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Evening Everyone.


Not too bad at work today.

Some bad news for 1 boss, his sister Died.


Emptybox, didn't realise there were that many boot camps, it looks great must admit, good acom and food anyway.


Not too bad a budget anyway.


The Sainsbury's here is pretty big, and very handy to get my Meds.


Tried making a meal from some precooked food.

Worth a try and very very tasty.


Was just wondering if you've tried this quick tasty meal.

It really doesn't take more than a few minutes to know up

Assuming of course you have the following at hand.

Half a cooked chicken, breast ripped off, leg halved, wing halved.
(Other cooked meats could be used)
1 medium onion sliced
3 good sized mushrooms halved and cut into 4 again.
I tablespoon of Madras Curry Paste, (or other)

Half a pack of cooked mash or 2 baked potato's
O 2 cups of baby pots, cooked.

1 Tablespoon of butter
A couple of tablespoons of coconut oil or other oil

1 cup of gravy, make in advance.

Heat a plate in oven.
Heat the potatoes.
Heat a frying pan.
Put oil & butter in frying pan.
Fry onions ans mushrooms.
Add curry paste.
Stir paste into veg.
Add Chicken.
Stir for a few minutes.
Heat Gravy.
Add gravy to frying pan.

Put potato onto preheated plate.
Put chicken & veg over Potato.






Cold and windy here as well Mollie.

Went out and cut another lawn. The mower held up this time at least.


Yes, the budget seems OK. A penny off beer duty helps anyway.

Can't quite work out the pension stuff. I pay into a private pension, but can't work out if I'll be better off now? I suppose there'll be more choice when I get to that age..


The new pound coin looks interesting....but I'll probably be using the Thistle by that time, so I won't care.


That looks like tasty meal Hicky. What are you calling it? Chicken curry?


I think the Booty Camp is just for laydeez Mollie? Perhaps if I invested in a kilt?......


Watched Secret Eaters, now Peter Kay. There's that sequel to Twenty Twelve on later - 'WIA'.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, A miserable day here, slight rain, very cloudy, 9C.


Glad your mower held out,


I think the budget was aimed to help those on or going to get a pension so you certainly won't lose by it.

I get an extra ÂĢ500 on the tax free allowance so thats good.


I'm liking the new coin, there is something inside i think that can be monitored by the checking machines.


The meal wasn't supposed to be a curry, I was intending to just spice up the stir fried onion & mushroom, had to put a little gravy in to add some liquid which spreads the curry paste around a bit better.


Don't think a Kilt makes you into a lady though.


Hope Mollie isn't run off her feet.


Hi Hicky.

A horrible day here. High winds, rain and hail.

Back to winter.


That's a funny video. At times you were worried that the dog would go for the bird, but they've probably been brought up together. And of course those crow/jackdaw type birds are very intelligent. Probably similar to a dog's.


I would have thought those new pound coins would be more expensive to make than the old ones, as they have a lot more script on them for a start.

But it's astounding how many of the old ones seem to be fake.


No, that was naughty of me to make a joke about the kilt and laydeez.

It's actually a very masculine garment, when worn properly. i.e. made with the correct weight of material, and the right length.

Although some people do spoil it by insisting on wearing silly frilly shirts with it.



Watched Davina. She's a super-woman.

Even got me to part with a donation, and that's some feat.


Yes, I hope Mollie isn't wearing herself out.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, It's not been bad today, got my Wood scuttle made & stained so that was great/


That bird looks like a Magpie, they are very tough and not frighted too easy.


The new coins will probably cost more but when you add up the cost of all the fake ones it would pay for itself.

I wonder what the new technology is they are using in it?


Have never understood what the Kilt was doing on the Scotish fellers.


Didn't watch Davina, not really interested in her.

Had enough of her in BB.


Watching Sport Relief now.




Hi Hicky.

Yes, it was much better weather here today as well.


Glad you managed to get your wood scuttle made.


That's touching about the zoo keeper.


Davina got a bit annoying towards the end of her time presenting BB, but I don't hold that against her.


Watching Sport Relief, but took a break to change over to Gogglebox.

Last edited by emptybox




from this piccie you posted,

it does look like fellas go to bootie camps, so you do have an opportunity there after all .

