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Evening Mollie.:+))))))))))))))


Yep, 33 years tends to accumulate junk.


We aren't taking the freezers, one is built in but the other 2 freezers and fridge will get slucg probably as we aren't taking them.


Yes Mollie, it was pretty quiet at work, will be doing the end of quarter vat accounting in the software, will print the sheets out for the accounting system.


Off tomorrow anyway, will collect another load for the recycle place.


Hope Emptybox is ok.


Hi guys.

Nice day here today.


Phoned doc this morning, and we decided that it would be best to continue on the antibiotics for another fortnight, as the symptoms aren't all away yet, although I feel fine now apart from that.


So I went into town to collect the prescription. I also popped into Sainsburys to use their photo-booth, to get some passport photos done, as mine is up for renewal. They came out very well, apart from making me look like an ageing criminal.


I also did my monthly accounts today.

I had a day off grass cutting, as I'd done most of it last week. Got a few small places to do this week, and some hedges to cut though.

No word on the mower yet.


Hi Mollie.

I hope you are able to arrange the mortgage that you need.

No it was a beef stew/casserole that I made.

Yes, Cilla was a great series. I think Sheridan Smith captured her perfectly. And she did all the singing herself too.


Hi Hicky.

33 years in the same house is a long stretch. You'll likely miss it a lot when you leave. I've been in this one for 22 years, and you kinda get used to it after all that time.

You'll have to get out of the habit of buying so much food. Doubt if you'll have as much freezer space in your bungalow?

Glad you got an easy day at work.


Enjoyed Cilla then 'Under the Dome'.


Evening Emptybox.


Best to do what Doc says anyway.

I always think passport pics are awful, an aging criminal, i don't know about the aging.


I will miss this place, it will take a long time to get used to a new place, thats for sure.


We will have to rethink everything.


will just watch something that looks good.


Trimmed the dead flowers, trimmed the leaves off the strawberry plants.

Will have to do the winter spraying on the fruit trees soon.


My Lads House in Oz, the one he had built, all that what you can see., if it comes out, and the car he is selling with the new one he has bought.

House in Oz with cars

Last edited by Hicky

Good evening both



I have just watched your garden video.   Wow what a great garden, so full of great looking fruit and veg. 

Thanks for posting your lads house/car photo. Is it in Queensland?

Yes after all those years, and all that family history, I am sure you will miss the house. But I am sure once you move into the bungalow you will find it much more suitable for your needs now.



yes best to do as doc advised to knock this on the head. Pleased to hear you are feeling well other than that though. Are you thinking of going abroad as you renewed your passport? ... aging criminal though...

Yes Sheriden Smith was great as Cilla, especially as she did all the singing too. Also think Aneirin did great, as did the guy who played Brian. One of the best series I have seen for a while.

Gosh never realised you had been in that house for 22 years! Did you go there with both of your parents when you moved from Norfolk?


Managed to find time to take doggie a walk today on seafront whilst mum was with carer. Doggie was so excited when I said to her "seaside time", as we don't get to take her so often since we moved. Had a nice ice cream on seafront and doggie got a bit mixed in with her drink of water.
Mum had also had an ice cream earlier with her carer, which was nice.
done lots of   today as it was so warm, got to 22C.Can't believe it is October tomorrow as it is still so warm. No complaints though.


Goodnight both xxx





Hi guys.

It's been warm here as well. 


Unfortunately I've been feeling unwell again today.

I thought I was doing so well, and then I had a bad night last night and an upset stomach all day.

I thought as long as I was on the antibiotics that I'd be OK, but they seem to have stopped working.


Seeing the doctor again tomorrow. Just hope he's got some other ideas.

It's really bringing me down now. It seems unending.


That's a great looking house your son has had built Hicky.


Hi Mollie. Glad your dog got her walk at the seaside.


No I'm not planning a trip abroad, it's just that I want the passport as photo ID, as it's sometimes needed.

My parents moved to this house when they retired from the hotel business in 1992. We moved from Norfolk in 1967, and lived in a few places inbetween.

Last edited by emptybox

Saw the doctor earlier. He hasn't changed the antibiotic, but is arranging for me to have an ultrasound scan at the hospital to see if there's anything else going on in the abdomen. That might take a couple of weeks though, which leaves me feeling unwell in the meantime.

Saying that, I don't feel quite so bad today as yesterday.


I think he's just being thorough? Blood and urine tests have always come back clear, and I don't think his physical examinations have found anything to be worried about?

