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Evening Both.

Another day at the ranch, more guttering done, more electrical done, more plaster patching done.

I started taking the roots to the skip using the wheel barrow.

Bought a nice big branch lopper, will cut 50mm branches, can cut it all up so it will lay flat in the skip.rking tomorrow but will get a lot done Tuesday.

The gardener should be back Wednesday, might change my work day to Thursday so i can be home.

Got to order the Aerial feller to come back this week as well, it's all ready for him.


Have ordered another week in this Premier Inn, no idea when we can live at the bungalow yet.


Hi Hicky.

You've certainly got your work cut out there?

Don't try to do too much yourself. Sounds like very heavy work, especially moving the granite.


Had a nice day yesterday with the family. Let slip my diet a bit and had some wine and chocolate etc. Don't seem to be paying for it today, fingers crossed.


Very foggy and damp today. May get out to do some work later.






looking forward to seeing all your "before" and "after" pics when things calm down for you. Hope you are pleased with your workmaster when it comes. It must be difficult for you going to work now whilst you have so much on your mind to do with the new house. How did the skip filling go? Hope you get plenty done before the gardener comes tomorrow.



glad you had a nice day with the family.  Did they enjoy your steak pie? Did either of your nephews come along?

Hope you still feel well despite eating a few treats.


Went shopping with daughter in Cardiff yesterday and we bought some Christmas jumpers. Plenty around now if you fancy treating yourself Emptybox.


Seems to be pouring with rain every night we take mum home, such a pain as she is so slow walking to the car.

Cough easing now, but still annoying at times.

see our "Dialogs" bit I have something to tell you.


Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie.


Must remember to buy the toolmate tomorrow.

We are leaving the Premier Inn, going to my lads tomorrow.

The cost saving will pay for the joiner to fit the kitchen.


Haven't been well today, think its because i got wet the other day.


Got the gardener coming tomorrow, some deliveries expected, my swing door hinges arrived.

Filled some more skip today, easy enough with the barrow.


Lots to do though.

Got no 5 skip picked up today.

Will have to order another skip when this no. 6 full, not much room left.




Evening guys.

That's great news Mollie.


Started off wet here, but a sunny afternoon, so I got another couple of places finished for the winter.


Early start tomorrow, as I have to be at the hospital for 9am for my scan, and it's a 40 min drive.


I think my steak pie went down well on Sunday. My youngest nephew came, but he had scrambled eggs on toast instead.


Glad your cough is easing Mollie.

Think I'll break a lifetimes habit and not buy a Christmas jumper.


Hi Hicky. Pity you weren't feeling all that good today. I got the impression that you were overdoing it from your posts.

That's good that you'll save money on digs by staying with your lad.


Enjoyed 'The Nation's Favourite Queen Songs' on ITV1 tonight.


Hi Hicky. Sorry to hear your still not well.

Hope you are back on form for work tomorrow.

Also it's the last thing you need, when you want to be getting on with the bungalow.


My scan went well. The girl doing it said she couldn't see anything to be worried about on first look, but she'll examine them properly and send the result to the GP.

I also contacted my doctor, and he's put me on another month of antibiotics, to take me past the appointment with the specialist.


Wet here today, so I didn't get anything done after the scan.


Apprentice was OK, but I wish they'd get proper business tasks, rather than designing board games etc.





sorry to hear you are unwell. Not easy having all the stress of moving especially at this time of year. Do you think you have a virus, there is a lot around at the moment. I can't seem to get rid of this cough.

Hope you feel better soon.



glad to hear the scan went well. That is good that the girl thought all looked well on 1st glance. Best to keep on with what the doc says now until you see the specialist, especially as it is not too long to wait now.

Hope you carry on feeling well though.


Lovely sunny day here today, most welcome after all the rain recently.

Yes Emptybox, they don't seem to be very business like these tasks now on the Apprentice.


goodnight both xx off to bed to read my Christmas mags.

hope you both sleep well.

OH off to London tomorrow on a course.




Evenig Both.


Bungalow coming along well, bathroom fixtures and ftings arrived.

Decoration has started, flooring arrived, electrician testing the new lightimg.


Garden coming along, all the big roots out now, a massive hole where the root was, found a 6" grey lastic pipe down there, some sort of drain, not sure where the ends ae yet.


Hi both.


Glad everything is coming along at the bungalow Hicky.


Dry day here, but windy.

Got the last couple of lawns cut, so I've now put my lawnmower away till the spring.

