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Evening both.


Cooler here, and a bit windy, but got some work done anyway.


Hi Hicky. I'm sure you'll work out how best to do the roof tiles.

Yes, a good idea to regularly turn compost heaps. Gets the air into them and keeps them hot.


Think the strimmer is too old to spend money getting it repaired. The handles are fairly broken on it as well, and it's on it's third head.

Think I'd treat myself to a new one if it conked out.


Hi Mollie. Glad the carers allowed you a day off.


Remember Ash and Nikki's BB was 9 years ago and a lot of water has passed under the bridge since then.

They've worked together since, notably on Celeb Coach Trip, and got on fine then, sharing a room together.

Wouldn't call them the best of friends, but they've certainly put any differences behind them.


Pity Aisleyne wasn't among the troop of ex-HMs that went into the house today. But it was nice to see Rachel Rice.

(if you didn't watch BOTS you may not know what I'm talking about, but you'll see it on the show tomorrow)


Watched The Auction House as well, as Jessica Jane Clement (and her hubby Lee Stafford) are often on it.



Much nicer day here today than yesterday, hope it is for Hicky too so he can get on in his garden and hope it is fine for you to keep up work wise Emptybox.



I was looking through my latest Lidl brochure to see what they are selling next week and saw something that may interest you. Incase you aren't aware f you are not a Lidl shopper, they have different offers each week, and there stuff is good quality. Everything we have had from there so far has been anyway, one of my fave things we got recently was a sorbet maker. Frozen fruit lovely in it. 

From Monday 22nd they are selling a cordless hedge cutter for ÂĢ50, I remember you said yours was playing up, so if you do need to replace it, it might be worth you looking at. (not sure if it a good price or not, but Lidl are normally good price wise for the quality of their stuff). They have a store in Kelso (not sure how far that is from you?).


Enjoyed the task on BB last night. Nikki at her best. (even if she does play up to her character now, I still think she is amusing).

I had forgotten about Ais and Nikki being on coach trip Emptybox.

And yes I didn't know what you were talking about with Rachel going in the house. But it will be nice to see her again. I liked her.


Time to peg my washing out, couldn't do it yesterday as weather so damp. Meeing with a private carer this afternoon, recommended to me by one of my carers from the agency I use now. I need extra hours now and again, as we just can't go far at all on weekends and the agency couldn't even offer me more hours to go with OH for a weekend to see his family in North Wales. Fingers crossed she can help out. Carers do unsocialable hours and minimum wage, so the agency are short staffed and can't find staff.


Have a good day both xx


Morning Both


Catheter playing up, blocked again but water able to go around it for now.

rang the people, booked me into a clinic at a hospital at 2.30.

Rang the docs, they have forwarded a request to see a Urologist at Arrow Park Hospital.


Put some more earth back on the Asparagus beds, they are coming up but can't harvest this year, have about 14 coming up at the mo, must let them go to flower to strengthen the plants.


Mollie, as you say, a great BBQ, massive compared to what i usually have.


My Hip & Knee are fine, strange how my Knee problem disappeared with the new Hip.

It's just the Prostrate problem, a side effect of them deadening my bottom half for the op, mind you it was packing up before the op.


Glad ypu got a day of caring, so to speak, hope the young ones get the results they want.


Emptybox, a lot cooler here as well, just cloud today, sun expected at 3pm.

I've got compost in both boxes at the mo, will have to join so i can turn 1 over into the other.


You will have to treat yourself to a new strimmer, i suppose it saves spending too much on old stuff.


I would have preferred Aisleyne to have gone in instead of Helen but it wouldn't have caused so much discontent.

Haven't watched Bots lately as i can't blank out Rylan. 



sorry to hear about the catheter problems again, such a nuisance for you. Hope the specialist can help sort your problem.

That is amazing how they fix your hip and your awful knee problems vanish though. I remember how much pain your were in and how difficutl it was to walk before your op.


It was great seeing the old HM's tonight, but my complaint is we didn't see enough of them, I know I did not make out all of them. They should of at least shouted their names and given us a glance of each one, I just managed to catch a fleeting glance of Rachel and Ais, but we only realy saw the ones who spoke.

I did like Victor.


Hope you have had a good day Emptybox.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi guys.

Horrible windy, cold day today.

I got some jobs done but it wasn't very pleasant out. Not like summer at all.


Mollie, that Lidl hedgecutter looks exactly the thing I'm after - good spot.

And the price is right as well. Kelso is less than 15 mins drive away, so I might see if I can arrange to go in on Monday and see if they've any in stock.

I can get a similar machine at a similar price in Argos, but the nearest store is much further away (40 mins drive).


Hope the meeting with the private carer went well, and they can be a help when you need extra cover?


Hi Hicky. Sorry to hear you are having problems with the catheter. Hope they replaced it or sorted it out at the hospital.