But obviously I want to find out what's wrong anyway.

The sooner I get back to feeling like myself the better.


Have a good day both.





very sorry to hear you have still been feeling unwell. Yes I can well understand why it is bringing you down now.   But at least all the tests the doc has done so far, have come back ok. Let's hope you do improve soon, and don't have too long to wait for the scan. Do you think the meds might be not helping the upset tummy? Have you tried some Actimel or Activa, I believe they have those live bacteria in to help counteract the antibiotics. 



was it a work day or another sorting out your stuff prior to the move day?


Not a bad day here today, still mild for time of year, bit of drizzle.

Spoke to mortgage man and he asked lots of questions and is getting back with a quote.


Mum all tucked up in bed now, so time for a bit of tv...can only find C5 "Can't pay , we'll take it away".


Goodnight both xxx

hope you can sleep ok tonight Emptybox.


Evening Both.


Mollie, Yes, very pleased with the fruit this year, considering we have had loads of cherries, plums, figs, gooseberries, strawberries, grapes, so pleased, but as you know, i prefer fruit trees to ordinary trees, if it's productive then grow it.


Completed the vat changeover at work, took about 2 hours to change over to 4th quarter so all the vat figures are at zero.

Have given the boss the final vat figures complete with all the invoice numbers to be included in the 3rd quarter figures, he will offset the amount of vat we have paid out this quarter then i will submit the final figures to the HMRC web site, if they are ok we then get the ok to pay the owed amount to them.


It was good that you got time to take doggy out to seafront, ice cream as well.


It will probably be Sainsbury's for brekkie as O/H takes her mum shopping ion the morning.


Factory on shutdown next week and bosses are away Monday so i'm working Tuesday and Thursday next week.


Made a nice Roast Chicken dinner when i got home, with roast potato wedges, carrots cabbage, stuffing and gravy, did the chicken in a roasting bag to save making a mess in the oven, it works fine as well.

It also knocks quite a lot of time off the cooking time as well.


At least you got your washing done, yes, it's been a very warm dry September.


Emptybox, Sorry to hear your troubles have remained, it doesn't seem to be something that will be cleared up with anti bio's.


Yes, my lads house is pretty big, he's put a fish pond in the garden and has furnished it all out now.

Of course with having his GF there with him and working for the same company is handy, mind you he is a great cook as the first think i always did with my lads was teach them to swim and cook, with the reasoning that if you are in a position that you find yourself in deep water you can at least swim, and if you find that the only way you are going to eat is if you can cook then it's very handy to be able to cook.


I filled in the online info to renew my license, it will be more awkward if i am trying to do it when i have changed address so the sooner i have it sorted the better, i can then changer the address once i have renewed it.


The ultrasound gives them a picture of what is going on, i've had a few, like being pregnant, but that shouldn't be the problem.


As you say, the sooner you are back to being yourself the better, nothing worse than having these things hanging over you.


It is better to know what is going on anyway, just hope it it's something they can sort out.




both xxx



hope you have not been too bad today. As HIcky says, the ultra sound at least should be able to specifically locate your problem and therefore help with the meds you need to treat it. Are you managing to eat/sleep ok now? Let's hope your current meds get rid of it completely though.



"if it is productive grow it", that is a good way of thinking, and of course home grown is always best for you health wise.

That is good you managed to finish off the vat stuff at work. Why is the factory on shut down next week? Is it hols or shortage of work?


Been busy meeting with social workers today, they will pay some towards mum's care, then the rest has to come out of her savings, and it is a lot of money. (over ÂĢ2000 a month), but they pay ÂĢ600. Of course I do most of the care unpaid though, which is exhausting for me and for OH who does so much driving picking her up. Mum fiddles and paces and wonders off a lot, hardly sits down, so needs watching all the time. If she had a medical condition, we would get all her care paid for, but because she has dementia, which isn't classed as a medical condition, we only get a small amount of financial help. But this way still works out a lot cheaper than putting her in a home, and she is happier in her own home.


Not much on tv tonight, but I never get home till 8.30 now because we have to drop mum home.So think I may watch a bit more of Ozzie BB.


Another lovely warm sunny day, can't believe it is October. Hope it continues, should help us all save on heating anyway.


Goodnight both xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening guys.

No great changes here. Didn't feel up to doing any work, but not too desperate either.


