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Hi Hicky.

Still enjoying your BBQs I see.

Pity your knee was painful. My neck is better again, although I can still feel it.


Cloudy and chilly here today, with rain this evening.

Went to the supermarket this afternoon, and did some ironing.


Yes, I cut my own hair with a number 2 comb on the clippers.

The only tricky bit is getting a straight line at the back, but you quickly get the hang of doing that in the mirror.


Enjoyed watching Vera tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening both



sorry to hear your knee is so painfull again. Looks like the meds were helping you quite a bit if it is noticably more painfull when you forget to take the meds. Have you tried taking rose hip as a supplement? I have heard it is good for knee pain, and as an added bonus is full of vit C. I have bought some of these after reading all the positive reviews on them.....

My knees have been achy lately, think it is a mix of all the jobs I have been doing and my summer flip flops.


Glad to hear you are making good use of the gazebo for your BBQ's.



Sorry to hear about your neck problem, but it is good it is nearly better. Looks like you will have to be careful with it now. Maybe the rosehip would help you too?


My OH too cuts his own hair. Like Emptybox says, it takes some getting used to at first.


Me and OH not had much time to ourselves this weekend with having mum to look after. She gets muddled what is her stuff and what is ours now. eg.. if we go out, she might be wearing OH's or my shoes when we come back. She also "helped" tidy the kitchen and put all the ordinary rubbish into the food recycling bin, so i had to fish it all out again. 
Don't like to leave her alone with doggie either, incase she accidently lets her out of the lounge or leaves food lying around. So OH has now fitted a bolt on the kitchen, so that should help.

The good news is I saw mum's LL who lives on site in the flats and she asked for my phone number and said she is willing to have mum back, and will ring me if she has a funny turn again. So hopefully social services will agree to her going back, as she wants to go home, easier for us and her. Will ring and nag social tomorrow to sort out her security system, because I think they can put on a front door monitor to go off if she tries to leave the front door.


Last night, me, son and daughter went to the beach to see the 1st fireworks of the season let off over the sea. It was a lovely evening weather wise for them, so plenty of people watching them. I think the caravan park/pubs/fair all pay for them to help tourism. Can't complain as they are free, and it is lovely watching them over the sea from the beach.


Think I will watch the Woman with 40 cats tonight.

1 dog and 1 rabbis is enough work (and expense) for me.


Have a good evening both xx



Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.

Cloudy and quite chilly today, but at least it stayed dry and allowed me to get some work done.


You get achy knees as well Mollie?

I take a glucosamine tablet every day, and it seems to keep the aches at bay.

I've heard about rosehips being good though.

Not quite sure what flip-flops have to do with it, unless you are hitting yourself on the knee with them?


That's probably good that your Mum can go back to her flat. She'll probably be less confused among her own stuff. Just hope it works out.


Glad you got some time out at the beach.


I watched that programme about 13 men surviving on a tropical island.

Very good it was.


Morning Everyone.


A strange site this, have to keep F5'ing to get it to wake up, must be an awful server or whatever, it just hangs up, even when signing in.


Back at work, warmish today though.

Finished setting up the 5 watering computers yesterday, will take a picture of the main section as i couldn't remember where all the pipes went.

I have a master so the water to the 3 main section watering timers is only live within a set period, don't want the whole main pipework live all day so it only livens up withing the period i set it too.


The one for the birdbath is on as well, they use so much splashing about.



I've never taken Rose Hip at all, will look into it.


Love the Gazebo, lovely to just sit and look around, so peaceful.


Hope your Mum will be ok back at her flat but can't see how she could look after herself, doesn't she need 24 hr attention?


What were the fireworks in aid of? or was it because of the bank holiday?


Anyone with 40 cats is crazy, thats dreadful.


Emptybox, I take 2 Glucosamine, also take 1 Omega3 oil as well as my normal meds.


Would find it hard to cut my own hair, bad enough doing my face and i can see that.


Didn't see that programme about the 13 men, didn't know it was on.



Hi Hicky.

Not bad day here. Some nice sunshine this afternoon.

Forecast for the rest of the week not good though.


Back to the watering system eh Hicky? Summer can't be far away.


That programme was 'The Island: with Bear Grylls'. Not that Bear was with them. He dropped them on the island, then pushed off.

Tonight I watched Happy Valley on BBC1.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


A pretty miserable day here, warm but light rain on and off.


