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Evening Both.


Not too bad a day had some sun at times.

Got the Raspberry plants out of one of the tubs so i could plant one of the Gooseberry bushes, it's so small i could hardly see it.


An uneventful day really.


Mollie, Going to give the Raspberry plants i take out to my neighbour, i'm getting all new ones.


Yes, very pleased with the waterworks, so strange how things change.

Also i don't get tired at night now, and can stay in bed till after 8am again.

Things are looking up.


Haven't got any pain at all from knee or hip it's fantastic.

Can sleep on both sides again, and i need to as i am restless in bed.


Such a pity your mum is too bad to do all those things she used to, such a cruel illness, glad you enjoyed the impersonator though.


Enjoyed the dancing, wasn't surprised who left.

Have recorded X-Factor .

Enjoyed the F1 also, glad Lewis won again, just watched the race now.


Emptybox, Thats bad news, so much depends on the prostate, don't understand how it can come and go, thats strange.


If it stays like this you will have to get it looked into, so to speak.


I've planted one of the bushes and will keep the other 2 damp rooted for now.







so glad you are feeling a bit better today. Now don't you go worrying about going away, else the stress might upset your illness again. You can always postpone if you don't feel up to it.

Good you got the nice weather today.

Yes I agree, the new formal for X factor is a bit weird, but I too like to see them being taken away somewhere interesting.



I bet your gooseberry bush won't stay small for long, knowing your good growing history.

Your neighbour will be pleased with the raspberry plant gifts.

Brilliant how your time clock has improved so much, along with the waterworks problem, and your aches and pains you had pre-op. I think retirement suits you.


Nice weather so I took mum out down seafront in wheelchair, and before me the carer took her out for ice cream.

Went out for nice brekkie with OH this morning, a little country cafe that the farmers/cyclists/police seem to go to each Sunday morning.


Enjoyed X factor and the dancing again.

I am late going to bed tonight as so much to catch up with after looking after mum this afternoon.

When I got home daughter had made me a lovely healthy tea (all the family too). Nice sweet potato chips, carrots, peas, mushrooms and mini quiches with mash. Followed by a lemon drizzle cake she baked. I am lucky she loves cooking.


Goodnight both xx






hope you are feeling ok and not worrying about your planned travels.

work today?

are you up to date?



hope you managed to get in your garden ok today.


It was quite a nice day here today, bit of sun too, seems quite mild. Washing didn't dry though, think it is too late in the year to do that now. Still we have had some nice weather so far this autumn, so can't complain.


My mum ate well tonight, but became weepy before we took her home, don't think she liked having to wait an extra hour to get put to bed. Hopefully she will adjust, if not I will have to book carers in earlier to put her to bed.


Not much on tv tonight, still at least we got X factor/dancing over the weekend.


Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.


Not too bad a day, some sun, not too cold but some wind.


Toof the Raspberry plants out of another 2 tubs and planted the other 2 Gooseberry plants.


After working for so long it's hard to get used to being off every day.

It really is great and of course usually what you don't do today you can usually do tomorrow.


Healthwise i suppose i am back as i was a few years ago which i am very pleased about.


That was nice for your mum, going to the seaside and getting ice cream is a nice treat.

Glad you got a nice brekkie out at a country cafe.


Yes the dancing results were good, wasn't surprised Ainsley went.


X-Factor not very interesting, don't like all these fellers singing, only like the females voices.


That was nice again having daughter to make you all a meal, gives you a nice break.


I've made a few jellies over the last couple of days, it's always nice, ran out of cream though.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Nice day here, dry with some sunshine.

Got quite a few jobs done.


Not felt too bad today. Some symptoms, but nothing that stopped me getting on.

I think my condition is up and down because the prostate gets inflamed rather than being permanently enlarged


That's great that you are back to how you felt a few years ago Hicky.

Fantastic that you don't get any pain from hips or knees.

Can't wait to be retired myself. I might even have time to get my own garden tidy.


Hi Mollie. No I'm trying not to worry about anything, but it's natural for me to worry about things, and quite worrying not to worry.


Glad you had the nice weather to take your Mum to the seafront.

Great to have a daughter that loves cooking for you.


No, there's very little on the box tonight.

Watching some silly police comedy thing called 'Scot Squad' at the moment, but I think it's probably only on in Scotland. Hope so anyway, cos it's embarrassingly bad.




Evening Emptybox.


A warmer day here 13C, dry with a slight wind.


dug the Raspberry plant out of the tubs, another 5, they are all ready for next door, not sure how many she wants though, i must have about 12 or so.