Quite a nice day here as well Mollie, but much colder at night now. Going to be wet and windy here for the next couple of days, according to the forecast.


I'm already taking one of those probiotic yoghurt drinks once a day Mollie, but don't think it's making any difference.

I did eat quite a lot today though. Not as much as I would normally, but should be enough to keep me going. Still having trouble getting enough sleep though. I seem to doze and keep waking up, rather than getting quality sleep.


Don't think the doctor expects the current antibiotic to do much good now. He said I could come off it if I liked, and see if I felt better without it, but he advised staying on it for now. Everything seems to be on hold till he get's the results of the ultrasound, which could be 2 or 3 weeks yet.

I think he must think it could be something more serious.


I suppose it's good that the social workers are paying something towards your Mum's care Mollie, but I don't see why dementia should be treated differently to a medical problem?

Hope you get a good result from the mortgage bods.


Hi Hicky. Glad you got your VAT done.

Good thinking, teaching your lads to swim and cook.


For some reason they seem to have had more people than usual trying to renew their tax online, since they have done away with the paper discs, and their new site crashed. Don't know why that would be, as you surely just renew when it is due as normal?

I'm just leaving my tax disc on at the moment.


Evening Both.


Not a bad day here, warmish, lots of cloud, been collecting more stuff for the recycle place.


Mollie,  the factory workers saved a few days up from during the year to have next week off, the factory is mad busy, can't turn cars out fast enough, the factory works 24/7 these days.

I'm working Tuesday and Thursday as the bosses are off Monday.

Not sure why, must be something on.


Care for your mum is so expensive, the only reason i think they don't class dementia as a medical condition is because it's not treatable, or maybe another reason.


I noticed the heating had been on this morning early, getting colder at night.


Emptybox, It looks like you will just have to wait for the results of the scan.

Just hope it's curable and no too hard to sort out.


Just renewed my driving license online, it only lasts for 3 years now.



Took my tax disc off today, been looking at it for 60 years, glad to see the back of it.

Strange more people doing the tax online, i've been doing that for years.






... 60 years is a long time to be looking at your task disc.

Don't think I have ever renewed my licence, but did change it last time we moved, haven't got round to changing it yet though. Will you need a new photo in 3 years?

That is good that there are still plenty of customers for all those new cars? Is it the posh cars that are selling best? and mostly home or abroad buyers?


Yes think dementia is conveniently classed as non medical probably because it is so common now, it saves the government money to not pay for their care. They were complaining on the radio recently saying it was unfair dementia patients have to pay a huge tax for their care, even though it is a progressive illness due to chemical change in the brain.


Any idea on your house completion dates yet? How is the sorting out of your stuff going? Did you find anything of interest you had forgotten you had got?



how are you today? Shame you didn't feel up to doing any work yesterday. Glad you are managing to eat a little. You must be exhausted not being able to sleep well at night. Let's hope that improves soon. Yes probably best to keep up  with the antibiotics if the doc advises and if it is not giving you a stomach upset now.


Had to take mum to docs today, she has been very uncomfy with pain in her back. He thinks it might be arthritus, but sent us to hospital for X ray, she came out in tears as it was so painfull. He is also sending her for blood test and has given her paracetomol and ibuprofen cream to see it it helps.

So hardly been at home at all today, good job it is weekend tomorrow. We are off to costco to sample the free food. (and buy a few supplies).


Been quite mild here today, was even mild overnight, but due some rain here too.


Watching X factor, then Gogglebox on plus 1.

Bet you are too Emptybox.


Goodnight both, hope you get some sleep tonight Emptybox xxx





Evening Mollie.


They use the photo from your passport if they don't already have one on the license.

Most new cars go abroad, but of course you can buy one here if you can afford it.


No completion dates yet, we had the forms that the other sellers had to fill in, they signed them on the 12 August, heaven knows why it took so long to reach us, it detailed everything in the house that was included in the price, can't believe it, from the carpets to the furniture, all the cupboards, beds settees, armchairs, heaven knows what else, as if we would want any of their stuff.

They think it's worth ÂĢ2,000, to us it's worthless.

O/H told them they don't want anything to slow the sale down.


Watched some of Goggle box, X Factor, Alan Carr, anything really.


Hi guys.

Very wet here yesterday, and torrential rain last night.


Didn't get much sleep last night again, and the rain didn't help.

Still have a bit of an upset stomach, but it doesn't seem so bad today. I even tried a cooked brekkie this morning, but just a small plateful.


