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Hi all

wishing you all an enjoyable New Years Eve evening.



your LL sounds like ours, too tight to do repairs. Ridiculous really because by ignoring things, it can end up costing them more. Let's hope she gets a move on and sorts this one out for you now it has got worse.



glad you got well fed at work.   Aaaww at you making the little grandson a step stool. You are so handy with the woodwork. Well wouldn't you know, it always flippen happens, go to doc with a problem and the problem hides itself away.   At least you are well prepared with your prescription if the problem re-occurs now.



at the cats going crazy for that food and growling at each other.



hope you enjoy your New Years Eve vodka treat.

I have a bit of a funny throat with this cold, so don't fancy alcohol tonight but will partake in a few food treats.


We are watching Worlds Strongest Man now, my son likes it. I was wondering, do you Hicky or Emptybox go around towing with a rope, a lorry with a boat on the back of it in your spare time? 


We went to see Singing in the Rain today at the theatre, it was great, really professional. We sat 3 rows from the front , so got rather wet, it was real funny.


Off to do some kareoke on the family's game machine now 

We have some fireworks left over from Novemeber when it rained but it is raining again. Wonder if we will ever get to set these fireworks off?


have a good evening all xxx


Hello all

Was a bit tiddley earlier on sorry not long now to 2014 and I intend to stay in a state of sobriety to  see the New Year in  (liar liar pants on fire)


I had to lift the male dog on the bed ...he's deffo on a diet after Christmas I'm in my jammies lolling around and flicking the Telly around ,I prefer to be home New Years Eve 


So glad your aches went Hicky LOL at you being prodded and poked 





Enjoy your Karaoke Mollie  wish I could hear It ...I'll bet Its good fun


Fire works going off here at the mo and the dogs are going crazy 


be back at 2014 to all xxxx


Good Evening Everyone.


Happy New Year to you all.


Strange about the Animal food, one link says it should be as near as possible to what they would get in the wild, the next link says they like cooked food.

They must have learnt to cook in the wild.


I read the bit about humans not eating meat, very serious if you don't understand the implications or take take that what is missing from the diet.


Watched Alan Carr, Gary Barlow.


Yes Mollie, couldn't believe my bad leg got stage struck when i saw the lovely female Doctor.

The pain stayed away while she was testing my groin and leg, strange really.


You were watching singing in the rain, i was driving in it, the heavens opened when i was going to the Docs, had to put my yellow coat on as it was so heavy, the rain i mean.

Last edited by Hicky
Originally Posted by Hicky:

Good Evening Everyone.


Happy New Year to you all.


Strange about the Animal food, one link says it should be as near as possible to what they would get in the wild, the next link says they like cooked food.

They must have learnt to cook in the wild.


I read the bit about humans not eating meat, very serious if you don't understand the implications or take take that what is missing from the diet.


Watched Alan Carr, Gary Barlow.


Yes Mollie, couldn't believe my lad leg got stage struck when i saw the lovely female Doctor.

The pain stayed away while she was testing my groin and leg, strange really.


You were watching singing in the rain, i was driving in it, the heavens opened when i was going to the Docs, had to put my yellow coat on as it was so heavy, the rain i mean.



Happy New Year everybody.


We had some rain this morning, but sunshine in the afternoon.


Hope your little grandson understand where he has to position his new stool Hicky, or it could get messy.

Yes it always happens that your ailments disappear when you want to show the doc.


Hi Mollie. Singin in the Rain eh? Must have been realistic if you got wet in the third row.


Hi Frodo, that's a good firework show you've put on.

Was watching some of the fireworks around Scotland on the Hogmanay show on TV. (don't think that's shown in England?)

Watched a bit of Jools Holland as well.


Bedtime now.


Originally Posted by emptybox:
Hi Mollie. Singin in the Rain eh? Must have been realistic if you got wet in the third row.


yes they used 12,000 litres of water to make it look good. And they kicked it towards the audience whilst dancing.


We were warned that the 1st 5 rows were likely to get wet, so of course I was desperate to get seats near the front when I read that.


