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Evening Everyone.


Not too bad a day, went out for brekkie, yummy.

They have a new food section as you go in, bought a family size Blackcurrant Pie, yummy.


Weather was a surprise really, my lad came round to help, i am struggling to do jobs if they are on the floor.

We managed to finish the framework for the new deck area, it will save standing on the grass to pick Raspberries and it will give a path onto the gazebo decking from the stone covered are.


My O/H gave me stretch stocking thingy for knee, still having a lot of pain even with all sorts of tablets.


I need to get used to the walking stick, obviously no good at home.

Will take it to work tomorrow.


Mollie, lucky the ÂĢ230 error was spotted, it all helps.


Thats awful for your friend, but all for the best long term.

Very stormy by you again i see, at least you are safe.


Emptybox, Glad everything went well for your visitors, i am a steak pie lover as well.


Glad he brought his Laptop, you sure don't want other people on your machines, i wouldn't anyway.


very pleased with what was achieved today outside, with my lad.



Good job i did a copy on the post before i changed page, it loses the post you have just typed.

It pasted ok though.


Evening Everyone.


Not too cold a day really, mind you i was at work.

Just flicking through tv programs, trying to find no repeats.


O/H has decided that she would prefer the deck wood to run at 90deg to the direction it was going to run.

She didn't realise i'd have to put more noggins in to keep the distance between timbers close enough for fixings.


My cable and clips have been delivered today.


My 10 Polycarbonate wall sections for the Gazebo may arrive tomorrow which is rather exciting.

I'm hoping to be able to take the clear plastic sheet down, it's done a fantastic job so far though.


Good evening all



Sorry to hear your knee is still so painfull. How are you managing in bed, hope it does not keep you awake. How did you manage at work with your walking stick today? Yes I can imagine they take some getting used to. Shame you are struggling to do jobs on the floor now. I hope it improves when the weather gets better.

I love blackcurrant pie, that is what I choose to have at our local cafe.

Fingers crossed your wall sections arrive tomorrow, so you can get on with it. Pleased to hear the plastic sheet has done a fantastic job, it has certainly be tested too with all this bad weather we have been having lately. Oh dear, sounds like your OH has unintentionally given you a lot of extra work to get it to run 90 degrees.

I managed to see a bit of Dancing on Ice this week, they are really good skaters.



Glad to hear the time with your visitors went well and they enjoyed your cooking.   Good job your nephew bought his own lap top.

That is good you have found something else to watch now CBB has finished.   I haven't really watched the Jump, but I am not very sporty. I expect we will be seeing a lot of this with the Winter Olympics starting. The snow always looks so pretty.


Tired out tonight as I like to see OH off early Monday mornings, think I will go to bed early and read my mags. Lots in them about CBB contestants. I also bought OK last week as it had cute baby pics for peter Andre and  his gf.


have a good evening all xx


to Frodo, come back soon x




Evening both.

Dry here again.  Quite cold out though.

Not that I was out for long. Just went from the house to the garage and workshop and back to the house again.


I was trying to fix an old angle poise lamp that my Dad had since the sixties.

It has started to blow fuses in the plug everytime it is turned on. I couldn't work out what the problem was unfortunately.


Hi Hicky. Pity you are still in pain from your knee.


Doesn't help when OHs do 90 degree turns? (no offence Mrs H )


Hi Mollie. Enjoy your mags in bed.

Let us know if there is any juicy BB stuff in them.


Just watching The Jump.

Joe McElderry won it. I think you would have enjoyed it Mollie.

Mind you, they've broken half of the competitors.


Morning Everyone.


A lovely sunny day here, strange really.


Have been able to work outside, done more of the decking oil onto the gazebo roof facia wood, lots to do on other jobs though, cut the new noggins to size but don't think i'll be able to screw them in place, pity.


Knee isn't too bad, taking the tablets ok, it's not too bad in bed Mollie, it's rests ok.


Got a Rib Beef joint for tea, yummy.

O/H brought some tubs of fresh crab meat home as well.

and some ready meals, they were on offer.


I see your O/H got away ok Mollie, the early mornings with tire you though.


Emptybox, the lamp probably wants rewiring, safest thing to do really, the flex type of wire goes brittle when heated and could be that or perished.


The Jump wasn't very exciting, they didn't put anything into the jump, they didn't jump on takeoff they just dropped off the end, you won't get a good distance like that.

