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evening All.


Loving the start of BB.

Like all the new HM's so far.


Been planting the 2 new trees, doing a bit of trimming & pruning.


My lad came round with his new car, very nice too.


Mollie, the was a few pools and they are very swirly shaped so it makes big area's to put rows of beds, there are some small children's pools, a nice big pool that has 3 big slides that end up in it, they have water running down them.

It was a bonus having the sun beds reserved, you just tip them.


I don't know what the Turkish people really eat, i never saw them eat of course.

It's just that nothing was what it seemed, you had to taste e=verything to find out what it might be, still could tell then.


Evening guys.


Nice to see you back Hicky.

Glad your garden survived OK, and your neighbour looked after your new trees.

Can't wait to see what Turkey looks like (in your pics).


Damp and drizzly here. I had to get some work done this afternoon, but everything was very wet.


BB seems good so far, and at least the launch night twist is one the HMs know about.

Sounds like they might evict someone tomorrow?

Plenty of nice looking girls anyway.


Evening Emptybox.


I never used the slides, the little ones are a bit young so we kept away.

They did look good.


It was very hot most of the time, that last couple of days was cloudy but still hot.


did you enjoy the first night of BB?

Another 6 going in tonight, nice girls so i'm happy.


Pleased with the garden, got strawberries ready to pick now, the plants are loaded.


Been pruning the cordon fruit trees as you have to keep on top of them.

Once you get the right layout of branches you just prune back and leave an extra leaf.


The Gooseberry bush needed pruning a little, have to give the fruit plenty of air.

Gave all the trees some liquid manure, i have a tank of concentrated i made early in the year, 100 litres, i dilute it 1 to 4 then feed them from the top, they are watered from the bottom usually.


Good evening both x



what lovely photos, thanks so much for posting.   What little cuties the children are with their rubber rings. They look so sweet sitting on the balcony doing their colouring too. As Emptybox says, the blue skies in the pics look lovely, Just right for the children to enjoy cooling down in the pool. Shame the food was not more appetizing though. There certainly is a lot of slides for the older children.

That is good that you are pleased with your garden. Sounds like you will be enjoying fresh strawberries for some time now. I like them best with nice thick cream.



shame everything was so wet for you yesterday. Hope you managed better today.


I thought you might notice there were some good looking women in the BB house. Seems to be a house full of models this year, female and male.

I am enjoying the show though and it is good to have it back again.


Me and daughter met OH in Cardiff today and did a bit of shopping. A nice day today, so after, was able to take mum a walk to seafront and buy her an ice cream again.


Goodnight both xxx





Evening Hicky.


Beautiful day here.  

Got a lot of grass cut, but I'll have to work tomorrow, because of the days lost to rain.


Big Brother seems good so far. Quite a few attractive girls. I like the American - Kimberly, and Tamara, and the giant NI girl - Ashleigh. In terms of looks that is.


Good that Helen was given the pass. At least that means there'll be one attractive girl left till the end.

Don't think it's fair that Pauline has to choose one to be up for eviction every week.


There's a Scottish girl in there this year, but not sure how long she'll last? She seems OK to me though.


That's good that you've got strawberries ready already.

That liquid manure sounds like powerful stuff.




Evening Both.


Mollie, Turkey wasn't so bad, they have some real roads now, when my lad went there last they didn't have, and that was 3 years ago.


All i could think about was getting home.

I'm not a sun lover, well i don't like laying in it.


The garden is doing well, will be picking fruit soon, a bit early yet, apart from the strawberries they are about ready, some anyway.


I have no idea what they eat, bought some Turkish delight to bring home. 6 boxes for 10TL (about ÂĢ3)


I didn't eat any while i was there.


Emptybox, i'm made up with the girls, very nice,


I need to give the fruit manure every week, it's quite a job as the tubs are covered.


Ah well, till the morrow.:waves:



Hi Hicky.

Yes, the birds love strawberries. You have to protect them from them.


Disappointing weather here. Cloudy this morning and rain this afternoon.

I got a bit done, but not everything I needed to do.


Quite enjoying BB. We're seeing stuff we didn't see yesterday.


Have recorded BGT, so don't know who won yet, but looks like on twitter that it was some boy band that I don't even remember from the semis?

Looking forward to seeing Lucy and Lettice's performances.


