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Good evening all



glad you got another nice day yesterday. Hills always looks so pretty when they have snow on them.   How interesting....your dad sounds like he was a dead hand at restoring old things. Can't of been easy to restore a diesel boat. Yes 2 hours lighter at nights now already makes quite a lot of difference.

Spring is in the air though, I bought a bowl of bulbs from Lidl, only cost me a couple of pounds and I have 2 huge red tulips in flower now. With more to come out soon, I reckon.

You have really cheered me up by saying I wouldn't have it any other way with my mum because despite the stress, frustration and exhaustion, you are dead right, when I think of it, no way would I have it any other way. So thanks for pointing that out to me. Unfortunately my brother does not think like this though, he is too busy holidaying most of the time... him and his wife, currently in Thailand for 7 weeks, me nor mum don't even get an email, let alone a postcard.

I know mum's meal came today, because the lady delivered it whilst I was on the phone to her, so that was a relief I did not have to worry about it today. Mum said later she didn't remember it coming though.



did you hear about the bracket prices? Was it work or garden today?


oh boy has it been windy here today. Took doggie a short walk before it got worse, and even then it was hard going, the doggie had enough and was glad to get home and in her basket, and I was glad to get home for a coffee.   We avoided the seafront as I doubt we would of been able to stand up straight down there, my Sainsburys delivery man told me he struggled to open his van door when he delivered on the sea front this morning.


Think I will watch Outnumbered and Mrs Browns boys tonight... be nice to have a bit of light entertainment.


Have a good evening all xxx


Hi all.

Wet here today and very windy. The barometer is very low.


I've got hooked watching the Olympic Curling.

The British men are doing well, the women less so, but they are four good looking girls.


Hi Hicky. Glad your painkillers are working to a large extent.

Oh yes, I recall you saying that your OH's family were involved in fishing and shrimping etc.


Hi Mollie, yes my Dad loved anything to do with engines. He restored old tractors as well as motorbikes.

Unfortunately, because he ran a busy pub, he didn't have the opportunity to go out in the boat very often, so he only had it in the harbour for a couple of years. But he probably spent longer than that restoring it, which was really the fun part for him.


I'm surprised you could even attempt a dog walk today, with the wind and rain, so not surprised you had to cut it short.

Pity your brother doesn't share more of the burden in caring for your Mum.


Watched Emergency Bikers on 5, now watching 24 Hours in A&E.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Mollie, yes, work Monday & Wednesday.

Very surprised about the weather today Thursday, had Sun all day, no rain and slight wind.


Got quite a lot done, took the plastic cover off section one and gave the wood a coat inside and out.


Also gave the new decking a coat of deck oil so had a good day really.

O/H made a roast dinner from a piece of belly pork.


I've go some saltfish in water for morning brekkie, yummy.


The brackets are ÂĢ1.50 each which is ok.


The Hotel Inspector, Benidorm, got Pound Shop Wars recording.


Yes, best keep away from the seafront, that wind is awful.


Emptybox, Not watched much of the Olympics, no time.


You are right, how could your dad get out in the boat if he was running  a Pub, no chance.

As you say, he got more enjoyment from restoring the gear than using it.



Forgot to post the latest pictures of the Gazebo & new Decking.


New Decking

Gazebo and New Decking



Images (3)
  • New Decking: New Decked Area
  • Gazebo and New Decking: Gazebo and New Decked Area
  • Gazebo: Gazebo Closeup
Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Great pics. I see how the new decking fits in now.


Very wet and windy here overnight, but not too bad a day. Drizzle only.


Glued to the curling again. Both GB men and women won their matches.


Watched the Hotel Inspector, then the Katie Piper prog.


Watching the news you get the impression that the whole of the west country is under water. not sure if things are quite as bad as that? But the water is many feet high in some places.


Hope you didn't get blown away today Mollie?


Good morning both xxx



those piccies are lovely, you can clearly see how busy you have been on the gazebo, and what lovely looking decking too. You did well managing to take a photo whilst the sun was out, we don't seem to see much sun lately.

Hope you enjoy your saltfish brekkie.

Glad the painkillers are easing things a little, let's hope things improve more when summer arrives.