I like this pic of the girls.

The Girls


Evening Everyone.


Rib Beef was brill, O/H made some Yorkshire puds to a recipe off tv, very nice as well.


The magic cane came, but it had a broken part, it must have been broken before they sent it, it didn't break on route.

Have emailed them, sent it back, tried to take pics of it but it's a bit small.


The plastic wasn't sent, one boss was off, he's got a bad knee like me and is in a lot of pain.

Will organise it either tomorrow or Thursday.



Not bad day here too. 


What a pity your cane was broken Hicky.

And a pity your plastic didn't come.


A lovely picture of three lovely girls.

You're right the jump bit wasn't very exciting, but when they did really try to take off they fell over. Just not enough time to master it really.


The lamp was rewired in the nineties I think? Anyway I've got another one, so I just left the broken one in the workshop.


Hope Frodo is OK?





glad your knee is not too bad and it doesn't bother you in bed. Lucky the weather was ok so you could work outside, shame you can't screw the noggins in. (not sure what noggins are, but I like the funny word "noggins").  Pity the cane was broken, have you ordered a replacement, or decided to just go for a refund? Hope you can sort the plastic out.

Nice pic of the 3 girls, I like red dresses.



shame you can't work out the lamp problem, it is nice to have old things like this. as they have character. I like Joe Mceldery, well done to him winning the Jump. I remember seeing hims in pop to opera, he did well in that too. Has a lovely voice.


Had a chaotic day yesterday. Dashed round to do my own jobs, then went to mums with her food, did her jobs, then daughter and I went for roast dinner in cafe, very nice..., then bank, chemist for mums prescriptions, then food shopping, then took son to college, then in evening son was playing in pub with college band. so rushed to get ready, but when I got to pub, the venue had been changed at last minute...because the pub decided at last minute they didn't want the students as some one else was on, so tutor was driving pub to pub for around 20 mins with 16 students in the college mini van until he found another venue who would have them! Luckily one of the other mums gave me and another stranded mum a lift to the other pub 8 miles away. I'd never met them before but we had a laugh. (after we stopped moaning about not knowing what was going on).  Older son picked me and son up after he had finished his theatre club, but he took ages to find us. College performance went well when we eventually saw it though. 


  we have had some rain here in last 16 hours or so.


must dash, daughter and I off to town to see Fidler on the Roof, after I have sorted mum out. And i haven't recovered from last night yet.


have a good day all xxx




Evening all.


Emptybox. I've sent the old magic trick back, they are sending new one out to me.


Didin't get the plastic today, a driver was going to pick it up and follow me home, but late boss said he would send the driver in the morning.

I was home at 3.30 pm with them letting me get away early.

It's great getting home and it's still light.


Mollie, the knee hasn't been to bad, keep getting pains in my right shin.


A noggin is a piece of wood that goes between 2 sections of parallel wood to give support and stiffen.


Am looking into the wood for the seating now, also need some stain for the gazebo.


That was some night you had with them changing the venue.


Went out for tea, had a shared starter but there was so much food we were full before our meal came, we had ordered Cod & Chips, beautiful it was as well.



Evening Emptybox.


Raining again, didn't rain today though.


The plastic never came, they aren't sending the cane today, maybe tomorrow for next week.


I know what to do to make the gazebo benches, O/H wants the BBQ inside the gazebo at the back.


I need to get to B&Q to get some Cuprinol Ultimate Garden Wood Protector - Golden Oak.


Will have to find out what happened to my plastic.


Watching The Hotel Inspector,


both xxx



how are you coping with the leaky windows in this wet weather? Our dehumidifier is full with water each day.   The handle and lock came off the downstairs cloackroom window when I tried to close it too.

I see Hicky is watching Hotel Inspecotr? Don't you watch it?  I thought you might be an Alex fan? In the last series we saw her in just a skimpy towel in one hotel.

I like watching Hotel Inspector too, not to see Alex in her skimpy towel,  but because she does a good show.



hope the plastic turns up soon. Glad you know what to do about the gazebo benches. How many do you think you will be able to seat? It will be lovely in your garden this summer for a BBQ.   Let's hope all the rain has gone by then.


Well this guy in Hotel Inspector is certainly a bit of an eccentric.


We enjoyed Fidler on the Roof yesterday. The guy playing the lead was from Starsky and Hutch, can't remember which of the 2 he was though.

