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Hello all 

I hope you had a lovely day ,really enjoyed my Christmas Dinner 

but I didn't have room for pud (don't like It anyhow )  oh dear diet went to pot ....but I have other sweet things in that I do like certain ice creams and delights.


So sorry to hear about your mum Mollie  these last few months have been very stressful for you ,and yet you always come up smiling ,thinking of others 

you need to take care of you....loved all the pictures you have treated us too ...thankyou xx


The swim sounds wonderful and fun I'm trying to watch the fancy dress photos but the internet Is sluggish at the mo ...but will catch up later 


My son lost ÂĢ45 out of his pocket must have dropped It on the way home and we can't find his door keys not much point In going on about It ,but the keys have unsettled me we have two doors that need to be locked at the front so hopefully they are in the house somewhere  he Is upset enough without me going on and on 

Two hours of Downton abbey last night and I loved It  I have loved this series.Mollie love to you and your family this Christmas xx


Hello Hicky 


sounds as though you had a wonderful time with your son and the little ones 

Rib of beef sounds good never tried It ...but I do not eat a lot of meat but It would be a lie If I said I was a true veggie .


A week to go now Hicky for the start of CBB I haven't a clue who may going In and the rumours are just that so a surprise will be good ...can't wait I'm excited


Are you out there emptybox  I hope you have had a great time with your family missing your little penguin and you already  and your dry sense of humour  x Aisleyne doesn't know what she Is missing journey home 


sees you all later





















Good afternoon all



Pleased to hear you had a nice day yesterday and enjoyed your dinner. Did your son and daughter join you for dinner? And did the doggies hang around for titbits?  Our doggie was too tired from her busy morning on the beach, she slept for ages when we got home. She did like her toy chewy panda present though. What a shame your son lost money and keys. Hope the keys turn up now. But as you say, no point going on about it, as your son will feel bad about it.

I haven't had chance to watch Downtown Abbey yet, as we were playing on karoke and other games last night. But I did record it.


Yes I hope they don't give away who is going into CBB, it spoils the anticipation of launch night if we already know all the house mates.

What nice seasonal pics and a sweet puppy one too.


Hope Hicky is enjoying his Boxing day, and Emptybox is too at his brothers. Let's hope he misses the stormy weather when travels home. It has just started pouring with rain today they are promising another stormy night tonight.   It must of been awful for all those people with no power over Christmas.


We had a lovely day today. We visited mum with a hot dinner and Christmas pudding, then went for a nice walk down the seafront, the sun was out, so we all had a snack and hot choc at seafront cafe. Really busy, lots of families out. We love to go down the seafront Boxing day and see all the little kiddies out with their new toys. We saw lots of new scooters, bikes, a little motorbike and a few dollies prams too.   Dog really enjoyed herself with all the people and other doggies around too. She is done in again, so fast asleep on sofa. Then when we came home, daughter made a nice party tea and we pulled our giant Christmas cracker.


We are going to watch Still Open all Hours in a minute.


Have a good evening all xxx


Hi guys.

Glad you all seem to have had good Christmases.

Pity about your son losing the money and his keys Frodo. Hope the keys turn up.


Back from my Brother's now. Had a nice journey back. It was a nice sunny day here in the main. Think it's supposed to be stormy again tomorrow, which is one reason why I came back today.

Had a nice time yesterday, apart from a little incident of a spilt beer, but we won't mention that.


Pity about your Mum's memory issues Mollie, but hope she was still able to enjoy the day.


Hi Hicky, I know you prefer beef to turkey for Christmas, but we had the traditional turkey dinner with mash and roast potatoes, carrots, parsnips and sprouts and homemade stuffing. My Brother is a good cook.


Evening Mollie & Frodo.


Happy Boxing Day.


Mollie, i don't fancy getting wet on the beach at all, no way.


Did a bit of work in the garden, it was a bit frosty this morning.

Made a support wire frame for the peas next spring.

Seeing that the days are getting longer each day.

Have replanted the Dwarf Peach and Nectarine a cut down, not sure why apart from the fact that they had a big root ball with too much soil on to throw into the garden waste bin.

I'll see if they regrow, trees often are a lot better after being cut right down.


Still haven't sorted out what i'm doing with the Gazebo walls.

I have found some Marine Ply i could use, it's ÂĢ33 a sheet.