Pity the op that did you so much good mobility-wise, has had this annoying side effect.


Yes, we only caught a glimpse of all the old HMs tonight on the highlights show. They were all interviewed on BOTS the previous night though.


Not sure how you caught a glimpse of Aisleyne though Mollie, as she wasn't there.  

The only 'blondes' there were Lisa BB9 (of Mario & Lisa fame), Grace BB7 and Caroline BB13, you may have thought one of them was Ash?

Ash spotting may prove more fruitful tomorrow.


I'm not keen on Victor really. He was whispering misinformation in the HMs ears.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


A rather dull day today, and with the wind it stopped my prep work on the Gazebo tiling, i was going to get the underfelt cut but with the wind it was hopeless.


Mollie, the blocking of the catheter is probably going to be a recurring thing, i was just lucky that the water could pass the catheter, it's when it can't that i'm in big trouble.

The continence man tested it and it was blocked, replaced it.


I watched last nights BB this morning at 5.15am, didn't watch Rylan.


Emptybox, as you say, not like Summer, it's dreadful.

At least you got a few jobs done.


Didn't realise Lidl sold stuff like that, interesting.


I'll watch tonights BB during the night or early morning.

don't want Harry or Jade to go really.

Just checked betting, Christian fave to go.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Glad you got the catheter sorted out.

Pity it may keep on blocking.


Cold here again, but not so windy today. It warmed up slightly late on, so I could take my body-warmer off.

Got some grass cut anyway, but will have to work tomorrow if it's dry.

Pity the wind stopped you working on the gazebo.


Lidl only have gardening stuff in occasionally. and there's usually very limited stock, so you have to get there early or you lose out.

Not sure why they do it that way? A bit stupid to my mind, but I suppose it's a marketing gimmick?


Strike that about Aisleyne. Shewas supposedly going into the house tonight, but looks like CH5 have had cold feet? She is still probably due to make an appearance some time this series though.


Yes, I really hope that Jade stays, and it's Cristian that goes.

Last edited by emptybox




glad they sorted the catheter out. Shame it keeps blocking, but I hope they are always available to sort it straight away when it happens again?  Yes this cold wind is so annoying and unusual this time of year. Hope it is better tomorrow so you can sort your undefelt out.


Yes Emptybox is right, Lidl do have quite a lot of garden stuff but you have to check carefully online at their marketing sheet, and the dates they are released because they sell out quick. I love their clothes, that usually go on sale Thursday mornings, but I have to get there first thing Thursday if I want to be in with a chance of getting what I want.


My neighbour has just had some daffodils come up. She thought they would not flower until next spring, but thinks the cool weather confused them, so they have come up now.



Don't forget to get down Lidl Monday morning if you fancy one of those hedge cutters.

Glad the weather was ok, so you managed to get some work done.


They must of changed their minds about Ais then since you heard about it on  BBOTS. I don't watch it so don't know what happens before it does, but this year it looks like they change their minds even if they tell you on BBOTS they are going to do something. So they are keeping us all in anticipation tonight. Wonder who will go?


I want Harry to go, don't like her. I expect when Helen leaves, she will be back to her old habits of flaunting her nekked self all over the house, hopping under the sheets with Nick again, then constant flouncing off for a bit of a sulk, all to get extra camera time.    Sooo boring and predicatable.

Jade is a bit weird, but at least she is an interesting HM. Hope she stays.

and Christian is good to look at.


enjoy the show both xx


Pity Jade went.

But she had a good interview, and was good on BOTS.


I didn't hear about Aisleyne going in on BOTS Mollie, it was in all the online media. Supposedly she was going in to square up to Helen (only verbally obviously).

She also gave an interview about it, so it was definitely supposed to be happening.

TBH I'm quite glad that CH5 seem to have changed their mind about it. Although I would like to see her in there at some point. (hopefully after Helen has gone).


Funny about your neighbour's daffodils coming up now.

I suspect they planted them at the wrong time? September is the usual time to plant the bulbs, so they come up and flower the next spring.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Not a very nice day.

Dull, rain, some wind, messed me up a bit, managed to reposition all the spray jets for the raised beds, mounted them in the top woodwork as i haven't been able to find a good place for them.

This should be ok.


My lad came round with a little one, one of them, good fun.


Emptybox, Lidl will be doing that so you have to keep calling in, good marketing strategy.


Pity Aisleyne didn't go in, Helen is dreadful, mind you so is Marc.


Mollie, It's bad enough the catheter getting blocked but if the water won't pass round the catheter then that is big problem.

It's like an Emergency call because of the pain.


I didn't want Jade to go, think she is ok.

Was very surprised, Christian was fave to go, but the females vote the females out.


I didn't watch last nights BBBots, watched the show this morning at 5am, will watch the aftershow live bit later if there is one.


Got some strawberries on the way, and Peas, Figs are doing ok, onions, beetroot ok, Asparagus, but can't pick it this year.

