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Another lovely day here. Nice and warm in the sunshine.


Thanks for the link to the House pics Hicky.

Looks OK, but I'm still not keen on the UK v US theme. But I guess we'll see how it goes.


Glad your John Innes delivery came. And you enjoyed a visit from your in-laws.


Hi Mollie.

Hope you had a good time with your friend's visit, and your Mum had a good day at the Day Centre.


Bloomin' stock market on the slide again. All because of China seemingly.

Only good thing is, the price of oil should go lower than ever.


Good Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day really.


Planted my latest 2 trees


Roasted a boned shoulder of lamb on the BBQ.


I like the CBB house, think it will make a change.


Yes, the stock market is really taking a hammering.

A lot of the problem is not real though, the market is nervous and selling stocks which are not even related to china dealing.


This is going to hit the mining industry hard as well.


both x



yes oh dear about the stock market, it was inevitable I guess, the so called recovery was just built on debt and QE'ed money from thin air.



well done on planting your last 2 trees.

Yes I too like the CBB house,but can't help but wonder if it means we are likely to get a load of American HM's who we don't even know.

Hope not any way, but I am still looking forward to it


Gosh you both have been lucky with the weather....the weather here continues being just awful, rain, rain and more rain, day after day. Fed up of it now.


Going to watch Educating Cardiff at 9pm, new series looks interesting.

Brother came from London to visit today.

We went for lunch then went to visit mum at day centre. They are so good with her there, give her old picture and cards to look at, materials to feel, and they play old music, give her a cooked meal. So at least I know she is well looked after.


Have a good evening. xxx


Evening both.

Another nice day here. A bit cooler and windier, but still sunny.

Sorry you are still getting the rain Mollie.


Yes you are right Hicky. The frustrating thing about the stock market is that people panic and sell off shares that have nothing to do with the Chinese problem.


I think a slow down was inevitable Mollie, but not a crash that it looks like turning into, although there's been a temporary rally today


Glad you got the weather to enjoy a BBQ Hicky.

And you got your trees planted.


Mollie, glad your Brother was able to see how well the Day Centre is doing with your Mum.

I didn't watch 'Educating Cardiff', I watched the School Swap thing on ITV.



Good Evening Both.


A lovely day here, sun all day, very nice.


Didn't do a lot today, put studs under the legs of the benches to stop the water soaking up from the decking when it rains.


Used the BBQ to cook a corn fed chicken, only 1.5kg but it cooked in an hour.

I used the oven probe to tell me how the chicken was doing, it needed to reach 74C at least.

The gas bottle said low when i started, just used 2 of the 4 burners and set them to medium heat.

That gave a temperature of about 125C which was fine for what i wanted, might get a new bottle tomorrow.


Mollie, that was nice having your Brother there, nice to have lunch then see your Mum.

It's a wonder she knows what is happening really, so sad.

Glad she is well looked after.


Emptybox, It's hard to understand China, they don't tell the truth, they are building thousands of flats but no-one lives in them, they were building 1 coal fired power plant a week.

They were buying up all the steel, coal and just about everything else.


Just hope things don't go too bad.





glad you got more good weather, a lot better here today, we have had a full week of rain up till today. Hope it is nice with it being bank hol weekend.

That is the trouble with the stock market, it is so unpredictable.



Glad to hear the weather was good enough for you to enjoy a BBQ.

Gosh those are all weird things you say about China.

Proves you can't beleive what they tell us, but if there is a real problem, I bet the rich are the first to get their money out one way or another.


WAtched the baking show tonight, those cakes looked so yummy.

Great news is that we won't be short of anything to watch tomorrow as it is launch night.


Goodnight both xxx





Hi Hicky.

Not bad day again here, although we had a sharp shower in the middle of the day.

Was dry and mostly sunny apart from that though.

Not bad for working.


That BBQ seems very handy for cooking your meat Hicky. Do you think it's better for that than doing it in the oven?


Yes, it's a bit worrying about China, because I've got a bit of money in China funds, and also other Asian funds, so I wouldn't want that sector to collapse completely.

