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Back again for a while 


for people close to me friends etc I bought Candles good ones and really good perfume for the festive season ...sadly one of us had a fall out so I have opened It to-day ....smells good the perfume I haven't lit the candle yet feel bad but whatever ...I still buy Avon bought stacks and I love some of their scents ..what Is your fav scent Mollie ? I have loads squirt them all over .


My son bought some ham to make chicken ham and leek pie hocks I think they were she the little dog ate a ham bone and made her really sick 

she shook and trembled as though we  were angry with her ...really upset us our animals are never smacked  ...anyhow she calmed down no more bones 

learned our lesson .....bye for now

Last edited by Former Member


Wet here most of the day.


Really pleased that the Curling girls won the bronze medal.

The men fight for the gold tomorrow.


Hi Frodo. That's strange that your power bills are up? Perhaps they think that, although you're in credit now, you won't be by the end of the winter?

I thought the bills were supposed to come down?


No I'm not in favour of an independent Scotland. Not at this time of economic uncertainty, and certainly not under Alex Salmond.

It might work some time in the future, but only if the whole of the UK was in favour. At the moment it looks like the rest of the UK would be antagonistic to an independent Scotland.

TBH I'm most worried about my savings and pension contributions etc.

Perhaps if I was a naive 18 yr old I might see it as a big adventure?

But in my mid fifties there's too much at stake.


Hope your dog doesn't have any bad effects from the ham bone. Perhaps she got a sliver of bone stuck in her throat?


Is this the new ITV channel you mean? ITVBe.

Should be interesting.

I see they are also launching a new drama channel as well - ITV Encore.

But that will be a pay channel, and only on the Sky platform.


Making a stew/casserole at the moment, with everything thrown in. Will probably make about five portions.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Mollie, such a lot of work for you with your mum, such a worry.


Emptybox, i bet you cram all the clothes in the machine to wash, i can imagine.

It's not just the clothes that have creases, you have me in creases.


Frodo, don't know much about animals but with what i read i'm glad i don't have them.

But i saw this, don't give dogs cooked bones,


Dangers of Cooked Bones

The cooking process makes bones more brittle, increasing the likelihood they might splinter and cause internal injury to your dog.

Cooking can also remove the nutrition contained in bones.

In their April 20, 2010 Consumer Update, the FDA lists the following risks associated with giving your dog a cooked bone to chew:

  1. Broken teeth. This may call for expensive veterinary dentistry.
  2. Mouth or tongue injuries. These can be very bloody and messy and may require a trip to see your veterinarian.
  3. Bone gets looped around your dog’s lower jaw. This can be frightening or painful for your dog and potentially costly to you, as it usually means a trip to see your veterinarian.
  4. Bone gets stuck in esophagus, the tube that food travels through to reach the stomach. Your dog may gag, trying to bring the bone back up, and will need to see your veterinarian.
  5. Bone gets stuck in windpipe. This may happen if your dog accidentally inhales a small enough piece of bone. This is an emergency because your dog will have trouble breathing. Get your pet to your veterinarian immediately!
  6. Bone gets stuck in stomach. It went down just fine, but the bone may be too big to pass out of the stomach and into the intestines. Depending on the bone’s size, your dog may need surgery or upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, a procedure in which your veterinarian uses a long tube with a built-in camera and grabbing tools to try to remove the stuck bone from the stomach.
  7. Bone gets stuck in intestines and causes a blockage. It may be time for surgery.
  8. Constipation due to bone fragments. Your dog may have a hard time passing the bone fragments because they’re very sharp and they scrape the inside of the large intestine or rectum as they move along. This causes severe pain and may require a visit to your veterinarian. Bones also contain a lot of calcium, which is very firming to the stool.
  9. Severe bleeding from the rectum. This is very messy and can be dangerous. It’s time for a trip to see your veterinarian.
  10. Peritonitis. This nasty, difficult-to-treat bacterial infection of the abdomen is caused when bone fragments poke holes in your dog’s stomach or intestines. Your dog needs an emergency visit to your veterinarian because peritonitis can kill your dog.




I fitted the cutters on the gazebo, went to Costco, got loads of goodies.


Just made a Beef Rendang Curry, yummy.


Good evening all



good to see you back in here again today.

Sorry to hear you little dog has been sick, hope she is ok now.