A bit bothered about this processed food again, always new it was dodgy but it's worse than expected.

will have to start eating more fish but it might be a problem getting it fresh.#Am going to get a tall freezer for the garage.


My central heating control in the hall changed the summer time by itself, not sure how.

I have altered the time/temperature settings again, 18C at night and 19C all day.


Maybe you could do with finding out what is causing your prostate to play up.

Not sure how you find out though.


I've got Arthritis but not sure how it effects me, if i sit for quite a while i am very stiff when i get up again.


I am sleeping better and going to bed around 10pm or so, am getting up between 7.30 and 8.30 which is good.


O/H has dropped a day a week from work so she is off tomorrow, so now she has 3 days off a week.


The relation is supposed to be starting the wall rendering tomorrow, special stuff, he's doing the rear, then the side and the front last.


The TV is awful in the week, see The Apprentice tomorrow though.


Hi Hicky.

Quite mild here, but cloudy all day.

Got my new client done and 2 or 3 other jobs done.

Supposed to be wet here tomorrow though.


Yes, a bit worrying about processed meat.

I only have bacon once a week, but I do like a ham sandwich for my lunch. Have it about twice a week.

Sometimes get chicken or turkey slices instead, but they are processed as well, so not sure they are any better?


At the moment I have plenty of tomatoes, so can have tomato sandwiches for lunch instead of meat, but my own toms will run out soon, and supermarket ones aren't as good. I also like a hard boiled egg sarnie once a week.

Might start having a sardine sandwich every so often as well.


Very difficult to tell what brings on a bout of bad prostate symptoms?

I'm a creature of habit, so my routine doesn't really change.

Plus if the consultant I saw was clueless, not sure how I'm expected to work it out?

(to be fair he did tell me to avoid vibrating machines)

But I'm convinced stress plays a part, plus if I have a lot of gluten or a very spicy dish, or work too hard, or get overheated........


It's great that you are back to a more normal sleep pattern.

Hope your OH enjoys her extra day off each week.


Hope your relative is able to get on with the rendering tomorrow.


Watched 'Deals, Wheels and Steals' on ITV followed by Eternal Glory, then turned over to CH5 to watch Eamonn and Ruth. Now watching a recording of The Gadget Show.

Looking forward to The Apprentice too.





glad you had some nice weather.

that is better now your sleeping hours have adjusted more to suit retirement.

Sorry you have arthritus, do you think the advent of winter time has caused it to set off?

Hope the relation turns up and the weather is ok for him to get on with things.

That will be nice for your OH to have another day off work.

I agree about week day tv, awful!!

Yes interesting about the  processed meats, the doc on tv said we should listen as it was such a big study. My OH has had to really cut down on it because they think it also causes kidney stones. I guess there is lots of other nice alternative though, as you say, fish for example, and I love my veggies and cheesy type foods.



glad you too got the good weather, so got a few jobs done.

Hope your symptoms settle down now. Do you take ibuprofen when it flares up because I know that is good for inflammation.

What day are you planning on going to Norfolk.

Try to keep that worry head at bay if you do decide to go ahead.


Got bus to look after mum today, she was a bit weepy, but cheered up when son came in with chips for his tea and I nicked some to give to her.

Unfortunately it meant poor son didn't get many though, so he ended up getting cereal as soon as he got home. He didn't mind though, as he knows his nan needs some extra calories.


We might be going away this weekend up to OH's family in North Wales as I think I have sorted a carer out for mum.


Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.


A warm day here, 13C but mainly cloudy.

The relation  came to measure up the rear wall area's and i've made room in the garage for the delivery tomorrow of the wall materials.


We went out for tea, had Whitebait for starter with Chefs special for main, Cod and god knows what else, had fruit crumble and cream for afters.


Emptybox, This processed meat is rather worrying,

I think that unless you buy whatever you want to eat fresh then it is contaminated, it seems to be the process and the additives/preservatives that is effecting the bowel lining.

But that means you shouldn't eat about 60% of the food that we eat.


It means we need to buy all food fresh and just cook it ourselves.


Sardines in a tin are processed and come under the same umbrella.


All tinned food is a processed food.


Mollie, Have had arthritis for years, don't think the winter will change anything, i just seize up when i sit for 10 minutes.

It soon eases up though.


That was nice getting some chips for your mum, poor son getting cereal


Hope the weather stays nice for you if you go up to O/H family, it will be a break for you as well.


The Apprentice soon as well.


Good evening both



glad the relative was able to come. Are you having a wall that runs all round the back of the garden?