Good evening both xx



sounds like Turkey is developing quickly if the roads have come on so much in only 3 years. Yes I can understand why lying in those hot temperatures was not your cup of tea, it was a lot hotter here there than here. The Turkish delight was nice and cheap over there. Are you giving them as pressies or enjoying them yourselves?

Naughty birds nicking your strawberries. Hope you managed to protect them now.



shame the weather was not so good again these showers are a nuisance whilst you are trying to catch up workwise.

We had a big thunderstom around 5am, lots of lightening. Luckily it didn't wake the dog though, as she hates thunder.

Won't give away who won, but I am sure you will have enjoyed Lucy and Lettuce's performances. Wow, they both looked great too. Lovely costumes. I thought this year was a great final, plenty of good acts.


Been busy today, out for brekkie with OH, then a bit of clothes shopping, got some new flip flops with shiny beads on them, and a summer dress. Hope weather is nice for me to wear them. Then food shopping, then took mum a walk and bought her ice cream again. Then to Costco with family, so are well stocked up again.

Just back in time to see BGT.


I am watching BB psych show, and I think Louisa is great on it. Didn't realise she had a psychology degree. I agree with her that Pauline has got too big for her boots and they were being horrible to poor Chris. And Helen was nasty calling the other girl a slug. The nasty talk seems to of started early this year.


Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Much nicer weather here today. I might even get my own grass cut.


Haven't had any thunder or lightening here yet, just rain yesterday.


Sounds like you had a busy shopping day yesterday Mollie.

I've watched BGT now. Pity Lucy didn't win; she was stunning. Lettice was good as well.


I think Louisa was joking about having a psychology degree. Not sure though? Her wikipedia entry is a bit sparse, but I can't see anywhere where it says she went to university.


I think Helen is OK. Just a bit loud. I think she speaks before she thinks, and was going on what Pauline had said about Chris and Jale's VTs.

Too early to tell about any of them yet though.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Mollie, When my lad went he said the roads were just rubble, they still working on the roads now.


It was 25C here today, which was more or less the minimum in Turkey, one day it was 35C, , i couldn't hold the outside glazed door to the balcony in the mornings at 9am it was that hot.


I didn't have much room for bringing stuff back as we only had small cases, the weight was ok but no room.


I brought back 3 boxes, gave one to the neighbour next door.


The birds haven't eaten any more Strawbs, will have to watch the other 5 tubs but they are higher.


Costco, wow, love that place, spend too much though.


I'm not a fan of bbbots as i see it as a waste of an hour watching the HM's which is what the program is about, not watching that clown Rylan.


Not sure if Pauline should have told them all what she did, they might be her downfall.


BGT was OK, nothing special, even Simon was disappointed this year.


Emptybox, Glad you are having some better weather, changeable here, can rain anytime.


Luisa is very clever so she could have any amount of degrees.


Am liking all the females, will be interesting to see how things pan out.


Formula 1: Canada Grand Prix, 6:20 BBC1.


Good evening both



glad you got some decent weather. I agree, Lucy was stunning, i did like the group that won, but thought Lucy was the better act. Did you notice how much her hands were shaking after she sang?



35C, that was a hot day for you on hols, bet you were glad to get home to cool down.   Hope the rest of your strawberries are safe from the birds. No I am not a fan of BBOT's either, I only watched some of the psycho episode as Louisa was on it.

Interesting Emptybox how you think she may of been joking about having the psychology degree, as it was the psycho BBOT episode. I don't recall her saying on CBB or Apprentice she had one, so maybe she was.


Watched 4 Rooms tonight , then BB, Do you still watch 4 Rooms Emptybox? The lady with the leather was not on it tonight, but was last week?  i think she is good on it.


Went to Dunelm sale today and got some more cushions..this time with birds/bird house on them. And OH got a broom stick thingie to clean windows the water spurts out of the broom so he said it was easy to use.


He has gone to bed now as he has to leave at 4am, last time on this contract he has to go this early. Fingers crossed his next one is closer to home.


Enjoyed BB again, so good to have it back again.

what a fruit cake is Mark...the one who says he thinks he is psychic. (but I think he is quite funny too).


Goodnight both xx



Didn't get my grass cut in the end because we had a very heavy shower.


Not sure whether Luisa has a degree, but it just has her school wherever education is mentioned?


Didn't realise Four Rooms was back on Mollie, I used to quite like that.

Hope your OH finds a contract closer to home.

