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Evening Emptybox.


Had sun all day, 15C


I've got a 10.0 duvet on i think, had it all winter.


On new Puter, not been too bad, graphics fab, got email (BT Yahoo) on right half of display and my Forum tabs on the left, with this graphic card and HDMI i'm on the biggest setting, 1920 x 1080


Apple trees are later than pears i think, as long as you have got the right buds, don't worry about the leaves they can come later, the blossom comes on it's own to give access to the bees.


I'm onto BT Yahoo for the mail at the mo, i knew i could always go online to BT.


I might get the 'Office' Home & Business 2013' for ÂĢ219.99

That would do me.


I've got the forums ok, the printer is ok,


Made a Rendang curry today, yummy.


Am pretty happy at the mo.


Waiting for the coach screws to come, ordered 130.


Good nearly Evening Everyone.


Not as nice a day as expected, it didn't rain but fairly cloudy all day, snippets of sun though.


Hace ordered mor Strawberry plants as some don't look so healthy after the winter.

Another few had been invaded by caterpillars, but i got some of them, now they are double.


Computer coming on ok, just got to get the Malwarebytes sorted, running on a trial one at the mo.

Have emailed them to see if i can get the 16 digit key from them.

I have the ID No, so it shouldn't be a problem.


Going to have another plate of Rendang curry now.


Had colourless smoked Haddock for brekkie with some bacon.

Bought a 2.5kg pack of bacon from Costco and split it into bags of 6 rashers each.

Split the Flank steak into 500g bags for the curry, after it was diced.


Have ordered a 50m hose, it's really so i can get the hose round to the front and to the cars, my other hoses are pieces connected round the garden and you don't have to reel them in, there are 5 of them i think, always connected but not live unless you activate some taps.


Looking forward to BGT tonight.


Have a good weekend, hope Mollie isn't getting too stressed.

Originally Posted by Hicky:


Can't you have your bath anytime? 

Things have to done in their correct order Hicky.

Saturday is bath, then spag bol and beer.

Have you learned nothing?


Pity the weather wasn't as nice as expected.

Yes strawberries are tricky plants. They either seem to die off, or they spread everywhere out of control.


Enjoy your rendang.


Haven't watched BGT yet, but I watched casualty then that new Rob Brydon quiz, which seems to be a cheap remake of Blankety Blank. Quite funny though.


I just use the free version of Malwarebytes, alongside Avast anti-virus.


Have you heard of this Heartbleed vulnerability in secure sites?


They advise that you change some of your passwords on sites that have now been patched.

I changed Yahoo, Gmail, Facebook and Instagram.



Evening Emptybox.


I was sure you had Spag Bol on Saturday, never mind.


Some of the Strawberry plants seem fine, but 4 tubs not so good, getting another 12 plants.


BGT was great, love it.


Never heard of Heartbleed, crazy all these security leaks,


Have got that many passwords, most are about 15 characters.

They usually change for each site depending on how crucial they are.

Some are 17 characters for financial places.


Afternoon Hicky.

That's a mighty lot of trees.

Enough to keep you busy anyway.


Started off sunny and quite warm, but the afternoon has been drizzly, windy and cold.

Just back from the supermarket.


Watched some of the Marathon this morning. Mo Farrah did quite well.

Think I'm going to watch 'Endeavour' this evening.


Hope you are having a nice weekend Mollie.


Evening Emptybox.


Watching the Golf, not much on and it's a tough course Augusta National in Geogia.


I'm very pleased with how the trees are going at the mo, my little Cherry i trained last year is really going to be covered in flowers, when they are all out i'll get a picture, the branches are so young they are only about 2ft long.





thanks for the blossom picture, how pretty it looks.

Glad you seem to be doing so well with your trees, I will go and have a read of your attachment when I have done this post.

We went to Costco on Saturday, I was doing a copy cat of you, you see.

That is good that you are happy with your new pc.



gardens today? that is good you managed to catch up with your own grass cutting.

