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Had this email off Pizza Hut today about their new pizza. Wonder why Grimsby can't get it? Don't think I'd fancy it though, bit boring.


Hi Hut Lover,

You've spoken, and we listened! You love our crust so much, we've introduced a new pizza which celebrates it more than ever!





Breaking news

The "Just Crust" is just that.. Crust! No cheese, no toppings, no base - just your



we posted at same time.

Pity it is pouring again, let's hope for a drier spell so you can catch up garden wise soon.

Yes I thought you would be aware of today's date, but the stories are amusing.


Someone on tv said they thought the eating advice to eat 10 veggies a day was an Aprils's fool too, but of course that one ended up being true.

You'd need to go shopping a lot to get all that in.


I know. 

They say one portion is a handful? So if you ate 10 handfulls of fruit and veg in a day you wouldn't have room for anything else.


And they also say fruit juice doesn't count, and neither does tinned fruit and veg - only fresh.


I thought I was getting about 4 a day, but that included a glass of orange juice, and tinned fruit for supper.

So I'm probably only on about 2 a day.

I always have a bit of fruit with my lunch, and either fresh veg or salad with supper. But that's about it? Unless poatoes count?.....


Evening Everyone.


Mollie, It's been lovely today, made a list of all the trees and what type and if they have flower buds.

Have got flower buds on young trees i wasn't expecting any on.


Bought some more stain to do the garden bench, it's hardwood strips and very old.


Had a BBQ this afternoon, a few sausages & Burgers with some big prawns.

It's great sitting in the Gazebo and cooking and eating.


Not sure if i have this magnetic thing on right yet.

The spare bubble soap is spare soap for the bubble machine, it hasn't arrived yet, should be this week.


Checked my Tyre pressures, the Tyre place must set them at 40psi, i've dropped it to 30.


There's always some April fool tricks, hard to teel which is true or not.


Emptybox, Pity you haven't got the nice weather, it's fab here.

My water tank is full anyway, 190ltrs.


My grass needs cutting again but it's too wet.


They say the 5 a day should be 7 a day, but it should mainly be veg as there's too much sugar in fruit.



sounds like another food article for us to ignore.


when you read the bit about tinned fruit, I read in one article that it might be  because of the added syrup, it is bad, but not all tinned fruit is in syrup is it?  Then it goes on to say it might be to do with the fact more lower social class people eat tinned fruit, so the results might be misleading because this group who eat tins might smoke or drink more alcohol, and eat more junk food.


I should think potatoes are good as they are a veg, and I know lots of vitamins.

Doesn't sound much wrong with your diet, 10 veg or not.

As you say, if you ate 10 handfulls each day, it would mean no room for anything else. And I think I would have stomach ache too.


Nothing much on tv again...think I will go for nasty neighbours on C5, then Horizon on bbc2.


This afternoon when we got back from mums, I noticed a dead mole on our drive that was under where our car parks.

I was fuming... that damn gardener has killed the poor moles and now I will have the upsetting job of clearing endless dead moles up. I decided to borrow daughters camera to take a photo to show agent and complain about the gardener poisoning wild life against my wishes. I didn't want to upset kids and tell them, so I told daughter I was taking a pic of the thrushes in garden. I knew I would have to remove the poor creature so family didn't see it, or dog sniff it,  as OH is away.   So as soon as son moved car to go to drama, off I went with camera, and took photo and put the poor body in the bushes and covered it in leaves. As it was its funeral.   I was upset and flustered, then when I got in , I thought I am sure moles don't look like quite that. So I looked up images of moles and it was not a mole!  It was a mouse!  And I then remembered seeing next doors cat under our car....hhhhmmm, now I know the culprit who murdered the mole that wasn't a mole.

Good job I didn't send the photo (evidence) to the agent.

ooopppsss shouldn't laugh as it is the mouse's funeral day. Poor thing, but I did say a nice goodbye to him.





Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


CONFIRMED: Britain's Got Talent returns Saturday 12th April at 7.15pm on


Not a bad day at work, had to reset all the accounts / vat program back to start for 2nd quarter and print all the end of 1st qtr info for accountant.


Sent out a couple of invoices, will start in earnest Monday.


O/H had done a port roast, very nice two, with carrots and cabbage, all steamed with mash, yummy.


Called in to the B&Q car park on the way home, one of the food caravan staff was getting me some of the sauce plastic bottles they use, the burger mustard, sweet chilli dip, burger sauce & burger relish, just the job for when i have the BBQ on, think it's going to get a lot of use this year somehow.





love the mole, mouse and melon piccies.  

I can clearly see all 3 of them show marked differences to each other now.

Did you manage to get any garden work done today?

Or rain again?



that is great to see BGT starts again soon.

Something to look forward to on a Saturday night.

Glad you managed to get all done you needed to at work today.

Bet you enjoyed the roast your OH made.

that is lucky the B and Q van managed to sort some of those sauce bottles out for your BBQ.


Took dog back to vet as not quite 100% yet, they have given her some more medicine to carry on with for a few days.

then went food shopping with daugther, then did mum's jobs, and got home and made tea with daughter.

Did too much because by then the pain in my  ribs got real bad, so had to sit down with TENS machine, hot water bottle and pain killers.

Worst it has been for ages.

Daughter said she told me not to go shopping with her, I will listen to her advice next time.

At last the pain has eased, thankfully in time for bed.

Am staying home tomorrow, mum should be ok for one day, as she has meals on wheels, and I have left food/milk for her.


Watching secret Eaters now, so funny what people eat without realising it.


Goodnight both xxx







Dull, chilly and misty here.

I got quite a lot of grass cut, so that was good. The mower held up as well.


Thanks for the BGT info Hicky. Hadn't realised that was coming up again.

Sounds like you had a busy day at work.


You must be one of the B&Q catering guy's best customers, if he arranged for you to get those bottles? Happy BBQing.


Hi Mollie. Sorry to hear you've had a bad day painwise. Glad it eased before bedtime. Good idea to take it easier tomorrow.

Pity the doggie needed more treatment too.


I watched Secret Eaters as well. I'm sure these folk know full well how much thet eat.

Then I watched the DNA prog again.

Recorded Monkey Planet on BBC1.

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Good Afternoon Both.


Not a very nice day here, warm but treat of rain all the time with drops here and there.

No Sun, dull all day. 16C but 12C tomorrow and dry, goody.

Need some sun now for a bit to get the flowers open and pollinated.


My Bubble machine arrived, so did the Land Rover toys


Order a Computer, it's this one, recon but it looks a good machine, not that i need a good one but i like a lot of memory 8Gig, and it's got a 1Gig graphics card & 1TB hard drive.


Mollie, The 2 ladies who work at the butty wagon at B&Q have been there years, i take them pictures of the gazebo etc so they know what i'm up to, i asked one if she could get me the sauces for the BBQ, she gets them from a Cash & Carry in Birkenhead.


You are doing too much again, i see doggie not better yet, you can only keep giving her the medicine.

Sorry to hear about the pain again, you can do without that coming back.

Sounds like something not healed yet.


Emptybox, I didn't realise that BGT is so close but Simon Cowell Online and Just Simon Cowell are following me on Twitter and they tweet everything that happening.


I watched that Monkey program, wow, some clever animals.


Had some green shelled muscles this afternoon and some very big prawns, just making space in the chest freezer, got so much food in there.


 both xx



Glad the mower held up whilst you got the lawns done. Hope it continues to do so.



your grandchildren are in for a treat now the cars and bubble machine have arrived. When will you give them to them?

hope you are pleased with the computer when it comes. Did your other one break, or did you just fancy an upgrade?

Handy that the B and Q ladies can get your bottles from the cash and carry.   You are all set up now for the summer.   let's hope for some good weather.


I didn't have chance to watch the monkey show, sounds like it was interesting, must try and remember it next week.


