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Evening Both.


The Strawberry plants arrived today, have planted them out, 10 off.


I had ordered Stainless Clothes Pegs, i use them for the covers on the tree tubs, buy 40 and you get 40 free, ÂĢ9.99, had a few lots years ago, still working.


Have transplanted into little pots some of the seeds i sowed from the US, tons of carrots have come up, when they get bigger will try and plant them out, have to do it at night when the carrot fly isn't around.



Some spring onions coming up as well, am keeping the summer house at between 15C and 20C so they will germinate.


It looks like the Kiwi Berry plant is going to have a lot of flowers on it, got a dozen figs on the fig tree, the babies that over wintered.


Have to go to the garden centre in the morning for compost etc, and some 12 pots.


That was a lot to get through the MOT and a service, can't be helped though.


You could have got the bulge any time, even coming home from the garage, but you shouldn't drive around like that, it could go any time.


Not sure how i avoid an op if the tablets aren't working.


Hi Hicky.

You're certainly getting your plants organized anyway.

That sounds like a good deal on clothes pegs.


Not bad day here. Mostly cloudy but dry. Got quite a lot done.

Might do one job tomorrow, if the weather is good.


I suspect the garage is to blame for the bulge on my tyre.

I certainly didn't notice it before, and I look at the tyres regularly.


That wheel was losing air and I asked them to look at it, and on the bill they charged me for a new valve, so they must have had the tyre off.

Somebody probably damaged it putting it back on, and didn't want to own up 


But I'd have a hard job proving it, and I don't want to fall out with them as there aren't many garages round about, and they are generally fair and do a good job.

And the owner usually goes out of his way to source cheap parts or even make them up.


I'll just suck it up and get a new tyre from my favourite tyre place.

That tyre is about 6 years old, and was put on before I inherited the car, so I don't begrudge a replacement.


I've got my bats back, living underneath the slates above my bedroom.

There only seems a couple at the moment, and they aren't making much noise yet. But later in the summer they can be a real nuisance.


Watched Griff Rhys Jones and then Gogglebox.


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


Doubt if they damage your tyre taking it off or putting it back on, the bulge is usually in the sidewall which they don't really touch.


went to the garden centre, got some veg plants and some new plastic saucers, 4 12 pots and asked them to deliver 12 bags of John Innis 3 and a big bag of Ericaceous compost for the Blueberry Bush as it's a Lime hater.


Fancy the Bats coming back, they must like your place.


I'm missing all the TV at night, with being up at 5am i need to go to sleep early.


It's raining here, a proper miserable day really.

I'll put off planting the veg for now.


Hi Hicky.

Cold, cloudy and showery here, so I didn't get my job done.

I'll do it on Monday instead.


I've watched them putting the tyres back on in the tyre place. it's a physical process involving quite a lot of bashing the tyre about.


One time the tyre seemed to buckle up. The guy looked across to see if I'd noticed, then he bashed the tyre back down into shape.

Now luckily there didn't seem to be any damage that time, but I can imagine if there was any weakness in the tyre wall then that sort of treatment would damage the tyre.


Of course the garage would claim that the damage must have been there in the tyre to begin with....

So that's why I'm not going to bother taking it up with them, and just get a new tyre.

I mean I might be able to get ÂĢ50 back off them or something, but they could punish me to the order of hundreds of pounds in future MoTs etc.

Plus I don't like confronting people.


Pity your sleep is being disrupted to the extent that you are missing your telly.

I'm still waking in the early hours to go to the toilet, but thankfully I can usually get back to sleep again now.


Glad you were able to get all you wanted from the garden centre.

Can't say I've any experience with blueberries.


I think the bats get attracted back by the smell of their droppings from last year.

They've been very quiet since it's got much colder again. I guess the flies that they eat haven't been out and about, so the bats have been staying in.

I saw one flying about at dusk last night though.


Good Morning Emptybox.


Never seen the tyre people treating a tyre like that,

Only ever seen them using the machine for taking off or putting  the  tyres on, they don't need to touch the sidewall at all, it's just the rim that is touched by the tools, why on earth are they touching the side wall? that is the weakest point on the tyre.


I can't plant the veg yet as it's still raining, it is supposed to stop middday though.

I bought some beetroot, 2 types of peas, stirfry type, some lettuce, ridge cucumber, will leave the tomato for now, although i will get the grafted veg later in the month.


If it clears up i will be planting later.


I recorded BGT will have to watch it as i was asleep early last night again.

I was up at 5am again, O/H went to work at 4.30.


Hi Hicky.

Horrible rainy cold day here.

Hope your weather picked up enough for you to do some planting?


