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Evening Both.


Emptybox, Sorry to hear about your fall, wow, you were lucky really, could have been a lot worse.


Talking about tomatoes, even to grow it vertical you should still plant it either 1ft deep, trimming all leaves off that would be under the ground.

Or, have 1ft to put in the ground put lay it down inside a trench, all the stem under the ground will give off roots will of course make you a stronger plant with lots more tomatoes.


I have had an email saying my Tomato plants are out for delivery, so i may be ok.


Mollie, Found out you can't get Turkish Lira form anywhere here, it seems noone will touch it, have been advised to get it out there, strange eh.


It does look as though your Mum is beyond living alone under any circumstances, not knowing what she will do next is no good really, she really can't be allowed to get out of the building or you may spend all your time looking for her.


Barry Manilow will be good, not for me though.


Luisa will be good, she's very bright.


Chanelle has lost a lot of weight, looking good now, wow.

Last edited by Hicky

Evening guys.

Not too bad day here. Cooler than yesterday, and a bit of rain this evening.


I actually got quite a lot of work done, but my leg is hampering me.

It's quite sore when walking, and I have difficulty bending my knee beyond a certain point. The knee isn't sore, but my thigh is.

I'm beginning to think I may have damaged the muscle.

I put a compression bandage on it, and that makes it a bit easier.

I think I may take it easy tomorrow, to see if it improves, but if not, I may have to go to the doctor.


Hi Hicky. Glad it looks like your tomato plants will come before your hols.

I plant mine in grow bags with a large bottomless pot inserted into them, so I'll take your advice to bury them deeper than I have before, and see if I get good results this year. Last year they were very poor.


I saw Chanelle's pics, they seem to be all over the web.


Hi Mollie.

Hope you get your home internet back on soon. The dongle is quite expensive to keep topped up, and of course depends on the mobile 3G signal being strong.


It's good that your Mum's neighbours are looking out for her, and that she's now got carers looking in on her regularly.


Hope you manage to enjoy the Barry Manilow concert on Thursday.


That's sad about Rodrigo.

Can't say i liked him as a housemate, but you wouldn't want that to happen to anyone.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello Mollie and Hicky.

Lovely day here.

I did take the morning off, but felt I had to do a job this afternoon, as the forecast for tomorrow isn't good.


The good news is that my leg seems to be improving. I'm getting less pain, and the functionality seems to be returning. I can now go up and down stairs more or less normally, if a little gingerly. Still have pain if I try to kneel.

I'm hoping it'll keep improving, without me needing to bother the doctor.


Watched 'Del Boys and Dealers' on BBC1.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


I see BB starts on the evening of the 5th, we get back late on the 4th/5th so i should be ok.


My Plants came today, great.

Have planted them already, should have re-potted them and kept them for for a week but i don't have time.

I have surrounded the big pots with layers of fleece which had been folded about 6 times and fastened to a cane at each end, i wrap it around the frame of the pot, i have canes in the pot making a growing frame.


I can't get Turkish Lira either, they have stopped it coming out of the country.

Will have to buy it when i get there.


I gave my neighbour a walk around to show them what i have, they are very impressed.

They are going to pop in and see how things are, ant fruit that needs picking they can pick, it might be too early in the year for fruit to be ripe, there is a lot of strawberries, raspberries just coming into fruit, maybe Figs, hard to tell.


Hope your Leg etc is ok, else get it looked at.


I have grown Tomato plants in growbags a few times, had good success.


Hope Mollie is OK, such a worry trying to cope with her Mother.


Been trying to get avast working on O/H's Lappy, and doing some scans, Lappy playing up.

Avast had a faulty file, put MSE while i was sorting it, also put Malwarebytes on as well.



Hi Hicky.

Very wet here today, and much colder, so no work done.


I've had vehicles coming and going in my yard all day, due to it being the nearest place they can access the electric poles that they are working on.

I think the next power cut is due tomorrow, so they'll probably be connecting it up then?