Sorry to hear about your Mum's back problem now Mollie. Hope the cream helps her.

Yes, I watched X Factor then Gogglebox on +1, as you said.


Hi Hicky, I've still got the old paper driving licence, as I've been in the same place for so long. That's why I want the new passport for photo ID. Have to remember to apply for that soon, if I'm well enough.


I suppose if the old owners of the bungalow don't want their furniture any more it'll be cheaper for them to leave it rather than clearing out the house, but they can hardly expect you to pay extra for it. It's just giving you more work clearing it, before you move in.


Going to watch X Factor again tonight, but I record Dr Who, which is on at the same time.

Going for a bath soon, then I might try a small portion of spag bol later. I've sworn off beer for now though.





your sellers have to be kiddin'...a cost of ÂĢ2000 to remove someone else's junk!   Make sure your solicitor gets in the contract you want all that stuff removed before you complete, the last thing you want after getting rid of all your own stuff, is to end up with someone elses.

That is handy they can use your passport piccie.

I had a photo taken today......

It was for our Costco renewal. Good job it was only in black and white as I didn't know they were going to do it, so I didn't have time to re-apply my make up.

Me, OH, daughter and my friend went, and we all took advantage of the free samples.   We had some rice with soy sauce, yogurt with granola, 2 types of seeds, pumpkin soup, marinaded salmon, red wine, choc cake, prawn noodles, spicy chicken. Good job we hadn't had brekkie. When we took our renewal we joined the executive member thing as with 2% reward we should soon get our money back.


Mum a bit better today with the painkillers.



hope you managed to eat and enjoy your sphag bol tonight.

Sorry to hear you didn't sleep too good last night, and you still have a bit of an upset tummy. Hopefully the rain has calmed down now so it is less noisy in the night tonight.


Watching X factor now.

Simon's house looks rather nice, doesn't it?


Nice day again here today, and I am still in the summer dress and sandals. (but with a light cardie as it was a bit windy). Me, daughter and mum enjoyed an ice cream on the seafront today. Lots of people around, surfing, at the fair and on the donkeys.


Goodnight both xxx


evening Both.


Just been packing stuff from my summer house, still got tons to go to the recycle dump.


Sprayed the trees for the winter, the first spraying, have others to give them as well.

So many insects overwinter in the bark and crevices, i did well last year as the amount of damage done this year so minimal.


Emptybox, Sorry to hear your stomach is still playing up.

At least you ate some brekkie, it's good to get some food down.


I have had the plastic license and the paper one for years, you have to keep the 2 together when you have them.


The owners of the bungalow just moved out and left the place as it was, why they thought anyone would want what they left i don't know.

We couldn't sell the stuff and it would cost money to get rid of it.

Just hope they will empty the place but we don't want anything to hold the sale up.


Mollie, Yes, they reckoned on the value of the furniture they left being around ÂĢ2,000, we don't want the stuff but if they won't get rid of it then we would have to.


That sounds great, Costco food hall, so funny, you might as well anyway.


I looked at the executive member thingy but we don't shop often enough or spend enough.


Glad your mum seemed a bit better with the painkillers.


I watched Strictly, now X Factor,


Nice to all have ice cream on the sea front, donkeys still there eh.


I'm working Tuesday and Thursday this week so O/H has booked her car in for Service and MOT.

I think i have a wheel bearing going, noise from the rear offside, could be a bearing, will see if they can check it out tomorrow.


Hi guys.

Wet start to the day, but a bit of sunshine as well.

It's much colder here now. I've put my heating on for a few hours in the evening. 

I might have held off for a while if I wasn't ill.


Didn't get much sleep again, but feeling not too bad tonight.

I had a bit of an upset stomach this morning, but once I got some breakfast into me it calmed down. Had a normal amount of food for supper. Hope I don't pay for it later.


Glad your Mum is a bit better Mollie. 

Didn't know you needed photo ID for Costco? Don't think there's one near me anyway.

Well done getting all those free samples to eat.


Hi Hicky. Hope they are able to see to your car. You've had a few problems with it recently, haven't you?

My brother was telling me they were going to do away with the paper part of the licence, for those with the photo one. Not sure when that will come in?


Watched 'Our Girl' on BBC1. I thought I was recording Downton, but the machine failed to do it for some reason, so I watched that on +1.


Good Afternoon All/


Emptybox, My heating has been coming on, the setting are put in once for the year and they shouldn't need to be changed really.