Until I had a dog I never realised what sensitive creatures they are and how easily they get ill. My dog also had an upset stomach Monday and Tuesday and was sick. So she ate noting for 2 days, but luckily just as I thought I must take her to vets, she perked up and started eating again. I am nerotic when I take her a walk watching she doesn't eat any rubbish off the floor. So I know how worrying it is when they have upset stomachs, they looks so sad at you, don't they?



hope you enjoy your stew. Sounds like you have enough there to last you awhile. Will you freeze it?

Glad you are still enjoying the olympics, I caught a bit of the curling this afternoon for the 1s time. Did you notice how many of the girls doing this are very pretty? I imagined them to be all muscly and masculine, but they aren't at all. The way they go at it with the broom reminds me of how I have to sweep our kitchen floor in a rush each morning.


Gosh more tv channels, I hardly have time to watch from the choice that is on now.   But all I am really interested in is BB and Corrie. Oh and I love Coach trip.



Glad you got some more work done on the gazebo.

We like going to Costco. What nice food stuff did you buy? I always think their cakes and ready meals look nice. I fancy getting another halogen cooker as they are on offer next week and I used to love my last one before the bulb blew. So I won't pay ÂĢ50 again for one as the bulbs do go after not that long. But in Costco on offer they are under ÂĢ20.

looking at that list, no wonder they say bones are bad for dogs. I can understand why you didn't fancy having a pet, i love our dog, but she is such a worry and responsibility when she is ill. Horrible to see your pet not well.


How is your aches and pains in your joints now, do you think the meds are helping yet? And how are you getting on with the walking stick?


I am glad the weekend starts tomorrow as I have had a bad week this week, things always seem worse and more chaotic whilst hubby has to work away. But this week, one thing after another....worries with mum worse than usual, one of the boys has had problems with his hearing, so he had trouble at college hearing the notes, just at a time he has to rehearse to do a performance, meaning extra journeys back and forward to college for me, and a visit to docs, who says his ears are blocked with wax, so he has drops that I have to put in for him....then other son needed help with a part time job application, and is now overcome with nerves and says he might not put it in at all...., and daughter stressed over her studies. Oh and the dog also has a bad ear, so had to get drops and put them in for her, as well as for son.   And my ribs have been hurting from all the running around.


Oh well, good news is mum seems ok again tonight, and OH home tomorrow lunchtime as we are going to see son's college concert tomorrow afternoon. So I will be glad of the sit down and a rest and will take a Costa coffee in with me, as they have a Costa at the college.


Not a bad day today weather wise, managed to get a walk with dog down the seafront in between the showers.


Am watching Supersize/Superskinny... amazing the difference in what the 2 people eat.

Then one of our favourites after that...The Hotel Inspector, remember this week again is someone who was on 4 in A bed, not that long ago.


Have a good night all xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.)


At cost i got 6 packs of unsmoked back bacon, yogurt coated nuts and raisins, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, Clementines, fruit cake, salt & pepper squid, cod loins, big box mixed samosa's.

And lots of other stuff as well, for the home & O/H.


Love going round Costco, got another big box of Foil as we use a lot.


Thats cheap, ÂĢ20 for a halogen cooker.


I've got loads of tablets, it's not easy to keep remembering to take them.

It's hard to tell if the walking stick helps or not, but i use it when i can.


I bet you are glad to see the weekend, life's pretty tough for you.


I think your mum will be up and down with her dreams and funny turns.

You sure have a job with your children at the mo, all wears you out.


I enjoyed the Hotel Inspector.

Last edited by Hicky

Good morning all

A very strange day here weather wise, sun shining strongly one minute, then hailing the next!



you got a good selection of food there from Costco.

Yes you are so busy, I bet it is hard to remember your tablets, but at least you know if your joints get painful, you do have them there to take when needed.

Hope weather ok for you to get in the garden today.



Stew for tea again tonight?

Wonder if we will win another gold today? I expect you will be watching it?


Can't watch today as we are going to see son's college performance this afternoon. Should be good this year as there are a couple of real talented youngsters. One is mad on the 50's era and does his hair and dresses in that time, and has a lovely 50's guitar, he likes doing Elvis numbers.


OH on way home now, it takes a good 3 hours to get back, so he made up his hours early in the week, so he could leave at 10am today, and come to the concert with us.


Have a good day all xxx



Yes, I'll be glued to the Curling in a bit.

D'ya know, I hadn't noticed that a lot of the girl curlers were attractive?


