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Evening Both.


Work today, pain was OK.

will have to take more of the pain tablets, more often.

Bungalow coming along fine.

Will have a bonfire tomorrow, too much wood for the skip.

Kitchen coming along fine.

Tiling finished, just needs. grouting now.


Got a curry from my new local takeaway, took it back o the bungalow.


You pick your working days well Emptybox, wise move.

I may stay off work till next week, enjoy this being off.


Hi Hicky.

That was nice of your OH.


Pity you couldn't get the bonfire to light; but I repeat my advice about being careful, especially given the size of it.

Apart from anything else, you don't want to smoke out your new neighbours?


Wet here today, so no work.

Got an early start again tomorrow, as my Urologist's appointment is at the hospital at 9am.





glad to hear the tablets have helped and the pain is ok now. Hope you are pleased with your tv and workbench. Yes I agree with Emptybox, take care with the bonfire, and watch your neighbours don't have their washing out. 



gosh, that is an early appointment for you. Do you have far to drive? HOpe all goes well with the specialist. Don't forget to write anything down you want to ask, especially as you have waited so long for the appointment. Good luck.

It is lucky now we are at the time of year that it doesn't matter if you knock the odd days off work.


I agree, it is good to see IAC is on again tonight. Shame Apprentice on at the same time though.


Had to take mum to docs to sort her prescriptions out yesterday. He was real nice and said he realised how difficult it was for me and I did not have to drag her into surgery any more, he would be happy to ring me back or visit her at home. I was shocked because up till now the receptionists have been nothing but awkward when I ask for prescriptions or an appointment for her, now I can tell them to bog off if they are again, because doc says he will call me direct. 


good night both x

have a good evening x




Evening Mollie.


At the moment we are stuck for storage space, thevTV is in my car along with alsorts of stuff.

Will try and get a fire going tomorrow as the garden looks like a Jungle.

If I can secure this 10M wide x 6M area it will make a lot of difference to my garden.

The garden was only about 20M long so an increase of 25% is a lot.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Good luck on getting your garden cleared Hicky.

You could always look into hiring a storage unit for a short period, if you are stuck for space.


Hi Mollie. My appointment is at the same hospital as before, so it's about a 40 minute drive.

There's a lot of questions I could ask, but it depends how the conversation goes. I suspect he'll want to do more tests on me.

I'd like to know how much longer I have to be on antibiotics, but don't know if I'll find that out tomorrow.


Doesn't help that I've now also got a stinking cold, with sore throat blocked nose etc.


That's good that your GP is going to be more amenable with your Mum's appointments.

My GP is good at calling me back, but the receptionist always wants to know why.


Watched IAC, now going to watch myrecording of The Apprentice.

Last edited by emptybox




how exciting it sounds now the bungalow is taking shape, bet you can't wait to move in now.

Sounds like the garden is doing well too, that is good how you are able to make it a lot bigger.

Hope you are able to retrieve your tv from the car soon.




hope things went ok with the consultant today. Any news on how much longer on the anti biotics?


Nice day today weather wise, so did a bit of Christmas shopping. Shops getting busy now.

Mum much brighter today than yesterday. She is very up and down with this illness, so I have to take each day at a time.


Just watched Apprentice on catch up, good episode.

Watching IAC now.


have a good evening both xx

hope you are not too tired out after your hospital visit Emptybox.


Evening guys.

Raining and misty here all day.


Well done on keeping that bonfire going Hicky.

Sounds like the bungalow is really coming along.


Well the Urologist has decided that I don't need to be on ABs any more as he doesn't think there is any evidence of bacterial infection (I'm not so sure).

Instead he's put me on three different tablets, one of them for another 3 months.

Also he wants me to have a cystoscopy test, where they push a tube with a camera on it into your bladder to check everything is OK.

I'd almost rather be still on the antibiotics.


Bloomin' cold is worse than ever. Streaming nose and bad cough.