Are you feeling warm enough now you have switched heating off? It has been lovely in the day here, but chilly at night and the wind still quite cool, especially on the coast.

Do I need to change my PW;s on some stuff then?

Gosh don't know half of them myself though.


I too enjoyed BGT. And both of Rob Rhydens shows, and Gogglebox, of course.

Was out and about quite a bit at the weekend...shops and Costco on Saturday as quite cloudy, and went with daughter to archery yesterday. it was outside as nice weather, so it was good to sit in sun chair and read my book, surrounded in pretty countryside and hills.  

Mum not been too bad, managed to take her to walk to park for ice cream on Friday as nice and sunny.

Last night we ate fish, chips and mushy peas in the park by seafront. Delicious.


We have now bought mum 3 new phones from Argo, fingers crossed they work. They are for elderly, ring real loud and a red light stays on if they don't put the receiver down properly and the buttons are real big.


Had ice cream on seafront with kids today as nice and sunny and college holidays. Lots of kiddies on beach and at fairground. Hope good weather continues.


Going to watch baby show on C4 soon.


have a good evening both xxx




Evening Everyone.


Hi Mollie.

The Main cherry tree is getting very full of flowers, they are not all opening together, when they are all open i'll get a picture.

It's only a teeny tree as i have been training it.


New PC is so much better than the other, and for ÂĢ200 I can't fault it.


My Stainless coach screws arrived for the table legs to fasten the brackets.


My Mum used to have that phone with the big keys, very handy.

Glad she was able to get out for a walk.


It was very sunny here today, but was at work of course.


We are all creatures of habit.


Watching GBM & Restaurant Wars.




Evening both.

Nice day today . Got a lot done.

Had some more problems with my mower, but I've fixed it again.


That phone looks like it'll be good for your Mum Moliie. You couldn't miss the buttons anyway.

Glad she has not been too bad, and you got to sit out in the sun.


I doubt you'd need to change any passwords Mollie? It depends which email you use? If it's Gmail or Yahoo, you might be better to change them. Otherwise you'll be OK.

Apart from the four ones that I changed, other common ones that suggest you change your password are Dropbox, Tumblr and Netflix.


I am a creature of habit I guess? But I'm not inflexible. 10 minutes either way, doesn't make much difference.


It has been rather chilly in the evenings here. I'm still putting my electric blanket on to warm the bed, and I sometimes have to put the electric fire on for an hour, when I'm watching telly.

I suppose I put the heating off a little too quick, but I wanted to preserve the oil I've got left, so I can buy when I think the price is at the bottom.

There's a frost forecast for tonight.


Hi Hicky.

I love seeing cherry blossom at it's best. Unfortunately my tree is useless for blossom, as I said.

Glad your coach screws came.


Watched Classic Car Rescue on 5, then One Born Every Minute.

Just going to look to see if there's any of my recordings that I want to watch.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


I see your mower still giving problems, unfortunately i don't think it is going to sort itself out.


It's been a glorious day here, sun all day.


Went to dentist for check up, he redid some little tooth chips that came off under guarantee, then got my medication from Sainsbury's got brekkie there while waiting.


Put brackets onto 1 of the tables and fitted the leveling feet, it takes quite a while to do, had to take my coat off, also take the jumper off, then changes shirt for a short sleeved one.


Cooked a big corn fed chicken for tea and got a portion of chips from the chippy.


My new 50m garden hose arrived with my 4 way tap manifold.

I can use the 3 mail hose lines at the same time now.

Haven't set the watering system up yet but can't wait much longer as plants are needing water with all this growth.


Good afternoon both x



looking forward to your cherry tree blossom piccy when they open.I am sure it will progress well from being a teeny tree with your care. Sounds like you are making good progress with the table.

Hope you are ok now after your dental work.



Pity the good weather means you have to do so much boring work.  

Hope your lawn mower holds up during your busy work period.

Sounds like you did turn your heating off a bit too early, with these cold nights still around.

Hopefully my PW's will be ok, as I don't use any of those places you mention. I use hotmail for email.