It's probably only people who don't really know what they are doing who mistreat tyres like that.

Also probably if they are selling you a tyre they'll be more careful, as they'd have to replace it if they messed up.

But I've certainly seen a tyre completely buckle up and have to be bashed back into shape.


The bulge in the tyre wouldn't have passed the MoT, so must have happened after they put it through.

Perhaps they got an apprentice to change the tyre afterwards and never inspected it? Or perhaps the bulge only came up when I was driving it home?


Went to the supermarket with the van, as I didn't want to risk a blowout in the Jag in this awful weather.


Can you not try staying up a bit later to see if you can sleep longer. Or does getting up at 5am suit you? I know you used to when you were working.

My Brother can never sleep beyond about 6am. He blames the stress of his job. He only gets a longer lie when he's on holiday.


Nice that Kate had a little girl. Wonder what they'll call it?


Not sure what to watch tonight?

There's 'The C Word' with Sheridan Smith on BBC1 or that new 'Home Fires' thing on ITV? Or maybe the Resident Evil film on 5.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Weather cleared up at 10am, pretty good all day, planted all my veg, the Pear tree and 2 new Figs, planted the last 3 Raspberry canes.

My grafted veg doesn't come till the 22nd.


The garden centre brought the compost etc this morning just as the rain was stopping.


Strange about your tyre, bending the trye wouldn't create a bulge, for a bulge to occur the sidewall has to have it's nylon cords ruptured, never heard of that happening in a garage while changing a tyre.


I think my early waking is related to when i was working and getting to work at 6am.


Glad the weather looked up for you, and you got all your planting done.

That's great of the Garden centre, delivering on a Sunday.


Well perhaps I'm wrong about the tyre. Perhaps I'm blaming the garage erroneously, and it's just a coincidence that I noticed it straight after.

Anyway, I'll need to get a new tyre regardless of when it happened. Just a pity there's still 4mm of tread on it.


Got the Resident Evil film on, but not paying much attention to it.

Think I'll watch some recordings instead.


both xxx



sorry to hear the catheter and the problems are still ongoing. Hope the specialist can help sort it soon for you. Sounds like it won't be long now until the fruit and veg are growing well in your new garden. I am not surprised you are still waking early after all those early starts you had whilst at work. You will probably adjust slowly to getting up later. I am not one to lie in late, but don't get up as early as 5.30am, that is the time OH gets up for work. I am usually up around 7.30 to 8am.



what a shame about the damaged tyre. But a difficult situation for you as it looks like the garage did it. Pity your MoT was so expensive too. Let's hope that is the last you need to spend on it for awhile now.

You said your brother wakes early from stress from work. What field does he work in? I think you have the best type of job, being your own boss and working outdoors too.


Aaaww yes, the it was nice to see the little Princess yesterday. I heard someone on the radio suggest a name of Mildred for her, so they would then have "George and Mildred". I think maybe Eleanor?


Been busy as ever with mum, but at least the weather cleared so I could take her for ice cream on seafront today. It is still cold here though, coat weather.

Went to son's concert Friday night, all of the BTEC college students in his class performed in their individual bands first, then the professional acts. It was a comedian magician, then Barry White impersonator. Nice night out, but I was real tired yesterday, can't cope with late nights as so busy in the day. The club gave all the college kids a free meal of sausage, chips and beans which was nice of them.


Bank hol tomorrow is nice as no college rush for kids and OH at home.


Counting down to BB now.

wonder why it starts on a Tuesday?


Have a good night both xxx



Last edited by *mollie*

Good evening both x

hope you both had a good May Day bank holiday.

Hope you managed to get into your garden HIcky.

So nice to have OH home and no college rush for the kids.

Day off gardens today Emptybox?


Booked carers with mum till 3pm, so we had a break. My fave carer today took mum out for 3 hours in her wheelchair, round town, then for ice cream on seafront. Apparently lots of people talked to her the carer said.


Watching Stranger on a Bridge, on C4. Very interesting programme. Great how this person stopped him committing suicide.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not bad day here. A bit warmer and quite sunny.

Got a couple of jobs done.

I would have taken the day off, but the forecast for Tuesday and Wednesday isn't good.


That sounds like a good concert Mollie. A bit like Britain's Got Talent, with the magician and the impersonator?


Glad you are still able to enjoy an ice-cream on the seafront with your Mum

Hope you had a nice bank holiday?

Charlotte Elizabeth Diana for the Princess. Not bad.


I doubt that's the end of my expenses with the car unfortunately, as they gave me an advisory about the exhaust for next year.