Apples various types ok, Pears various types ok, Cherries and Plums ok.

The Kiwi Berries seem ok, in flower.

Grape Vines a bit young, only an odd bunch this year.

Got Blueberries, Asian Pears,

Cucumbers, Tomatoes various, Peppers, Lettuce, Rhubarb doing well, Raspberries doing well

Mulberry Bush growing well, no fruit this year.

the Olive tree has lots of flowers not seen any fruit, it's a very small tree.





did you manage to do your gardens today?

yes pity Jade went, as she was an interesting HM.

Internet rumours often end up being wrong, like the Ais rumour you read about must of been. Can't imagine them sending Ais in to square up to Helen, no one seems to be able to get the last word in with Helen. I never understood how she won, she is so nasty.

Don't forge to head for Lidl Monday if you fancy a chance at getting hold of the hedge trimmer. As Hicky says, a good marketing strategy, they are certainly doing well, I reckon it is because their stuff is good quality as well as being reasonabley priced.



nuisance the wind messed things up for you, but glad you enjoyed your lad and the youngsters visiting.

Gosh yes must be extremely painfull if the catheter gets blocked. Have they told you you can go to A and E if this happens again? Hope so.

Sounds like your home grown fruit is coming on well already.


Looked after mum from 9.30am for 3 hours, then handed over to carers, as we went to see Mrs Brown's boys in Cardiff. Really enjoyed it, so funny.  It was a sell out.Amazing how he writes and produces it all and the performers are his family.

Today's newish young carer was excited because it was the first time she had looked after mum for a longer period, she told me they enjoyed themselves going down the seafront for ice creams. Mum had rhubarb and cust-ard flavour, and the carer had bakewell tart flavour. I had maltesers in the theatre.


BB time, enjoy the show.


Evening both.

Actually a nice day here. Much warmer. Dull this morning, but a lovely sunny afternoon.


Got the job I needed to do done. A lot of hedge cutting. Very sweaty work.


Pity you didn't get the good weather Hicky.

But it sounds like you are going to have a reasonable crop of fruit for your first season in your new place.


Hi Mollie.

I'll definitely pop in to the Kelso Lidl on Monday, but it's a small store, and often doesn't have the stuff they advertise, so might be disappointed.

No great problem, as I say, I can get a similar hedger elsewhere. And the rechargeable one I've got still works after a fashion.


Glad you enjoyed Mrs Brown's Boys. My Brother and his wife saw them last year in Glasgow. They really enjoyed themselves.


What's wrong with plain vanilla ice-cream?

It's like with crisps. I never go for these exotic flavours. Just stick with ready salted; or even better - salt and shake.


Love this little video clip Jade made after coming out of the house.



well done on getting the job you needed to done.

Hope you can get your hedge trimmer. You can do a search on your own store on the Lidl site, to check they are due to be sold there, I did the Kelso one, so hopefully they will have a few in.


Hope it is a nice day in Hicky land today for him to go in his garden. Bit windy here yet again, but the carer has taken mum out for an ice cream. Been out for a nice cooked brekkie today and got a few clothes for me and mum in the Asda half price store. So easy to get clothes in sales for mum because she is a size 8 to 10, and those are the sizes they always seem to have left in the sales.


Thanks for the video clip Emptybox, will take a look now.


 Happy Summer Solstice to you both - hope we still have lots of good weather to come.



Horrible wet day here. No point in trying to do any work.

The papers are saying it could be cold and wet till the middle of July.


Went to Lidl this morning and bought one of those hedgecutters.

There were about 10 in stock when I went. Thanks for the tip Mollie.


Seems to be OK, although I haven't tried it on a hedge yet.

Not as well made as a Bosch one, but it's half the price of a Bosch Li-ion one.

It's Lidl's own 'Florabest' brand, but it's actually made by Grizzly Tools, which are a known brand, so it should be possible to get spares for it if needed.


Glad you managed to get some clothes bargains for your self and your Mum in the Asda sale.


Evening Both.


My Lad has changed jobs in Oz, he's joined a very big company as an estimator on very good money, he's talking about buying an island, 14 Hectares, he sent me a picture on 'whatsapp', he's been to see it but needs a lot of thought, it doesn't have any services.


Mollie, too windy again for me to advance things on the gazebo roof.


I'm not supposed to go to A&E with the catheter problem, i have a day number and an out of hours number to ring, it's a specialised person that looks after them, it's the continence service.


Mrs Browns boys sure are funny, glad you enjoyed the show, , like your mum i try all sorts of flavours as well, like them all of course.


Emptybox, hope your hedgecutter does the job for you, it should.


I see some fruit forming on the Olive tree and fruit on the Kiwi Berry vine.





pity the weather was so bad for you today, gosh I hope that long term forecast is wrong. Not a bad day here by the afternoon, (wet in the morning), so I managed to get quite a few washloads dried.

