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Good evening all



wow, what lovely piccies, your son is certainly seeing the world.   That swimming pool is high up. And what a nice looking house. Shame the weather was not too good for you to get out today. The wind was real cold here today, but it did not rain much.



hope you enjoyed your Saturday sphag bol (and a beer too perhaps?)

Yes I agree Jim and Louisa deserve a place in the final, they have been the most entertaining.

I was glad to see the back of Linda, she was so bitter and miserable to watch. Didn't like her interview with Emma either,



hope you are enjoying your weekend tipple. My weekend treat is one of those Cadbury easter eggs with a spoon to eat the choc mousse in the middle.


Been busy again, driving past houses, doing mum's jobs, a bit of food shopping and helping friend move. She split with her OH after 18 years, he was a gambler.   She tried for years to get him off it, but he was getting worse and lying to her, then being horrible to her if she tried to stop him, she didn't want to leave him, but in the end had no choice.

Went to nice old cafe for brekkie this morning.


CBB time, hooray!


have a good evening all xxx


ps seeing that casino ad at the beginning of CBB now makes me uncomfy as I have seen 1st hand what upset gambling can cause.


Last edited by *mollie*


Horrible day here, lashing with rain.

Had to get the towels out again, to sop up the water coming through the windows.


Great pictures Hicky.

Good job I haven't got vertigo, with the third one. That's quite a height.


Sorry you are still feeling shivery Frodo. Do you think you have a bug?

Glad you managed to get caught up with CBB.

There's been fireworks in there tonight, with jasmine going back in for the task.


Hi Mollie. Not sure what you mean by "perhaps?". There's no perhaps about it, where my Saturday beer is concerned.

That's nice of you, helping your friend move, after her problems with her hubbie.


Hi all 

sloshing I down with rain ,she the smaller dog hid this morning (she does It everytime )hates the morning walk they came in like two drowned rats but with warmed towels and hot dogs at the ready they were soon off in doggie land of nod and before people say do not give them fast food ,a treat now and then does them no harm in my opinion 


I have just caught up with CBB ...I do not believe Linda


when she says Jim made her self harm  they were as bad as each other with the insults ... and for people who do that because of real worries... Its an insult ...surely Big Brother would have removed him for that   why do people hold a grudge 

sheer waste and I am not saying Jim Is a paragon of virtue .but I find It difficult to like her .sorry to those who do.


Your sons house looks fabulous Hicky ,I'll bet he has worked hard for that good luck to him ,will you go over for a holiday ? the heights one sent me in a spin ,can't stand them .


I hope you come across a house you like Mollie and lovely of you looking after your friend ,gambling can be soul destroying for families good luck to her finding the strength to move on...and yes I like creme eggs in fact most sweet things ..goey puddings with lashings of custard ,custard slices with the icing on top ,doughnuts yummy


Hello emptybox I hope you enjoyed your spag bol and beer Saturday grub 


I'm really trying to like Louisa again trouble with her that she thinks the things she says don't hurt and she comes out with some crackers 

but gets offended when Its back at her .


Lee Ryan is the biggest love rat ever he's not even good looking

looking forward to to-nights eviction 



see you soon xxxxx











Last edited by Former Member

Evening Everyone.


Big surprise eviction tonight.

Probably Lee of Casey to go.

Hope Luisa stays.


Mollie, there was  a lot more pictures of course, not sure whether he would want his GF shown though.


Got a bit of work done inside the gazebo but the temperature was only 5C.


Shame about your friend, gambling has ruined many a family, it's addictive.


got a medicine review Tuesday, my knee is very bad, will see if i can get an X Ray, the pain killers and anti-inflammatory tablets aren't good enough.

I'm walking with a limp, leg so painful.


Emptybox, yes, strange seeing a swimming pool that high on a roof.


Frodo, It's been raining here as well, had some sun though but too cold to do much.


I would love to go to Oz, but it's so expensive and so far, and with my health, don't know if it's practical.