Just sold off some India shares, as they were still higher than I'd bought them at, so I could still make a profit. But if I'd sold them a few weeks ago, I could have done an awful lot better.


Incidentally, about China's coal fired power stations.

I read recently that environmentalists had over estimated the carbon emissions that China was producing, because they'd assumed the power stations were burning ordinary black coal, but they've now discovered they were actually using brown coal, which is less efficient but produces less emissions.


Watched Posh Pawn, then Britain's Spending Secrets.

I guess it's CBB tomorrow.


ETA: Oh hi Mollie. Your post just popped up.

Glad you got better weather today.

Is it another bank holiday?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Exciting night tonight.

I'll have to stay up to watch it live.

The only time i do, usually record the shows.


A lovely day today.

Went to B&Q for a few bits, forgot to take the BBQ gas bottle so didn't get more gas.


Not sure why the food cooks quicker on the BBQ Emptybox, maybe it's the closer heat.


About China, i have a feeling it's all fixed.

Heard this morning that one person had just made ÂĢ250m in a few hours.


If the price of certain shares are driven down falsely and then persons buy the shares they will shoot up and people are making a packet.

The reason the shares fell was not for a legit reason, it was in case there was a problem, not a fact.


10 minutes to go, can't wait.


Hi Hicky.

Bit colder and windier here today, with some showers.

Got a bit of work done nevertheless.


Watching the CBB launch. Not very impressed with the US contestants. The only one I'd even vaguely heard of was the actor at the end - Baldwin.

Knew all of the Brits though.

A bit strange having Stevi Richie and Chloe jasmine as one housemate, even if they are a couple.


Thought there was supposed to be a launch night twist as well?

Unless the cannon game was it?


Not sure if the China crisis is completely genuine Hicky. Certainly they've been over-stretching themselves for a few years now, and people have been predicting a slowdown.

But wouldn't put it past them for some to indulge in profiteering.


Glad you got the great weather Hicky.

Pity you forgot to change the gas bottle at B&Q.


Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day.

Rang Calor up and they brought me a gas bottle this afternoon, the little one ran out so i got a bigger one.


Lifted my onions this afternoon, hung them on the raised bed trellis to dry.

The carrots were useless, ground too hard in the raised bed.

It was the top soil underneath.

Need to get more compost sorted for next year.


Have given a neighbour some golden beetroot, SIL said it was lovely.


Having trouble with a rib i hurt the other day getting rid of the last of the pallets that had accumulated.

I was passing the pallet over the low fence to next door but it caught on the fence and i walked into it.

Have been taking some paracetamol for now.


An interesting lot in the house, i like them all.


Think Chloe is cute, could listen to her all night.

They will be as one as they don't want to be split up.


Hope Mollie enjoyed the Launch also.


I recorded the programs after the launch so i could watch them in the day.


The 3 programs tonight i will record also, only watch the launch live.






gosh it is stressful owning shares, trying to time when to keep and when to get rid. Fingers crossed you do well.

All this about China is very confusing.



oh no, you can't have a sore rib, not just when you have sorted all your other problems out so well! Let's hope it feels better soon.

I bet your new neighbours are lucky to have you as a neigbhour with all your stock of garden food . Pity about the carrots, but at least you have worked out what went wrong. How did you know what the problem was? I think you are very clever growing all this food yourself.


I too think Chloe is so cute. I really liked her on X factor, thought she should of done better than she did. I like cheesy Steve too.

and what opposites they are.


Yes I like the fact all the British ones are at least known by us, but I know not one of the US ones. Don't seem very likeable characters either.

Didn't know there are 3 programmes HIcky.


Went to Pizza Hut for tea. Very nice, I like the help yourself salad. Waiter messed up order, so gave us the wrong ones free, so we now have enough pizza to last all weekend.


back to the show, hope you enjoy it too xx


Evening both.

Mixed weather here. Some sunshine, but some showers as well.

Got what I needed to get done though.


That rib must be sore Hicky.

Pity your carrots weren't a success, but you can't win with everything.

Your onions and beetroot have done you proud. Hadn't heard of a golden beetroot before.


