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hope the baby and dog sitting goes ok. Good job nephew has his own tv.

The dog might surprise you tv wise. My dog starts barking if dogs or cats are on tv, then you can't hear a lot.

Hope you had a good journey.

Where is it your brother and wife have gone to?

Wonder what you are going to cook for nephew and you for tea?

If he is anything like my lads, they never complain if offerred a pizza though.




glad you enjoyed the Toby.  I see they have a new menu for autumn with extra choices. Doesn't affect me much as I just enjoy the help yourself veg and yorkshire pudding. Son does like a gammon sandwich there though, instead of a roast. Always good value money wise. Do you have any more pics of your garden, I'd love to see the stickers in place too. Did you finish pruning the tree before your neighbour came back? How strange he doesn't want it touching, when he doesn't even own it.


My OH took the tamsolusin for around a week, but stopped it a few days ago, as he hasn't had any symptoms for over a week and it was making his heart thump early mornings. He had a few tablets left, so will hold onto them incase he needs them, although I hope he doesn't. Do you still take one daily Emptybox?

He is back at work today and if the hospital send for another scan, he will go. (or get the GP to send him for one), because as you say, he needs to check if it is all clear now. But he has turned down the op re-scheduled for next week, as he couldn't agree to go in for an emergency op as he has been symptom free for so long, until they check if he still has the problem there.



Nice and sunny here today, so have lots of washing out, hope it is nice for you too. Have a good day.


Evening Mollie.


Not a bad day, had rain for about 1 minute, some cloud and sun.


Managed to cut a few of the drooping branches that overhang the fence.

The neighbour is away all week.

It isn't easy trying to cut the branches when they are pretty high, it would be easier with a lever to do it than a pull cord.


Don't think the stickers will show up very well on the gazebo.

I have ordered a clear plastic heavy sheet which i hope i can make a type of door to keep the winter out of the gazebo as it will be nice to eat inside but i don't want it full of snow.


Hope you O/H doesn't have any more problems with the stones

I wonder if what was giving him the pain has gone, i had terrible pain years ago, think i was in Singapore, i asked them to put me to sleep, the next day it had gone so not sure if it was a stone i passed or whether the stone just moved.


Hope Emptybox is ok away, i imagine the food will be ok, not sure about the rest.



Hi guys.

Quick reply because I'm on the tablet.

Nephew sitting going OK, but very boring.

He hasn't wanted any food that I've been making. He wanted to feed himself.

He had pepperoni pizza on Sunday night and pepperoni pizza tonight. Don't know what he'll have tomorrow, as there were only 2 pizzas in the fridge.

I had salmon fillet, potatoes and brocoli. all things that are alien to him.

Will speak properly on Wednesday night when I'm home.  





that is good you have a whole week whilst your neighbour is away to tackle those branches. Take care you don't hurt yourself though as they are so high. no you certainly want no snow in your gazebo. So that door you are making should prove to be useful.

Sounds like that could of been a stone you too had in Singapore then. The scan showed my OH's was only arond an inch from the bladder the consultant said, so we hope it has all gone now.

Not much on tv lately is there?

Far too much sport for my liking. My Coronation street was cancelled again earlier this week.



I guessed it, what I said about the pizza turned out true!

I only guessed it because whenever my son is left alone meal wise, all he wants is pizza, and exactly the same, pepperoni pizza. He'd eat it every day if he had chance. Wonder what your nehphew had after the pizza had gone? Your own menu would of been alien to my pizza loving son too. Mine would probably go for spicy chicken strips, or a micro wave curry if the pizza had gone.   Daughter is the oppsosite and would be more likely to cook a full roast dinner, followed by home baked cakes.   My other son would put the milk in a bowl and make do with cereal.  

Shame you are bored, so I am sure you will be glad to be back home again when your other nephew takes over today.


I had to drive OH's car last night back from mum's. I was a nervous wreck as I have only driven the 7 seater a few times and the country roads were so dark, and my eyesight seemed so bad. I kept saying I couldn't see the side of the islands properly. When we got home OH came running out and said one of the headlights had gone.   no wonder I couldn't see well down those dark lanes! Good job I didn't get pulled over.
I am catching 2 buses over to mum's instead today.


Nice day here today, hope it is where you are too. Good for drying all my washing.

Hope you have a good journey home Emptybox. x


Good Evening Mollie.


I can't reach many more of the branches, i've taken what i wanted to, the rest are too high, have taken mostly those hanging down, don't like them.


Went out for brekkie, then went to Costco, got meat for curry, lots of lamb, boned shoulders, fillet, chops.Brazil Nuts, choc coated, some clothes for the garden in the winter, cakes, Figs, Toilet Rolls, love the Costco triple sheet.