Thankfully my ribs are ok today, but had to tell mum I couldn't go over today though, but I had made sure she had milk, sandwiches and cake all wrapped in cling film for today.  Will get OH to take me tomorrow.

not much on tv tonight.

think I will opt for Hoarder next door and " It'll be Alright on the Night".


have a good evening both x






Evening Mollie.


Had to get a new Computer as this one is XP and XP finishes on April 8th or somewhere near that.

No more updates or security fixes so it won't be safe to use, it's too old to upgrade to Win7 so it's scrap.


I'll be seeing the little ones over the weekend if not tomorrow so we should have some fun with the bubble machine.


Watched the Spring Supermarket Secrets.


Hi Hicky and Mollie.

Raining all day here so hopeless for work. And the forecast for tomorrow is horrendous.

Went into town to get my lottery tickets and fill up with diesel (it was the van I filled up....I didn't imbibe myself ).

Also got the house hoovered.


That looks a very reasonable computer Hicky, and a very reasonable price for the spec. Plenty of RAM, plenty of storage, and Core2Duos are still pretty nippy even today. I have one (E6600) in one of my machines, and it's not really any slower than my more up to date machine that has a Core i3 in it.


Why don't you experiment with Linux on your old machine?  

(there's an idea for you)


Glad your kids' toys came in time for you to have fun with them.


Hi Mollie. Glad your ribs are OK today. Well done for taking it a bit easier.

The Monkey Planet was really good. It was not just about monkeys, but all primates from Bush Babies up to Chimpanzees.


I watched Hoarder then Spring Supermarket Secrets on BBC1.

They seem to go to a lot of trouble to make sure none of the eggs are broken before they get to the shelf, but I often check a pack and find broken ones in it. I check before I buy, obviously.


Evening Emptybox.


Not a very good day, mainly dry but a lot of cloud, got this red dust over everything still.


Tried the bubble machine outside for the little ones, brill, it works very well.

They enjoyed their toy cars, thought they would be bigger, never mind.

Made some fruit jelly which they enjoy, using some strawberries, sliced thin, some raspberries and some blueberries, put them into a glass dish with 1pt of raspberry jelly.


They have dispatched the Computer all ready, due from next Tuesday.


You and your Linux, what is the advantage in it, not that i have time or the room to set it up.


Going to have to put all my stuff onto a pen drive as it is i think to transfer to new puter.




Wet here again.

Hi all BTW.


Didn't do much, but got my tomato plants potted up. They're still on the windowsill at the mo.


There's no real advantage to Linux Hicky, but it's free and fun. IMO anyway.

But enjoy your new toy, when it comes.


Glad the kids' toys went down well.

Pity you're still covered by the red dust. Think it was supposed to be moving north, but I haven't seen any yet (we've had it in previous years though).


Your jelly sounds delicious.


I watched Gogglebox, now I'm watching my recording of The Big Reunion. Yeah, I know it's taken me a week or two to get round to watching it.


Hope you are taking it easy Mollie. Well, as easy as your workload allows.

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Evening All.


Not a good day, cloudy and damp, a bit of sun.


Decided to make Jam while weather not so good, my neighbour's little lad loves my Raspberry Jam, he prefers mine to what they get from the shops.

He has some before going to school, think he's 4.


Emptybox, Not sure if the dust is still coming down as it's everywhere anyway.


O/H bought some large bottles of bubble liquid from Sainsbury's so we are ok for when the lads come, they will be here tomorrow, hop weather ok.


Watching The Voice at the mo.


Probably watch F1 qualifying highlights.


Good evening both xx



i bet the little lad is pleased to have you as a neigbour as you are such a good jam maker. Your fruit jellies sound real yummy too.

Hope the youngsters have fun with the bubbles tomorrow.



hope you enjoyed your spag bol and beer tonight.

Dare I ask? Not rain again today I hope?

Hope you get a good tomato crop.Are you growing anything else this year?