That was good service from Calor. I didn't know they delivered.


Yeah, I quite like Chloe as well, but her and Stevi don't make a convincing couple IMO. But I guess you can never account for taste.


Great pity Tila got kicked out, because I thought she was going to be my favourite.

Seemingly she's expressed some questionable views on social media, but BB must have known that before they hired her.


Hi Mollie.

That was good, that you bagged some extra pizza because of their mistake.


Had a couple of email enquiries about my stationary engine. Just waiting to hear if any of them want to come and see it.


both xx



hope your enquiries lead to a sale.

Didn't know Tila got kicked out, why on earth would you kick someone out if they haven't done anything wrong in the house? As you say surely they check HM's out before they go in and if they have no criminal convictions, then they go in?

Work today or day off today?


hope Hicky's rib is ok.


At long last today, we got a taste of summer here.

We went a walk by the cliffs today and on the beach, a good surf so quite a few surfing, and lots of little cute kiddies in the sea. Me and daughter went for a paddle, it was so cooling on a warm day.Life savers were on duty as it is popular in summer.


OH did a cache search and found one. It was a medium one, so quite a few little trinkets in it. He forgot to take something to put in, so he just left 10p.

Do either of you do cache searches?


I seem to keep nodding off every time CBB is on.  
But I do think day 1 show was stretched out a little too far, then day 2 seemed to be a repeat of day 1, but with a game added on.

Think I will skip my glass of wine tonight and see if I can stay awake for it.


Enjoy the rest of the day. xx


Evening Both.


Not a bad day really.


Man came about the dropped curve, they should start Tuesday if it doesn't rain.


A wagon called this morning with some nice looking compost, i need a load for the raised beds etc so i got 10 bags, and 1 free.


Have got my onions on the trellis still, think i will have to move them in the gazebo to dry properly.


My Lad and his lot called in for a cupper, brought me some 32mm black plastic pipe for the feed into the tubs to make giving my magic feed from the feed tank.


Mollie, My rib is a little better today, just have to be careful what i do.

I was so tired this afternoon i just got into bed with my clothes on for a few hours.


this new compost may let me grow some carrots.

Not sure what veg to grow next year now.


You did well with the Pizza's.


Emptybox, I didn't realise the beetroot were the yellow ones till they were planted, they have done ok though.

Might grow both types next year.


Shame Tila got booted, C5 worried about the flak.


Hope something comes of your engine.


Mollie, At least you got to the beach, and a paddle, wow, it must have been nice.


Don't know what a cache search is.


yes day 2 is day 1 plus some time waster.

I'm going to watch the whole show now from recordings.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Nice day here, plenty of sunshine.

Didn't need to work, but got my own grass cut.


Glad you got the good weather Mollie, and had a little paddle.


Haven't ever heard of a cache search either. Is it a sort of treasure hunt game?


Yeah CBB has been kind of underwhelming so far, not surprised you've nodded off.

Also they're really silly, not giving a explanation as to why Tila was removed. Just having her going into the Diaryroom and not coming out.


Hi Hicky. Glad your rib is a bit better now.

I guess you are still recovering from your ops, so are likely to get tired at times?


Hope the compost you bought is better for growing carrots.

That's good news, that they are going to start work on your dropped kerb.


I think one guy is really interested in the engine, but he's way the other side of Glasgow, so a 4 hour drive away.

But he says he'll try to arrange to come in the next couple of weeks to get it.

I didn't agree to keep it for him, so if I sell it in the mean time that's OK.

I've got his number anyway, so would let him know if it's gone.

Nobody seems to be interested in my cement mixer.


I see BBBOTS is on 5* at the weekend. Might catch some out.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon all.

Another nice day here.


Just sold my Lister engine. After telling me he would take a couple of weeks, the guy who was interested phoned this morning and asked to come this afternoon.

It actually only took him 2Â― hours, because he came by motorway from Glasgow to Edinburgh, then down to the Borders. Would have taken longer coming by the more direct rural route.

Got ÂĢ75 for it anyway. Could have got more if I could have got it working, but there you go.


Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day, no real sun, mostly cloudy, no rain.


Moved my onions into the gazebo on strings with clothes pegs holding them, 80 in all.


Cutting my big planks in half so they are easier to manage and i need to make a ramp for a motorised invalid scooter thingy so a neighbour can get into the bungalow.


Gave next door a cup of Raspberries off the plant, he has had an operation and suffering a bit.


Had a couple of Figs all ready, very nice.


I probably need more compost but i am making some of my own but not sure if i can get leaves, last year i had tons as there were trees in the road.


Thats great news about the engine, pity you couldn't get it going.


Haven't been watching Bots, don't like Rylan.

They all talk rubbish and it's so staged.


Hi Hicky.

Nice sunny day here. Got a bit of work done.


Is this ramp to let a neighbour into your bungalow, or are you helping them at their house?

I'm sure your rasps will buck your neighbour up after his op.

80 onions is a good haul.


Got a text from the guy who bought the engine. He has got it going already, so it just took a bit of know-how. He's a happy customer anyway.


Watched X-Factor over the weekend.

I like Rita Ora, but don't see the point of that fella warming up Louis Walsh's chair? No charisma at all.


Evening Both.


A pretty cloudy sunless day here really.

It dropped a few drops, nothing much.


Have removed some more trellis from the raised beds, i'll just put it up if needed.


Ordered a Conference Pear tree, a sack of concentrated Organic manure, i get one every year, it last me a year and it's the main ingredient of my tree & plant liquid feed which i make every year.

Ordered some pea seeds, beetroot seeds and onion sets, white and red.


The ramp is to get the person from the drive onto the decking by the garage, that gives access to the house or the Gazebo, i have another ramp to go from the decking to the slate level if needed.


Neighbour still having problems, had the nurse out twice today.

I have a couple of figs ready for the lady next door, she is very nice and i like giving her stuff.


Had one of the apples of a tree earlier, they are massive, the size of cookers.

everyone that sees them thinks they are cookers, but it is Ellisons Orange, taken for Cox's.


Thats great news he could get the engine going, he's a happy chappie.


Been watching X-Factor, yes Rita is lovely, no, the feller is Louis Walsh's seat is a waste of time, didn't want Louis back though.


Evening Both.


Not too bad a day, started off wet but soon cleared and we had a good day.


The workers came midday to start the curb drop and did most of it, just the final finish to be done in the morning, 3 flat back trucks and 6 men.

It's going to look good anyway.


Went to the garden centre early as O/H wanted a voucher for someone, they place had been hit by the flash floods and had been seriously flooded.

all staff had anti-flood equipment, had a cup of tea, didn't eat as i had already eaten.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed and her Mum is OK?





I reckon when you are retired you are entitled to a day time nap. That is good progress with the kerb, glad you are pleased with it, Gosh garden centre mus of had a lot of rain to be flooded like that.

Shame your neighbour is having problems.

Hope you enjoy the big apples.



glad the buyer is pleased with his purchase. Nice of him to let you know he was. that is good you are managing to keep up with your work.


Yes I too like Rita, but don't like Cheryl or Nick, not keen on this series at all so far.


Had a stressfull weekend. Mum having trouble standing, can sometimes and sometimes not. So they have had to sort a hoist and sling out. Occ therapist coming tomorrow and I have meeting with social worker and care agency on Friday.

Watching CBB on plus 1, as watched the programme about a Cardiff school, quite interesting.


Goodnight both xx


Evening Mollie and Hicky.

You must have had a lot of rain to get flash flooding Hicky.

It's been dry here with some sunshine, but quite a bit colder.

Almost as if the weather knew it was September.  

Got a couple of jobs done anyway.


That's good work on the dropped kerb Hicky. At least they haven't strung it out. Hopefully it'll be all cleared up tomorrow.


Ah I see, the ramp is to give your neighbour access to your garden and house when needed.

Is that a different neighbour to the one that's just had an op?

Nobody can say you don't give a fig for your neighbours eh?


Just googled those Ellison's Orange apples. Are they nice?