Waiting for the plastic for the gazebo door to come, it's been posted.


Need another extension lead and another heater for the small garden shed.


If your O/H's stone was an inch from the bladder then there's a good chance it came out, but if you see a stone you would wonder how it could get through the pipes at all, also it could do a lot of damage to the inside of the pipe.


The Apprentice starts tonight, love that, 9pm BBC1.


Oh dear, that was an experience for you, it's not good to have a headlight out at the best of times.

You wouldn't get done for having a light out, they would just tell you to get it fixed.Halfords, if you have one by you, they will fit it as well.


emptybox, hope your stay wasn't too bad, see you when you arrive back.




Hi guys.

Back home in one piece.


Quite good weather today. Frosty start, and it was very cold at 8am, when I was taking the dog for a walk.

Sunshine on the drive home, but low cloud and mist as I got closer to home.


My Brother is in Egypt scuba diving Mollie. It's something they've got into in the last couple of years. They seem to both enjoy it.


Didn't have any traumas baby sitting. All the food was left for me anyway.

Just it was so boring. Watched far more telly that I would usually do.

Walked the dog twice a day, and listened to some music on my tablet, but not the same without my computer and stereo system and guitar etc.


Suppose I could have gone out in the car, but I don't know the area well enough to know where to go.

And Nephew in a particularly uncommunicative phase.

However, it wasn't too bad. And I had a few days off work.


Nephew had a cheeseburger for the third dinner. Made a change from pizza I suppose?


I suppose it's because you don't drive much that you didn't notice the headlight out Mollie? Pretty scary drive for you.

I would have thought it was better than taking the bus though?


Had a shock the day before I went across to babysit. Was checking the oil in the car and saw some movement in the bonnet lining.

I've had mice in there before, so thought that's what it was, so started to thump it to try to flush them out. But it was four rats that came out.

They've messed up the bonnet lining pretty bad, but luckily they don't seem to have chewed any wiring. At least the car is driving fine anyway.

Have put an ultrasonic device under the bonnet to try to deter them, but it's a plugin one, so at the moment have a lead going out of the letterbox to give power to this thing.

Will have to order a battery powered one. Just hope it keeps them away.

I thought the mice were bad, but rats could do a lot more damage.


I still take one Tamsulosin tablet a day Mollie. I do find my heart races sometimes. I thought it was another symptom of my condition, but maybe it's a side effect of the drug? Difficult to sleep when it does that.

Hope your OH doesn't have any more bother from the kidney stone.


Hi Hicky. Glad you are taking full advantage of your neighbour being away to prune the tree. :cool;


Hope the plastic comes so you can get the door made for the gazebo.

Wouldn't have thought it would be much fun eating out there in the winter though?


Watched Britain's Flashiest families at 10pm on Five, featuring the one and only Aisleyne.

Thought she came over very well, considering the programme is fairly tongue in cheek. Obviously it went a bit OTT, giving the impression she get's about by helicopter , but it was good fun.


And before that it was The Apprentice.

Last edited by emptybox




glad things were not too bad for you whilst away, but I can see you are glad to be home again.

Oh yes cheeseburger, i should of guessed.   A lot of youngsters are so alien to a proper meal with veg. My lad tells me that at least he is not into booze and drugs like a lot of them and takes his own wholemeal sandwiches (made by me) to college, so I shouldn't moan if he enjoys his pc gaming and pizza and burgers for tea. I guess he has a point about the getting drunk thing, it is unbelievable how most of the kids in his class think they can't enjoy themselves unless they are legless.


at the rats in your car. Flippen heck that is worse than mice, sounds like they were hoping to get comfy for the winter in your car. Yes you definately are in need of a wireless deterent. Hopefully amazon or ebay will have a good choice.

Yes I think the heart thing is a side effect of the drug, (so I read online) after OH got it. So at least you know your condition is not causing this.

So was Ais included in this show, as being part of a flash family as she goes around in a helicopter? She certainly must of earnt some good money then from her BB/modelling stuff.


Yes I too watched The Aprrentice. There are a few good looking females for you to enjoy watching, I see. That Jamaican girl was certainly a bossy one how she spoke to the others though.

Hope weather is dry so you can get some work done, as I know you were concerned about getting behind.



hope the sheet arrives so you can get it done today. Have you done as much pruning as you can now? Do you think the neighbour will moan when he comes back?


Nice day, so good for drying the sheets. It is so lovely to have so much sunshine this time of year, hope you too have it.

OH had letter off hospital and has to go for X ray to see if the stone has gone, followed by a meeting with consultant.

Hope it has, as the last thing he wants to agree to is an op, now he has exactly no symptoms.