Checked out the watering system again, a few slight leaks, think they are stopped now.


Went to B&Q for a few bits, and my 10% off.


Took some pictures from the garden, 3 of them show different Fig trees with the figs, couldn't see with the light too good so didn't know what was being taken.





Images (9)
  • DSCF0694: Fig tree 1
  • DSCF0695: Fig tree 2
  • DSCF0696: Fig tree 3
  • DSCF0697: Strawberries
  • DSCF0698: Cherry tree
  • DSCF0699: Grape Vine 1
  • DSCF0700: A row of young cordon trees
  • DSCF0701: Raspberries
  • DSCF0702: Apple tree - Cox's

Good evening both



those photos have come out real well considering you couldn't see too well. The fig trees are certainly looking good and the flowers on the strawberries do too.   That 10% off at B and Q is so handy for you. Pleased to hear your watering system is in good working order.

Yes the fireworks were because it was bank hols, they always do them bank hols in spring/summer for holidaymakers to enjoy.

Don't think we have had a photo of your birdbath, that would be nice to see. Do you get a lot of birds visiting it? 



glad the weather has at last improved for you, so you don't get behind work wise. Good idea to take glucosamine, as good joints are so important in your line of work. 


Had a real difficult day yesterday sorting mum out. OH had to miss a day off work (and lose a days pay). We were going round trying to find carers for her and contacting social services, as they said they did not want me to send her back to flat alone, and we would have to wait for their assessment. In the end the GP's got through and said it was urgent, so tomorrow social worker is coming to assess her for carer's help in her flat as she wants to stay there.

It is just too much for me to manage my mum on my own now. Social services advised me to stay with her in her flat overnight yesterday, as she was getting more confused and incontinent in my house. (endless washing for me, and upset for mum). So I am here in her flat for a 2nd night, on a camp bed and using a dongle that OH had to dash out to buy me. Real good value the dongle is for ÂĢ12 to give me good internet access whilst I am staying here.


Tv wise, I only managed to watch a bit of the A and E programme and am watching Derek now. It is rather a strange show this one though.


Goodnight both xxx






Morning Everyone.


Emptybox, It's been very wet here, just constant rain, not heavy but it waits for me to go in the garden so it can start again.


Very pleased with the Figs, hoping for a good harvest later in the year.


Didn't watch Billy Conolly was watching something else at the time.


Mollie, Yes, get a lot of birds, they splash all the water out but the watering timer refills it every 6 hours, might buy another timer to fill it more often during the day.

I'll take a picture of the bird bath and the timer/computers as well.


Oh dear, Mum is such a lot of work, as you say, it's far too much for you to manage on your own.

I can't see how she will be able to stay in her flat without someone living in, and the carers won't be doing that, i think she will have to go into a care home really.


At least you can get online with your dongle, that is very cheap



Good evening both



pity about the rain preventing you doing what you need to in the garden.

Look forward to seeing some more of your pics when you get chance.



was it dry enough for you to get your work done?


Am in mum's flat again with the dongle on. Visit from social worker went well, she has agreed to put a care package into place with carers calling in 3 times a day. She said I had done a good job with mum but with her condition now, it was too difficult for me alone and she advised me mum would eventually need to go into a home. I would feel real guilty about that though as mum always told me she didn't want to go into a home, and likes living in her own flat, so I'd feel I'd let her down.  Hicky, how long did it take your mum to settle into the home?  ,,,and of course they are very expensive now, as mum used to own her own home, so they will use her house money to pay the fees.

Shattered again, as when I got home with mum from her flat, after seeing social worker, I had to run up and down stairs flushing toilet for drains man, as the drains were blocked yet again, the LL will not do the structural work to remedy this. He took around 2 hours to fix it. Then psychiatric nurse rang for around half hour and she is coming to see me and mum on Monday to save us having to go to outpatients at hospital, which is good. Then just as I wanted a coffee the guy came to read meter, then the Sainsburys delivery came, then daughter came back from driving lesson, so had to sort fees and lesson time for that with the instructor, then time to make dinner, took dog walk, and pack bag for mums. Phhewww, so yet again managed to watch zero tv. Lucky family been helping out too with some things though.

Thank goodness OH is back tomorrow.

Must ring son now to see if he has remembered to put bins/recycling out.


Goodnight both xxx





Evening all.


Actually was a nice day here, despite the forecast, so I got some jobs done.


