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Morning Both.

1 more room floor and the hall to be laid.

Had a bonfire all day, burntvan awful lot of hawthorn and other branches.

Door handles to go on kitchen doors but fitter jumped on fitting flooring as more important.

was outside all day, had the greenhouse heater on in the garage to keep us warm having tea.

The bonfire kept us warm in the garden all right.

Double oven, microwave and induction hob fitted at last.

All radiators on, hot and cold water on.

Car tax due now, car full of cardboard for recycle place.


Hi Hicky.

Not long to go till you move in now.

Everything seems to be coming on apace.

Yes, I expect you did need the heater on in the garage, and the bonfire outside, as it's been very cold.

When I was out working this afternoon I thought I might end up with frostbite, as I couldn't feel the ends of my fingers, despite wearing fingerless mittens. I was OK once I'd warmed up though.


Hi Mollie.

I'll probably be going across to my Brother's for Christmas, depending on weather etc.


Feeling fine today.

It wasn't too frosty, so I got a tidying up/cutting back job done this afternoon.


Found out my cystoscopy is on the 30th Dec, so not looking forward to that.

At least it is in the afternoon, so I won't have to get up early to defrost the car before I go.

Don't see why they couldn't put it off till the Spring though? Bit daft doing it between Christmas and New Year IMO.


My Amazon Fire TV box came yesterday, so I spent a while playing around with that. It seems fine, but I'm not that keen on the interface; it's not too easy to browse for something, if you don't know what you're looking for.

If you know what you want it's easy, as you just have to speak into the remote and it finds it (as per the TV ad).


Also it doesn't have 4OD for some reason. Has BBC iplayer, Demand 5 and STV player though.

Also has an app that you can stream any movies held on a PC or laptop hard drive to the TV, and an app that get's most of the Freeview channels over the internet.


I watched Hunger Games-Catching Fire on it last night, and it was very good quality considering it was being streamed down my meagre 5 Mb/s internet connection.


IAC or Gogglebox tonight?


Evening Emptybox.


Another good day at the ranch, floors down,garden clear to some degree.

All radiators back on the wall, more painting in progress.

Window people did more tidying up around the inside frames.

JCB man came to see what is needed, many tons of topsoil as the bottom of the garden is low, showed him what fence is needed.

Had 2 heaters on in the greenhouse to keep warm, got it up to 11 deg.

Skip 12 just about full now.


Glad your new toy came, should be interesting.

Cant wait to get my puter back, this tablet does my head in, i cant copy swith the on screen keys ss there id no Ctrl key.


Strange date for your hospital appointment, but to them all days are equal.

I cant even get to see anyone.


both x



that appointment didn't take long, i expect it was so quick because not many people would want to go on that date. You could always ring and change the date if you might still be at your brothers, or if you feel you need longer first to see how you go on the meds?

Would it be better for you cold fingers if you had full gloves instead of fingerless? Or are they harder to do your work in?

It has been cold here today too, was hailing when we took mum home tonight.

I think you are going to enjoy playing with your new tv toy.

I have chosen to watch IAC, but will record Gogglebox.



glad you have had another good day's progress at the bungalow. Hopefully it won't be long now until you get in that house and you can have your usual pc back again.


Went to where my old house was today to visit my old neighbour and give her a Christmas card, met the new tenants to our old house and she asked about the LL, so I told her the truth. She is now forewarned,so prepared if the LL causes any trouble for her. At least we now have a professional LL, he never bothers us, when we had a problem with the water, he sent a plumber out the same day. Our old LL used to insist on inspecting us in the house every 3 months.


Goodnight both x

am enjoying IAC, will miss it when it ends Sunday.

anyone know if we have another celeb BB in january?



Morning Mollie.

Had toget up, leg again, sore.

The knee is painful driving as well, dont think i will be able to drive for much longer.

Have to pay the car tax his month, will just get 6 months i think.

Garden is ready for the JCB now, just 1 more tree stump/root but its a foot diameter.

Will try and get some picture today.

They are fitting the Skirting now, still need doors inside, and handles putting on the kitchen unit doos.

They have to keep moving stuff round so people can work.


Hi guys.

Cold here today, and a bit drizzly as well.


Hi Mollie.

There are some jobs where I need my fingers free, so the woolly fingerless gloves are the best thing.

When my fingers got cold yesterday I put my pruning gloves on top of them though.