No, I didn't notice Lucy Kay's hands shaking, but I can imagine she was very nervous.


Good morning both



is it back at work for you today? Hope you are not too busy, if so. Have you tried your own strawberries yet?



shame you didn't manage to get your grass cut yesterday.

It was raining here again this morning, but brightened up now, so hopefully you will get a break up there too from the rain, so you can get some work done.

Yes 4 Rooms is on Sundays at 7pm, 2 episodes so far, last weeks was better as leather lady was on, perhaps you can catch up online?

I expect you didn't notice Lucy shaking as you were so struck by lovely singing (or her beauty, perhaps?)   She was shaking when she finished her song, and all the time the judges were speaking to her. Hopefully by coming 2nd, her confidence will be much improved though.


OH left as normal 4am, but at least it is the last Monday morning he will be doing that journey.


Guitar son got in a panic as he got a letter, saying the music college course he has applied for have asked him in for an interview on Wednesday.... audition, music reading test and written test. I hope he keeps his nerve. At first he said no way can he do this, but now he says he will try. Am going to make some notes of practice answers for him to read beforehand.


Am enjoying BB, but am still trying to work out who is who.


Sun come out now, so time to put some washing out.


have a good day both.






Evening Everyone.


Mollie, I've netted all the strawberries, and the Gooseberries.

Might make some Gooseberry Jam next Month.


It was hectic at work, i had 2 weeks work left for me, all the new orders, payments etc had been left for me as noone else knows how to enter them into my system.


That gadget should clean your windows all right.


Pity O/H has to go so early, mind you i was out by 5am.


Emptybox, You've had a lot of rain like us then, it's never ending, very bad for the plants, rain splashed on plants is the main reason disease spreads so quick, it is in the soil.


BB should be good tonight, won't be staying up for Rylan.


Had 2 Duck Legs for tea with a few baby spuds.

And a big bowl of fruit and cream.


Evening guys.

Disappointing weather.

Got some work done this morning but the rain came on again this afternoon, so I didn't get enough done.


That's not good, that you had all that work left for you Hicky.

You'll have to find someone to train up, so they can work your system as well.

Or do you quite like being indispensable?


I hear that the rest of June is supposed to be wetter than usual, but then July and August will be good. We'll have to see.


Hi Mollie. Hope you managed to get your washing dried OK?

I'm sure your guitar son will be fine on his audition.


Well we know who is up now, and one of them didn't take it well at all.

Can't really work Danielle out? Seemingly she went out with Dexter from last year?

Because she's Scottish I feel I should support her, but she doesn't make it easy.


Evening Emptybox.


Lousy weather here as well, rain on and off all day today, warm though.


They don't have anyone spare at work to train up and it would take quite a long time, also the changes i make at the end of each quarter and at the end of each year would be hard to pick up, i also enter all the incoming payments and orders and send out all the invoices all of which is a procedure on its own.

A copy of what i produce which ends up about 8 lengthy documents is given to the accountants and is also a record for the vat inspectors at any time.


They never did replace me when i stopped doing the PLC programming logic, they just hire another whole company to do it now.


I hope June isn't just rain, have you seen this, you need to spray your tomato's with Aspirin, 100mg per litre of water, every 10 days.


Liking all the HM's up to now, don't like to make snap decisions.


It's on at 10pm tonight as well, should be in bed then.


Hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed out.



Good evening both


And it was thunderstorms here again today! This time we had hail thrown in too, so much so, there were patches of white on the grass.



I thought you would be busy at work after your time away. Bet you were tired out last night when you got home, especially as you have such an early start.

Good job you did your nets to keep the birdies off your fruit. I bet your gooseberry jam will be tasty.

The baby spuds are nice at the moments, Jersey ones are my fave.



hope you managed to get some work done today, not having much luck weather wise lately are we? I am sure it must be making you behind work wise? Luckily the forecaster tells us it is to get better, as the high pressure is due to move in, hope he is right.


Yes I can quite understand why you are finding it difficult to support Danielle even though she is Scottish.   She is rather contrary...hates swearing then we see her swearing like a trooper once nominated. Would prefer her to stay though, as I think she will be an interesting HM. And I want Jole to stay too for the same reason, such a strong personality, so should be interesting.


Am annoyed BB not on till 10pm though as there is nothing to watch in my fave spot of 9pm.  I get too tired to do the tidying in the kitchen, I need to do at nights, if I don't start it till 11pm.