If they needed to replace the whole system including catalytic converter it could cost up to ÂĢ1600. But the garage owner says he might be able to weld it up or even make up a custom part.

That's one of the reason why I don't want to start a dispute with them over the tyre.

Plus, as Hicky says, it might just be a coincidence, and not the garage's fault.


Yes, I like my style of work more than my Brother's. I can please myself most of the time whereas he's always chasing about at others' bidding.

However I could do with even half his salary.

He's a regional manager for a well known garage tools company, covering the whole of Scotland and Ireland. So most weeks he spends 2 or 3 nights away from home. Plus he's got loads of people under him to manage, and he's responsible for recruiting new salesmen etc.


Surprisingly little on telly tonight, considering it's a bank holiday?

ETA: Oh I see you found something to watch Mollie. I didn't watch that.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi both.


Horrible rainy day here. No chance of work.

A wee bit warmer than last week though.


Went into town and got a new tyre fitted.

Watched them closely. This time no bashing about, and all went smoothly using the machine. 

Seems I was right, and they are much more careful when selling you a new tyre.

Probably the bashing I saw previously was them trying to get the old tyre off?


Kirstie and Phil on again tonight. Then I think I'll watch '24 Hours in the Past' on BBC1


Hope you guys are having better weather than me?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Had a good day, even if it was blowing a gale, raining on and off, but some sunny periods now.


My relation came, he moved the tree tubs to the correct position, he lifted them as if they were a bag of spuds.


We then built the small summer house, then we started on the childs tower play house, we have built the ground level section and positioned it, just the house section to do now.


Tomorrow we should finish that and start on the Gazebo.


The veg i planted that i got from the garden centre seems fine, 2 types of peas, beetroot, lettuce, cucumber.

The Strawberry plants i got sent seem to be growing anyway.


I have some Tomato plants coming on in the summer house, keeping the temperature to 16C min.


Emptybox, the exhaust, if it's a solid type can be cut and welded, add sections in etc, the catalytic converter isn't really part of the exhaust, it's just an add on.

I could get exhaust pieces added on the Land-rover because it ws so heavy gauge metal.


Mollie, nice to see the carers taking your Mum out, thats so good for her.


I'm stuck with the catheter for now, it gets changed in 10 weeks.


They put a new band around my leg to support the bag but it keeps dropping down my leg.

The original fastening was stuck on but that came off.

I don't know how i get another one, it was better than this, in fact i put a big plaster on my leg and pinned the support to it, that seemed to work, i'm back to square one now.


Still getting up at 5.30 and going to bed early.


both xx



yes weather none too grand here either. The poor young carer fell off her moped bike on the way to one of her calls a couple of hours before mum's call, the gusts were so bad, and the roads wet. She was still shaken up when we saw her.

I agree, a lovely name for the little princess.

Gosh let's hope you don't have to spend another ÂĢ1600 on the car. As you say, best to play it careful with the garage especially if they can make you big savings on other work.

no wonder your brother does not sleep so good with such a job responsibility as that one. I reckon you are a lot better off stress wise, even if it does mean coping on a lower salary.



sorry to hear you have to have the catheter long term, but better than having that awful pain to cope with I guess. Have they booked you in to see a specialist now or are they just waiting to see how things go on the tablets whilst it is still in place? Could you ring the GP's surgery and ask if the district nurse can help with the leg band?

Sounds like you certainly made good progress garden wise with your relative.

You will have to send us some more garden update pics soon.


My mum is much improved again. At one time she could not even stand and the last 2 days the carers have managed to get her to walk into the lounge from the bedroom and she has started to feed herself again. I think it is a mix of good care, persistence in me and carers feeding her by hand when need be and keeping her well hydrated, and we keep encouraging her to stand.


Daughter in a panic with all her end of year Uni assignments, so took her to lunch at the pub today, as she does not eat before college. Son also in a panic bringing his assignment folder up to date and practising for end of year concert. He has to play the bass for this, which he is not used to, but he does fancy playing the bass in future. He has an interview tomorrow for the next stage at college, he has to audition and read some music and do questionnaire. Fingers crossed he does well.


Mum likes coming home in the taxi with the 2 ladies. Frees up some extra time for me too, as they don;t get to my house until after 4pm.


goodnight both xxx


Hi Hicky.

Glad you had a good day and got a lot done.

Your relative sounds like he was a great help.


Pity you've got to keep on with the catheter, and it's giving you problems.

How's your mobility now? Is your hip causing any problems?


Hope you're right about the exhaust, but I'll worry about that next year, or when it becomes a problem.


Put my tomato plants out in the greenhouse yesterday. Hopefully the threat of any significant frosts has gone now we are in May, although you never can tell.