Glad your tomato plants came. They'll definitely not succumb to any frost, with all that protection.

I'm sure your neighbour will look after your fruit fine.


Leg improved again. Not back to normal, but getting there.


Strange that you can't get any holiday cash until you get to Turkey?

Doesn't sound like they want any tourists? Either that or the exchange rate is too volatile?


Just seen the trailer for the new BB.


Evening Emptybox.


Hope they leave you alone after they get the power work done.


The Tomato plants looked ok today, didn't unwrap them as it's been raining most of the time.

If they don't survive i'll just buy a new set, assuming i'm not too late to order them again.


Took all my info to the accountant this afternoon so he can get that sorted.

Hoping for little rebate, would be nice.


Glad your leg has improved, it will get more of a chance if you can't get out working.


I think the problem with the Turkish Lira is inflation and they are trying to get into the EU but it is conditional.


I saw the clip for BB, it should be good, at least i will be home for the start.


Hope things are ok with Mollie and her Mum?


Went out for my evening meal, wow, had a shared starter, 4 pieces of battered fish, a bowl of prawn cocktail, 6 potato wedges, lovely, a bowl of mushy peas, 2 fish & crab thingies.

The problem was it didn't leave much room for lunch, Fish & Chips, a bad choice after that starter.


Will be having breakfast out tomorrow and Saturday to save getting food in, or defrosting food.


Hi Hicky.

Not very nice here. It was wet overnight and then the morning was cold windy and cloudy, then the rain came back on this afternoon.


I cut a big lawn this morning, but the customer wasn't very happy. The grass was wet, and it was leaving quite a lot of mess. He wanted me to go over it again, and said "why didn't you come on Wednesday, when it was sunny"

I didn't mention my leg, but just said that I had other work to do. I then went over it, and made sure I didn't leave any mess, but it took an hour longer than usual to do it.

He obviously thinks I don't have any other customers than him.

He'd better pay up the extra with a smile when he gets the bill.


Customers? My job would be great if it wasn't for them.
(you might gather that I don't take criticism well )


Leg function almost back to normal, apart from the large black, blue and yellow bruise which is still sore to the touch.


Hope you do manage to get a tax rebate.


Probably a good idea to eat out a lot before your holiday. Get yourself in practise for Turkey.

That shared starter would have gone down a treat with you. What did your OH have?


Enjoyed Gogglebox.

I see they got some sort of award.

Last edited by emptybox

Good afternoon both



so glad to hear your leg is healing, must of been a worry as your legs are your livelyhood. Stupid customer who seems to think you should only visit him when the sun shines. Yes let's hope he does pay up promptly now.



hope the holiday preps are going well. Good idea to eat out during this busy time. What time do you fly? I take it you go from Manchester. And what good timing that you get back just in time for BB!


I was really cheesed off last night as it was the last in the series of Gogglebox and with no BGT tonight because of football and football again next Friday, so hearing about BB just round the corner was good news indeed.


What a great BB trailer that is Emptybox. Has it been on tv yet?

Yes Gogglebox won a tv Bafta, so well done to them. I voted for them as it is a great show. So funny watching them watching themselves winning the award. I also liked the ending with silent Jay.  


I enjoyed and really needed the overnight break and the concert. Barry was a sell out and in a big arena too. He still has a strong voice and stage presence even though he is getting on a bit. All the audience were given glow sticks, so it looked impressive looking down from where we were sitting. Daughter said it wasn't really her scene, but she didn't mind coming to keep me company. We both liked the hotel though, the swimming pool was lovely there and we went for  krispy kreme do-nuts in town, and a bit of clothes shopping too. 
I still had to ring mum every couple of hours and pretend I was at home so she didn't panic... difficult finding a quiet area in the concert hall but I managed. Glad the carers call in 3 times a day to her now though, as I was too busy yesterday to go to her house, but she was fine.
Doggie wouldn't eat a thing the 2 days I was away (she does this when I go away), but has eaten loads now I am back. 
Went to brekkie with OH today...delicous. Glad it is a long weekend for him.