Just noticed The Apprentice is on again tonight, so at least we have something interesting to watch.

Have a good day xxx



Hi Mollie.

Not too bad day here, bit of sun bit of cloud but quite cold.

had some washing on the line but it was still damp when I got home, so the drying outside days are more or less over up here.


Got some grass cutting done and some hedge cutting.


Yes, I think the rats were intent on bedding down in the bonnet lining, which is quite thick in that car.

The van doesn't have any lining, so nowhere for rats to make a home, although I have seen some droppings in there as well.

haven't had any back since I got back from my brother's, so perhaps that broke the cycle? Or the ultra sonic device has stopped them.

I'll just have to check every day for a while.


I was thinking of buying something like this.

It's meant for a shed or garage really, but should work under the bonnet of the car. I'd have to remember to take it out before i drove though.

Alternatively you can permanently install something powered from the car battery.


I think Aisleyne was included on the show because she has a habit of buying expensive shoes and watches. But it was a bit of a fantasy. It showed her travelling by helicopter, but i doubt she's been in one previously.

It showed her going shopping with her grandmother (Nana Wallace), who was tutting at her excesses, and saying she usually shops in Asda.

It also showed her going back to see the hostels she used to live in as a teenager, to show how far she'd come.


Hope your OH's X-ray is clear, and no further action is required.


Enjoyed The Apprentice tonight. Thought the right girl was fired, as she came across as very spiky and a bit unpleasant on the show.

But I watched the extra 'You're fired' prog afterwards, and she came over as much more pleasant on that.


Evening Both.


A pretty cloudy day here.

Not a lot happening.

Put the cover up over the gazebo opening, it can be opened one side if we need to go in.


The pears are ready on the family pear tree, so should take them all off and store really.


My plastic cord came so i put a line up to hang the extension lead on which runs from the garage to the sheds.


Emptybox, glad your stay was OK.


Not good having Rats under the bonnet, they chew through anything.

Good idea to put that device in through, that should sort them.


Mollie, Yes, as i said earlier, gazebo opening can now protect against the elements, if we have a nice day we can use it though.


Finished shredding the tree branches yesterday, don't think neighbour will be able to tell what i have done as i only took the hanging ones by me.


Best if O/H has checks to see if the stone has gone.


Enjoyed the Apprentice again.




Hi Hicky.

Dull and cloudy here. Got a couple of jobs done, grass cutting, hedge cutting and raking leaves.

The grass was soaking wet though.


Have sent away for that battery operated rat repeller. The mains one seems to keep them away, so hopefully the battery one will too.


Glad your plastic cord came.

Have you got a good crop of pears?

Hope your neighbour doesn't twig that you've pruned the tree.


Not much on telly tonight apart from Gogglebox.

Watched some of the Bond film, but I've seen it before.




Evening Emptybox.


A rather cool cloudy day here.

My extension lead came for the small shed so i installed that.


Took all the pears of the small family tree, they were all in bags if you remember.

I ate one to see if they are ripe.

I could store the Comice ones for months, going to make a pear tart thingy tomorrow.


The battery version of the rat scarer is worth a try anyway.


Haven't spoken to the neighbour, it was a bit cold in the garden.


I watched that Gogglebox, it depends on what is on though.


Just seen SCD, enjoyed that tonight.





that is good your small shed is all set up now with the extension lead.

I bet your pear tart will be lovely made from home grown pears.

I too enjoyed the dancing tonight.

Strange how they never have X factor on Saturdays any more, but have moved it to Sundays. So not much on tv after the dancing.

It was a cloudy day here too today.

Hope the neighbour doesn't pull you up about the trimmed bushes. Is this neighbour a bit of a fuss pot?


We went to Toby last night for tea, really nice for ÂĢ5.99 each . I tried the new veggie option and it was delicious. Butternut squash, sort of curry flavour, topped with a cruchy rice almondy topping. OH had pork and daughter had turkey.



finges crossed that repellant you have bought does the trick. You will have to leave something in the car to remind you to remove it before you start the engine. Glad the weather was ok for you to get a few jobs done. Did you take a day off work today?

I too watched Gogglebox, I enjoy that show.


Goodnight both xxx



Last edited by *mollie*


Very cloudy day here, but dry.

Didn't do any work. Was going to cut my own grass, but it was too wet (with dew).


The rat repeller came so I've put it in the car. Too early to say if it'll work.

The bonnet liner might absorb too much of the sound to keep the rats and mice away? We'll have to see.


Good job harvesting all those pears Hicky. Should keep you going for a while.

Glad your extension lead came.


Hi Mollie.

I think X factor is only on Sunday because of the Rugby World Cup?