That is good you got a hedgecutter, hope it does you well.

So it is "Grizzly bear tools"...never heard of them before but I love the name.



sounds like the move for work down under has been a great thing for your lad. Fancy thinking of buying an island. Is it just off the coast of Oz? Does he plan to live there when not working?

Pity that wind is still around so stalling you with the roof. Strange how windy it still is in June.

That is a relief the continence service always have someone specialised available for you incase it blocks again.

Sounds like you are due for some olives and kiwi not too long in the future.


The carers loved mum's new clothes, they love to dress her up, they even paint her nails and match her hair slides and jewellery. (it is only trinkets I get her from Claires accosories, but they are pretty). They chose everything to match her new jumper ready for tomorrow, and one carer hid the new pink flowery trousers, so she could be the first carer to dress mum in them next time she came. The carers are so funny, makes life so much easier for me, in what could otherwise just be constant stress.


Looking forward to watching BB tonight, but wish it was on at 9 instead of 10, find it hard to stay awake that late.

Strange how they all seem to be chosing someone to nominate one by one, but different.


have a good evening both. x

Last edited by *mollie*

That's exciting Hicky, if your lad buys an island.

Presumably it's got a great climate?

He'd have to make sure it could get the internet, in order to carry on the Skype convos with your OH.


That catheter problem sounds like it could get serious if you need a specialist to see to it.

Are they no nearer to get you off it yet?


Hi Mollie. It's good that the carers can enjoy their job while looking after your Mum.


Yes, the tag team nominations seem a bit pointless, as it's obvious that they are going to result in all (or all but one) up.

I suspect it may have been dreamed up at the last minute as an alternative to putting Aisleyne in? Might be completely wrong.


Evening Both.


It was a good day to work on the roof of the gazebo.


Got all the ridge batons off the gazebo, put the insulation on 1 section and fitted most of the felt tiles.


Mollie, i assume the island isn't too far from the mainland.

He was talking about making it a resort, but without water, gas, electricity it could be difficult.


Emptybox, of course, internet very necessary these days.


I have been referred from the continence service to my Doc, he has sent the forms to the hospital.

O/H's SIL works at the hospital.


The Tag noms seem pointless.


The nomination list isn't out yet so i expect some changes.


Hi Hicky.

Rather cold this morning, but turned into a nice warm sunny afternoon.

Got some grass cutting done.

Still haven't tested my new hedger though.


That's handy, that you could get working on the gazebo roof.


I guess it's good that you've now been referred to the hospital for your catheter problems. Perhaps they can come up with a better solution?


It's seems there's no noms twist, and it's all up bar Chloe, which pleases me.

Hope it's either Jack or Cristian who goes, but I don't care enough to vote myself.


Nikki got herself into a right state tonight, about the storeroom antics.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Spent most of today building a scaffold around the gazebo, i had about 10 planks left over from the raised beds so am using the wood, and have threaded it through the gazebo and screwed it all together, also screwed it to the gazebo and put posts under each board end and screwed them in place.


I've under-ordered on the green tiles so i won't have enough to finish, it took 13 pieces for the 1st one so 13 x 6 = 78, you only get 63 with the 3 packs i ordered.


I see Brian walked out, saw a tweet from Gina this afternoon.


I'm just waiting for an appointment to see a specialist.


As soon as i do something my bladder doesn't like it bleeds, think part of the problem is, with having the catheter my bladder never holds much water, i think that makes the catheter point stick into the other side of the bladder because it's just an expanding pouch and with nothing in it it's collapsed.

It seems to happen all the time.

They must be designed for those that need to stay in bed all the time, mind you with my tossing and turning in the night i sometimes start bleeding even in bed.


Seeing all those are up it's a chance to get rid of Jack, but the girls will probably get rid of Harry or Sam, they usually evict girls.


Cristian is safe as far as the betting is concerned.


It didn't rain today anyway, pretty sunny for most of the day, more wind than yesterday.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed today.


Hi Hicky.

Great that you could get on with the gazebo.
Hopefully it'll be easy for you to order some more tiles for it?


Your bladder/catheter problem sounds very awkward and painful.
As you say, I don't think they are designed to stay in that long, especially if you are as active as yourself.
Hope it can be sorted.


So....Brian out, Aisleyne in.
Sad about the former (a little), glad about the latter (a lot).

Don't think Ash will be as fiery as some seem to hope though?
Doubt she'll want to be butting heads with Helen all the time, and I wouldn't want to see that.
I'm just happy to see her in there, even if she's just in for a short while.


Had 3 guys here all day doing my flat roof (finally).
Trouble is, their vehicles have blocked me in, and also they needed access to electricity etc, so I decided to stay at home. It was a bit drizzly here anyway.

