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Evening Both.


Decking came this morning, so need some nice weather as using the big electric saw in the wind is not nice, the sawdust gets in my eyes.


The relation doing the wall starts tomorrow, hope the bricks and blocks come.


Will start planting out some of my veg, and if wind is low i'll start cutting the next set of decking.


Mollie, If i get a decent day i'll take some pics, will have to send them to twitter first then give you a link, can't upload pics unless you pay GaGa the money.


the pension fund i had originally was frozen when i changed jobs, when i went back to the company they wouldn't carry it on, then i got a letter saying the fund had gone bust, i had a small private one that pays ÂĢ100 a month and the Tax man takes 50%, i also have a standing order to the tax man to pay the tax on my state pension.

The private pension companies keep changing.


Bad news about your lappy, the smoke could have been from a bad connection, it could have blown the fuse in the unit that is plugged into the mains.

I don't think it would have damaged the computer.


My puter asked me if i want to order my copy of Win 10, i said yes.

Out in July some time.


Emptybox, glad your feeling better, it's hard to know if it's the meds or not.


The points on bolts only get rounded by using the wrong size of type of spanner, of course if the nut is rather thin then some sockets wouldn't do as they don't have a flat side, some are chamfered and could slip from the nut.


Has the bolt got a washer under the head, if not it will lock itself without even being tight, thats why a washer must always be under whatever is being tightened.


You can buy a tool to unscrew bolts anyway, you drill a hole down the bolt and inset the threaded shaft, it has a reverse thread and you don't use the head of the bolt you just turn the new tapered tool.




hope you still feel well again today, hopefully it was just a little hiccup again whilst your body adjusts to the lower meds.

And hope your mower is still working ok.


Yes the lappy was plugged in and working off the power when it stopped and gave off smoke. Unfortunately I have had it over a year, so no guarantee.   Must of had it around 18 months now.

OH checked and said it is not a blown fuse. Weird.



glad your decking came, but pity about the winds that we keep getting. It was still windy here today too, but at least it was dry. Hope the weather was good enough for you to get some things done in the garden today.

what a cheek that the tax man even takes your pension. I bet those at the top have a method to avoid paying it themselves though.


Did 7 washloads again today, as at last it was dry with sunny intervals and with the wind it all dried quickly.

My day off caring for mum today, carer took her nice walk (they always push her in her wheelchair) down seafront. And they had an ice cream each.

My treat was a white Magnum out of our freezer.

Looking forward to BB, shame it is not on till 10pm though.


have a good evening both xx




Hi both.


Hicky, Hope you got the good weather so your relative could get started on the wall, or you could get on with the decking?


Lovely sunny day here, but still with a bit of a breeze.


Had another not good night, and didn't feel good this morning, so I might try going back to one tablet a day for a while.

Felt better this afternoon, so got a job done. Don't feel too bad this evening, but still a bit off.

Course it might have been a little tummy bug and not to do with my condition at all. Difficult to tell.


Yes the bolt has a washer under it.

I might have to resort to a tool like you describe. With not feeling so good I haven't tried to do anything about it.


My computers have all popped up that notification about Windows 10 as well. It comes out on July 29th.

I haven't clicked to reserve the upgrade yet though, as I think I'll wait to see if they have any initial problems first.

I'm trying out the Preview, and it's still got quite a few problems that they'll have to iron out.


Hi Mollie.

Hope you can find someone to fix your laptop. If it doesn't even now work on the battery then it might be serious. Haven't had much experience with laptops myself. Something's overheated obviously.


You certainly have a lot of washing to do.

At least you were able to treat yourself with a Magnum.


Watched The Auction House, then Long Lost family then BB.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Not a bad day here.

Wall coming on well, decking coming on as well.

Been changing the spray head positions on the raised beds as they all have a fixed central trellis, trying to find the best angle and direction to fix the heads.

each of the five beds has 5 spray heads


I retested for 5 minutes tonight, i had different methods to try, it looks like i have found the best arrangement.

It's like this, imagine a spray head on top of each of the lines.



It seems strange just having Joel & Eileen up for eviction.

I'll watch last nights in a minute.


Mollie, a lot of washing, heavens, you need an industrial model for that lot.