Have a good day both.

Weather started ok here, but not nice now.

Bet you are busy with last minute things today Hicky.


Evening Both.


Emptybox, It's been pretty wet here, still got the fleece cover on the tomato's, mainly to keep the rain off.


some customers are bound to be difficult, they don't understand you have others.

Don't think he would pay extra.


Glad your leg is getting better, just give it time to heal.


I've changed some money to euro because they take that as well in Turkey.


Rang Pomona about the 2 failed plum cordon trees, told him i wanted to do a deal with 2 more plum trees but potted and 2yr ones, he will deliver them 2nd week of June, he took off the cost of the 2 failed ones, thats sorted.

I have a lot of plums on my Victoria plum tree anyway.

strawberries will be ready for picking soon, loads of cherries, pears, apples (all varieties), figs (they are big all ready).

Have given keys to 2 neighbours so they can check things out, only the Tomato's may need a little attention.


Enjoyed Gogglebox, yes, great getting an award.


Mollie, All packed, just a few odds and ends to sort, tablets.


We leave from Manchester as you say,, very early flight, so we get the day there.


Glad you enjoyed the show, he's probably too old for your daughter.


Isn't it strange why the dog doesn't eat when you are away?


I'll probably be able to get on line from Turkey some how, like i did in Portugal.


Had brekkie out for 2 days, yummy, we have emptied the fridge, one neighbour will put the bin out, the couple at the back have got a key as well so they can check things are ok.

I's pouring down with rain now, it's hardly stopped since the tomato plants arrived.

Going to miss my trees so much.



Hi Guys.

Wet here today, so useless for any grass cutting.

I washed my vehicles and changed the wipers on the van.

One of the old wipers went months ago, and I bought another set, but never got round to fitting them till today.

I'll keep the old one that's not too bad as a spare.


Glad you enjoyed the concert Mollie, and the time away. Even though you had to keep in touch with your Mum throughout.


I thought dogs ate anything they could get their teeth into? Yours must be very attached to you, if she goes off her food when you're not there.


Hi Hicky. Have a great time in Turkey.

Hope you do manage to pop in sometime whilst you're out there.


Perhaps the hotel will have some trees in tubs that you can move around, to remind you of home?


The customer will have to pay for the extra hour it took to cut his grass. It's not my fault the grass was wet, so took longer to make a good job of it.

He should have been out with a hairdryer on an extension lead, drying it off before I arrived.


That's good that you were able to get a discount on the failed plum trees.

Also great that your neighbours will look after the place.


I see BGT is on Monday instead of today.

Last edited by emptybox

Hicky...Just popped in again to wish you a very good holiday, hope you and the rest of the family have fun.   Hope you get chance to call in here whilst away to say hi.

Hopefully all your fruit/veg trees etc will be fine for the short while you are away with your neighbour to keep an eye on them. Bet you enjoyed emptying your fridge.



very wet here today too, so not surprised you could not do your garden. Is your leg ok today? Hope you enjoyed your spag bol.


Rubbish tv tonight, so I just watched a couple of recordings.


Goodnight both xxx



Hi Mollie.

Mixed day here. Very wet overnight, but a bit of sunshine midday, now cloudy again.


Just back from the supermarket.

My leg is nearly back to normal, apart from being a little achy at times. Plus if I sit on a hard seat I can feel the bruise, that's still a bit sore.


Hope Hicky got off OK.


I see there some BGT on tonight, as well as tomorrow.


Did you get your home broadband back on, or are you still dongling?


Good evening Emptybox

Yes hope Hicky had a good journey and is pleased with his accommodation.

Sounds like you had a lucky escape with that leg and it should be ok once the bruising has gone.

Weather not bad this morning here, managed to go for brekkie out with OH and then take mum a walk in the park and she had an ice cream. (she needs the calories, I don't , so I didn't have one).

And then by lunch time the weather was awful, pouring with rain, so just had a walk round shops whilst daughter at archery.