Glad your mower held up for your last grass cut, long may it continue.

i too saw Peter kay, so funny.

I too don't like the kilt with a frilly shirt. But the guys I saw here for the rugby match in their kilts didn't look the feminine type.



glad the budget gives you an extra ÂĢ500 tax allowance.   I am sure you won't have much trouble working out what to do with the extra cash.

Good to hear the weather held up to do your wood thing.

What an interesting video, yes at times as Emptybox says, it looks like the dog would go for the bird.

Aaaww yes what a touching story that is about the dying man and the giraffes.


Had another difficult few days with my mum. Had to drive over again Thursday night as she had not put her phone back properly again. Today went to Cardiff with daughter and met OH and a friend, as it was her birthday. We took her to Red Hot for tea, as she has never been there. She loved it.   This is the friend who recently left her gambling OH, so she was grateful to go out today, Sad because she misses her OH, but his love of gambling ruined the relationship.
I had to ring mum several times whilst out and when I got home, I still had 3 messages from her on my answer phone, panicking that I was not home, and that she had accidentally pressed her security button. We weren't even late home. (back before 8pm).

Glad OH is home for the weekend now.


OH's birthday tomorrow, and we are viewing 2 houses, to see if suitable for us and mum. Hopefully having her with us will make it easier for me to look after her.


Goodnight all xx



Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, I saw some of Goggle box, watched a lot of Sport Relief but kept searching up and down.


Mollie, Yes, weather held out for me to finish the Wood Scuttle.

Today i've sprayed all the trees and plants with the Neem oil & Neem soap, i've started making the concentrated liquid manure again.

Also i gave each tree/plant couple of litres of liquid manure, of course i watered it down 1 to 3 first.


Sorry to hear your mum needs so much attention, i suppose finding a place for you all is the only answer.


Glad you all enjoyed Red Hot and Happy Birthday to your Daughter.


Also, Happy Birthday to your O/H, glad he's home for the weekend, hope the househunting goes ok.


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Have been across at my brother's today.

Lovely weather driving there. Horrible weather driving back. Not bad a day though.


Hi Mollie. It's a pity your Mum is still having problems with her phone.

Good luck with the house hunting. I guess it makes sense for you all to be together, if possible.


Hi Hicky. Glad you could get more in the garden done today.


Just catching up with some recordings before bed.


Evening guys

It was frosty overnight here. There was still white on the grass when I got up, but it turned into a lovely sunny day.


Got a big conifer hedge cut this afternoon, and the customer was asking about getting her grass cut, so the season will soon be in full swing.


Just bits and pieces on TV tonight, as far as I can see.


Evening Emptybox.


It was a bit frosty this morning, didn't realise i wasn't on here yesterday.

Was only spraying the trees and feeding them with liquid manure.

Have decided to make 100 litres using the old water butt.


Don't need my watering system yet, just as well as i can't set it up till the frosts go.


Got my hair cut, a No. 2, thats ok for the summer.

Hate using a comb.


I bet conifer hedges are good to cut, the leaf structure is fantastic.


I've ordered a magnetic Velcro thingy for my knee, my boss has one he said it's great, try anything me.


My knee and hip has been good for a few days.


Just ordered some Ammonium sulphate as a lot of my trees/plants like acidic soil.


Day off tomorrow, not a lot i can do in the garden at the mo, i can clear a bit of the raised bed for some seeds later in the year but i've noticed a load of raspberry shoots coming up where they shouldn't be as i took 6 plants out but the roots left just grow.


Will make a couple of gallon a day of liquid manure until the tank is full.

I usually give my neighbour some liquid manure as well.


Good evening both xx



hope work was not too hectic today.

well next week at least you will have plenty of daylight after work, so hope the weather will be good enough for you to take advantage of it.

Sounds like you have been busy preparing your trees, so hopefully you will get some good fruit from them come summer/autumn.



Glad you got to visit your brother again. Did they make you a nice meal?  I know they usually do. Was the visit for special occasion or just a weekend visit?


It was very cold here today too, but no frost, Nice and bright this morning got some washing dry, then poured down this afternoon.