That was nice, a walk down the sea front, as you say, it's lovely seeing all the little ones with their new toys.


I'm just watching odd programs on tv, anything really.


frodo, It's hard to follow any diet over Christmas, don't worry about it.

O/H made some lovely Turkey soup, had 2 bowls today.

We had bought a pack of soup veg from Costco, you need a 1kg bag to help the soup.


Oh Dear, thats awful, your son losing money at any time isn't nice.

Hope he keys aren't lost with his money.


The Rib Beef makes such a lovely roast, the smell and taste is fantastic.


The pictures are all so lovely.





Afternoon all


I can't believe Christmas is over...well the day cos I'm still enjoying myself and I hope you are all too I've not looked at the tele so I'm sure there will be something I can watch 


I love Judge Judy but Is about time they bought a new batch instead of churning the same old out


What spilt beer emptybox? you can't tantalise and then say 'we wont mention It


your secret Is safe with us no one around to tell tales on you I wont 


cannot find the bliddy keys (how did he let himself in ? we have two doors one a deadlock ) tiddly of course but because I am polite I will not say drunk as a skunk about my own flesh and blood no siree ...cos he Is a little treasure


The dinner sounded good emptybox same here without the parsnips they are  food ...not keen on Christmas pud though ,but I'm happy to see you back 


Don't suppose you have noticed Its a certain persons birthday Aisleyene's 


Sounds like a wonderful family Christmas Mollie and your little dog sounds so sweet ,really having to watch the male dog he seems to be piling weight on after his snip  but like your dog they are part of us ,one thing I cannot fault my son for he has had them out for over three hours and more and does this every day ,weekends he has a break and they have ahuge walk in the morning and round the block after that .


Two swans were on the canal but one has gone missing really upsetting as we feed them ,luckily for me I live In a lovey spot ...but the area Is dodgy I have all metal fencing at the back .


I hope your mum Is feeling better Mollie ,Karoke sounds fun .



Two hours of Downton Abbey Mollie and I also taped I It left me wanting more and no more until the Autumn 



Hello Hicky  your Turkey soup sounds delicious...don't you ever ease up ? no wonder you are so slim and can eat whatever you please ,do me a favour never change ,cos I've really enjoyed hearing about your family ,the food stories have me in stitches .


I hope you get your Gazebo fixed .


A week to'day Hicky CBB starts ,can't wait 



bestest friends  










Good Afternoon / Evening Frodo.


TV is pretty grim, don't remember it being like this, watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang,

What next?


Fancy a Swan going missing, i suppose anything could have happened to it.


Too windy today to work on the Gazebo roof, shame really.


Had some more Turkey Soup, another 2 bowls.


Have made some onion gravy and put the leftover meat sliced up into it, boiled some cut up spuds will be having that soon.


Will make some more Raspberry Jam tomorrow sometime, got everything i need now.


Hope Mollie & Emptybox are having a good day.





good to see you and penguin back again. We missed you.  Pleased to hear you had a nice time and a good journey back.   Yes best to return home whilst the weather was ok, it has been awful in Wales today. Our fence has blown down. OH and neighbour (it is neighbour's fence) did a quick fix on it but OH doesn't think it will hold as the posts are rotten. Glad you got a nice traditional meal as your brother is a good cook.



glad you made good progress in the garden yesterday, and have found something suitable for the gazebo walls. That is good that you are enjoying the turkey soup, it is very good for you too.



Yes don't worry about the diet over the holidays, we can always cut down in the New Year. I am still enjoying finishing off the extra treats we bought for Christmas forst. That is good your lad takes the dogs out for so long. My dog can't take long walks like that, about half hour to an hour is the most, else she gets sick. She is very excitable, so burns herself out easy. But doesn't put weight on, as she doesn't eat much. She was the smallest dog in the litter, and never too interested in food.  Aaaww what a shame your boy doggie is piling on weight after the snip. Poor thing.


We only had a quick walk on seafront today. The wind was very strong and a we could see by the black skies, a downpour was on the way. So we made it back to the car just on time, before the hailstorm arrived.


I am the same as Hicky, only watching odd bits on tv. Tonight I watch Corrie, as I love that. Then think I will watch the comedy "viscous", then join OH in a bit of bad kareoke.