Still quite a bit behind, because one of my customers rang me up needing some emergency strimming.

Only this customer could want emergency strimming. Seemingly she has a family wedding coming up and wanted everything tidy. But I saw her a week ago, and she never mentioned anything then, when I could have scheduled it properly. Instead she rings me up with a day's notice.

She's always doing stuff like that. She's a farmer's wife, and I think she thinks I'm just another of her farm workers to be ordered about.


I'm exhausted just hearing about your day Mollie.

Glad the social workers are going to have a shot at seeing if your Mum can cope with carers' visits in her own flat.

But it's probably realistic to think that she'll need a Home sooner or later.

As you say, that would quickly eat up her savings.


Glad you at least able to get online with your dongle.


Pity your LL won't fix the drains for you. I think I've mentioned that the kitchen drain here is always blocking, because the pipe is too narrow. But as there's no sign of my landlady doing anything about my windows or roof, the drain has no chance of getting a permanent fix. It just has to be dug up every couple of years (usually by me).


Watched 'Posh Pawn' on CH4 then 'Cars That Rock' with Brian Johnson on Quest. I've never watched Quest before. Wasn't even sure if I got it on my TV, but I saw the prog being advertised.


Evening Both.


A mixed day here, planted the little Peach tree that came Yesterday.


Had a nice BBQ again, it's so easy with the Gazebo, had some lamb steaks, burgers, had a nice salad, baked some of those ready to bake rolls, really nice.


Took some more pictures, will post them before i sign off.


Oh, forgot, went to Docs for 12 month checkup, bloods ok, all the rest ok.


Mollie, My Mum was ok in the care home, she was finding it hard to walk at that stage so she was happy to sit and be looked after.

It is very expensive though, i would think about ÂĢ1,400 a month.


I can see you have been very busy.


Emptybox, Glad you got some jobs done, forecast isn't always exact.


Emergency Strimming, love it.

You hit the nail on the head, the woman thinks you are only there in case she needs you.


It seems that land ladies don't like doing a lot of jobs, i suppose we would all be the same really, it's all down to cost.


Just watching the cooking programs for now.




Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Right


Images (12)
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Bird Bath: Garden 2014-05-09 Bird Bath
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Center Section: Garden 2014-05-09 Center Section
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Kiw Berry Plant: Garden 2014-05-09 Kiw Berry Plant
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Center: Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Center
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Left: Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Left
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Right: Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Across Right
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Down Left: Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Down Left
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Looking down R-Hand Side: Garden 2014-05-09 Looking down R-Hand Side
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Down Right: Garden 2014-05-09 Looking Down Right
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Master Watering Computer & Bird Bath Control: Garden 2014-05-09 Master Watering Computer & Bird Bath Control
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Section 1 Watering Computer: Garden 2014-05-09 Section 1 Watering Computer
  • Garden 2014-05-09 Section 2 & 3 Watering Computers: Garden 2014-05-09 Section 2 & 3 Watering Computers
Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky. More great pics.


Glad you had a good day weatherwise, and enjoyed another BBQ.

Good day here as well. A few spots of rain, but they never came to anything.

Got a lot done, so I'm nearly caught up, but I'll have to work tomorrow if it's fine.


Sounds like you passed your yearly medical MoT with flying colours?


Evening Everyone.


Watching Eurovision, watched BGT earlier.


A very windy day here, showers as well, not ideal.


Didn't do much, not a lot to be done in the garden, checked the watering again.


Crunched a few bugs as i find them on the plants.


Was going to have a BBQ but O/H was going out for an hour or so, a group from work have these night in's, they take some food round.

O/H isn't keen.


she thought the do was last week so rang up to say she couldn't make it, gave some reasons, then got a text back saying it wasn't last week but this week.

Oh dear.


Have ordered another knee support, my last one isn't velcro so is harder to get on and off.

This one is twice the price but worth a try.


Hope Mollie isn't too worn out, she's got far too much to do.






Glad to hear your doc's check up went well.

Pity that your OH got her dates mixed up, so you missed out on a BBQ for nothing.

Hope your new knee support is helpful.

Thank you for posting the piccies, the ones I viewed were lovely, but the dongle had trouble viewing them, so will have to look at the second half at home.

Thanks for the info about the care home.



glad you are catching up well workwise.

at the annoying emergency strimmer person.

Hope you enjoyed your spag bol tonight.