Sounds like you were busy sorting that conifer out today, yes looks like your busy season has arrived again in earnest.


Son was out all day Saturday with drama doing a Dylan Thomas presentation to shoppers in west wales, as it is Dylan Thomas 100th anniversary this year. 


Mum came to our place Sat and Sunday, so at least I did not have to keep phoning her to see how she was.  


Yes Emptybox, just bits and pieces on tv tonight, wasn't too good last night either. Gives me chance to catch up a bit on shows i recorded though.


Have a good evening both xxx








Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Yes conifer hedges can be very satisfying to cut, as you can get a very tight finish. But they are also very heavy as well, so I need my petrol hedgecutter, and the clippings are very heavy to carry away.


You seem to be very generous with your liquid manure Hicky?

I give what's left of my hair a number two cut as well (and my beard).


Hope the magnetic knee thing works for you. I think my Dad used one?

Just remember to take it off before you go through the airport metal detector, in a few weeks time.


Hi Mollie. It was just a weekend visit to my brother. He made a home made chicken curry. Very good it was.

Is that the 100th anniversary of Dylan Thomas' birth or death?


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Mollie, yes, with the hour going forward things are looking up.

Weather should be picking up now as you say, will keep making the manure to give me a years stock.


Emptybox, I know the conifer is heavy, extremely, cut a branch off the next door tree and the weight is a shock.


I'll keep my hair at a No. 2 now till autumn.

I always forget things at the airport


Just making a lamb roast for tea.


Good evening both xxx



glad your knee and hips have improved. Hope the magnetic velcro helps too.

that sounds like a lot of liquid manure. Bet your neighbour is grateful you share it with him though.



take care of your back carrying those heavy conifer cuttings.

glad you got to enjoy a home made curry at your brothers.

It is the 100th celebration of the birth of Dylan Thomas, son's drama club are doing quite a few presentations over the next few weeks in various parts of Wales.


It is my birthday today, but our poor little dog was ill today, so had to take her to vets, she was given 2 injections and some medicine so hopefully will be feeling better soon.
Then by the time daughter and I had done all mum's tidying and jobs it was too late to go out for lunch with daughter as we had planned, but I did manage a quick glass of rose in the pub before son picked us up. (he needed the car to go out to the threatre before 7pm). Daughter  made me my fave lemon cake, so that was nice, and OH sent me some lovely Interflora flowers delivery today, as I missed having him around. They are lovely with plenty still in bud, so they should last awhile.


Daughter got a birthday card for me off my mum, and my poor mum, even had trouble trying to remember how to sign her name on the card, and took ages to work out I was her daughter and my daughter was her grandaughter. What a horrid thing this dementia is.


Not much on tv again tonight, settled for watching Gibralter on C5, then Kirstie.


Have a good evening both xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Happy Birthday Mollie.


Pity your dog was ill Mollie. Hope the injections sort her out.

My Brother's dog is often at the vets. She is allergic to something, so needs anti histamines etc, otherwise she has lots of trouble with her paws and her ears.

I said she's probably allergic to humans.


Pity you didn't get your celebratory lunch, but sounds like your family made up for it.

Yes, dementia must be a b*gger.


I looked up Dylan Thomas on google. He only lived to 39.

Also had a very posh and English sounding voice, in a clip I heard.


Hi Hicky. Hope you enjoyed your lamb roast.

I had a rare treat for supper. A medium rare sirloin steak, with chips mushroom and tomato.

Only treat myself to that every few months.


Watched Kirstie, then Shetland on BBC1. Now I'm catching up with the first of those Astronaut programmes that were on a week or so ago.


Was cold and drizzly today. Not nice at all.


Morning Everyone.



Happy Birthday Mollie.

I'm awful with dates.

Haven't ordered the new magnetic strap yet.


Sorry to hear your dog was ill.

Pity you never got your planned meal

That was nice of your daughter, love lemon cake, and flowers off your O/H, your spoilt.


You mum is very bad isn't she, not much you can do though, no cure yet for that.


Emptybox, The lamb roast was great, it was only a rolled boned shoulder joint but it was very tender and didn't take long to cook.