Today I am wearing my new jumper OH bought me for Christmas, it is a grey/beige colour and has lovely gold thread running through it, with a matching snood thing, which  I was grateful for to keep the wind out today.


Have a good evening all  xxx

Last edited by *mollie*

Hi guys.

In the middle of a power cut here, so no hot meal or TV for me tonight. They say it may not be on till tomorrow evening either.

The power was also off last night, but luckily it went off at midnight and was back on by 7am, so didn't affect me too much. This one is much worse.

I can see me having to go to bed in my clothes to keep warm.


Pity about your fence Mollie, but it's not the weather to try to fix it. Your new jumper sounds nice.


Hi Frodo. Yes it's Aisleyne's 35th Birthday tomorrow.

The beer thing was no big deal. We were passing round a box of chocolates and I managed to catch my beer glass with it.

Luckily most of it landed on the dog rather than the carpet.


Hi Hicky. Hope you are not getting blown about too much

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


So windy here, one neighbour has gone on holiday today, says her mother will feed the hens and they have stopped laying eggs for the winter.

She also said she hope the Trampoline doesn't blow over the fence, considering the fence is probably 7foot high it's doubtful.


Welcome back Emptybox, bad news having a power cut when you get back, hope you can manage, have you got a bottled gas BBQ you could maybe use to cook some food?


Well my power came back on unexpectedly at 11pm.

I'd gone to bed at 10pm because I was bored, but couldn't get to sleep because it was too early, and too cold.

So I was delighted when my bedside clock started flashing at 11. I got up again.


I wouldn't be so sure about that trampoline Hicky. It sure has been windy.

Originally Posted by emptybox:
Well my power came back on unexpectedly at 11pm.
I'd gone to bed at 10pm because I was bored, but couldn't get to sleep because it was too early, and too cold.
So I was delighted when my bedside clock started flashing at 11. I got up again.

I wouldn't be so sure about that trampoline Hicky. It sure has been windy.


I'm in agreement with emptybox. We had very high winds a couple of weeks ago. A neighbour down the street has had a trampoline and a high fence round the garden. The following day the trampoline was found in about 7 different gardens with a few stray poles rolling around in the street!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Hello all


Crikey the weather sounds dire emptybox and Fluffy in Scotland ,

funny when I think of people on here Its always a northern accent .

and by that I do not mean any offence ...somehow borders seem  to fade and we all merge the accents I mean and anything and everything ...I know what I mean hope you all do too


Very cold here but listening to the news heartbreaking for some folks ,bad news happens all year round but this time of year seems more poignant.


The dogs are in for a treat to-day know how you get those offers for next to nothing at closing times they have a small lamb joint to share '''cost ÂĢ1-20

and I have cooked It forever for them .they are out for their second walk to-day .


The jumper sounds lovely Mollie ..kind of thing I love lucky you xx


I had smellies I love them I could name my fav perfume but I won't and I have some nice ones ...but believe me expensive Is not always the best and that Is my one indulgence scent or perfume .


your little dog sounds a treasure .our female one I got off the internet she was the least prettiest ,and last to sell for a mutt cos a small terrier Is that she was ÂĢ250 and worth every penny ,,she Is the most gentle creature I have known ..what a joy ..he Is nasty cos of the way he has been treated ..not with us though cos we love him.


I hope Hicky and emptybox are well rattled on enough so see you later xxx


Oh I gave up on the cat worrying no sign of It this morning nor all day 


this cold weather ...sheesh I don't pretend to be a saint but this little thing has got to me ....yesssssss


she Is here for all the best titbits I have heard dog food Is lethal for cats Is this true I'm so I'm careful ... could be a he I can't get close enough to find out


Hi Fluffy and Frodo.


Lovely day here, but it was very windy overnight. I could hear loads of sounds - gate bashing, trees creaking, and what sounded like somebody dragging a wheely bin about. I thought I was going to come down to a scene of devastation, but I can't see any damage, and my wheely bins are where I left them.


Your spoiling your dogs with that lamb Frodo, but it sounds like a bargain. I'm sure they'll love it.

Hope the cat makes an appearance again.


If you want to imagine Hicky's accent think of Jim Royle (off telly).

I heard him on a radio call-in show a few years ago.


Now all I've got to do is hope that my power stays on to allow me my spag bol supper.