More difficult to operate secateurs etc though.


Don't think that appointment is particularly quick, it's more than a month from the consultant's appointment to the 30th. But as Hicky says, if the hospital is open on that day they've got to schedule appointments or they'd be standing around twiddling their thumbs.


Glad your new landlord is much better than the last. Were the new tenants there shocked at what you told them?


Hi Hicky. That would be a great pity if you had to give up driving, as I know your car is your pride and joy.

Hopefully you'd be able to return to it after you've convalesced from your hip op?


Glad everything is going OK with the bungalow, and the JCB man is on standby.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


The problem is, when driving its my knee that is in pain, moving from brake to accelerator, my hip is fine.


It was quite a nice day, will take a few pictures tomorrow of the bungalow.

A lot of cleaning to be done tomorrow, all the floors need vacuuming, tiler is supposed to finish the bathroom tomorrow.

Some wallpaper to go up in a bedroom, still got doors to buy.

Skirting fitted, except kitchen as we ran out, had 2 boxes of flooring over.




Aaaww Hicky

sorry to hear you are finding driving so difficult,  Maybe it will be easier on your knee after your hip op? Is your OH still driving, or is her arthritis giving her problems with that? Could you consider a little mobile scooter thing until you get the op? Hope you managed to get some more pics of the garden, as it is nearly cleared, not long now until you can get it sorted out how you want it. Hope the cleaning goes ok tomorrow. Do you still hope to move in on the 8th?



hope you are well today. Yes I guess a month after seeing the consultant is a fair wait for the test, considering when I saw the consultant he sent me straight away for the scan. But to leave you waiting is a good sign because he must consider there is no urgency for it.

Did you have sphag bol tonight?I had chips and beans from the chippie because I was done in after looking after mum today, and trying to fit in shopping whilst she was with the care. I enjoyed my tea though, nice with Heinz ketchup.


I didn't meet both of the tenants, only the lady. She was shocked when she looked out the inventory, and realised how involved it was, she thanked me though, as she said she was glad to know what she was up against.


We went to the cats home open day today,, aaww all those poor little cats looking for a home. We bought a few Christmas decs and some cakes as all the money we give goes to help the cats.


Enjoying X factor, I like the Christmas show, Ben is my fave. Looking forward to Iac. Shame Titchy went, I liked him.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Good choice of advent pic Mollie.


Been cold and drizzly here, although there was a bit of sunshine this morning. Not really frosty last night.


Feeling not bad today, although I wasn't all that good yesterday. Still had my spag bol though,


As Mollie says, perhaps your knee will ease up after the hip op Hicky? Or you might need a knee op as well (always look on the bright side ). My Dad kept on driving after he had a new knee fitted, after a few weeks to recover.

Looking forward to the latest pics from the bungalow.


Glad you enjoyed your chippie tea Mollie.

Good of you to think of the cats at this time of year.


I think I want Fleur East to win X Factor. I like Lauren Platt as well, but she's not a strong enough singer.

Andrea I find is good on some songs, but I don't think he's nearly as good as the judges are making out.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Didnt take any pics, too much stuff in the way, will try in the morning.

Man put Aerial and Dish up, having trouble connecting the small plug in modules.


The young ones have been playing all day down the garden, digging and having a fine time.

Kichen sink working now, got a TV in the kitchen working.

Stuff being brought back tomorrow, also currys should deliver.

Gardener back tomorrow, still work todo.

Skip almost full.





pity you felt not so good yesterday, but glad you managed your sphag bol.

Don't forget to try and get a word with the doc/chemist if you are concerned about your meds.



aaaww sounds like the little ones are having fun at the new house already. You must be exhausted now with all this preparing to move in. Sounds like it is nearly all done now though. What number skip is this? 12?


Cold here today, but dry most of the day.

Mum "helped" me with my Christmas cards, poor thing, she just about manages to look at the pictures, don't think she can read them now.


We have our tree up now, when does yours go up Emptybox.

hope Hicky can manage to get one up in his new place soon, I know how he likes his Christmas lights.


Well Foggy won, he did do well in the trials though. I have not found this series as good as usual though, contestants not quite so interesting.

Was not surprised Lauren went on X factor.


Goodnight both xx

hope you sleep ok.


Good morning both



sorry your knee disturbed your sleep. Yes indeed you do need to sleep when you can especially as you are so busy with the move. I am sure you will be pleased to see your storage stuff all back again. Hope it goes well and it all goes into place nicely.


hope you are well today Emptybox.