Oh well, better it is on at 10pm, than not at all.

Tv boring till then though, as even Location, Location is a repeat.

Have managed to write son out some notes for his interview tomorrow... fingers crossed it doesn't all go out of his head at the time though. I am pretty sure he will be ok with the guitar bit, but struggles on the talking bit.


Have a good evening both xx




we posted same time again.

sorry you too copped for the rain today.

It is probably good for you that they don't have anyone available at work, keeps you in demand that way.

Yes 10pm start for BB on a mid week night is far too late for us early risers.


Yes been busy today, but luckily not quite as stressed now we have carers in 3 times a day for mum. I still need to go each day to mums to take her food, but at least someone else is making her coffee and washing up etc, and also giving her a bit more structure to her day. I still ring her throughout the day though else she wouldn't have a clue about the time, and don't want her ringing me at 2am again.




Hi guys.

Cloudy morning with thunder storm about noon. We also had a short power cut, so all their work on the lines didn't do much good.

We then had bright sunshine this afternoon, so at least I got a bit done, but the grass was wet.


Pity that there's no-one you can train up Hicky, but I guess that's OK as long as you're happy to do your two days a week.


That's interesting about the asprin for tomatos. I've got some asprin, with the idea that I would take it myself, but I never remember, so I might feed it to the toms.


Yes, I don't like it when BB is on at 10pm. Not that I go to bed early, but I prefer to listen to music for a while before I go to bed.


Hi Mollie.

Fingers crossed for your son tomorrow.


My oldest nephew has just moved into his own place. Well he's sharing with a couple of mates, and my Brother is his landlord. And he's only about 5 mins away by car. But I guess it'll be a big change for hi and his parents.


Good Afternoon.


Caught up with most of the work for now.


Had so much rain, wow, hoping it will be drier for a while, will have to spray the plants as this constant rain is the worst thing to spread disease and for plants in the ground the splashing up from the soil is fatal.


Mollie, I saw some hail yesterday as well, the sun comes out then it pours down, on and on.


Just did a bit more summer pruning, not a lot i can do really.

Thinking of getting another Lawnmower, like my Neighbour, his is a Bosch, rather nice,


Am going to do a bit more decking, the side decking by the raspberries isn't really wide enough so will modify it.


I love those Jersey New spuds, boil, slice, butter and eat.


Nice pleased when BB is on at 10 either, i want to get to bed if i have work.

Loving the rows though.

Have recorded the bbbots so i can skip past Rylan.


We often post together, strange eh.

I've changed my work brekkie to Bacon, egg, black pudding and tomato with 2 brown toast.

very nice as they have it ready in a takeaway tray.


Emptybox, We have had a lot of Thunder lately, i don't mind that, it's the rain i don't like, it tends to wet me.


More power cuts, thats awful, good job you have some backup system for certain things.


The aspirin sounds like a good protection, will start using it this weekend, it's even more necessary after all this rain, thats what causes a lot of the problems.


More work to do, must go.



Not bad day. A little drizzle, but it didn't come to anything.

Got a few jobs done, so not too far behind now.


Hadn't thought about rain spreading plant diseases Hicky. I suppose it could do, but mostly it just makes everything grow like mad, when there's heat in the soil.

Makes it more difficult for me to keep up with the grass.


Watched Del Boys and Dealers on BBC1 then BB.

They never seem to get tired of using those shock suits.


Good morning both



that is good you have managed to catch up at work now. Hopefully we are now into a drier period now to help your garden out, and let you get on with some more decking. Don't you have baked beans with your brekkie now?  I love them.



Glad it was not a bad day for you yesterday, so you caught up quite well with work.

Oh no, not more power cuts, seems they did not fix it very well then.

Your oldest nephew hasn't wasted any time leaving home, but I guess it does help if his dad has got a place to let to him. But as you say, a big change for all the family. Did your brother buy a property specially to let to him? Is he a student or working now?


Had a hectic day yesterday... what with the lad's interview, then taking him to his guitar lesson, seeing to my mum and then my own jobs. Even my later tv time was continually interrupted. I like the baby show on C4...but after waiting all through the show for this lady to pop out the the crucial spot, the dog got her leg caught the plastic chain bit of the blinds, and I had to free her.   Trust her. ..  thank goodness for the re-wind.