It's not good losing this sleep, you need the sleep to recover, thats the problem.


I rang the garage, bloke at lunch i talk to.

Will ring back in a mo.


Had brekkir out, O/H's car in for service and MOT, we took 3 very large cases of books to the charity shop, most are very expensive uni study books.


I was going to ask you about the recording on the new TV's, they have built in Freeview or Freesat and you use a USB drive, i was looking at the drives and it seems you can just get a USB one that doesn't need a separate supply and use that, up to 1 Tetra Byte, but 500GB should be loads, what do you think, it is better to get smaller drives? we don't record that much anyway.





yes best to keep warm whilst unwell even if it means switching your heating on a bit earlier in the year. Shame you are still not sleeping so good, maybe try having a radio on in the background so you don't have to lie there thinking about not being able to sleep? I tend to do that.

HOpe your tum handled your food ok today.

That is good they are doing away with the paper licence, I always have trouble remembering where mine is.



hope your car gets sorted ok. Where do you have brekkie out? Sainsburys? We like brekkie out when we get chance. We tend to go to Asda before we shop or a local cafe. Sometimes we go to the local garden centre cafe.

Yes it will be a nuisance if the house you buy don't take their junk, but as you say, best not to hold the sale up, unless you can help it.


Tried an offer on a house, mum is putting some money towards it so we need a big it was asking 325, offerred 270, but they want 310, but it is not worth it, as it is 3 beds and a 4 bed one 2 doors down sold last year for 290k. It is empty and needs work, so that was why we thought it was worth trying this low offer. Put an offer in on another one. Mortgage guy has started to get our offer in principle sorted.


Been quite nice here today, sat in the garden today with mum for awhile after she got home from her day centre.


Nearly time for OH to drive her back now , then I help her get ready for bed before carers arrive to settle her.


wonder if there is anything decent on tv tonight?


Goodnight both. xxx


Evening Mollie.


The mechanic couldn't find a problem, i heard the noise when O/H was in the passenger seat, so not sure why the noise seems to have gone.

Oh well, will see how it is.


We had brekkie in Hoylake today, we managed to park outside the charity shop in a parking bay, took the books in, they must have weighed 50 kilo, then went over the road to a cafe, fantastic food, and really cheap, then called in to fayes for some mini pork pies and a few cakes.


We have heard that they have part cleared the bungalow, also, the sellers are going on 2 weeks holiday now but are singing before they go, the ones buying our place are just going on 4 weeks holiday, wow, we can't win.


Hope Emptybox is feeling ok.




well now you know how to cure the noise in the car....don't let your OH sit in the passenger seat.   Glad the mechanic didn't find anything wrong though. We had something similiar when I used to sit in back seat, the car make a squek, but it just disappeared altogether over time.

 sellers away for 2 weeks and now buyers away for 4 weeks!  Why on earth would you go away for 4 weeks when you are mid way through buying a house?   And what a strange time of year for all these people to disappear off on holiday? So are your buyers saying they want the sale held up for 4 weeks, and they can't be contacted during this time?  I wonder if they have pre-signed anything beforehand?  At least your sellers have signed the papers beforehand though. I hope this doesn't drag on and on for you.

I bet the charity shop were pleased to see you. Good job you got parked close with the weight of those books.

My OH got ÂĢ150 at a car boot, then took the rest of our junk to charity, but he got in trouble for selling some of daughters special books at a knock down price, which she didn't want to, so he wished he hadn't bothered in the end.


Yes hope you are ok today Emptybox x

Watching 24 hours in Police Custody now.


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening guys.

Another mostly wet day here.


Managed to get a lot more sleep last night, for some reason. And I've managed to eat normal meals as well.

Not 100% by any means, but I'm feeling more like myself tonight.

Mind you, I'm not counting any chickens because this thing keeps coming back.


Got my mower back today. I had to phone them up though.

Went to pick it up this afternoon, and sent my passport renewal application off at the same time. Well I used the PO 'check and send' service, to be on the safe side.


It wasn't raining when I got back, so tested the mower on my grass. It seems to be working OK, so hopefully I won't have more trouble with it for a while.

It's now outside the 3 months professional warranty period though, so if it breaks again I'd have to pay.

If I was using it domestically it would have a 2 year warranty.


Hi Hicky. I don't have any experience of those TVs with USB recording, but think they're quite good, as long as you only want to record one thing at a time.