I use my temperature probes to check how it's cooking, of course there's a different temperature for each type of meat and how rare or not you want it.

I have another probe that you can put in the meat in the oven which tells you the settings which is handy.


Sirloin is a nice cut of meat, you need to check it before you cook it for any ligament type thingy running through, it's easier to take un-chewable stuff out before it's cooked.


Sometimes a slice the steak into strips before i cook it, saves cutting it after, i cut it into small pieces which makes it easy to cook as well


Got most of my work done before anyone came in.


Weather isn't so good today either, coolish and dampish.

Not much better for the near future either.


Evening Everyone.


Not had a bad day, off till Monday now.

Been looking up about the Asian Pear, it looks good and sounds good for health.

My graft on the Conference seems to have a couple of flower buds coming so i'm hoping for some pears, the Asian Pears are round like apples with a better flavour and keeping qualities.

I was also looking at an Asian Tree to plant.



Watching Ben Fogle on C5.


The handles came for my wood Scuttle so i can fix them, got more manure to make.


Good evening both xxx


you must of been an early bird at work yesterday, if you got most of your work done before anyone came in. Nice few days break from work now,let's hope weather is kind,so you can make the most of it in your garden. My OH loves those Asian pears. Do you think they will be difficult to grow? Hope you manage to get your handles fixed.



that is the trouble with dogs, now they are so domesticated, they do seem to have quite a few health problems. at your brother's dog probably being allergic to humans. Gosh didn't know Dylan Thomas died so young. Last summer we went to the village he had lived in called Laughne. We saw the shed he wrote in. Pretty little village with a castle on the coast. We had a drink in the pub there that he used. Apparently he based Under milk Wood on this village and its characters.


Son drove me and daughter to town today, whilst we popped into bank. But he left air con and radio on in car whilst waiting for us. When we got back, the car wouldn't start. So we had to fork out ÂĢ5 for taxi home, as had to rush back for daughter's 1st drving lesson. Not a good start for her as we had to ask him to drive me and son in the back and then help jump start the other car of ours in the car park before her 1st lesson.

Doggie eaten some chicken, so hopefully she is getting better.


OH taking Friday and Monday off work as so fed up working away, and didn't fancy getting up even earlier on Monday, than he normally does.


Have a good evening both xx


Evening guys.

Cold and cloudy here.


I could have done with your temperature probe in my steak yesterday Hicky.

It was a bit thicker than the last one I did, so ended up a bit closer to rare than I like it. It was still delicious though.


Haven't come across that Asian pear before, I don't think?


Hi Mollie. That sounds funny about your misfortune at running the car battery down, and needing the driving instructor to give you a jump start.

Probably wasn't funny at the time though?

Glad your dog is back on her grub again, even if it's only light rations.


Watched Secret Eaters then Dead Famous DNA.

What a silly programme that was? The presenter must be embarrassed to be involved with that nonsense. How could they possibly know that they had the right hair. It could have been anybody's.


Evening All.



I get to work at 5.30 and i fill the water containers from the kitchen, i have to unlock the office and the kitchen, the kitchen has a alpha numerical entry lock.

I then check the printers for paper and fill them up, then i check the emails of orders if some have come in and enter them into carious filing systems.

Then i can open up Firefox on my puter.

In the meantime i have made a cup of tea.


I will order an Asian pear tree tonight i think.


I didn't know you could leave the air con on with the engine stopped, i thought it was controlled by the engine.

The cooling is as it's created by the compressor which is engine driven.

the radio doesn't use much, your car might have electrical heating for when the engine is off, that would use a lot of battery power.


Glad your O/H is having a few extra days, it's not good being away.


Emptybox. I like my steak pretty rare so i just  cook it at high heat on one side for a few minutes then turn over, don't like it too well done.


I must admit, i didn't realise the Asian Pear was round like an Apple, am hoping for some on the branch i grafted, that would please me, i can tell it's different as the buds are a different colour all ready.


Just made some more liquid manure, made a bracket to support a pear tree.


I was watching a video of a person abroad who put plastic bags over his fruit on the trees,

The bags had very small holes put in for air and some small slots in the bottom to get rid of condensation.

He put them on when they had been thinned to 1 pear per bunch and left the bag on till it was almost ripe.