Yes the broadband is working again now, BT sent an email saying it had been fixed and it might take a few days for the broadband to get up to speed. Gosh what a mess i was in with no internet, but it was a good job I had to dongle to fill in with. (not so reliable as our broadband normally is though).


When are your power cuts? Let's hope after your next lot of cuts, your electricity supply improves.

Did you buy any nice treats from the supermarket? I bet a few beers went in the trolley didn't they?


I am so pleased to see BGT on tonight, as tv was so bad last night.

Starting now, hope you enjoy. xx

Last edited by *mollie*

Glad your broadband is back.

The mobile broadband (dongle) is useful as a backup, but not as good, as you say.


Unfortunately I don't get a 3g signal at the house, so mobile broadband isn't an option for me when my internet goes down.

I've got a mifi unit (a wifi version of a dongle), but I can only use it when away from the house.


I like the picture of you feeding your Mum up with ice creams, but you abstaining.


I'm scheduled to have a 4 hour powercut tomorrow afternoon, and then an hour one on Wednesday, and that should be it. 

No idea if it'll bring any improvement for me? But I'm hoping.

I guess it depends on why we get so many cuts and what causes them?


Yes I think I was very lucky with my fall, considering I fell backwards off the steps, so had no way of avoiding hitting the slabs. If I'd hit my head I might have had serious injuries.

For a couple of days i thought I might have damaged the muscle in my leg, but I don't think that's the case, as I'm now able to run up and down the stairs, as I could before.   (just tried it, for your benefit )


I did buy myself some treats, as it happens.

I bought an avocado, which I haven't done for years. Just have to see if it ripens up OK.

I've put it in a brown paper bag on a shelf in the kitchen, as that what was suggested when I googled.


I also bought some black puddings, because I fancied a fry up tonight.


I didn't buy any beer this week. I buy a box of 12 cans every fortnight, plus a couple of bottles of more expensive beer for Saturdays.

I actually bought a bottle of wine (pinot grigio) today, because I'm expecting an imminent visit from my SiL in the next few weeks.


Haven't watched BGT yet but I recorded it.

TBH I partially agree with Hicky, in that I can't stand David Walliams on it.

I don't mind him on comedy shows, but he shouldn't be a judge on BGT.


I watched that drama 'Quirke' on BBC1 tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Good morning Emptybox


the sun is out here this morning, but there is some cloud around, hope the rain keeps away today after all the rain we had yesterday. Hope it is a good day for you weather wise too.

Yes indeed, that was so close to being a very nasty accident when you fell like that. You must of been very shook up after, but fortunately it seems you escaped lightly. I am pleased you passed the running up the stairs test, sounds like you are well on the mend now.


I too haven't had an advocado for ages, I just can't seem to get the ripeness right when I buy them, Either leave them too long or try them before they are ripe. How will you eat it? On a sandwich?  In a salad? 

Glad you are all prepared for the SIL visit, wine wise, I expect it will mean you bringing out the vacuum and duster when you have a definite date.

Hope the power cut does not inconvenience you too much this afternoon, but 4 hours is a long time to be without power.


I enjoyed BGT last night. Can;t make up my mind about David on the show. I guess they include him to ehnance the entertainment factor.


Hope Hicky is enjoying himself in the sun in Turkey now.


off to peg out more washing, not sure if we are going out later.

kids going to see Spiderman at cinema.


Enjoy your fry up tonight, hope your power is back on in time for you to make it.

have a good day. xx



Evening Mollie.

Mixed day, some sun, some cloud and rain again this evening.

Got some grass cutting done, but not as much as hoped, as the rain stopped play at 5pm.


I'll probably have the avocado in a salad with a vinegrette dressing.

You're right about the dusting and hoovering. When I hear when my Brother is coming I'll get to work.

I do sometimes hoover in between times, when the bits on the carpet annoy me.


The power was back on when I got home. I thought my router wasn't working, but resetting it fixed it.