Am staying at mums again tonight.

Another horrible afternoon with her.
Tried to leave her awhile this afternoon to spend a bit of time with OH and my friend in cafe, but son rang me and said mum had left 2 panic messages on our answer phone saying she was locked in the flat and was going to ring the police as she needed to get out and catch the boat. She had been ok just half hour earlier when I rang her. So had to ring and calm her down, she was in floods of tears. Later, when I got to her flat after collecting my overnight stuff from home to stay night with her, we got into her block of flats to see her hanging over the child gate shouting (not real loud though), "help, help, someone help me".  
I know she felt locked in with the child gate, but at least she was safe. I had told her not to open front door, but she can't remember anything.
My nerves are fraught, hardly seen anything of family this weekend, and even when I went out for awhile, had to ring mum every hour.
My friend is hopeful things might calm down a little for me when the carers come in 3 times a day.


Managed to watch some of Eurovision when mum went to bed early, she was fine by then.

time to put up my camp bed, at least it is nice and comfy.


Goodnight both xx




Very wet this morning so I didn't go out to work. Bit better this afternoon though.

I did get my own grass cut late afternoon.


Pity you didn't get your BBQ Hicky. And your OH got tricked into going to the do.


Hi Mollie. Still having a hard time of it with your Mum.

Doesn't sound like she can be left on her own at all unfortunately.

Obviously you can't stay there yourself every night. Can you arrange for overnight care for her?


Eurovision was good, but no really stand out songs for me.

The UK entry was good, and it was staged well, but Molly is not a comannding performer.

I think she came as high up as could be expected. All those saying she had a chance of winning were living in the land of the cloud cuckoos IMO.


My car is going in for it's MoT on Monday, so hope it's not too expensive this year.


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


Went out for brekkie, not a nice day, 12C but cloudy and miserable.


It's looks like it will be a roast dinner today instead of a BBQ, weather not good enough.

Checked all the plants/trees for nasties, keep finding eggs to get rid of.

Found some green fly as well, have to get rid of as soon as seen or they will take over.


I think the beard won the Eurovision, we can't win as most countries wouldn't vote for us whoever we had singing.


What we do in the world controls the view others have on us, and they don't like what we do or who we back.


Hope your car has more luck in the mot than last year.


Looking at my Kiwi Berry vine it looks very good, it's growing well and has quite a lot of little berry flowers emerging.

It grows similar to a grape vine but is going to take a lot of training by the looks of it.


Evening Hicky.

Not particularly good weather here either. A little bit of sun, but mostly cloudy with a little rain.


Went to the supermarket, and then took my car down to the garage in time for it's MoT tomorrow, then walked back home. A bit chilly, but at least the heavens didn't open.


Did you have a roast dinner, or did the weather improve enough for a BBQ?


May be a silly question, but is the Kiwi Berry vine the same plant that you get kiwi fruit from, or is that something different?


Enjoyed watching Vera on ITV1 this evening.



Last edited by emptybox


Wet here today, so I didn't get anything done.


Just got a phone call about my car. Bad news. Needs a whole list of things to get it through the Mot. Wheel bearing, brakes suspension, more welding on the sills etc. About ÂĢ1500 worth.

I've given them the go ahead, but that's probably half the value of the car.

Plus there's a list of advisories, so next year will probably be just as bad.


I'm due to go down south again this autumn, meaning a long motorway journey, so that's why I definitely want to keep it on the road till after that.

But I might well think twice about keeping it till it's MoT next year.

No point spending more on it than it's worth.


That show about men surviving on an island is back on tonight at 9pm CH4.


Evening Emptybox.


Turned out nice, a few rain storms but it was sunny when i go home.

Had a nice BBQ rather than make a meal in the house.

Had special trimmed lamb chops and some seafood.


I did a roast dinner yesterday as the wind was too much to make things enjoyable.


The Kiwi Berry is smooth skinned and the size of a plum, you can eat it straight off the vine you don't need to peel it.


Bad news about the car, thats a lot to pay out.


The problem is, the more you spend the less you want to get rid.


I'll be watching the island again as well.


Hope Mollie is managing ok, such a worry.


It always seems to wait until my watering system has been on then the heavens open.


Hi Hicky. Glad you had the weather for a BBQ.


That's interesting about the kiwi berries. Wonder if they'll ripen over here?