Advent day 8 and we have a Christmas penguin...


Evening Both.:+)

Managed to load 14 pictures then it changed the page, these tablets are a real pain, same as my knee.

Will see if i can get my Puter working tomorrow, itsall inboxes at the mo.

we have had to put curtains up as the man fitting the blinds said they are running late.

TVs and Fridge/Freezer arrived during a hail storm, not the ideal situation.

Removals arrived just after.

Will try and upload a few pic anyway.



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Hi folks.

Horrible wet and windy here today.


Hi Hicky.

Thanks for the pics.

That wooden flooring looks really nice, and I also like the wall tiles in the bathroom.

Everything looks like it'll be finished to a good standard.


I presume, after you cut all the bushes down at the end of the garden, that you'll be putting up a fence?

It'll start to feel like home now your own stuff is starting to arrive.


Pity your leg is giving you gyp at night.


Hi Mollie.

Thanks for the two advent pics since I was last on.

I know the penguin is a bit like my avi, but I can't help but prefer the first one.


Haven't thought about my tree yet. I usually put it up a week or so before Christmas.

Need to start thinking about cards as well I suppose?


Ordered some heating oil today. The price was almost ÂĢ100 cheaper for 500 litres than the same time last year. Quite a saving.

Hopefully it'll stay lower for a while.


Evening Emptybox.

Still busy in the house, opening boxes.

Found out the new pans for the Induction Hob wont work.

O/H rang the company and they will bring  new set tomorrow and pickthese up.

JCB Digger man came, whole garden dug and leveled, he took a few inches off and bulldozed it down to the bottom of the garden.

Getting skip 13 tomorrow, no option, so much rubbish still.

Will post this then post acouple of pics from inside the house.




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both x



what great piccies, so good to see your new home has taken shape so nicely.

The garden looks big now it has been cleared. Is there a playing field at the bottom, or is it another house's garden?  As Emptybox says the flooring looks great, and the wall tiles are so classy. Your lounge now looks all set up for you both to put your feet up and watch that nice big tv.   Shame about the hob, but hope it is ok when they are delivered tomorrow.



that is good news about the price of oil this year.   Yes time to think about those Christmas cards. I have started mine too.


Weather not too bad today, but the rain/wind have moved down here now and it is not too good at all.

Not much on tv now IAC gone, but settled for Michael Buble and now Big Fat Gypsy.


Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Emptybox.

The aerial man is tryingto get some thin twin cables for the Satelite cables, it also has a normal erial cable for freeview.

The TV might not be staying where it is.

The aerial man washaving trouble getting the Satelite sockets to work, he was using high quality cable and it is pretty stiff, he found that both types of sockets wouldnt work when connected and installed, he found one twin socket had resisters fitted which killed the signal, he had to get sockets without.


I will try and get a picture of the garden tomorrow.

He hasleft his JCB in the front garden for tomorrow, he,s taking 4" offthat to put stone in so i can order 12 tonne of blue slate.



we posted together. Shame you are having trouble with the sockets. Why have the got resisters in them? Hope you can sort it ok. Look forward to seeing the garden piccies.


Emptybox, glad you liked the last 2 piccies, yes the penguin was similiar to you but with a Christmas hat on.


Advent day 9, and we have a Christmas puppy in the snow.



Good Morning Mollie.


Skip 13 arrived, 12 taken away, they are here at 8.15.


Waiting for Aerial man, JCB man, Delivery of some bedroom furniture, new pans for the Hob.

He parked the JCB in the front garden overnight, saved taking it away to come back.

Back on my own computer, seems so long using the Hudl2.

The back garden looks like a field and the rain is still laying all over it.


Taxed the car, just for 6 months though.


Hi guys.

Horrible wet and windy day. Yuck.


Didn't do much, but got my accounts done.


I don't claim to know much about satellite installation Hicky, but doesn't sound like your aerial man knows much either?

Hope your JCB man returned to reclaim his digger, and finish your garden.




Hi Mollie. Hope you had good weather today

Like the puppy in the snow pic.


Watching Apprentice.






skip 13, do you think you will have many more now, or is that it?

Is your aeriel done now? Hope you liked the bedroom furniture?

Have you actually moved into your new home now?

bet you are pleased to be back on your own pc.