Weather not nice here today either.

But yesterday, took mum to park as it was lovely and sunny. Me, daughter, OH and mum had ice cream, and doggie had a bit of the cone. 
Today we went to carvary for tea, which was lovely. you help yourself to veg, with lots of choice.
My ribs started to ache again later, so came home for a rest and daughter did the lads some lasagne (supermarket made) and garlic bread, as they didn't come to carvary. Hopefully rib pain will settle down in few days, but have to be careful for awhile until it does.

Good job OH can help with jobs as it is weekend.

Enjoyed watching The Voice final tonight.


have a good evening both xx





Wet start here, but a dry afternoon. Bit milder than of late too.


Hi Mollie.

I'm going to plant some potatoes and some salad leaves, as well as the toms.

Sorry to hear you are still having pain. It's nice that you have your daughter there, who can make meals when required.


Hi Hicky. I bet you grandson does love your raspberry jam.

Have lots of bubbly fun tomorrow.


Recorded the Voice and watched it later. Pity Christina Marie didn't win.

Don't think any of them were outstanding though, and the show went on far too long. It was dragging in places.


Evening Everyone.


Had brekkie out, had lunch at my lads, he laid a roast on, probably because the weather was awful.


Couldn't do anything in the garden but it's looking good.


Mollie, It's always nice to get a carvery, i so miss the one i used to go to.

Just heated some mash and fried a piece of cod and put pepper sauce over it.


You need to watch those Ribs though, what brings it on?


Enjoyed the Voice but thought he would win, i wanted the girl to but the young ones won't vote for her will they?


Have to wait till 10pm for the F1 as i don't have Sky.


Emptybox, I saw a video about leaf veg, it says that you can just take off some leaves but leave the plant growing, also don't dig the plant up at the end, cut the stalk a few inches up from the ground and it will regrow.

I've tried that last year, it works ok.



It's going to be quiet at work tomorrow as there's only me in.


with TV being that bad, been watching videos of big machines.

Like this, but there's hundreds of them.



And grafting in plantations.





Hi Hicky.

Pity the weather didn't let you outside, but glad you had a good time at your lad's.


It was a bit wet this morning, but a bit of sunshine this afternoon.


Enjoyed watching Endeavour this evening.

Hope you enjoyed your videos?


Don't work yourself too hard tomorrow.

I think there's rain forecast here, but if it's dry I'll have to get down to the grasscutting.



Evening Emptybox.


Had a good day, 1 boss called in for an hour, other one at funeral, then on my own.

Metal working boss says i will get my brackets Wednesday.


My Puter comes tomorrow, my next Tree comes tomorrow.

If the weather is ok i'll be planting that first.


Have got a voucher for 8p a litre of my next fuel stop at Sainsbury's.


The sun has been out for the last 2 hours.


Sorry to hear about Peaches Geldof.


Good evening both xxx



glad you had a good day.

A busy week to come with your brackets and computer both on their way.

Yes very sad about Peaches, especially as she leaves such a young family with no mother.



hope your home grown veg do well. The most I have grown is a few strawberries and some bulbs. The birds stole most of my strawberries, but what I did have were nice.

Did you manage to get any grass cutting done today?


Gosh we had some heavy, heavy rain overnight here. OH got to work ok and on time, but it poured all the way, not much fun so early in the morning when he has 180 miles to drive.


Been real busy today with paperwork as it is a new tax year.

BT problems driving me mad again and have wasted hours trying to sort things out.  
Mum been getting those horrible silent and junk calls which scare her so I phoned BT and they talked me into buying their call blocking thingie for ÂĢ1 a week. What they didn't tell me was that it would block me calling her from my landline! Took me ages to work out what was going on. I tried for around an hour on phone to them yesterday, no joy, then again today passed all round their phone system and knew it still wasn't sorted. I have a PAYG mobile so can't ring her around 10 times a day on that, especially as I already pay BT for their limitless phone calls. 
Eventually sorted it by using their live online chat thingie to someone, thank goodness. Fingers crossed it helps stops these damn nuisance calls now.