Hi Mollie.

Pity your Mum has been having more problems. Hope your meetings go well.


At least you are able to catch up with CBB and X-Factor.


Don't know why they now have the Brits as the Royal family on CBB, with the Americans as servants. That seems a bit unfair.

I predict a second American revolution.


Evening Both.


It poured down most of the morning, the workmen turned up at about 11am in the rain and worked all the way through it, they finished the job abd put some cones down, i assume when they pick the cones up it will be ok to drive one.


Mollie, I am sleeping better at night, not getting up so often, don't get up because i need to, it's just that i wake.


We had terrific rain again last night so the garden centre was probably flooded again, can't see how it wouldn't be.


Neighbour is a lot better, he's the one i sent Raspberries to.

He had a Bladder Stone as well, not sure if he had anything else.


Thats not good if your mum can't stand, makes life a lot harder for everyone.



I've been watching recordings of X-Factor and CBB, caught up now, the bad weather helped me to catch up.


Emptybox, It's rained almost all day, so annoying.


Yes, the neighbour who need a ramp lives a few doors away, my road is a cul de sac,


The kerb and pavement looks good, very pleased, waited so long.

The Ellison's Orange is very large, very crisp and a lovely taste.


Don't worry about the Brits being Royals, there's twist.


both x



work day or wet day there today?

Meant to ask you, did those bats ever go?



pity you had so much rain, for a change we escaped it today. Good job your neighbour feels a lot better, must be your raspberries helping him along.

That is great that you are sleeping better now, it was so worth you undergoing those ops to feel like this,


Been busy sorting stuff with care agency, social worker, psychiatric nurse, day centre and OT, but they are all on my side in keeping mum out of a nursing home. They have a hoist and sling now to get her up and put her to bed, I struggled to keep her mobility as long as possible, but they aren't allowed to take her weight for health and safety reasons. Sad she can't walk now. Terrible illness this dementia is, as the brain cells die off, it stops different parts of the body working. She can only speak the odd word now, but if I can give her a magazine or something to fiddle with she seems content, I have to hand feed her, but occasionally she does feed herself a few mouth fulls.


Just watched CBB.

How weird are Chloe/Steve together? Sounds like an amateur play the stuff they say.


Hi both.

Nice dry day here today, not all that warm though.

Got a couple of jobs done.


The bats left a couple of weeks ago Mollie, to go further south I imagine.

Funnily enough I was talking to my Uncle in Norfolk, who has some old lime kilns on his farm, and he says he has bats that hibernate in them every winter.

Not saying they are the same bats that Summer with me, but they are the same species I think (pipistrelles).

But yeah, they're gone until April or May next year thankfully.


Hi Hicky. That's good that the workmen worked through the rain to get your pavement done.

Pity you're getting all this rain though.


Glad your neighbour is a lot better.


Yes, I see there is a sting in the tail for the Brits in the Royal task.


Hi Mollie.

It's good that all the agencies are helping you to keep your Mum out of a home.

It can't be easy, but you be comforted by knowing you have done your best for her.


Can't get my head around Stevi and Chloe at all. No idea if they really are genuine, or if it's all just an act for the cameras?

If they are having so many difficulties as a couple, why would they go into the house in the first place?


Evening Both.


A miserable sort of day here, 14C and mainly cloudy.


They came and tidied up around the edges with some cement, then took the cones away.


I gave next door 2 Figs and a rather large apple, they are too big to eat like normal, but you could make a meal using 1.


We went for a Fish & Chips to Parkgate, wow, so good.


My manure and Peas / Beetroot seeds have come.

Waiting for the Onion Sets & Pear Tree.


Have ordered a porters truck.;pf_rd_i=1938217031


Mollie, He did say the Raspberries were lovely.

As you say, it was so worth having the Operations


It will be a god send when they can find some medical means of stopping this terrible dementia.


Not sure why the couple went in the house except for the money.

But they seem glued together which is rather uncomfortable.


Emptybox, at least you got a couple of jobs done.


Yes, the drive in from the pavement is great, we can drive in from North direction or East, the drive in is like this, if you can imagine a slice of cake, a quarter then thats what we have now.