Hello all 


I have just finished watching to-nights show Sunday  Is there something wrong with Lee Ryan and why the easy eviction and although I loathe the baying crowd this man deserved to confront his behaviour .not my fault your honour I was led into It sheesh ..they forced me into bed etc etc ...Emma's friend sure got an easy ride


Oh Hicky you have really overdone It please take care ,this weather doing all the work you have done plus your job ...beggars belief  ease up an enjoy ''this rain doesn't help never seems to be dry here ..nightmare with the washing .


I put a chicken in the oven for the dogs on slow roast and forgot about It 


weekends are for slobbing around I washed up cleaned around got my jammies on with a vodka and coke  and drifted off ,forgot the bliddy chicken an indignant son told me It was overcooked and dry who cares I escape to my bedroom with the telly video and all things nice  the dogs come with me ..lovely and warm with nice cosy beds next to the radiator ..mwahhhh to all



love to all frodo 

Last edited by Former Member


Wet again here.


Sorry you are in so much pain Hicky. Hope they get your meds sorted on Tuesday.


Glad it was Lee that went rather than Casey. He still couldn't see what he did wrong.

I'll be voting for Louisa to win now.

Strange that she's friendlier to Jim now Linda is out? Not sure if that'll work for or against her?


Hi Frodo. Silly you forgetting about the chicken. bet the dogs won't care though, as long as it's not charcoal.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Another damp cool windy day here.

warm at work though.


Frodo, I suppose slow cooking a chicken get all the fat out of it, but you must put a time clock buzzer on to remind you when it's done.

My O/H seldom uses timers but i love them.


As you say Lee just couldn't see the problem, but it's always the case when a female rather fancies you, she's going to be hard to resist.

He found her very hard to turn down, but in a place like that it's understandable, they all wanted cuddles.

And Casey had a body many women would die for.


Emptybox, you have the rain as well, it's widespread all right.


I would love Luisa to win but it looks like Jim has it all sewn up.


One of the bosses is off, he's got the same problem, one of his knees, he's in so much pain, think it's Arthritis.


Had a lovely brekkie, didn't go out for brekkie yesterday as O/H has pain as well, she's now got antibiotics to help sort it.



Hello all

Hicky hope you are feeling better xx and yes Casey Is lovely in my mind her way of thinking Is much more attractive than than Jasmins ..Channel 5 ought to hang their heads in shame and Lee cos he Is Emma's friend got a cushy eviction   WHat a player honestly If you could swear on a forum the language would blot the air mine would .


Sorry but from my point of view cuddles do not mean humiliating someone on tv and rubbing It in ...I think Channel 5 went beyond the bounds of decency .


Really put me off last night as there Is a re-union for Blue on their Channel he got an easy ride ..must sign off now as I thought the eviction last night was a farce ...Emma friends  seem to get an easy ride 



my opinion only 

Last edited by Former Member

Good afternoon all



I am so sorry to hear your knee has become worse.   Good idea to push for that X ray, so they can see what is going on. Hope they can help with the meds review too. Maybe the TENS machine would help you with the pain? They sell them here, or you could perhaps ask the docs about lending you one to see if it helps?

Gosh it was cold in the gazebo so you did well doing even a small amount of work in there. Best not to let your joints get too cold whilst they are bothering you I guess? Shame you couldn't go out for brekkie. Does your OH get the pain in her knees too? Hope her anti-biotics help. Coincidence your boss had the same problem, but I believe it is very common. My aunt had it too, and then had a knee op and she is much better now.

Yes Oz would be a long journey for you, and the jet lag is horrible.



LOL at the lack of "perhaps" regarding the Saturday beer. Such a nuisance you are still having to get the towels out for the wet windows. Our damp problems remain unattended to as well. So our LL is as bad as yours. I too am glad Lee went but what a rubbish eviction with no crowd. Why did they do that? I missed the beginning? So am not sure if Emma said it was because of the bad weather?