Glad you enjoyed your Toby meal.


Watched my recording of Doctor Who.


Evening Both.


A cool cloudy day, no wind, didn't do much.

Made a pear thingy in a pre-made pastry case, very nice too.


My lad and his lot came this afternoon.


O/H has got a week off work and has been spring cleaning most of the day, not sure why.


Started putting the bubble wrap around the tree tubs.


I'll see if i can get the gardener for a few hours next week, i have quite a few things need doing and it awkward on my own.


My Lad in Oz has sold his Bungalow, he's sorted an apartment to rent, he has to be out in a month.


Mollie, Enjoyed the SCD show, wasn't surprised who went, it's between just a few at the moment.


My neighbour might not be noticing the tree just yet as he had an accident on holiday and fell down some stairs where they were staying and he's a bit bruised.


I think the Toby Carvery is fantastic, not sure about the vegy option, you have to ask for the 4 non meat roast.


I used to get the roast beef only till i realised you lose out, now i get the lot.


Emptybox, i wasn't going to use my nice bonny chubby Comice pears for the pear tart but O/H is on holiday so she didn't go to work.


Watched my recording of X-Factor, saw Simon's group, think this musical chairs is dreadful.





oh well at least the dew gave you a good reason to take a day off.

Let's hope the repellant works to keep those blighters out of your car.

So x factor might come back Saturdays when this rugby ends, it seems to be going on forever. Not keen on the chair thing at the moment though, seems so cruel.


Hope HIcky got nice weather and was able to get out in his garden today.


Nice and warm on the coast when I went to mum's but not so good round here as we get cloud from the valleys. When I got to mum's it was one of my fave carers with her today. This carer is lovely, she dies her hair real flamboyant. Last week it was pink, today it was bright green. Mum had gloves on ready to go out when I got to the flat, and I couldn't believe it later when I took her gloves off for her to eat her ice cream,.... the green haired carer had painted mum's nails bright purple. It was lovely on the sea front sitting in the sun eating ice creams today, even the donkeys were on the beach and children playing in the sand and on the fair ground rides.


I think I am traumatised after watching Downtown Abbey. Anyone else see it? I missed the "shocking scenes" warning beforehand as I had got behind watching X factor. So it was a complete surprise to me, turned my stomach. Clever tv though.


goodnight both xxx


Evening guys.

Nicer day here so I got my own grass cut. Not much growth now though.


Well done to your lad Hicky, getting his place sold.

Pity your neighbour had an accident.


Bet your pear tart was all the nicer for using your special pears?



Hi Mollie.

Fortunate that you had a nice warm day at your Mum's.

That's good of your multi-coloured carer for painting your Mum's nails.


Yes I saw the scene in Downton. I'd seen the warning beforehand. Bit gory for a Sunday night.


No rats in the car this morning, but too early to pass judgement on the repeller yet.



Brother back from his holiday. The place was still in one piece seemingly, so the two nephews obviously didn't hold any raves after I'd gone.






didn't see your post till I logged in this morning, then checked the timings and we posted at the same time.

That is good your son managed to sell his place quickly. Has he decided to rent instead of buy so he has more freedom of mobility? It is one of the reasons we didn't buy in the end, as we may end up going back up north where OH's family are. Gosh not nice for your neighbour having an accident whilst away. Is he elderly? Good job he only has bruising. But sounds like he won't be bothering about a few bushes being trimmed now.

Hope you can get the gardener out to help you soon.

Not looking forward to the advent of winter clock time soon. But at least we have had a good spell of dry weather recently so you have been able to get in the garden.

Do you have anything with your pear tart, eg cream or custard?

My daugther made a lovely rice pudding with sultanas, we had a bit of runny cream on top of it and it was lovely. Took a long time to cook in the oven though.

Yes Toby is great for meat lovers too, OH usually has a mix of 2 meats.



glad to hear the rats are away at the moment, let's hope it continues. Did the bats go away in the end? Wildlife does seem drawn to you somehow.

Our grass is in need of a cut, pretty overgrown, but hopefully it will be the last one next time.

Glad you brother returned to a damage free home. At least you did your contribution to help out there.

Are you up to date work wise?

Do you have that new customer this week, and do they still keep changing their mind on what they want you to do?


Am going to peg washing out, not sure if it will dry much as it is cloudy today.


Looking after mum this afternoon, then will have to drive OH's car to take her home, he can't fix headlamp so has to book it in garage/Halfords. But he says I can use fog lamp. hope I can see ok.

I am so glad I have day centre to send mum to each day of the wek, they are so good to her, play old music, take her out, do activities and a fresh cooked hot meal that they help feed her too. We do have to pay but it is part subsidised, so cheaper than paying for home care, and we get price of bus there and back included. Much better for her than being stuck in the flat all day.