Lovely sunny day again today, good for drying my washing and taking doggie a walk.

Yesterday I was done in as took mum a walk in park, then did her jobs, then had to walk long way as she had run out of milk. Lots of people on beach and in the sea yesterday. Me and mum had a nice coffee ice cream, and son had choccy one,


I watched Call Centre on bbc3 at 9pm last night, very funny, it is .


time to peg out some more washing.

have a good day both xx


Good Afternoon Everyone.


It's a beautiful day, i believe, just a pity i'm at work.


Been busy today as well, still, it makes time fly better.


Emptybox, the Dental work was just a few bits that had come off from the last time he mended them, i smashed them when i was young so they are all shapes and sizes.

I chip them eating either nuts, or Nectarines as i bite into the flesh, if i catch the stone it chips my from teeth.

He mended them for free this time, he grinds them to make a grip, you don't get a needle, you just bear it.

Don't think they have nerves up by the ends.

They look good now anyway, i'll just have to take more care.


Mollie, For such a small tree there will be so much blossom, you don't need to thin cherries either, might have to net them though.

I've got the rest of the brackets here, will see how to get them home, might just take what i can manage.

It's only 50 x 50 x 6mm steel angle, powder coated and baked in the oven but they are pretty heavy.


It's great weather to take your Mum a walk, coffee & ice cream is a great idea.


I didn't watch call center but the tv wasn't too bad.


Hi all.

Cloudy and colder today, but I got another three places done.

Think I've only got one more place to cut for the first time? But I'm already going round for the second time to some.


Glad you enjoyed your ice creams yesterday Mollie. And hope you had a nice dog walk today.

Yeah, it's only certain passwords need changing. Hotmail wasn't affected.


Hi Hicky. Sounds like you need to be more careful of your teeth, if they are prone to chipping? Glad they pass muster again.

I always ask for an injection, whenever I get any work done at the dentist; apart from the usual scraping etc.


Hope you weren't too busy at work, and managed to get some more of your brackets taken home with you?


The last episode of Monkey Planet tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Emptybox, I was pretty busy today, but not to worry, it meant i had to spend less time on the web watching pruning videos.


I managed to take another 16 brackets home, left 8 as i couldn't carry them.

I have to walk so far with the factory being so big.


I went to B&Q for a few bits on the way home, and of course you get 10% discount Wednesday.

I only needed some stuff for the new hose pipe i bought.


I have taken some pictures of the trees / plants.

I'll see if they will upload.


Note: Don't click on the big picture in the post, click on the 1st small picture and then you will get some arrows bottom right, click the right arrow to step through, the text is at the top.


What you don't see just ask.


I will be taking another set in 2 weeks when the apple blossom is out.


