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Hi Hicky. Glad you found a source for the wood.

Good luck with your mulching.


I read that Horsemeat thread but couldn't really follow what the problem was either. Pity.


I never get any fruit from those trees anyway, so it doesn't matter when they are pruned really.

The apple grows like mad if it's not done every year, so I've got to climb into it to do it properly.

It's just beginning to bud, so I got it just in time.

It only gets tiny crab apples on it, which aren't any good for anything.


The cherry is too spindly to climb, so I just take off the sticking out branches really. Just to stop it growing into the apple tree next to it, and to let me get past with the mower.

It hardly gives any blossom, and any cherries that form never ripen.


But it's only a rented place, as you know, so I'm not that bothered as long as it's roughly tidy.


Watched Grand Designs then 'Edge of Heaven', that new comedy on ITV1. Quite good.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


It's been a beautiful day here, frost to start but Sun all day after that.


Evening Emptybox, got you message on my phone.


Finished the Mulching, took another load to the Recycle plant, got plenty of room with the seats down.

Have decided to make 4 tables now, each will be 750 x 450 x 44mm and they should serve all side benches, they will be loose so can be positioned as needed.


Having brekkie with the gang Sunday Morning at Carr Farm.


It looks like your fruit trees have been neglected too long, they could probably be brought back to being fruitful with the correct pruning.


I enjoy Grand Designs as well, they show some amazing places.


Had a lovely Pork Roast Dinner O/H made.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you had a nice day, and got the mulching finished.


The tables sound like they are going to be grand.


Great pics.

Those bird scarer stickers look just right. You can see them fine, but they don't dominate the glass.


You might be right about the trees, but they've been the same since I moved here 22 years ago. I just keep them in check each year, so they don't get too big.

As an experiment one year I did leave them completely alone, to see if it was my pruning that kept the blossom away, but it didn't make any difference.


Just watched The Cube, now Casualty.

Will watch my recording of The Voice later.


Hi Emptybox.


Don't enjoy the Voice when they put them head to head, it's their Mentor who is selecting, crazy.


The bird scarer on the Gazebo is pretty small compared to the size of the glazed area.

When the gazebo is empty of clutter it seems pretty big inside, it's only 10ft across the narrow side.


All the fruit trees these days are smallish so they can pick the fruit easier.

A lot of fruit if going for juice is brought down by shaking the tree.


But on old trees the quality of the fruit decreases so much and it's hard to protect the fruit from disease.


To save your trees it would probably need to be Grafted and then it would grow new branches which would be productive in whatever type of fruit you used to graft with.


watching Ross at the Mo.




just to let you know I am still around but have hardly been on lappy, been too busy at theatre, seeing sons play, looking after mum, and shopping etc whilst OH home.


Wow, Hicky what great piccies.


Emptybox..I have never had a direct message on twitter, so not sure how to do it, will try,  if I have time tomorrow.


hope you are both well, will post more tomorrow as it is late now.

take care


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


Mollie, I know you haven't had a minute to yourself.

Good to see you though, you sure have your hands full.


Emptybox, Hope you had a good day, had light rain on and off here.

Managed to get some jobs done, have a few water points to alter but no hurry, can't put the watering on yet anyway.


Got shoots and buds coming on a few trees and plants.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


A pretty cool start to the day, max of 6C expected.

Having a good day at work, one boss off today.


Have asked the boss of the material fabrication section if he could make me the 32 brackets for the support of the legs on the 4 tables.

Worth a try eh.


Emptybox, the watering doesn't start till the frost finishes, i like to have all the pipework and the supply pipes for each plant ready, with doing alterations in the garden it means changing some feeds.


Dare not put the time computers out until the last frost has passed.

Which means i can't put the water cat scarer out either.


enjoyed the DOI last night, don't see the point in having them on a harness, stupid, what has that got to do with skating?


And watched The Voice, don't like them going against each other like this.


Good evening both xxx



glad you had a good day at work. Hope you get lucky with the brackets, as you say, worth a try anyway.

I agree, don't like the stupid harness thing on DOI. Don't think Hayley's feet touched the ice all through her routine last night.



Spring nearly here now, so hope you are enjoying your last few quiet weeks, I know how busy you get when those lawns grow again.

Plenty of spring flowers coming out now,  and along with the daffodils, we can now see the new tiny lambs bouncing about in the fields. They look so cute.

Had a try and catch up day today after being so busy the last few days. OH back in Devon again for the week now.

Haven't had chance to catch up with any of my tv yet though.

Looking forward to seeing the Voice when I get chance. Think there are some good ones this year.

Bet Kylie's one will win, think Kylie is great.