I didn't even get to see BB as I had to pause a few times to feed the dog, then the sky box crashed when I tried to watch it. So thank goodness for 5 plus 1,  I have recorded it to watch later. Hate this show being on at 10pm again.


The good news is son said his interview went ok. .... well at least the music bit did, not sure how much talking he will of done though.

Looks like a hot one here today, hope it is nice for you both too.
took dog out nice and early as she feels the heat, she was still panting away when we got home though.
OH said we will help me give her fur a cut, wash and blow dry when he gets home, now it has warmed up, as her black fur is very hot for her.


Have a good day both xxx



Evening All.


Emptybox, Been a glorious day here, even manage to get to Coctco.


The rain is the biggest spreader of soil born desease, that why many people don't use a hose on the plants.


Before i went i dug up the failed vine, got 4 buckets of JI out of the pot then got the root out, moved the Tub out of position so i could move the Asian Pear tree into it's position, then moved the Rhubarb to were the Pear was.

Changed the watering pipes around as the Rhubarb seems to need more water.


Going to make Strawberry Jam the weekend as Costco have them pretty cheap and you only need 1kg.


Got some short sleeve shirts and short pants, love them with tons of pockets, Velcro or zip.


Got tons of tins of toms and tom soup, loads of Spaghetti & sauce, a side of salmon,


Just made a Rendang Beef Curry, out of this world.


Mollie, I have changed the beans for Tinned chopped toms at work, stopped the sausage as well as it was too much.


I see you have lots of things stopping you watching your programs


Glad your lads interview went ok, giving any sort of speech can be very strenuous.


As you say, black Fur would absorb the heat, maybe put a type of heat resistant thingi on the dog, like they do to horses to protect them.


Looking forward to BB tonight, it's late again.


Hi guys.

Nice day here as well, so I could keep working.


Unfortunately I couldn't get to sleep last night because it was too hot in the bedroom and the bats in the slates were making a hell of a racket.

It must have been a good night for them to be catching insects or something.

I tried sleeping in the spare room, but although there was no noise, I couldn't sleep in there either.

I eventually got off about 4.30am, but then overslept and didn't wake up till 10.30am, so I had a late start.


Wish I could just open the bedroom window, but I daren't in case one of the little critters finds it's way in, as it did last year.

Think I might put the fan on in the room tonight, if it's as warm.

At least the noise of it is constant, and drowns the bats out.


Hi Mollie. My nephew always said he would leave home at 18, and he's been true to his word.

My Brother did buy the house specifically to rent it to him and his pals, but also as an investment. It's nothing special, just a 3 bed, mid-terrace ex-council house. But fine for them, and not in a bad area either. I haven't seen it yet.


He hasn't really decided what to do with his life yet. He's working full time in a Leisure Centre, so has money coming in. He was going to go to college, then decided against it. And he was going to try to get into the RAF, then decided against it. He's young yet though.


Great that your son's interview went well. The guitar part at any rate.

I hated all the job interviews I went to, and I never had the confidence to speak up, so i can empathise.


Pity your life is so hectic at the mo that you are missing out on your telly.

Mind you, you'll be pleased if you missed BOTS tonight.


Hi Hicky.

Why are you going to buy strawberries to make jam, when you have your own growing? I'm sure it'll be lovely anyway.


Mollie. Can you not dye your dog blonde for the summer?



Evening Emptybox.


Thats a bother having those resident bats.

Not sure what the answer is there.


Your Nephew seems very unsure what to do in the long term, often the way, you have to find what you like to start with.


My Family will eat all the Strawberries and the ones from Costco are fantastic, considering they come from the USA.


I made 10 x 0.25 litre jars, very pleased with that.

Will give it all away as usual though.


1st Eviction tonight.



Good evening both



Glad you managed to make the jam ok, sounds like you are going to have quite a few people well pleased to receive a jar. You have been busy in the garden too, isn't it so nice to be in June with light nights, especially when the weather is sunny.

Yes we too like Costco. OH bought the window cleaning brush from there, it was only around ÂĢ18, and he also bought an ÂĢ18 thingie to kill weeds on paths as we don't like putting chemicals down because of the dog. This weed killer burns off the weeds, it is like one of those burner things they use in cooking. He has a gas cannister to use with it.



oh dear sorry to hear you had such a sleepless night. Those bats are such a pest for you especially in summer. Maybe if you move permanent into the spare room during summer you will get used to sleeping in there after awhile, so sleep ok in there till the bats move on?