B - Pear Tree - Conference


Images (36)
  • A - Apple - Family: A - Apple - Family
  • A - Apple Stepover: A - Apple Stepover
  • A - B - Apple & Pear Cordons: A - B - Apple & Pear Cordons
  • A1 - Apple Tree - Cox's: A1 - Apple Tree - Cox's
  • A2 - Apple Graft: A2 - Apple Graft
  • B - Pear - Asian Nashi Kumoi: B - Pear - Asian Nashi Kumoi
  • B - Pear - Family: B - Pear - Family
  • B - Pear - Stepover: B - Pear - Stepover
  • B - Pear Tree - Conference: B - Pear Tree - Conference
  • Ba - Pear - Conference Graft: Ba - Pear - Conference Graft
  • C - Peach - Peregrine: C - Peach - Peregrine
  • D - Plum - Domestica: D - Plum - Domestica
  • E - Kiwi - Issai: E - Kiwi - Issai
  • L - Fig1 - Brown Turkey: L - Fig1 - Brown Turkey
  • L - Fig2 - Brown Turkey: L - Fig2 - Brown Turkey
  • L - Fig3 - Brown Turkey: L - Fig3 - Brown Turkey
  • M - Mulberry Tree - Black Chelsea: M - Mulberry Tree - Black Chelsea
  • N - Gage1 - DenistonsSuperb: N - Gage1 - DenistonsSuperb
  • N - Gage2 - Cambridge: N - Gage2 - Cambridge
  • N - Gage3 - 'Oulins Golden: N - Gage3 - 'Oulins Golden
  • O - Gooseberry: O - Gooseberry
  • P - Vine1 - Lakemont: P - Vine1 - Lakemont
  • P - Vine2 - Fragola White: P - Vine2 - Fragola White
  • S - Rhubarb - Timperley Early: S - Rhubarb - Timperley Early
  • T - Rasberries - Joan J: T - Rasberries - Joan J Raised Bed
  • T - Raspberry - Joan J: T - Raspberry - Joan J in Pots
  • U0 - Cherry Tree - Stella: U0 - Cherry Tree - Stella
  • U1 - Cherry Cordon - Sweetheart: U1 - Cherry Cordon - Sweetheart
  • U2 - Cherry Cordon - Cherokee: U2 - Cherry Cordon - Cherokee
  • U3 - Cherry Cordon - Cherokee: U3 - Cherry Cordon - Cherokee
  • V0 - Plum Tree - Victoria: V0 - Plum Tree - Victoria
  • V1 - Plum Cordon - Marjories Seedlings: V1 - Plum Cordon - Marjories Seedlings
  • V2 - Plum Cordon - Opal: V2 - Plum Cordon - Opal
  • V3 - Plum Cordon - Rivers Early Prolific: V3 - Plum Cordon - Rivers Early Prolific
  • V4 - Plum Cordon - Seneca: V4 - Plum Cordon - Seneca
  • W - Tomato Grafted & Peas: W - Tomato Grafted & Peas - not planted yet
Last edited by Hicky

Evening Emptybox.


The fig trees are just breaking dormancy, some small leaves on the way,, have a feeling the small figs i left to overwinter are growing, if this is the case i can expect some lovely Figs.


Some pear & plum blossom is on it's way out.

Also the peach blossom is finished.


Waiting for the Apple & Vines to blossom now.


Good evening both xx



what great garden piccies those are.   Thanks for posting them. The blossom is beautiful, and you can see all the hard work you have put into your garden. Hopefully you will be rewarded with some lovely fruit later in the year. I look forward to seeing the next ones in a couple of weeks.



glad you managed to get 3 more gardens done. But as you say, as soon as you complete the first cuts, they then become ready for their 2nd cut, so looks like it is no peace for the wicked, as far as you are concerned right now.


OH took an extra hour and half to get home today because of holiday traffic/accidents. But at least he is now home for a full 4 days and nights. We all went out to Pizza Hut for tea tonight, as one of the lads birthday treats. 
I had nachos, salad and cheese triangles, washed down with a fruity cider.


I am going to watch the Walton sextuplets at 9pam. They are now 30 years of age.   I think they are from your area of the world aren't they Hicky?


Have a good evening both xx



Evening All.


Not a very nice day, windy and dull with a little rain, but too much cloud, wouldn't have been too bad if the wind had dropped.


Have ordered a nice big metal hose reel for my new 50m hose.


Tried the hose out this morning, washed the car and gave all the plants water in their saucers.


Have got flowers coming on the Raspberry plants all ready, they are are on the shoots that have grown on the existing piece of stem that i left from last years growth.


My new Pea plants were delivered today, 18 little pots with about 3 plants in each.

I've put them in the summerhouse for now as that is heated.


Have made an appointment for the docs to get my bloods, my annual review.

On the 29th, a 12 hour fast as well.


O/H has said she's found a lovely Bungalow and would like to move, interesting eh.


Went to New Brighton for Fish & Chips, super.



Bit of a mixed day. Mostly cold and windy. A bit of sunshine, but a shower at lunchtime.

Got some more work done anyway. Want to get quite a bit done tomorrow, before Easter, then I might allow myself Monday off.


Hi Mollie. You'll be pleased your OH managed to battle the Easter traffic, and is home for a few days.