I am glad you told me similar memory things were happening to your mum, when she forgot you viisted her, because now I know it happens to others, as they get older. It is so difficult for me to make sense of some of the things my mum says. The one weekend we went to London I rang her 4 times on the way there, and when I got there, she said she was worried about me as I hadn't rung her.  So I don't tell her now if I am going anywhere, then I ring her when out and pretend I am at home. That way it doesn't play on her mind that I am out.



yes i am sure that running a pub must of taken most of your dad's time up, so he did not have much time to go boating. But it was nice he managed to enjoy  restoring things.

Glad you are enjoying the olympics, I haven't had chance to watch it, but did see The Hotel Inspector. Last nights owners had been on Four in a Bed, and because they were jokers they had a toy monkey at brekkie that drove the other guest mad.   Looks like Alex had no success with them as it closed recently though. And next weeks vicar in Llandudno, was also on 4 in a Bed. Wonder if this one listens to Alex's advice, from what i remember in 4 in A bed, he needed it.


Wet and windy today, I got the dog's coat and lead out and she ran away and hid under the table, so no walk until it dries up a bit.


Had a busy day yesterday, but a nice one. Me and the kids went on train to Cardiff to see a comedy play, it was brilliant. It was supposed to be a college who put on a play that goes wrong, real slapstick, with full collapsing scenery.  Before the play started, we were eating our sandwiches in the theatre cafe and this guy in black T shirt saying "Crew" on the back, came up to us and said "sorry to interupt your lunch, but have you seen the full collection of Durran Durran CD's in a box, we can't find it and we need it for the show"... we all looked under the table then suddenly twigged after he he had walked away, that the name of the play we were going to see was called "The play that goes Wrong", so it was part of the act. 

Luckily we had a calmer weather day yesterday, so our trains were not delayed much. 

OH leaving work early today, as i think the journey might take awhile in this rain and wind.


Have a good Friday both xx




Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie.

Wet here today.

Not surprised doggy didn't fancy her walk.


That's sounds like a funny play you went to.


We had a 2 hour powercut this morning. It's getting ridiculous now. And they've taken to phoning you up afterwards to ask if the power is back on, and to apologize for the inconvenience.

They'd be better spending the money on improving the lines.


For some reason the TV system in my diningroom has lost it's picture. The TV is OK, because it plays DVDs fine, so it's either the set-top box, the cable or the aerial.

Perhaps something to do with the weather or the powercut? I'll need to investigate.


Well done to the British girl who won gold in the skeleton bob.


Good Evening everyone.


A rainy day today but put a coat of stain on the inside of the gazebo, have to keep advancing somehow, so much to do.


Didn't keep the saltfish in water long enough as it was still salty.

will remember with the next pack, i bought 3.


Have ordered a 2 way consumer unit for the gazebo, will be having a socket and lights in it.


Had a beef and mushroom with half and half with low salt for tea, very nice to.


Emptybox, Yes, the decking will save walking on the grass to get to the gazebo, although there are other ways to it.

It will also be handy picking the raspberries.


Love the Hotel inspector.


There is an awful lot of the country under water, poor animals and crops.

But the houses, not sure if they will even be able to live in them again.


Mollie, It was a very sunny day yesterday, was very pleased but couldn't wait for the sun to go on the decking as it's very low in the sky still so i would have to wait till later in the day probably.


The problem with you Mum is short term memory probably, so she won't remember what was said or seen even, the brain has stopped storing information, it usually puts the days stored information into a file when we are asleep,  but when it stops doing that it is lost as tomorrow the brain starts storing again from fresh data.


That comedy play was strange wasn't it?


Hope your O/H gets home ok, the roads are bad in many places.


Hi Hicky. Glad you could get something done despite the weather.


Very wet here this morning. Sopping up water from the windows again.


For some reason my dining room TV is working again today. Perhaps an intermittant fault with the Freeview box, or maybe water has got into the connection box on top of the aerial?

Don't fancy having to get the long ladders out in this weather, so I hope it continues working.


Not a lot on tonight, apart from The Voice?


Evening Emptybox.


Lousy weather again, waited for it to clear a bit, but managed to put another coat on the wood inside.

got to B&Q when it cleared up, got the extra piece of wood i needed for the bench, i only needed 500mm of 85mm square wood, they are selling some nice decking posts off cheap so they do fine.