It's a fibe-glass roof they are putting on seemingly.
It's not finished yet, and they are coming back tomorrow, but they've put a plastic sheet over it, so it should be watertight tonight.
I'll have to make sure I can get out to do some jobs tomorrow though, or I'll get behind.


The other problem is they've had to take my TV aerial down again, and it's lying on the slates, but not pointing in the right direction to give me a signal.
I'll have to watch BB over the internet tonight on my big telly (through my Amazon Fire box), or on the small TV in the dining room (separate aerial).


Evening Emptybox.


Not a bad day, better than expected, got some work done on the gazebo, the scaffold is brill.

But i have the 1" rope through the roof so i can hold on, it has knots for me to stop my hand slipping, it also has the loop that goes around my waste.


My lad popped round earlier with a little one, he seemed impressed with the scaffold, he would have soon said if it wasn't safe.


Must order more tile felt.


Am coping with the catheter best i can, it's not effecting me working really.


The fellers are coming tomorrow to finish the work on the front waling.


Just going to watch last nights BB, although i keep up with what happened.


Glad they are doing your roof at last, think fibreglass is best by far.


Haven't you got the App for your phone, it's called 'Live TV' Watch Live TV Online.

I sometimes use it and i can watch whatever is on the TV by turning my phone on and selecting the channel.



Pheeww just got home after putting mum to bed, then stopping off at Lidl to get some food, but am on time to do a quick post and watch BB.



Gosh your lad will have a big job on his hands making the island into a resort, but if it is something he has planned to do, and wants to give it a go, good for him.

Glad the weather has improved so you have been able to get on with the scaffold.

Hope your appointment with the specialist does not take too long to arrive. As you say, these catheters are probably aimed at people who don't move around a lot, eg after ops, (I had to have one after my op). It must be uncomfy for you. Is it painful as well? Good job at least your knee/hip pain has gone.



Can't believe your landlady got round to getting your roof sorted at last. Pity it meant you lost a days work though. Hope the weather is ok and you manage to get out tomorrow.

Glad you are pleased Ais is going in, but shame we lost Brian. Helen was just awful to him what she said. 

As you know I was never keen on Ais, I can't see her standing up to Helen like Brian did. I am wondering if she will be like Chloe is and just end up saying that Helen was always nice to her. Wonder if she will talk gangster "know yourself" to Nikki again? Hope not, I like Nikki.

Should be interesting any way.

I hope the old HM's go on Friday though, as it will be nice to see the proper HM's a bit more now I think.

Hope sulky Harry goes. I like Christian and Joel. Glad Chloe not up.


been busy today, had to see day centre manager who said mum doing well there, lots of washing.

Enjoy the show both. xx

(I am sure Emptybox will now one of his fave HM's is back)

Will be glad when awful Helen goes though.


Hicky. Yes I am using an app on my Amazon Fire TV box called 'TV Player', which is doing the same thing as that Live TV app you mentioned. 

Not quite TV quality, but very watcheable on my 40" telly.


Mollie, as you saw on the prog Ash and Nikki are friends now.

I think Nikki and Helen go tomorrow night, but Ash indicated that she might be there for longer.

Perhaps it depends on whether the producers think she is delivering the goods?


Yes, I was very surprised they turned up to do the roof.

Bit of disruption for a couple of days, but should be worth it, if I don't have to worry about heavy rain getting in.

It started raining lightly this afternoon, but they just carried on.


Good morning both



glad to hear the roofers carried on despite the rain. Yes, even though you have had the inconvenience of no tv etc,  it will be a great improvement overall for you to know you don't have a leaky roof any more.

Have they finished it now?


Really hot and humid here yesterday, but it seems fresher today.


I liked Ais's entrance as a Christmas parcel.

I thought she looked really good in the outfit, I am sure you agree Emptybox.

Yes I can see what you mean now, her and Nikki were very friendly, a real contrast to the last time they were in the house together. But of course this time around, they don't have to compete for Pete's attention. And Ais's ghetto talk/accent seemed to of gone since last time she was in the house. But I always thought the person she was in the house before, was a bit fake though, and the accent put on. I think Christian does this too, as his ghotto accent seems to come and go. So far it looks like Ais and Helen are not about to be best of friends, but I don't think if Ais stays she will be able to out shout Helen. Hope Helen goes tonight, more than I hope Harry is evicted. The personal insults Helen puts out are just awful.


Wonder if it will stay dry for Glastonbury this year? Looks a bit grey here today.

We are viewing another house tomorrow, important we get it right as we have had so many now that have not been quite right. 


Off to do a few jobs, me and daughter going on train to Neath later to do a bit of shopping as mum has the carers to look after her tonight. 


hope Hicky is out enjoying his garden and he is not too uncomfy with the catheter problem.


Wonder who will leave tonight? We have hardly seen anything of the real HM's lately though.




Evening Mollie.

Not a very good day here. Mostly overcast and occasionally drizzly again.