Hi Mollie.

Hope the carer wasn't badly hurt falling off her moped?


That's good news that your Mum has made something of an improvement.

Makes the carers and your job just a little easier.


Hope your kids get on OK with their end of year assignments.

Interesting that your son now wants to play the bass.


Got my invoicing done this afternoon, while I was off due to the rain.

Don't think tomorrow's forecast is any better.


Evening Both.


Finished the childs playhouse, put some racking into the small summerhouse, and put the garden plant treatment on the shelves.

It rained all the time so we packed up when we had finished the playhouse.

will start again in the morning on the gazebo.


just had a RibEye Steak with Mushrooms, onions and sautÃĐed new potato's.


Mollie, how awful for the young carer, as you say, that would really shake her up, glad it's not more serious, she was lucky.


I think i am being referred to the right places about my urinary problem, i could be waiting for an appointment.


Glad your Mum is helping herself more, thats an improvement.


Not much you can do about your children having this stress, it's a stressful time.


Emptybox, my mobility is great, it's as if my leg had never gone faulty.

Don't need a stick any more, it's really a miracle.


I don't think the threat of frost is gone until the third week of May, they are sending me the plants to put out on the 22nd May.


Hi Hicky.

Great to hear that you've got full mobility back.

Just hope you get an appointment to sort your other little problem out.


That's good work finishing off the childrens' playhouse, even though it was raining.

Hope it's good weather tomorrow to allow you to get the gazebo done.


Funny you having a steak. I had a sirloin steak, chips and mushrooms tonight.


Very showery today. Every time the sun came out, and I thought I was going to get out, the black clouds rolled in again and the heavens opened.

Think the forecast for tomorrow and Friday for me is quite good though.


You're right, there could still be some minor frosts yet, but the plants are quite sturdy, so as long as it's not a severe one, they should be alright in the greenhouse, fingers crossed.


Watched 'Inside the Factory' on BBC2,'The Island' on ITV then Peter Kay on BBC1.


Remember to vote tomorrow.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been good today, built the Gazebo between us, i finished the work on the other buildings, just some wood strips had to go over the joints between different sections.


The gardener was working next door so i got him to come in to my garden, i got him to bag all the excess old ground, he had to make 3 journeys to the recycle dump, but it means i can do more work on the decking area's.


I can order the blue slate now, about 10 tonne loose for front and back.


we try to buy 2 types of Steak, Ribeye and Fillet, with all others there can be a risk, if i get gristle in my steak it ruins it for me.


There are only a few delicate plants that the frost can ruin, Tomato and peppers and some others.


Hi Hicky.

Cold and cloudy this morning, but a sunny afternoon.

Got a lot of grass cutting done.


That's good work, getting the gazebo up.

Stroke of luck that the gardener was already working next door, and had time to help you out.

You'll be pleased that you can get on and order the slate now.


Right enough, although the sirloin steak was nice, there was a bit of gristle that I had to cut off. I'll maybe try rib-eye another time.


I looked on BBC Weather, and it looks like tonight will be cloudy here in the early hours, so i should be spared the frost. 2 degrees C is the predicted low for me tonight.


Watching the election progs. Exit polls very interesting.

I see they are predicting that the SNP will win all but one seat in Scotland.

I bet that one seat is the one I'm in.


Evening Emptybox.


It's been raining all day, couldn't do much today.

Have ordered 9 tonne of blue slate, gets delivered Tuesday morning.


To put felt tiles on the Gazebo roof would only cost ÂĢ110 with ÂĢ40 delivery.

I need to put gutters on it like i did last time.


To put 4mm Polycarbonate on the Gazebo would cost about ÂĢ650.


My seeds i sowed in the summerhouse seem to be doing ok, got some lettuce growing and tomato's, peppers and carrots and spring onions.


I usually wake up in the night so i watch a bit of TV, then try to get more sleep.

I sometimes watch deal or no deal, or scrapheap challenge.





good to hear your mobility is so good now, must be great to have got rid of the stick now. Hope you can get the other problem sorted soon with the specialist.

Bet the kids will love visiting you and your playhouse. The felt tiles sound a bargain, Yes I think it is best to watch tv if you do wake at night, nothing worse than lying around thinking of how you can't get back to sleep.



gosh SNP did well, did they win in your area?

We had nice weather on election day, so we took the dog with us to vote. She enjoyed the nice long walk somewhere different.

Are you up to date work wise?


Weather not good here again today, chilly and drizzly.

I like Friday night tv though, 2 Corries then Gogglebox.

Not long till BB launch night, my fave night for BB is launch night.