I was a good boy yesterday, and folded my clothes as soon as they were dry, instead of getting the iron out. 

My cotton chinos still looked crumpled though. I'll see what they are like after a while in the drawer, but ironing may still be needed on some things?


I had one portion of stew last night, and have frozen the rest. I'll enjoy them over the next few weeks.

Hope your lad manages to get his ears unblocked.

Enjoy your concert.


Hi Hicky. That was a good haul from Costco.

I didn't watch Hotel Inspector, as I was watching something on BBC2 Scotland, about an old couple who've lived in a castle for 40 years, but had to sell up because of their age.

Last edited by emptybox



sun out again streaming through the windows ...but Its cold outside ,funny place this the sun seems to be back and front almost the same time 'I have lived in some houses where Its either front in the morning and the rear in the afternoon  not here though . decided we are having the porch ahem ,more of a lean to taken down in the summer ,It will let more light in the kitchen and Its a pest .


I watched the Hotel Inspector last night ,she Alex Polizzi is a gem in my opinion her and I didn't realise the couple last night were on 'Four In A Bed' I could not understand where I had seen them before ..until I read It on here ...she Alex was on a Christmas programme on BBC1 and gave some brilliant tips


Thanks for the tips on bones Hicky very useful and eye opening ..very kind because I know you are not keen on pets in the house  bless I love you for that xx  can't believe Its Friday ,when Mollie said week-end and OH coming home It passed over me sheesh how times flies when your having fun


Been a joy to see snow drops and these early little things I have a very delicate kind of crocus pale mauve and right by the back door 


The dogs have gone out for a pint with my son ...he has the pint they just go with him 


Still looking for the new ITV  Programme emptybox of course I will look back 

hope you are well ..good idea to cook loads of stew and freeze ...I do the same the quorn mince is yummy and I don't mind the chicken ...but to say I am a 

true veggie like Mollie would be insulting ,because I eat fish chicken and realise that Its hypocritical but I am trying 




tata for now




Hello all 

crying must be the norm this Friday  my friend rang to-day 

where to start ''we have been mates for yonks (ages)we both lost our husbands really young she went on to remarry ..not for me and then a divorce ...I have had my moments lets say a courtship ..for a while but nothing serious ...rang me to-day and something serious has happened If you dont hear from me this Is why .....he has been ill for a while and she Is distraught 


forgot to say he Is her partner ..rang me from the hospital not good 


sees you xxx    love to you three 

Last edited by Former Member

Evening Everyone.


Had a good day, picked up the brackets from the blacksmith, all have been drilled galvanised and sprayed black.

Managed to get 40 fitted and 3 plastic sections put in, had to get O/H to give me a lift with the top piece as it's an awkward size and heavy (21kg)


Also managed to get the feed cable from the Summer House where it will plugged in to the joint box in the gazebo.

Have mounted the double circuit breaker consumer unit, will get more done tomorrow as it's under cover.

If weather good i will get more plastic sheets fitted.


Mollie, Sun & Hail eh, so unsettles still.


I can't believe some of the prices in Costco, ÂĢ12 for a massive Birthday Cake.


Yes, the tablets are a problem, 4 times a day for some, thats not easy, as i have the first ones at different times.


Emptybox, A pity you missed the Hotel Inspector, she really is a marvel.


It's a good idea to make a lot of food and freeze it for later.


I had about 10 pieces of peppered squid as starter for tea, then had some more curry from yesterday.


Frodo, your porch will cut down the light entering a lot, you will notice a difference when it is removed.

I agree, Alex is a gem, she is so clever, love what she does to help them.


I saw a load of snowdrops the other day as well.

Can't believe i have shoots showing on my raspberry canes.


Another week and i start mulching all my tree's, going to be quote a job.


Just watching them test a train in France at 357mph, wow.


You eat what you want, can't see any reason to stop eating anything unless it's not good for you.


Enjoy your GnT, who cares what time it is?


Evening Everyone.


Had a great day, the rain stayed off, went to B&Q for a couple of bits for the gazebo, was  up early and in the garden, fitted all the brackets and then finished putting all the lower plastic sheets in, then O/H came out with her brekkie to have it in the gazebo, we then fitted the top plastic sheets, they were too heavy and awkward for me on my own.


Did more work on the electrics, but as it is under cover now i can do it anytime.

fitted the down-spout from the guttering, just need another water butt now.


O/H loves the benches, and is excited about the whole project.