Glad your Mum was not too bad today Mollie, and you got a bit of Christmas shopping done.

Any news on any of the houses you were interested in?


Glad they got rid of James on Apprentice. It would have been a farce if LS hadn't fired him after that performance.

Kendra is growing on me a bit on IAC. Still prefer Mel and Nadia though.


Good Afternoon Both.

Been to the sales, Got 2 TVs and a Fridge Freezer ÂĢ3,000.


Got hot and cold water in the bathroom basin anyway, also a couple of radiators are on.

Electrician back connecting a few more bits.

Kitchen fitter doing ok.

No gardener today as its his Birthday.

See the doc this afternoon about the Xrays, taking car in for MOT later, they will do it Saturday.


Going to drop off the stuff in the car at MILs as its dodgy leaving it in the car.

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sorry to hear you have to take all these tablets, and have another test, but if it means you finally get rid of this problem, it will be worth it. Did he indicate how long it would be before you get the test or does he want you to finish the meds course first?

And how horrible to have a nasty cold to add to your problems. Your poor immune system must of been running on low with your other recent health problems, because you don't normally get many colds.

They reckon vit D is good for immunity in winter.  This is one I take (when I remember).;keywords=immunity

Hope you feel better soon. 

Funny you should ask about the house, we have increased our offer today, because the agent said they weren't in a rush to sell and wanted nearer the asking price. I read with houses it was best to start with a low offer, because you can always go up later, but can't go down. We are very near the top of our limit now, so can't see it going anywhere if they say no this time.



well done on getting some sales bargains. Seems to be a few reductions around lately, trying to get people to "buy, buy" before Christmas I expect....but handy for you as you need a few things for the new home.  How did the visit to the docs go? Hope he can help control the pain from your arthritis. Sounds like the house is nearly ready for you to move into. When do you anticipate being able to move in?


We went to the Toby carvary for tea tonight, very nice and even better as we had a 20% off voucher.   Luckily mum was on a good day, so was ok to come with us, she only has a pudding but enjoyed it.


Enjoyed IAC, and am now watching Gogglebox on plus 1. I like Friday night tv.


Goodnight both xxx



Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.

Doc said i need a new Hip, knee has still got a few miles yet.

Kitchen fitter seems to have messed the kitchen up, messed the worktops up, cut the whole for the hob too big.

Not sure where we are now, he packed up and said he will be back Monday.


Took my car in to the garage tonight for an MOT tomorrow.


Went to docs at 16:45 then had a meal next door.


Hello folks.

Cold a wee bit better today. Probably only produced half my body weight in snot today.


Got my new prescriptions today, and started on a couple of the pills tonight. Will start on the third one in the morning.


Hi Mollie. The consultant didn't say how long it would be till the test. I hope it's a long time, as some people find it very painful, and I don't think they are expecting to find anything anyway. It's just to cover all the bases, I think.


I don't think the meds will get rid of the problem, they just treat the symptoms really. It's one of these conditions they don't really understand yet.

Sometimes prostatitis (or Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome as the non-bacterial form is called) burns itself out after a few months or years, but sometimes you're stuck with it for good.

(I guess if it got too bad you could have your prostate removed, but that's quite a drastic step as it can lead to incontinence)


One of the pills I've been given is tramadol, which is quite a powerful painkiller.

But as I'm not really in pain, I don't really understand why it's been prescribed?

If any of these pills produce any major side effects I won't be happy at all.


Thanks for that tip about vitamin D. I think I may have been low on vitamin C, because I've been avoiding oranges etc, because they are supposed to be bad for the prostate.


Hope your latest offer on the house is successful.

Glad your Mum was well enough to be included on the meal out.


Hi Hicky. I hope you didn't get trampled on in the 'Black Friday' sales? Terrible scenes on the news.

I ordered an Amazon Fire TV box online, to turn my dumb TV into a Smart one.