Really enjoyed son's drama club productions, Friday and Saturday. And a great press review of it has been  posted already.    Even Andrew Lloyd Webber sent them good wishes beforehand, and in the audience were a few celebs, including the guy who played Phantom for several years in the West End, US and other countries, who said after, he really enjoyed the show. Also son said one of the girls who used to be in their club came to talk to them about her tv work, as she is appearing in Mr Selfridge.I hardly recognised son on stage in his Victorian costume.


Cold here tonight, but at least it is dry.


Goodnight all xxx



Last edited by *mollie*

Evening both.

Lovely sunny day here, but quite cold tonight.


Hi Hicky. Hope your engineer fella manages to make your brackets.


Hi Mollie. Hope you manage to get caught up with your TV viewing.

Must be exciting for your son to have these celebs interested in his production?


Just been watching my recording of Britain's bronze age mummies' and now going to watch The Voice.




Evening Everyone.


Mollie, Thats fantastic, to get good wishes from Andrew is a real boon.


Your lads going to be famous at this rate, well done.

I saw the West End production of The Phantom.


Emptybox, I don't like to rush the guys at work, they have so much to do as it is, but the boss always says tell them what you want and they will make it.


The wood should be delivered Thursday, made a cardboard templet of the shape i want the table to be, they should be 750 x 450 with cut off corners and i will round them with the sander.


Will buy the legs Friday probably.


Just had Pancakes, must have had 6 or more, used the shake type, just add water.


Did more work in the garden.

Packed more timber off cuts into rubble bags, put deck oil over the last bit of decking i did.

Sprayed the fruit trees, they need spraying before bud burst.


Shame Frodo left, not sure what happened but it was her choice.


Good evening both xx



what a shame you aren't getting any real pancakes today.  I had 2 and a half, daughter made them else I wouldn't of had time as I have been backwards and forwards to college with son and other son has gone to drama now.


Sorry haven't had chance to go to twitter, haven't had much chance at all for any free time on lappy or for tv. But I rarely go on twitter, and as you guessed a new lappy means PW;s have gone until I can remember them again, or until I get a bit more time to search them out.


Glad the weather wasn't too bad there, been nice here too and got washing dry. Daffs out lovely now, bet you up there won't be far behind us now with this bit of nice weather.



You have been busy in the garden today then.

Sounds hopefull you will get those brackets from work in time then.

Hope your wood comes Thursday.

Glad you enjoyed your pancakes. As I said I had 2 and a half, but they were big ones.


Yes shame Frodo left but, as you say it was her choice, and a waste of her free time, if she was not enjoying it here. 


More problems with my mum last night. Just when I thought I could sit down and watch a bit of tv last night. (One Born every Minute), when I rang her , she had not put her phone back properly yet again. So me and son had to drop everything and drive over there, because I get real worried if she does not have the phone, as her security system wouldn't work, and I can't check if she is ok.

when I got there, she had put the latch on her front door, I have told her not to do this as i can't get in, so I ended up banging and thumping on her front door until she heard me. She had gone to bed and ended up crying because she said she can't remember how to do anything.

So I ended up having another restless night.

Hope she doesn't do it again tonight.


Still haven't had chance to watch all of the Voice yet, but as you say Hicky, these knock out rounds are not a very nice very pleasant.


Have a good evening both xx








Morning Everyone.


Mollie, I might have to wait a while for the brackets but there's no real hurry.

As long as the wood comes and i can get the wood for the legs then i will be happy, i could even stain it all ready.


I only make very small pancakes, and very thin, they only take 1 minute each.

I use 2 pans, i put some mixture in the first pan, when that side is done i transfer it turned over to the 2nd pan then do the 1st again, when the second pan is done i transfer the pancake to a plate in the over, i can do loads in a few minutes, the pancakes are about 6" across (150mm)


Oh dear, such a problem with your Mother, she's almost at the stage where she can't be left on her own.


It's pretty quiet at work today, had my nice brekkie, they gave me too much, had to leave 1 big sausage.


Afternoon both.

Overcast here but dry.

Contemplating going out after lunch to do a bit of paid work......contemplating it anyway.


What a shame about your Mum Mollie. Hope she is more settled today.


Hi Hicky. Glad you're quiet at work.

Probably good that you left that sausage going by the report on the radio that too much meat and cheese can increase your chances of getting cancer.

Mollie will be on the plus side with the meat, but on the minus side with her cheese?

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm always sceptical of these food scare stories. The one in the news today is about a study in the States and judging by some of their food programmes which get shown in this country the Americans do seem to love gigantic meals. I work on the basis of everything in moderation and I'm not overweight.


I'm with you El Loro. Everything in moderation.

I'm a 'moderator' on another forum, so I know all about that.