It worked anyway.


Good evening both x



you certainly deserve that cup of tea at work, as you get in so early, and do all those jobs straight away.

I think you will like the Asian pears, they are crisp and juicy.

Are you going to try the plastic bag method in your garden?



Glad you enjoyed your steak.

I forgot to watch Secret Eaters (or maybe didn't have chance), but I do like this programme. So funny when they say they can't understand why they are fat, then when spied on, they seem to eat never ending junk food.

Did you do any gardens today?


Forgot to say, OH told me and son to take the car to Halfords yesterday and buy a battery and ask them to fit it, so the car would be ok. However after driving to nearest town, (around 10 miles away), Hafords said they could't fit it as the bolts were rusty, so we would have to take it to garage, who said they were too busy. So we now have a new battery sitting in the boot. OH has another job for the weekend now.


Went for tea tonight in local pub. We had just been served our food, when there was a power cut. No lights, no tills, no pumps for beer, no music, but we didn't mind as we had just been served our food. They bought us some candles for the table, the food was yummy, and the guy just added up roughly what we owed, and knocked a bit off (quite a lot in the end I reckon), and took some cash toward the bill from us.


Just watched hotel inspector. I like that show.


Have a good evening both xxx



Hi both.

Another cold, windy and rainy day, so no gardens today.


Pity you couldn't get your new battery fitted Mollie.

I bet if you'd have bought it from the garage, then they'd have found the time to fit it for you.

At least if you conk out again, you know you've got power in the boot.


That was lucky, the power going off just after you got your meal.

And you got a bargain too.

Hope the power wasn't off at home?


Hi Hicky. That shows real dedication, getting in to work so early.


Yes I like the steak medium rare. I like it pink in the middle but not too bloody.

But this one was fine really. I just should have cooked it a couple more minutes on either side.

It's just that I only have them every so often, that I forget how to cook them in the meantime.


Never heard of that plastic bag method of growing pears? Sounds like a lot of trouble to me.


Watched 'The Hoarder Next Door' then 'Mayday: The Passenger Who landed a Plane'.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Mollie, It's so much better getting to work early, i have tea as soon as i get sat down, then the next cup is when the next staff come in, i make them a drink and get my second drink.


I have ordered the Asian Pear, it's a Nashi pear tree 'Kumoi' so that brings my fruit tree count to 32 now.


Have ordered a couple of small cars for the grandsons, they are Land Rover Discovery ones, also ordered a bubble making machine, the lads will love this.


I might try some of the fruit in bags, will look into it more.

I lost a lot of apples last year because of the grubs that had entered them.

Am going to try and stop that this year by any means possible.


Pity about the battery, make sure you have the code ready for your radio if you disconnect the battery.


That was lucky about the food and the power going off.

I missed the Hotel Inspector and forgot to record it.


Emptybox, If the steak is good you can slice into the steak each side to make the cooking go a little deeper, do one side until it is a good colour on one side, on a high heat, then turn over and do that side till it's a good colour again.

Never lower the heat or put it into an oven unless you want to end up with it well done.

Watched Antiques Road Show,(on the Puter) now Lambing Live, then Masterchef.



Evening Hicky.

Another drizzly day here. Getting boring now.

I think you are supposed to get a nice weekend, but don't think it's supposed to reach up here, unfortunately.


You've got more fruit trees than an orchard now, all in your small back garden.

Hope the pear gives good fruit.


I'm sure the grandsons will love their toy cars. They are toy ones, right?


That's a good tip about slicing into the steak to let heat further into the meat.


Watched Googlebox then some of Alan Carr.


evening All.


It hasn't been too bad here today 16C anyway.


The trees are coming on OK, some are very young so won't get fruit yet, a few seem to have buds on them, might be lucky.


The toy cars are like this.

Think the little ones will love them.


You can do the same with fish, if it has skin you can slice just through it in places, not to the edge though, that also lets the heat through, also if you are frying fish, put a glass lid over and it will cook right through in a few minutes.


I watched Gogglebox and Alan Carr.


Watching the voice now.


Hope Mollie isn't too stressed looking for a place for them all.