Glad you get a day off from Mum, you sure need it.


We have some of those Magnums, not bothered what colour.


Emptybox, It was glorious today, too hot at times, made working harder.


With Win 10, it gets downloaded but you choose when to install it.


both x


sorry to hear you had a 2nd not so good night in a row, but that is good you improved as the day went on. I hope you feel a bit better now. Have you decided to go back to a daily tablet, or are you going to give it a bit longer to see how you get on? It is so hard trying to get meds right, and of course it takes the body awhile to readjust when they have been changed. My mum was given too much and it affected her mobility and eating, but now I think we may have reduced them too much as the careers tell me she has been more tearful lately, so we may increase it back a little, but not as much as before. HOpe your lawn mower is still working ok.



glad you got ok weather so was able to make good progress with the wall and the decking. Your sprey design sounds clever to me. Hope the weather was good enough for you to get into the garden today.


OH worked from home today, which I am glad about because the traffic queues were 45 miles into Wales today.   There are 2 huge concerts in the city tonight, One Direction in the football stadium and Manic Street Porters in the castle grounds, plus all the holiday traffic you get in summer on Friday afternoons.

Daughter and I are going to see One Diection tomorrow evening I am really looking forward to it. Should be an experience in the huge football stadium. Have to look after mum in the morning, so I could get carers in for the afternoon, so I probably won't have time to post for a couple of days. Added to the fact I have to use OH's lappy whilst mine is no good.


Yes seems odd Hicky with only 2 up for eviction, not sure which of the 2 I want out, not really interested in either of them. But I am still enjoying watching BB.


Have a good evening both xx



Evening Mollie.


Just watched yesterdays BB, watching BBBOTS now.


Got a lot of decking done today, wall being worked on, 2 of them working.


O/H bought me an Olive tree today, always wanted one.

Doing more tests on the watering, they don't seem bad but with 1 computer & valve supplying 3 pressure limiting valves which control 3 zones, need to convert to 2 computers so i can join 2 zones together and the other one will be controlled by the 2nd computer, that gives more water, 3 zones together is stretching it.


Ordering the pier caps and coping stones tomorrow.


That was handy having O/H working at home, pity he can't do that more often.


Enjoy 1 Direction, i'm sure you will.


Don't think Eileen will go.

Betting is 8/15 Joel, 11/8 Eileen.




how nice of your OH to buy you an olive tree. I am sure it will do well in your capable hands. Glad you were able to get a lot of your decking done today. Hope you can soon work out your watering.


Emptybox not been in for a couple of days, hope he is ok.


Goodnight both xx

just seen Eileen is out, the bookies were wrong again then Hicky. I wonder how close the vote was?

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi guys.

Not feeling bad now. Have gone back on one tablet a day for now, but will try again once I'm sure I'm stable.


Another nice warm day here. Got plenty done. Still will do a couple of small jobs tomorrow, if the weather allows.


Hi Hicky.

Sounds like the wall, decking and watering system is coming on great.

Nice of your OH to get you an olive tree.


Hi Mollie.

Hope you can get your Mum on the right level of meds.

I can't really say whether my bad spell was to do with my condition, or perhaps because I was on antibiotics for such a long time, it might be I'm more susceptible to tummy bug. Just have to play it by ear.


Hope you enjoy the 1D concert tomorrow.

You'll maybe need binoculars to see them in the huge stadium.                      

I think the Manic Streets would suit me better, though I'm presuming you mean the Manic Street Preachers (Welsh band), and not the "Porters".


Think I'd rather Joel had gone really, but I wasn't bothered enough to vote.

Not sure I'll bother to vote again after the unfair eviction last week.

Interesting that there's a fake eviction next Friday and a secret room.

Also supposedly some old HM involvement.


Evening Both.


Did quite a lot of decking, wind was a problem, changed my watering systems over to 2 controllers for the 3 zones.

Tested it tonight, seems ok.


Went to Costco, got a small outside table with 2 chairs and 2 other chairs.


O/H messed up on the wall blocks, she misread a text message and ordered 130 blocks instead of 103.

Need to get the pier caps etc to finish the job.


Mollie, yes, the Olive tree is covered in flowers, it's a grafted tree grafted onto a 1m tall standard stock.