Have a good evening both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not bad day here. Quite a lot of sunshine.

Got enough jobs done that I can take tomorrow off.


Extraordinary election result, especially in Scotland.

I would have lost my bet, as the SNP did indeed win in my constituency.

It's been Liberal for years, but they finished third behind SNP and the Tories.


Mind you, in percentage terms, the SNP only got 50% of the votes in Scotland, even though they won most of the seats, so I doubt if it would be in their interest to push another referendum.....yet.


Hi Hicky, sounds like tiles are the best option for the roof of your gazebo?

Glad your seeds are doing OK.

The salad leaves I sowed in the greenhouse are germinating now.


Hi Mollie. Glad you had good weather on election day at least.

What party did doggie go for?


Evening Both.


It's been dull most of the day, but it did brighten up, almost rain free as well.



Was wondering what to close off the bottom of the decking sides and summerhouse sides with, my lad suggested using fence wood.

I left a message on the fence mans phone as i would need about 40 metres.


Then i thought, wait a minute, i have tons of fence wood cut off pieces about 30cm/1 ft long, so i started drilling 2 pilot holes in each and my O/H was fitting it using 2 short galv nails.

The decking and summer houses have been raised off the ground matting by 2" stone slabs which leaves a 2" gap between the slabs.


With the slate coming Tuesday i've got to clear all the pathways so there's no obstructions.


I had bought 2 sets of external brass taps and i can't find them anywhere.

I need to get the mains water run in.

I've attached a hosepipe to my 190 Litre water butt so i can use that for now to fill the tree saucers save using the mains water which is on a meter.


Some of the fruit trees seem to have a good amount of fruit, they were laden with flowers anyway.


I go to see the Hip consultant on the 15th, a follow up check, he may want an X-ray.


Mollie, heard nothing about the water works, everything takes time.


Watching TV in the night gives me a break, i usually have some crunchy pork scratchings as well.

I get them from Amazon, a strip of 60g x 12 packs.


Emptybox, The felt tiles on the Gazebo not only make it very waterproof but it does look a lot better.


I see Hamilton got 2nd position as Nico has pole tomorrow.


Just going to watch BGT.



Hi Hicky.

We've had a bit of rain here, but a bit of sunshine as well.


Good thinking to use the off-cut fencing wood, rather than to buy more .

Glad you seem to be going to get a good crop of fruit the first year.


Good luck with your consultant visit. Hope the X-ray shows the new hip has bedded in nicely.

I see my consultant on the 14th (Thursday 9.40am). Hopefully it'll be a short appointment. I like to get a bacon and egg sarnie in the hospital canteen afterwards.


If I can't get to sleep in the early hours I usually just try to lie still in bed and relax. But if that's uncomfortable, I sometimes sit in the chair and read.

Haven't had that problem for a while though - fingers crossed.

Hope your sleep pattern gradually improves.


Watched BGT then the film 'Robin Hood', the Russell Crowe version. Hadn't seen that before.




Morning Emptybox.


Yes, i see my consultant on the 15th, same time, 9.40am.

Probably get brekkie there as well.


Slept well last night, woke at 9pm then crashed out till 4.45am.


I don't mind who the contestants are, some people are moaning on DS, can't see why it matters.

It's hard to find people with a summer to spare.


Hope the weather is kind today, got to clear all the stuff off the paths.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you got a better amount of sleep, although that's still very early to get up.


Hope the weather allowed you to get on?

It was dry and quite sunny here, but blowing a gale, so difficult to do some things in the gardens.


I don't know why they are telling us the HMs early? But I guess the papers would be full of hints anyway.

I see one of them has been on X-Factor (to intrigue Mollie )


Funny your appointment being at the same time of day as mine.


Suppose it's just a day to go till BB launches.







glad you are sleeping well despite waking early. Good job you don't have too long to wait until your appointment now. Co-incidence how you and Emptybox have exactly the same times for you appointments, but handy how you both will be able to go and get a nice brekkie straight after.

Good luck to you both with your appointments, hope all goes well.

Hope your weather was as good as ours today, so you could get in the garden. It did start drizzly, but dried up.



Pity you had a dry day but very windy, I suppose that means you couldn't get much work done?

Good job you can drive free from worry about it going wrong now.

Glad you have not had bad sleepless nights for awhile. How are you health wise now? Wonder what the specialist will say about your meds. Have you carried on with the natural therapy one? (forget the name).


thanks for just giving a teaser but not letting on about the BB contestants. How odd they have given away who they are beforehand. Bearing in mind there is an X factor person, and it has started a lot earlier than normal, it is not the celeb one is it?