Yeah, it's tricky about the car, because it's a lot of money, and once I've paid it I'll not want to sell it until near it's MoT next year.

Trouble is, if I don't pay it I'd have to sell it without an MoT, so would probably only get a few hundred for it.


It's a fantastic car to drive, but I don't think it's been properly protected against corrosion underneath? There's no way a 10 year old car should need this amount of work.

I think they used to be made at the plant you work in, didn't they (Jaguar X-Type)?

Not that I'm saying you were responsible for it.


Watching The Island. I see the oldest guy is 70.

I think everybody would like to think they could cope in that situation, but not sure how I would do?


Evening Emptybox.


Not too bad a day here.

A lot of sun, slight wind but ok.


Fed some trees/plants, sprayed others, checked a lot for eggs, they try daily to lay eggs on the leaves.


Have ordered a set of lined cards with a box and a set of index sheets.

I need to make a new index system for each type of plant to hold the relevant info, also to be able to take it outside and have it on hand.


The Kiwi Berry is pretty new here i suppose but it's looking good so far.

This is the story behind it.


You are right, they did make the Jaguar X Type at Halewood, i would have expected it to be better than yours is.

10 years is no time at all, in the old days when i first had cars the first thing you looked at was under the mats in the foot wells to see if there was a floor, in the boot and the door sills and the wings, they usually rotted way very fast, also we had to decoke the engine every 40,000 miles.


I saw the Island, they are hopeless aren't they, would hate to be shipwrecked with that lot, US.

Haven't a clue, they are the wrong people to be on the island with, talk about hit & miss.

To watch them trying to light the fire, and not catching the fish, pathetic.

Last edited by Hicky




oh dear, such a shame your car is going to cost so much. and yes as you say, once you pay that much out, you don't want to get rid of it. Let's hope it last well after you spend on it again. Are you all up to date work wise now?



glad to hear you are still enjoying being out in the garden and the BBQ too.


looks like a good weather forecast coming up too.


I am real done in, been rushed of my feet for last few days, but I have a result, the carers start for 3 times a day starting tomorrow.

And big drama again today...when got to mums, she was weird again, she had emptied all wardrobe onto bed and said she was waiting to leave...I told her off and said she was being silly...only thing I can do to try and get her to snap out of it...then told her to hurry up and put her nice jumper on as , lady was coming about care...she took it on and off 3 times....then whilst I was watching in corridor for the carers, to arrive to meet us, 2 police officers came into hall and asked for mums flat..."oh no, what has she done now" I thought ? i hope they don't drag her away to mental home now I thought. Blooming turns out I had accidently pressed the emergency alert button on her front door whilst telling her off for leaving it open yet again. And the call centre called out the police because they could hear voices.   Hope they didn't hear me telling her off.
The police took mine and mums full names, adresses, DOB, (don't know why they wanted that, mum couldn't even remember hers), and I said sorry to them, felt awful, and I rang call centre to say it was an accident. Not a good introduction to meeting her new carers, was it?


Managed to watch Call Centre tonight, Funny programme.


Goodnight both xxx



Evening guys.

Very wet overnight, then a sunny morning, then heavy thunder showers this afternoon.


I suppose you could say I was technically caught up, because the two jobs I got done today should have been done on Friday, but the jobs I'll do tomorrow should only have been done today, if you see what I mean.

But I think it is supposed to stay dry for the rest of the week, and then maybe wet again by the weekend.

I think Scotland misses out on the warm spell that you are supposed to be in for, unfortunately.


Hi Mollie. Good news on the carers arranged for your Mum.

Bit drastic of you to call the police in though?


If the alert button can be pressed accidentally, will your Mum not keep pressing it herself, or does she understand about using it?

It's a worrying time, I know.


Hi Hicky. Those kiwi berries look good. Like a small kiwi fruit right enough.


Yeah, I'm disappointed that the car is needing all that work. Sills rotting away, and all the suspension parts. I suppose it's more expensive because it's a Jaguar?

The guy at the garage said he had priced up new sill panels, and they would have been ÂĢ2000 just for the panels, so that was a non starter. So patching will have to do.

I don't remember having to do the sills on my old Mercedes, and that was 18 years old when I sold it.


But having said all that, apart from rotting away underneath, the Jag still looks very good.


Can't you do that index card stuff on the computer? But I guess it's handy to have it to hand, when you are tending to the plants.