I'm recording BGT again. I hear Ella Henderson is singing on the result show, so I'll look forward to hearing that later.


Watching The Island.


Hope your Mum is doing OK?


Good evening Emptybox

shame you didn't get as much grass cutting done as you planned yesterday. How did today go? It hasn't been a bad day here today at all. Bit cloudy but dry and bright at times.

Good job your power came back on ok and your router worked. Ella did well last night, didn't she?

I enjoyed BGT last night, looking forward to watching it again tonight.

Mum not too bad at the moment thanks.

I took her for a walk and an ice cream yesterday whilst kids went to see Spiderman. She had the mental nurse come and see her today to assess her, I was nervous and she was too, we practised her answers before the nurse came. She did quite well though, remembered how long she had lived in the flat for, and remembered mine and my brothers names and that she had sisters. She didn't remember it was May though, but did remember June and July were after May and were hot months.   I am relieved they thought she was fine to carry on living in the flat with carers help.
Tired out now as had to rush home to catch up with jobs I was behind with after the long weekend.
Had to book OH in Travelodge this week as his normal B and B had booked someone in who comes each year, so he couldn't stay there , some dance troop or such.

BGT time now.

enjoy the show.


hope Hicky is having a great holiday.


have a good evening.


Hi Mollie.

Great weather here today, so I got a lot done.

Unfortunately it was for my emergency strimmer woman, who phoned up again.

So I'm still behind with my normal work, and the forecast for tomorrow isn't good.


You must be relieved that they think your Mum is able to carry on, with the carers help.

Pity your OH couldn't get in his normal B&B. Don't suppose Travelodge is too bad though?


Catching up on BGT, but I'm a few episodes behind. I think I'm watching Sunday's at the mo.

I did zip through and watch Ella Henderson's bit yesterday though. As you say, she was super.


Last edited by emptybox

EvenÄąng Everyone.


Hello from Sunny Turkey, wow, thats an understatement, 36 2 days ago, don,t thÄąnk Äąt goes under 28C Äąn the day.


HavÄąng problem wÄąth TurkÄąsh Keyboard, not to worry.


Love thÄąs 5 star eat all you lÄąke 7am tÄąll mÄądnÄąght.


PaÄąd the man and he reserves us 6 sunbeds every day Äąn the same place wÄąth sun umbrellows and tables.


EatÄąng places everwhere, pools the same, never seen so many people and so much food Äąn my lÄąfe, how you cater for thÄąs lots Äą dont know.


Have taken some pÄącs, wÄąll get more.


WÄąll read back and come on earlÄąer, Äąts 21:44 here, 2 hours ahead Äą thÄąnk.


Originally Posted by Hicky:


Love thÄąs 5 star eat all you lÄąke 7am tÄąll mÄądnÄąght.




Flippen 'eck, you'll double in size out there man.


Hi Hicky, great to hear from you.

Certainly sounds lovely and warm out there.


It goes from being warm one day to freezing the next here.

Raining and only 10 degrees for me today.


Can't wait to see your holiday snaps, when you get back.

Originally Posted by Hicky:

Love thÄąs 5 star eat all you lÄąke 7am tÄąll mÄądnÄąght.




  I bet you are in your element there then. You certainly have time to sample different types of food then. 


Lovely to hear from you, lucky you with all that sun and nice sunbeds all catered for too.

And as Emptybox says, it is nowhere nearly 28 here, day nor night.

Have worn my fleece all day today.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday. xx

and I too can't wait to see your photos.

Last edited by *mollie*

Good evening Emptybox

no gardens then today as it rained there? Good job you managed to get some gardens done yesterday though, and strimmer woman sorted.

Was rain on and off today here, but not heavy stuff, so managed to take dog a walk.


Enjoyed BGT, and Corrie storyline real good at the moment. Also enjoyed the last in series of Derek.

Who do you think will win BGT? I have a few faves.


Goodnight, time to read my mag in bed.



Hi Mollie (and Hicky if you pop in).