Couples in BB are never a good idea, jealousy is always a problem, also lack of privacy also.


Evening Hicky.

A similar day to you here.

Cold, windy and cloudy. 12 degrees at most.

Autumn has arrived for sure.


Glad you are pleased with the work they have done on your dropped kerb.

Fish & chips just hits the spot sometimes.


Good that your manure and seeds came.

I've got one of those sack barrow/porters truck things in the garage. Very useful.


Not bothered who goes from CBB on Friday. Quite like Daniel though. Much better than his brother anyway.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Not a very nice day, dry but cloudy and cool.


Never did anything really, need my porter trolley now to move the sacks around the garden.

Might get rid of the 2 barrows and 4 wheel truck.


Got a mixed grill from the chip shop delivery man.


My side is a lot better and my water system is doing well.


Will record BB as usual and watch it tomorrow.

Just going to watch last nights live feed.


Hi Hicky.

Better day here. some sunshine anyway.

Got my jobs done. May need to work tomorrow though.


Glad your side is getting better. Presumably that's from your accident trying to dispose of your pallets by throwing them over the fence into next door?


By the time you read this I presume you'll know who was evicted? Anyway, it was the one I least wanted to go. Perhaps I should have voted? Nah, I didn't care that much.


Mixed grill sounds good. Not quite sure what that includes?

Had roast chicken, potatoes, broccoli, carrots and gravy tonight.


Going to take the leap and convert one of my two Windows 8 PCs to Windows 10. If it goes well I might do the other one as well.

My Windows 7 PC (my business one) is playing up, so may replace it with the one I'm going to convert first. Then I'll have the freedom to try to fix the Windows 7 one without having to do my business files on it every evening.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day here, mostly sunny, very light wind.


Went out for brekkie, went to Burley Dam, you get double of nearly everything, very cheap,


My Porters Trolley came as well so i can move the sacks etc around the garden easier now,


Just had a lovely Steak and Baked Spud with a fancy sauce.


Just watching strictly now, saw Lewis take Pole position for tomorrow.


Yes, side a lot better, not sure what i damaged but it took a week to get a bit better.


My waterworks is pretty good as well.


The mixed grill is sausage, liver, bacon, steak mushrooms onions, chips, gravy.

It's very good but far too much for me.


With it being vote to save it was between him and Chris i think.


I think i am using windows10 as it was before, not using the windows 10 options as i don't need them, quite happy with what i had.


It's probably better to update your computers anyway, should be better security anyway.



sorry haven't been around for a few days, had an important meeting Friday with care agency and social services, so had to do lots of notes for it.

then yesterday I couldn't get this site to load. how odd.


Watching X factor now, don't find it as good as it used to be, Grimmy awful, don't like Cheryl either. Good job we have CBB.


hope you are both ok, going to read back now.



that is good you are bat free, for awhile at least any way.

Yes odd for Steve and Choloe to go in CBB as a couple as the relationship is so rocky. Must of been tempted by the wages to go in.

How did the windows 10 convertion go? They keep sending me a message to get it, not sure if I want OH to do it though, had enough trouble getting used to windows 8 thing.



your porters truck looks very handy. Good price too.

Glad you are so pleased with your drive now.

Thank goodness your side is better now, and that you have had such an improvement in health since your ops.

Think going out for brekkie sounds a great idea, so will copy you tomorrow morning. (not going to the same place though.)


Watching x factor now, saw a bit of the dancing too.

Done in, but good in that I was able to walk a long way with mum as weather was so good. She had ice cream on seafront, then I took her to Gregs and she ate a whole corned beef pasty. It is hard work pusing a wheelchair especially if it is uphill though.


Meeting went ok, agency tried to wangle out of a few issues in front of social worker, but did agree to take out 2 carers who I think don't suit mum now. Managed to get another quarter an hour a morning finance off social services too. I should think so, the care costs a lot.

Been a nice day again today. About time as summer was such a wash out.


goodnight both xxx




Turned into a not bad day here with some sunshine, but started cold and grey, so decided not to work.