Strange Eileen going, nothing like the forecast.

The female voters must have got rid.


Emptybox, glad you are ok, these meds are sure a problem, you can only do what you think best.


I haven't voted since they stopped the 24 coverage.


Fake eviction eh.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you managed to get on with your decking despite the wind, and got some garden furniture from Costco.


Weather here wasn't suitable for work. Some sunny spells, but heavy showers and very high winds. The weather should have got these winds out of it's system in April. It's June now, for goodness sake.


I suppose it won't do any harm having a few extra wall blocks? Especially if they are damaged easily.


My bodge patch on the fuel tank of my hedger hasn't worked.

It still leaks, but more importantly, it takes in air so the pressure drops and the engine cuts out.

I've now tried covering it with thick paint, but whether that'll keep it air/water tight I don't know. Probably fibre-glass resin would be the best thing.


Evening Emptybox.


Just watching F1.


Done a lot of decking, another couple of hours to finish the lot.

53 square metres in all.


Went out for brekkie, then went to B&Q, got some more deck screws.

Watering system works well on 2 controllers, it splits the total water available, the system uses low pressure, 1.5 bar, and the mains will probably be about 2.5 which is too much for the small watering pipework.


Tested the new tables and chairs on the decking, in the sun.

Defo need the BBQ now.

Saw a nice one in B&Q and a good price but it didn't have the flat griddle plate, it just had the bars.


Not sure what you can do with the fuel tank, i suppose it need emptying and filling with a not explosive liquid and welding using argon gas.


You could try fibre glass & resin, it would need to be clean first, also you need some to go inside to act as a reverse bung, to take the internal pressure.


We have decided to build a wall instead of using wood for the raised bed in the front, if it's built 2 blocks high it should be fine.

You can see light and dark stone.

It's concrete blocks faced with granite chippings.

Very heavy indeed.


Hi Hicky.

Lovely day here.

Luckily the wind from yesterday had gone.


Well done getting all that decking done.

Glad the watering system works well.

The stone for the raised beds looks good.


Got my grass cut, then after I'd been to the supermarket I got a pile of ironing done, then did my invoices, so quite a productive Sunday.


The hedge cutter fuel tank is just plastic, so doubt an argon welder would be suitable?

Might have a look to see if I've got any fibre glass filler around.


Pity it's Sam, Simon or Marc to go in the secret 'lair'. I might have voted for Jade to go in if she was up.

Wonder who the ex-HMs will be that are going in?


Hope you had a good time at the 1D concert Mollie?

I heard traffic reports that the roads were very busy around Cardiff because of it.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


The sun was in and out today, one minute i'm boiling the next having to put my jumper back on.


Ordered a big BBQ from Homebase but they can't deliver it yet, we were going to order a nice table and chairs also but they couldn't deliver till July and they didn't have one we could take home, not sure if it would have gone in the car either.


Got more decking screws from Wickes, i love the T20 Torx ones.

I only put the minimum amount in so far as it takes so long and wears me out.


Didn't realise the fuel tank was plastic, if you can get at the leak you could solder it using a soldering iron, get another piece of plastic, like a milk bottle and cut a strip and weld it onto the leak.


Not happy with those 3 clowns going into the secret house, don't see the point, or advantage.


Hope Mollie is having a good time anyway.


My next door Neighbour has gone on holiday, i mentioned to them about the trellis section on top of the front fence diving us, i couldn't see any point in it, she said the previous owner of this place put it up for spite because they wouldn't take the fence down altogether.

I was thinking of cutting it off with my electric hand saw, they said it was ok with them.


Hi Hicky.

Another nice day here. Bit of spitty rain early on, but then the sun came out.


Pity they can't deliver  your BBQ for a while.

Good idea to take down the dividing trellis, if it's not serving any purpose.

Don't wear yourself out though.


I think I did mention it, but that fix with the soldering iron and thin plastic was the first thing I tried.

Unfortunately I'm not very good at that sort of thing and it still leaked, even after re-doing the soldering 3 times.

At first it seemed to be holding, but as soon as I started the hedger up, the petrol seemed to find it's way out.


Anyway, I've tried a different fix now.