Looking forward to tomorrow night anyway.

does it start at 9pm?

Is Rylan doing that extra show again? Not that I used to stay up and watch that one though. Thought it has been not very good in the past, and they spoil the enjoyment of the highlights show the next day because they tend to show the best bits.


Been busy with mum over the weekend, but ,managed to get out and about with her, including ice creams on the seafront.


Son and daughter still busy at college but not far off finishing assignments now.

Son's interview and audition for next college course went well and he has been offered a place for next year, if he gets the required grades for this year.

He has a presentation to do to the class and tutor next week, not easy if you are quiet but he has done the work for it, and it is good for him to get used to this sort of thing, all the class have to do it.


OH bought him a bass guitar. It was second hand from his music teacher, but he is dead pleased with it. His teacher says it is easier to get into bands if you play bass because not so many people want to play bass. He thinks it suits him better because he doesn't want to play lead, and the other guitar has been making his wrist ache.


Not much on tv tonight, think I will watch Benefit Street. But I won't be saying that tomorrow night. Roll on launch night.


have a good evening both xxx







Hi Mollie.

Yes BB starts at 9pm tomorrow, with BOTS at 11pm.

Quite a few of the HMs seem to have done something in the media before. I think they are mostly recruited nowadays, rather than going through traditional auditions.


Health generally good now, with only occasional symptoms. And those symptoms are mild, and don't usually put too much of a dent in my day.

I'm still going with the prescription med and the herbal one (saw palmetto).

I'll see what the consultant says, but I'd like to experiment to see how I get on without them.


Well done to your son for being accepted for his course next year.

I'd have thought a bass guitar would be more likely to cause an aching wrist, having a longer neck and heavier strings?

But I suppose you don't have all those chords to form.


I bought a bass a couple of years ago, but I have to confess I don't play it enough to strain my wrist (or anything else).

With a guitar I can pick out something that sounds vaguely like whats on the record, but I find it more difficult to identify the bass line.


Watched the Horizon prog on Egyptian animal mummies. Bit boring TBH.


Last edited by emptybox

Wet and windy today, so I didn't get out to work.

I did get my tomatoes planted out in the greenhouse though.

They'd just started to set fruit, and were getting  a bit pale and drawn in their little pots, so i thought it was time.


Watching BB. Might be a few good ones there. Too early to tell.

I can see a problem telling those twins apart.


Glad that Simon was the one out. I voted for him on the app.

He'd outstayed his welcome the first time he said "Showbiz!".

Bit silly to hoy one out so early though.

Last edited by emptybox

Good morning both

a lovely day here today, so trying to get as much washing done as I can.

Hope you both have this good weather too.



so pleased to hear your health is going well now.  Let's hope the consultant does think it is ok to try to do without the meds now.

Yes it is doing all the chords with the original guitar that is causing son's wrist to ache. But he says he is fine with the bass. He might be tensing up too much whilst playing whilst he is concentrating, but the bass probably suits him better all round now.


Hope Hicky is out and about enjoying his garden.


I had to watch BB on catch up last night, so by the time I had caught up with jobs, it was a late night for me. But I enjoyed it. I think the background time graphics are very good. Yes I too was thinking the HM's will not be able to tell one from the other. They seem like nice girls and very close. Yes seems to be a bit daft getting rid of one as soon as he has gone in. (even though he did seem annoying).


Time to peg washing out...then meet daughter in her lunch break, then take dog for walk whilst son has hair cut,..then go to post office..then try and catch up with the VAT..then cook tea for family...then rush to get ready to go to daughter's college event where they showcase their years work and have some sort of awards thing. 

Should be home in time for BB tonight though.

must dash...


have a good day both xxx


Evening Both.


It's been a lovely day today, glad that wind dropped.

Got my 9 tonne of crushed slate delivered.

I've taken some round the garden, a bit much for me, O/H took 20 barrows then did a load more, the gardener called in to see how i was coping, he stopped for an hour and a half bringing barrows of slate through to me, still loads more to do, they all think i haven't got enough.

But if it isn't we'll just have to get more.


I've been putting my young plants out into the sun during the day, i put them back at night.


Got to watch my recording from last night, fell asleep half way through the launch.


Picked up a couple of stone samples from Jewsons, i could hardly lift one of them.

They are for the new wall we want to build in the front.


Have to keep filling the tree saucers up but have a hose connected to the rain barrel,


I've stopped taking the Paracetamol as i'm not sure why i keep taking it, i don't have any pain anyway.



Dry here but cloudy. Fine for work though.


When I got home I just happened to glance at the roof, and noticed that my TV aerial was lying on it's side on the roof. The high winds of the last few days must have blown it down.