Good evening both



usual spag bol and beer tonight? if so, hope you enjoyed it.

Hope the boring drizzle clears up soon to give you a bit of sun.

Weather did improve today as the day went on, and it got a lot milder too.



Glad you too got the mild weather.

That is good the trees are coming on ok now, hope the buds come out well.

Aaawww I am sure the kiddies will love those cute Essex police toy cars. Puts me in mind of Joey Essex.


I too watched Gogglebox. what a great show it is.

I love some of the characters on it , especially Sandra and the elderly couple and the posh couple.


We viewed another house, nice area, but house not quite right. as the lounge was real small compared to rest of house,.... not even enough room for our 3 piece, so will keep looking. And another house we saw was cramped inbetween flats, just didn't like area. Now all we need to do is get both area and house right, and we will be away. Not easy to do I fear though, so back to the drawing board.


Watching Ant and Dec then our recording of the Voice.


Mum came over to us today so made sure she was fed and had some company. She seems to be in tears a lot lately, think it is because she gets confused. So sad. But I guess she is lucky we can take care of her.


Daughter going to another archery taunament tomorrow. It is about an hours drive from there, so good job OH is off Monday as he is taking her.


Have a good evening both xxx







our LL is moaning about the moles digging up the garden. Agent rang today and said she has asked the gardener to get rid of them...agent said LL want either traps...I said "no way, I am not having traps and killied moles in them in the garden"...the 2nd method she said was he wanted to put diesel down the holes, but I said that would kill then, so I was not happy about that, nor with the use of chemicals.   Agent said it would not kill them, just deter them. Is she right, or telling me porkies? Because if it kills the poor little things, I will have to refuse that as well.


OH suggested I tell we don't want diesel, but I am going to try windmills, as moles don't like the vibration from them. Do you think it could work? I'd much prefer this option to diesel on the lawn, and i have already refused traps. 

We have about 3 mounds of earth in the back garden in the middle of the lawn, and one biggish, and 2 small ones right on edge of front lawn.


Any advice greatly received... ta. x

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening guys.

Well, it wasn't warm up here at all, but at least it stayed dry.

Had my bath, then beer and bol, now watching my recording of The Voice.


I'm sure the boys will love those cars Hicky.


Pity you haven't found a new abode yet Mollie, but I'm sure one will come along.

Hope your daughter's aim is true tomorrow.



That's another of the things I don't get involved in as a gardener (as well as trees ). I always tell my customers I don't know anything about them.


However unfortunately for you, in my experience, the traps are the only sure way to get rid of them. If they are set by someone who knows what they are doing, then they will kill the mole swiftly, like a mouse trap.

Reading up, it seems chemicals and diesel etc doesn't have much of a deterent effect on them. And diesel is likely to damage the grass.


Some people say you pour petrol into the tunnel and set fire to it, but that is definitely designed to kill them, probably much more messily than the traps, and sheds have been known to go up in flames, as a side effect.


The vibration from windmills, they would interpret as either food or a predator coming to get them. So might disturb them for a little while. But as soon as they realised the vibration wasn't doing anything, they would just ignore it, so it wouldn't work for long. Worth trying though I guess?


I get a lot of moles on the lawn here, but I tend to just leave them. I might shovel the earth off, and tramp down the spongy ground as best I can, but I don't try to catch the moles.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening All.


Mollie, I'm very pleased with the trees at the mo.


Pity about the house, but it's not going to be easy to fulfill your requirements.


Didn't watch Ant & Dec couldn't be bothered.


Thats a bit of a bother, Moles, never had them here.

I thought you were renting the place, can't the LL just put traps down?


Emptybox, It wasn't a bad day here, 17C and dry.

Had my lad and his lot round here.


Don't think Petrol would be a good idea really.


Not much on TV just switching channels.


Good evening all



thanks for the mole info. OH and I checked today, and I don't think it is as much of a problem as the LL had made it out to be to the estate agent...
So OH has flattened them, and raked them over now. There is only a couple out the back and one out the front, So I emailed agent and said we do not give permission for gardener to put any chemicals in garden or traps, without our permission, and we don't think it is a problem and will see to it ourselves. (will give windmills a try if we can find any)..

