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Originally Posted by Hicky:

Evening Mollie.


Hope your day hasn't been to stressful.

What do you think of the eviction last night?


are you girls ok, hows your mum, did hubby get home ok?


It's all questions, sorry.

Hi HIcky

great minds think alike.

Don't apologise, it is great on here how we are all interested in each other. I was already posting answers to those questions, at the same time you were asking them. 

I was stressed sorting mum out as usual, as she gets so muddled and short with me at times, but that walk on the seafront, some sunshine, ice cream and latte soon de-stressed me.


I did forget to say though that I too thought it was real bad how those 2 HM's re-entered at the same time the boxer left. i wasn't keen on him (especially after some comments he had made), but he was a fair and square HM, and didn't deserve to be ignored on his eviction like he was.


Hello all


Just watching on 5+ as The Bridge has just finished ,I like Liz as well Mollie she Is quirky  and I love some of her views .


Hello Hicky ,Listen if we all liked the same housemates there wouldn't be anything to chat about


The half hour of live feed last gave me a taste of the old CBB and BB ,and I agree with everything you say we are being spoon fed 


Going to google Tens Machines Mollie to emptybox


spot on about Evander ,Mollie to be fair to him I think people are sometimes in a bubble when they are Celebs ,but he deserved a fair eviction and not to be ignored ,sick of the love triangle ...   night all xxx

Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

If you fancy listening to Aisleyne doing her funny accents scroll to 1 hour 7 minutes in this BBCiPlayer radio recording.


She plays the Mystery Shopper in DJ Target's Radio 1Xtra show.

He has to guess who she is by asking questions about her shopping habits etc.

She packs in Liverpudlian, Geordie, Irish, Cockney and more.

She can't resist giving him big clues though, so he quesses correctly in the end.


Evening Everyone.


Mollie, this is the place in Turkey.


Been busy in the garden, roofing again, not so much to do now, the little came round this afternoon.


Had the Chiminea lit but the wood modules were wet so it smoked, bought some wood for it from the garage when i got fuel.


That was nice down the prom, handy the cafe being open, they need the business i expect.


Pretty cold for surfers though eh?.



Good job i copied my post before i changed page, it scrapped my post all of it.


The Ctrl V worked though.





Mollie, Evander wasn't really with the show, he didn't pick up what was said really, he should never gone in.


Frodo, pity there isn't more live feed, it's a disaster without really.


Emptybox, I'll listen to that link later, it's good to be able to use accents well.


Originally Posted by Hicky:



Emptybox, I'll listen to that link later, it's good to be able to use accents well.



Now I never said she used themwell, just that she had funny accents.

Though her Liverpudian oneis good, as is her posh one (just like the one on Gogglebox )

But, even if I was being kind, I'd have to say her Geordie one was a work in progress.


If you do listen to it, I have to apologise for the bit of 'music' they play between the two parts of Aisleyne's segment. If they'd played a fire alarm for 3 minutes, it would have been more enjoyable.


Glad you were able to get busy in the garden.

It was very frosty here. Didn't thaw out all day. At least it was dry though.


That looks like a great place in Turkey.


CBB was a bit near the knuckle tonight? Bet they get some complaints about that.

Last edited by emptybox

Hello Emptybox Hicky Mollie


the sun Is streaming through the windows .but Its cold and yesterday It was covered in white frost ,late cooking the chicken yesterday too and I was worried about the stray keeping warm but he/she was there in the box I have provided and to-day I gave the meal early  lovely little thing ,eats like a horse and hisses a lot


I was quite overcome last night with CBB ...THE SIGHT OF Lionel in leather gear and Lee with those tiny pants gyrating on the pole ,will haunt me forever

I feel quite queasy thinking about It  back in mo had a funny turn


and yes I agree It was near the knuckle .



On every CBB I always give them a chance ,what I have heard doesn't matter ,how they are in the house does ,maybe Jim Is showing his better side and he Is evil and Linda Is right ....doesn't matter to me I am judging on what I see 


Hicky Is that where you are going for your holidays ? It looks wonderful deserve It ...and you know what we may dis-agree on CBB ...but so what I love my time on here 


I hope your mum Is feeling better Mollie and all Is well in your world 


Hi emptybox I missed AIsleyne  but thanks for the info x


see you later



I waited to see who was nominated last night ...It will be interesting to-night 

to find out the reaction...and of course my lips are sealed xx



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by frodo:



Hi emptybox I missed AIsleyne  but thanks for the info x



How d'ya mean? She's there on the link, waiting for you. (jump to 1 hour 7 mins)

(also available on the Home Page of her website)


Glad your wee cat is doing OK Frodo, even if it pretends not to like you.