Time to do tidy and paperwork.

hope there is something good on tv instead of sport when I get back from mum's tonight. Think I will get daughter to make me cauliflower cheese tonight.


have a good day both x




Hi Mollie.

Cold and cloudy here today, but I got a couple of places cut, and a hedge trimmed.


Have put my winter duvet on my bed now, as I was needing my electric blanket on all night before. The winter duvet should hold the heat better, and mean I can turn the blanket off after the bed has been warmed.


No sign of rats this morning again.

The bats go away in August Mollie.

I think it's just because I'm in a farm cottage surrounded by fields, that i get all the wild life.


When you say you might move up north, I presume you mean to North Wales?

Yes I've got that customer tomorrow, will be strimming again.

Then I should think they'll only need one more visit this season to tidy flower beds etc.


More or less up to date with work otherwise. I want to get all the grass cutting done before I go down to visit my Uncle in Norfolk at the end of the month.


Good luck driving the car without a headlight.

Hope you don't get stopped by the Police.



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


My new fan heater came this morning and some plant labels.


Managed to cut more bubble wrap to 16, now have got about 16 tubs covered.


Mollie, Didn't watch Downton or whatever it is.

that was nice, the carer doing your mums nails, she wouldn't worry what the colour was.


My lad moved jobs to Sydney so sold his house, he is buying an apartment anyway so he can just rent for now, he has sold all his furniture etc so is renting furnished.


Emptybox, The pear tart thingie was lovely, have got the stuff to make another when i want.


Decided about getting the gardener out as O/H is off this week and it would make things awkward.


I have cream with the tart, i could have custard but partial to double cream.


It's a long time since i had rice pudding, not sure why as i do love it.


Had some sun today as well, no wind for a while.

I used the Comice pears, they were a good size as well, i had covered them with the greaseproof bags to stop the squirrel getting them, it must have put it off anyway as they all were fine.


It looks like the rats have flown, so to speak.



Evening Both.


Not a bad day, finished wrapping the bubble wrap around the pots.


Be out for most of the day tomorrow, out for brekkie, then going to SIL to take her some corrugated Cardboard, then back to go somewhere for tea.


Got to put some Fleece over certain trees for the winter.


Got to shred some leaves in the Vac unit.


Got to turn the compost heap.


Hope you are both Ok and not too stressed.


Hi Hicky.

Nice day here as well.

Started off cloudy, but we had quite a bit of sunshine later.

The grass was quite dry as well, so a good day for work.


Glad your heater came yesterday, and you got your pots covered in the bubble wrap. You must be expecting a cold snap?


Enjoy your day out tomorrow.


Was strimming at my new customer today.

The strimmer is still very temperamental, but it kept going anyway.


Unfortunately I seem to be having a problem with the rear suspension on the van. It's only 3 months since they fitted rear springs on it, but I get the feeling something has gone wrong. When I go round a sharp left hand bend it seems to dive down at the rear on the opposite side, making it rather unstable.

I think I'll have to take it to the garage again.

I'll try to leave it till after the grass cutting has finished, but if it gets worse I might be forced to act sooner.

Can't see anything wrong just by looking at it.

I'll just have to take it easy as I'm pootling about between jobs.


With a bit of luck, if it's their repair that has gone wrong, I might not be charged. But with my luck it'll be something different that has gone wrong.


I watched that 'Building Cars Live' on BBC2.






hope the rats are still staying away.

glad you got a bit of work done, and are up to date. That will be a nice change for you to go to Norfolk, that is a fair drive for you, how long does it take?  Or are you using the train? Hope the visit to the new customer went ok this time.

yes winter duvet for me too now. I think I fancy an electric blanket soon too.

Yes it is North Wales we are thinking of going to. Houses cheaper than here, and OH's family there too. Beautiful part of the country too.



You have done well getting your tubs wrapped ready for winter.

Oh I see, renting a place makes sense for your lad as he is moving inter-state, and Sydney is a big place so best to take time to look around before buying.

I'd go for double cream with the tart too. The dietician told me how good double cream is for you, so I give it to mum with her fruit, with her cereal with her porridge etc. Lots of calcium in it for bones apparently, so would be good for your knee joints.

Double treats for you today then, with brekkie and tea out.


Luckily OH got Halfords to fix the headlight (thanks for the idea Hicky), so it was ok for when I drove to mum's. They only charged ÂĢ25 for the light and to fix it too.


Another lovely day here today, so got lots of washing almost dry. (not quite dry as sun not so strong now).


Not much on tv tonight, so just watched "Don't tell the Bride", whilst I was at mums.