But yes, we are omnivores so have evolved to eat meat, veg, nuts, fruit etc in a balanced diet.


Mind you, I am probably a bit too fond of processed ham in my lunchtime sarnies.


Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, I only left the sausage as they sometimes give me extra.

I do eat a vast array of food, also a lot of fruit and veg.

Problem is i never stop eating at home.


I eat very little cheese though.


El Loro, I do think the scare stories are correct, it's just that noone takes any notice.

I believe as they say that the ready made foods are bad and so are the processed foods, it's just that it's hard to not eat any of them.

I eat a lot less meat now as well.


My O/H says everything in moderation as well, in theory that may be ok but when you factor in all the foods you shouldn't eat it isn't going to work.




Good evening...did a long post then lost it... gggrrr...



glad work was not too busy and you got to enjoy your good brekkie.   Best to have a bit left over than not enough, I reckon, especially when you are at work.

Hope the weather is ok for you to get in your garden tomorrow.

You sound real organised with your pancake making.

Yes it is a worry with my mum, we are hoping to look for a house big enough for her to move in with us, when we get chance.



did you manage to venture out to make a start on your gardens, or did you just carry on contemplating?  The way the gardens are springing into action, I guess now is the time for you to make a start.


Hello El Loro

I don't go for the gigantic meals, but do like a treat now and again. 


Still haven't had chance to catch up with the Voice or Coach Trip yet.

Ended up having another non relaxing evening last night as well.

The dog was sick in the car when we went to collect son from college, so I had to clean that up.

Then other son came home real upset from his drama club as he had reversed into someone in the car park. This other car was parked on a section blocked out by yellow criss cross lines, so no one usually parks there and he had no lights on.  So son did not notice him when he started to reverse out. (think son had probably not waited long enough for back window to de-mist). So other bloke of course said it was all my son's fault, now we have to pay for the damage. Fortunately it was only a scratch, but will still cost us a fair bit. We are insured but any claim as a young male driver would send his future payments sky high. It is a shame really as he has been real good and is  constantly driving places for me. OH said at least he has learnt a lesson to check properly before pulling off.


Fortunately mum was fine last night. (well apart from saying at 10 pm she was worried about me as I hadn't rung her...when I had rung her several times including only 2 hours earlier!)

And fortunately within a couple of hours, the dog was fine and eating again.


I am really hoping to have a peaceful evening tonight, so I can watch tv stress free.


have a good evening all xx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.


It looks like the weekend is going to be pretty warm here so am getting food in for BBQ Sunday.


going out Friday night for a meal with O/H and DIL as it's her Birthday.


Thats a blow for your son, reversing at night it always a problem.

He should have reversed into the gap while it was light, if possible that is.


You would be better trying to pay for the damage rather than go through the insurance, he will be penalised.

Plus there is usually and excess to pay anyway.


Hope you get a peaceful night?


Hi Hicky. Hope you enjoy your meal on Friday, and you get a barbeque Sunday.

Don't think it's supposed to be a nice weekend up here?


Hi Mollie. My contemplations didn't lead anywhere today. These things can't be rushed.


Pity about your son's little ding, but it's through these things we learn to be good drivers. So I'm told anyway. It hasn't worked for me.

But if there's any tricky reversing to be done, I always like to do it when I arrive at a place, rather than when I'm leaving, especially in the dark.


Watched Restoration Man then 24 hrs in A&E, then some recordings.


When I was posting about everything in moderation I was forgetting for a moment that I was a moderator here


Today's article in the Express is about another American research scientist saying that fatty food is less damaging than sugar and carbs.


So I just leave the scientists to get on with it as one will say one thing and another something different

El Loro

Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, it says good weather here, but with having the BBQ in the Gazebo it might be ok.


My wood came today for the tables, the puncture repair kit came for the garden truck tyres.


Have ordered 3 more sets of those little tyre pressure indicator caps from China.

Have ordered another tyre air pressure gauge.

Have also ordered some neem oil for the trees.


El Loro, I think too much sugar and fat and processed food and ready meals are bad for you, there's no doubt.

But we can only bear this in mind.



Hi El Loro. Yes the scientists seem to change their mind every year on what food is bad for us. In fact I think it's more the people who report the research, rather than the scientists to blame.


I get the Express (gawd knows why?) and they're quite shameless about having completely conflicting headlines.

"Pension Woe for Millions" they'll tell on Monday, followed by "Pension Joy for Millions" on Tuesday.


Hi Hicky. Glad your wood arrived

Do you need to be precise about the amount of air in the tyres of your garden truck? I would have thought a bit of tyre kicking would suffice?