I should be able to get it done during the week.


Washed my vehicles and converted the PC to Windows 10.

All went smoothly, but it took a good few hours (that included downloading it).

I didn't do it through the 'Reserve' app, I downloaded the Media Creation Tool which allows you to upgrade straight away, and also allows you to put a copy onto a DVD (or USB stick) for a clean install in the future, if you run into problems.


Mollie, Windows 10 works much more like Windows 7 than Windows 8, so shouldn't take much getting used to.

It's a bit boring and uninteresting TBH, but should be more secure than previous versions, and will be supported for longer.

Although Windows 8.1 will be supported until 2023, so should see your lappy out?


Hicky, I presume you mean you are not using any of the 'Modern' apps?

The only one I use regularly is 'Sky News', because as well as all the news headlines, you can also watch the live TV channel and weather forecast.


That mixed grill sounds good. I love the liver and bacon combo.

Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out.

And great that you are feeling better now.


Mollie, I had difficulty loading the site for a time yesterday as well. So it wasn't just you.

Glad you got nice weather. Also good that you got what you wanted from the agency meeting, even though they tried to wriggle out of some responsibilities.


Really getting chilly here at nights. Needed to have my electric blanket on the last couple of nights.

Got a delivery of oil yesterday. The cheapest it's been for 6 years.

Ready for winter now.


Nice sunny day here. Quite warm this afternoon when I went to the supermarket.


Made a pan of tomato soup with some of my excess tomatoes. Well about 1.5kg of them. Just as nice as Heinz (if I do say so myself ).

Froze most of it, so I'm sorted for soup for a while.


The new Borders railway to Edinburgh opened this weekend.

The nearest station is still a half hour drive away, but it'll be better than driving all the way to Edinburgh. Not sure if I'll use it much, but I'll give it a try sometime.

The Queen is coming to open it officially on Wednesday.

Unfortunately they're using the carpark as the audience area, so are advising to come on foot or bus, but there's no direct bus, so I'll probably have to give it a miss.


Evening Both.


Not a bad day really, plenty of cloud early on, no rain but it brightened up this afternoon.

Am emptying my manure drum out, the 100 litre one so i can put the new liquid level pipe in.

All the tubs now have the white pipe for watering and the black pipe for the feed which can be given by the manure hose nozzle of a watering can-full.


Mollie, it's hard going trying to get more care or money from them.


Glad you could get your Mum to the seafront for an ice cream.


Very happy with the porters truck, pity the wheels aren't wider but i can manage.

It's easier to move around than the barrows or the 4 wheel cart.

I am going to scrap that, i only needed it for the original move.


Emptybox, glad your first pc conversion went ok.


Haven't tried any of the apps on win10 yet, might take a look at whats on offer.


I noticed it's getting chilly at night, think i have got the heating set to 19deg but as the bungalow stays warm it doesn't come on.


Thats handy getting your heating oil cheap.





well that is good news that you got your oil a whole lot cheaper so are well ready for winter now.

Well done on making your own yummy tomato soup. Wish I could pop in to share a bowl with you. I love tomato soup. I know supermarket one is not going to be anywhere as nice as your own, but Lidl sells a tomato one that is only around 39p, and just as nice as Heinz. And has the Queen not sent you you invite for afternoon tea with her when she opens the new station yet? Shame it is half hour drive, but you will have to treat yourself to a ride on it some time and a nice day out in Edinburgh.



that is good you are happy with the porters truck.


Glad you both are getting good weather too.

Yes it is getting chilly at night, but don't mind as long as we have plenty of sun during the day. Got all my washing dry again today, which is good.


My mum turns 86 tomorrow, so we ordered a huge cake with her name on from Costco. Really nice it is for ÂĢ12.99. Have you seen them Hicky? You can choose the pattern, the colour of icing and writing and the filling. I got chocolate sponge with vanilla filling.


those Americans on CBB are plain barmy. Seem to love to argue. What a weird series.


Goodnight both xxx



Evening both.

Lovely warm day here, but again very quickly cooled this evening. But I guess it's not bad for September.