I think it's going to be calm until Sunday night, then back to the wild weather?


p.s No I don't think dog food is lethal to cats. It doesn't do them any harm in small quantities, but just isn't very nutritious for them.

Cats are strict carnivores and need meat to survive and thrive.

Dogs are carnivores as well, but can actually digest some vegetable matter, so their dietary requirements are different.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all



How horrible to come home to power cuts, but good job it came back on again as you were bored and cold going to bed early. Glad to hear there was no wind damage for you. My neighbour said they are sending someone in to fix the garden fence here on Tuesday.



I didn't realise the chickens didn't lay in winter.

Let's hope you have not encountered any flying trampolines.

Was it turkey soup again today?



yes cold here too, I am not looking forward to our next fuel bill. We had hail again today. Try not to worry too much about the cat, you know they say that cats usually have a few places they can go to to get fed. Bet your doggies enjoyed their treats. Your poor male dog being badly treated, how can people do that to innocent animals?

Glad you got some nice smellies, I too love perfume, wear it every day. OH got me some of my faves, I like Victoria Beckham's pink one and Anais anais.

My jumper was from Asda, and funny enough I bought him a jumper from Asda too.


Gosh how dire is the tv now? Old films and more old films.   I don't have chance to follow a whole film with all the interruptions and odd jobs I have to do in the evenings.

Roll on CBB, not long to wait now.


We all went walk down seafront again today, I reckon every child in Wales must of had a new scooter for Christmas, there were so many of them.   And we saw a sweet little girl trying to balance on her shiny new pink roller scates.


Too cold in the wind today to sit outside the cafe today, but didn't notice the cold whilst we walked.

My rib pain has started bothering me again.   A sure sign I have been doing too much lately, because it hasn't bothered me since last July. Luckily OH has got rid of his cold, so can help with mum and some more house jobs now, and I haven't been out quite so much today, so it is better today than last night. I had go to bed early with my TENS machine last night. I find the TENS machine great, meant I can at least usually skip the pain relief tablets. 


Time for me to grab a snack of Sensations honey roasted peanuts, I love them.  How is the smartie eating going Hicky?


Been playing on the Wii kareoke again, as daughter has free trial for a week, I have screeched my way through some Barry Manilow, Madonna, Frank Sinatra etc today.  I'll never make X factor though.


Have a good evening all. xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Evening Everyone.


Not too bad a day, been in the garden, was fixing the Gazebo underfelt on, had bought more machine staples for my electric stapler, saw a manual hammer machine that staples with one hammer action, you load the staples into the machine, brill.

Used the scaffold i made to fix the first lower layer then my lad popped in and he fixed the top 6 pieces.

It's ready for the tiles now, have to order the rest after the New Year.


Emptybox, glad your power is back on.

EFFT, The Trampoline is by my fence so unlikely to go far, not sure why these people don't take the upright section off, it's not bolted anyway.

My neighbour the other side had the top of his taken off by the wind, the last bad winds no this later one.


Frodo, here is a list of foods etc, not to give the dogs.


Mollie, no Turkey soup today, dumped what was left last night, thought it was pushing it to get another day.


Cooking my Rib Beef joint tomorrow, got enough veg etc left,

Got a big Bag of Baking Potatoes from Costco, ÂĢ2 something for 7.5kg.


I agree, roll on Jan, lets get something to watch on tv, if i see something now it's a darn repeat for the day before.


Have been suffering with my right hip / knee joints, might have to try and get some tablets from the Doc next week.



Hicky when I reply I'm trying to remember the latter end of your post Its so frustrating that my reply covers It 


Ease up a little no wonder you are in pain from knee joints etc ,surely there Is a long gap ...up to march that you can replant and do all the changes to your garden  tell me to mind my own business ,I don't mind ...but your body Is obviously saying 'hey mate give me a rest enjoy for a change  

thought this may cheer you up








Hello Mollie seems you have been overdoing It too too need to ease up 


so glad your other half Is feeling better and can help more.... you never fully explained your illness but from what I can gather reading between the lines It was pretty serious , and you were lucky  Isn't there someone to take the strain off you for a while . What Is a tens machine am I thick ? please don't say yes


I would love to be a fly on the wall for the karoke  bet Its good fun 


and tell me about the Telly absolute sh*te please forgive the language ...normal everyday telly beats this ...but I keep putting things on I have taped .