Watched Hotel Inspector, and various programmes about bailiffs etc.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all



hope you enjoyed your meal out for the DIL birthday, I took a look at the menu, looks great to me. (and there is plenty of cheesy type things for me to choose from),   I expect you will be busy with the tables now the wood has arrived.



was there any work contemplation today?

Good idea to do car reversing on arrival rather than departure in the dark.


I too watched Hotel Inspector, what eccentrics the hotel owners on it are.


Great to see Gogglebox on again. Did you rememeber to watch it? It must be popular as they have given it the 9pm slot on Fridays.


So glad to see OH home this afternoon after a difficult week. He has had to go to mums twice today to sort her phone out again today. (and I went to tidy up). And the dog was ill so had to take her to vets, she has injection for upset stomach, has some tables and some ear drops. But fingers crossed it has worked as she has eaten this evening.


Went to theatre yesterday with the kids, to see an Agatha Christie, Poirot "who done it"...... it was very good, but spoilt for me by the stress my mum gives me now, every time I go out anywhere.   I have to keep ringing her... eg on the train, in the theatre break and when I got home I still had 3 phone calls off my mum on the answer machine, going on about someone had told her her sister was very ill. (all in her imagination, she hasn't seen this sister for years and no one round here even knows her!). And that she had been going around the flats asking people if they knew how her sister was. Living with this dementia is becoming a nightmare for me, I think I will have to admit defeat,  and call in an outside carer to help check on her on occasions. (especially whilst OH is away.)


thanks goodness OH home for a couple of days now.


Good weather forecast this weekend,

hope you can get out in your garden Hicky

and hope Emptybox can think of an excuse to postpone work a little longer.


Goodnight all xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.:+)))))))))))


Just had a great meal out, had a shared fishy starter and a steak pie for main meal.


Went to B&Q and got the wood for the table legs, also bought the wood to join the 2 halves of the table.

Bought a plane as well to round the corners, also bought a spoke shave.

Cut the legs and chamfered them, also sanded them down.


I mended the 2 punctures then found a third wheel flat, in trying to get the tube out i put a hole in the tube,

I was going to get new tubes bought i can buy a wheel complete for the same price.

ÂĢ12 for 2 wheels complete.

Will get some next week.


Got plenty to do anyway,



My knee protector came today, it fixes on with Velcro.

Last edited by Hicky


Didn't need to do any contemplating today Mollie, it was very nasty here. Windy and rainy.

Don't think the good weather reaches me till next week.

Will certainly have to do some work then though.


Yes Mollie, it sounds like the time has come when you need more help with your Mum.

Pity your doggy was ill again as well.

But at least your OH is home for a few days.


Hi Hicky. Another nice meal out?

I suppose if wheels are that cheap, not much point in trying to mend the punctures.


Gogglebox good. Quite a few new faces though.


good evening both xx



glad you had a lovely meal last night.

I hope the velcro knee protector helps your problem.

That is good the wheels are so cheap.



yes hopefully this good weather is on its way up to you now.

Pity that means you will have to move on from work contemplation then though.

Yes I enjoyed Gogglebox too. Wonder how the new characters will progress?


Mum came to us today, as weather was so nice, so am hoping it will do her good. She has been here loads of times but said she didn't remember coming here before.   Then she started talking about stuff that from years ago. She remembers that.


Dog a lot better after vet's treatment


Going out with OH and son to Cardiff tonight to see Richard and Adam, the 2 singers who were on Britain's Got Talent last year, Charlotte is also on, (the girl who sang with Jonathon off the same show).

So will have to record the Voice.

hope you both had the gorgeous weather we had here today, seafront packed with people.

Off to put my fave dress on and make up now.


have a good evening both xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie. Glad you had a nice day.

Was windy again here, and overcast, but at least the rain stayed away.


Yes I remember Charlotte from BGT.

Can't bring the Richard and Adam ones to mind though?

Enjoy the concert.


Soon be time for my bath, then my spag bol and beer.

(I drink the beer out of a glass. I don't pour it on the spag bol. Just in case there was any doubt in your mind. )


Another long Voice Battle. I record that and watch it later. I'll still be luxuriating in my bath at that point.


Evening All.


It's been a nice day, not too much sun but warm, finished and stained 2 tables so we can uses them tomorrow as we are having a BBQ party with my lad and his lot.


We tried out the BBQ today had some burgers to test it.

It works well in the Gazebo.


am doing some tidying in the garden ready for summer.


Emptybox, I'll order some wheels next week, also need nice covers for the benches.


Mollie, The Knee support seems fine, my leg has been good all weekend.


I watched most of goggle box, enjoyed it.


Watching The Voice now then Ross.


Glad doggy is better.


your mum would talk for hours about the past because it's all they remember.


Hope the show your going to see in Cardiff is good.




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