I'll show you a pic of the benches when they are finished, not a lot to do on them now.


I bought a 750ml tin of the correct stain to do the benches.

I bought a couple of Saws as well, BOGOF so i got a 7 tooth and an 8 tooth.


Hoping weather better tomorrow but we are cooking Sunday dinner for us all and will be taking it over to my lads as he is out tonight.


About your TV, it could be loads of things, you can only check each possibility then move on.


I have buds coming on various trees and plants.

The Kiwi Berry plant that did nothing last year when i got it has got buds coming to life.

So have some raspberry plants.


Hi Hicky.

Lovely sunny Sunday here.

Going to the supermarket in a bit.


Hope you enjoy your Sunday meal with the family.


I've noticed some buds coming on here as well. Down to the mild winter no doubt.


Watched Watched Tony Robinson's Walking Through History last night. It was about my area, and I've been to most of the places mentioned. St Cuthberts way passes within a couple of miles of my door.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all


Hope you both got the lovely sunny weather we got here today. It was so warm I sat outside in a T shirt sunbathing with my mag for awhile today. When we came back from my mums, all the seafront parking spaces had gone already, and it was only 11.30am, looked liked everyone headed for the coast when the sun came out. We had already taken the dog a walk at 9am whilst it was nice and quiet, she loved it today now the wind and rain had gone, (as we did too).



Hope you enjoyed Sunday dinner at your lads today. Is your lad eating it with you before he goes out? And are you baby sitting then?

That will be nice to have lights in your gazebo, so you don't have to rush if you are eating your tea in there, and it starts going dark. Looking forward to seeing your picture of the finished benches.

Pity your salt fish didn't come out quite right, hopefully it will next time.

Yes your are right about it being my mums short term memory that has gone, she seems to remember more and more stuff from the past , but can't remember what she did 5 minutes ago.



you have certainly had your share of power cuts, about time the electric company  sorted themselves out, they make enough money from us customers, that's for sure.

Thought you might have to mop up the window water again with all the rain we had recently. So a good job you got the sun today.  Is it Sainsburys you go to now? I like Sainsburys they usually deliver mine for me as I need so much, and it is free as I spend over ÂĢ100. 


Buds coming out here too now, and I now have 4 huge red tulips flowers that grew from my indoor bulbs.

Glad your tv is working ok again Emptybox.


Thanks for the Tony Robinson link, I will be interested in seeing that, as it is by you.

OH has bought one of those litte Now tv boxes, so we can watch iplayer on the big tv. It is really good for ÂĢ30.


Went out for brekkie today after walking the dog, then saw to mum, pegged out washing, and took daughter to archery. I help them out as it is only a small club, I take the register and collect and mark off their weekly fee, and OH has helped by doing them a webpage. It is in the valleys so we went a nice walk up the hills and by the river.

OH packing his suitcase now, weekends go so quick now he is away.


Am enjoying watching Dancing on Ice. My fave girl is Beth and I think Ray is a great dancer for the boys. Then I will watch Call the Midwife. OH watches his tv in the other room when I watch that though.


Have a good evening both xx



Hi Mollie.


Just seen your earlier post.


Thats what happens, a bit of sun and they all head for the seafron, parking a massive problem anywhere.


My lad went out last night, but they needed a lie in so we cooked them a dinner.


Here's what i did today while weather held out.


Took the clear plastic cover off the gazebo and gave the woodwork a coat of the stain.
With the sun being out all day i thought it was too good an opportunity to miss as i've been waiting for a chance to get it done.
Also finished the main supports for the 4 bench seats that i'm fitting, just have to cut the main bench sections to size, ran out of time.

I've got shoots appearing on some of the Raspberry cane stumps all ready, and my Kiwi Berry plant has buds showing.
The Rhubarb is growing well, a bit thin though, it's Timperly Early variety.


We didn't go out for brekkie as O/H wanted a lie in as she has a week off work.

She then started the food, it was fantastic, she uses a recipe off the tv for her Yorkshire puds, they are massive, that chef, Hollywood or someone showed her, yummy.


Hi Hicky.

I see Simon Cowell has already got that kid of his into high-waisted pants?

Looking forward to seeing those benches, when you finish them.