Got quite a few jobs done.


Also got a phonecall from that new customer that I mentioned a couple of weeks ago (thought she had changed her mind). Went to see her, and am going to do some work next week.

Unfortunately they are cutting their own grass, and wanting me to do the heavy work like cutting high Leylandii hedges. But I guess it's all work.


Hi Mollie. hope your Mum is able to enjoy her Birthday.

I'm sure she'll like the cake.


No, I think my personal invitation from the Queen must have been lost in the post.


Hi Hicky. Glad you are finding the porters barrow useful.

And you're getting your water and feeding system perfected.


Hoping not to have to turn my heating on for quite a while yet.


Yes, I thought the UK v US theme on CBB would be a mistake.

Farah especially is loopy. Just argues for no reason.


Evening Both.


Not a bad day rally, started off with fog but soon cleared up.

Have altered the water system slightly so i can turn the water off the raised beds but leave all the trees on the system.

Each section has cut-off taps so i can isolate a section.


My onions are still in the gazebo pegged onto strings, they will soon dry so io can store them.


I'll take the rest of the beetroot up at the end of the month and store them as well.


I must weigh the next apple i take off the Ellisons Orange as it is massive, not sure if i've seen a Desert apple this size.


Little one was round this afternoon, starts school tomorrow i assume.

he was eating tomatoes, then i showed him the Blueberries on the tree, he loved them, and the tree/bush has grown a lot this year.

Sent a parcel of food through to my SIL as O/H was going there to bring her mother home.

Gave her onions, beetroot, rhubarb, a big apple, a little tub of raspberries & 2 figs.


I'v been distributing my compost to the raised beds getting ready for winter, soaked one of the Coir blocks, have 2 left from Spring.

Might get more for spring.


Mollie, it is getting chilly at night, have removed all the leaves off the tomato plants to give them chance to ripen.


those cakes from Costco are fantastic, massive and so cheap.


I agree, the USA HM's are crazy.


Emptybox, glad you got some jobs done, weather an improvement.

It is obvious that your new customer is getting you to do the jobs they are unable to, i understand that, if they are able to cut the grass then they probably feel that they should.


My invitation hasn't come from the Queen, she mustn't know i have changed address.


No-one on CBB seems to want to sit down and get to know anyone.



Hi Hicky.

Dull here all day, but not cold.

Got a couple of jobs done anyway.


Sounds like your grazing grandson enjoyed another visit to you.

And I'm sure your SiL will enjoy her food parcel.


I didn't know you were supposed to take all the leaves off the tomatoes at this time?

Don't think there are many leaves left on mine anyway. I'll have to check tomorrow.

Still have a bit of a glut of toms at the moment, but they should ripen a bit slower from now on.

Had a great crop this year; big and very juicy. Much better than last year, when they were rather disappointing.


Yes, I can understand the new customer giving me the heavy jobs, but it's the grass cutting I enjoy.

The new customer may not last long.


Not really bothered by the one that was evicted on CBB.

I suppose Natasha is the nearest thing I've got to a favourite? But I didn't like the way she lumped into the kosher wine the other night, not giving Jenna a chance.

Quite like Jenna as well I suppose.


Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day, cloud and sun mixed, not cold though.


Just moved some bags of compost into position for later, they are very heavy though so need the porters truck.

Need to put bigger wheels on it though, want to see if i can get 2 of the bigger wheels i have fitted, big job though, will ask blacksmith if he can do it, its not too hard when you have the right equipment.

it has 6" wheels 30mm wide, and the ones i want are 9" but about 45mm wide it would be a lot better on the slate.

Gave next door some more Raspberries and 3 figs.


Still don't know what to grow next year, have got the peas & beetroot seeds, the onion sets not arrived yet, waiting for the Pear Tree to come.

Fancy another couple of trees but don't know what to get.


Yes, when its into September you take all the leaves off the tomatoes so it can concentrate on the fruit.


I like them all in CBB but they can't stop arguing can they.


This fake eviction should be funny this Friday.

Not too sure what the idea behind it is though.


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