Hope you aren't losing too much sleep with your bad leg.



hope you are well. I hear there has been some bad weather up there today, but hopefully not too bad where you are.


Today I posted a batch of 17 Christmas cards, then realised, just after I put them in the post box, that the book of stamps were still in my pocket, so I had forgotten to put a stamp on any of them!

Went to sorting office and they told me they couldn't do anything to retrieve them and that the addressee would receive a grey card saying they had something to collect from the post office, but they would have to pay around ÂĢ1.50 in order to collect it!

So I quickly had to re-write all of the cards again, and put a note in saying to  please ignore the grey collecting card, as it would only be my card, so not worth a trip to the post office or payment of ÂĢ1.50!

Then had to send 17 repeat cards out first class today, so they would get that before they got the grey card asking them to collect the other card and pay ÂĢ1.50 for it. What a fiasco, a waste of time and money, and what a twit am I? 


A sign I have too much to think about whilst looking after my mum I think.


It was good to see IAC back again. I like to see their families. Now time for Apprentice, so some good viewing tonight.


Have a good evening both xxx


A twit Mollie?  You Mollie?  NO!............numpty maybe?

(I'll have to duck from your snowballing snowman)


That kind of thing is easily done though, when you you have your mind on other things, as you say.

I once got two customer's invoices mixed up and put them in the wrong envelopes.

Very embarrassing as I was charging them different rates at the time, but ever since then I double and triple check before I seal the envelopes.


Aw poor wee Katie in the Apprentice. I really liked her.

That arrogant Aussie Mark should have gone, but I guess it's all about their business plans from now on?


I see adverts on the telly about a prog with the posh couple from Gogglebox and Nigel Farage, on CH4 Monday. Should be worth a watch?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


Went to work, next going next Wednesday for the last time, it wont be really.

Boss asked whati would like for a leaving present.

O/H thought a shed, i was thinking of a nice coffee machine.


Got a couple of new pics, will post them after i post this text.


Moved in Monday, still no pans that work.



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I am back on my Puter, put pics on from Hudl2.


As you can see, garden waterlogged, underside must be clay, will have to put a trench in but may need ground either frozen or dry to do it.


Fence man said he would do the fence if wind drops.

As you can see from the pics, skip 14 on the drive, i parked on the crushed stone, its 6" deep, it will have to do till the spring, we will see if we can afford to do it then.


Bad news about the Christmas cards Emptybox.

I'm glad i don't send cards out.


Aerials almost finished Mollie, he said he would get more ends for the Satelite connectors, he needed 16 and he only had 10 to last him the week.

But all the TVs are on and working.

Put the 2 hard drives onto the back of the TV's they are only USB, need some Velcro to fix them to the TV.


both xx



Thanks for the photos, so interesting to see how your home is taking shape. You are doing a grand job on it, it looks lovely. So much to organise, but you are nearly there now. Good job all the tv's are working, you need some time to relax as you have had so much on.

Yes I am sure it will be so weird when you finally finish work after all these years. Nice to be able to choose a leaving present, make sure it is something you are going to get lots of enjoyment from.



Yes I would say that "numpty" is a good description of me after yesterday's mistake.   And oh dear at you making that mistake with your invoices.

Yes agree arrogant Mark should of gone, a terrible mess he made presenting to the client.

I have put a reminder on for that programme on Monday too, I find that gogglebox couple so funny.

My guitar son went with his fellow college students to see the student pantomine today and after it, he got called on stage for the class Star student award chosen by the tutors. Him and another girl from his class got it. He was really surprised and pleased to get it as he has low self confidence. He was given a Christmas stocking full of chocs, he said he will share some with me.


Am watching a programme on Channel 5 about the Great Western Railway, quite interesting, it is our local rail line that we use to Cardiff, London and Swansea. Then will watch A and E on channel 4.


have a good evening both xx


Hi Folks.

Your garden looks nice and level now Hicky, but a bit muddy, as you say.

Mine is covered in snow tonight. Not very thick, but there's more forecast for tomorrow.


I see you've found a niche for your computer setup.

Your talk about satellite connectors etc reminds me that I'll have to recable my satellite dish at some point.

I'll leave it till the better weather though, as with my new Fire TV and Freeview PVR, I've got plenty to watch without the satellite box.


Not long till your retirement now.


Hi Mollie. Well done to your son for getting voted Star Student. You must be proud.


I've got all my Christmas cards written today (and stamped ). Just have to post them now.