Sounds like you enjoyed your tea out. Where did you go?

Good job your recent ops mean you can move about as much as you want now, as that eases your arthritus.

It has been very nice and mild too here as well. Yes as you say it will be nice if the weather is kind this weekend, especially if Emptybox too ends up going to Norfolk.



hope you are well today.

Did you get weather nice enough to get your gardens done?

What day do you plan going to your uncles? And how long will you stay?


Yes thank goodness we have the Apprentice to watch tonight, especially as the last few nights, tv has been so bad.


Weather good enough to peg my washing out today, it didn't dry completely, but nearly did, which is good for this time of year.


Carers couldn't get mum to stand this morning, she didn't want to get out of bed, so they had to use the hoist. Think the change to winter time has tired her out, but at least the hoist means they can still get her up and ready for the bus to collect her for the day centre.


Daughter made me some mash peas and mini quiches that we get from Costco. Costco mini quiches are really nice.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi all.

Rain this afternoon, but dry and cloudy this morning.

Got one job done before the heavy rain came on. Still got a bit wet though.


They seem to keep changing the forecast. It was supposed to be good for Thursday/Friday, but I think they are now saying rain.

Might mean that I can't get everything I need done before my break. Some jobs might have to wait till November.


I was intending to go on Saturday, but my Uncle is going to be busy, so asked me to come down on Sunday instead. Probably stay till Thursday or Friday, depending on how I feel. Although I might come back early if I have bad symptoms down there.

Almost certainly won't be able to be in contact while I'm there.


Hi Hicky.

Glad your relative came and got ready to start your rendering.

Sounds like you are putting your more fish idea into practise with your restaurant choices?


I think sardines are more healthy than most processed foods because they are an oily fish? That's what I'm going with anyway.

Certainly my Uncle is a big advocate for natural home cooked food, and he hates anything processed, so I'm likely to eat healthy while I'm there.

(think he makes an exception for bacon. He used to farm pigs, so doubt he thinks of bacon as 'processed')


Hi Mollie.

Sounds like your daughter came up trumps again, with what she made for your tea?

Enjoy your break in North Wales. Hope the carer arrangements work out to allow you to go.


I do take ibuprofen occasionally, when I'm getting some pain.


Apprentice good again.

Think the wrong one went though, I thought that Ruth was a real character.

It should really have been Selena that was fired IMO.





oh dear, with you going Sunday and me going early tomorrow, I won't be in contact with you now for at least a week. Haven't gone that long without you for years.

But I so hope you keep well during the trip and enjoy it. Hopefully the quiet life and good home cooked food will do you good.

Yes the forecast does seem to be rather changable, but it definately feels mild for this time of year.


Hope it stays nice and dry for your journey at least.



hope the weather has been good, and you got in your garden ok.


Have to go and sort my packing now, not sure what to take as weather seems mild, but may need extra incase it goes cool. Will take an umbrella but hope I don't need it.


I'll be back to chat to Hicky late Sunday, and see you in a week Emptybox. xxx


Hi Mollie.


Bit of a wet start but dried up quite quickly so I got a couple of jobs done.

Still got a couple of jobs to do tomorrow, so I hope it's dry.


It is quite mild still, so I hope it continues next week. Although it's always a bit warmer in Norfolk than it is here.


Enjoy your weekend in North Wales Mollie. Think the weather's supposed to be OK.

Think it's supposed to be sunny for my journey down on Sunday, which makes all the difference. Just hope the roads aren't too busy, and the motorway remains open.


Haven't made a final decision as to whether to go yet, but it's looking likely, as long as I don't get bad symptoms on Saturday or Sunday.


Watched 'The Last Kingdom' on BBC2 then 'King Arthur' on CH5.


Evening Both.


Must have missed posting yesterday, time fly's, keep missing some days meds as i think i have taken them, but it was the day before.


They came today midday to carry on with the rendering when the rain stopped.


Mollie, it's the bungalow walls that are being covered, O/H doesn't like the brickwork and it will also protect from the frost, this material lets the bricks breath but won't let water through, the fished coat is silicone based.

It has like a fibreglass mesh inserted in the base coat.


Bless your mum not wanting to get out of bed, it must be such a strain when you have her condition.

Have a nice weekend, see you Sunday.


Emptybox, Hope you are feeling ok to go to Norfolk Sunday, see you when you get back anyway.


We had a big piece of fish for brekkie today, undyed smoked cod, with butter and poached eggs.

Have been keeping the eggs in the fridge, so much better now.