Hi Hicky. That's good, if you've got flowers on the rasps already.

A 12 hr fast won't suit you at all?


Glad you enjoyed your fish&chips.


That's interesting that your OH has found a nice bungalow.

Won't she got lonely in it though? I can't see her prizing you away from your garden now.


Watched the Digby Jones programme on the Hawick knitwear company, as it's local to me.




both xx



sounds like you are likely to get some good raspberries again this year if they are in flower now.

Hope your annual review goes well, that is not much fun though having to do a 12 month fast. How is the pain in your legs now? HOpe it has improved a little.

OH found a bungalow then? Makes sense I guess, as no steps to cope with now you both have a bit of arthritus. Would you have to sell your house, or did your lad get round to buying it off you in the end? Is it far from your home now? Not an easy decision to make after you have done so much in your garden there, and as you have lived in that house so long.



hope you can get up to date workwise and reward yourself with Monday off.

I too saw Digby Jones, how interesting.... didn't realise it was close to you. The clothes looked lovely and well made.


Lovely day here today, hope it was for you both too.

We went to see a monkey sanctuary today,

it was lovely, the monkeys are all rescued..., so cruel most of their stories were... many stollen from their mothers at very young ages, and some kept for pets. The sanctuary is in the middle of nowhere, but surrounded in lovely countryside/mountains, so was especially nice in the good weather. One of the chimps likes entertaining visitors and throws stuff at the crowd. One baby had wrapped itself in a towel like a shawl. Their fingers fascinate me, so like ours.


Nearly time for Gogglebox, love this show, then Rob Rhyden touring resterants in Italy.


have a good evening both xx


Evening All.


Not too bad a day here, cool in the shade though.


Put the brackets and levelers on another gazebo table.


Lent my Wheel Barrow to my neighbour as he's got a skip and has knocked some walls down in his back garden.


Put my pea plants outside to get some sun.


Bought O/H a box of Dairy Milk chocolates as she love them.


My neighbour came round and cut my grass for me, then i went round with my strimmer.


Have taken the big Turkey out of the freezer, it's for Sunday, the weight is over 10kg, it's massive, you could harness it.



A glorious day here. Best of the year so far.


Got all my work done, so I can afford Monday off.

One of the customers was cutting his own grass when I arrived, so that saved me a job. It's a holiday house, so they must be there for Easter.

I suppose he wanted some exercise, or thought I wouldn't be coming on Good Friday?

If I hadn't got so much else to do, I might have been miffed.


That Monkey place looks fascinating Mollie. You're lucky to have somewhere like that close to you. Glad you had the good weather too.


Hi Hicky.

That sounds like a good deal? Lend your neighbour your barrow, and he cuts your grass for you. Think you got the best of that one?

I'm sure your OH loved those Dairy Milk.


I presume you've got a big family turkey dinner planned for Sunday?


Watched Gogglebox, and am now watching the recording of the Honey badger programme.


My TV is beginning to misbehave. It flickers for a few minutes when you first turn it on. Not too annoying as yet, but it's bound to get worse, I would have thought?

Think it's probably a fairly easy repair, if it comes to it.

It's nearly five years old, so way out of guarantee.


Have a super Easter weekend you two.


Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Yes, it was handy him doing the grass, i got the double cord strimmer out and sorted the edges in no time.


Been a super day here, sun all day, had 10mins of cloud then sun again.


Planted all the peas, there were 2 packs od what they call twin peas, each set was 9 sections, each section had about 6 plants in each cell.


Had a BBQ, sausages, burgers and lamb steaks, tried my new burger mustard and relish.


O/H asked if i would be able to take the Gazebo to pieces if we moved.


That last bungalow was no good, no route to the big back garden from the front for my trees.


O/H thinks we should move to a nice Bungalow as we may soon be having problems with stairs.


Cooking the big Turkey in the morning, having lunch at my lads, we are doing some Turkey, Stuffing, Gravy, he's doing veg and spuds.