Hi Mollie. It was lovely and sunny here as well, but only 4 degrees, so not T-shirt weather here.

Yes it's Sainsbury's that I tend to go to every week.

I've heard of those Now TV boxes, but never seen one in operation.

I can get BBC iplayer and the ITV player through my Freesat box, if I want.


Morning Everyone.


Emptybox, yes, Simon's little lad, ah, bet he'll spoil him rotten.

He's got plenty of hair anyway.


Bet he's not used to holding the baby?


His whole life is due to change now then, he will cut down on his commitments i bet.

He sure doesn't need to work anyway.


Quiet at work, the mechanical design eng. is off for a week, i did some work before anyone came in.

Should be a nice day, pity it was raining coming to work.


Looking forward to brekkie at 10am.



Evening Everyone.


Not had a bad day really, it's great finishing at 3pm, we went out for tea.

Had a lovely soup with fresh roll and butter with steak pie and mash, very nice, O/H had a Eton Mess for after i didn't want one.


Not a lot on TV, will just pick bits out, might look at recordings.


It says the weather should be ok in the morning, hope so, want to trim the shape of the bench wood.


Qucik hi from me as been real busy, and not had forum or tv time today...

college run for lad tonight, into town earlier, big tidy up after weekend and one boy applying for casual job so needing help , the website was complicated to register on and lots of questions, and mum needing usual help and reminders.


hope to have more time to post tommoorw. will read back too to see what you have been up to.


to you both. xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


Had a reasonable day really, dry spells allowing me to get some work done, finished shaping the bench seats, fixed and gave them a coat of the garden furniture stain, Oak, seems a bit dark to me.


It will get another coat or 2 probably as soon as possible.

Would like to get another coat on the outside woodwork before i get the brackets to fit.


Then i can look into the guttering, would like to get that sorted before the garden needs attention, have noticed buts on some plants all ready.

Got the Electrics to do as well, just waiting for the 2 way consumer unit to come.


Emptybox, why all the ironing, think we have mentioned this before, on of my stuff gets ironed, i don't wear anything that does, don't see the point, just buy stuff that doesn't need it.


Mollie, I know you are so busy, it's a big strain for you, between your family, mother etc, hope you don't get too stressed.

Only pop in when you can spare a few minutes.


Frodo, good to see you, don't worry about not popping in, whenever you feel like it, but don't worry about not being here.


Hope your lad is ok.


Work tomorrow, not much on TV, missing BB a lot.


Good evening all



hopefully the weather was ok for you, and you got to trim the bench wood. It was lovely here today.  

thanks for the Simon baby story, so sweet.

That is nice of you and OH to sort the dinner out for your lad and his wife. 

How handy that finishing work early gives you time to go out for dinner. I love eaton mess.



Well done on getting all your ironing done. I do very little ironing as OH does his own whilst in the B and B now, he says it only gets creased in his suitcase if I do it beforehand. Did you get to see Louisa on that tv show?


Managed to watch Location. Location, Location tonight, but nothing else as son was at college again, and lots of other running around to do. Got washing dried nice in the good weather. Can't believe how much people will pay to live in London. Far too busy and expensive for me.



good to see you back.   That was a long absence this time. We missed you. Hope you are well, and your son and pets too.


Tv rather boring tonight, am watching something about China on bbc2 now.

Son has been to rehearsals again for Phantom of Opera and other son rehearsing with the college band for their performance on Friday.


Am finding it hard with OH being away, so much running around to do with the family and my mum.


Oh well nice to sit down and watch tv for a little now (even if it is rubbish)

And I have some new mags to read in bed later.


have a good evening all xxx


Last edited by *mollie*


yet again, our posts overlapped.

Glad you got weather good enough to enable you to get on with your outside work.

Hope your consumer unit comes soon.

Yes I too only go for non iron clothes for me and the family. OH has a few cotton shirts he needs to iron for work, (ones he bought himself without thinking of the ironing aspect of them),  but mostly he has polyester mix that don't need an iron. We still yet have to convert Emptybox to non iron.


Yes Frodo, I agree with Hicky, don't worry if you don't feel like popping in here, but we will always be glad to see you back when you do call in.


I too am really missing BB Hicky.  


Goodnight all xxx


Hi guys.