Watched the BBC Music Awards, now going to watch a film.


Evening Both.


Bought 25m of 8cm land drain plastic flexible pipe, also ordered 1 tonne bag of 1cm pea stone.

The gardener dug a trench to drain off the water in the garden into the field.


Will make the trench longer and check the fall, lay stone in the bottom then put in the pipe and fill the trench.


I've started to redraw the decking area and garden as it has increased by 5.5m and it all wont go on 1 sheet of paper so have separated the decking and garden onto 2 sheets.


Still np pans so the Wok is getting a lot of use.

But the ovens are good.


We had a lot of rain and hail, makes it hard work in the garden.

Will have to delay further work for now.


I've got my printer working again but for some reason it won't install in network mode so i have to use USB.

Might buy another one.


The boss said he wanted to buy me a little present, i told his daughter i would like a nice coffee making machine, he asked me what i would like.


Don't forget to post those Letters after all the trouble you went through.







snow already, bet it looked so pretty and seasonal.

did you remember to post your cards, (obviously I know you wouldn't be as silly as to put them in the box with no stamps on. Olly tells me today that she got the card with no stamp on, and no grey card saying she had to pay either. Now she has 2 cards off me, posted same day.

Gogglebox tonight, bet you, like me will be watching it.



that sounds like a good plan for your garden, looking forward to seeing it if you can get it onto here. Glad you are pleased with the ovens, hope the pans turn up soon. We too had trouble getting the printer to work after we moved, hope you can sort it out. I am sure you will get lots of enjoyment from a coffee machine, I really like mine. What make are you going to choose?


Had difficulty typing this as the dog is sitting on my lap, she likes to do this, but only when it is cool weather and especially likes it if I am wearing my fluffy onesie.


Have a good evening both xx




Hi guys.

Everything in deep freeze here today.


That's good that you've hopefully sorted your garden's drainage problem Hicky.

A nice coffee machine is the least you deserve after all your years of work.


It was Mollie that had a Christmas card hiccup rather than me (if you read back), but I'll get mine posted out today or tomorrow.


Hi Mollie. Thanks for the sparkly lady Santa.

When you're wearing your fluffy onesie, your dog probably thinks of you as a fellow canine.


Looking forward to the X Factor final this weekend. Hope Fleur wins.


'spose I'll have to start thinking of putting some decorations up in the next few days?


Evening Emptybox.


Fancy me thinking it was you that messed up.


Went to Staples, got a new swivel chair for the computer, need arms on it so i can get in and out.

Bought a Wireless Printer as well, paper, some plastic storage boxes, O/H bought a new Laptop.


My New 2 wheeled wheel barrow arrived, have built it ready for working later in the week.

Wickes rang up can't deliver Tuesday, will get the Pea stone Thursday now.


Still no pans.


Ice maker and crusher working fine on the fridge.

Keep getting cards from the neighbours, very nice of them.

Last edited by Hicky




frost here too this morning, and again tonight. OH had to scrape car to take mum home.

Definitely nearly Christmas if you are considering putting your decs up.

Sphag bol tonight? Hope you have been feeling well lately.



that is nice that the neigbhours have sent you cards. No one here sent us one, but we are in the south and don't think they are so friendly as they are in the North, and we are only tenants, so people often more wary of you when you rent.

Hope the weather stays ok for you to use your wheelbarrow.

Shame Wicke's delivery is held up.

HOpe you are pleased with your Staples things.

Again dog sitting on my lap snuggled on my onesie.

Yes you are probably right Emptybox, I do resemble a fluffy canine under all this material.   Warmest thing I have ever warn though.


Have you managed to find your Christmas decs in the packing yet Hicky?


Went shopping today whilst mum with carer, to stock up with basics. We first went to M and S food hall and I tried a free sample of champagne. OH gave me his, as he was driving. Then we went to Costco, and the free samples there are usually mainly food, but because it is so close to Christmas seemed to mainly consist of alcohol. So I had a samples of a fruit liquer, and again I had OH's too. Then they changed the lady serving, so I had 2 more liquor samples, this time the coffee one. They also had vintage wine, so I had another 2 samples of that, then a change of staff so 2 more samples, I did say no to the whisky because I don't like it. But  I had only had a banana for brekkie so I felt right 


Back to the X factor final.

Like you Emptybox I am looking forward to it.

Have a good evening both xx


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