Just had fresh salmon and baked spuds for tea.


Hope everyone is well and enjoying the weekend.


Watching The Voice.



Hi Frodo. That's sad about your friend's partner. I guess all you can do is be there for her?


Don't suppose your wee cat will be pleased if you take your porch down. You'll have to find some other shelter for her?


Hi Hicky. Glad your OH is pleased about your progress on the gazebo.


Very windy and cold here. Not too nice.

Got plenty of snowdrops out here as well.


Evening Everyone.


Frodo, how awful for your friend and their family and all that knew them, and for you of course, hope you can give her comfort at this dreadful time.


Emptybox, Got a lot done today, had brekkie out then my lad came to give me a hand, he finished the last few tiles at the top of the roof.

I finished the guttering, working on the lighting & power, not much to do now.

It's all fixed and wired, need a couple of pieces of flex then got a few things to connect.


Need to get some of those pictures that will hold themselves onto the plastic, don't want to stick any on, just want them to hold on by themselves.

A bit worried about birds flying into it as you can't see anything, it looks as though it's just a wooden frame so the birds are going to try and fly through.


Hope Mollie is ok, a lot to do with her mum as well.



I've order 3 packs of plastic cling stickers for the Gazebo, some birds of prey, small birds and some butterfly's, it will stop the big clear area being boring ans also help protect the birds.

I'll also take a picture again now it's almost finished.

Last edited by Hicky




Very sorry to hear of your friend's sad loss.    I am sure she will be grateful for your support as a friend right now. It can't of been easy for either of you being widowed so young and difficult for her now to get this blow a 2nd time round. We are here when you feel you want to come in for a bit of a distraction chat or support.


I am not a proper veggie either because on occasions I can't resist a bit of battered fish and chips from the chippie. (but I do feel guilty and give most of the fish to the dog, and eat the batter myself!).



Hope your clothes do come out a bit more uncreased now you made the effort of taking them straight out of the basket and folding them. (and now you have followed our "expert" advice).




yes those birthday cakes in Costco are a really bargain. And they look so yummy too.

I agree with you both, Alex on Hotel Inspector is great.

Glad the weather has been kind the last couple of days, and you have managed to get a fair bit done. Looking forward to seeing the latest piccies. No wonder your OH is so excited about your benches and the whole project, it looks great and is really something to look forward to enjoying using come the warmer weather. Good idea to put something up to stop the birds flying into it, I hate it when you see them do that.


Had a very busy weekend.

Son's concert went very well, he is more confident than he was last year, at the last minute last year, he wouldn't even go on the stage, (the stage for this performance is a large one) but this year he was fine, and his college band did about 5 numbers.

Mum had a bad few days getting confused, she woke me at 1.30am Friday night to say she couldn't switch her tv off. She had forgotten how to do it and hadn't realised how late it was. I now try and give her a quick phone call every couple of hours to tell her the time and when to go to bed. (worth a try), and I always have to remind her to drink and eat too.

Today daughter went with the rest of her club to her first archery tournament, around 16 miles away. OH and I took her and stayed for about the first 45 mins, I was freezing by then, so we went for brekkie and a shop and picked her up later in the afternoon. She did well as she got a bronze medal. Lucky we arrived in time to see her being presented with it.

Other son has been in rehearsals for their latest drama production until 9pm, but he enjoys it.

Time to ring mum again and tell her it is nearly bed time.


Goodnight all



Morning peeps.

Bit dull here, but at least it's not blowing a gale.


That's a good idea Hicky, to put stickers on the glass panels to ward the birds off.

Look forward to the piccy.


Hi Mollie. Well done to your daughter for getting a bronze in the archery.

Glad your son's confidence on stage was such that he could give a good performance.

I suppose all you can do is keep phoning your Mum to keep her right.


Missing the Olympic Curling now.


Hello all

 about my friend's partner

really can't understand because he was ok ,the doctor came out said a chest infection and that he was not ill enough to go into hospital and that she was wasting time ,they lived next door to each other and he is Afro- Caribbean ,so his family have decided they want to take over things ,he didn't leave a will so there Is nothing she can do be honest she Is acting normal too calm almost matter of fact , to me she seems to be in shock and Its not real yet 

she knows I'm here whenever she needs me.


Yes It will be a shame for the porch to come down emptybox but Its old and we are not handy like Hicky,and It will bring loads more light in to the kitchen ,I will think of something for the not so little cat its getting quite spoilt and still hisses at me.


