.

Mind you if you aren't going to over task it then it should be ok.


I think it's a 15tog i have, any heavier and i can't stand it over me.


That Lady woman on IAC hasn't done anything yet, can't see her being any use at all.


As you say, might be worth trying to get another battery hedge cutter than buying just a battery.



Hi Mollie and Hicky.


No I'm not disappointed with the hedge cutter at all Mollie. It's been excellent.

A pity that the battery hasn't lasted longer, but at those prices I could afford to buy a new one (or a new battery) every season.

Plus it's still useful, even if i only get half an hour out of it, just means I've got to use the petrol one to finish off the job.


Hi Hicky.

Hope you enjoy your anniversary lunch tomorrow.

Glad your fence spikes came.


Yes the new PC will be a little slower than my 8GB one, but will only be noticeable when you want to do video editing or other intensive tasks. Will be fine for normal browsing and playing music and videos etc.

PCs of that era (2009) tended to have 4GB RAM, so to buy one with 8GB would have been more expensive. But i can always upgrade it later.


I think Lady C is veering towards getting on my nerves a bit, although she was funny in the eating task.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Another miserable day weatherwise.


Windy, some rain, lots of cloud.


Went out for lunch, had whitebait for starter with a Ribeye steak with peppercorn sauce, didn't have pudding, had had enough.

The place was full, pretty expensive and they only had 1 table for 2 free at 12:00.

I did notice they were all wealthy pensioners (expect us).

Heaven knows how many tables, the place is huge.


The workers came this morning for a bit to scrape the last wall that had it's top caot.

Each wall is done in stages.

A white plastic edging is fastened to all sections were the render has to end, all edges have the plastic finish, a bit like when they are tiling.


I've ordered the insect netting for spring, have ordered the stainless screws to fit the anti climb spikes.


I suppose the last 4 trees will be due soon, can't wait.


Have listed all the trees onto paper.

6 apple trees - 8 varieties.

4 pear trees - 6 varieties.

5 plum trees.

3 cherry trees.

3 gage trees.

3 gooseberry bushes.

3 fig trees.

1 mulberry bush.

1 peach tree.

1 blueberry tree.

1 olive tree.

1 kiwi vine.

( I haven't included the grape vines & raspberries as they aren't in tubs.)





Congratulations to you and OH on your 42nd Anniversary.

Glad to hear you got out for a nice meal today. (even if it was a bit expensive and full of rich poshies).


Gosh that is a huge list of fruit trees.   You and all the family won't be going hungry when all that bears fruit.

That is good the workers are coming on well with the wall.



PPhheww I am relieved you are not dissapointed with the hedge cutter, as I would of felt bad suggesting Lidl if it had been no good.

Did you get out to do your gardens today?


Not much on tv again, except sport again.


Very, very windy tonight, OH took ages to get home as one bridge was closed to high sided vehicles.


Have a good evening both x






Hope you had a very happy anniversary Hicky?

Glad you enjoyed your lunch.

I don't think a meal out is complete without a sweet though.


That's some list of trees there. A veritable forrest.


It was dry this morning, but I stayed in on the off chance that my computer came. Good job I did, as it turned up just after noon. The seller hadn't given me a tracking number, so i didn't know when it was likely to come.


It was a wt afternoon anyway, so i got to play with it.

Installed Windows 10 on it with no problems, and it's running pretty fast and smooth. Using just over 50% of the RAM with several tabs open in Chrome and music playing, which is mostly what I'll be doing with it.


Only a couple of slightly disappointing things. I discovered that 4GB of RAM may be the maximum that motherboard can handle (opinions differ), and also there's no IDE connector on the board so I can't connect the HDD from the old computer as a secondary hard drive.

But these are minor niggles, and overall I'm pleased with it.


Hi Mollie. Sounds like you're being worse affected by Barney than I am. It's been a bit calmer here today, although wet this afternoon, as I said.

Glad your OH got home safe.


No, not much on the box tonight.

I watched Eamonn and Ruth's prog on the rich bods.


Good morning both x



that is good that your computer was delivered at the time you chose to stay in. Glad you are pleased with it.


hope Hicky can get into his garden today.