I have bought a nice box of Chocolate's for O/H and a new watch, similar to mine, a Eco-Drive one with day and date and no replacing batteries or winding.

It's power by light, any sort, 5 yr warranty.


Hi Hicky.

Gorgeous day here as well.

Went into town to get a few things.


Went into Currys to look at tellys, just in case I need to replace mine.

Just having a look mind. Hopefully mine will carry on for a while yet.

Actually I was hoping they would have a demonstration of 4K TVs, but there were none to be seen. Too expensive yet, I suppose?


Also I planted my potatoes out. Just six tubers.


The BBQ sounds tasty Hicky.


Didn't realise the bungalow was a serious quest. Hope you find a good one.

As all your trees seem to be moveable, I suppose they would travel well?

Seems a pity to have to dismantle the gazebo though, after it took you so long to build it?


I'm sure your OH will love the watch.


Just watching my recording of BGT. Me like Lettuce (the violin girl)

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by emptybox:
  It's nearly five years old, so way out of guarantee.



Hang on before you rush off to buy a new tv. .....

Our tv went on the blink after around 3 years, and we found out there is a type of 6 year guarantee for tv's under Sale of Goods act, if they develop a fault.

So when we told the store and showed our receipt, they told us where to take it and they fixed it for free.

Might be worth a try if you still have the receipt?


This young lady is popping by to wish you both 



hope you enjoyed your Easter turkey dinner. There should of certainly been enough to feed all the neighbourhood with a turkey that size.   I bet your OH was pleased with your Easter gifts for her.

Nice of your neighbour to cut your grass for you. Do you struggle now to do it with your knee playing up?

Yes probably a good idea to find a place with no stairs as you are both having knee problems. What a shame though after you have just done all the work on the garden. Good luck finding a suitable place. Do you intend to stay close to where you live now?



Glad you got some nice weather yesterday, it was a bit cloudy and a real cold wind yesterday here. Shame you did not get to view those new tv's. What are 4k ones?


Went to see mum to give her a few Easter treats this morning. "oh it is Easter today then", she said when I told her what day it was today.."I don't know what this country is coming to, it is ridiculous making Easter day just 2 days after we have had  Christmas!"... 

Me and OH went to greasy spoon for lovely cooked brekkie today.

And then me and daughter made family an Easter roast dinner later today.


Watching Antiques Roadshow now, me and OH like doing the play along game where you guess what they are worth, via the red button.   We are not very good at it though.


have a good evening both xxx






Good Evening Folks.


Happy Easter, hope you had a good one.


Emptybox. I think the life/guarantee on a TV or as on most goods is a time which the goods are expected to reach as a reasonable period of life.


The guarantee they give with their goods really means nothing.


Hope your spuds are ok, i'm not planting any this year, my return wasn't worth it.

I can get a sack of potatoes in Costco for about ÂĢ3.


The Bungalow is a go'er not sure how easy it would be to move all my stuff though, it wouldn't be a problem moving the Gazebo, i could take it in sections no problem.


Enjoyed BGT, some good acts.



Love the Easter Girly.


The Dinner was great


The problem with doing the lawn is various things, my knee & hip aren't too good, standing isn't too good, pushing the mower effects my breathing.


We don't want to move more than a mile or so, but O/H thinks we need a bungalow, or will do soon.

So she is looking for one.


Got a couple of Easter Eggs, will have to take it easy on this chocolate lark.


Have wrapped Fleece round the pea plants, they are twin sets, planted 2 tubs, about 120 plants.


Happy Easter Mollie and Hicky.


Bit colder and windy here, but dry with some afternoon sunshine.

Went to the supermarket as usual.


Unfortunately I bought the TV from Comet, and they've gone bust since, so don't think I could claim under the sale of goods act, as that is with the retailer rather than the manufacturer.

It's not too bad at the moment anyway. It just flickers a bit when I first turn it on. Settles down after a few minutes.


I watched a video on Youtube that showed you how to fix a similar problem on another Samsung TV. So I might try that if it gets worse. Or there's a repair guy in Jedburgh.