Emptybox sincerely hope the weather has calmed down and your power Is back on  


And yes I suppose It does sound like an indulgence for the dogs ,but when you consider a tin of dog meat x2  roughly the same and I have made It clear to my son who loathes me feeding the cat ..that IT won't stop



bye for now back soon


Evening all.

Another nice day here. Just back from the supermarket.


Hi Frodo. Looking forward to CBB on Friday.

Glad that you've had some updated pics of the puppy, to put your mind at ease.


I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall for Mollie's Karaoke session as well.

Never had a go at karaoke myself. Might look into getting a game for my Wii, but I'd probably be too worried about what the neighbours might think, if they heard.


Hi Mollie. Pity about your sore ribs, but at least you can get some relief from the tens machine.


Hi Hicky. That's good that you could get in some fun with your staple gun.

Hope the doc can give you something for your joint pain.


My sister-in-law gave me a food parcel to take away, so I've been enjoying christmas cake, mince pies and wensleydale cheese.


Evening everyone.


Frodo, I never take it easy, if not at work i'm in the garden, weather doesn't bother me too uch.

As long as it isn't freezing, that can slow me down.

Will try and see the Doc this week, or next.


My lad popped round with a little one, he came to give me a hand, i had been to B&Q and got more wood, some to stiffen the roof of the gazebo between the main ridge joists, to lessen the bounce when nailing the roof felt tiles.


We managed to do 1 side of the 6, it looks good, will take a picture when i'm off and it's daylight.


Love the car picture with the flashing lights, brill.


The CBB eye is nice, not sure where the eye actually fits in, do you?


Emptybox, Hope you got yourself some nice goodies from the supermarket?


I've never tried Karaoke either, mainly because i can't sing.


The Staple hammer was fantastic.


It takes 2 strips of Staples at a time.

It really works fine, saved so much work.

Obviously the strike head is weighted to drive the staple in far enough.


I've ordered my Tomato's and Pea plants for next summer from Marshalls, the Toms being grafted of course.

I'm going to grow 2 tubs of Toms and 2 Tubs of Peas.




This year i have 3-Apple trees, 3-Pear trees, 4-Cherry trees, 5-Plum trees, 3 Gage trees, 1-Peach tree, 3-Fig trees, 1-Family Apple tree, 1-Family Pear tree. 12-Raspberry plants, 18-Strawberry plants.

2-Grape Vines, 2-Rhubarb Plants

6-Tomato Plants, 18 Pear Plants.


Trying to think if i've missed anything.

Last edited by Hicky
Originally Posted by Hicky:

This year i have 3-Apple trees, 3-Pear trees, 4-Cherry trees, 5-Plum trees, 3 Gage trees, 1-Peach tree, 3-Fig trees, 1-Family Apple tree, 1-Family Pear tree. 12-Raspberry plants, 18-Strawberry plants.

2-Grape Vines, 2-Rhubarb Plants

6-Tomato Plants, 18 Pear Plants.


Trying to think if i've missed anything.

A partridge?





at your long list of plant/trees. it will be lovely when you can get to eat those. Enough to open your own farm shop in fact.

Sorry to hear about your aches and pains.   Hope the doc can help out. I have heard that glucosamine is good for joint pain, not sure if docs can prescribe that though, but I know supermarkets sell them? Sounds like you are making good progress on the gazebo, looking forward to the picture. Thank you for the dog food list, very interesting, I knew about some of the food that was bad for dogs, but not all of it, so very useful for me to know.



there you are, as you have a Wii, you too should be able to enjoy kareoke. Been on it again tonight, all good fun. I think you do need to get a microphone though. Your food parcel sounds nice and seasonal, I am sure you will enjoy that.   Do you go to the new Sainsburys now?



so pleased you have heard from Morse.   Aaawww how sweet that he looks like his mum. Nice piccie of the Eye, it looks rather posh, like a diamond. Can't wait for launch night now.   I like the van piccie too.


this is an example of a TEN'S machine, Inexpensnsive and great for achy muscles.

One of these might help you too Hicky, I notice they do one specifically for knees too.


Managed to find something to watch on tv at last. 8 out of 10 cats, good for a bit of light viewing at least and a change from these flippen outdated films they keep showing.   Good to see some of our friends from Gogglebox making an appearance too.