But these are special eggs, golden yokes from Sainsbury's.


I wonder if i can make my own bacon, that might cure 1 problem.

(might look it up)


I think the right one went on the Apprentice because she sold nothing and talked too much, she would have driven me mad, for a sales person trainer she was rubbish.

She deviated form the job in hand and was talking too much about her own life.


Have a good journey anyway,catch you later then.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Too wet here to get any paid work done, but it dried up a bit late afternoon so I raked some leaves off my own grass.

Might do some work tomorrow, but I should really be getting ready for my trip.

The jobs I've got left will probably just have to wait till I get back.


Glad your relative could get on with the rendering.

Sounds like fancy stuff with the fibreglass mesh and silicon.


Nice brekkie.

I always keep my eggs in the fridge. Not sure if they keep longer or not?

I suppose you could make your own bacon in theory, but might be just as bad as the shop stuff. It's the curing process that's supposedly the problem.


Have a few symptoms tonight, so still not sure about the long trip.

Plus I seem to have done something to my shoulder; pulled a muscle or something, so that's sore as well.

I'll have to make a last minute decision I suppose.


Watched Gogglebox, then rewatched 'Dead Set' on Amazon Prime.

Seen it before; it's the zombie thing set in the BB House.


Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day really, didn't do much.

Had a go at one of the swing doors, it seems to have started sticking a bit.

Bought a new set of hinges, took the door off and changed the bottom hinge, it seems slightly different size, it's still a 75mm one but it looks like a later model.

Have managed to get the door working well again but it catches the floor a bit in one direction so need to trim/plane the bottom a bit.


Just had baked spuds with fresh salmon, very nice, a big piece as well, O/H made us a salad to go with it.


Just had 5 trick or treaters, could do with some more.

My lad brought his lads up earlier, what a sight they are all dressed up for Halloween.


I've got tons of leaves in the garden but might as well wait for more to fall, when they have all fallen i can go round and suck them up if we get a nice dry day.


The finished coat is called Silicone FT Polar White, it's K-Rend (the best i think)


I think it's best to keep eggs in the fridge as i was finding they got all watery and it annoyed me, this way the white stays together.


Making my own bacon should be ok, it's the additives that are causing the problem not the curing or cooking.

It's what they do to preserve it, i wouldn't need to add preservatives.


Sorry to hear about your shoulder, what a bummer, if you don't go i'll see you tomorrow.

Got SCD, X-Factor and the F1 trials at 10.45.

A good night.


Just had 2 more little ones call.


We got lots of Halibo sweet packs and fruit lollies, i put them into bags that they can carry to make it easier for them.


Can hear fireworks now.


Hope Mollie is enjoying her break.


Hi Hicky.

Wet start again. Dry this afternoon, but I was too busy getting ready for my trip to go out to work.

Mostly packed up now.


Felt OK today, so barring bad symptoms tomorrow morning, I'll be away.

Not really looking forward to it; I'd rather stay home, but there you go. It's only once every 2 or 3 years.


Well done getting that door sorted.

Yes I would have left the leaves, as there's plenty more to come; but the lawn was completely carpeted. No doubt I'll have to do it all over again when I get back.


Luckily I never get any trick or treaters so I can completely ignore Halloween.

Used to enjoy it when I was a child. Of course it was before 'trick or treat' or any of this Americanisation,

Me and my Brother always used to stay with my Uncle at Halloween time (same one I'm going to see tomorrow), and had great fun with our cousins dressing up in home-made costumes etc.

Seem to recall dressing up as 'Red Indians' one year for some reason.


Not sure what I did to my shoulder

On Wednesday I was using a lopper to cut tree branches, and was on the top of a step ladder and reaching above my head to cut the branches. Didn't notice anything at the time, but that night I started to get twinges below my right shoulder blade whenever I lifted my arm or tensed the muscles under the arm.

It got worse on Thursday and yesterday, and was giving me quite sharp burning pains.

Seems to have quietened down a bit today, so hopefully won't affect me too much.


Yes, I think you're right that it's the preserving chemicals that are suspect in making bacon. So i suppose you could cure smaller pieces of pork without preserving them?


Quite enjoyed X-Factor, then I watched my recording of Doctor Who.


All being well, I'll see you in a few days.


Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day really, no sun but no wind either, warm though.


Ended up we had loads of trick or treaters, O/H said i gave them too much.


Had another go at the swing door, it catches the floor in one direction, will have to take the door off and plane a bit off the end foot.

I packed the hinge a mil or so but it didn't cure it, when i tried packing it more it wouldn't shut.