It's still mostly pointing in the right direction, so I'm still getting all the channels, but the signal strength is lower.


I'll have to get it put back up, or it might cause damage to the roof if there's more wind.

I think it's just one bracket that's come away, so if I could find the bracket (or replace it) I should be able to screw it back up myself. Otherwise I'll have to call someone out.


Not sure if it's mine or the landlady's responsibility? I seem to remember me and my Dad putting the aerial up ourselves when we first moved in. I've certainly recabled it myself before now.


Hi Mollie.

A lot of running around for you today.

I agree that the graphics are good for this BB.


Must admit I'm not very good with chords on the guitar. Mostly pick out single notes.

"All the right notes but, not necessarily in the right order". As Eric Morecambe used to say.


Hi Hicky.

I see you've got your OH barrowing the slate about for you.

Yeah, 9 tonnes sounds a lot, but it's surprising how much is needed.


Probably a good idea not to take more paracetamol than is needed, as they've found it can cause liver problems even if you take a couple more than the recommended maximum daily dose (8 tablets).

I often take a couple of paracetamol just before bed, because I seem to have a better night. But I don't do that every night. Just if I feel some symptoms coming on.


Watched The Island and then BB.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Not too bad a day here, not much sun though.


Isn't your aerial fastened to a chimney breast, they are usually fixed by steel wire around the stack with brackets on 3 corners, sometimes 2 wires depending on the size of the mast.

They are usually fixed with a hooked bolt to tension the wire.


If you put the aerial up it will be your responsibility to sort it.


No more slate laid today, everyone is resting.


I've been putting up supports for the watering system, just using bamboo canes and tie wraps.


Hope you got on OK at the consultants today.


I'm there tomorrow for my appointment.


I never noticed any different not taking the Paracetamol.


I recorded BB & BBBots last night so i could watch it today.

I'm usually asleep by 9pm.

Last edited by Hicky




good luck for your appointment tomorrow.

glad the weather wasn't too bad there for you.

It was awful here right till around 4pm, pouring, cool and windy. I got soaked going to the supermarket.

Don't blame you ditching the paracetomol if you don't really need it. Docs seem very keen on telling people to take this, had to reduce mum with it too. Best not to take meds unless you need it I reckon. Mum has been so much better since I reduced her meds.


Yes best to record BB as it is on late, especially with you getting up so early. I hate it on at 10pm, think I will probably need to start recording too, as it is so late by the time I have watched it and done my jobs.

Your OH is doing really well if she did 20 barrows full. She'd better watch it else she'll end up with muscles like Iron Man.



hope all went well with your appointment today. What did he say about your meds and your condition in general? Yes probably a good idea for you to take paracetomol before bed if you don't feel quite right to make sure you have a good night. Hope you enjoyed your brekkie after your appoinment. 


Am chuffed for daughter, as she won an award at the college awards last night for being a good student. She had to go on stage to be presented with her award and have her photo taken, so she was real nervous. But perhaps it will help her confidence, she doesn't have enough confidence in herself or her work,  her tutor told us, but he is working on it he said. The students work was displayed on a big cinema screen in the college theatre, so it was very interesting. Free wine too, which I enjoyed.


BB time, hooray!




Evening guys.

Not bad day here. Dry and cloudy mostly, but a spell of warm sunshine early afternoon.


Spent literally 5 minutes with the consultant.

Basically he asked if I was OK now, and I said I was mostly well with only minor symptoms now and again. So he said I didn't need to see him again, but if it came on bad again I was to see GP.

Asked if I should continue with the prescription med, and he said I could try it just every other day and see how I get on.

I mentioned I was trying the saw palmetto supplement, but he just pulled a face. Don't think he's a fan of supplements.


I enjoyed my bacon and egg sandwich afterwards anyway, but it was a long way to go for it.


Hi Hicky. The aerial is on a bracket screwed to the wood surround of the flat dormer roof that's due to be replaced. 

If it had been on the chimney I'd never have been able to reach it, as my lease says I don't have access to the roof.

As it was I was able to lean the ladders up against the house, so I didn't need to climb on the roof.


I got it fixed back up fairly easily, as the bracket was still attached, and the aerial and pole was lighter than it looked, so probably wouldn't have damaged the roof anyway.

Trouble is the wood surround is quite rotten, which is why the wind had been able to dislodge it.

Anyway, it's now up more securely than before, and my signal strength is back up to 97% again.

Only problem is that when they finally come to work on that flat roof, they'll need to take the aerial down again. But at least I know how to put it back now, and it might be another year before they come, for all I know.