I took the tank off an old non-working hedgecutter and fitted it to this one. It's a completely different model, so I've just had to wire it on as the screws were in the wrong places.

I also had difficulty fitting the tubes through the rubber grommet, as the holes in it are smaller, but it seems to be working.

The tank is smaller than the original, so I'll have to fill it more often, but that won't matter too much.

Only tested it briefly so far, so not sure if it'll be a success in the field.


I did find a place online that would sell me a replacement tank for it for ÂĢ30 delivered. But as the whole hadgecutter only cost me ÂĢ75 from Argos, that seemed a bit steep for just a plastic tank.

Still I guess it's an option if this doesn't work.


Yeah, I don't think Marc, Sam or Simon would be the best ones to go in the secret lair.

Just imagine if Marc was voted in and Nikki Grahame was one of the ex-HMs in with him. The sparks would fly. "Who Is He?? Where did you find him??"

Mind you, as far as I can gather, they are only in there for two days.

Last edited by emptybox




hope you were pleased with your new table and chairs when you tested them, but a shame you have to wait for that BBQ. Hopefully we will still have plenty of warm weather to come when it arrives. What type of table/chairs did you go for? Your wall looks good quality stuff, Gosh that is a big area of decking you have done. Sounds like your new neighbours will be glad to see the back of the trellis and must be pleased to have you move in next door if the old owners put it in just for spite. When is your lad due home from his holiday? Hope he enjoyed it.



hope you are still feeling well. Yes I guess so long on anti-biotics alone could give you an upset tum, hopefully it will settle soon.

Sounds like hard work fixing your hedgecutter, hope it holds out ok, and your mower does too.

Yes these cold winds are slow to shift this year, apart from the light days, it doesn't seem lie June at all.

Sunny here but still cool in the wind.


We had a great time at the concert over the weekend.  I read in the paper there was 70000 at the concert. So Caridff was very busy, but lots of fun, lots of people talking to us. Mainly women of various ages, and mostly, like me,  with their daughters. Some little girls were just so cute, all dressed in their 1D stuff and faces painted, but the real young ones were done in by the time 1D came on at 8.30pm! They gave a great performance, a bit more rocky than I imagined, but all good singers. They are obviously so big now that they had plenty of money to spend on the show, it was very lavish...huge electronic screens, 3D lasers, fireworks etc. The stadium is quite new, and huge, so a good place to see a sell out concert. McBusted were the suport act and I enjoyed them too. Their drummer Harry won Stricted Come Dancing, and of course BB's Emma's hubbie Matt is in the band too.
here is a newspaper link.... you can see in the photo gallery how much fun everyone was having, the little girl in photo 4 holding the blue hand was sitting directly in front of us, she was jumping around for Mcbusted, but was too tired to even stand by the time 1D came on.

The hotel we stayed in overnight was lovely too, they even left a free bottle of wine and a note telling us to enjoy the concert with a free 1Direction doll.

I paid an extra ÂĢ2.50 each to go 1st class on the train, well worth it, as it meant we got a seat there and back and loads of free snacks/drinks on the train and in the lounge at the station. On the evening the train company had big buckets of sweets for travellers to help themselves.


Had a lot of washing to catch up on yesterday and still real diffcult for me to get on lappy as OH needs his after work. I read that this problem has happened to others with HP lappys, that were not even that old. Son had warned me not to get an HP again, wish I had listened to him, as the last one I had over heated. Never again. Not sure what make to go for as when I bought a Sony, I had to take it back as it wouldn't connect to the internet. Even the shop couldn't get it to work when we took it back.


BB...yes I am not happy with the secret house choice, a load of idiots going in there. Seem hardly worth the effort if the ex HM's are only in for 2 days, but I am still looking forward to seeing it.


have a good day both. x have to go put shopping away now and do more washing.



Good Evening Both.


Been screwing more deck screws in, with the decking finished it needs more screws, only put a certain amount while putting the deck boards in position.

It takes so long to put all the screws in.


Went out to take pics and camera said battery needed charging, so went in to put it on charge.

Took some pics anyway, posted them to O/H's twitter account, will post the url here so hope they work.


Emptybox, it's been cloudy with sunny spells here, no rain.


Hope the swapped fuel tank works, don't see why not.