LOL silly you and the well done chicken.   Hope the dogs still enjoyed it though. My dog hates the wet weather too, so any walks are either between showers or not at all.


time for doggie walk now whilst rain has stopped, then take son to college and do a bit of a shop.

OH left 4am, journey not too bad, but wet he said. (as usual!). Can't believe the amount of rain we have been getting this winter.


I will miss CBB when it ends.

looking forward to tonight.

have a good day all




Hi all.

Another not very nice day, but I suppose it's better than being under a foot of snow?


I think the lack of crowd was mainly because it was supposed to be a secret eviction, and the housemates (in theory) weren't supposed to know about it.

But silly to make it just an hour, so they only had five minutes at the end to speak to Lee. And then no BOTS afterwards. They'd have been better having it tonight.


Hopefully Lee will get more of a grilling on BOTS tonight.

But his mantra seems to be "but I'm single though".

Wonder if he's met up with Jasmine yet? She's been quiet on twitter since the eviction, apart from retweeting someone saying they want Louisa to win now.


The trouble with the celeb version Frodo, is that a lot of them move in the same circles, so inevitably know each other outside, and know the presenters as well.


Evening everyone.)


Frodo, Leg not so good today, will try to get it sorted tomorrow at Docs.

Casey is lovely really, what a body, wow. 10 out of 10 for that.

They couldn't have an eviction with a crowd, they don't have a license for Sunday.


That's just the way Lee is, you won't change him.


Mollie, Was thinking an X Ray will show up whats up with my knee, hopefully.

My O/H does have the same knee pain but her pain killers keep her mobile.


The TENS machine may work for me, don't know of course, can always get one.


Emptybox, they aren't allowed a crown on Sunday, i think they only have a license for during the week.


I bet he's back with Jasmine though, he likes her.

He was just using Casey for comfort.


Hi all


Not a lot to say about CBB ,after an eviction there Isn't much going on Caseys mum LOL ,and her take on Lee and Jims wife was stunning so was his daughter


I think they knew Lee was going to be evicted hence the cushy exit.


I watched Cbbbots last night Lee has been getting death threats sheesh some folks need to get a life ..thats awful and I think hes been a fool ..but really thats why I don't comment so much on there .


What a sad person I am I shall miss CBB  and even though we all root for different housemates Its been a blast


Raining again so she the female dog hid again  so funny ,but she could not escape a run on the field Its only down the street.


I hope you get some relief from your leg Hicky 


see you later the phone Is ringing xxxxxxxx



Funny morning here. It's been raining, but now the sun's out, but I can see glowering clouds approaching again.


Missed BOTS last night because we had a powercut. Luckily I saw CBB before the power went off. It was off for nearly 5 hours from 10.15pm to 3am.

Not that I stayed up till 3am; I went to bed early, but I was woken by my bedside clock flashing at 3am.


Lee has been a daft boy Frodo, but I agree any hatred or threats are way over the top.

I'm glad Casey is there to the end, but I'm wanting Louisa to win. I think she's been great all the way through.


Hope you get some answers at the docs Hicky.

If they hadn't got a licence for Sunday, why on earth didn't they have the eviction on Monday? That would have been better all round.




what do you mean about the Licence  ...I didn't realise that ...what really annoyed me on CBBBOTS was that Duncan from Blue came on saying team Jasmine and more or less a full promotion of their new album/single whatever 


Never ever been a fan of Emma although she Is lovely her voice drives me up the wall ,shrill and squeaky  sorry cos I know people love her 


Some how I don't mind who wins to admit the tales I've heard about Jim put me off ,BUT I like him ..and I have warmed to Louisa a zillion times 


the series would have missed a little gem with her ...Linda Nolan has been part of It too even though I'm not keen feed would have been fantastic 

that Is why I fill in the questions on the website ....mine won't make the least bit of difference ,but Its worth a try



see you later


Oh emptybox


how insensitive of me  power off for 5 hours a nightmare .that was my main concern and then got carried away ..I hope you are ok now  little consolation that It was night time.