I also cut my own grass, and even found time to fit in a couple of paid jobs. So all in all it was a fairly productive day.


Good luck with your own appointment tomorrow Hicky.


Hi Mollie. Pity you didn't get good weather today.

Well done to your daughter for winning an award.

Glad you enjoyed the free wine.


Evening Both.


A lovely day here, got to the hospital so early we went straight for brekkie.

Then i had an X-ray, saw one of the team, he did a few tests then looked at the scar, all fine, he then said we'll see you in 10 months then.


My 4mm water pipe came today, only ordered it yesterday, thought i had some left but ordered 50m.


Have got most of the water system in, along the rows of tubs anyway, will finish it off when all the slate is down.

O/H wheeled some more in, by my calculations i need another 0.9 tonne in the back.


Mollie, i told the chemist i didn't want some of the meds that keep coming, they said well tell us before you take it from the shop.


That was nice for your daughter getting an award, but to be shy these days is a big disadvantage.


Emptybox, that was a quick consultation, at least you got a nice sandwich, 


I see what you mean about your aerial, it must be on the fascia board then, didn't realise you couldn't go on the roof, probably to protect the tiles.


Will probably watch tonight's show, if i can stay awake.





well I guess it must be a good sign that your appointment only lasted 5 minutes, and very good news that he doesn't need to see you again.   Yes I don't think medical docs are very fond of alternative treatments. But they have certainly done you no harm, have they? (so might possibly be worth continuing with them?). 

That is lucky you didn't need to go on the roof to fix the aerial. Fingers crossed it stays in place well now.



That is great for you too that the specialist was pleased with your recovery and doesn't need to see you for 10 months.

Well done on getting most of the water system in now.

at your OH still being busy wheeling around.

Hope you stay awake long enough to enjoy tonight's show. I enjoyed last nights show.


Yes not good to be too shy coming forward in today's world, which is why college has been good because they encourage self confidence building in all have to do presentations in front of the whole class. Lucky my son was the last in his class to do his, so he learnt by the mistakes of others. The main mistake was they talked too quickly for listeners to understand, so at least he remembered not to do that bit wrong, by the time it was his turn.


OH has been offered a 6 month extension in Bristol which suits us just fine as he can come home each night.  It is a 120 mile round commute, but beats staying away in B and B any time. So that brings him up till late January now. He said he can always stay away the odd week night if weather bad.


Went to a lovely pub not far from here to celebrate, gosh trip advisor reviews were right again, and the food was wonderful. 

here it is...

I had the cranberry and cheese filo pastries with wonderful fat fluffy chips and seasonal veg (suede, carrots, cabbage), followed by sherry trifle.

Enjoyed BB last night, as it is the tasks I like. (as well as the good graphics). Liked the costumes they dressed them in too. Looking forward to tonight's episode, my sky thing says something about a "Time Bomb", wonder what that is?

Enjoy the show. xx



Evening guys.


Not bad today, but the rain came on after 5pm, as I was on my way home.


Hi Hicky. Glad your hospital visit went well, and they are pleased with your progress.

That was quick for your water pipe to come? Good that it allowed you to get the water system in.


Yeah, it says in my rental agreement that I don't have access to the roof.

Didn't stop me going up a few years ago to recable the aerial though. What the landlady don't know won't hurt her.  

But that was onto the flat roof, rather than onto the slates.


Hi Mollie. That's great news about your OH's extended contract. Gives you a bit of stability.


I might try doing without the supplement as well, if I get on OK cutting down on the prescription meds.

I'm still taking them every day at the moment, because I'm going across to see my Brother tomorrow, so i don't want to take the chance of not feeling well for that, but I'll start cutting down next week and see how I feel.


Glad your lad got on OK with his presentation.

Must admit I hated that kind of thing at Uni as well.


That looks like a lovely place to have a meal, and the menu looks good as well.


Bit of a damp squib that timebomb task. Doubt if any of them would have gone for the car at this stage? Especially as they've just been voted favourite, so they'd think there'd be a reasonable chance of them winning.





good job the rain held off until you were on your way home Were you working on your gardens, cutting grass? Not been a bad day here either today.   Yes probably best to take your time cutting back on your meds.


Hope Hicky had weather good enough to enable him to get on with work in his garden.


We went to Cardiff today to get son a new guitar case as he has to play bass for some college concerts next week and the bass is too big to fit into his other case. I, of course, wasn't interested in the guitar shop, so went to Primark and bought some nice new clothes for summer.


Am enjoying this series of BB so far, some interesting characters, but some annoying ones too.


Emptybox...Hope you enjoy your day at your brother's place tomorrow.


Enjoy the show xx


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