Sunny again to-day but cold very deceiving ,still March Is not far away and the nights are drawing out and the buds are on  the trees ,love the sweet smell of washing hung outside.


Thankyou all for being kind as I know you have your own problems nice to know you can put your feelings to your mates 


will write more later the way I love The Voice really enjoying It the banter between the judges Is great ...watched Dancing On Ice too 






Last edited by Former Member

Good evening all



shame you are missing the curling, wish they would find something good on tv soon. Seems ages till summer BB time still.


Hope Hicky was not too busy at work today and he was still able to get in his garden now he leaves work earlier.



must of been a terrible shock to your friend losing her OH like that, especially as the doctor said he was not ill enough for hospital.


When are you planning on getting rid of the porch? Probably best not to rush and time it for when the weather is good?

I really like the Voice too this year, Kylie is so nice on it and I did manage to see Dancing on Ice, think Ray is a great skater.


It was definitely feeling a bit warmer in the sun here today, lots of people around down the seafront enjoying the cafes. It is half term too, so nice for families to get out and about.


Son was at the theatre for 11 hours today for rehearsals.He enjoys it.

I did mum's cleaning and tidied up our house too after the weekend. Washing dried nicely in the wind and sun. Luckily daughter made dinner as I was done in. I like to get up at 4am to see OH off, and give him a drink before he goes. (although he tells me not to).

No college tonight, so it was nice not having to rush dinner and to be able to watch Corrie uninterrupted.


Goodnight all xxx



Evening Everyone.


Mollie, hoping to do more on the gazebo tomorrow.

Glad your sons concert went well, they did well doing 5 numbers.

It's worrying having your mum that bad, they literally have no idea what they are doing.

Well done to your daughter getting a medal, you were lucky to see her getting it eh.


It's strange Emptybox not noticing the curlers were pretty, i bet.


Emptybox, the stickers are on the way, but post is so slow these days.

I need to clear all the stuff out of the Gazebo to take a pic though.


Made a Spag Bol last night, added quite a lot of chilli flakes, had so much i kept half the mince and onions till tonight, added some gravy and had it over baked spuds, yummy.


Frodo, Thats strange about your friends partner isn't it, a chest infection then he's dead.

You can only give her support if she needs it at this bad time.


There's buds on some of my trees as well.

Getting excited now.

Last edited by Hicky

Good Evening Everyone.


We posted together again last night Mollie.


Had another good day weatherwise.

Got lots done.

Have changed the fixings a bit on the gazebo for the plastic sheets.

don't need 3 fixings bottom & top of each sheet, only need 1 center top & bottom, the 2 each side secure it into position.

Noticed the flat brackets top & bottom leave a 6mm gap so took 25 of them back to blacksmith and he bent them to 30deg, i have shimmed with a 0.5mm rubber shim made from pond liner, that stops any rattle,


Finished the electrics but have found the switch i bought for the lights isn't a switch, it's a bell push type of thing.

Wondered why the switch didn't turn on, it put the lights on but you had to hold the switch on.

When i googled it i found that people are buying them by mistake as it says it can be used for lights.

This is what i bought.



This is a review of it.


Customer Reviews for Single 'Press' retractive outdoor switch, 1 way, 20AX

Reviewer: Philbo
Overall Rating
1 out of 5
"This is a RETRACTIVE switch.
It only completes the circuit when it is pressed and you keep your finger on it. When you let go, the switch springs back and the circuit is broken.
Think of a door bell switch. This is the same principle.
If you are looking for an outdoor light switch, this is NOT what you should buy.
You need to buy a 1 gang 2 way switch. (Shown Below)
I hope this prevents people buying this switch in error.
I have given 1 star because there is no indication on the packaging that this switch works in this way and there are very few applications that this type of switch would be used for. However, if you are looking for a retractive switch and not a light switch, I'm sure this one would be fine."





Good evening all



hope the weather was ok for you to manage to get the work done on your gazebo that you had planned.

There is buds on our trees too.

And i have seen our 1st daffodils out in the front garden today.

Spring nearly here now.


Won't be long until you will be back doing your spring grass cuts Emptybox.

OUr back lawn is full of big mole hills.

I have never actually seen the moles in them though.


Hope you are ok Frodo. Did you watch the new One Born Every Minute last night. Aawww I love to see the babies on it.