As long as the TV can cope with a 1TB drive I would have thought that would be just as good as a 500GB one? Although the TV will probably format the drive to a non-Windows format, so you wouldn't be able to use it for other purposes other than TV recording. I would think a 500GB drive would be perfectly adequate.

My Freeview recorder box only has a 350GB drive, and I find that big enough, as long as I delete most stuff after watching it.


Pity the mechanic couldn't find the problem with your car. It's sod's law that the noise will return again before long.

Funny the buyers and sellers both going on holiday at the same time? Hope it doesn't hold your chain up too long.


Hi Mollie.

Pity your cheeky wee offer didn't work for that house.

Hope the other one is more successful?

I presume sellers think house prices are rising now, so have inflated ideas of their worth?


My aunt gave me a tip about getting to sleep. She says she goes through the alphabet thinking of a breed of dog that starts with that letter, and she never gets to the end before she drops off. 

I tried it last night. Not sure if it's what helped me get more sleep. Doubt it.


The paper licence is going next year seemingly.

Not sure if it's just the ones alongside the photo ones though, or if it means I'll have to get a photo one next year as well?


Watched Grantchester on ITV1 then 'Under the Dome' on 5.


Might try a little work tomorrow, if I'm still feeling up to it, and the weather allows.


Evening Emptybox.


Glad you managed to get some sleep, counting sheep used to be the thing, but counting anything will work.


Glad your mower seems ok, a 3 month warranty isn't much.


You can't take the hard drive from a TV and use it say on a computer, it only works on the TV it came off i think.


I have told the boss i am finishing work on my Birthday, been working for 60 years as it is.

I said also i was concerned about the long walk to were i work from the car park, he said i can come in late and he can get me picked up and brought into the factory.

I'll have to start showing one of the other staff what i do, the problem is i think the woman they have in mind has got enough to do as it is.


I've seen the F1 crash when the French driver hit the crane that had come to get the other car that came off the track.


Can't even believe he could survive that crash, can only hope for the best though.



Meant to say, i was sick twice at work this morning, O/H thinks it was because of the Duck last night, i hadn't cooked it till it was crispy like i usually do and the i think it was a reaction against the fat, O/H had had the same food as me anyway.


I still ate my brekkie though, and tea tonight.

Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Sorry to hear you were sick at work. Hope you are OK today?


I'm still feeling relatively OK. Yesterday was a nice day, and I got a few jobs done without feeling any ill effects. Even had a curry for supper.

The mower seems to be working fine anyway.


It's another nice day today, so I'll go out in a bit. Still taking it a bit easy though.


That's a big decision, for you to retire from work in December, but I guess it is the right time, to coincide with the move to the bungalow.

It'll be a big wrench for you though, but you'll have your hands full with the garden at the new place.


Heard about that crash. Seems crazy that they allowed a big tractor thing on the track while the race was still going on?

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Emptybox.


There are a lot of questions to be answered about that F1 crash, pointless having the cars built to withstand crashes at 200mph if they can hit a crane when they leave the track.

That impact was so great it lifted the crane up and he was doing 160mph.


It will be strange leaving work, i have worked with my immediate boss since he was my apprentice at 16.

First worked in the factory in 1966 so i've seen a lot of changes.

This is what was built in the time i have been there.

I remember them well.

i bought a new Capri in 1971 for ÂĢ1,000.




good for you, on your decision to now take a well deserved retirement.  I am sure you will enjoy all the extra free time with the challenge of your new home/garden to work on. Yes I am sure it will be very strange for you especially as you have worked there with the same boss for so long. That is very interesting looking at the pictures of all those old cars you have seen during that time.

Sorry to hear you were sick at work, sounds like you need to be extra careful if it was the duck.



glad to hear you seem to be feeling relatively well now, let's hope it stays like that. Good job the mower is working ok now, such bad timing it breaking just when you were feeling so unwell.

at you trying your aunts method of getting to sleep.


Bought mum some fluffy boots for ÂĢ4.99 from Store21 today, and of course had to treat myself to some new boots at the same time too.It is certainly starting to feel a bit chilly now.

Watching Can't Pay, won't pay now, can't find anything else to watch. Looking forward to live X factor this weekend though.




Evening Mollie.


Just off to bed.


Got the phone back on, strange how the phones can be off but the Broadband working.

The web site let me put a mobile number in that they would transfer all calls to while the line was off.

They rang tonight to say it was fixed, O/H said the line was better than it's ever been.