It was a lovely day here as well, but cold.

Went to the dentist this morning, and unfortunately I needed to have a couple of fillings replaced. Left the surgery with a numb mouth and ÂĢ90 lighter of pocket.

The sun was nice and warm on the drive home though.


Yes I saw who was nominated. It should be an interesting show tonight.




well what a naughty lot you are....hunting around to try and find who is nominated before they tell us.   I am glad I don't know who it is though, as it will make the show more interesting.


Lee, in those clingy plastic mini pants...  Horrible!!  No wonder you had a funny turn Frodo. It nearly put me off my choccy bar. (but not quite)..



thanks for the holiday link. The resort looks wonderful for you and all the family, i have never seen so many slides in one pool. I bet the kiddies will have some great fun in that.

How does cntrl and V work then, and what does it do?

Glad you didn't lose your post.

That is good that you got in the garden and have been able to nearly finish the roof now. Did the liitle fella help you out? I bet he is so cute now. Is he age 2 now?



gosh it must of been cold if the frost stayed all day. Best you keep an eye on your oil storage then.



link to TENS machine where I got mine.

Aaaww at the hissing stray. At least it is being well looked after by you now.


Yes on CBB, I think Jim is brilliant, so funny.


Had another nice walk on seafront yesterday, the damage from storms was still evident. Part of the seawall have had to be fixed, some rubbish still on side of road and the coastal footpath still closed for repairs. I heard on the news that some cannons have been found on the beach, they were in a shipwreck from a huge storm 250 years ago, and it has taken a similar big storm to wash them up again.

Family all home again, enjoyed concert but glad to be out of the busy city now. OH back in his B and B again.  Roll on Friday when he comes home.


Looking forward to CBB,

have a good evening all xxx



thanks emptybox *I'm lovin It * why can't she be on CBB and yes Aisleyne Isn't everyone's cup of tea  but I have always liked her ,funny she seems to be like marmite ,oh and I've bookmarked the page thanks


I'm going to read back in a moment because I wondered did you get a new laptop Mollie ...leaving this for one second to read back no can't see If you did ,but you have posted whilst I was reading back ,so thank you for the link to the tens machine...don't you get any help Mollie with your mum?sounds exhausting and you need rest yourself .


Hickys holiday site looks fabulous ,I'm looking forward to to-nights show 


see you later


Evening All.:+)))))))))


Emptybox, I loved CBB those antics were great, about time they had some fun.


Thats expensive for a couple of fillings, but at least it gets them sorted.


I always know who is nominated way before it's announced.


Frodo, yes thats where we are going for a holiday,


Mollie, To copy and paste you can use the following keys.

Ctrl +C is copy, Ctrl + V is paste, Ctrl + X is delete, but the text has to be highlighted first, the cursor decides where the copied text goes.


Just try it inside your next post, just highlight a few words.

If i highlight this (text) and then Ctrl +C then Ctrl + V you get this (text)


Isn't that strange about the cannons, been buried for 250 years.


The damage around these coastal area's is still being repaired same as there.


Did a lot more in the garden, roofing again, got a lot done, just the top of the 6 sides, about 18" left to do, need another pack of felt tiles though as the ridges takes quite a lot.


The guttering came today but i'll leave this until the roof is finished as i would have to make something to keep the ladder off the gutter.


Loving CBB though.



quick hi from me as i am done in and it is late.



hope the teeth have settled down after the fillings. Having to pay out so much now is as bad as the treatment.



glad you got in the garden again today. You have been busy again. thanks for the techy hints, will have a go when not so tired.


hope you had a good day Frodo and all is well with the pets.


Yes I too loved CBB tonight, that task was hilarious. Very clever how it was thought out. Loved the funny table and chairs and the squeky pillows. What a case that Louisa is.


OH rang me and told me the B and B where he usually stays is closed next week so I have had to hunt around online to find another one for next week, But I will also ring tomorrow as you usually get a better rate by phone as he leaves too early to have a brekkie.


goodnight all xxx




The gas man came to-day time for a boiler service .I was up well before 7 am


as you do when anyone Is coming ,although It was around 11 am when he got here 


So Liz Is deaf I wondered why she seemed so out of It and aloof ,They haven't mentioned It though .