Not bad day here at all. A bit cloudy but dry.

Got caught up on a lot of my gardens, but I'll have a busy day tomorrow, as long as it's dry.


Haven't watched any of BGT for this week, so don't really know who's through apart from Lucy Kay, the classical singer. She's smashing.


Unfortunately my little rechargeable hedgetrimmer seems to have gone wrong. It goes very slowly, even when fully charged. I'll have to have a proper look at it when I've time. I've always got my petrol one though.


Going to enjoy watching Posh Pawn in a bit.


Good evening Emptybox

pity about your hedgetrimmer playing up, hope you can fix it. Good job you have the other one as a back up though.

Lucky you had better weather than we have had today, been horrible and wet all day, it has only just brightened up now.

I thought you would like Lucy Kay I too like her, she looked lovely in her blue dress last night and sings lovely too.


Been rushing around today, had to take food to mums. then come back for asda delivery,  then back to mums with some more milk/food, waited half hour for taxi that didn't turn up, so ended up walking and waiting for bus. Son has car this week as working in theatre.
Just sat down and mum's LL rang me and said she was with mum, she had taken her back into her flat as she had found her wondering round the corridor confused and upset. I calmed mum down by telling her off and told her to sit in chair and watch tv.

Watching BGT hoping I can watch tv now without interruption, or incidents.


Hope Hicky is enjoying himself, Bet he is building up a good tan, that is if he has time to sunbathe inbetween all those meals.


Have a good evening. xxx


  Good evening Emptybox

hope you got the good weather we got today.

about time too, as it had been wet for a few days previous.


is your leg all healed now?


not impressed with tv today, not even Gogglebox or Corrie now, but football on one side and flippen ruby on the other.

So am watching Have I got News for You, as that is quite amusing.


Took my mum to local theatre to see the Juniour drama group in Little mermaid today, which she enjoyed. Always tires me out taking her out though, as she needs so much help with her walker etc, but I bought mum fish and chips after and went to pub for tea with OH and daughter, so it was a nice treat not to have to cook.


hope you had a good day.

what are you watching on tv tonight?


hope Hicky had a nice relaxing day in Turkey.


Hi Mollie.

Glad you had a good day, and took your Mum to the theatre.


Not bad weather here, a bit cloudy, got a lot of grass cut. Will need to do a bit tomorrow as well.


My leg is not quite right yet. The bruise has formed a hard lump, which sometimes happens seemingly, and takes longer to go away. It's still a bit achy in bed, if I lie in the wrong position, but mostly I can forget about it.


My avocado has rippened, so I had half of it as a starter, with some vinegrette, before my mince and tatties. Strawberries and cream for afters.

I'll have the other half on sunday.


Not watched much on telly this evening; Peter Kay while I was eating.

Going to try to catch up with some BGT now.


Hope Hicky is having a great time.



I guess after such a nasty fall it would take awhile for the leg to settle completely, but it is good you can mostly forget about it now.

Glad you got your advocado nice and ripe, I too had strawberries and cream tonight. The UK strawberries in the supermarkets this year do seem to be a nice tasty crop.


I so agree about Lettuce, she is great, but I want to hear her play a proper piece.

I liked the guy singers who got through tonight, and I like the girl opera type singer you like too.


Had a bad night last night with a pain in my ribs, been overdoing it again with my jobs and mums, but could take it easier today with OH home, and it is much better today.


Time for bed as slept so bad last night.

Have a good evening. xx

wonder what Hicky does in the evenings? bet it is very warm there day and night .


Evening Mollie.

Glad your ribs are feeling better today.


Lovely day here so I took advantage to get a lot of grass cutting done. The forecast for the beginning of the week isn't good, which is disappointing for June.


Haven't watched today's BGT yet, but at least we have a break of a week until the final, which is a good way of doing it.


Did you see on the News about some spectators being killed during a car rally in the Borders?

I was in Kelso this afternoon when some of the cars went through. Not spectating obviously, but on the way to one of my jobs.