Think I will watch that coffee shop documentary tonight, or maybe the baby programme???


have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.


Had quite a lot of rain here as well.


I sorted the vat figures out at work last week, am on the 2nd quarter now so have started the invoicing now as we don't get paid for 60 days.


Those silent & junk calls are awful, we stopped them with the new BT wireless phones, it is built in, just set them up.


Hope you have sorted it.


Wet wet wet. And the weather wasn't much better.

Still, I think there's a better forecast tomorrow.


Yes, you've got a busy week for deliveries Hicky. Hope your computer turns up OK.


Hi Mollie. I've grown strawberries for customers in the past, and it's very difficult to protect them, without resorting to annoying netting etc.


Not sure what you can do about nuisance calls? Not sure if registering for BT services help? Well, it certainlt stopped your calls to your Mum, so must do something?

I get something like 5 of those a day; but if it says "International" or "Withheld"I just don't answer. I figure if it's somebody that really needs to get in touch, they will leave a message.

I realise that wouldn't work for your Mum though.


Watched Britain's War on Shoplifters on 5. Some of them are shameless.


Yes, sad about Peaches Geldof, although I didn't know much about her.


Evening Emptybox.


Yep, Puter came, came with a keyboard, mouse cables and usb wireless thingi.

It's 1TB drive, 8GB Mem, 1GB Graphics HDMI, Windows 7


Have ordered a HDMI to DVI cable from Amazon.


My Asian Pear tree came as well.


Had brekkie then my lad came as he had a day off, brought his lot,  went for lunch to the Hungry Horse.


Have planted the Tree, little one gave a hand.


Had an email from Pomona about the Kiwi vine giving some info.

Had a phone call from Pomona boss about the Mulberry tree.


The BT sets of wireless phones let you bar or ban whatever you want.

It's standard, you can put phone numbers in or bar groups.

Don't know what happened with Peaches, will know soon though.


Glad you managed to get some grass cut, mine needs doing but getting too much rain at night.

My water butt is full.


Watching BBC4 at the mo, i'll keep switching around.


Got fuel, O/H gave me a 8p off so put 40 litres in, should have put in more really.


The pear tree looks beautiful full of flowers, really masses, will have a lot of thinning to do.


The feller that called from Pomona Fruits seemed very interested in my watering system.




Evening Emptybox.


It needs a special cable to get the best from the graphics.

I didn't want to use the normal cable, this setup requires a HDMI Dual Link to a DVI-D Dual Link male

Didn't realise there was 4 or more different DVI plugs.

I wanted a 24 pin +1 for the monitor.

The computer has a 24pin +4 but i thought i would use the HDMI.


Hope Pomona don't send coach loads round to see the watering system.

He did query how i didn't over water certain plants.

I said any extra water not required just overflows the saucer as most are watered from below, even as i water some new plants from the top the water drains through and runs away.


Wasn't too busy at work, just doing invoicing.

My table brackets arrived, they came on a wagon with a load of other stuff from the workshops that make loads of our steel structures.

He has dipped them in a white gloss, it looks like enamel.

I brought 8 brackets home as they are heavy and i didn't have a bag to put them in at the time, i was in a battery truck going to the exit as the boss was giving me a lift.

I have found the fixings i want on the web, M6 x 40mm Coach Screws.

I need 128 of them


Have just copied the contents of my 'My Documents' dir onto a pen drive for when i change over to the new puter.


I will lose my Outlook Express and my copy of Office.

I might have to buy the set for ÂĢ290 or so.



quick hi from me...


had difficult couple of days, mum had real bad stomach upset yestereday...couldn't believe how bad till I got to her house...had to clean bathroom floor, toilet, change sheets, take her clothes etc home to wash.... son drove me to docs/chemist to get prescirption, ...
lucky she is lot better today, took her to park for fresh air and walk, but my ribs real bad after having to do all that cleaning and running around yesterdy, so can't type much as it is uncomfy.


to add to it both last night and tonight she worried me because she didn't put the phone back on the hook properly, but luckily her landlady was able to go round and rectify it.


to you both, hope to catch up with you tomorow.