It was a sell out so 3 rows back was the best I could get, but we still got wet.



nice fireworks picture. Hope you enjoyed your New Years Eve tipple. I agree with EFFT, you are not thick just because you are learning new things. I am very slow at techy things too.


We saw the London fireworks on tv here Emptybox.

It was set in different colour themes apparently and was meant to represent fruit and the crowd could smell the corresponding fruit at the same time, but of course we failed to do this at home on tv.


Pouring down with rain here this morning, hope it eases to take the dog out later.


Am going to watch the New Years Day concert from Vienna on bbc soon, it is lovely, we watch it every New Years Day morning.


Have a good 1st day of 2014 all.


Evening everyone.


Well that another year started, work tomorrow.


Been a lousy day here, just got a little work done outside, but not good enough to do much.


It seem i may have put the roof felt on upside down.

The instructions don't mention which side is upper / lower side.

but some water is coming through the felt, but we did a test with the felt both ways up in 2 containers and water passes slowly one way only and the other side can breath.

Tried to ring the suppliers and the makers but all on holiday.

One side is white the other is dark, i assumed that was the top.


Hi all


I had a day off yesterday ,and slept most of the day ...felt as though I was starting with cold again ,but It passed and feeling almost myself again.


I have taken the tree and all the trinklements  down with It ,It looks a little bare but to be honest ,cards were falling over and the fairy lights I was a little scared in case they caused a fire (trust me to think on the bright side ) I am looking for some battery ones... plain to keep them around the hearth  cos I have a suround similar to this



                         Arch Decorative Tea Light Fire Surround




the weather has been sunny outside but cold when you are out ...changed the beds ,washed rugs and cushion covers  ...and that's the easy part ...getting them dry a nightmare  


Im really looking forward to to-morrow ..oh and read the news on the front page about Channel 5 maybe being sold ,would be nice to have some live feed but I hear there Is no chance of that  still we can chat amongst each other and agree to dis-agree who we like 


Aww sorry you may have put your felt on the wrong way Hicky ..but I'm sure you will work It out xx 


Thanks for the pics of Hogmanay emptybox ..never been to Scotland ..but the scenery looks wonderful ..I have been to Wales though and loved It


Mollie ,Hicky Emptybox ...LOL I certainly know Im not thick and If I make a spelling mistake I'm amongst my mates ,but I do find the quoting on here a big thing the edges are blurred and when you look at some threads Its scary ...thats all ...and until Fluffy pointed It out I would not of thought of dragging the box



I will not get soppy on here no siree ..but thanks for accepting me in your circle its been a joy I said love this site ...sees you x 



Last edited by Former Member


Drizzly and rainy here, but not too cold.


That's interesting about Channel 5 possibly being sold Frodo. Desmond must be struggling to make much money from it?


That fire surround looks nice. I'm leaving my decs up till after twelfth night.


Hi Hicky. That's strange about the roofing felt? Usually it's easy to tell which is the outside. I've got some in the garage where the outside is much rougher surface than the inside. I'm sure you'll work it out though.


Good evening all



hope work was not too busy today, and if the canteen is still closed, they managed to get you some food in. What a shame about the felt on the gazebo, let's hope they replace it for free, as they didn't explain which way it went on. Had you OH bought herself something nice with the bonus gift money you gave her for Christmas yet?  how did you lad enjoy his hols in Brazil?



hope you aren't getting a cold, there are a lot around. I still have one and thought it was clearing, but I felt worse today, Head/nose so blocked up and can't taste or smell very well. Had to have chutney with my tea, as it was all I could taste.   That fireplace looks very pretty, I bet your little house is very homely.

I had forgotten it was Friday tomorrow and CBB night, what good news.   Just what I needed, as I felt a bit taking down the decs today and knowing OH will be away for work again soon and this time he is going to London too his  first weekend away, so I won't see him for nearly 2 weeks. This contract finishes in March, and he told them he doesn't want permanent work there, so we hope something more local comes up soon.