It was before the accident happened.


Hi-ya Emptybox

hope you are having a good Sunday.

Did you go to the village for your newspaper today? do a bit of gardening?

hope you had the lovely weather we had. I even managed to sit in the garden on the swing chair for awhile, with my coconut sun oil on.

Glad you got a nice sunny day yesterday, so got some work out of the way.


I heaed the awful news regarding the car relay. But hadn't realised it was in the Borders close to you. Very sad.


OH and I went to Dunelm today (home ware shop) whilst daughter was playing archery. We had coffee and I bought some nice cushions to brighten up our old sofa. Lilac/purple type mix and one has a piccie of some birds and bird houses on it.   Don't expect they will stay looking new for long though with the dog jumping around on them.


Do you realise this is an exciting special week to come on 2 counts? ......


1) BB starts!!! hooray, can't wait, I am so looking forward to it.

2) Hicky comes home. Looking forward to having him back and hearing about his hols and seeing his piccies.


Have a good evening. 

time to make OH's sandwiches for tomorrow as he will be off at 4am in the morning. Only 2 weeks left on this contract now, thank goodness, he has had enough.





Last edited by *mollie*

Good Afternoon Everyone.


ScorchÄąng agaÄąn, had had some raÄąn at nÄąght but not durÄąng the day, spend most of my tÄąme tryÄąng to get out of the heat, have the aÄąr con on all nÄąght tryÄąng to get the temp down to 23C.


The food Äąs very strange to me, haven,t found any curry though.

There Äąs about 2,000 guests so you ÄąmagÄąne how bÄąg thÄąngs are.


The towels are put out at 7am, brekkÄąe 7 tÄąll 10am, Bars everywhere, lunch 12 tÄąll 1.30 wÄąth some food places open tÄąll 4pm, dÄąnner starts 6.45 tÄąll 9.15 free drÄąnks day and night. 


Hope my plants are ok, don,t lÄąke leavÄąng them really.


I,ll be back for Thursday BB anyway.

Take Äąt easy and don,t do too much.


LÄąvÄąng off Äącecream, guess what, Äąt,s not free most of the tÄąme.


Hi Hicky. Glad you're enjoying dodging the heat.

Finding the food strange? That's not like you.

Pity you haven't found a good curry yet.

Shame the ice-cream's not on the all inclusive.


Dull and rainy here. Not good for work. Quite warm though.

Spent an hour of so installing the latest version of Linux Mint to one of my computers.


Final episode of 'The Island' tonight.


Good morning Emptybox

shame you got a wet day yesterday. What does your Linux thing do?

hope it is dry enough for you to get on work-wise today.

Quite nice here at the moment, not sunny but dry.

Sounds like you enjoyed watching The Island.

Last night I watched a show about trainee air hostesses, very interesting, didn't realise how hard the training was to get through the course.


Mum didn't have good day yesterday again, her landlady rang me again and said she sent a neighbour in to sit with her as she was upset and confused again. Luckily there are nice neighbours there. I had only rang her half hour earlier and she was ok and when I went over an hour later, she seemed fine. That is the trouble, I don't know when she is going to get these confused episodes when she is packing her bags and thinking she has to leave the flat. We have a child gate on now so she can't open it, but other tenants do find her trying to get out. Not sure how long she can stay in her flat if she keeps doing this. 


good to see Hicky call in.

2000 guests, what a big place it is.

Sounds like you may be glad to get back here to cool down a little, especially at night. And of course I know you will be glad to be back to see BB on Thursday.

I am sure your plants will be ok, as the weather has been ideal for plants whilst you have been away.... not too hot, not too cold with a bit of rain, but not heavy rain or storms.

Isn't that just typical, the food you (and the kids of course), need to eat most of in the heat is not including in the free food. Strange how they don't have curries, as I thought they were popular in most countries.

Wonder what sort of food they do have?

Not sure what foo  is popular in Turkey?