Me and daughter went to Ed's Diner, have you ever tried there Hicky? It is great done up 50's American cafe style, with 50's type music on juke boxes. We had sweet potato chips.... lovely and I had a sweet potato burger and daughter had a cheesy hot dog.


have a good evening both


hope Fredo is ok and back soon.




Evening Mollie.


Enjoying The Hotel Inspector tonight, always try to watch it, she if great.


This Hotel feller is barmy, wow, no wonder he's losing guests and money.

I was thinking of having benches along the four sides, leaving the front entrance of course and the back section, each bench will be about 1500, 2 joined will make it 3m each side, it would of course seat 10 fairly easy, but of course you could have loose seats as well.


Not sure if i've been to ED's Diner, O/H would know, i've been to a few American style places though.

Glad you enjoyed meals.


Where is Frodo then?


Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Not too bad day here.

The windows haven't leaked in the last week Mollie, because we haven't had the heavy rain that I think you have. Mostly drizzly here.


If I had my dehumidifier going all the time it would fill up as well, but I tend to just have it on dry days, as I think on wet days, it might be pulling water through from the outside. Not sure if that's really likely, but that's my thinking, because I think my problems are caused by bad pointing on the outside wall.


That's bad that the window handle came off in your hands.


I watched Hotel Inspector as well.

I like Alex, especially in a towel , but it's one of those programmes that I usually lose interest in before the end, for some reason? The Irish guy was eccentric though.


I'll give you a clue Mollie. It was Starsky.


Benches would look good in your gazebo Hicky.


Watching the Katie Piper prog now.

Last edited by emptybox


gosh, seating for 10, that will be great, you can get a few grandkiddies and their family in then.

Yes no wonder the hotelier wasn't doing too well, I looked at some reviews on trip advisor and some said it was like Fawlty Towers.



you have been lucky to escape with just drizzle. Oh boy have we had some heavy endless rain here lately. The fields were full of big folod puddles and rivers hugely swollen when we caught train yesterday, never seen it as bad before, Sea front road closed again and sand bags out.


How did you know it was Starsky? you really are a font of knowledge.


What programme is Katie Piper doing? I like her. I am watching Big Ballet with wayne Sleep.   (if I don't get too tired that is).


Goodnight all xxx


 Good morning all


Well what a surprise the sun is actually shining, haven't seen that for awhile, so I have 4 washloads out, all drying nicely.    



thanks for the link, it was google all along who helped you with that bit of knowledge.   That link reminded me to tell you that it was Craig RevelHall from Strictly who did the choreography for the show.

I missed Katie because I watched the ballerinas on plus 1. Quite interesting.



damp seems to be mainly on the exposed side of the house, worst in the same corner, but can be all over the walls, top and bottom. This house needs a lot spending on it really.

work today? Hope you are not too busy.


time to take son to guitar lesson now. Forgot to say he got a distinction again in his recent 2nd guitar exam, so is studying for the next one now. Still plenty of go yet.


Dog enjoyed walk as did I, because it was so nice to go out in the sun again.


OH home today, so we will go out for tea .


have a good day all xxx 

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by emptybox:

Mollie, Katie Piper is doing the Body Shockers programme that came on CH4 straight after the ballet prog.


I just googled David Soul and Paul Michael Glaser to find it was PMG aka Starsky that was doing Fiddler on the Roof.

You do know it was PMG in the original Topol version? PMG married one of the daughters.


That is interesting EFFT.

I did read in the programme he was in the original, but didn't know he married one of the daughters.



Sunny here this morning as well, but frosty with it.


Hi EFFT. No my googling didn't reach to that extent.


Well done to your son for his guitar exams Mollie.

Yes, I think if my landlady ever wanted to sell this house, or even get a new tenant in, she'd have to spend thousands.

Glad you managed a sunny dog walk, before the rain comes back tonight.


Hi Hicky. I think the pointing definitely plays a part in my damp problem. The leaking dormer roof, that's causing the leaks upstairs may also be playing a part? I'll have to see if there's a difference after they fix it, if they do.


Caught a bit of Louisa on the Wright Stuff this morning. She did well, but I wish she wouldn't keep saying she doesn't care if people like her or not. I find it a bit annoying that she sticks to that mantra. She wouldn't have any friends if she truly didn't care.


Watching a bit of the Winter Olympics opening ceremony now. 


Evening Everyone.