From a ladder reaching probably did your shoulder in, if you moved it to a position it isn't used to it gets strained.


Will look into making bacon, can buy the raw material no prob.


Another good night TV wise.


See you when you get back then.



well hopefully Emptybox got off ok, and his journey went well. HOpe he keeps well too, shame he add the added worry of his shoulder too.


Hope you manage to fix the door ok. Good job you are not at work now so have the time to sort out this sort of thing.

We too had lots of tricks and treaters. But I wasn't here so didn't see any of them, but I could tell by the near empty bowl of treats we were left with as my son had answered the door to them all.


It is nice for little kiddies if they like dressing up, but like Emptybox I am not keen on the American commercialism of it all, and the concept of children knocking on strangers doors begging or threatening to "trick" them becuase I know it scares some pensioners.


We had lovely weather on our weekend in North Wales, the autumn colours were just lovely and the sun and low clouds over the top of Snowdonia looked great. Our little niece was thrilled with the Frozen coat and book we bought her. She is only 3, so really funny some of the things she says.

On the way home it was beautiful sun over the mountains, but as we got into mid Wales it was really foggy, but that cleared again when we got to Brecon, and lovely when we got home too. Mum was quite content as the carers had taken her out in the warm autumn sunshine.


Enjoyed X factor.

I think that young 17 year old girl in silver dress (Louise was it?) really sang well.


Like Emptybox on The Apprentice, I was a little disappointed Ruth went as I thought she was rather eccentric, and what a strange outfit she used to wear.


My favourites stayed on X factor.

lots of paperwork for me to catch up on tomorrow and a huge bag of my mum's washing, as well as our own


Goodnight Hicky x 




hope you have got a good day and managed to get into your garden.

Another lovely day here weather wise, especially for November.

Got some washing out and OH had a day off today, so was able to trim the dog outside, and son and I bathed her.


Mum was fine tonight when she came to us, ate well anyway. I give her mainly soft food as it is easier for her to swallow, she likes weetabix with honey, milk and double cream.


Hope Emptybox's journey went well and he is taking a good rest, I guess he has no choice though as he will be techie free at his uncles' place.


Evening Mollie.


Not a lot to report.

Cool today, 10C that's all, no wind to clear the mist/fog.


Didn't do much, they are carrying on with the rendering tomorrow all being well, they are doing other jobs at the same time of course.


went to get my toe mails done this afternoon then called in at a local restaurant for a meal, it's a Greene King Pub, lots of lovely food though.

This one.

Going there for Sunday Lunch as well.




Have ordered some wire netting to protect my Asparagus, it seems something is eating the tops of the new spears, it's next year i'm bothered about so will make some frames up that can keep the Squirrels away.


Haven't sorted the door yet, it was too cold today and damp.


Glad you had lovely weather in North Wales.

Glad your mum was ok while you were away.


Never took much notice of X-Factor so not sure who is who.


Hope Emptybox isn't too stressed while away and his waterworks doesn't play up.


My Firefox or something started playing up and everything kept freezing even video's so after trying everything to find out what it was I started using MS Edge and it seemed fine but Adblock Plus doesn't work in it yet and I have tons of adverts everywhere, I hate them.



that pub and its food looks good.

How strange it is in England but it is named after a Welsh castle.

Hope the rendering job goes well tomorrow, where are you rendering?

Those squirrels are cheeky little devils nicking your asparagas. Bet they thought they had such a lucky find till you put the netting up.


Yes hope Emptybox is just unwinding and not too stressed, and is keeping healthy.


I too hate ads, so OH put something on my lappy to stop them, hope you can sort yours out ok.


Not much on tv tonight, but watched the secret life of 4 year olds. they are so funny.


My friend came for brekkie today and bought a 1 year old baby she was looking after, the baby behaved fine, but we struggled putting up her pushchair. Good job my son was around so managed to work it out.


Goodnight off to read my book in bed.

It is fiction but based on fact about the Australian brides who were shipped out to the UK after the war to start a new life with their British husbands who had returned before them to the UK.


Good night Hicky xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.


Not too bad a day here, cloudy but had some sun.


Next doors gardener came round for the 11 Raspberry plants, he was sorting them out for them.


We went out for lunch to a garden centre but the food is out in dishes and it's never hot, I had sausages and mash.


I was looking for some more of the steel hooked 9" tent type pegs but can't remember where I originally got them from as it was years ago.

I've looked on the web but nothing has come up yet.


They are starting again next Tuesday to get on with the wall rendering.