Watch the Baking, fantastic cakes they can make.


Still no word on whether they buyers will sign before they go on holiday for 4 weeks.

They are in no hurry, it would mean the house being empty while they were away.


It was probably the fat from the duck, i should have rendered it down more, silly me.


Fluffy boots for ÂĢ4.99, wow thats brill, yes watched can't Pay,


Live X Factor will be good as you say, and Strictly, love that as well.


Hi Guys.

Raining all day here.


I thought the mower repair was under warranty, but they sent me an invoice for ÂĢ53 through the post.

I rang up, and he said a drive cable was classed as a comsumable and not covered by the warranty.

However he agreed to knock some of the labour cost off, as the mower was so new, so he's sending an amended invoice for about ÂĢ37.

Just shows that the warranty was useless in the first place.


Having said that, a cable off ebay would have been something like ÂĢ20, and then I'd have all the faff of trying to fix it myself.....But I'm still annoyed.


Glad you got your phones back on Hicky (didn't realise they'd been off?).

Yes, I quite often keep the internet on when my phone has been off in the past. Not sure how that works.


That's an impressive list of cars that have been made at the factory during your time.

Did they not make the Ford Cortina there? My Dad had a mark V Cortina in the 80s - the boxy shape.


Hope your buyers do all the paperwork before their hols.


Hi Mollie. Not certain I would trust ÂĢ4.99 boots to hold out for the winter?

I watch that 'Can't pay....' prog as well. The older guy, with what looks like an ill fitting wig, seems very fair to the genuine people in financial difficulty.


Still feeling fine today. In fact I seem to be hungry all the time, so my body must be trying to make up for all the lost weight. I got down to just over 10 stone. Probably take me a while to get back to my normal fighting weight of 11 stone ( I was actually 11Â― stone at the end of August before this started).

That's all presuming I don't have another bout of course.


Evening Emptybox.


A drive cable is not a consumable as it isn't supposed to wear, it would have no reason to wear unless it was fitted wrong or the design of it's route was at fault.


Consumables are parts that wear to do their job, such as brake linings, tyre's, fuel, oil, drive cables like brake cables should last the life of the mower.


The Ford Cortina is a car built by Ford of Britain in various guises from 1962 to 1982, and was the United Kingdom's best-selling car of the 1970s. The Cortina was produced in five generations (Mark I through to Mark V, although officially the last one was called the Cortina 80) from 1962 until 1982.


I watch that, 'Can't Pay...' don't fancy the job myself though.


Glad you seem to be ok at the mo, as long as you can eat and sleep you will be ok.


Boss said we will have a leaving party, nice.


Hi Emptybox.


I worked in all of the Ford factories but i can't remember which car was made in which, of course i was over the water in the foreign car factories as well and get mixed up.

I spent a lot of time in the Dagenham plant as well but with them changing cars all the time, i've been in the car plants for 53 years so as you can imagine, thats a lot of cars.


Nothing very interesting on tonight, watched  anything, saw Lemon though.


Hope Mollie isn't too worn out, she has so much on at the mo.


Evening All.


Pretty cool today, had brekkie out as we were already out, took O/H's car in for a part to be fitted.


Ordered some Pyrethrin to spray on plants at certain times.

Ordered a set of tools for watch repairs, want to put a new battery in one of my lads chronometer thingies.


Ordered some sets of adapters to convert Bayonet cap B22, SES E14 & ES E27 and a couple more  LED GU10's to play with.


Have changed the garden layout again, have inserted a 'U' shaped raised bed.


Went out for tea.

Had the oil and balsamic vinegar for starter and ploughman's lunch for lunch.


Not much on TV.

Watching Goggle box at mo.





how strange, your broadband working, but phone not.

It will be a shame if your buyers stall the sale for a whole 4 weeks whilst on hols.

You certainly deserve a good leaving party after working there for so long.

Yes for a period as long as 53 years, you certainly must of seen some cars go by.

hope you enjoyed your tea out, we too went out for tea at a small country pub we like. I had salad with mushroom/cheese burger and mash.



so hope you are still feeling a lot better. A really good sign you are hungry all the time, that must be your body tell you that you need to make up for the weight you have lost. Have you had the scan date through yet? Are you carrying on for awhile with anti-biotics until symptoms have cleared completely to be on the safe side?

No wonder you are annoyed about the mower, can't stand it when they have all these get out clauses in what is supposed to be a warrantee, as bad as flippen insurance companies they are.