Daughter made some lovely shortbread/sultana cookies.


Goodnight both x


Hi Mollie.

Yes the rats have stayed away for another day.


I'm driving down to Norfolk. It's a 5 hour drive (6 including rest stops) if the roads are clear. Although when I came home last time it took 9 hours because the motorway was closed following an accident. Not looking forward to it at all.

Also, sitting down for long periods is not good for my condition.


Wouldn't necessarily say it'll be a nice change for me, as they have no internet, no TV and no phone signal to speak of. So I'll be doing a lot of reading.

But I feel I should go down every now and again, as he's my Dad's brother and well into his 80s now. Plus I'll see some of my cousins as well.


Did the dietician really tell you that double cream was good for you?

I always have double cream myself, although i also like custard. Sometimes have both.


Glad you got the headlight fixed before you had to drive in the dark.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Had brekkie out, went to SIL's then we all went to old Farm area with loads of small artisan shops, employing 100 people in all, just had a coffee and a walk around, then went back to SIl's and had some grub.

We then came home.

Was going for a meal but i wasn't hungry after that.


Had an email saying expect delivery of the Gooseberry bushes, but it didn't say when.


Got an email off HMRC saying they had cancelled my direct debit months ago due a technical issue and i need to sort it out.

Their fault and i've got to sort it out.


Emptybox, strange about your rear suspension, wonder what has happened.


I saw some of that Building cars Live, wish they wouldn't let that idiot James May near the cars.


Are you driving down to Norfolk today? thought you have just come back from your Brothers.

No Internet, no TV, no phone signal to speak of, sounds like heaven, Ha Ha.


Mollie, It's best to see if Halfords can do it first, i've fitted some myself but it can be a problem and sometimes it.s easier to get the old lamp out that to fit the new one.


Watching The Apprentice now.






Can't believe your van is playing up again, let's hope you can get it fixed for free or cheap after all you spent on it recently. Let's hope you can finish your grass cutting problem free too. Good job your strimmer at least kept going.

5 hours drive is some drive, even further than when we go up to North Wales, (not much though). I hope you cope ok with it with your condition. Sounds like it will suit you best to leave early and take quite a few stops on the way.

I suppose a techy free few days won't do any harm, and at least you get to read a bit, and see your cousins.

Yes the dietician did say the double cream was good, because of the calcium, and fat is ok, and it is not sugarry.



Sounds like you had a nice day with SIL.

HMRC are annoying when they make mistakes, then leave you to sort them out.

Emptybox said he was off to Norfolk the end of the month, so a little while to go yet.


Rainy here today, but not all day, can't complain, I guess as we have had quite a lot of sun lately.


Enjoyed the Apprentice.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi Hicky.

Quite a nice day here, and a bit warmer than of late.


Glad you had a nice day out with your SiL. That farm place sounds interesting.

That's bad of HMRC cancelling your D/D and expecting you to sort it out.


No it's the end of the month that I'm going down to Norfolk.

I was supposed to go down last year, but I was ill, so it's 3 years since I've been there.


Much as I'd like it to be the springs that have gone on the van (so I could get it fixed for free), I can't see anything wrong with them or their fixings.

There's another strut that goes down to the wheel, and I suspect that might have failed.

All seems to be fine when the van is sitting still. It's not sitting down or anything. Just seems to be when I go round a left hand bend.

First noticed it a week or so ago, and i thought I must have skidded on some oil or something, because it had a wobble on. But it's happened a few times since.

As I say, I'll have to take it easy until I can get it fixed.


I agree about James May. Not sure why he seems to be on telly so much.


Love that task on the Apprentice.

Wish that American Varna had been fired. I think she can be quite unpleasant

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Not a bad day, windy but had some sun which was nice.

Started turning the compost over into the next box.


the Gooseberry bushes didn't come today, they usually arrive Friday so will probably come tomorrow.


Gave a tumbler of Raspberries to my neighbour, the one who fell, it will cheer him up as they were massive


O/H made a lovely Lamb roast dinner tonight, yummy.


Mollie, I rang my Accountant, well they just said they would look after my tax etc since i had been with them so long.

I told him the problem, he said it's no problem as i don't owe them any money because i am paying them in advance, i am ÂĢ400 in front at the mo so as long as i reinstate my payment to them i will be ok.

I rang HMRC and got the Direct Debit reinstated so all should be ok.


Emptybox, right, didn't realise it was the end of the month, mind you that isn't far off now.


That strut going down to the wheel is pretty serious if it's broken.


On the Apprentice Lord Sugar gets rid of the ones that are not going to go very far first.

He is very fussy on who he would like to share the final prize with so he gets rid of problems early.