I am terrified of the dark always have a light on and the trouble Is the phone Is electric ...must get one that isn't ...even though Is urban the gardens are massive around here ... not a posh district either    although this road Is small ...see I have turned It around to mememe 


sorry    mwaaah




Good Afternoon Everyone.)


Weather miserable, not dry long enough to get all my gear out, so much to do as well, but it can wait.

Got a little bit done in the gazebo but the saw cuts aren't the same when you saw them yourself.


Leg still a pain, tablets don't seem to do much.


Going to see them at 4pm though.


Frodo, i enjoyed seeing the visitors to the house, great.

They sure liked Jim,

Jim is very funny i'll give him that.

Casey's mum thanked him for looking after her daughter, when she had gone, Jim said to Casey, if you were my daughter i'd still be bathing you.


Lee was soft, but he can't see the problem, he thinks it's ok because he is single.


Emptybox, I didn't stay up for bbbots,  recorded it, might look later.


I would like Luisa to win, no chance, like Casey, what a body, wow.

Jasmine, front page, another good body.






we have the same changeable weather as you today.How annoying you had another power cut. Was the weather bad at the time?

I have just noticed we have a leak in the conservatory roof now, as we have a puddle on the table in the middle of our conservatory. Zero chance of the LL fixing that though. I have put a saucepan under it. Emptybox..I bet all this wet weather is keeping you busy soaking up your leaky windows too.



good luck at the docs. I expect it takes a bit of trial and error to get the meds quite right. At least your OH's meds are keeping her mobile, so hopefully it won't take them too long to improve your meds for you. Yes a TENS machine is probably worth a try, as they are not too expensive, and can't do any harm. Pity  you can't do much in the bad weather, but whilst your knee is painful, I suppose a bit of a rest of anything too strenuous won't do any harm.



yes it is best to have a plug in phone incase of power cuts. I changed my mums phones for this reason. I too will miss CBB after Wednesday, it has been a very entertaining series.


I really enjoyed the mums visiting.   I (joking) said to my daughter if I went in as a mum visitor, I could give her lots of kisses and tell her how lovely she is, and she wouldn't be able to say anything if she was on task. "No chance of that" she said, as no way would she go in the BB house.   (which of course, really I wouldn't want her to anyway). I bet the mums all had new clothes and hair do's for their special appearance.


I think Sam should be next out, as she has not been entertaining. Would be happy to see Jim win, the mums certainly seemed to like him. But Louisa has been an entertaining HM, but rather mean at times.

Overall I am glad to see how much improved the atmosphere in the house seems to be since Linda left. She was such a misery. Think the other HM's were a bit scared of her.


Does anyone watch Coach trip? I am glad to see it back yesterday, it gives me chance for a bit of a break early evening and i like to see the places they visit. Think Brendon is great on this show too.


Accountant just emailed me and she wants all the VAT paperwork this week, as she is going away.   OH has some of the receipts with him, so that complicates things. I am going to have to get a move on this week to get it done and posted. So if i am not around much, you know why...


have a good day all x






Last edited by *mollie*

Hi Mollie 


coach trip got on my nerves the last time ...but I will catch up If you watch It 


and by saying that Its not an excuse to pander ....I just think they should tweak It a little do you think ? best thying ever two votes and you are up in Big Brother otherwise we would have lost some of the most entertaining.


Sorry that you have to be away ...please no disrespect to Hicks and emptybox ,we know how much you are stressed truly  but your posts keep me going

I love your family life your up downs in outs  make my day '''your son a budding violinist your daughter on her way to University wow I will miss that 



may slow down myself I have got a bit tired of forums lately truly never thought of saying that before    sees you

Last edited by Former Member

Evening guys.

Went into town to pay my paper bill, but it's been drizzling all day, so no chance to do anything else outside.


I've started on a cleanup of the house, because the family are visiting at the weekend. Well brother and SiL anyway.