Not bad a day at all. Got more grass cut.


Sorry you've had such a bad couple of days Mollie.

TBH it sounds like you need more help with your Mum? No point in making yourself ill trying to care for her.


Hi Hicky. Yes there are different types of DVI connectors. Most of them are compatible with each other though. I think you really only need dual link if your monitor has a high resolution, greater than 1920 x 1080. But it doesn't do any harm to start with the highest spec.


The one with the one pin is DVI-D (digital only). The one with the extra 4 pins is DVI-I and also has the analogue connections, so you can use it with a VGA monitor (with a suitable adaptor).

HDMI and DVI are perfectly compatible, except that HDMI can also carry an audio signal. And of course HDMI is digital only.

But you probably know all this anyway, as you probably looked it up, same as me? (isn't Google great? )


The equivalent to Outlook Express is 'Windows Live Mail', which is free, and included in the Windows Essential pack -

You can import your old emails from Outlook Express, if you need to.


You can try to install your old copy of Microsoft Office to your new PC, providing you have the disks and activation code. It might be compatible?

If not, depending on what you do with it, you might find the free Libre Office suite does everything you need. It should open most Microsoft Office files.

I wouldn't buy the full thing, unless you have specialized needs. It's more expensive than your PC.


Glad your brackets arrived at your work.

Are you going to have to take them home a few at a time?


TV highlight for me was 'Monkey Planet'

Looking at those Bonobos, it's impossible not to see the connection between them and us IMO.

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hope you are pleased with your new computer.

Do you have a patent on your watering system ? Sounds like Pomona might be wanting to make one just like it. Maybe you should go on Dragons Den with it? 

Is Hungry horse still as good as ever? What did you have?

You will have to take a photo of the pear tree whilst in blossom, so we can see it. I love the blossoms.   I think the spring flowers this year, seem to more abundant and brighter than ever.



did you manage to get in a few gardens today? I bet you are getting very busy right now. Are you up to date or behind now?

I missed the monkey show again.


Had a better day today, , managed to pace myself job wise, so ribs are ok today, and mum was much better.   She's still as forgetful as ever though. I'll have to ask around to see if I can get a carer to help now and again. They cost ÂĢ28 an hour though. (because mum has dad's private pension on top of her state one.....makes you wonder now why he bothered paying into it all those years, as she has to pay out for everything because of this pension income).


Had a nice walk on seafront with dog and the boys today. Weather has been decent the last few days, hope it lasts.


Watching the Hoarders now.


have a good evening both xx




Not bad day here. A bit cloudy.

Got a lot of work done.

I suppose I'm just about on top of it Mollie, as long as I can get everybody cut for the first time within the next week.

I always leave the ones up in the hills till last, as they are slower starting.

Haven't cut my own grass yet, mind.


Glad you had a better day today.

Crikey! I wish I could get away with charging ÂĢ28 per hour. I'd very quickly be told where I could take my lawn mower, if I tried.


Monkey Planet is very good Mollie.

You should have a look at it on iPlayer, if you get the time.


Watched the film 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' on BBC2. Unexpected ending.


I've taken the plunge and turned my heating off for the summer, so hope it doesn't turn colder again.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Mollie, Oh dear, that wasn't nice having to sort your mum out after her stomach problems.



Emptybox, With the DVI there seems to be about 6 of them but i made a not of the one on the Display, it was the 24 +1 which is the dual link, the single link is a 18+1 unless it has the 4 or 5 at the end.


It's a bother changing over from Outlook Express, i like that, it's better than outlook, but you have to buy Outlook.


Don't think my office was too official either.


With the brackets, i had no bag so could only get 8 in my pockets, they are quite heavy as well, will the rest them Monday, have ordered the coach screws to suit.