4K TV (or Ultra HD)is the next development Mollie. It has a higher resolution screen than the current HD models (3840 x 2160). Makes everything look more lifelike.

They're very expensive at the moment, but will inevitably come down in price.


Glad you enjoyed your family Easter meal Hicky.

Hope your OH finds a nice bungalow somewhere close.


I think I would probably have given up growing spuds as well, if it wasn't for the fact that my Uncle is a huge fanatic about everybody growing their own food. It shuts him up a bit if I can say I'm growing some potatoes and tomatoes etc.


Hi Mollie. You're right. That Lettice girl does look a bit like Aisleyne. I wouldn't say "classier". Posher perhaps?


Fancy your Mum thinking Easter was two days after Christmas?

Glad you enjoyed a family Easter as well.


I treated my self to a lamb chop with potatoes and parsnips and gravy tonight. Followed by a treacle sponge pud.


Watched Endeavour this evening.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Emptybox, A better day than i expected, it's been rather nice.


Went out for brekkie, then O/H wanted to go to Gordale Nurserys.

got some French Marigolds and a few shirts.


My O/H wants a bit tub in the front with some nice flowers in it for the summer.

I'm also going to have some pots of flowers in the back of course.


I would have thought the life of your TV was in the hands of the maker, not the retailer, the components which are probably the problem are the problem of the manufacturer, nothing to do with who sold it.


The baby Figs on the trees seem to be growing, the leaves are just beginning to be formed, if all these figs grow into edible fruit it will be fantastic, there are so many i couldn't count them.


Just had Beef & Mushroom with half & half, yummy.


Hope Mollie is enjoying the Easter break as well.


Work tomorrow, for a change.


Evening Hicky.

Lovely day here. Sunny and 15 degrees.


Didn't do too much, but got my monthly and year end accounts done for my business.


Also bought the tax discs for my two vehicles online. One of them went through OK, but the website crashed when I was doing the van one, so not sure if it went through. I might have to phone up to sort it out.

I got a confirmation email for one, but not the other.

Think it took the money though.


Watched Jamaica Inn this evening, starring the girl from Downton Abbey.


Glad you had a good trip to the Nursery Hicky. Did you buy the shirts there?


The sale of goods act only applies to retailers Hicky. Sounds daft, I know, but there it is.

I think the idea is that if the shop has loads of people complaining, they will get the manufacturer to pull their fingers out.

I don't think it's used very often, as it's hard to prove that a fault that occurs after a few years is a manufacturing fault.


Hope you are having a great Easter Mollie?

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Emptybox.


Thats a blow about your tax disc, hope they can sort it, but manual & automation don't mix too well.


Gordale Nursery is massive, you can buy almost anything, plants etc is just a small portion of what it sells.

This place is the sort of place you go to for a present for someone, and one that is special, they only have the best.


They had some nice Polo shirts, 2 for ÂĢ25.


I'm not sure if it's the Sale of Goods act i'm thinking of, but i know that anything that is made is expected to have a reasonable life expectancy.

If it doesn't last as long as expected then it means that a component is at fault or it has a design flaw.

99% of items in a TV are not subject to normal wear and tear.



Evening All.


Been trying to get my water cat scarer going.

It seemed to be somewhat erratic so got new batteries, it was just the same so was going top strip it down to find the problem.

On taking the pipe work to bits i found 3 slugs, they must have been spending the winter in the hosepipe, i left it on the floor open ended.

Anyway, that's sorted now, it's working again.


Have bought new batteries for the watering timer/computers, don't like to chance using old ones.



As they say, don't try this at home.


Risk-taking Saudis successfully complete world’s most dangerous tyre change


quick   from me, as overdone it again, and ribs hurting, and typing makes it worse..
been busy catching up at home today, as OH gone back to work in devon today. And been helping mum with her jobs too, and food shopping.


Enjoyed reading your posts, hope to type bit more tomorrow when aches died down.


watching The Call centre now, enjoy it each week.


have a good evening both xxx


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