The wind here was awful last night, mum's fire door I have to use for her wheelchair, blew so strong it snatched me out through the door, and yanked me fast forward and pulled my arm hard. My shoulder is aching this morning, didn;t know why until I remembered. Luckily it is not too bad though. Weird how it didn't ache until this morning.
Have to catch 2 buses to mum's this afternoon, so am busy today.

Son has to go to the theatre tonight, he said his drama group will be on BBC1's, The One Show tonight, he is not sure what they are doing, other than singing.
Managed to take doggie a walk before it rains, gone real dark now though, hope it is not pouring when I go for bus as too windy for umbrella.


Rubbish tv last night because of the football, but now don't know whether to watch Apprentice or IAC tonight?

Shame they are on same time.


Hubby rang me 7am this morning and said his credit card had been declined for car park, and what had been bought over night? Daughter had used it (with my permission) to buy her brother a Christmas pressie online from an American company. It was not a huge amount (ÂĢ30), so rather odd they stopped it, looks like they are being extra cautious. OH had to text them back to say yes we had used it, then they immediately re-instated his card, so luckily it didn't hold him up too much in the car park. It costs him ÂĢ15 a day to park in Bristol for work! Has to pay each day with a credit card. The bridge costs ÂĢ130 a month and he only uses it 4 days a week!


have a good day both. xxx


Evening Both.


A rather miserable day here.

Workers came for a couple of hours, should be back tomorrow.


We went to a supermarket at Cheshire Oaks for some food shopping, O/H said i should take a trolley and get what i want and she will get the shopping.

Don't you just love that.


Thanks Mollie, a lovely Anniversary gif.

Yes, will be lovely if they all bear fruit, or even some.


Emptybox, Thanks, it was nice to have an Anniversary meal, think i have always been working on this day.


I just love fruit tree's there is something about them, watching them mature through the year.


Glad you Puter came, yes, motherboards control max memory


No IDE port, if you have a SATA port you can get an adapter kit for ÂĢ4.


the wind was strong here, it blew over one of my big heavy 3 seater benches, mind you i did have a cover over it.


I'll have to record the apprentice and watch IAC.


That was awful for your O/H finding his card blocked, they do that when they think someone else has used the card or details.


I found my Credit card blocked, when i rang them they said they blocked it as i hadn't used it, probably in case someone had got hold of it.

But i like security.


Evening folks.

Wet and windy here today.

Seems like it's going to get very cold up here over the weekend, down to minus 2 and snow forecast.

Luckily it looks like it'll get a bit warmer again next week.


Sorry to hear you hurt your shoulder in the strong wind Mollie. Hope it doesn't give you any problems.

That's great that your son was on the One Show (I missed it).


That's very silly of the credit card company to make it more difficult for you to pay for things with your card. After all, it doesn't have any other use.

I suppose they were being cautious? But if people started to cut up their cards if the card was denied, I bet they would soon stop doing that. 

Very high charges your OH has to pay to park and go over the bridge? 


Hi Hicky.

That was generous of your OH, letting you loose with the supermarket trolley?

The wind must have been really strong to blow over your bench.


I have actually got an IDE to Sata adaptor, but when I tried it it didn't work. Must be broken.

But when I used it a few years ago it proved very flaky, and caused the computer to crash on occasion, so i don't think they are a permanent solution.

But useful for getting data off etc.

I've got a USB caddy that I put the drive in, and got all the data off it that way, so I'll just keep it as a spare just now.


Oh blast, I forgot about The Apprentice tonight. I just watched IAC.

Rapidly going off lady C.

See there's 3 reality bods gone in now. One from Towie, one from Geordie Shore and One from Made in Chelsea. As I don't watch those I don't know who they are really, apart from having heard their names


Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Not very nice here today, drizzle and cloud.

The men worked on the wall base coat.


Didn't do anything, just watched TV and messed on the Puter.


Yes, cold and snow the weekend.


O/H buys too much stuff though, she gets double of stuff, i struggle to eat it all, do you like struggles like that?


The Apprentice was good, they really are stupid.