Spare parts are always dear


I think it a waste to send one of those 3 to the secret room, no point.


Mollie, The new table and chairs for Costco are fine, pity Homebase couldn't give us the big metal table and 4 chairs in time.


Haven't started cutting the trellis off yet, have to work up to it.


I think my lad is back from Holiday this week.

They are enjoying it, they keep sending O/H pictures from the poolside and in the water, and also on the beach, the little ones love the water.


Glad you enjoyed your concert, they are big, also McBusted are very popular as well.

Yes, 1st class is certainly worth it.



1-Compost section
2-Kiddies Hut
3-Small Summerhouse / Garden Shed
4-Large Summerhouse / Tool Shed
6-Vines / Strawberry Plants
7-Peas & Asparagus
8-Onions & Carrots
9-Fruit Trees & Rasperry canes
11-Plum, Cherry, Apples, pears, Blueberry, Mulberry
12-Decking to French Doors
13-View from Utility Area
14-View to Garage Area
15-View from French Doors.








Hi guys.

Nice day here. Very warm and sunny this afternoon.

Got plenty done.


Great pics Hicky.

A place for everything, and everything in it's place.

You're sure packing a lot into that little back garden.

Glad your lad and family are enjoying their hols.


Hi Mollie. Glad you enjoyed the concert. 70,000? That's some crowd?

Quite a big draw with 1D and McBusted.

Glad you had a lovely hotel as well.

Didn't realise you got all that free stuff on the train, even in first class.


Strange that HP laptops have an overheating problem. I would have said they were a reasonable brand? Not sure what to suggest.

I think my Brother has a Dell laptop (supplied by his job), and one nephew has an Acer one. Not sure what the other nephew has.

Have you looked into getting yours fixed?


Think probably Jade is my favourite in the BB house, at the moment?

Think Harry is a bit of a misery guts?

Nikki is rumoured to be one of those going in.

Aisleyne says she's not been asked.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


I sawn off the trellis from next door in the front, quite a job, O/H has painted the fence already, it looks great.


I have a path all the way around the garden, even behind the sheds, you can wheel a barrow round anywhere, some paths are 70cm, some 80cm and some 100cm.


I like Jade myself, can't fathom her out but she seems nice.


I read Nikki was going in & Helen Wood.


Harry is a strange one, she says she has issue's, not sure what they are, still like her though,


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed out.


Hi Hicky.

Gorgeous day here. Sunny and very warm. Best day of the year so far.

The forecast is for Thursday and Friday to be the same, then back to wet and cold by the weekend.


That was good work getting the trellis removed, and your OH painting the fence.


Yes I'd heard the rumours about Nikki and Helen going in. Think there's supposed to be a third one as well?


Watched 'The Auction House' and then 'Long Lost Family', now BB.


both x

quick hi from me as I had a lot to catch up today after being away over the weekend.



wow, you can certainly see you have done loads in that garden. The gazebo is lovely too. After all your effort you certainly should have some nice fruit to look forward to.



glad you are having good weather there so you don't get too behind work wise. Hope you are feeling well today.


I too like Jade, a fascinating HM, but don't like Harry at all, such a sulky misery, can't stand how she strops off to sulk in bed on her own for a bit more attention off Nick,. (and uses nudity for camera time too).


Friday should be interesting, If it is Nikki, that will be good as I always liked her.

Not looking forward to seeing Helen though.

Goodnight both xx


Good Morning Both.


Another nice day expected here, mostly sunny.


Hoping i can get my lad to put me a water tap in the garage, at the moment i have a hose stretching from my water system to the tap by the front door outside on the wall.

I need the hose to connect to my water & manure tanks.

I am thinking of making my manure tank a dilute mix instead of concentrated that way i can just feed the trees/plants with a hose direct from the tank.

The tanks have Hoselock fittings on the tap.


The man from Pomona rang me the other night as i emailed them about the Raspberry canes that aren't so good and the Fig tree that doesn't seem to be going anywhere, he said email them in October and see how things went, everything is guaranteed by them anyway.


Mollie, Each picture i see of Josie looks awful, compared to a while ago, she has been slimming a lot, remember all that mass of skin he had?

I really think these girls see a different picture to what we see.