Dry here but cloudy.


Hello again Frodo. Nice to hear from you.


Glad you were able to get more done on your gazebo Hicky. guys can wear your plastic clothes if you like. I like to wear real clothes, and a bit of ironing now and again is a small price to pay. Just don't get too close to an open fire, that's my advice.


Being serious, I do have some non-iron things, but even they get some creases in them if you don't hang them up straight away. I guess that's where I go wrong, as I tend to leave things in the basket for days after they have dried.


Just make sure you've got some 'me' time in your busy schedule Mollie.

I think I've got the balance just right. All my time is 'me' time.


Was watching a debate on BBC2 Scotland about the Independence Referendum.

There was a worrying amount of applause whenever the SNP bloke spoke. I'm getting a bad feeling about this.


Oh yes, forgot to say. Yes I saw Louisa on that debate she was on for about ten minutes, talking against Katie Hopkins, who she was sitting next to. And you may know, they have had big disagreements on twitter.

They mustn't have got on too badly though, as she tweeted this picture afterwards.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Morning Everyone.


A bit of drizzle on the way to work, warm though 10C today.


Have done some work, hopefully not a lot to do today, gives me more Me time.



The clothes need to be sorted and folded as soon as they come out of the drier, or off the line.

To leave them for even a short time is fatal.


All mine are folded and put away, the trousers are folded in two and hung up.

All socks are put in the sock draw in pairs, undies are rolled up and put in their own drawer, as are Polar neck shirts & Jumpers.


I'm not really bothered what Scotland does, as long as it doesn't effect me.


I think Luisa is going to be on a lot of programs, she's good to watch and listen to.


Struggling to find programs to watch, but i like anything real, not too keen on fiction.

Love Documentaries so watch them usually.



Bit drizzly here at times, but I wasn't worried as I was watching the Curling.

The UK men won, so are assured at least silver.

The women lost, but still have a chance of bronze.


I'll have to be more assiduous in folding my clothes after they have dried then....either that or get the iron out.


That's a good advert Frodo. I'd heard there was a new freeview ad out, but hadn't seen it.

Warts you say?  


They've been constructing a new powerline in the field at the end of my garden for the last couple of days. I don't think it's anything to do with my house. I think it's to take the power over the river, even though there are already lines going over at the other side of the field.

However there's now a big pole right at the corner of my garden (outside).

Not too keen on that.


Hi Hicky. Hope you didn't have to do too much work, in the end?

I don't want Scotland to be in a different country to the rest of the UK. I'd have to decide whether to stay or not.


Think I'll just go with the Brit Awards tonight?


Evening Everyone.


Frodo, You can of course come and go as you please, we won't pressure you at all.



Emptybox, Do you get your power from overhead lines or underground?


Wonder what the pole is?


Had it easy at work, one boss was off as well.

Love this finishing at 3pm, great getting home early.

Gave the benches another coat of stain.


Think i'll watch the brit awards as well.


Hi Hicky. My power comes from an overhead line, but from the other side of the road from these poles, so I don't know why they need this extra line?
It's this type of pole.


Quite large when it's towering over your hedge.
But I guess the farmer must be being paid for his field being dug up.


At least, I think it's electricity? I suppose it could be telephone?

That's good that you were able to get home to give the benches another coat, before it got dark.


I've come to the conclusion I'm too old for The Brits.

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by emptybox: guys can wear your plastic clothes if you like. I like to wear real clothes, and a bit of ironing now and again is a small price to pay. Just don't get too close to an open fire, that's my advice.

  LOL ....

at the thought of me and Hicky in our unreal plastic clothes avoiding fires...LOL, LOL,   So funny...


I hang OH's shirts straight on the hanger as soon as they come out of the washing machine and put them in a warm room. That helps reduce the need for ironing, plus that way I don't even have to fold them.

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Emptybox.


That pole is just a fairly low voltage one, may go to a Sub Stn local but it only looks like 3 phase 400 volt.

It's like a farm supply, or to a new road say.

The insulators are too small to carry high voltage and the next voltage up would be 11,000.


Am enjoying the brits.

Have just had to do the Lottery as mine ran out.

Last edited by Hicky

Well as far as I know the nearest substation is in the village 2Â― miles away.