Goodnight all xxx

Last edited by *mollie*
Originally Posted by emptybox:
Originally Posted by Hicky:

This year i have 3-Apple trees, 3-Pear trees, 4-Cherry trees, 5-Plum trees, 3 Gage trees, 1-Peach tree, 3-Fig trees, 1-Family Apple tree, 1-Family Pear tree. 12-Raspberry plants, 18-Strawberry plants.

2-Grape Vines, 2-Rhubarb Plants

6-Tomato Plants, 18 Pear Plants.


Trying to think if i've missed anything.

A partridge?

 LOL ...     


Good afternoon all

Wow, yet another windy day today...if I had one of these dogs, it would look like this...


Hope the weather is ok for Hicky to get in his garden today.


Are you enjoying a break from your gardening job today Emptybox?


How is your lappy holding up now Frodo? Mine is getting worse, so I am going to see if I can find one in the sales. any sign of the cat? You asked where I got my advent piccies from, I use glitter graphics, I like that site.


Not going far today as weather not good, doggie doesn't like walking if it is raining. Rain seems to be easing off now.

I suspect there is not much on tv yet again tonight?


Have a good day all xxx




Hello all 


I think I have mentioned this before  when I reply to your post Mollie the last part Is covered so I'm trying to remember the last part.


She the female dog hates the rain but I always have warm towels ready to rub them down ,now I know some people may think I am a crazy animal lover (i know you all accept me on here with the pooches ,but I have no small children and they are part and parcel of our family ,my son calls them silly slushy names too and I speak silly to them as well


Yes the cat has been this morning and like I say It can get some shelter in the back porch I make sure of that .


My laptop Is getting worse too some of the keys don't work ,so I have to keep going backwards and forwards deleting .and yes I may look for another ...the thing Is Mollie I only use It for here browsing ,I'm not on facebook I don't use any other site now for posting ,only this one


Morse looks happy and healthy and they are bringing him to see me in a couple of weeks.


I watched Endless Night on ITV last night I knew the ending cos I have read most of Agatha Christie books ..but I enjoyed It and then taped Shirley Valentine ....the times I have watched this film ,but I still love It 


Thanks for the picture of the Tens Machine Mollie I may indulge HURT MY BACK Moving this tender fruit tree an orange that winters in the Porch ,cut It down and could finally move things in like brollies and wellies .



HI emptybox your sister in-law sounds great... mince pies ,Christmas cake


AND Wendsleydale Cheese  









Hope your aches and pains are better Hicky see you later xx                     

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by emptybox:
Originally Posted by Hicky:

This year i have 3-Apple trees, 3-Pear trees, 4-Cherry trees, 5-Plum trees, 3 Gage trees, 1-Peach tree, 3-Fig trees, 1-Family Apple tree, 1-Family Pear tree. 12-Raspberry plants, 18-Strawberry plants.

2-Grape Vines, 2-Rhubarb Plants

6-Tomato Plants, 18 Pear Plants.


Trying to think if i've missed anything.

A partridge?



I'm rubbish at Quoting but this Is priceless   LOL 





forgot you were working today, hope you managed to find some food there to keep you going. Good luck at the docs tomorrow, hope he can help you out. Yes indeed, I should of guessed you would put your partridge in the oven.



pleased to hear Morse looks well and you get to see him again soon, and good news that the cat turned up again.   Yes I too have a nice towel for our dog if her little paws get wet, as she shivers if she gets cold, and that is not good for her.  I sympathise with your problem lappy, so annoying it is when they get like that. 


Hope Emptybox had a good day.

Anyone going out for New Years eve evening? We won't, too many overcrowded pubs for us. I used to love it when I was younger, and always went to a night club to celebrate, can't be bothered now though.


My poor mum came down with a cold yesterday, hope she gets rid of it soon, as it is always a concern when they are older, I too seem to be getting one today, but fingers crossed, so far it doesn't seem like a bad one. Hope we can shake them off quick. Far too many colds around at the moment.


Going to watch Mrs Brown's Boys, then early night with my magazines, and some tissues.


have a good evening all xxx



Originally Posted by frodo:

Oh the joy of It all


Friday's Tv listings Celeb Big  Brother (Whoops with delight) something we all have in common .


If this Is Christmas/New Year viewing rubbish 



Its back yeah


And Dancing on Ice 6:15 PM on Sunday the 5th, for anyone that's interested.