It will be interesting to see what damage has been done to the laptop when your lad takes it to bits.

Laptops are about the worst thing on earth to work on, i wouldn't, i hate them.


Emptybox, it was rumoured that Gina was going in, but she said she isn't.

Not seen much TV as i'm usually in bed early, still awake at 5.30am.


Hi Hicky.

Another perfect day weatherwise here. Sunshine, blue sky, no wind 22 degrees.

Pity it can't last.

Got a big strimmimg job out of the way.


Hope you can get your lad to help you with the outside tap, as it sounds like it would be useful.


The man from Pomona eh? Now all you need is that call from the man from Del Monte, and you'll be set.

In all seriousness though, it's great that they guarantee their plants like that.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been ok here today, light wind, mostly sunny but cloud as well.


Not put the watering on tonight as the forecast says it will rain tomorrow.


The outside tap, by or in the garage would be very handy as at the moment i have a load of hose stretching from the back of the garage to the front door.


I think inside the garage would be best as it will be sheltered in the winter, it would be better if i put my timer computers inside also.


They are good at Pomona, to ring me up when i sent them an email.

Mind you i have done an awful lot of business with them over the years.


Glad you were able to get your strimming job done, i have a cracking strimmer, not needed of course as i don't have grass.


Hi Hicky.

Another lovely day here, although it's a bit cloudy now.

All about to change over the weekend though.


Got plenty done. I managed to test my hedgecutter out properly, and it seemed to go fine with it's replacement tank. The tank lasted about 40 mins before it needed refilling, which is about half the time that the original lasted, but doesn't really affect the working of it.


My petrol strimmer is now giving me problems as well. It seems to be sucking in air somewhere and coughing and spluttering and cutting out.

If you can get it running at full speed it will carry on, but difficult to get it there.

Mind you, it's about 14 years old, so doesn't owe me anything.


I presume your one is an electric one? I've got a little electric strimmer as well, but it needs plugging in, so not any use for my business. Might look into getting a rechargeable one.


Yes, probably best to get the tap and computer etc inside the garage if possible.


Looking forward to BB tonight, although the ex-HMs going in aren't the most interesting. Nikki and Helen confirmed, along with an un-named male HM.


Afternoon guys.

Mollie there's a wee dialog post for you, if you care to look


Not too bad weather here. A bit cloudy and windy, and cooler than previously, but no rain yet.


Thought I was going to be cut off this morning, because my phone was completely dead and no internet,

But it came on again after 40 mins or so. Perhaps they were working on something at the exchange? My neighbour was off as well.

Hope it stays on now, and is not an intermittent fault.


Think they could have chosen better ex-HMs to go in the bunker.

Nikki seems to be her usual self. Helen looks like she's just going to be mean and nasty to the likes of Jade. And Brian Belo? Can't see what he adds at all?

Looks like there's be a big show on Sunday when they go back in, and some other ex-HMs might have some involvement then and during the week?

Last edited by emptybox



hope your lad can sort your water tap out to make things easier for you. Will you have to wait until he is back from his holiday to ask him? That is good you are so pleased with Pamona.



how damn annoying your petrol strimmer is playing up now. But I guess at 14 years old, it has done ok. How are you now? Hope you are feeling well especially now you are so busy at work.


I am all done in again today...been to Costco to stock up on food, son and OH and son checked my lappy and the motherboard had gone. Have been finding it so hard without one that OH went and bought me a cheapo one from tesco (well ÂĢ199 is not that cheap!), so hope it is ok. Son setting it up now.


I am really enjoying BB seeing these old HM's back,
I have always liked Nikke and thought she was so funny tonight...
eg Nikki about Helen... "I'm totally BeyoncÃĐ and she is like the ****ing backing dancer"  



Off to brekkie in the morning.


Goodnight both xx


Morning Both.


Very cloudy this morning.


Glad your hedgecutter seems ok, strange about your strimmer, yes, mines a mains one, the ones the council use seem idea, big and powerful.

Are you sure it isn't dirt in the fuel, or dirt in the carburettor, or the plug or lead?


Watched BB yesterday morning, hate adverts so not watching anything live.


Pity about your internet, wonder what that blip was?