Oh no, that is a blow if you have to pay out some more afer all your recently paid out already. Let's hope it keeps going for now until you get chance to get it fixed, and whenyou do, the bill is not awful!

Did you get any work done toay?

It was a nice day here wether wise, so hope it kept dry for you too.



Glad you got some sun too, so could get out in the garden. Hope the gooseberry bushes arrive tomorrow.

Glad you managed to sort the HMRC problem out, good job you are ÂĢ400 in front now, as that will be nice if you sill stay ahead and can get it back later.


I too enjoyed the Apprentice in France/Dover. Never realised Dover castle was such a grand looking castle. We have lots of castles in Wales, but they are mainly in ruins.

Got my washing nearly dry on the line today, just needs a quick air now, good to be able to do that at this time of year instead of resorting to the tumble drier.


Watching the itv thriller now called "Unforgotten", week 3 now, been quite good.

OH working from home tomorrow, which is good as it means at least 3 hours saved from his long commute.


Have a good

What are you watching tonight?


Evening Mollie.


I won't get anything back from the HMRC, with me paying up front it just gives me a bit of lee way.

Last time i was in front they said they couldn't send me a rebate unless i stopped the payments first.

Not sure what that has to do with them sending me a rebate.

With them not taking the money since June it has lost ÂĢ700 but because i am ahead if i start paying again next week i should be ready to pay them what they want by end of Jan.


Thats handy having O/H working from home tomorrow


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Dry day here but very windy.


I didn't get out to work as I was waiting in for a parcel (that never arrived).

Plus I wasn't feeling good today, so decided to stay home.


Glad you got the HMRC problem sorted Hicky.  

Mind you, it's to their advantage that you have to pay in advance, rather than to yours


Bet your neighbour was glad of those raspberries.

Hope your bushes come tomorrow.


My parcel should come tomorrow as well. It was marked as sent on Monday anyway.

It's a couple of those travel urinals, for my journey down South.

(unfortunately they won't fit through the letter box).


Hi Mollie.

Glad your OH is working from home tomorrow.


Didn't notice Dover Castle on the Apprentice? Was that where they met Lord Sugar? I was clearing up after my supper at that point, so not giving the telly full attention.


I watched 'The Last Kingdom' on BBC2. Saxons and Vikings; blood and swords etc.



Good morning both



gosh HMRC certainly make sure they make it complicated to sort out a refund, but I know they are quick enough chasing us up if we owe them anything!

Hope the weather is ok for you to get in your garden with the gooseberry bushes today. Hopefully your neighbour won't complain about the trimmed bushes if he appreciated your raspberries.



sorry to hear you felt unwell yesterday. Could it be stress related with your concern/annoyance over the van? But hope you feel a bit better today after a bit of a rest yesterday. But I guess the parcel not turning up ended up giving you a bit more justified annoyance.

Yes Dover castle was on at the very beginning of the Apprentice. It looked a big place and in good conditon from the outside. Did you see the bit when they went under the hidden corridors underground the castle where they did important meetings during the war? really atomospheric that was.


Dry today, need to go to Lidl and do some food shopping later today.

Feeling rather chilly in the house today, but don't want to put the heating on, have now had to dig out my winter woolies though.


Looking forword to seeing Gogglebox tonight.

Hope they show their reaction to the gory bit in Downtown Abby. It was certainly unexpected.


Will peg washing out, but cloudier today, so not sure if it will dry, but will give it a go.


Have a good day xxx


Hi Mollie.

Cloudy day here but dry.

My parcel came this morning, so I was able to get out to do some work this afternoon.

Feeling quite a bit better today.



I think you are right with the stress.

Any bit of stress seems to make my symptoms worse, and I was already a bit stressed about having to drive that distance in a week or so.

I have to try to keep myself calm all the time.


Also it could also have to do with the fact I did a lot of strimming on the Tuesday. I'm supposed to avoid using any vibrating machinery like the strimmer. But that's not really possible, with my job.


Ah yes, I saw them underground in the tunnels on The Apprentice. Didn't realise that was Dover castle.


Yes, it's getting very chilly in the house during the day now. Sometimes colder indoors that out (if the sun's out).

I've still got my heating coming on at 7pm at the moment.


Looking forward to Gogglebox later.


Evening Both.


Gooseberry bushes didn't arrive, they posted them Wednesday but not sure with what carrier.


I finished putting all the compost into the spare crate/box or whatever it's called.


Emptybox, pity your parcel didn't arrive, Just read that it cam in the end,  i often get told a delivery will come next Tuesday but it comes about 5 days early.

Sorry were weren't feeling well, and parcel not coming doesn't make you feel better either.