I did get out to do some work, but the grass was very wet.

I'll have to work tomorrow, if it's dry.


The roofers carried on. They haven't quite finished yet. They've left a lot of stuff here, and the wooden boards around the roof haven't been painted yet.

I presume they will come back to do that tomorrow or Monday?

But at least it's now watertight.


But I've got my TV aerial back up, so i could watch BB as normal.

I'd probably rather Jack had gone, but it didn't make much difference.


Loved Aisleyne's entrance, and her first couple of days in the house.

Just a bit worried that she might struggle a bit now if she gets bored, and doesn't really have a connection with anyone in there.


What you've got to remember about Ash is that she grew up with her Mother in a fairly comfortably off area, in a fairly arty/bohemian environment.

Then was kicked out at 15/16 and had to live in hostels for the next few years in a poor area amongst gangs, guns drugs etc

So the basis of her accent is middle class, but she had to overlay that with the 'ghetto' jargon in order to survive and not be picked on in the hostels.

She's a complex character. Flawed certainly, but that's what I've always liked about her.


Happy house hunting tomorrow Mollie.

I presume that means that the previous one that you made an offer for fell through?


Evening Both.


Getting on ok with the gazebo roof, have ordered another pack of the green ones.

They weigh 30 kilo a pack, 21 strips.


Been lifting the roof on the childrens playhouse thingy, it needed another 280mm so one of the lads can stand in it.


The Rhubarb has come on, it's massive now, must be my magic potion i make every year.

I now have it in a 100 litre barrel but it needs raising so i am going to empty it. it used to be for concentrated feed but if i water it down i can use the hose to feed the tubs which is easier.


Went out for brekkie this morning, get a much better one than i can make, quicker as well, and more fun.


Mollie,   It's a strange thing to take on, an island, wow, will have to see what he decides.

Yes, scaffold has been fantastic, makes life a lot easier.


it seems the normal time to be seen by a consultant or their department is 10 to 12 weeks, as it isn't an emergency.


I liked Ais's entrance, not sure making her say things about Helen helped anything.

Liked Nikki being in there.


I wasn't too bothered who left the house, Simon brought nothing to it.


Emptybox, At least with the 'TV Player' you can see what you want.

Have they finished the roof, or do they stop at the weekend.


Glad you have your Aerial back up.


Not sure how long Ais in in for, it seems that McCririck feller is going in as a guest.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you could get on with the gazebo, and the playhouse roof.

Not sure why your lad wants to stand in it though?


You rhubarb sounds great.

Glad you enjoyed your brekkie out.


That's a really long wait to see a specialist. Hope things don't deteriorate in the meantime.


They have finished the roof now and tidied up.

I thought they were going to paint the wood surround grey (like all the other roofs in the row), but they say the wood has been treated with a preservative coat, so they leave it up to the landlady to get it painted, if she wants.

At the moment it stands out like a sore thumb, but I guess the important thing is that it is watertight.


Spent a few hours in my own garden rather than going out to work, as my own grass hadn't been cut for 3 weeks, and was getting rather long. I also did some strimming and hedge cutting. I used my new hedger, and it seemed to cope fine.


Unfortunately I'm not feeling good this evening. Seems to be a bad bout of this thing I've got. Hope it passes quickly, as I've got a lot of work on next week.


Not a very good episode for Aisleyne this evening, with the row with Marc. And reacting rather badly when Helen left

She seems to be flirting with all the guys. Perhaps that's her way of coping in there?

Last edited by emptybox

quick hi from me as it is so late and I am done in.



glad you are getting on well with the gazabo, and the playground.

what a shame it is such a long wait for the speciliast, let's hope it does not bother you in the meantime.



sorry to hear you are feeling unwell, is it your old problem back again, or do you think it is something else? Glad they finished the roof off, knowing your landlady, she is highly unlikely to sort the painting bit out, is she?


been busy looking after mum, shopping, ...always seem to have lots to get for us and mum, plus the pets, and of course a new T shirt for me today too.  I got a white T shirt today with pictures of pink and yellow sunglasses on it and bits of silvery bling, just my sort of thing that was.  


just watching the end of Glastonbery now, gosh the Who headlining, they have been going for some years now, haven't they?


goodnight both x


Hi Mollie.


Not feeling good all day today. I think it's the same as before, or perhaps a urinary infection, as I seem to have a temperature.

I could do without this, as I've already agreed to do a job tomorrow, so I'll have to ring up and cancel, if I'm not a lot better by the morning.

Hoping to get a better night's sleep tonight.


That T-shirt sounds just you, as you say.


Haven't really been watching Glastonbury. Forgot it was on TBH.


Well, I'm feeling a bit better today, so because I'd already promised a client that I'd do some strimming today, I did go and do it, but I'm feeling absolutely knackered after just 4 hours work, so I might well regret it.

However I hate having to phone up and disappoint people.