Hope it warmed up there a bit today, it was certainly very warm here today, in the 20's.



glad you are pleased with the trees, I am sure the recent bit of sun we have had will bring them along nicely now.

Glad you got the nice weather, and your lad and the littlies came round. Have you given the children their toy cars yet? Bet they love them.

Yes we are renting, but I the LL wants to send someone to put diesel in the garden, and I don't think it is necessary. Our LL is a right pain though.


Daughter enjoyed archery tournament again, but no medal this time, as other teams so good. It was nearly in Bristol, so me and OH went to shops there whilst we waited. Didn't buy anything, but we had coffee and cake I had rhubarb cheesecake, yummy...

then when we got home, took mum to park by seafront for a sit on the bench and an ice cream.  The park was full of youngsters playing on swings etc, so she liked that. And she actually ate her ice cream too.

  Doggie nearly finished her medicine now, she is still not eating much but at least eating a little now.


I agree Hicky, not much on tv tonight.


I am listening to local radio as tv bad... they are talking about Under Milk wood, it has been put to music by the New Zealand Opera director. 


have a good evening both xxx






Good afternoon both x


Started off nice and bright and mild, but got grey and chillier now.


hope you are not too busy at work today Hicky, and get home in time to get out in your garden.



glad you too got the nice weather yesterday. Garden work today?


Yes it is indeed so nice to have the lighter nights again.


OH had today at home, so we could go view a house and take daughter to Cardiff to get her a new lappy, hers broke (it was old) at least that is one less night for him to stay in a B and B this week.


I had phoned and told agent we did not want any diesel put down in the garden and of course when we got back the gardener had already done it. I guessed this would happen....I have told the agent we will not now be putting grass seed down over the patches the moles had been, as the grass is now contaminated with chemicals so it is a waste of time.   A case again of a LL who thinks tenants wishes are unimportant, and a LL who thinks they always know best. 

I will have to keep the dog out of the garden now until we get a lot of rain.


Whilst daughter was choosing lappy with OH, I just had to go round the clothes shops and buy a couple of cardys for spring and a blouse in the sales.


have a good day both xx


Hi Mollie.

Cold and drizzly here today.

I did go out with the intention of working, but the rain had come on harder by the time I got into town.


Pity your LL went against your wishes. I suppose as he/she pays for the gardener they thought the garden was their concern, but they should have been sensitive about your wishes.

Plus, if they were going to disregard you anyway, they should have used traps, as it's the only thing that's likely to do any good. But I suppose they thought you might just spring them yourself, as you objected?


Any diesel spilt on the grass will cause dead patches, but it should recover after a while. The dog should be OK, as long as it doesn't dig in the soil where the mole hills were. But I guess that would prove a big temptation for a dog?


Hope your daughter found a laptop that she liked? And I'm sure you enjoyed the excuse for a bit of clothes shopping?




Evening All.


Mollie, The toy cars haven't arrived yet, my magnetic knee thingy has arrived, also the spare bubble soap.




Pity your daughter never got a medal again, competition must have been tough.

I like cheesecake, had some the other day, never had rhubarb cheesecake though.


Your mum would like to go out for an ice cream.


Yes, love these light nights, love watching the buds open.


Bad news about the moles, wonder why they picked that place to live?


Emptybox, It was pretty warm here today, save a bit on gas for the heating anyway.

Didn't realise it was cold up there, forgot the forecast said so.

Last day of March, can't believe it, doesn't time fly.



I've got this dust from the Sahara desert on my car, so has the O/H.

Last edited by Hicky

Good morning all



hope the magnetic knee things helps your problem. What is spare bubble soap?

That is interesting about the sahara dust, must of been a strong wind to blow the sand all over here. Bet your car needed a quick wash after that.



shame the rain stopped you getting on work wise. Hope you don't start getting too far behind.


Thought you might be interested in reading these 2 Scottish related stories in the press today.


"Alex Salmond to replace Queen on new Scottish pound coin"..


Scotland to switch to driving on right if independant


time to catch up with my house jobs, peg out washing, then off to help mum and do a bit of food shopping.


OH left before 4am, didn't get in work till 7.15 though as very foggy most of the way.








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