Frodo, you can move the reply box up, down, left or right to uncover anything you want to see.

Put your cursor anywhere on the top shaded line (except the wee box with the 'x' in it) hold down the left mouse button and drag the box in the desired direction.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


Horrible day here, very heavy rain.

Got a load of ironing done anyway.


Unfortunately I've started to get a few drips through a couple of the windows when the rain is really heavy. I think the main cause is the flat roof over a dormer window of one of the bedrooms, that the landlady promised to fix years ago and never did.

Also I think the frame of the sitting room window must be rotten and letting water through in a couple of places.

It's beginning to get annoying having to mop up, so I'll need to phone the landlady about it after the new year.


 Hi Frodo. Glad the cat has turned up again.

Yeah, you'll need to get a new lappy or tablet.


Hi Mollie. Pity about your Mum's cold (and yours).

No I don't plan to go anywhere for New Year.


I watched the Shrek film then the James Bond film. I've recorded Mrs Brown's Boys.


Good luck at the docs tomorrow Hicky.

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by frodo:

Oh the joy of It all


Friday's Tv listings Celeb Big  Brother (Whoops with delight) something we all have in common .


If this Is Christmas/New Year viewing rubbish 



Its back yeah


And Dancing on Ice 6:15 PM on Sunday the 5th, for anyone that's interested.

Frodo, you can move the reply box up, down, left or right to uncover anything you want to see.

Put your cursor anywhere on the top shaded line (except the wee box with the 'x' in it) hold down the left mouse button and drag the box in the desired direction.




Yessssssssssss after all this time I've got It thankyou x

Last edited by Former Member

Hello all and I include fluffy (A Mod is human yeah )


oh remind  me I have a chicken cooking for the dogs   I am drinking Vodka and coke steadily (New Years Eve ) so sort of a celebration LOL (lie) just indulging 


The one thing where i live you can see for miles MAGICAL see the fireworks all over  but talk to you later .



Hicky  certainly hope you have some pain relief ,and yes I know you never let up hope you can get some pain relief 



Mollie emppty box will reply later things call me



bye for now xxx food awaits   xx


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by frodo:

Hello all and I include fluffy (A Mod is human yeah )


oh remind  me I have a chicken cooking for the dogs   I am drinking Vodka and coke steadily (New Years Eve ) so sort of a celebration LOL (lie) just indulging 


The one thing where i live you can see for miles MAGICAL see the fireworks all over  but talk to you later .



Hicky  certainly hope you have some pain relief ,and yes I know you never let up hope you can get some pain relief 



Mollie emppty box will reply later things call me



bye for now xxx food awaits   xx


Hello al! I am, as far as I'm aware, human!

Is that chicken still cooking? Chicken can stand a fair degree of overcooking, but even it will reach a limit of acceptability, eventually.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Hello all 


The chicken Is cooked lol .and thanks to any mod for helping and I do know Its impersonal so thanks ..and we all get the same treatment ..


Emptybox we have had this out before  YOU IRON  what Is this magical thing 


lol  you fold them not ironed for yonks fold SHEEESH ...rarely do I iron


Hello Fluffy thing  the chicken Is for my dogs and the stray cat ..they also have these beef slices 10 for a ÂĢ1 and I have to count Its so funny 



I'll be back xx


Evening Everyone.


Went to the Docs, got there early to park by the surgery, the heavens oped so i put my big yellow safety jacket on as it's got a hood.


Saw the Doc, just as i thought, as soon as i entered the surgery my leg was fine, no limp, no pain, she had me lie on the couch thingi, she did every test know to man, not a flinch, not a pain, she lifted, twisted pulled did the lot, nothing.

But she gave me a prescription for some pain killers.


Have ordered a Mulberry Tree, have cut the wood and drilled it for the roof strengthening.


Have made a step/stool for the little lad to stand on to have a wee in the downstairs loo.


Mollie, had plenty of food yesterday, boss went to (M) and got a load of Sausage & Egg McMuffins, gave me two, had another after as there was some over, could have had 4 was too full, someone brought cakes in as it was her birthday, had a custard slice.

Finished work at 2.30 as well.


Emptybox, thats bad news, the leaks could have rotted a lot of wood if they have been left.


Frodo, not sure how the animals love cooked meat / chicken as they can't cook it themselves in the wild so i wonder what they should live on really.


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