Got a reasonable night's sleep last night, but still off my food.

Me saying I had a temperature yesterday may be a red herring, because I tried taking it again this morning, and I couldn't get the reading to come down below 100, even after running it under the cold tap and shaking it, so I suspect ithe thermometer might be reading wrongly?

Did feel a bit hot and bothered yesterday though.



Evening Both.


A beautiful day today.

Got some more Gazebo roof done this morning, but the school field area was having a sports day so i didn't like working on the roof tiling as the noise could have distracted them and caused a problem.


My new pack of tiles arrived this morning.


Have ordered the wood to go on top of the raised bed sides so i can sit on it and it hides the plastic that i lined the beds with and stapled to the top.


Sunday morning, very early, like 2am i realised my catheter was blocked again, passing nothing, rang out of hours nursing service, they took a horrific 2.5hrs to arrive, i had been pacing up and down for hours in terrible pain.


I told them to leave the old one so i could find out what was blocking it, it was like a fine grained chalk like material, the hole in the catheter is only about 0.25mm was it's no wonder it gets blocked, anything would block it that collected inside the pipe.


Went to the Docs tonight to try and get the hospital appointment hurried up,

The Doc has put it onto the urgent status now.


Had a lovely meal in 'The Boat House' Parkgate.


I was up all night Sunday of course so went to bed very early yesterday.


Emptybox, the lads need to stand in their little shed, it's like any shed, very hard if you can't stand.

They can now.


Glad the roof is sorted, i wouldn't worry about the paint.


Glad your new hedge cutter works ok, thats one worry less.


Sorry to hear you weren't feeling well again.


I see Ais is flirting with Danny.


Mollie, your new T-shirt sounds good, nice to have some bling.

Haven't been watching Glastonbury, not my thing.


Hi Hicky.

Sorry to hear you were in so much distress on Saturday night.

I've heard that people can catheterise themselves. Is that not an option if yours gets blocked?

Hopefully you'll get an appointment soon.

It doesn't seem right that they are leaving you like this for weeks and months.


I'm now getting some urinary problems as well, in that it was quite painful for a couple of days to pass urine. Seems to have eased off a bit now though. Just another symptom I guess.


Just had a bit of a drama here. All my smoke alarms went off for no reason, and I couldn't get them to stop. I went round pushing the buttons on all of them like crazy, but they just kept going. I even tried turning the power off, but of course they've all got emergency batteries in. And I couldn't work out how to get into them. It was driving me demented.


Luckily my neighbour heard the commotion and knocked on the door, and he's more practical than me.

Even so it took him about half an hour to work out that you needed a screwdriver to take the unit down.

After that it was a simple matter to take them all down and stop the noise.

I'm sure the idea is that you press the button on the master unit, and it stops the rest, but that just wasn't working. One of the units must be faulty I suppose.

I'll have to get the electrician who fitted them out to fix them. But for now I'm just grateful that the noise has stopped.


Pity your gazebo work was cut short by the school sports.

That looks like a nice restaurant. Glad you enjoyed the meal.


Yeah, I wish Ash wouldn't hang around Danny so much. She's not making herself look very good. Not even sure if she really likes him as much as she says?

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Evening Emptybox.


Wow, a scorcher, got quite a lot done on the roof, now each of the 6 sides are 60% done.

Builder is here working on the walling.


My wood arrived this morning to go around the raised beds, it needs the side edges chamfering first though.


My old boss rang this morning to see if i could change the address on the company website but it was revamped some years ago and taken off my hands, i need the original in 2003 as a favour when they started up, it was just done with HTML which is not good in this day and age.


I suppose you can catheterise yourself, not been given the option so far.


Strange about your smoke alarms, if nothing caused them to go off anyway then they are just faulty.


Strange seeing Ais with danny, i suppose he just wants to keep things simple, at this stage.


Hi Hicky.


Yes it was a hot day here as well. Sunny in the morning and cloudy this afternoon, but stayed warm.


Got some big jobs done, and didn't feel too bad afterwards, so I guess I'm recovering. Didn't sleep well last night, but hoping for a better one tonight.


If you could be taught how to catheterise yourself, and kept spare ones there, you wouldn't have the stress of emergency call out.


Glad you got to work on your gazebo, and your wood came.


Think I've solved the smoke alarms (well not me as such)

In the chaos last night my neighbour phoned the electrician who installed them. He couldn't reach him, but left a message, and he phoned the neighbour today.


Seemingly it's a known fault with these alarms that when there is a dead battery in one of the units it sometimes sets the whole lot off like that, with no way of stopping them without taking the units down and replacing the battery. It's not supposed to do that. It's supposed to just beep every 20 seconds to tell you to change the battery, but even the electrician said that his own alarms had gone off like this.


Anyway, by putting them back up one at a time I found it was the unit in the kitchen causing the problem. I put a new battery in it, and it's behaved itself since, fingers crossed. So hopefully I won't need the electrician to come out after all.