Not much on tv tonight,

Am watching Benidorm ER.

Son is still at rehearsals, he has been there since 10am, so nice that he enjoys it, as he is a quiet lad.


Have a good evening  all . xxx


Last edited by *mollie*


Sunny this morning, but drizzly and windy this afternoon.

Starting to see green shoots of daffodils pushing through here already.


Silly Hicky, buying a bell push to turn your lights on.

Well done for working out the new way to fix the plastic sheets to stop rattles.


Hi Mollie. Your son putting in loads of hours of rehearsals again I see.

Mole hills are a menace on your lawn. I sometimes get loads here as well.

Actually, it's not so much the hils that are the problem, as you can remove them. But if the tunnels are close to the surface, then they make the ground spongy and impossible to cut the grass.


Hi Frodo. It's sad that your friend's partner's family are taking over, but I guess if they weren't married or in a civil partnership, then she has few rights.


Watching a programme on CH4 about strippers in Glasgow. I've been to Glasgow, so of course I'm just watching the programme to see if I recognize any of the buildings etc.

Last edited by emptybox

Good afternoon Everyone.


Just popped in while i'm not too busy.


Posted together again i see.


Yes Mollie, I'll buy another switch, it's a weatherproof one though, but the box i bought it in went in the recycle bin.


I'll see if i can get one on my way home.

Can't understand them advertising it as a light switch.


Emptybox, I never dreamt it was a bell push, it didn't say it was, it just says a one way switch.

I mean, you don't call a push thingy a switch do you?


I missed watching the strippers, meant to as well, for medicinal purposes of course.

I was going to look at the building as well, of course.



Good Evening Everyone.


With getting away from work early was able to call into B&Q and pick up the correct waterproof switch.

Also got the brown wood filler, switch fitted, holes sanded and filled.


Going to seal the guttering now then clear out the inside of the gazebo.

Need a wire brush with a long handle to clean the grooves in the decking.


The birds of prey plastic came, fitted all ready.


Got the Docs at 3.30 tomorrow for a breathing check-up.


Put some salt cod in water for brekkie Friday.

It's not as thick as the last piece, got 2 pieces in the pack.

Need to find another water butt now.


Good evening all


  at you two wanting to watch the Strippers programme for your interest in the buildings. And of course I believe you.

Needless to say I didn't watch the show as I have no interest in either the buildings or the strippers.

I am really enjoying watching Coach Trip though.



How handy that by leaving work early now, you got chance to pop into B and Q. (for a switch that isn't a bell). 

Hope the weather is ok now for you to complete all your planned jobs.

Bet you can't wait to eat your salt fish.

Good luck at the docs tomorrow, hope your breathing is ok, and hope your joints are not too painful.



that is interesting what you said about the mole tunnels. What fascinating creatures they are.   Can't believe the big piles of dirt they are leaving in the middle of the lawn. (doesn't affect us though as landlady pays for gardener).


I am watching Outnumbered and then Mrs Brown tonight, so a nice bit of light entertainment.


Son's hearing is fixed.

Went to docs with son and doc syringed his ears. One was very blocked so it took doc awhile to clean, other was done easier as not so bad, but now son can't believe the difference it made, now he can hear again.

Mum  a bit better this week, with my constant phone calls and visits each day to enourage her to eat/drink.

So this week much better so far than last week.

Have hardly seen son as he is out 12 hours a day at theatre.

Got pain in my ribs again today as I was out and about so long doing mum's jobs after doing my own, then going to docs with son. However out with the TENS machine once home and all is well again.


Have a good evening both xxx

hope you are ok Frodo. x



Quite sunny here, so I might do something in my own garden.


Hi Hicky. Glad you've got the correct switch now, and were able to get on with the gazebo.

Good luck at the docs this afternoon.


Hi Mollie. Glad your son got his ears skooshed oot. Pity you are getting rib pain with all the work you have to do. That Tens machine must be a blessing.


Looks like it'll be The Hotel Inspector tonight?

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by frodo:

Hello you three lovely folks 



I am going to be de regged my choice ....will be in touch on twitter xxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hi Frodo.

I wouldn't deregister. Just take a break for a while, and come back when you feel able. That's my advice.


There's no need to venture into other threads, if you don't want to. I rarely do.

But you must do what you think best.

No doubt we'll still be chatting here in ten year's time, so you'll always be welcome.