That is good that your nephew has a full time job so young, and lucky to have a house provided too by his dad.


Just saw first half of BB, that is a bit annoying having to wait an age to see who is being evicted. Hope it is the blond one, so boring, and don't want to see a showmance like Barbie and Ken.

Are you still trying to support Danielle Emptybox?

Pauline is causing so much nastiness in there, shame she isn't going tonight.


OH home again now... the good thing is he doesn't have to travel to Devon  again but the bad thing is he has no contract now. But we hope the next one doesn't take too long to turn up and is closer to home.


have a good evening both. Enjoy part 2 of BB.



Hi Hicky.

Wet all day here so no work done.

Will have to work tomorrow, if it's fair.


Got a better night's sleep last night. I had the fan on, and that seemed to do the trick.


The jam sounds good anyway. I'm sure your neighbours and friends will appreciate them.


So Tamara out first. Always an attractive girl.

 Wasn't too bothered about who went really, but it'll be no good if there's no-one to look at.


Hi Mollie. I'm not really supporting Danielle, but she and Jale might be more interesting than Tamara (but not as good to look at )


My window cleaner uses one of those brushes for cleaning my windows. Not really sure why I pay him to do the outside of my windows every 2 months, when the insides are often smeared.


You OH'll have to be careful with that weed burner.

Hope he finds another contract soon.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Mollie, I always give the Jam away, picked my first Raspberry today, they should run till the first frosts.


My new Lawn Mower came this morning, tried it already, Did a medium cut for now, will see how that is tomorrow, O/H likes it short.


Some of the stuff in Costco is such good value, although some you have to buy the quantity, even if you don't want so much.


I've put some weedkiller down where the new decking extension is going.

Have ordered the weed fabric and will get the wood Wednesday night, 10% off.


Fed all the plants today with a watered down liquid manure made from the concentrated 100 litre i made in the spring, this lot should last the season.


The cleaning gear sounds good, the cleaners do ours once a month.


I like your weed killer, i have the small version i use in the kitchen.


Wasn't too bothered who was evicted, wanted Danielle really.

The public females always get of any sexy ladies that are nicer then themselves as it makes them annoyed watching their fellows ogle them.


Hope it's not too long before your O/H can get a good job closer to home.


Emptybox, Hope you could get some work done today, it's been nice here today.

Glad your got some sleep anyway.


Sorry to see her go tbh, she was good to watch.


The problem with BB tonight, it will repeat yesterday.


Recorded bbbots so i can skip Rylan, when he's on.


Good evening both



hope you are pleased with your new lawn mower. It is great you can get 10% off on Wednesdays so you can get your wood at bargain price.




hope the weather was ok today for you so you managed to catch up a little.

Good job the fan did the job and you got a good nights sleep.


Gosh it suddenly became so hot here today, got up to 27 degrees!

Not complaining though, as a change from rain.

Had an ice cream on the seafront, lots surfing and on the beach, and the donkeys were there too.

Hope you both got the good weather too.


Yes correct Emptybox, Danielle and Jale might not have the looks Tamara had, but they will be far more interesting as HM's I feel. I think Danielle might grow on us now if she calms down the silly talk about her beliefs all the time.


Gosh, I definitely don't think that the public female voters are shallow enough just to vote out sexy females who are prettier than themselves. If a woman is pretty on the outside and a nice person, then she hasn't been voted Sophie Reade was a real pretty sexy model, which didn't stop people voting for her, because she was so nice, so ended up winning. And Rachel won too... pretty but a nice person too, so a worthy winner.

I think Tamara was voted out purely because she was plain nasty when we saw her enjoying a nasty gossip with Helen, with both of them picking on Jale she said Jale looked thick. She also she came over conceited with the things she said in her entry video too. I am glad to see the back of her, especially as she was one of Pauline's cronnies in the house. 


Don't you boys fancy Kimberlie?

She did seem far nicer to others in the house than Tamara was being towards Jole, and I think she is more attractive too. That day they had to do without make up, she still looked stunning. 

I think Ashleigh although very young, seems a nice pleasant girl too and is very pretty.


Yes Saturday night is not so good for BB as it repeats so much from the Friday.

I too record then forward wind most BBOTS the next day, as so much of it is rubbish.

So Emptybox, I did manage to catch that episode with Ais on it.

Sorry (if you are still a fan of hers?), but I thought she was awful on it.