Hi Frodo. It was Hicky that said BB needed a licence to have an outside crowd on a Sunday. I know nothing.


Yes, I always keep a simple phone to plug in during a power cut, although my UPS power supply keeps the electric phone going for a while.

It was quite a big area that was off last night, affecting about 10,000 people I think, but not sure why, as the weather wasn't especially bad?

No equipment here damaged anyway.


Hi Mollie. I don't envy you doing the VAT. I'm glad my turnover is not big enough to have to bother about that.

That's not good if your conservatory has stated leaking as well.


No sign here of any contact about my leaks. Luckily it doesn't happen if it's just drizzling. There needs to be heavy rain.


I don't usually watch Coach Trip. Just the celeb version if there's someone on I like.

Has anybody been watching The Jump on CH4, with Davina? It's about celebs doing winter sports. It hasn't had very good reviews, but it's not too bad.

The only thing is, the ski jump they do as a decider, is a bit of a let-down. So far they've tended to just trickle off the end of it, rather than do a proper jump.

And Amy Childs refused to even attempt it, so she's out already.

Originally Posted by frodo:

may slow down myself I have got a bit tired of forums lately truly never thought of saying that before    sees you


I hope you have not got tired of posting on this forum, as all 3 of us enjoy your posts.


and I said I might not be around much if I am doing the vat, which translated probably means I will still be posting here, instead of doing the vat.  


....and then panic later.


So don't go disappearing Frodo.


yes Coach trip can get annoying with the voting system, especially near the end when they keep voting off the newbies. But I still like to watch it.


don't know what a PM is on here....

but i am not tech savy..


Evening Everyone.


Mollie, the doc said the X Ray just shows medium wear of the hip joint, osteoarthritis.

She said take the meds different than i am taking them now.

She said try a walking stick.

I thought TENS were for the muscles, not sure how it works on the joints.



The new pack of roof felt shingles came today as expected.


Just had a beef and mushroom with half & half, fantastic.


I think Casey will be out next, then Sam, Luisa, Ollie, Dappy & Jim.

Unless a miracle happens.




I have watched coach trip, some are ok, i'll see who it is.


I'll probably have to do the company vat return tomorrow to hmrc.


Emptybox, drizzle here most of the day as well.

Good Job you had your UPS, always come in handy.


I watched the jump, getting to like it.

A pity Amy Childs bottled out, but she was scared of getting hurt.


Frodo, Why do you say your fed up with Forums?,


A PM is a private message, they have them on DS, not sure on here as i don't use them on here.





good luck with doing all the housework ready for your visitors, I know how boring that is. Have you decided on the menu yet? Haven't had chance to watch the jump, sounds a bit like that diving show?



hope the meds improve and the stick helps. I suppose that the stick will take a lot of pressure from your bad knee though. Yes I suppose TENS are for muscles, but that one did say it was for knees, so might help joint pain? Not sure. Take care putting your roof shingle up, whilst your knee is painful.


I think Louisa might do better than you think, I think she deserves to be 2nd or 3rd. Hope Sam, then Ollie goes, as I find this "romance" utterly boring. Would like to see Jim, Louisa and Dappy as the last 3 standing. Feel a bit sad it is all over tomorrow.


goodnight all x

off to bed to listen to Radio Wales, I love it in the evenings, have met the presenter a few times, and I like to listen to the public phoning in, many who have got to know each other.

If you want a listen and catch the accent, you have sky don't you Fredo, it is on 10pm till 1am weekdays, channel 0117 on sky.


Fredo... I had to LOL about the violin, as son is a guitar player.   But he did used to play piano. Other son busy rehearsing tonight as he has a part in Phantom of Opera in a few weeks.  

Emptybox is a guitar player too.


Goodnight all xxx






Hi Mollie. I think I'm going to give them steak pie for supper. The sainsburys steak and ale ones are good.

Not sure about lunch yet.