Good evening all



Hotel Inspector tonight... this is the guy who was on 4 in a Bed!! the priest in Llandudno. it was scheduled for next week, but for some reason, they changed it. He didn't do well in 4 in a Bed from what I recall.

Did you manage to get a bit done in your own garden today?


It was lovely here too today, wind a bit cool, but got my washing nicely dried.

Hope Hicky got out into his garden today.


Goodbye Frodo

shame you have decided to de-reg, as you seemed to like coming in here.

Like Emptybox, I don't bother with any other threads, to read back, or post in.


So nice to see the sun today, and the molehills in the garden keep growing and multiplying.  

Son at rehearsals from 10am, till 10pm tonight, ready for 2 shows to the public tomorrow, nearly all the seats are sold too.

I am taking mum to the matinee tomorrow....feel exhausted just thinking about her ready, and struggling with her walking frame, then running to get her coffee etc...good job I will get a good sit down during the show.  I have bought a friend a ticket to come with us too, so hopefully that will make it easier.  


Goodnight all. xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


Had a good day here, no rain at all.

Managed to seal the guttering, cleaned out the Gazebo, cleaned the floor, took 4 big bags of wood cutting to the recycle place.

went to Docs, breathing and lungs pretty good

Have order a 190L water butt, should come tomorrow.

Have ordered a knee protector to see how that eases things.

Haven't had much pain so things are not so bad.


Have ordered another 6 jars of Rendang curry sauce.


The light switch works fine and am looking at what tables i need for the Gazebo.


Mollie, The saltfish was fine, i changed the water 3 times during cooking because i hadn't given the fish long enough in soak.


Glad your sons ears are OK, shows what some ear wax can do, I've had the same problem a few times in my life too.


Emptybox, The Hotel Inspector is good as usual, watching it now.


Oh, had KFC for tea, was out at the recycle place and it's only half a mile away.


Frodo, whats up, not sure what you are going on about?


Who's been telling you off for voicing an opinion, no one can tell you off for that, you are entitled to your opinion, like everyone.

Just ignore them, it's not your problem, it's theirs.



we posted together again. Great minds and all that....

Pleased to hear all went well at the docs.

and glad to hear the pain has not been so bad, hope the knee protector helps too.

Thought you might of got a lot done in the garden today, with the weather being ok.

You sure like your rebdang curry sauce.


Hotel Inspector was real good tonight. What a character, think he finds it hard to remember his charm school teachings.



Hi guys.

Yes I got some work done in my garden Mollie.

I've got a medium sized apple tree and a cherry tree at the top of my garden, and I got them pruned.

Had to climb up into the apple tree though. Bit precarious.


I thought your link was going to lead to a robot vacuum cleaner like this Mollie.

Now that would have saved you labour.


Hope you manage to enjoy your son's concert tomorrow anyway.


Hi Hicky. Glad your breathing isn't too bad now.

Ooh! That's a big butt?

That curry sauce will keep you going for a couple of days?


Watched Hotel Inspector. The guy didn't act much like a vicar.

Now watching The Repo Man. Seen it before though.


If you look back at Frodo's posts you'll see she had a little misunderstanding a few days ago in the Horsemeat thread.

Don't think she should have left over it though.


Evening Everyone.


Mollie, That vacuum looks ok, cordless, saves lugging a cable round, but the one Emptybox shows is good as you can leave it alone.


Had a good day in the garden, was going to mulch all the plants but O/H wanted all the handrails taking off the decking which has the Gazebo on it, so thats done now.

Have decide to make two new Tables, went to B&Q to get the wood and found out it's been taken out of the rack outside and stored, not sure how i get it now.

Unless i can find it somewhere else.


Have mulched about 8 tree's so far.


The water butt came, all fitted.


I followed and read the (horsemeat)thread that Frodo was concerned with, i couldn't work out what the problem was.

It seems to be all misunderstandings as noone seems to know what the problem was.


Emptybox, Hope you didn't prune the cherry tree, stone fruit and soft fruit are pruned in the summer as specific times, Apple trees main pruning is when dormant but like most trees they  can be summer pruned as well.

Most pruning should be done according to the method shown in pruning books for a particular type of fruit, and for a certain age tree.


I like that robot on your link, looks very useful.


Loved Alex and the Repo man, you need to be a tough guy to handle that lot.


Had a Beef & Mushroom with half & half.


Will get on with the mulching tomorrow weather permitting.

Have got loads of stuff for the recycle plant.


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