It was ÂĢ10 off at ÂĢ69 and included a ÂĢ10 voucher to spend on movies etc.

Not sure if it was part of the Black Friday stuff though?


Were those TVs 4K ultra HD ones, or just huge 1080p ones?

I was looking at some 4K TVs in Currys/PC World yesterday (after my hospital appointment); very impressive but I was a day too early.


Hope your car doesn't cost much to get it through the MoT, as you'll need all your spare cash for the bungalow.

Hope you won't have to pay extra for the kitchen fitter's mistake.


Sorry to hear you need a hip op. Is that something you are going to go for, or is it just an option at this point?

I suppose now you are retired you would have plenty of time to recover from it?

As long as you can get the bungalow how you want it first.


Watched IAC. That Jimmy seems like he would get on your nerves, if you were in there.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi Hicky. Thanks for the pics.

I can see what you meant by gaining the extra space at the end of the garden now.


Also looks like the kitchen and bathroom are going to look great when they are finished.


Miserable and drizzly here today. Got my vehicles washed anyway.


My cold seems to have dried up a bit now, which is a blessing.

Still got a bit of a cough and a stuffed up nose though.


Fingers crossed, I'm feeling fine at the moment, and haven't had any side effects from the new medication as yet.

Also no signs of a bacterial infection returning, after stopping the antibiotics. But it's too early to tell about that yet.


Found my youngest nephew left me a parting gift when he was here 3 weeks ago.

I was in the spare room and noticed the bedding was ruckled, so I smoothed it only to find the bed was warm. The electric blanket had only been left on full since his visit.


He wasn't sleeping there, but he's an inveterate fiddler, and he goes in there to play on the exercise bike.

Not just a waste of electricity, but a fire risk as well.

I did look in there afterwards, but didn't think to check the bed. I certainly will in future.


X Factor, IAC and I also record Atlantis.


both x



thank you for the great piccies. Gosh you are certainly getting a lot of work done, and it looks like it will be loving and luxurious when finished.   The garden looks like it will be lovely and spacious too now you have cleared it. Sorry to hear your leg is in such a bad way. Have they put you on a list for a new leg? Is your stomach ok now you have changed meds?



hope your cold is a lot better now.


be back later, keep getting interrupted whilst trying to post.








mum all tucked in bed now, so hopefully can post without getting interrupted.



sorry to hear the hip only has one option. Hope you don't have to wait too long to see the specialist. I will look forward to seeing your new garden layout.



if you don't think you need the painkiller, and are worried about side effects, I wouldn't take it. Maybe it was prescribed incase you had a painful episode and needed it? It seems pointless and not good for you to take painkillers when you have no pain. You could always ring the docs and ask for a call back about your meds. I believe they often do this now, my mum's doc told me to do this for her. They gave my mum cocodemol and the care agency and CPN advised me it was best not to give them to her, just to give paratemol, and sure enough the next doctor I saw said it was best not to give her such a strong pain relief for her arthritus as it makes her dementia worse, so I didn't in the end.

Hopefully your test won't arrive for some time, especially as it was such a long wait for you to see the specialist. Maybe when you get the letter if you don't think you need the test, you could ring the docs to see if it advisable to go through with it. Fingers crossed it all starts to settle now. Hope your cold is clearing well now.


Manged to fit in a visit to see the Christmas parade in local town this morning. weather gorgeous, so it was busy. Some lovely reindeer including a baby one pulling Santa's sleigh. They are from a herd in Scotland. There were also around 6 Newfoundland dogs pulling miniature sleighs, beautiful huge black dogs with thick fluffy fur.
OH collected mum from carer, so that was why I could go with the kids. 
Mum not too bad today, she enjoyed a morning walk with carer in the park.


at your dear nephew leaving the blanket on for all that time. Little mischief. Good job you noticed it when you did. As you say, you need to check and check again now next time he visits.


goodnight both xxx




Evening guys.