An update on the plastic, it has been picked up from the supplier and should be delivered tomorrow.


It's been a glorious day really, have made some support for the seating, will get the wood over the weekend, need heavier wood then i have here.


Just eating a tine of John West Sild in Sunflower oil.

I often have a tin at night.

Just had 3 soft boiled eggs for brekkie, then later had a tin of tomato soup, then a piece of fresh salmon, then had a ready meal.


Mollie, well done to your lad in his exam, he's going great.

Glad you had sun as well.


Emptybox, I think your open brickwork should really be rendered, or pebble dashed that would limit the flow between the bricks as the rain would follow the render downwards.


I enjoyed Luisa on the Wright Stuff this morning.


Watched some of the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.



Evening Everyone.


Another rainy day here, proper miserable.

My plastic arrived this morning on a wagon, it weighs about 21kg a sheet, hard to carry as well.


Got to B&Q, bought my paint / stain treatment.

Also bought some screws.

Found the perfect wood for the seating but it's only 1524 long which is a bit too short, trying to work out how i can fit it in.


Had a piece of the very expensive Turbot tonight, why on earth is is so dear?

Won't be buying that again.


Watching The Voice, then Take me Out.


Good evening all

I too am watching the Voice.



hope you enjoy your sphag bol and beer tonight.

I missed Louisa on the Wright stuff. Yes I find that a bit odd how she keeps saying she doesn't care about being liked.



Glad your plastic arrived, take care carrying handling stuff as heavy as that. That is good you found the perfect wood, hope you manage to work out how to fit it ok.

 I  too like tomato soup. I take it you decided the turbot was not worth the expense?


I had a goats cheese and butternut squash pie from Tescos tonight, very nice. and a toffee apple sponge with custard from Co-op, as it was half price.


Me and OH spent quite a lot of time on the seafront today...took doggie a walk, it was very windy, then later went out for brekkie, did mum's jobs and it was nearly high tide by then, so we guessed we were in for quite a sight on the seafront. So we went down to the lighthouse area. There were loads of other storm chasers there, in fact the seafront was as busy as mid summer.
See below the photo of the seafront today taken from the bbc newsite of where we were standing amongst the rest of the crowds in the photo.

The waves pounding over the seawall and lighthouse must of been 80 feet high. Incredible. You can see the lighthouse in the photo, the waves are so huge, the lighthouse looks small and of course, it isn't. The building is the lifeboat centre, the boats are stored under the building. There was pieces of sea foam blowing all over the road and the cars.



Have a good evening both xx

what a shame Fredo is not around now. Hope she is ok.

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Mollie.


Enjoyed The Voice tonight, it's funny for them when they can't see who is singing.


Couldn't do any work outside today, weather not fit.


The Turbot is at least ÂĢ75 per kg, Best crab legs ÂĢ130kg, Claws ÂĢ136kg Lobster ÂĢ71kg.


I like toffee apple sponge & custard, mind you thats not a surprise.


So many places have got these storms on their coast, and one area has 65 square miles of flooded land.


Yes, wonder where Frodo is?


Evening guys.

Rainy here as well.


Glad your plastic finally came Hicky, but a pity you couldn't get anything done.

That's very expensive fish? Is it better tasting?


Very spectacular photos Mollie. You must have got soaked. Hope you were safe where you were standing?


I record Splash and the Voice on a Saturday, and I'm catching up with them now.

Watched a bit of the snowboarding earlier. I don't know how they manage to land on their feet, after flying through the air like that.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


No, the fish tasted like fish, not near as good as most other fish, maybe the price is high because it's rare, nothing to do with taste.


I agree about the Snowboarding, how on earth you do that or even practice for it i don't know.


I was expecting rain and it didn't come, bit it looked like it.

Didn't get my big saw out because of the unsure weather.


Went to B&Q and got 12 more lengths of decking wood, also got those 4 pieces of wood that i am using for the bench.


My lad came round and did some work on the extra decking framework, i can deck it out now, need to make some packing to sort the frame out.


I'm going to ask the ironworker / blacksmith if he'll make me some brackets to secure the plastic sheets in place, I am going to fasten the brackets so the plastic can be free to expand and contract and not be restricted from doing this by having holes in the plastic and it being screwed down.

I need at least 100 brackets making, was thinking of 5cm square with 2 x 7mm holes set in 12mm from the 2 base corners.