You have been a busy bee washing all your cushions etc, I did about 5 washloads today, as it was sunny, but it was only clothes. With 6 people to wash for,I really can't afford more than a day off my washing. Yes it is difficult to dry this time of year, mine did half dry outside and I have put some on radiators to air now. I have a drier, but only use that when I have to.



Yes as you know 12th night is the correct night to take the decs down, I find it interesting how some places in Europe exchange pressies 12th night, which makes sense I guess as traditionally that is when the wise men arrived with pressies.

That awful Christmas/New Year 3 years ago, when I was intensive care, all of mine and my family's pressies remained unopened under the tree, until 12th night, when I got home from hospital. But I was only too relieved, after such a close shave, that I was still around at all, to be able to enjoy opening them with my family.  

Have you given yourself the rest of the week off work? But I guess this time of year, it is difficult for you to do much in the gardens with the inclement weather.


Think I will watch the new series of Birds of a Feather and Benidorm tonight.


Have a good evening all xxx



Hello Mollie and all 


yes I did feel strange taking down the trimmings OH died Nov 29th 

quite a few years ago ...and yes I have had my  chances LOL and some funny ones .I prefer the single life but love listening to your family .its a delight ,I ave my children and I'm happy with my life now ...took a long time though

so never feel you have to say you are sad for me ....we had a great life



Trying to go back and correct my mistakes this bliddy laptop refuses 


that Is not my fireplace just the surround so I would hate to make false impressions ...but yes my house Is homely just normal like everyone else .


trying to look for a new laptop Mollie but I'm looking for a bargain 


be back later love to allxx


Good Evening Everyone.


Frodo, not sure if it would effect us if they sell C5.

My O/H is taking the decs down in the house as she doesn't want to  be doing it next Monday.


Emptybox, I hadn't realised it mattered which way the underfelt went on, as there was nothing on the wrapper and no instructions it never occurred to me that the white side was the top. I'll ring the company that makes it when they are back in work next week.

I'll just have to order another Roll as what i have left isn't enough to go over it again, i'm not going to remove what is on as it would have to be ripped off and couldn't be reused anyway.


I've got to order the 3 outstanding packs of tiles anyway.


Mollie, the canteen is open at work because the factory is in production again.

They need so many Landrovers and Range Rovers that they need to work every hour there is.


O/H is going to get some clothes, she has moved down 2 dress sizes.


My lad stayed in one part of Brazil then flew across the country, he'll be back in Oz Now i think.


Hope your hubby can get some more local work after March, it's such a bind working away.


getting excited about cbb tomorrow, don't half miss it.

Last edited by Hicky

HI  all


going to have an early night ..BUT I may put a tape on to drowse off too 


the dogs are tired out and could not care two cahoots ...2 slices of spam for brekkie (my son loves it ) YUK and then dinner ...two long walks to walk the fat off they are shattered more wee break for them... before night all and a couple of treats ....still feeling tired and funny can't really explain ...perhaps I have overdone things to-day and a massive row with someone who Is dear to me 


At least or most Cbb to look forward too ...many people say the telly has been good ... I have Sky (nt the Movies ) the earth hasn't moved for me 


so looking forward to to-morrow night ...will we argue perhaps LOL who cares 



sees you xxxxxxxxxx


Good morning all



It can't of been easy for you, being widowed in the past, but I am pleased to hear you had a great life together, and that you are content with life where you are now. Hope you can sort a lappy out, mine will not last much longer so OH has gone off to PC world sale today, and with a ÂĢ25 off voucher, so hope he comes back with a bargain for me.   I need to get it sorted before he goes away again, as I use lappy to contact him through skype and do the business accounts stuff. (and to come on here to discuss CBB, of course).

Sorry to hear you were tired out yesterday, and had a family row. Hope you feel better today after a nights rest, and with CBB to look forward to.



Well done to your OH dropping down 2 dress sizes. She must have some determination. No wonder she needed some new clothes, they are well deserved. 

It is a shame there was no instructions telling you which way to put the roll of felt on. Hope you get a replacement soon. That is good there is still strong demand for those cars, it will keep you in work.   My hubby loves corned beef too, I always make him corned beef sandwiches to take with him Monday mornings.