The metal mesh hasn't arrived yet, neither has the Raspberry plants, but they have been posted.

There are a few more Asparagus spears come through which haven't been eaten yet, strange.

But I can't put the mesh over the raised bed until the Asparagus has turned brown and died, which of course it isn't, it's still growing.


That was good, the Children aged 4, enjoyed it.



how strange it is here having Emptybox absent for so long, hope he is ok and unwinding.

That is a shame your sausage and mash was not hot.

That is unusual if you can't find something, not even on Amazon, Have you tried ebay?

Sounds like the squirrels might of gone off your asparagus then.


Been a bit damp here today, my mum ate well this afternoon, but was so tired she couldn't be bothered opening her eyes all the time she was here. At least the day centre tires her out so she sleeps all night though.


Enjoying the Apprentice, had to record Joanna Lumley and Elvis. I love the Joanne Lumley programmes.


Goodnight Hicky xxx



and it is Nov 5th, so time for a pretty piccie.

We usually go to an organised display, but not sure if we will go tonight, as it is still raining.

Hope your metal mesh and raspberries arrive. Did you manage to find any tent pegs yet? 


Really wet this afternoon, but luckily it was dry this morning when I went food shopping.


I am missing Emptybox, hope he had a nice break.


It is a good job Emptybox's brother isn't in Egypt this week, else his return would of been delayed, and Emptybox might of been babysitting for a long time.  It did cross my mind when Emptybox said his brother was going there, that it was a bit of a dicey place to be going. All very sad what happened. My friend's daughter worked there for awhile, and during her contract, there was problems back then. So she came home, and did not renew as soon as the contract finished.


Enjoyed the Apprentice last night, I thought that girl would go as soon as she said she had a cold so couldn't pitch.


Have a good day, hope it is drier up your end than it is right here now HIcky. xx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.


A wed time here today, didn't do anything really.


The Raspberry canes came, 3 types in lots of 6.

Will plant as soon as the weather picks up but rain forecast for the near future.


Missed the Apprentice, was watching another side or a recording.

As soon as I see nothing on I look at the recorded list, I usually have at least 60 programs to watch.


Thanks for the firework display, this rain might dampen things tonight.


I found some tent pegs that I think will do, 30cm long and 12mm thick metal.

It's to make area's for the vines and Raspberry canes.

I drill a hole in the post then hammer the spike in and then put the plastic cord between 2 and tighten with special devices.


That is dreadful, those poor people when the plane blew up, I thought all along a bomb had been planted.

I certainly wouldn't go anywhere near myself.


Hope Emptybox is ok while away.



gosh we have rain, rain and more rain today. Hope you don't too as I know you will be keen to sort those raspberries out.


Shame you missed the Apprentice, you do have a lot of recordings.


Hope the pegs do the job ok.


Yes indeed, absolutely dreadful how they now think a bomb blew all those poor people up.  What on earth would motivate anyone to do such a dreadful dead? I don't have much sympathy with the UK holiday makers now complaining about being delayed getting home, as they chose to go to an area with known problems and they are only been delayed for their own safety. Some who left were even complaining because they had to leave their main luggage behind. Tough, surely these stupid people should realise they had been lucky to get a flight home, and only had to leave their luggage behind for safety? They had even been told they would get it back later, and were allowed cabin baggage.


Gogglebox on later and I am looking forward to seeing the new Christmas John Lewis ad that is being aired in the ad break.


Hope you are having a good day, and hope Emptybox is enjoying his break. x






Evening Mollie.


It was 16C here today, managed to plant all the 18 Raspberry plants before we had any rain.

The plants were very healthy looking, very good sets of roots.

Roots so big I had to make a trench to put the plants in.

6 fruit from June onward, 6 early July onward, 6 late July till October.


I thought that a bomb had brought down the plane as soon as they said they thought it broke up in the air, so sad but those nasty people don't care 1 jot.


I suppose leaving their luggage behind gave them a better chance of survival on the journey.

They probably left all luggage from a flight in a closed hanger and if a bomb was in it with a timer it would go off.


But it may not have been a bomb in a persons luggage it could have been planted by an infiltrated member of staff without anyone knowing.


I'll watch Gogglebox later.


Went to my lads earlier as one of his little ones had a birthday, he's 9, only stayed for a cuppa.


Good Evening Both.


Not so nice today, very little sun, some rain, cloud.


My vegetable nets came and some steel hooks I ordered.


Went out for brekkie, ordered 6 x 25L bags of compost and 3 x 50L bags organic manure.