I think the idea is that it's just ordinary blokes from all walks of life, that have been sent to the Island, to see if modern British men can still hack it.

It wouldn't have been as interesting if they were all trained survival experts.

They did seem to make a hash of getting a fire started though.


Watched Happy Valley on BBC1 tonight. The police thing with Sarah Lancashire. Very good it is.


Good Morning Everyone.


Mollie, Yes, with having the BBQ inside the gazebo i can have BBQ's anytime, O/H had all the stuff ready for when i got home Tuesday, Chops, Langoustines.

And with some of those ready to bake rolls done in the  oven, heaven.


Bad news about your Mum, can't really see how she can manage without full time care, she can't really be left for a minute, think she's too far gone.


Emptybox, Hope the good weather doesn't miss you by?


Bad news about the car, those sills are expensive, if they bolted on you may be able to get some from the scrap yard, but if they are welded, no good.


I can't print card in my printer, not that i have any card, all the info is in my book but it's not as handy as cards would be.

All the stuff costs ÂĢ10 and the Express delivery is ÂĢ23.

Oh well, not to worry.


On the Island, i wasn't saying that the man should be experienced in survival, but one happens to be a doctor, so they should have someone with a few brains in the group, which doesn't look like they have, otherwise they wouldn't be so short of water and food.


Not too bad at work, have been quite busy but ok now.


Evening Hicky.

Nice day here, so I got quite a lot done.

Even though there was a lot of rain yesterday afternoon, the grass was reasonably dry, so that was a bonus.


I see the problem with printing out cards.

I think that's where a tablet computer comes in handy, because you can take it out and about with you.

Having said that, I'm still a pen amd paper man, when I write out shopping lists and the like.


On the Island, I think they had a day's training on survival techniques, but they only seem to have a stagnant pool for water, that they have to boil. They don't seem to have any running fresh water; unless they just haven't discovered it yet?


Watched Billy Connolly


Good afternoon both xx



I bet you will be getting that BBQ out again in the good weather now. And those lovely long light nights too.



glad to hear you too have the good weather at last and have been able to catch up on your gardens.


I haven't been able to watch much tv at all this week, but I did enjoy Derek at the zoo.

Not been a good few days at all for me, backwards and forwards to my mum's whilst the carers need to know what they need to do and I need to make sure there is the right type of food in for her. Plus back to mums for a visit from the occ therapist, and the mental nurse, then the man to deliver mum's height things to put on her chair. And in between, OH rang to say he had real bad toothache, so needed to find a dentist where he worked in Devon. Turns out he had infection so is on anti biotics, then daughter got bad earaches, so had to take her to docs, they were full so had to wait till next day to even see a nurse, who confirmed an ear infection, so she is on drops.

Fortunately though the dog is well for a change.

I am so glad OH is home for the weekend now.

And over the last few days, mum does seem to be less confused as the carers pop in 3 times a day and feed her.

Off to the pub for tea, me and daughter need a break from cooking.

And I have hardly eaten at all this week, so it will be nice.

Then home to enjoy Gogglebox.


Have a good evening both xx


Evening Everyone.


Been nice today, Docs to check on the pain killers, brekkie at Morrisons, yummy, BBQ for tea, just sausages, burgers, lamb streak cutlets, salad, a skewer thingy and  some mince on a stick.


Emptybox, My cards came, not impressed, O/H said, thought you were getting a rotary card system, oh, might have to rethink my idea.


I didn't watch the island, like to watch people with some brain, would hate to be cast away with those clowns.


Mollie, Yes, BBQ out as often as possible, had never thought of the BBQ going in the Gazebo, another P/H idea, mind you she is bright.


I hope the problems with Mum and the carers can cope.

Not sure how she can be left for a couple of hours on her own.


Oh dear, O/H with toothache, nothing worse.

Daughter could have gone to out of hours or A&E with her earache, if the doctors are busy or closed thats what you do.


At least you got to the Pub, hope that was worth it?


I'll have to record Gogglebox.


It looks like a good weekend ahead also.

It was hot today.


Hi guys.

A nice couple of days so I'm well caught up workwise.


Got my car back this afternoon. Considering I've just spent nearly ÂĢ1600 on it, it just looks the same as before. They might have polished  it for that price?


Hi Mollie. Glad your Mum seems to settling down a bit, now she has carers.

Pity your daughter and OH have been having problems.

Enjoy your pub tea.


Hi Hicky. Pity your cards weren't up to scratch.