How is the weather up there today, Emptybox?


My cold seems quite a bit better today, but have a bit of a cough, lucky, not a bad one though.


Real bad weather again here today, flooding in parts again, heavy rain, winds and hail already this morning. High tides too, so they had to clear one of the coastal caravan parks.


Have a good day all xxx

hope we all enjoy launch night. (I think we will).





Horrible weather here as well Mollie. Rain and very high winds.


Hope your OH comes back with a nice bargain laptop for you. Certainly they've never been cheaper. But will he find you a pink one?


Glad your cold is a bit better.


Yes it's strange about Christmas traditions. We think it's universal, but in fact places close by in Europe have very different traditions. I think in the Netherlands they exchange presents on December 6th, as that is St Nicholas' Day.


Hi Frodo. That's sad about losing your OH young, but glad the single life suits you. I've never known anything different myself.


I like spam although I haven't had any for years. I have corned beef quite often though.


Are you still feeling slightly off today?

I wasn't feeling that good myself yesterday and the day before, but that might have had something to do with stuffing my face with chicken sandwiches, mince pies and crisps at midnight, to bring in the New Year. Not to mention the gin and tonics......


Hi Hicky. That's good that the factory has so much work on.

And well done to your OH losing weight, especially over Christmas.


I didn't realize it was underfelt you were talking about, although right enough, I knew you were putting those shingle tiles on top.

The roofing felt I have is stuff left over from doing the garage and other shed, and it's got a greeny grey rough outer surface.

Mind you it could do with being replaced now, as it lets in water at a number of points.


I did eventually manage to get that phone I was given working with a 16GB micro SD card, with a lot of faffing about, so it's now much more usable, and I've put a lot more of my music on it.


Looking forward to CBB tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

hi all


yes I feel better to-day emptybox thanks  I agree about stuffing the face I had  ice cream with salted peanuts chopped in good too ,not to mention those big bags of Kettle crisps massive bags selling for a ÂĢ1  & the gin and tonics ,plus curly wurlies I felt overcome shall we say not to mention stinky cheese which I love the smellier the better ,oh and some garlic bread to go with the prawns ...note to self get the feast ready for to-night


Don't think I'll manage a new laptop at the moment Mollie ...still stairs and kitchen to be done I'm hoping this will eke out that little bit longer but I could not manage without one so If It does conk out ,I'll replace It stairs can wait .


I'm excited for to-night daft innit like a big baby where Big Brother Is concerned ,and they have kept It under wraps who Is going In ,so It will be a nice surprise ,think I'm going to watch bit on the side too to-night .


When Is that Big Brother Psyche on ..I love Ian lee ,


Hello Hicky hope you got your gazebo sorted out ..see you later at the launch 

to see what you have thought of It all 


byee for now ....wandering off to get all the goodies organised for to-night 


funny how the caps Is working since I threatened this lappy with extinction



yes I just saw on news the wind/rain has gone up north, along with the high tides, but it is coming back here again tonight. Man on tv said UK's current long term  stormy weather, is caused by the extreme cold weather in North America....., where it meets the milder one in mid America, then the 2 extremes, cause strong winds/rain to come in our direction.

That is good you have got the phone working well now, so have put your music on it.

at your little indulgence over New Year making you feel a bit off yesterday. I bet you enjoyed your indulgences at the time though.



glad you too feel better today. at you chopping peanuts to go into ice-cream, bet that was nice.

I missed out somewhat on treats over NewYear, as I had a cold, so OH drank to himself the bottle of champers we got.

So good idea Frodo, CBB launch night is a good excuse to bring the treats out. Don't feel up to alcholol yet as the cold has dried me up, but choccies here I come.


Fingers crossed your lappy lasts until all the decorating is done. OH not back yet with mine, I am slow though, so it will take me ages to get used to it, especially windows 8 thingie.


wonder if Hicky is in his garden today?


have a good day all xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Evening All.


Not long now to takeoff.



Weather not so good, got a bit of work done but too unsettled.

Every time i started unloading stuff from the Gazebo to move the steps around it started raining, when i put it all back in it stopped.

later the skies cleared and the sun came out, 5 minutes later the heavens opened again.