Loved to-nights show It seemed more like CBB we know and It was funny 


am I right that Liz had eight noms and Jim seven? and yes that Is fine with the other housemates  but let them get one or two noms and they are up in arms  


Jim Is getting loads of negative on forums ...and I don't mean on here BUT I speak as I find and I don't know much about his past ...what I do know Is that his housemates are practically handing him a place in the final  unless of course we see the temper we keep hearing about



Lee Ryan hasn't done himself any favours ,he Is acting like a silly teenager instead of someone who has two children and coming out of a long relationship ,completely gone off him 


I wont dwell on Linda simply because she has gone through a lot losing her OH and then her sister six months ago and suffering the same illness herself 

just one thing without the makeup she looked softer and kudos to her going bare ..I'm sort of willing her to soften up 


Louisa Is a brilliant housemate she annoys ,sets me on edge but she Is bolshy and although I am not keen the house has been more enjoyable with her in It 

only my opinion 


I think Casey Is so pretty with or without make up and Jasmine the pantomime baddy ...LOL  loved the show to-night CBB at Its best


night all


We keep crossing Mollie like ships in the night ,sorry about your OH 

you must be shattered..I hope you find him somewhere nice ...


can I ask would a sort of bedsit be ok or Is that unsuitable ,the pets are fine number one priority and sprawled on their blankets wrapped up warm '

dreaming of sausages and all things nice no doubt 


night Mollie Emptybox Hicky xxxxx


Hi guys.

Bit damp here today.


Wasn't Louisa brilliant in the Annoying Room. I don't know how she managed to get into that cage?

She has to stay.


I had to go private for my dentist a number of years ago, because there wasn't an NHS one available at the time. I think I could find an NHS one now, but I like the one I'm with, so I'll stick with him.

I pay a monthly plan which covers the checkups and scaling and polishing and X-Rays etc, but any treatments are extra (but discounted).


Hi Hicky. Glad you've now finshed most of the roof of your gazebo.


Hi Mollie. That's fascinating about the old cannons suddenly appearing again.

Hope you find another good B&B for your OH.


That was an early start Frodo. Did the gasman give your boiler a clean bill of health?

Have to say, I'm quite liking Jim in the house.


Hi all

Its dismal and wet here an absolute nightmare when you have animals  I'm forever washing doggy towels and It seems to be a permanent gloomy half light ...oh roll on spring 


It was my annual service emptybox  and It didn't take too long but I wanted to be up because sometimes they come early ,and you have to have the dogs out of the way (they tell you that)


It seems CBB has been extended I read It here





Channel 5 is planning to extend Celebrity Big Brother 2014 beyond its currently scheduled end date, bbspy has learned.

Last week the broadcaster announced that the series would come to an end after 22 days on Friday January 24th, with Emma Willis crowning the winner in a 90-minute live show.

However, insiders have told bbspy tonight that bosses are now planning a four-day extension, which would see it end on Tuesday January 28th.

This is due to ratings success, with the first week of the current series having averaged 2.48million viewers in overnight ratings – up around 190,000 on last January’s edition.

TV critics have also praised it, with The Mirror’s Ian Hyland writing: “I’m not prone to exaggeration butâ€Ķ This is the best first few days of CBB ever.”

The extension will make CBB13 the joint second-longest Celebrity series with CBB5 on 26 days. Both are beaten by CBB7 – the final run to air on Channel 4 – which lasted 27 days.

Barring a last-minute u-turn on the decision, it is set to be officially confirmed tomorrow.

Read more:


I watched Location Location last night ....I love Phil & Kirsty   there was this house on there that one couple bought .I have seen loads more expensive houses but I loved the one they chose ,I would have loved It ....and It was off a street or road but I wanted them to get It as It was just beyond their price ceiling ,and they did


I'm looking forward to to-nights show apart from Lee and Jasmine making a meal of each other,,,,plurleeeese get a room and spare the slurping 


I hope you have managed to find somewhere for your OH Mollie and your mum Is feeling better .Sounds as though you have taken a battering with the weather Mollie ,but It sounds a wonderful place to live ,the thoughts of walking down a beach every day ,yes please ; and the cannons from a shipwreck 250 years ago ,,more please If you find out anything sounds fascinating . take care Mollie



back later xx to all




Evening All.