Why do you have to put towels out at 7am? Do the Germans still get up early and bag the sun beds if you don't get out there early?   That is what used to happen when me and OH used to go to Spain years ago.


Time to peg the washing out now as they are promising showers, I will need to keep an eye on it. Then I need to go and get some food from our little local Co-op, and visit my mum.




Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.

Not too bad day here. Very cloudy this morning but sunny this afternoon.

Got some jobs done anyway.


Hope it didn't rain on your washing in the end. 

And I hope your Mum didn't have any confusing episodes today?


Linux Mint is just a Linux operating system for the computer; an alternative to Windows.

Just one of my hobbies really.


Enjoyed watching the last episode of Happy Valley tonight. It's been a fantastic series.


Good afternoon Emptybox

Glad you had a decent day so you don't get behind job wise. Very wet here today so far, but is due to clear this afternoon.


Only a day to go now till BB starts and HIcky comes back.


Mum had a good day yesterday, managed to take her a longish walk to seafront for an ice cream so think that helps.

and I got all my washing dried.


hope to take dog out later as it looks like it is brightening up now.


have a good day x


Hi Mollie.

It's been pouring here all day.

Some of it's been very heavy, so I've had the usual problem of leaking roof to deal with.

Luckily that only happens when it's very heavy.


Looks like I'll be behind again with work, as there were a whole load of ones that were due today, and tomorrow hasn't got a good forecast either.

I think Friday will be OK, but I can't get 3 days of work done in just one day.

They say that the weekend will be very bad in terms of thunderstorms etc, but all i can do is hope for a dry spell after that.


Glad your Mum had a reasonable day, and you get your washing dried.

Hope you get your dog walked OK.


Think I'll watch 'Del Boys and Dealers' tonight on BBC1.

Then we can look forward to the BB launch tomorrow.

Hicky should be back then as well.  (oh, you said that )

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Everyone.


Was home at 12.30 last night.


The garden seems fine, it's been growing well.

The trees they delivered the day after i went have survived, neighbours had keys so they opened the boxes and made sure they were ok.

Will plant them today.


Will sort out some pictures from Turkey later.


Great having a new BB start tonight, how exciting, another 2 day start i see.


Yes Mollie, people are up by 7am to claim a sunbed, they put out 1,300 a day, if you slip the attendants a few bob they will reserve what you want, i had 6 reserved all the time we were there.

Didn't see many Germans at all, a lot from the Netherlands and just about everywhere else.


Hope you can get some work done Emptybox, weather here a bit rough today as well.

Sun just come out, got masses of Strawberries, they just need to change colour now.


Catch you later.


Welcome back Hicky

we missed you, but were glad to see you pop in a couple of times whilst you were away.

And what a special day to return, the day we have been waiting for....BB launch day.   My fave part is the launch day when we don't know who they are, It is great to know we will get to know them all as time goes by. And I like how generally, what we see on launch night in their intro videos, never seem to reflect the real them.

I am very much looking forward to seeing some of your holiday snaps when you get chance.

Glad to hear your garden is fine and that your neighbour looked after your trees well. Good job the weather has been good for gardens whilst you were away.

1300 sunbeds, it must of been a huge pool area. Good job you managed to get the guy to reserve 6 together for you.

You said it was strange food, what type of food was it? Turkish speciality stuff?



hope the rain has dried up, so you can get some work done today, I know how easy it is for you to get behind this time of year if we get wet spells. But as you say, you need more than one clear day today, so hope it stays dry for a few days now. After all that heavy constant rain yesterday, it is dry and sunny here today.

Such a nuisance to you that the roof leaks too. Your LL is as bad as ours for getting work done.  Reminds me...the moles came back in earnest after the gardner put the diesel down, so he told the LL he needed to do it again, so he has.  Expect the moles will be back again soon.


Can;t wait for BB launch tonight. Hope we have some nice enthusiastic HM's this year.

Off to get some food from supermarket then to mum's with her food.


Have a good day both x



Last edited by *mollie*

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