Manage to cut a few replacement section of the underfelt to go on the roof.


Have ordered 3 more packs of the tiles 1 more roll of felt and a tube of mastic.


Just had Tomato soup, chicken wings and a big baked spud.



Talking about the underfelt, on the roll the outside is white, when you unroll it on the roof the top is dark grey, i would assume thats the way it goes, you never unroll anything and then turn it over, do you?


I wanted to order 10 45 x 45cm corner Diamond Trellis sections from Derby but it would cost ÂĢ80 to deliver, they are going to tell me when they are in, i'll go and pick them up, it's only 90 minutes away.



Chopped salted peanuts in ice cream, thats a new one.


The cbb launch should be good, i see they are going to be handcuffed in 1's before they go in, crazy.


O/H just gave a box of Fudge, my lad gave it to her, she won't et it herself.


Catch you later after the launch.


Afternoon all 


I watched and taped CBB last night very drawn out though...I don't know half of them ,but sometimes the lesser known ones turn out more fun so I'm. giving them a chance before I start to like/dislike anyone


Not keen on the chaining to-gether I'm afraid I would never go to the loo and I can't believe they remain locked together for that  how would you pull your pants up & down don't answer that


The twist was obvious ...I mean come on Channel 5 we know the tricks ,but I'm


still loving It  .


Must watch 'The Bridge 2' on BBC 4 to-night so I'watch CBB on +1 Ch 5



Plenty of eye candy for Hicky and emptybox   


Dd you get your new laptop Mollie ,I hope you enjoyed the show


I agree about Rylans teeth Hicky I can't take my eyes off his mouth must have had them done same place as Katie Price ...hers are the same ,he was her protege on that Sky Living Show as was Amy Willerton  ...Amy won It


see you later



Last edited by Former Member

LOL ...please forgive me 



Fluffy hahaha Its not the bright and shiny ...Its the size those 

gnashers .they..are one of the wonder of this world a fenonemum 


see told you I'm a lousy speller ...made my day...I intend to get drunkenly cos Its the weekend      xxxxxx

Last edited by Former Member

before I for must tell this 


this little cat was in the porch as usual (I get up early/specially for her/ him 

must be a she so small ...any sign of kittens and I would ring dogs would kill her ...BUT THE PORCH Is sheltered 



Happened twice a bowl of chicken and not small portions I might add and she has lain there ,not hissed at me ,but gone back and almost said more LOL 


SO I obliged ...he or she looks sleek now but small hope I am doing the right thing 



laters xxxxxxx


Good afternoon all



pity the rain stopped you getting on with much outside.

ÂĢ80 for delivery, that is steep. Good job you can go and get it. Hope you enjoy your fudge, I can understand why your OH wouldn't want it, it would soon pile back on the weight she has worked hard to get rid of. (says me, who had gone overboard on the Christmas chocs!!!)



enjoying your usual sphag bol tonight? I was surprised to see Louisa go on CBB, but I guess they were attracted by the risque news reports on her that came out around the time of the Apprentice.



aaww at the cat in the porch, you are looking after her well.


I too enjoyed CBB. Some real well known names in there, but unfortunately we always get a couple who I don't consider celebs because no one knows who they are.


Far too early for me to have a fave HM yet, I like to see if they are good HM's first, eg... enthusiastic with tasks, and nice to other HM's first.

Didn't bother watching the extra CBB show with Rylan and his teeth, I do like Rylan, but find that show a bit irritating and think it spoils viewing of the main show, because they show you the best bits before they are properly aired on the main show.


Yes!! at last, I have my new lappy!!!

i like it but working this windows thingie is not easy, expect it will take a few years for slow me to learn it.  

OH could not get me a pink one..... shame, but he did get me a touch one, thought it would be easy for me if I am tired just to press the button.

It is 14 ins, so bit cheaper than bigger ones, but nice and light on my lap. And he got a good discount, with a voucher off his phone and a bit more in the shop.


Have a good day all,xxx


off to Sainsburys for a bit of food shopping.


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