Nikki seemed fine, saying Marc was boring because he just wants to listen in on the HM's.


It should be interesting Sunday as you say.


Mollie, My lad came here Saturday, we have agreed a course of action, not sure when though.

Yes, Pomona are very good, any problems they will sort it out.


Bought a big sun thingy from B&Q, it's 3.5m and a swivel one, also got seat cushions for the benches and seats and a small sun thingy for the table.


Hope your Tesco lappy is ok, thats a good price


Am making concentrated plant feed at the mo, using the concentrated manure i get from Marshalls, I'm going to part fill the manure tank i have then fill with water so i can fit a hosepipe and feed the plants direct, hopefully.



Hicky and Mollie.

Was wet overnight and cold this morning, but a bit brighter and warmer now.


Pity your laptop was unrepairable Mollie, but I hope you get on well with your Tesco replacement.

Hope you enjoyed your brekkie out?


Yes Nikki has been funny, in a moany kind of way. Just as always.

Funny her having a crush on Nick.


Hi Hicky.

It's definitely a fuel or air related fault with the strimmer.

You can hear it sucking in air somewhere if you put your ear to the carburettor bit. And you have to pump the fuel bubble to get it started again.

But if it gets going it usually stays going, so it's not just a little dirt in the fuel.

But there's no obvious holes or fuel leaks, and I'm not comptetent enough to take the carburettor apart.


I'll see how it goes, but I might have to get a new one.

I was having a look at cordless electric ones, but don't think they'd be up to the job, as I often have big patches to strim, with coarse weeds (thistles, docks etc).


Hope you get a chance to enjoy your sun umbrella/lounger set.


Looking forward to tonight's BB Time Warp launch.

There's also that new series on CH4 'Humans', which I'll have to record.


Evening Emptybox.


A dull day most of the day, a few brighter patches.


Went out for brekkie, got 4 lots of JI3 for ÂĢ10, got some trees to put in pots for O/H, they will be going in the front of house.


My lad came round and fitted the tap outside the Utility room and also a tap in the garage, thats a good help to me.

He brought one of the little ones as well, he loves it here.


If you have to pump the fuel bulb it means there is no fuel in the carburettor.

It sounds to me as though the fuel jet might be blocked some or the mechanism that opens the fuel inlet when the fuel is low in the carb is sticking.

You can hear the air as it's trying to get fuel.


I think the carb wants taking to pieces and cleaning.


I'm recording tonights BB, also that new one with Emma in it.




both xx



your new sun thingies sounds great, hope we get plenty of sun for you to enjoy it. That's good your lad managed to fit the tap. And nice for you to see the littlie come and enjoy himself.



Hope you feel well today, and hope all your garden equipment keeps going awhile longer.


Phhewwe, got home from putting mum to bed (with 2 lovely carers help as usual) not long ago, but just in time I ate my tea and ready to watch BB.  


Enjoy the show both xxx


Evening Mollie.


A strange day here weatherwise, mostly cloudy, a few spells of sun if it could get between the clouds.

Moved my watering timers etc into the greenhouse by the tap, very handy, even better with it being out of the rain and sun.


Bought another 3 seater bench seat, 4 we have now, it's getting nice and cosy in certain area's on the decking.

Have ordered the green & red tiles for the Gazebo, that should be here pretty quick.

Will be ordering the Polycarbonate sheeting for the gazebo soon as well.


I've got to raise the cabin which is the kiddies play area on the ist level, was going to make a frame so we can lift the little cabin, fit the extension then reseat the cabin, shouldn't be a problem.


I watched last nights BB this morning.



Evening both.

Not too bad day here, although it's raining this evening.


Used the strimmer. It worked fine for about half an hour then started giving problems again.

You are almost certainly right about the carburettor Hicky, but as I said, I'm not competent to fix that myself.

I'll persevere with it for now, then will probably get a replacement when I absolutely have to.


Glad your lad helped you get the taps sorted.

You've certainly got plenty of garden seats now?


Hi Mollie. Glad the carers help allowed you to get home in time for BB.


Well, we're certainly getting a surfeit of Aisleyne on telly; yesterday and today, with maybe more to come this week?

Not for me obviously. I can take any amount of her you can throw at me

But you might already have had an elegant sufficiency Mollie?