Still got hedges and tidying up jobs yet though.


Watched The Fall on BBC2; the police thing with Gillian Anderson.

Last edited by emptybox



Hope you are you fully well again.

glad the bungalow is coming along nicely. Have you found out what that 6 inch pipe was for yet?



That is good you got nice weather to finish off the lawns. Autumn is really here now you have put the lawn mower away.

How are you feeling now? Hope the anti biotics aren't bothering you too much. .

Well we don't think we will be going for that original house we had the offer accepted for. Although it is freehold, we found these restrictive covenants on the land registry site, which can give problems as we need to extend. Did they find any of these restrictive covenants on your Hicky? I didn't know anything about them, until I had to read up on them when we found one on this house. We have another house we are interested in but will need to check these covenants as we would need to extend the drive for the cars.


Lovely sunny day today here, so getting washing hung out.

OH back from London today. Luckily we have a good train service from London that only does a few stops, so the journey to London is usually good to south Wales. Well that is if you don't catch the wrong train like me and daughter did last time.


have a good day both xx


Good Afternoon both.


No Mollie, can only think that the underground pipe is to do with drainage.

But a drainage pipe should have prebuilt in holes for the water to enter.

Gardener back Monday.

The Windows people did some more this morning, they are back tomorrow.

Electrician back tomorrow, so is Aerial men, also Heating Engineers.


I see you have put the lawn mower away for this year Emptybox, good idea.

I'd like to order some stuff for the garden, but its in too much of a mess at the mo.

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Hi guys.

Very wet here today so didn't get out. Quite mild though.


What a pity those covenants stopped you from going ahead with that house. It would have just suited you. Was it in a conservation area or something?

Hope this other one works out.


I seem to be quite well at the moment, and got good sleeps the last couple of nights. Don't think the antibiotics are giving me too many problems.


Hi Hicky. I'm sure you'll solve the mystery of the plastic pipe.

You're keeping all the tradesmen busy anyway.

Bet you can't wait to get on with the garden?


'spose I should be watching Children in Need, but I can't stand Wogan. I donated a little though.

Watched Gogglebox; now watching the James Bond film on ITV1.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening both.:+))))))))))


Not too bad a day, a bit better than yesterday.

Havent eaten much but had 2 eggs on toast this morning.


Had the electrician here today, got power onto the garage, 2 Flu lights tomorrow.


Toilets going in.

Plasterer sorted for big patching jobs.

Could do with a tiler.


Gardener not back till Monday, but lots to do anyway. I think all the roots are out.


Nice to see the Pir LED Down lighters coming on when you pass by.

All the Pir controlled lights can be overridden by a switch.


Hi Hicky.

Glad things are going well with the bungalow.


Are you still feeling off? At least you had a couple of eggs this morning.


Very damp and misty here all day. Got some leaves raked up off my back grass, but apart from that I stayed inside.


Quite enjoying X Factor. I don't usually like Big Band Week, but it was OK.


Morning Emptybox.


Still far from right, sleeping ok but not eating much.


Looking at decking again, ent to that place who had the slotted joists and the salesman put me off getting it because oh the cost of needing another subframe.


Will look for the best price n 6x2'' timber, my lad said he would do it for me.


had to take the HUDL2 to bits as it wouldnt do anything, did a reset and it got locked, took the back off and unlugged a plug then put it back, it seems fine agin.

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sorry to hear you are still not 100%. Do you have a cold bug? Not like you to be off your food, hope you get your appetite back soon. Hope you can sort the decking out ok.

That is odd that your HUDL2 is playing up, hope it works ok now. Hope the weather is ok for the gardener to get on ok tomorrow.



glad you are sleeping well again and the meds aren't bothering you too much. Did you manage your sphab bol last night? I too enjoyed X factor this week. And it was good to see IACGMOOOH tonight.  


My brother and SIL came to visit mum at my house today. Poor mum took awhile working out who they were, then got emotional and upset when she realised it was her son and she had not seen him for so long. But she did manage to sit well in the carvary when we went out for dinner. I like the carvary with help yourself veggies.


Goodnight both xxx





Horrible foggy and damp day here.


Sorry to hear you're still not right Hicky. Do you know what is wrong?


With these Android tablets, when they freeze up, you hold down one or both of the volume buttons (it varies) whilst holding down the power button, and that usually resets it.

You shouldn't need to be taking it apart this soon after buying it.