Bloody stupid though. And had me completely demented late last night when they went off (well 10.30pm). They must have been going for at least an hour before we got them stopped.

And it's ear splitting. I'm convinced that's partly the reason I didn't get much sleep last night.


Aisleyne's stint on BB? A bit like the curate's egg I'd say.

Still love her though.




Last edited by emptybox




sorry to hear that blocked cathetar gave you such pain, but a good job the doc has now agreed to put your case as urgent. that is so bad expecting you to wait so long with such a painfull condition.

Glad the good weather has meant you could get on with your gazebo roof.

Shame you couldn't help the boss out this time.



sorry you have not been feeling so good too.

Make sure you are drinking plenty of water now you are working out in this heat.

Gosh that must of been so annoying having the alarms go off like that, then not being able to stop it for so long. Good job your neighbour was around to assist. Hope you have solved it ok now.


The heat here has been awful the last couple of days, but at last it seems to of cooled down tonight.

Tonight was my night off looking after mum, so the carer took her down seafront for ice creams.

I went food shopping in asda today, and managed to find a tiger stripe red and black vest top for ÂĢ4.


Glad you are enjoying Ais on BB Emptybox. I find her weird though...acting like a desperate teenager the way she is chasing after Dan, and she still can't seem to control the dunkeness/temper/crying episodes...can't believe she is in her mid 30's. But I guess she makes an interesting (if rather annoying) HM.

I did enjoy the Hotel task though,

loved the uniforms, Jack did a good job of acting the hotel manager.


Have a good evening both, I have been having to take the dog a walk before 7am, as she gets too hot (and I do too!) if we go out any later.


Looking forward to BB. How many more weeks do we have left?

Do we have a CBB to look forward to at all?

going to watch Don't tell the Bride now.




Evening Both.


A rather warm day, so humid.

It cut my work down some.

The new wood that came for the raised beds needed sanding on each of the 4 edges, 124m of sanding.


Builder working in the front garden, coping stones and pier caps on, just building the wall for the flower bed.

If it's not so hot tomorrow i'll do more on the roof.


Went to B&Q, got a few bits, they didn't have the watering computer i wanted so have ordered one online.


A district nurse rang today, they didn't know i had a catheter back in.

It seems the continence service and the district nurses work separately.

Very confusing, she gave me a new number to ring.



I agree, it was so hot, hard to sleep at night.


Strange they never mentioned self catheterisation, maybe they don't want doing out of a job.


Strange about your smoke alarm, a design fault, software/firmware error.

The ones that the fire station fitted at the other place were supposed to last 10 years, after about 6 years they started bleeping.



I'm glad the doc upgraded my case, hopefully i will get seen to sooner.


At least this weather the carers can get down to the seafront for ice creams.


A vest for ÂĢ4, can't complain at that.


Just going to watch last nights BB, was up at 6am, still can't sleep in.



Hi guys.

Still warm here today, but cloudy and windy, so much better for working.

There's thunder and lightning storms outside now though, and the power just flicked off and on.


The electrician turned up at the door at 7.55am. I hadn't called him, but I guess it was because of the neighbour's call.

I was just at the stage of contemplating getting up, but wasn't quite there yet, so I answered the door in my dressing gown (obvious joke ).

He took my word that it was the kitchen unit at fault, but he replaced that unit as I'd managed to damage the casing of it, trying to get it to shut up on Monday night. And he confirmed the system is working fine.


It occurs to me that if one battery had gone dead, then it's likely that more will follow, so it might well happen again soon.


Hi Mollie. Glad you're getting a little respite from the heat.

Not sure a tiger stripe vest top counts as "food" shopping?


Don't get me wrong, I'm finding Ash annoying quite a lot of the time as well, and I thought the language she used to Marc on tonight's show was out of order.

But there's just enough of the old Ash there to keep me liking her.....just.


I heard that they've cut BB short by one week because of the bad viewing figures, so think there's only two weeks left come Friday.

No doubt there'll be a CBB, as it gets more viewers.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you got some work done despite the heat.


Annoying that there's not proper communication between the various Health departments that are dealing with you.


Evening Emptybox.


A cooler day today, ok by me.

Did more on the gazebo roof, tiled to within 18" of the peek, have taken down the walk around scaffold and am making a high level one for just one section, think from this i may be able to get on the roof and tile the rest, will lay wood on the felt to manoeuvre on.


The front walling is finished now, so the raised bed need compost, O/H want another 2 or 3 tonnes of slate delivering.

I also need to get the council to give us a price for changing the pavement to a drive-in.


Had a few drops of rain today, nothing much, didn't add much to my water butt.


I've had no thunder or lightening today.


On the alarm units, i would assume if one fails then all batteries should be replaced at the same time, otherwise you will have chaos.


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