(there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm too tired to find it )


Glad you're still enjoying BBQs in your gazebo. Just don't set it on fire in the process.


I think I'm supposed to get nice weather this weekend as well, despite the earlier forecast, but I think there's rain forecast for next week.


I see Louisa Zissman has been chosen as a presenter on Bit on the Side, alongside Emma and Rylan.

That should be good.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Hi Emptybox, A beautiful day here, BBQ's as well, my lad and his lot came round.


I suppose paying all that isn't enough to get your car cleaned as well.


Was looking at the rotary card indexes but they all seem to be business card indexes, not what i want at all.


Am pleased about Luisa joining bbbots, like her.


I have tried to get my Tomato grafted plants delayed as they are due next week or the week after and i'll be in Turkey from 25th, they say they can't delay the plants as they will be sending thousands out and they have no control.

They said they would try to get them delivered next door, the pack would have to be opened and watered if they are becoming dry but otherwise should be ok.

Not much i can do really.


Watching BGT at the mo as it was delayed 4m due to football overrun.


Hope |Mollie is OK and not too stressed out.


Was struggling to watch BGT with that idiot David on it, what a clown, he's ruining the show, no country will take it serious with him on it.


Then i turn over to TV2 for the BGMT and they have another idiot, Stephen Mulhern, he must think the whole show is about him, the acts don't get a look in, like with David, he just wants to be the star of the show.

Does my head in. 


Hi Hicky.

Gorgeous day here.

I got a lot done in my own garden, plus I did some work on my van. I painted the bumper because it was getting a bit rusty.


Forgot you were going to Turkey Hicky. I had it in my head you were going to Portugal, but I think that was last year?

Anyway, hope you have a great time. And hopefully your tomato plants will come beforehand.


I'm trying to decide when to put my tomato plants out in the greenhouse. They are getting quite tall, but they haven't set seed yet. I think I usually w\it till they've set seed?


Supposedly watching my recording of BGT now, but it's all some footie match. I'll have to fast-forw\rd to see if there's some BGT later.


Hope Mollie is managing to have a relaxing weekend, with her OH home.




Glad you too got the lovely weather over the weekend.



glad you got to enjoy another BBQ.

didn't realise it was so soon you go to Turkey. How nice to have that to look forward to.

Bet it will be lovely and warm there now.



you are dead right after spending that much money on your car, at least they should of returned it to you looking an sparkling.

Good that the nice weather meant you could get your own garden done and tha bumper painted too.


I enjoyed OH being home for the weekend, helps with my stress over mum.

I even managed to get the see the circus that was in town, with 2 of the kids, and get a coffee with my friend. Really enjoyed the circus. amazing what those acrobats can do , and so high up too.


Mum had another panic sobbing attack yesterday afternoon when I rang her, and had packed all her clothes, as she needed to leave she said. I just told her on phone to calm down and she had forgotten about it in half hour when I saw her, and I took her for ice cream on seafront. All this is making me a nervous wreck as I don't know what she will be like each time I ring her, the whole thing , makes no sense at all.  But at least she seems to forget about it quickly after.

To add to my annoyance .... i only have my dongle now.... last night just as OH was going to relax before his early 4am start this morning our damn intenret went. AFter much fiddling around he found the digital phones weren't working, so I emailed bt via my dongle and the phonelines are being fixed and wont be back till Thursday night!   So no internet apart from my dongle! Strange thing is the old plug in phones are working so at least i know mum can ring if she needs. Any idea why that would be?

must go and do vat now, before dongle is used up, and I have to mess around buying more internet time...can't believe no intnert, just when I am so behind with paperwork.


have a good day both xx


Evening Both.


Emptybox, Yep, go Sunday, i hope Plants come before i go.

Yes, been to Portugal twice, love it, would have gone back.


The Tomato plants can only go outside when frost has passed, unless you put cloches over them at night.

If yours are growing tall it sounds like lack of light.

If you are planting them outside, cut all the leaves off the bottom of the plant up to the top few leaves and when you put the plant in the hole lay it down up to the top leaves and leave them out of the hole.


What you can do is, when the plant has grown 6 inches cut the top of and let the plant form side shoots, turn the plant into a bush and you will get hundreds of tomatoes without it having to climb a cane.

Even side branches get their heads cut off and they will sprout more shoots, you can get a massive bush of tomatoes very easy.