That will leave a 25mm lip that will hold the plastic in place.

I was thinking of using 3 top & bottom and 2 each side making 10, and with 10 sheets that makes the 100 i need.


I just need some good weather now.


Hi Hicky.

Nice sunny day here.


Perhaps the snowboarders we see are the only ones that survived? The others all landed on their head the first time they tried it?

Well done to the British girl that got bronze though.


That's a good idea about the plastic sheets, but it means a lot of brackets needing made?


Watching this 'Babylon' thing on CH4.


Last edited by emptybox

Evening again Emptybox.


That snowboarding would take an awful lot of nerve.


The sheets have to be fixed by some means and instead of drilling many holes and screwing each sheet on it's own it would mean i can fix the sheets with these brackets and that would let me release the top sheets easy for the summer months with minimum of work.


Watching Dragons Den for a change.


Bed time now, just got the kitchen to sort out.






Good Morning Everyone.


A bit frosty this morning, a light dusting on the car screen at 4.45am.

Hope the weather is calm tomorrow, so much to do.


Have rung the bloke over the metal brackets to secure the plastic sheets, see him in the morning.


Enjoyed the DOI last night, some are so good you would think they were the pro's.


Not sure whats on tonight, got some recording to watch anyway, i have all the coach trips to watch yet.


Just been offered a day out to the dog/greyhound races in Manchester, it seems to be instead of the night out in Liverpool at Christmas.

I won't be going any way, not into dog racing or any other animal racing.


Good evening all



I enjoyed the Voice and DOI too, I like Kylie on the Voice.   Gosh that posh fish is expensive  but best to go on taste if rare stuff is so expensive. Glad your lad came round to help with the decking. Fingers crossed weather is kind tomorrow, so you can get on with all your jobs outside. Don't blame you not fancying going to the dog racing. I am sure you could make better use of a bit  of extra cash to spend on your garden instead. 



yes snowboarding can't be an easy sport to tackle. So have you decided not to take it up after all? I have. (decided not to take it up, that is).   Yes well done to our girl with the bronze.


Took daughter to archery yesterday, and enjoyed a nice quiet sit down for a change whilst waiting for her.   It hailed then snowed a little yesterday when we were in the valleys. OH is making good progress with a webpage he is designing for the archery club. Gives him something to concentrate on whilst stuck in a B and B all week. Me and daughter can't go on train to visit him for some time now as the Devon coast train track we went down last time collapsed. It is such a pretty rail journey but is right next to the sea, so I can see why it broke.

Wind died down today, thank goodness, so I managed to take dog a walk in the sun when it shone between the showers today.


Going to watch Jim Davidson on C5 now.

have a good evening all xxx



A nice dry day here, but I think it's supposed to be wet tomorrow.


I think I've been to see greyhound racing once when I was young. But I don't think you could see a lot from where I was sitting. and one greyhound looks very much like another, so I think I'm with you on that Hicky.


Hi Mollie. I forgot that you might be affected by that rail line.

Just watching on the news how they've brought in Dutch engineers to help drain the Somerset levels. Terrible scenes.


My Brother and his wife like to go on skiing holidays, and my eldest nephew does snowboarding, but not the trick stuff, as far as I'm aware?

My youngest nephew doesn't like doing that sort of stuff. Not often that I can say that he's the sensible one.


The Jim Davidson prog was OK, but would have been improved if we hadn't had to listen to that miserable Nina Myskow IMO.


Evening Everyone.


Went to see about the new brackets for the gazebo, told him what i need, he said he would ring with a price.


Weather was cool but after brekki i started putting the decking boards down for the new section.

Managed to finish as well, i have to have a lot of breaks, have to keep resting my back, legs etc.

Just finished and put the gear away and big cloud came, next few minutes and it's snowing.

It's didn't stick though.


I had some prawns in batter for starter, then had a Turkish meal.


Mollie, Turbot just isn't worth the price, was looking at some pretty cheap fish, it will probably taste just the same.

Fancy some Barramundi


This is the massive selection of fish between ÂĢ12 and ÂĢ15 range.


This Dog fish is a very nice white flesh.

I've caught a few of these and carried them home off the boat lashed together and hanging over my shoulder, front to back, they probably weighed about 8 to 10 lb, it was hard to cut through the shark skin though.

You can't buy it in ordinary fish shops.


Bad news about the train track, many are washed away i see.