Hi Mollie. Nice that your Brother came to visit his Mum, but unsettling for her as well, with her condition. 

Glad you all enjoyed the carvery.


Yes I had my spag bol last night, but I don't like the gluten free spaghetti. It's made with rice and just not as nice as the usual. I'll persevere though.



Kendra seems nice, and Nadia, but I think Melanie is my favourite at the mo.





how are you today? I hope you are feeling a little better now. Did you manage to eat ok today? Hope the bungalow is progressing well.



how is your stock of oil now the weather is getting cooler? At least it should be a bit cheaper this year.

Shame the gluten free spagetti is not so tasty for you.

Yes I too enjoyed IACGMOOH, apart from a few, I can't remember who is who yet, but I am suspecting the ones you have named already  are probably good looking and female?


We pulled out of the other house when it was getting complicated, so hope to make an offer on another one tomorrow when we have checked a few things out. eg if we can convert the garage as space is so important to us.


Nearly time for IACGMOOH.


Have a good evening both xxx




Good afternoon both.

Went to the Docs yesterday. Change of meds, sent me for xrays, knee and hip.


Need another skip at the bungalow, lost count now.


Have been sick a few times when got up after a rest.


Kitchen arrived earlier, wow, an awful lot of boxes.


Gardener doing great, just about all the trees and roots are out, also some old posts and trellis supports.


I've eaten a little Mollie, been drinking a little milk, don't feel like much else.


Enjoyed IAC like them all so far.





sorry to hear you are unwell, and such a shame you are off your food, as I know how much you usually enjoy it. Hope the change of meds help make you feel better soon. I know with all this work on the new house/garden it is not a good time to feel unwell.

Yet another skip? How many does that make it and how many to go yet I wonder?



glad to hear you too got the sunshine we got today.

bet you were pleased after you got that big job complete. This must be a good sign that health wise you are feeling well enough to tackle such a job now.


Yes I am so there is no I'm a Celeb and we get boring football instead. Nothing any good to watch on tv tonight, then tomorrow I suppose we get Apprentice and I'm A celeb on at the same time!!  Ggggrr!!! 


My cough finally easing, about time too!


Lovely day here today, had to go to jobcentre about mum's attendance allowance and lukily Asda had a big sale and I bought lots of tops for ÂĢ2 and a dress for ÂĢ3!!


Goodnight both xxx




Hi Mollie. Glad your cough is getting better.


Sounds like you picked up some bargains there?


I just watched CH4 tonight. Obsessive  Compulsive Cleaners then You Can't Get The Staff.

I don't bother with football.


Forgot to say yesterday that I've still got some oil left, but might need to buy more in December, but as you say, it's much cheaper at the moment.

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aaaww I can understand why you will be relieved when this is all finally done. Not easy without your own home, and feeling unwell too. But I am glad you are feeling a bit better now.



yes probably best to stock up with oil soon, as it could get cold soon.

HOpe you are well today, and eating/sleeping ok.


Had to record The Apprentice, so annoying it is on same time as IAC!


Not been too bad weather wise here today, went shopping then looked after mum when she came back from day centre on bus.


Goodnight both x


Hi guys.

Wet here most of today.


Glad you are feeling a bit better Hicky.

Yeah, I bet you can't wait to get into the bungalow now. Then the rest of the work can take place at your own pace.


Hi Mollie.

I'm still feeling fine at the moment.

I recorded The Apprentice as well; just finished watching it in fact. Quite a good one this week. I think little geordie Katie is my fave.


Hi both.


Glad you felt up to work today Hicky.

Still all go at the house I see.

Is 8th Dec the date you hope to move in by?


Not bad day here. Got another big hedge cut. A holly one this time. Scratched to heck I am.


Got a call from the doc about my scan results.

He said everything was normal; liver, kidneys, spleen etc.

The only thing they found was a slightly enlarged prostate, which is in line with what they expected. But no sign of anything more serious than prostatitis. 


I see the specialist in a weeks time, and before then I've got to keep logs of when I go to the loo and how much I pee. Blasted nuisance.


Really sad that Craig Charles had to leave the jungle under those circumstances. Not sure if his brother had been ill or if it was a sudden thing?

Bad either way.


Ordered some new work boots off Ebay about 10 days ago, but no sign of them arriving. The seller sent me a message saying the couriers had tried to deliver but had been told that I'd moved.

Complete load of nonsense as I've been here for 22 years, and my neighbours would know I hadn't moved.