Unfortunately not feeling so good today. Not sure if it's just a reaction to the medications, or whether it's the bacterial infection again (even though the specialist said there were no bacteria).


One of the pills  (an alpha-blocker) is designed to make urination easier, but it can have the side effect of making you dizzy and nauseous, and I certainly felt that this morning. It can also give you headaches and blocked up nose, sinusitis etc.

Thing is, as with the painkiller, I'm not having much trouble with urination, so don't see why I've been prescribed this pill that has bad side effects that are worse than the condition.

Think I'll have to go and see the doc to find out exactly why these things have been prescribed.


Hi Hicky. Yes I bet you can't wait to get in to the bungalow, and start cooking your own food again.


Mollie, glad you got to see that Christmas parade, as I know you like to see it most years.

Surely it should be Husky dogs pulling the sleighs? Although the Newfoundland probably make more of a spectacle.

That was good that your Mum was well enough to enjoy her walk.


Glad Lauren survived on X Factor. Also it was great seeing Queen and Ella.




Morning Both.


Sorry to hear you werent too good Emptybox, its hard to tell what causes what isnt it?


My Tum is much better since Meds changed anyway.

Eating almost back to normal.

Gardener is here, somuch rubbish to clear, on skip no.11 now.

Cant see it being the last.

Man with JCB is coming Wednesday, will go to work tomorrow, boss rang to see if i was going in, great bosses i have.


I doont think i could take enough painkillers to stop the pain, i do seem to get some sleep though.


Good evening both xx


...and it is that time of year again...December now, so time to start the advent calendar.

December 1st, day 1 so anyone for hot chocolate and biscuits?



aawww sorry to hear you are not feeling too good.   Hope you can speak to doc about the meds, as you don't want side effects from meds if you don't really need them. If you are not in pain, then it seems pointless to take something for pain relief. Maybe the specialist didn't explain he was prescribing them in case you needed them?  Hope you feel better soon. Good job it is now into the quiet time for you at work.

Yes X factor was good this week, I like Ben's voice. Also enjoyed IAC, Wonder who will go first?



any ideas as to when you will get to move into the bungalow? 11 skips, that is some rubbish. It is nice to think you are needed at work, and it is good to have great bosses. Sorry to hear the painkillers cant' get rid of the pain now. Is it pain in your leg or hips that is the worst? Good job you can at least get some sleep though.


Been trying to do my Christmas cards for Australia as last posting day on Thursday, not easy with mum to watch and all the washing I have to do for her as well as the family. Will try and do it whilst watching IAC.


Kids off college for a few days, which is good, so no early morning rush. It is teacher training.


Daughter made me an advent calendar and I had a chocolate teddy behind door 1.


have a good evening both xxx


Hi guys.

Much brighter today, even did some work this afternoon.


I think it was just initial problems with that one drug that made me not so good yesterday fingers crossed.

I'd still like to know why I'm on it though, because it's quite a powerful drug that lowers blood pressure, amongst a list of other things.


Fairly sure I'm supposed to take the painkiller every day Mollie. It says that on the box, and it's in a slow release capsule. There may be a good reason for it, I don't know.

Think I'll leave it a few days and then make an appointment to see the doc to get more answers/reassurance. He should have heard from the specialist by then.

That's presupposing I carry on feeling OK, as I do today.


Hi Hicky. Glad your stomach is better with the change of medication, but pity that the painkillers can only take the edge off the pain in your leg, but at least you are getting some sleep.


That's quite a tight schedule, if you are aiming to be in by the 8th. Hope you make it.


Hi Mollie, thanks for the piccie.

Your daughter obviously knows what you like; putting a chocolate teddy behind the first door of the Advent calendar.


Hope you manage to do your Aussie cards with the distraction of your Mum to watch, and your kids at home from college.


Quite glad it was Jimmy off first on IAC. I think he thought he was a comedian, but he got on my nerves at times.





just looked up your fridge/freezer, it looks great. Plenty of room and good design. Hope work went ok, and hope your leg was not too painful.