It's for the 4 tree's i'm expecting sometime this month.

I have got some compost in the tubs but they need topping up when the trees come, they will all be bare root.




that is good that your plants were so healthy looking. They should do well then.

That is a lot of manure and compost, but at least you are well prepared for your trees arrival now.


Not very nice this morning, but the rain cleared this afternoon, so I took mum a little walk down the seafront in her wheelchair.

Then this evening went with OH and kids to a firework display in a village not far from here. Very nice it was, in the castle grounds with a big bonfire too.

Lucky the weather was good as we skipped going to our usual one last Tuesday due to the drizzle.


Am enjoying watching X factor now.


I am missing Emptybox now, it is like he has been gone forever.

wonder when he will come back?

hope he had a good week though and wasn't too bored.


Goodnight Hicky x


Evening both.

Just got back this evening.

I wasn't planning to stay a full week, but my Uncle had planned things for Thursday and Friday nights, so I felt I had to stay till Saturday.

I didn't really mind as it meant I got to see all my cousins over the course of the week.


Weather not very good though.

When i went down last Sunday there was heavy fog for part of the way, and also traffic congestion, so it took me 7 hours.

Today coming back there was rain either end of the journey, but some sun in the middle, and only took me 6 hours.

It was nice weather up till Wednesday, then it rained every day after that.


I guess it was quite a restful week, although my Uncle had me helping him lift potatoes, and to do a bit of strimming. (he's still driving his tractor at 83)

Also did a lot of reading though.


Went out for a meal one night to a nice restaurant.

Had king prawns in garlic and olive oil, followed by game pie with pumpkin mash and mixed veg followed by dark hot chocolate tart and cream.

Quite pricey, so I was glad not to be paying. (I did offer a contribution, but was refused Phew! )


The rest of the time it was home cooking. They grow or raise most of the food themselves. Although they buy more in now that they are elderly and not so able. At one time they made their own butter and cream, and the bacon would have been from their own pigs, but now they buy those. It's all their own hen and duck eggs though.


My Aunt was trying to feed me up while I was there, as she noticed I had lost weight (after my illness of last year).

I told her it would be in vain, as I find it very difficult to put weight on.

Indeed I weighed myself when i got home, and I'm exactly the same as when I left.


Wasn't too bothered by symptoms while I was away. Perhaps needed to pee a bit more than a few years ago, but nothing that stopped me enjoying myself.

Also found it difficult to sleep very well in the bed. But I wasn't tired driving home, so no harm done.

Glad to be home though. 


My shoulder still continues to bother me though, and actually got worse while I was there. Seems to have eased a bit the last couple of days though.

It's a sharp burning nerve type pain, so if it doesn't continue to improve, I guess I'll have to see the doc about it?


 Will read back tomorrow.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Both.


Back on Firefox as MS Edge was taking all the CPU & Memory making it hard to do anything.

Will try this again, strange really, Edge was fine till the last 2 days.


Mollie, The tubs i use are between 50 Litre & 100 Litre and takes a lot of compost, i try to reuse as much as possible but each time you take a plant out you lose some.

I need a lot of manure for mulching in the spring.

I am going to list the trees as i have lost track what i have.


We were going to go out for lunch but have decided to make a roast dinner here instead, she decided i would anyway.


Enjoyed the dancing but am no longer bothered about X-Factor


Glad the rain cleared so you take your mum to the seafront.

We never went out to see a bonfire, not too bothered about fireworks either these days.


Emptybox, glad to see you back, that was nice seeing your cousins during the week.

7 hours, thats quite a journey.


I can imagine you lifting potato's and strimming, thats a good age for your uncle still working, mind you farmers etc never seem to stop.


That meal you had out sounds nice, that was a nice change anyway, not often you have that.


Glad you waterworks didn't play up, it's always hard to sleep in a strange bed, not sure why though.


I think you must have a trapped nerve, sometimes it can be eased or freed by someone using their fingers.


Hi Hicky.

Hope you enjoyed your roast dinner, even though you had to do the cooking.


You might well be right about the trapped nerve. It certainly has that feeling.


My uncle is good for 83. Very sharp (if a little deaf). He's rather slow on his feet though, so every job takes him longer than it used to.


Although my car ran fine, it's developed a noise that sounds like exaggerated road noise. Might be a wheel cylinder gone?


That resort in Egypt where the tourists are trapped (Sharm el-Sheikh) is the one my Brother was at just 3 weeks ago. Haven't spoken to him yet, but bet he's glad he had his holiday when he did.