Mollie, thats a blow, your O/H's digs closed, not easy to find a replacement either.


I've ordered the rest of the felt shingles to finish the gazebo, have got plenty to do on it anyway, just need nice weather.


Forecast says it could be dry for some of tomorrow.


Frodo, Yes, the HM's are great, loving them all,

Yes, 4 days extension so far taking it to the 28th.


Emptybox, I'm enjoying Luisa, think she's great, so strong willed.

don't think they will be telling the HM's the show is extended, not sure.


I see Jasmine has gone, wonder who voted for LIz?


It seems a bit soft having a monthly plan for your teeth then paying for them to be filled, doesn't sound a good plan to me, cleaning doesn't cost much anyway, it's only the fillings etc that cost.






that was a bit of a blow that you couldn't find an nhs dentist, it is difficult round here too. Bet you are pleased Louisa stayed. I am glad she stayed too, because she does keep the show interesting. In fact what a wild one she is.   Glad to see Jasmine go, I was getting tired of her and Lee's antics.



glad your gas man turned up ok. Yes that is the problem when you don't know what time, you have to make sure you are up early and ready.

Good news that CBB is to be extended. .....not that I would of realised though, because I didn't even know when it was due to finish...



hope it does stay dry for you to get in your garden. Sounds like you are well on your way to finishing that gazebo now.


Me and daughter treated ourselves to a small dinner at the old cafe today after I had done mum's jobs as I was too tired to go food shopping straight after. I had a plate of yummy veg and a jug of gravey, daughter had beef too.


Luckily this morning I managed to confirm a B and B for OH next week. It will cost an extra ÂĢ5 a day to the one he usually goes to, but that is not a bad rate as it was only to be a 4 day booking. It is the one me and daughter stayed in when we went with him for his interview, so we know it is a nice one. The owner had only got back from his hols last night, so I was lucky to get it.


CBB ... I think Emma looked a bit surprised when Casey and Linda got chosen to be saved tonight.

For the sake of an entertaining show, I would like to see a dull HM leave, like Sam or Ollie, but can't see that happening as they are nice people.


Goodnight all. xxx


Really glad Louisa stayed, although she's in danger again on Friday.

Strange of Jasmine to choose Casey and Linda? Glad Casey isn't up though.


I thought Jasmine did well in her interviews etc.


Hi Hicky. Hope it's dry tomorrow, so you can get on.


That's just the way the dental plan works.

I certainly save a bit of money doing it that way because if I didn't have the plan they would charge ÂĢ70 for a checkup + scale & polish, and X-Rays would be extra. Whereas I pay ÂĢ11.50 per month for a checkup + scale & polish every six months and X-Rays every two years.

Plus I get a 20% discount on any treatments. So I pay ÂĢ45 for a small filling, whereas someone not on the plan would be charged ÂĢ56.


If you think about it, if they were to add treatments into the plan, they would have to take into account people who need a lot of treatment, so for people like me, who only needs a filling every few years, it would be a disadvantage.


Hi Mollie.

Glad you got the B&B for your OH sorted. And as you've stayed there yourself, you know it's a good one.

Good for you, treating yourself and daughter to din dins.





So pleased you found a B&B for your OH Mollie and yes I am glad Louisa stayed ,not too keen on the neck sucking and the other thing happening with Dappy


the truth or dare game bit too much for CBB  and believe me I am no prude


I had had enough with the love triangle though ,but Emma when Jasmine picked Linda and Casey to save was completely side swiped  Big Brother so wanted Lee and Louisa to be saved..serves them right for trying to manipulate things


Sounds like a good deal at the dentists emptybox and yes I agree Jasmie did do well in her interview even better with Rylan he spent most of cbbbots interviewing her  did a pretty good job of It too .


Hello Hicky have you filled in the questionnaire on the Channel 5  CBB site ?


when it asks other things I kept putting live feed down ...oh how I miss I 



see you later xx


all xxx



hope the weather was ok for you to get in the garden today.



I don't think Louisa will go Friday as it is a vote to save. Maybe because many know, as the house villain, she does at least entertain us.

Are you still doing any odd gardening jobs, or is it just not worth it now we are in mid winter? I expect you still have plenty of paperwork to catch up on. Do you work as a sole trader or did you set up a Ltd? I think Hicky had to set up a Ltd, like my OH had to, to do his techy work.



yes the Dappy stuff with Louisa was rather cringy for CBB. But at least it is never dead in there with Louisa around.