I've got 2 of those travel Urinals, unused as well, got them in case i needed them, very pleased i didn't of course.


Mollie, yes, strange that HMRC can't give me any rebate because i have a direct debit set up, don't see the connection.


They aren't bushes i trimmed Mollie, it's a big old Oak tree that has been badly pruned in the past, part of it is lying at 45deg, i don't know who it belongs to as it's in no-mans land as far as i know.


I've reset the house heating computer, set the evening from 7pm till 6am to 18C while all the rest is set to 19C, of course i can override any settings to change them at any time.




Pity your gooseberry bushes didn't come Hicky. Hopefully tomorrow.


I'm hoping I don't need to use a travel urinal as well. There should be plenty of service stations on the motorway, but the last 2 hours is on ordinary roads, so better safe than sorry.


Watched Gogglebox.

As you predicted Mollie, they showed that Downton scene.



Evening Emptybox.


The 3 bushes came today, they are not in pots, just with roots.

Tubs not ready yet as they have still got raspberry bushes in them.


In the house i have been practising not going to the loo when i get the urge, it goes off if you can hold off, then i wait for the urge again.

Thats the way i can get back better control, now at night i am going say 4 hrs but i find that you don't really get an urge while lying down, which is good.


Enjoyed SCD, watching my recording of X-Factor now.

Don't like groups.


Watched Gogglebox, it was ok.





glad your parcel came so you could get a bit of work done.

That's good you are feeling a lot better again. By the timing of it, sounds like you have overdone it with the strimming job and the stress of the van/forethcoming journey away all coming together. Make sure you unwind each day especially after work. And at least you know there are plenty of places to stop most of the journey and you have that urinal in case of emergencies. When we go up to North Wales, we have to be careful we plan where to stop when we can, so we are not taken short, as a lot of it is very rural.


Yes Gogglebox was really good. Do you like Scarlett? I think she is very funny. The little pup on her lap is so cute.



glad the bushes eventually arrived. I am sure you will soon sort the tubs out as you are so organised garden wise.

Gosh that 45 degree tree sounds very strange, but a good job you were able to tidy it up whilst your neighbour was away.

That is good how your waterworks are so much better now, you were in such discomfort and pain before.

Have your knee/hip aches gone now?


Last night me, OH and and son went to see a Frank Sinatra impersonator who came to our little theatre. He was just brilliant. Gosh not only did he sound just like Frank, he looked like him, he had a great band with him too, and told us lots of little stories about Frank. (who would of been 100 this year). He has been singing Frank in Vegas for some time and was on Stars in their Eyes. He said the Americans are really surprised if they find out he is British.

I had to stop myself thinking about mum though, as she loved Frank Sinatra and this time last year, I would of been able to take her with us.  I often took her to the little local theatre. My mum is still here, but is not with us now, if you get what I mean. Advanced dementia is just so cruel.  We did pop into her bedroom to check on her before we went though and the carers had tucked her up with her teddy they bought her, nice and safe in her hospital bed with the cot sides, so I knew she was ok, but it was still sad that her days of going out with us to theatre/meals have finished.

X factor on tonight, at last, glad to see it on on a Saturday. , and I enjoyed the dancing too, but turned it over to watch X factor at 8pm. 


have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie and Hicky.

Wet start today but dried up later.

Cleaned my car inside and out, but didn't do much else.


Not good again today. Shouldn't really say how I'm feeling as it changes from one day to the next.

Haven't had this bad symptoms for a couple of months, so it's annoying when I'm supposed to be going down South.

If I'm not better by next weekend I'll have to put off going, because you need all your attention when driving on the motorway. Can't be worrying about feeling like you need a pee all the time.

A bout usually only lasts a few days though, so hopefully it'll be OK.


Hi Hicky.

Glad your gooseberries came.

If they're bare rooted they should be fine waiting until the pots are ready.

That's good that you are practising more control over passing water, and can now go much longer at night.

When I'm bad I have a constant feeling of needing to go, and an urgent feeling after about 45 mins.

Think it's the prostate clamping down and not letting me empty my bladder.


Hi Mollie. 

Really sad that your Mum can't be part of family outings any more.


Have you seen that Frank Sinatra act before, or was it another one?

I'm sure you've mentioned a Frank Sinatra impersonator before.

Glad you enjoyed it anyway.


Yes Scarlett Moffat on Gogglebox is very funny. Looks a bit of a mess though. Always seems to have ripped jeans, which I hate.


X-Factor was good. Kinda takes away the point of Judge's houses though, if they make the decisions live? Makes for good viewing though, all those exotic locations.


just going to watch my recording of Doctor Who, then I'll have to remember to put the clocks back before bed.

Last edited by emptybox

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