I don't know the 3 new ones in IAC, but i don't need to know them, 2 nice girls, that near enough for me.


My ex boss rang last night to see how i was, that was nice, they been so busy all summer.



Hi Hicky.

It was actually a lovely sunny day here, but cold though.


I don't have any trouble getting through the food I buy, but then I buy just the right amount.

Nice of your ex-Boss to ring.


Yes the two new girls in IAC seem easy on the eye.

Wasn't watching it very closely today, so not quite sure why they're split into two teams?

I was watching Ben Fogle for a while, then turned over to IAC for the last half hour.

I suppose I could have watched on +1, but I wanted to watch my recording of The Last Kingdom.


Only got a few jobs to do now, so I can pick and choose which days to work.


Evening Emptybox.


A pretty miserable day here, kept having downpours all day.

The workers kept on though.


We went out for brekkie, yummy.


Just had a Ribeye steak with mushrooms for tea, with some trifle for afters.

Oh, during the day i has a roll with crab meat on it, just love crab.


The weekend is supposed to be drier but very cold.


Looking forward to IAC, then the weekend we have some good TV again.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed.


both x



your workers did well if they kept going in weather as bad as that.

Yes always a good start when you go out for brekkie.

Nice to know your ex boss has not forgotten you.



silly you missing the Apprentice. We have had rubbish tv for ages, now all the good shows seem to be all on together. Gogglebox and IAC on same time tonight.

That is good you are up to date work wise before winter sets in, so you can slow down now, dependant on the weather.

Will you go to your brother's for Christmas this year, or stay home?


Have been real busy the last few days with stuff on with family and mum and her care to sort too. Added to which son bogged down with assignments he needs a hand with.


The "One Show" night son was at, was nice in that it was filmed in the little local theatre we go to as a live link surprise for studio show guest Rob Rhydon, reminding him where it all started for him. They had his parents there and our son's drama tutor (as he also taught Rob and Ruth Jones). They mentioned the Youth theatre and showed the youngsters (including my son), sitting and waving in the theatre, but unfortunately they were dissapointed they didn't get to sing. Such a shame, as they had them in early to rehearse a song. The presenter heard them and said it was great, then at the last minute the timing of the show meant they couldn't do their song, they only had time to wave when they mentioned the youth theatre.  I think this is fairly typical for live shows with live links though, but at least it was interesting for him to see how a live link show was made, and we did see son and his friends briefly on national tv. 


We are going early in the morning to see my mum's sisters in Birmingham and not back till late Sunday. We will visit the German Christmas markets there too. So hopefully it will stay nice and dry.

Busy getting everything sorted now, mum's carers all sorted.


Have a good weekend both, see you late Sunday or Monday.





Hi both.

Wet here as well.


Some nice meals you've had today Hicky.


Hi Mollie.

Enjoy yourself in Brum. It'll be a nice break after you've been so busy.


Not sure what I'm doing for Christmas yet. I usually go to my Brother's, but I have to wait to be invited.


Yes, all the TV seems to be on at once,

Tonight I watched Adele, then a bit of Gogglebox, then IAC on +1

Annoyed at missing Apprentice, but I've looked up who went, and at least it wasn't one of the girls.


Pity your son didn't get to sing on TV, but at least he made an appearance.

I assume you mean Rob Brydon wiv a 'B'?



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


A pretty cold weekend expected.

Too cold today to work in the garden.


The screws came for the fence spikes but too cold and windy.


The workmen came for a couple of hours, they were here at 8am.


Mollie, Yes, nice of ex boss to ring, my ex neighbour rang as well to see how we are.

Must go back and see them.


Sorry to hear you are so bogged down, looking after so much takes a lot of your time.


A pity your lad didn't get to sing, timing takes over everything.


Enjoy your trip to see your mums sister, see you when you get back.


Emptybox, I'm off to my lads for Christmas dinn, we are cooking all the meats, he's doing the veg.


Enjoyed SCD tonight, will watch IAC later.


Not watching X-Factor, no interest this year now.

Don't like all the new format.

Enjoyed it the way it used to be.


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