I too would love some livefeed. This series would suit it,


Took dog for her booster injections today. Hope she will be ok and not off. Last time she was very tired and a bit off but only for a day. There was a young labrador in there with a cut bleeding paw, the vet put a dressing on with a plastic bag thing over it and gave the dog some anti-biotics. I hate it when you see broken glass thrown around, so dangerous to our furry friends.


OH home tomorrow, haven't seen him since he went back to work after his Christmas break, so expect we will go out for dinner with the family to the local pub, which will be nice.


have a good evening all xx

enjoy CBB, I know I am looking forward to it.

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


My delivery came, a bit late, was hoping for it to come early.

Anyway, cut up the pallet that came with the 3 packs of felt tiles, will use the wood for the Chiminea  when i need it, it needs drying first.


Anyway, did a lot more of the Ridge tiling by cutting the tile sections into the 5 curved tiles.

Just need my lad to do the top bit, it's too hard with my arthritis and knee joints, just too painful.


Cooked the big Rock Lobster tails tonight, think i over cooked them though.

Will have to get some more to try while they have 40% off, even so they are ÂĢ23 each at least.


Fancy a Turbot steak now, 40% off those as well.


Mollie, that was nice getting a veg and gravy dinner out, glad O/H is fixed up with digs.


I didn't realise they were expecting Jasmine to select certain people.


I see the cbb is extended by another day on top of the 4 extra days, finishing on the 29th now.


Emptybox, i see, a normal NHS scrape and clean is only a few pounds, think i paid either ÂĢ13 or ÂĢ26 can't remember, but the NHS you wouldn't be paying anything like what you are including the Plan.


Frodo, didn't see the questionnaire, don't really like them anyway.

I'm enjoying all of them in cbb, glad it's extended anyway.


Just waiting for cbb now, watching hidden kingdoms.





Not too bad day here.


I've only got a few jobs to do until the season starts again Mollie, so I can pick my days.

I'm just a sole trader. No need for me to set up a company.

I'm up to date with my paperwork at the mo. Got my tax return done in December, and did my monthly accounts the other day.


Bet you will be pleased to see your OH again tomorrow.

Hope doggie is fine after her jabs.


Hi Mike. Nice to see you again. And glad everything is positive with you.

I see your changes haven't extended to your avatar as yet? It's still as exuberant as ever.


Hi Hicky. Glad your delivery came, and you got some work done.

Probably better to leave the trickiest bit to your lad, if your arthritis is playing up.

You've got twenty years on me, and even I find I'm not as confident as I was, climbing tall ladders and trees. And kneeling on a hard surface for any length of time is not pleasant.


Hi Frodo.

Must admit I found it a bit much when little Dappy was clambouring under Louisa's T-shirt.


Very eventful CBB tonight. I'm team Casey all the way. I think Lee blames her for Jasmine going and is trying to get his own back. Very underhand.

Plus, although I like Jim, I thought he was wrong to bring up the stuff about Linda's husband, and then deny saying it.


Morning all

very cold and wet to-day ,just fed the little cat and having a nice cup of tea .


I hope they find that little 3 year old boy very sad and with the temperature falling at night things are looking bleak 


Emptybox I agree with you about Jim Davidson ,It was below the belt and uncalled for ,I heard him say It but not that he then denied It  must watch again.

I'm trying to like Linda ,but she has gone out of her way to Isolate Jim from the others ,because It worked for her sister with Julie Goodyear i think she is playing the same ,only It isn't working...but this has cost Jim the top spot 

because he was favourite.


Lee needs to grow up its not as if he is some young teenager ,and yes I agree about Casey very underhand tactics ,but It won't work ,he seems to forget that he is on camera


Hello Mollie  I hope you have a lovely week-end with your OH, I didn't realise you hadn't seen each other since Christmas, do you do all the paper work ? for him .I have heard you mention about having to do tax returns ,I wouldn't know where to start.


Worried about the she doggy ,would not eat yesterday ,and hid when It was time for a walk  so I am keeping a close eye on her.I hope your little dog is ok now ,injections seem to knock them back ,being micro chipped was the worst ...enjoy your week-end xx



Hicky don't you ever stop  perhaps thats what keeps you young,, a good idea to let your son do the top work ,I must admit a fear of heights standing on a chair sends me dizzy those lobster tails sound good and the fish ,I had some smoked haddock for tea yesterday with lashings of malt vinegar and some crusty bread ,








Originally Posted by MikeOxlong:

Greetings to those that remember me - and those that I do not know.