How has the work on the house gone today?



glad to hear you were much brighter yesterday, hope you were today too. Yes I should think it is worth talking to doc about meds to check what you need to take and why. Whilst you wait for an appointment maybe think of talking to the pharmacist if you are concerned? They welcome enquiries and are so knowledgeable about meds, side effects and what they have been prescribed for. I know the bigger chemists eg Boots have private rooms you can talk to them in. Yes I too found Jimmy rather annoying, but the other junglers seemed to say they liked him.


Day 2 advent piccie, and this one always makes me


Hi guys.

Very frosty here today. Only just beginning to go off the lawn and the cars. Bright sunshine though.


Waiting in for this Amazon Fire TV box parcel. It should arrive either today or tomorrow, according to Royal Mail Tracking.


Still feeling fine today. Haven't contacted the doctor yet.


Not sure a scary snowman gif counts as an advent pic Mollie?


Didn't think about asking the pharmacist for advice about the pills.

Think I might stop taking the painkiller (Tramadol), as I read lots of horror stories about people becoming dependent on it.

I'm only taking one 50mg pill per day, so don't think it would be too much trouble to stop.

If I carry on taking one a day the pills would run out at Christmas, and I don't think it would be a good idea to be trying to stop them then, so better to stop before then, and maybe keep for if I get worse pain?


Pity Nadia got voted off IAC. I thought she was really nice, so not sure why people didn't vote for her?


Hi Hicky. Glad everything is coming along.

I'd have thought the kitchen fitter should have bought the new worktop, as he ruined the other one?

Do you have a drainage problem there?


Pity your long lie was curtailed by your leg pain.


Last edited by emptybox




shame your leg disturbed your lie in, good job your letter has come about your appointment. How are you going to choose the hospital? Recommendation or maybe the closest to your house? Glad the house is coming along well, but pity what happened about the kitchen tops. Fingers crossed you can move in soon.



hope your fire thing has arrived and you are pleased with it. Will you use it mainly for tv catch up shows? Sounds like it makes sense to stop the painkiller if you are not in bad pain and it has side effects. But I think it makes sense to speak to the doc about all of your meds, and especially if you haven't got many to see you over the hols. Glad you are still feeling fine.


Very cold here today, already below freezing tonight, but can't complain as even though cold it has been sunny today.

Went to Cardiff to do a bit of Christmas shopping today before it gets too busy.


Yes Nadia seemed a nice girl but maybe didn't get enough votes as percieved as boring? Or maybe the bottom few were very close anyway?


Advent day 3 and no scary snowman today...

but we do have a nice young lady to send seasons greetings.


Hi Mollie, now that's more the style.

Hope you got all you wanted in Cardiff.


Very frosty but sunny here as well.

I got my ironing done and defrosted my freezer. It hadn't been done for a couple of years, so was long overdue.


The Fire TV box hasn't arrived yet. The tracking info said it was in the midlands yesterday, so it had better arrive tomorrow.

It gets all the catchup services and various other online services and apps. Not sure how much I'll use it yet.


Hi Hicky. A choice of hospitals eh? There's only the one around here.

Does your doctor not advise which one to go for?


That's great that the house is coming along quickly. It might be ready enough for you to move in on the 8th after all.


Think I'll go and watch my recording of The Apprentice now.





hope the house has come on well again today.



now you have defrosted your freezer are you going to buy some Christmas treats to go into it? Or are you off to your family again this year?

How are you feeling today? OK I hope. I bet you will use your new box with all those facilities on it.


Been very cold here again, managed to get my Oz cards off today, just on time as it was the last day for posting today.

Haven't had chance to watch Apprentice yet, as by the time I get back from putting mum to bed, generally I only have time to watch IAC. But I do enjoy IAC.


Goodnight both, have bought some nice Christmas mags to read in bed.


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