Frodo, the nearest thing to a private message on here is the 'dialog' in the top right hand corner. I think only VIPs can start them, but you can invite mere mortals to join in.

Or there's always direct messages on twitter.


Hicky I suppose it's not too bad if you just have medium damage to your knee? But not good if you have to use a stick. But needs must, as they say.


I've a feeling that Casey will be the first out tomorrow, followed by Sam and Ollie, then Louisa, Dappy, with Jim the winner.

Last edited by emptybox

Back for a mo  hello all 


What I SHould have said I get fed up with myself at times ...nothing to do with you three ,you should know that by now without being too sickly sweet your my mates ,put It down to the weather .and my son being upset so I may send a Dm to emptybox and then he can tell youxxxx


see you later for the show for deffo




Evening Everyone.


Enjoyed the cbb final, it's going as i expected in the order i expected.


For tea i had 2 toasted crumpets, then a Thai curry, then eggs on toast, just had a tin of Mackerel fillets in Tomato sauce.


Mollie, O/H is going to get me a retractable stick, so she said.

I'm hoping for a drier day tomorrow so i can get some work done.


The pain was a bit easier today, will have to see how it goes.


Emptybox, i've recorded Coach trip so i can see what it's like.

Didn't realise you were having visitors, must have missed that.


Frodo, I don't know why you get fed up with yourself, it's always good to have you on here, sorry to hear your son is upset for some reason, family problems are so upsetting for everyone.


I see Jim won, as i expected.

It's been a great series anyway.


Well, I'm quite glad Jim won, just wish Louisa could have got into the final three. 

But it was a great series. No doubt of that.


Another wet day her. Everything must be saturated.

Got my house dusted today. Hoovering tomorrow.


Hi Frodo. You probably saw that I replied to your tweet.


A retractable stick is OK Hicky. As long as it doesn't retract at the wrong moment.





I should think you couldn't go wrong with your visitors by cooking them a pie from Sainsburys.   Hope you managed to get all your Hoovering done ok. So boring house work is, isn't it? I bet your house looks like a palace now though..... if your visitors can ignore the odd leaky window and mould...  (which is not down to you to rectify of course anyway). Have a good time with your visitors.



hope you got that drier day today so you could get out and about. It has been dry here all day today, for a change.  That is a good idea of your OH's to go for a stick that is retractable. Hope it helps you out, and hope the pain eases as time goes on.  



I can understand why this weather is getting on your nerves, sounds like it has been the wettest January ever.   Sorry to hear your son has been upset.   Hope he cheers up soon.

And hope you stay on the forum.

Are you watching the Truth About your Dogs Food on C5 now? I am. Interesting about those who don't give their dogs processed dog food. Some don't give them any meat and some give uncooked meat. I don't give our dog processed dog food, apart from those chewy sticks for her teeth. We give her chicken, fish, rice and veg, but it is cooked. So am not sure what is best, but I do know that for the short time we gave her processed dog food, it was upsetting her stomach.


CBB....Glad to see Jim win.  But I agree Emptybox, shame Louisa didn't do a bit better. I found Ollie real boring, so don't think he deserved 3rd place really. I also think Sam should of been out first, because she too I found boring. But even so, I thought it was an enjoyable final and a great series with a well deserved winner.

I am missing it tonight.


Have had a real busy couple of days, but at last managed to get the vat stuff posted to the accountant. I was even having to do it whilst I watched the CBB final last night.

It was difficult because accountant wanted it early and OH had some of the stuff with him, and I had to print all the invoices, but hadn't done it before. Si got confused. Posted it at 2.30pm today, leaving me enough time to snatch a coffee and pudding with my friend in the cafe this afternoon, before going to mums to do her jobs and food shopping. I had blueberry pie and custard, very nice because it was full of blueberries and they were not too sweet.


Also mum has not been feeling too good, off her food and stomach ache. So I had been worried about her, she says she feels a bit better now though.