Been away for a while and undergone some big life changes.

I'm a better person for it and am starting a new chapter in my life with a positive attitude and optimism.

Trust you are all well.



yes of course we remember you.

It is so good to see you call in here.

and I am so pleased to hear that things are going well for you now.



Evening everyone.


Hi Mike, welcome back, glad you are sorted and starting a new chapter in your life.

Not keen on fast moving avatars though.


Emptybox, I've been doing some work inside the gazebo, i've mounted the front arch trellis section and some wood in the first area where i'll be putting a plywood section to keep the wind out low down,.


Frodo, no, i never stop, am outside by 10am after brekki and apart from loo breaks i come in when the light fails.


Had smoked Haddock for brekki, had baked spud and grilled Lamb steaks for tea.


Mollie, Hope your O/H gets home safe and you have a good weekend.


Glad Lionel has gone.


Wasn't it funny with Dappy, he shouldn't have shouted his mouth off with Luisa.

She is a very successful woman.





yes you must be careful you don't strain to do things with your arthritus. Good job you have your lad to help you do those extra hard bits. You certainly do well with all you can still do though. Shame you overcooked the lobster, hope it was still edible for you though.



that is good that you can pick your days of work for a little while now, I know you are flat out in summer/spring. Yes I thought you were a sole trader, that would be the best solution for your type of business.



I hope your doggie is ok. My doggie gets off days like that sometimes, does not eat and sleeps all day, then usually perks up the next day. So hopefully your doggie will feel better tomorrow, after a rest. Yes I do most of the book work type stuff, but luckily we have an accountant who contacts the tax office and does the real complicated annual accounts for us.

Yes I think Hicky being such a busy bee does keep him young.

His list of projects is amazing.


OH got home this morning about 9.30 which was nice. we have been out for a nice dinner in pub, I had a cheese burger, salad and mash.  


A shame Lionel went..... although I was not keen on him, I think he was entertaining. Whilst I think Ollie and Sam seem nice people, they have not contributed much to overall entertainment. Good job Louisa is still there though, she always seems to be at the centre of any gossip.

Good show again tonight though.

Poor Casey. I am not sure I believe Lee's side of the story, no matter what he says, he seemed quite happy smooching round her in the bolthole.

I am not keen on Lee and Linda at all. 


Goodnight all xxx



Originally Posted by Hicky:

Wasn't it funny with Dappy, he shouldn't have shouted his mouth off with Luisa.

She is a very successful woman.


Hi Hicky

we posted the same time.


Good to have OH home again, thanks.  We have been driving past houses today to see if there are any we like. The damp here is just awful.


Yes Dappy was so funny tonight with the IQ thing.

And I felt a bit sorry for him the way Lee was with him, as he looked utterly confused with what was going on corning Lee/Casey thing.


Evening all 

just a quick post.. shocked that Lionel went ,not that I particularly liked him ..


oh for goodness sake I am watching CBBOTS ..why on earth does Rylan keep saying Queen Emma when she comes on after the show and they all chant her name ...enough Smiley  and when Emma says she Is gutted and that Lionel should have stayed ,and why Is Liz still there out of order my opinion ,people in there pretty boring more so than Liz 

sees you to-morrow all night all

Last edited by Former Member

Hello again 


Crossed posts again ,must be lovely to own your own business Mollie 

I hope you have a lovely weekend, I think we are of the same mindset with the housemates and I agree entirely 


must go too much the way she (the dog) has perked up .I suppose they are spoilt well no not really ,they are just part of the family and give back loads of love glad that Liz seems to be speaking up ;I hope that she hasn't been putting on an act because I am really warming to her 


night all xx

Last edited by Former Member

Evening guys.

Damp again here.


Glad it was Lionel instead of Louisa tonight.

Didn't like what he was saying about Casey though. I think he's just taken what Lee said at face value, then latched onto an innocent comment that casey probably made to Louisa.


I loved his magic trick with the cane.

Unfortunately the camera went too close, when he did it for the second time on BOTS, and showed how he did it, but it was still a good trick.


Yes I agree it was funny seeing Dappy floundering in the 'IQ' test. Although it was a general knowledge test really.


Glad you were able to carry on with the gazebo Hicky.