Either they were at the wrong address or the seller has never sent the item and is just playing for time.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Had good day! Garden coming on well.

Got a digger driver coming to look in the morning.

Tiler doing well, my lad back the weekend working.


It took many hours to cut our way to the back fence, it must have had 30yrs of growth of vines etc, part of the fence had about 5 layers of rotten wood entwined with vine.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you had a good day. Hopefully you are recovering?


Sounds like the garden was in quite a mess, but you'll soon lick it into shape with the help of a digger.


Not a bad day here, some blue sky anyway.

Got a call from the couriers about the parcel I'm expecting.

Seemingly the wrong address was put on it, but they promise delivery today. No sign yet though.


ETA: Boots turned up at about 2pm.


X Factor then IAC tonight.

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Evening Both.


Had a week trying to get the Hudle on line in the Bungalow, found out i was using the wrong pass code, was using the one from my lads house.


Watching Strictly, X Factor, IAC, good night.

Just had a good curry tonight.


Got hot water in the Bungalow now, good for washing up.


Emptybox, glad your medical problems seem minor, great news really.


Hope Mollie is coping ok with her Mum.

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so pleased things are coming on so well for you at the bungalow now. Good job you eventually worked out the Hudl problem. Are you over your illness now? Do you think it was your meds that needed changing or do you think it was a virus?



so pleased to hear the scan results show nothing too alarming. Must be a relief to you. Yes I am sure this log will be an inconvenience for you, and even hard to remember to do, but at least it will give the consultant more info to help sort your problem out, and you haven't too long to wait to see the specialist now. 

Funny you say about the boots, I ordered a junk call stopper thingie for mum, and paid extra for quick delivery and it didn't turn up, then they rang and said it couldn't be delivered, so the delivery man took it back. Weird, why could it not be delivered when the adress is fine, we haven't had problems before. Like in your case, I am cynical.


Haven't had chance to post for a few days as I have been away for one night, and was running around in circles checking mum would ok first. Booked carers for a full 2 days, wasn't sure whether to go or not, but it is exhausting looking after mum and the rest of the family wanted me to go with them. Son and daughter went to a comic expo (Anime type stuff) today and me and OH went to a Christmas expo, we stayed in a hotel overnight by NEC Birmingham where expos were. We went to the Christmas markets on the Saturday and visited some family in the afternoon.

Had to keep ringing mum as worried about her, she cried a few times, but she often cries with confusion when I am there anyway. She has been ok overall with carers though. They took her a walk round the park yesterday.


Looking forward to IAC and X factor tonight.


have a good evening both xx

Last edited by *mollie*


Quite nice day here. Blue sky most of the day. Chilly tonight though.


Glad you enjoyed your night away Mollie, and your Xmas expo; even though you were worried about your Mum.

Strange about your delivery. With my boots, somebody had put the wrong address on them, so they'd been trying to deliver them to the farm half a mile up the road.

They must have used a postcode checker, and just plumped for the first one on that.


Hi Hicky. Hope your new meds are kinder to your stomach?

Have been feeling not so good myself the last couple of days. This thing comes and goes.


The bolt cutters should make short work of that fence.


Enjoyed X Factor and IAC. Mel was great at the trial.

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sorry to hear you are feeling a bit under the weather again. I guess with having to be on anti-biotics so long it can take it out of you, and keeping this log must be stressful too. At least you don't have long to wait now to see the specialist. Yes Mel was real good at her trial and so was Jake last night.



sorry the pain in your leg kept you awake, hope you sleep better tonight. Sounds like it won't be long until you have a finished kitchen now.


Enjoyed IAC again.


time for bed, shattered after being away, and going to cardiff today Christmas shopping, then looking after mum.


goodnight both xxx



Feeling more like myself today.


Weather not bad here, but I decided not to go out to work.

I can pick my days at this time of year, so I decided to pick another one.


Sorry to hear you were kept awake by pain in your leg Hicky. Hope it's easier tonight.


Hi Mollie.

Yes I'm definitely looking forward to coming off antibiotics, whenever that may be. I think some of my digestive disturbance is down to them, rather than the condition.

I'll just have to wait and see what the specialist says.


Hope you got what you were looking for in Cardiff today.


Thought the row between Edwina and Kendra was stupid. Yes Edwina perhaps butted in where she wasn't wanted, but Kendra went way over the top.

Really liking Nadia now though, as well as Mel of course.


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