I noticed Coach trip yesterday was on those machines yesterday that me and daughter went on in Belgium.   But it was a lot easier for them than it was for us, as they were only going around the quiet town square. The guy took us in the roads and around close to people. I was terrified. But it was such fun.


Have a good evening all.

OH home tomorrow afternoon.




Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, The retractable stick doesn't actually retract, you have to pull each of the sections out, it is very solid when together, there is a double elasticated bungee cord which keeps it together.

Had to google how to use it, O/H was showing me the wrong way.


Mollie, It was a dry day, went to a garden centre, O/H wanted to get me the collapsing walking stick, got one anyway, also a hood to keep my neck and ears warm outside.

I went to get more wood for the gazebo, also bought some lights, a socket and switch for the gazebo, have order the cable online.

Have also ordered one of those magic wands that Lionel had on cbb.


I've had an offer to buy me the plastic sides for the gazebo, 10 sheets, instead of me using plywood.

That is ordered now, it's 10mm Polycarbonate, unbreakable.


I shouldn't think that giving Processed food to the pets was good, it's bad for humans as it is.


It's the additives that do the damage, your body can't cope with them all.


Missing cbb already.


Sorry to hear about your mum, glad she's a bit better though.


I recorded coach trip but haven't watched it yet.



Hi Mollie.

Sorry to hear your Mum is not feeling well.


That was good work getting your VAT finished, especially as you needed to print stuff that wasn't familiar to you.


It was dry here as well, so I got outside to check tyres and oil etc on my vehicles.

Also I got my hoovering done. The place looks far from a palace but I think it's OK for receiving visitors.

I'm an 'everything in it's place' sort of a bloke anyway, so it never gets untidy as such, but I don't dust as often as I should.


I was watching the dog food programme as well. I'm surprised that some people feed their dogs a vegan diet.

Dogs aren't omnivores like humans, although they aren't pure carnivores like cats either. As it said on the prog, their digestion is exactly the same as wolves.

I would imagine a fresh cooked diet would be best, with a mix of veg and meat.


Watching the tattoo prog on CH4 with Katie Piper.


I'll have to go to the supermarket tomorrow, to get the provisions for my visitors.


Hi Hicky.

That's interesting that you can buy those appearing canes.

Hours of amazement for the grand children, I wouldn't wonder.


Now all you need is one that turns from a handkerchief into a walking stick. Then you could kill two birds with the one stone?


Sounds like a productive visit to the garden centre anyway.


Hello all


firstly thankyou emptybox for your tweet ...twitter amazes me I'm a bit wary but I will try  DM 


PERSONALLY I wanted Jim to win   so I am glad and I hope Linda does well too ..It must be awful to hold a grudge but to be honest I still do not understand hers .


I'm a bit lost now are you ? Big Brother seems to take you over ...these silly people at Channel 5 still do not seem to get It neither did Jim It is not a young persons thing ..I have watched It from the first series must be 14 years ago  yet they still seem to think Its an 18 to 30 club and certainly no disrespect ....they are off their heads if that is the case 



anyhow love for now    ...about dog food and feeding a stray as well I give chicken rice veggies good dog biscuits raw food apart from an apple 


BUT I'm open to veggie diets 


Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, had as short dry spell today, got some wood cut with the correct angle to fit the top section windows which will have the plastic sheets in.


Your place should be fine now then, spick & spam for your visitors.


I watched the tattoo program, some people are do stupid, can't believe what they do, and they are so expensive.

It's very painful and expensive to get them laser removed but at least it's possible.


Frodo, I'm lost like you, miss bb so much.

Just have to find other programs to watch.


I had undyed fish for brekkie with some grilled bacon and a poached egg.


Midday i had some soft brown rolls with a 100g pack of fresh white crab meat, yummy.

And a fresh Mango, love that fruit, have a few every week.


I cooked a chicken for tea with carrots and cabbage, also had stuffing balls and mash with gravy, yummy.


We don't have dried peas, O/H doesn't even like mushy peas.


I like fish fingers though.