Thats interesting, your daughter taking archery, thats the type of thing i would like.


Emptybox, I suppose the company would have given me some betting money for the dogs but it's not really my thing, they are probably doing it for all the labour and and dedication they have had from those doing all the work, they are a great bunch.

I don't know them really, just see their name on the weekly invoices that i get from the accountants.


Haven't heard about the Dutch engineers helping out in Somerset.


I agree about Jim Davidson, that Nina is a pain.


Finding it hard top find programs during the week, roll on light nights.


Got so much to do outside.


Good evening all


Yes I too agree, Nina was just plain horrible on Jim Davidson programme, don't know why they got her on there.



glad you got a nice day weather wise,   they do seem few and far between lately. at a young Emptybox going to see the dog racing and not being able to see and when you did, not knowing one from the other.

Yes indeed terrible scenes with all these floods. And it sounds like we are to get yet more heavy rain in the next few days too.

Yes I remember you saying your brother was going on a skiing holiday some time ago. I think it is an expensive sport to do with all the gear you need, too much like hard work for me though.  



hope the price of the brackets are ok when he rings. Well done on finishing the decking boards. Best to have a few breaks though so your joints don't get too overworked and painful. Have the painkillers helped at all yet? And are you using the walking stick?

There is quite a large selection of cheaper fish for you, so it is a good job you don't need to fork out for turbot.

Yes my daughter loves the archery, You should give it a try, it attracts all ages, there are quite a few men around your age at my daughter's club, some women too and quite a few youngsters. She started off by doing a beginners course then joined a couple of clubs and pays ÂĢ4 a week now towards the hire of the hall in winter, and ÂĢ10 a year in fees, so it is not too expensive either.


Yes roll on light nights, so you can get your garden jobs done, I agree, tv so boring since CBB is over, and roll on a bit of sunshine, I want to go on my swing chair again soon.  

I watched the documentary about a Registras office tonight and Kirsty and Phil.


time to go to bed and read my mag, am exhausted doing own jobs and mums , I am finding her real hard work now, and often lose sleep over the responsibility of looking after her, When I go over,(like today), she sometimes gets grumpy with me as she is so forgetful and really tries my patience, because I have to tell her things over and over and over. eg..I was worried her meals hadn't turned up today and yesterday, but when I got there they had and she had forgotten they had. I do all her house jobs and washing etc, and today she told me I don't do anything, but just make a big noise in her kitchen, and yet on Sunday she was in tears saying she  hated it that I had to do so much for her and didn't like having to rely on me.  Very sad for her. I ring her at least 5 times a day to remind her to eat/drink. And if I go out I have to pretend I am not far away. Oh well , there are millions of carers in the same position and worse than me, so all I can do is my best to make her comfy.


Goodnight all xxx




Last edited by *mollie*


Mostly dry today, starting out with some frost. No snow here, but I can see a bit on the tops of the hills.


Hope the guy quotes a good price for your brackets Hicky.

That's intersesting that you used to fish from boats.

When I was 11 or 12 my Dad had a little fishing boat (an old diesel powered Navy tender that he'd restored himself), and we used to go out fishing sometimes. It was mostly mackerel that we caught, but I once caught a very large cod.

I don't think we ate many of them though. I think we gave most of the catch away.


Hi Mollie. It is starting to get lighter. Just a month or so ago I was closing my curtains at 3.30pm, but now it's 5.30pm. Not that I do it at a precise time you understand.

Dealing with your Mum must be a bit trying at times, but I bet you wouldn't have it any other way?


Watched a bit of that new magician Troy tonight, on E4. Pretty spectacular.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Mollie, the brackets are ÂĢ1,50 each so thats ÂĢ150. made, galvanised and painted.


The painkillers seem to help, don't think they take all the pain away.


Will look into some more fish the weekend, there's some nice fish there.


I don't get much time for archery but it looks good fun.


I can see you having problems with your Mum, it's one of the stages they go through.

My Mother used to say noone ever came to see her, she had forgotten who came the day before.

You just have to humour them, nothing you can do.


Emptybox, All my O/H's family are involved in fishing, they have boats for local fishing and shrimping.

But boats go out to wrecks taking about say 10 people a time.

You could only fish at slack tide as the current was so strong you couldn't get you hook/bait to sink.


I'm happy the nights are getting lighter.

Boss letting me go at 3pm is great.


very wet & windy here today.


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