Her guttural description of Christoper (especially as he has not done anything at such an early stage to warrant being called such a thing), even silenced the whole audience, as well as shocking Emma.


So Chris has the power. So pleased he put up that horrid Pauline.


Enjoy the show both xx

OH stopping up to watch the footie.







Last edited by *mollie*

Hello both.

Wet start here, followed by a cloudy day. But it was warm anyway.

Got a little paid work done, and did quite a lot in my own garden as well.

My own grass hadn't been cut for 3 weeks.


Hi Hicky.

You'll have fun playing with your new mower. Bosch is quite a good make.

My rechargeable hedge cutter is a Bosch. Unfortunately it's not working very well now. I've got 2 batteries for it, but they don't last any time now. I could always buy a new battery for it I suppose, but I think I could do with a more powerful one TBH. It's only 14.5 volts.


Hi Mollie. 

I think Kimberley is the most attractive in there without a doubt, but....Tamara is hotter, if you know what I mean. More bubbly and vivacious.


I think male and female viewers notice different things. I'm not saying I didn't notice Tamara and Helen gossiping, but I didn't give it much importance. I didn't think Tamara was nasty. I know she said she thought that Jale "looked thick", which perhaps wasn't very nice, but is kinda true.

Looks can be deceptive though, as Jale is actually quite sharp.


I was hoping you had missed that episode with Aisleyne. I knew you wouldn't approve. Can't say I enjoyed it much myself.

Unfortunately she has it in her head that she's a bit of a comedienne, and that it's her job to have controversial opinions and to say shocking things (ala Pete Burns). It's a deliberate ploy on her part (perhaps fuelled by some wine in the green room?), but personally I think it's a mistake.

Pete burns was dropped like a hot brick, and is universally disliked.


I'm not really into footie at all, but I might turn over to it after BOTS has finished, just to catch the end of it.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening both



Glad you got a bit of work done, and in addition your own grass. Bet that was a difficult job after 3 weeks growth.

Shame your hedge cutter is not working so well. Not worth buying a new battery though if you think a more powerful one would suit you more.


Very interesting point you make about male and female viewers noting things differently.I, (like most women probably), have often come across (or become a victim) of other women who like nothing better than to continually gossip behind other people's backs for no real reason, and it is a character trait I find especially unacceptable. I never judge on physical appearance who I would like to win or be evicted, but do not like cruel gossip mongers, and I think some women on this BB in particular (led by Pauline), have been very quick to gossip about and victimise other HM's (eg Jale, Chris, Christoper), for no real reason. Tamara got into that little gossiping clique with Helen/Pauline, so she was voted out.  If she had not done that, I think Danielle would of gone instead.

Hope Pauline as the ringleader goes next.

Yes I too agree Ais made a big mistake going that far on BBOTS. No one on the show found it amusing in the slightest, and I would be surprised if they asked her back on the show now.


Hope you remember to tune into Four Rooms tonight, Celia is on it. 

I like her best.


Hope the weather has been kind to Hicky today so he could get in his garden.


Been warm but not quite so hot here today. Bit cloudier but no rain.


Went to Designer outlet shops today, got a bit of make up and some chocs from Cadbury shop.


Good that BB is on at 9pm tonight.


have a good evening both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening All.


Mollie, New mower working a treat, cut the grass twice 35mm then 20mm, seem to have some little ants nests, put some stuff down for them.


Picked more Strawbs, and a couple of peas and Raspberries, my lad and his lot came over, we had a nice BBQ.


I like all the females, only some of the fellers i'm not keen on.


Emptybox, Not been a bad day, started off cloudy but it cleared up.


14.5 volt is a bit low, the higher the voltage the better for many reasons.


Ash did drop a clanger really, but can't see what all the fuss was about.


I don't watch the footie myself, my family do of course.


Watching BB, was late settling down tonight as we had so much to clear up.



Cloudy and chillier here today.


No, I forgot all about Four Rooms again Mollie. I'll maybe catch it later?

I didn't realise there was auch a thing as a Cadbury's shop.


Hi Hicky. Glad your new mower works well.

My hedgecutter worked OK on softer hedges, but the batteries never lastee long enough, even when they were new.


I think they are getting the secret power HM to make too many nominations? If he has to nominate everybody other than himself, there won't be much doubt as to who it is.


Did you guys notice the new dialog posts?


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