I do agree partly with her about Harry though. Harry can be a bit miserable, but I don't think she's lied to anybody about anything. I think she's fairly straight.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


There's only a few parts in most carburettors, don't think you would have a problem, look it up on the web, you can probably find a video.

It's only a float to stop the fuel when the chamber is full and inside is a jet.


Not a bad day here, no rain again, my BBQ came, took hours to build it, it was this one.


It's a beaut.


Had my tea on it as well, didn't use all the 4 burners, just needed 2 and the side burner for the frying pan with the onions in.

Had a burger each and a couple of chops.


My /roofing tiles arrived on a pallet today as well, they are so heavy, another job to do, i'll have to get it planned first then i can get the materials cut to size, considering there are 6 equal sides it shouldn't be hard.


Let my watering system come on tonight on it's own, just need a few jets moving to get the best coverage of the water for the raised beds.


I tried out the hosepipe for the manure direct from the manure tank but it's only long enough to do half the garden, need more hose but the principle works good enough, when i get this 100 litre tank empty i will raise it to get mote pressure.


I thought what Nikki said to Jack was dreadful, poor lad, being lied to on national TV isn't right.

I'll watch tonights show either at midnight or in the morning, without adverts.


All the paperwork that comes through the door now that isn't an official letter gets zapped in my shredder, all the boxes as well, and the papers, an magazines, they all get shredded.


Hi both.

Not bad day here. Started off a bit wet and cloudy, but not too bad.


That looks a great BBQ Hicky. I'm sure you'll have many a happy meal from it.

Glad your tiles arrived. Now all you've got to do is work out how to get them fitted.


Is all that shredded material going on your compost?


I might try taking the carburettor apart. But only if it completely conks out and there is no alternative. Knowing me I'd lose an important screw or not be able to put it back together.


Hi Mollie.

Glad you've remembered your password now.

Hope your new laptop is working out fine.


Don't like Marc at all now he has teamed up with Helen.

Really annoys me when he calls people who are friends "brown nosers".

I don't want to see people arguing all the time in there.


Afternoon Both.


A cloudy day here, just started light rain, hope it can fill my water butt.


Want to pre-make some pieces for the roof section, should be able to.


Mollie, glad you got your password, i keep most of mine in a book, i've used 41 pages and some have 2 on them.


Emptybox, All the shredded paper and cardboard goes into the compost boxes after i put a load of grass in, so it is green then brown, it rots so quick that the heap doesn't seem to get any higher.


I turned one heap over with a pitch fork, i think i should turn 1 pile over into the next container.


With your Carb, isn't there anyone you can take the machine to? or would it cost too much.


I didn't like Marc before, now he's with Helen he's even worse.

I watched last nights this morning at 5.30, didn't watch the aftershow, can't stand Rylan.





gosh that looks a dead posh BBQ, but at least you know it is something you will get plenty of use out of. Good luck sorting out your roofing tiles. How is your hip/knees holding up now you are using them so much in your garden?



shame about your strimmer, you are certainly having some problems with your gardening stuff this year.

Hope you can get it all sorted without too much expense.


Yes Helen is not a good influence on Marc at all. And Nikki was very unkind to Jack, he is only a young naive lad after all. A shame because I normally laugh at Nikki as a HM, because I like her, but I didn't laught at that bit.

I too don't like all the arguments, I hope we get a fun task soon.


Emptybox....I thought Ais looked quite nice on BB the other night, But for some reason Ais said she liked Nikki on BB the other night! But as we know  they never could stand each other. Amongsht other stuff between them, I clearly remember the "you better know yourself little girl!" comment from Ais.


Am watching that Auction programme now, can't believe how much some people pay for stuff that just looks likes junk to me.


Carers looking after mum today, which is good as I was all done in last night after getting home late. The carer took her out for a walk today but not an ice cream as it was cool today. Only went up to 16 degrees today here, drizzle on and off.


Kids finished thier college work now, just have to wait for results till August now, and hope they have passed so they can go onto next year.


Have a good evening both xxx

ps Emptybox...forgot to say ...silly me now getting the Manic Street bands wrong.  As yoou probably guessed, I am not a fan, would prefer One Direction. 



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