Yes, you usually transplant into bigger pots when they set the 1st fruit, otherwise they will just produce leaves.

When they are under stress they set fruit, otherwise they just grow.


Mollie, Your Mum is quite a handful, not a lot you can do, i suppose taking her out at least you know where she is.


Talking about your internet and phones, i have been having noise on the line so went about testing it all.

I plugged everything out of the main socket that is where the lines come in.

I plugged a normal phone in and rang the BT test line 17070 and you get some different tests, i selected 2 which gives a silent line, my line was fine so i tested my internal lines and found a filter was causing the problem, it may have been just a bad connection but i had spare filters so all is good now.


Oh dear, you need your dongle now for the vat.


Hi Mollie.

Bet you considered running away with the circus, to get away from your stress?


I think your Mum's confusion is only likely to get worse TBH. Not wishing to put a bummer on your day, so to speak.

I think I told you my Dad's aunt had alzheimer's, and Dad, being her closest relative, let her stay in her flat for as long as poss, but when she started to forget to dress herself, and started to answer the door in the altogether, he knew it was time for a home.'s good that your Mum remembers to pack her clothes.


Another gorgeous warm day here, but I think it's to be the last for a while?

Unfortunately I had a big hedge to cut, which isn't ideal in this weather.

It didn't help that I took a tumble from the top of my stepladder and hurt my leg, so I had to finish the job with a limp. Ooya.


I had the steps side on to the hedge, and was cutting it that way, but I came to a bit where I had to put the steps straight on. Of course I forgot, and when I started to come down the steps I stepped down into mid-air and landed on my back. Most of me landed on grass, but my thigh hit a concrete step.

I've now got a big bruise, and it's sore to walk, which won't help my grass cutting this week.

Don't think there's any permanent damage though?


If your simple phones work Mollie, that means the phone lines are still working to an extent, but there might not be enough signal to get your cordless ones to ring? And obviously the internet part is cut off.

Hope they fix it on Thursday.

You don't want to have to rely on a dongle.


We're getting work done on the electricity here, so are having power cuts on about four different days. Mostly just for an hour at a time, but next Monday we will be off for 4 Â― hrs.

Hopefully I'll be out working though.

I'm hoping it might improve the supply here, but that might be a vain hope.


Have to limp down and make my supper now. Haven't decided what to have yet. I like a surprise.


Last edited by emptybox

Hi Hicky.


Thanks for the tomato advice.

They are on the windowsill at the moment, so I think I'll leave them there till next weekend anyway.

They are going in the greenhouse, so I don't really want them to bush out, as there's more room for them to grow up.

There's only room for the four plants on the one wall, and they tend to grow into each other anyway, so I usually cut the side shoots off.


Good evening both



that sounds like a nasty fall you have had. I think you need a bit of a rest for awhile now, as you were bound to be shook up after that, and it takes awhile for the bruising/aches to develop. I guess it could of been a lot worse though, if any more of your poor body had landed on concrete. Hope you feel better soon.

Hope your tomatoes do well now, handy having Hicky around to help with advice.

Your electricity sounds as annoying as our bloomin phone lines. Let's hope both your electricity supply and our phone lines have improved after all this.



bet you are looking forward to your hols now it is nearly here. Not long to go now. You are clever sorting out your noise on your phone line.


I have been given a job number by BT for this one and when I rang them, they told me they are still trying to locate the fault. They think it is to do with the "green box" whatever that is! Wish they would hurry up and fix it, it is driving me mad with no digital phones or internet, and my dongle wouldn't work all last night and till late this afternoon.

I had to go to the library to print a college application form for son today, as even when dongle works, I can't print. Had to pay for it too, but it didn't cost much, worst thing is the time wasting, as had to rush around getting mum's food shopping and taking it to her first.

I am glad the carers are going in, but as you say Emptybox, sounds like in the end I will have to give up and find a home for her. The odd job man in flats said he found her wondering the corridor saying she was going to catch a ship yesterday, so he sent her back to her flat. He like the other flat residents are watching out for her.


Time to do some work on the vat, very behind this quarter,and me and daughter are off to see Barry Manilow in Cardiff on Thursday.... staying overnight in hotel as it will probably finish after our last train home leaves. Fingers crossed mum gives me no problems that night.


Meant to say I too was pleased to see Louisa will be on BBOT's think she will be good for that show.


have a good evening both. xx


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