I enjoyed the Monkeys, pretty clever as well.


Mollie, The problem with the watering system is that it's built from parts from many companies, one company only supplies certain parts.

It would be pretty difficult to list all thats required, depending on how big a system you needed as well.


The Hungry Horse is as good as ever, we all went the other day as well, fine selection, good food.


I'll try and get a picture of all the blossom on the pear tree, but it's hard to get the flowers to stand out, it needs certain conditions,

Never seen it so laden, the bees are having a field day.


Still have my heating on, but it is thermo controlled so it doesn't really matter much.


Went to Costco today, yummy.


Good morning all



fingers crossed weather stays dry for you to do those first cuts within the week. Thanks for the Monkey link, will watch that if I can fit the time in.

i certainly hope your turning the heating off is not an indication for the weather to turn colder. I swopped my quilt from the highest winter tog to the middle spring one last night, so I too hope it doesn't turn cold now.



yes I am sure it would be very difficult to list all needed for your complicated water system. You were very clever making that.

Now as you mention Costco... sounds a good idea, might suggest to OH we go there this weekend. Before we go though, we have to check if Cardiff are playing football as it is right next to the stadium, and with Cardiff being in premier league, it gets too packed to go there if a match is on.


OH leaving work early today, to avoid Friday traffic. Lovely day so plenty of sheets drying on the washing line now. If it stays a nice day, might be able to take mum to park, does her good for a walk, takes us an age to get there with her walker, even though it is only across the road.
Me, OH and daughter going to pub for tea, so at least we get a break from cooking. Daughter has had to do a lot of cooking this week , with me having pains in ribs, so it will be nice for her too. Ribs seem fine this morning too.




Glad you still enjoy Hungry Horse HIcky.

We love going to our local pub, only a couple of miles away. It is real good food, a typical country pub with real fires and always popular. That reminds me, must ring now to book a table.


Looking forward to watching Gogglbox with OH tonight, then we also like that new series of Rob Rhydon's on bbc2, 10pm, "The Trip to Italy".  Think you might like it, it is in theory a show where they visit resteraunts to try different foods in the area, but it is all a rather bonkers show too, as they talk silly with lots of impersonations, whilst they eat their food..  


Have a good day both xx


Good Morning Mollie.


It's a really beautiful day here today.

Wall to wall sun.


Just popped in to drop a picture of the Pear tree blossom off, am changing over Puters today, quite a job, trying to find all the ID's and Keys for the Avast & Malwarebytes etc, and CD's for some software.

Could have a few problems, have copied My Documents onto a pen drive so that should help.


Here is the Pear Tree, it's a Conference, with a small branch of Asian flowers on.




Images (1)
  • Garden-11-Apr-2014-0001: Conference Pear Tree in Blossom April 11th 2014

Hi both.


Oh that pear tree looks nice Hicky.

My crab apple tree hasn't even got any green leaves on it yet, so that shows you how far behind we are up here.

My cherry tree has got greenery on it, and I've got a spirea bush that is in blossom.

Obviously my daffs are all out in force now.


If you have any problems with the computer, give me a shout.


If your Office wasn't 'official', give the Libre Office that I mentioned a try.

The only snag would be if you had to share a lot of files between home and your office, because although Libre Office can open just about any MS Office file; if you make files on Libre Office, MS Office wouldn't open them.

But if it's just for home use, it's perfectly adequate.


Not bad weather here. A bit chilly and cloudy, and we had a shower around lunchtime. Got some grass cutting done anyway.


Hi Mollie. Glad you are back on form today, and expecting your OH home early.

I've still got my 14.5 winter duvet on. It's not warm enough in the mornings yet. If there's sun in the morning the back of the house gets warmed, but my bedroom window is at the front.

Enjoy your pub tea.


Hadn't noticed that Trip to Italy prog. Might try and catch it, after Gogglebox.

Last edited by emptybox

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