Just going to watch the Jump.


Hello all


first happy news my son is going out with a group of friends so his broken heart I s mended  but I'll give you a DM soon emptybox just to see if I can   


The sun was streaming through the windows this morning ..but Its cold I put a thick curtain at the door to the porch for the cat cos that Is where It gets through more of a draughty lean too though ,but hey Its at the back no-one can see It


To say I'm missing CBB Is an under statement I thought Emma did well in the final and Casey looked so pretty I stayed up and watched CBBBBOTS and that was good too  Linda went over and gave Jim a hug  best one for me for a long time.


Did the normal BB start in 1999 I must Google to see .


Are you having company dusting emptybox I must have missed that cos I read every post on here LOL about your remarks on Hickys magic cane .


please Hicky send us a photo when you get It bet your grandchildren will love It   







Mollie I hope everything Is well with you and you are enjoying your week-end with OH  I hope your mums tummy Is on the mend and your house hunting gets some results.


Last two episodes of The Bridge to-night on BBC4 its been gripping stuff 


may see you all later xxxxxxxx


Evening Everyone.


Not too bad a day here rained on and off but got a lot done.


Laying out and cutting the main wood for the new decking area frame

Also finished most of the gazebo inner framework trim which is to support the new Polycarbonate sheets, 10-off.


Bought a couple of bulkhead lights, a switch and power socket, have ordered the cable online.

Might have told you the other day.


Made a stir fry before, prawn.


Frodo, Glad your son is ok.

There's nothing worse than a broken heart.


Yes, I'm missing cbb as well.

I'll post the cane trick, might even post a video if i can get it too work.

Just had a fruit salad, great when you can get Strawberries, Raspberries and Blueberries all year, as well as melons and cherries, and lots of other lovely fruit as well of course.


thats a great picture of the cane trick.


Hope things are going ok for Mollie & Emptybox.





I hope your weekend with the visitors is going well, and they all enjoyed your choice of steak/ale pie.



that magic cane looks such fun, I bet you will fascinate your grandchildren with it.   It will be lovely to see a pic of it. How is your knee now?  I hope the stick/meds are helping out. Glad the drier weather helped you get a lot done today.



so pleased your son's broken heart is now mended.   i love mushy peas, but haven't tried making them for the dried ones.


I too really miss CBB now, difficult to find anything really good to watch. I did enjoy the voice, but after that, not a lot to watch.


I treated myself to a onesie today, as I have been feeling cold lately. I put it on and OH said I looked like a polar bear. I bought a large because I am a fatty, but didn't know it would be quite this large. You could get 2 of me in it. But it is lovely and soft and fluffy, and has 2 ears on top of the hood.

Had to do more work on the vat, luckily the accountant picked up that the agency had deducted ÂĢ230 on one invoice that they shouldn't of, and when we checked back, she was right, so OH can now claim that back of them.


My friend who was upset as she had to leave her gambling OH is settling in well now, my OH set up her new tv and fire surround today and i helped her unpack.


the sea had been over the seawall again today when we took the dog out, and the wind was real strong and freezing cold too.


Have a good evening all xxx



Visitors away now.

Think everything went well. They seemed to like the steak pies.

Youngest nephew came as well, but spent most of the time on his new laptop.

Much better that way than him installing stuff to my computer, as he did last time.


Hi Frodo. Glad your son is getting over his heartache.

Look forward to your message on twitter.

Don't ask my advice on matters of the heart though. That stuff goes over my head.

But advice on computer type stuff, and I'm your man.


The day started off sunny here, but as soon as my visitors arrived the rain started, and it turned into a wet and windy day. Funny that.


I imagine it would have been even wilder by you Mollie.

Glad your friend is settling in.

Good job your accountant picked up the VAT error. You wouldn't want to lose that.


Hi Hicky. Glad you were able to get a bit done, despite the off and on rain.

Haven't really been missing CBB yet, I've been enjoying The Jump.

Last edited by emptybox

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