All internet browsers seem to use up a lot of RAM. I use Chrome, but it does the same. Haven't really used Edge much because it does seem to use more of the CPU than the others.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got good weather for your trip to North Wales last weekend.


Glad you enjoyed the fireworks display. 

The 5th was the night I went out for a meal in Norfolk, but I didn't see any fireworks. Mind you, it was pouring with rain that night.


Evening Emptybox.


I cooked a boned leg of lamb and a joint of beef, did them at the same time, gave them about 2 hours on 170 fan temp, but hooked the thermal control into the meat to check when ready.

O/H did the veg and spuds later for tea.


Have made 2 jellies for afters.


When you said a wheel cylinder did you mean a bearing? which is more than likely to give you some wheel noise.


I'm using Firefox and Edge, i usually have about 16 tabs on the top bar so i can flick from site to site but edge didn't seem to be able to handle that without a heavy cpu cost.

But Firefox is still freezing when i play a video so am using Edge, have both browsers open at the same time.


It's been a pretty rotten day, went into the garden once for a walk around but nothing needs doing.



Hi Hicky.

That sounds like a great meal you and your OH cooked.


Nasty weather here as well. Very heavy rain when I was at the supermarket.


Yes I think I mean a wheel bearing. Not quite sure what a "wheel cylinder" is TBH.

I watched a video on Youtube that showed the sound of a wheel bearing going, and it sounded very similar to what I'm getting.


Good morning both xx



so good to thave you back, we missed you.

I was wondeirng where you were, and what you were up to, as I thought you were due back sooner, but at least you got to see all your cousins whilst you were there, and got fed well, whilst helping pur uncle out too. Your uncle sounds quite a character for his age. Shame your aunt didn't manage to fatten you up, but nice of her to try. I am pleased your health problems did not bother you too much. Hope your shoulder is easing now though. Gosh 7 hours journey, that is a long time. 

Sorry to hear your car is not right now.

So annoying as you seem to have had so much problems with transport lately.

Are you back at work now, or taking a rest today?



you said you were listing your trees again, how many do you have now?

My firefox too seems to be playing up and going really slow the last few weeks, it often says "Firefox not responding".  I don't have Edge though, I do have Chrome though.

Hope you can get in the garden today.


Dry here this morning.

have to get 2 buses to mum's this afternoon, the agency are a girl down, so I will take the role of the 2nd carer getting mum to bed, then get bus home tonight.


Last night we went to son's drama award ceremony, in connection with bbc, he was an extra on a short fill in the summer, and they showed the series of films on the big screen. It was a case of blink and you'd miss him, but it was still good to see his name in the cast list at the end.   And we will watch it when it is on bbc2 soon. Son helped host the vip guests, that involved opening the door of their Porche's when they arrived on the red carpet. OH had his eye on this rather smart looking white porche VIP's not really well known, only local ones mainly working on Welsh tv. One girl from son's drama has done well though, amongst others she had been on Mr Selfridge.


Time to catch up with around 7 washloads now, then off to mum's. Luckily I got VAT off on Friday.


did you watch X factor Emptybox?

IACGMOH starst soon I think. Wonder if we will know any of the celebs?


have a good day both xx



Hi Mollie.

Having a day off today, but it's wet and windy, so I couldn't have worked anyway.

Going to do some invoicing this afternoon.


Must have been a thrill seeing your son on the silver screen, even if only for a moment. Even better that it's going to be on BBC2.


Watched X-Factor this weekend, but don't have any particular favourite.

Don't think the girl singer should have been the first off last night. I thought she was quite good.


Enjoyed the last Downton last night. Hope Lady Edith has a happy ending in the Christmas episode.


Evening Both.


Happy Birthday Emptybox.


A lousy day here, rained all day.

The delivery came of the compost but it can stay were it is.


Emptybox, wheel bearings not too big a job for the garage.


Mollie, when i plant the trees that are on the way it will be about 26 trees, quite a mixture really.


Firefox seems to have sorted the problem, an update came yesterday so have gone back, turned Edge off now.


Thats a blow having to replace a carer.

Nice seeing your lad on the screen, fancy him being involved with the VIP's, nice.


Thanks El Loro and Hicky.

Yes I spent a happy birthday afternoon doing my invoices.


Pity you had the rain as well Hicky, but at least your compost came.

I had the right hand rear wheel bearing done a couple of years ago. Not sure which one this is?


Glad your Firefox is sorted.

Edge browser in Windows 10 is okay, but hasn't got all the features yet, so you can't put any extensions or add-ons into it.

Last edited by emptybox

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