Perhaps the farmer is setting up some new buildings and needs extra supply?


Hi Mollie.

Yes I'll have to try hanging up the clothes quicker to see if I can reduce the creases in them.

How do you stop cotton jeans from scrumpling up though?


Yes Hicky. The Brits brightened up a bit with Kylie, Katy Perry and Ellie Goulding.

ETA: Ooh! there's a girl in a wetsuit prancing around now.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all



that is a bit annoying having a pole stuck so close by, especially if it does not even improve your electricity services. But if it is for phones, hopefully your phone service will be more reliable now.

Don't blame you not wanting a Scotland that is not part of the UK. Wales seems to work quite well with having some of their own rules, but still staying as part of the UK (even though I don't like having to pay for carrier bags here).. 

If it makes you feel old, maybe you should of gone with Outnumbered and Mrs Brown instead of the Brits tonight? Both very funny tonight.

Yes I can imagine Katie and Louisa both being very vocal with each other.



Glad you had it easy at work, so much better now you get away at 3pm, especially now it is getting lighter at night. I now you won't be short of things to do in your garden after work anyway.


Hi Frodo

hope you are well, will look at your link when I have posted this.


Oh dear when phoned my mum earlier tonight, she was in a panic and crying over nothing. She was going on and on about her son being lost going to the pub and that she needed to go and look for him, because he looked so young, but she was scared to go out in the dark. It is so horrible hearing her like this, makes me feel sick.  I tried for ages to reason with her, and then told her to go and get a coffee and I would ring her back. I am guessing she had been dreaming when I rang her and she now sometimes confuses dreams with reality. She had calmed down when I rang her 20 mins later though, and I just rang her again and she seems normal again.

This dementia is so hard for me, her and of course so many other people to live with.


I need my magazine read in bed tonight to take my mind off it, good job I bought a pack of 3.

And I was glad to come in here to unwind too.


Goodnight all xxx






Originally Posted by emptybox:
How do you stop cotton jeans from scrumpling up though?


Yes Hicky. The Brits brightened up a bit with Kylie, Katy Perry and Ellie Goulding.

ETA: Ooh! there's a girl in a wetsuit prancing around now.

Glad you enjoyed the Brits when it livened up.


Regarding the jeans, I just give them a good shake and hang them on the line when they come out, and they look fine when put on to wear. I am wondering if you are overloading your machine? As my jeans don't come out too creased? If the machine is overloaded, that can crease them.


Hi Mollie.

Don't think I overload the machine, although I do put in as much as I think I can get away with, as I think it's more economical to do fewer loads?

So yeah, I probably overload it.


So sad about your Mum. Not really anything I can say.


My Great aunt went like that in her last few years, and I remember it was a great worry to my Mum and Dad at the time, as my Dad was her closest relative, although we lived over an hour away, and he was very busy in his business, so could only visit once a week.

But he kept getting phone calls from her upstairs neighbour worrying about her and her gas cooker etc.

Last edited by emptybox

Afternoon all 

I've just been reading back .so forgive me if I get things fuddled 


Mollie so sorry about your mum ,must be truly heartbreaking for you only one mum ,I miss mine terribly  I wonder how you cope sometimes running two households .


I watched Jim Davidson on Channel 5 his interview ,I hate stand up comedy I certainly love some sit coms ,but he came across quite well ,his earlier views wouldn't be tolerated now and I think he has realised that ,I really think Linda helped him to win though ,but I ended up liking him .


My gas and electric bills came this week ..both are in credit but British Gas rang me they are upping my gas bill even though they said It needed to be lower and tried to double my electric until I complained ,but they are still upping It a month by ÂĢ16 pounds even though as I've said I'm in credit 


Anyone else having Big Brother withdrawals ? ITV are supposedly launching another Channel this month for reality shows etc ...the Housewives Franchise etc...for younger viewers ...same with Channel 5  they seem to think Big Brother Is for the tweenies and forget the loyal  following ..get down off that soap box frodo purleese 


Sorry about the big pole in your backyard emptybox   how do you feel about Independence from us way am I going to say my opinion politics is not my forte on here ,but ask British Gas what my few choice words were for this Government a few choice words were made .


Hello Hicky thanks for being understanding  really nice of you and Mollie and emptybox sees you xx









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