Hope your dog is OK Frodo.


I like Motorhead Mike, but if you could just slow him down a bit?


Glad your OH got home OK Mollie. It's a pity that you feel you need to find another house because of the damp.

I've got quite a bit here, and my Sister-in law is always on at me to get my landlady to do something about it. (she's rather millitant, my SiL)

In fact my landlady phoned today and said she is sending someone to look at my roof and windows, so at least she hasn't forgotten.

Depending on who it is, I might point out the damp again as well.


Hi all

I had most of the show last night on mute of course taping It as I like a slurp of wine or whatever Is going on a Friday 'I watched It this morning 


Saturday in our house Is for a cooked brekkie ,mushrooms egg beans/tomatoes 

fried bread anything thats going  tell me was Louisa actually showing people how she lactates and then Lee follows suit ..It was not nice to me anyhow ,but please only my opinion and others may find It funny ;thats what CBB is all about .


My house was so damp I had that thing that cavity wall thing installed 


When I asked about your OH Mollie re a bedsit ..years ago they where yuk


this was the kind of thing I meant .... to all









Evening Everyone.


Mollie, I will be getting another pair of Lobster Tails to try a different method.


Did some more work inside the Gazebo, have all the lattice trellis sections to fit.

Got 1 of the sections done, 4 more to do.


Glad O/H got home ok

Shocked Lionel going but someone has to.

It's hard to believe Lee & Casey, Casey likes Lee thats the problem.


Frodo, I agree, they waste so much time talking to Emma, what for, why are we interested in what she thinks?, she works there.


Liz is a strange one, think she wants to go so she can make some money selling her story to the papers.


Emptybox, Glad i saw how the cane trick was done, so clever, wonder if you can buy that thing?


Dappy really shot himself in the foot saying that to Luisa.


Hope they sort your roof and windows out.



Very wet here today.


I enjoy a cooked breakfast on a Saturday as well Frodo.

I think cavity wall insulation is a good investment. Unfortuanately this place  doesn't have a cavity. Just solid stone walls.


Hi Hicky. Yes I think the problem is that Casey genuinely likes Lee.

Good job that Lionel admitted that he got it wrong about her.


Think I'll make a hard boiled egg salad for lunch, then it's off to the supermarket.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, i had brekkie out and tea as well, we went with my lad & his lot to New Brighton Hungry Horse.


We finished off as much as we could of the gazebo roof but ran out of tiles again, need some more for the ridges at the back.

Got the Cupola fitted, it has 2 chains coming through the steel centre tube, the chains are fastened inside the gazebo with ring eyes and tension tightening units to hold the cupola on.

I'll be putting some of the mastic under the lower sections of the curved tiles to stop the wind lifting.

Got loads to do inside it now and also the gutters.




Images (1)
  • Gazebo-Jan-2014-01: Gazebo Jan 2014

Good evening all



wow, your gazebo is looking great.   Can't believe it is self built, you are so talented. Shame you ran out of tiles. Hope you enjoy your lobster tails.



did you go to Sainsburys as your local supermarket now ? I like the quality of their food. Sorry to hear you too have mould, such a nuisance. Ours is real bad, daughters pillows/pillow cases had to be thrown because of black marks and some of son's clothes in the drawers had to be too. I have now moved his clothes drawer. Lounge real badly black in all the corners too and spreading. OH has to keep cleaning and treating it.   Hope your LL sends someone decent to sort your windows/roof.



glad your doggie is feeling better, yes as you say, they are part of the family.  

I too like Liz, think she is an interesting HM, hope we hear more from her now there are less people in there. A bit less of Lee would be nice.


Been busy again sorting mum's jobs out, but got  a nice walk in with the dog on the seafront.  


Daughter and I have to do his food now, we send sandwiches and snacks in a bag for him,

Call the Midwife on now, Do you watch it Frodo? I love baby programmes.

Talking of babies.... at Lousia's party trick dragging the fellas into the toilet to proudly show them her milk producing breasts.   What a case she is...  but a brilliant HM.(even though I find her not very likeable).

doggie has come to sit on my lap for a bit of a fuss, so must submit this post before I accidently lose it.


have a good evening all xxx

looking forward to CBB...wonder what antics this lot are going to get up to tonight?

And at what Linda spoke of when she said she was a Nolan, not a nun. .. at times I really felt I have led a sheltered life compared to these CBB women. 

Last edited by *mollie*

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