Yes the Can't Buy guy does look like he has an ill fitting wig on. But as you say, at least he does show sympathy with those treated bad.


My mum loves her ÂĢ4.99 boots so much, she said she'd like another 3 pairs! So hopefully all those should see her through winter.


Was not a bad day here today, bit of sun anyway.

Had another low offer turned down, but the house was overvalued, viewed another one today, but too small. Going for a 2nd viewing next week on one we think the asking price is more realistic for the size and location of house.


off to Costco again tomorrow.


goodnight both. xx

hope you can sleep ok tonight Emptybox.


Evening both.

Wet here again and quite a bit colder.


Still feeling OK Mollie, and sleeping a bit better as well.

No date yet for my scan, though I expect it'll be sometime next week.

My antibiotic course finishes on Tuesday, but I doubt if that'll be the end of it. Likely I'll need more, as this thing will doubtless return. Reading up on prostatitis, some people need to stay on antibiotics for up to six months to get rid of it. That's if antibiotics can get rid of it. (it can't always).


Glad your Mum was pleased with her furry boots.

(In Aberdeen if you said "furry boots?" to someone it would mean "where about are you?" : Scottish fact)


Got my new passport back today. I only put the application into the post office on Monday afternoon, so it took less than 4 days.

Somebody must have applied a red hot poker to the passport service?


Hi Hicky. I've got a tool to take the back off one of my watches, as I thought it would be better to replace the batteries myself. Course the first time I used it it slipped and made a little scratch on the backplate. I've been much more careful using it since.

It's one of these - Amazon watch back removal tool


Oil and balsamic vinegar for a starter? Was that on a bit of bread I hope?

Still plenty of time for you to perfect the garden layout yet.


Yes, Gogglebox was about the only thing on.


Evening Both.


Mollie, Yes, as long as the wires on the phone are connected then the broadband and phone are separate, they come from 2 different places at the exchange.


The tea we had out was ok, it got rather crowded at the time we went so only just got a table.


We had smoked undyed fish, cooked it in foil in the oven and added a poached egg.


Enjoy Costco today.



Emptybox, Hope the Anti-Bio's can sort it for you.


That was a quick return for your passport, i heard they were taking it away from the passport office.


The watch kit i have ordered has one of those 3 pin plier thingies to get the back off.


The last time we had the oil and balsamic vinegar with bread they came in separate bowls, this time they mixed the oil and vinegar together but the oil floats so you reach that first, not ideal.


Enjoyed Goggle Box.

Watching Strictly.



Hi Hicky.

Very misty start here but turned into a nice afternoon.

Got one place cut, but the grass was still very wet.


My S.i.L. likes that oil and vinegar with bread. I can't see the point in it myself.


Not sure sure if you've used one of those watch back tools before? But just make sure it's tightened up prperly before you try to turn it, to avoid scratches.


Enjoying the X-Factor. Glad they brought Lola back as a wildcard.


Evening Emptybox.


I had some of the bread and oils the other week, liked it, but as i said before, the oil and vinegar were in separate bowls.


I haven't used one of those watch tools before, i've been trying to get the back off using different things without success so i watched a video on removing the back and what you need.

The watch has 3 small dials, 4 control buttons and 1 winder type for setting up, it has a stainless strap.

Must have cost quite a bit.


My lad in Oz has got a date to go for the ceremony to become nationalized or whatever you call it, so he can get an Australian Passport, but he can keep the British one i think.


About the House signing, it seems the people are willing to sign but the handover wouldn't happen, so we still wouldn't really have a date.

The buyers Solicitor it seems is being a pain.


Watched some X Factor, now, through the keyhole.


Hi Hicky.

Quite a nice day here. Some nice sunshine this afternoon.


That's interesting that your son wants to become a naturalized Australian citizen.

What advantages does that give him? Is it better for tax or pensions if he stays there?


Pity your buyers' solicitor seems to be holding proceedings up. I think that's often the way with solicitors.


Sounds like there'll be some wettish weather this week, but it might get a bit milder as well?


Morning Emptybox.


I'm not too sure about the advantages he gets, but he sure wouldn't do it if there wasn't any, it's probably a lot easier to get in and out of the country for a start.

He does a lot of travelling anyway even with his job.


I've ordered the Tesco Hudl2, should be delivered today.


I got the back off the watch ok, not easy though, would never have got it off without the right tool.


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