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Evening guys.

No frost today, just a bit damp and dull.


I did get out to mend that trellis affair.

Me and my Dad put it up about 20 years ago, and some of the nails seem to be rusting now, and that's why the wind was able to blow some of it down.

I'm sure we used galvanised nails (that's certainly what I used today) but I guess 20 years takes it's toll? Most of it's OK though.


I find the reply box on here OK on my desktops. I can move it around on the page, so can see all the posts. If I want to see the previous page I open it on another tab.

It's another matter on my android tablet though; the reply box is fixed to the spot, and the cursor can't be moved properly either. So if I'm posting more than a few lines I abandon it on my tablet, and fire up the desktop.

It's generally a good forum though.


Hope you get the car soon Hicky. The owner really shouldn't have cashed in the old tax disk (if that's what happened?) if they knew they didn't have the V5. What a plonker for losing it.

That's the one downside of this new phone, if it'll only work with the 2GB SD card. No room for my music. Apart from that it's very good.

Still, I got it for nothing, so can't complain.


Sounds like a scrummy meal Mollie. My sh...spag bol was great as usual. Even though I say it myself.


I hope Sam Bailey wins X_Factor, and Kian wins IAC.

Cannae help but like Lucy as well though.


BTW On the right hand side...Calendar...Birthday Canicant. Am i the only one that tried to blow that little bug off my screen?

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by Hicky:

Evening Everyone.




Considering the 'Reply with Quote' is pretty grim as it doesn't get boxed in when it's in the post.


Could you either make the Reply box floating so i can scroll up and down the page to read it and the Reply box follows me or let us have the Reply box released from the page and i could anchor it at the side of the screen while i scrolled to see the posts i want to reply to.


And, as for Like Buttons, why on earth would anyone want to Like a post.

It's ridiculous on Facebook as well.


Hi Hicky,

Re the reply box. You can drag it up and down the screen with you and to the side if need be. However, I'm not too clear as to why you're doing that.


If you use the Multiple quote function you will have all the posts in one reply box. Once you have typed all your responces, you can either submit the reply as is (showing all the quotes) or delete all the quoted material and leave only all the responces to be submitted.


I'm not a great fan of the 'LIKE' button myself, but apparently a great many of users were asking for it. So they added it to all their sites - not just GaGaJoyJoy.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Hello all 

lovely to see someone posting on here and thanks Fluffy for the information 


My oh my what a shock..I fell asleep the other night when Joey and Amy where voted out ,I half expected Amy to go ,but not him


As a rule I get The Mail on Saturday.s purely for the Magazine and the crosswords etc ,Rebecca had a two page spread ,and I'm probably going to be unpopular for this cos she came across as spiteful ...she tends to put the blame on Amy for everything ,asked why she was excused from nearly all the trials ,she did not have an answer    


I do believe Amy should have handed things In but crikey some of the trials she did the plane one the swimming one were brill ..she brought home the meals ...sorry for the rant I needed that  and I don't mind in the least if you dis-agree 


LOL emptybox about you and decorating same here ,see my animals have free range of the house ,they are part of the family separate towels and food of course but otherwise I love them.


Sorry about your car not arriving yet Hicky (we are on a fresh page so If I'm behind sorry ...have you posted pics of your lights yet ? not wishing Christmas away but whoopee not long for CBB .


Mollie will read back but thanks for the wonderful advent pictures 


The cat has been this morning and Is looking sleek and shiny I put his/her food inside the porch now with some water and slip the odd tin of tuna or crab in otherwise chicken ...sorry but my dogs will not eat tinned dog food 


I love this picture a Christmas one ...and I want David to win 


             Christmas Gift Picture



Last edited by Former Member

I think what I'm trying to say If I eat more than someone my build size etc 


can I blame them for being slimmer ,If my family genes dictate I have a larger nose ,Is that their fault ,so many outlets these days to alter that nose If Its making your life a misery ...Take David or Kian   ...I would take the former any-day ...his attitude ,the snake up his pants LOL 


What a gent     David for the win for me   


Evening Everyone.




Without quote boxes being outlined in a black line they are US, my eyes can't distinguish the shaded areas very well.


I wanted the Reply box to float so i can leave it at the side static and scroll the page to read the posts i am replying to.


Or, the Reply box should stay on the screen area while i scroll the page to read the posts, then i can answer the posts with the Reply box while i am reading the post.


Hello Molly.


Got more work done in the garden, making a new Cupola for the top of the Gazebo, this one has 30cm sides Hex with a 30 deg sloping roof, with air vents on 4 sides.

Just waiting for the next delivery of trees, have another 7 on order, 2 cherry, 2 plum, 2 gage, 1 apple & 1 pear.

Will order more later.

Have scrapped the dwarf Peach & Nectarine, not good enough, too hard to get the fruit to survive the summer.


Have bought the large sack of 22kg of concentrated Manure for planting the trees, they are cordons so will plant them at 45deg so you get more length and still can get at them to pick the fruit.


I'm got a snowman like that in my front bedroom.

It comes on at 3.30 and stays on till 10pm


Emptybox, glad you sorted the trellis out, yet, nails don't last long, the nails might be ok but they eat away the wood so the nail no longer grips anything.


Think Kian will win IAC.


The garage knew they didn't have the log book, but the owner had told them she had applied for a new one.

Can't be helped now.


Frodo, I think they made far too much of Amy having a few extras, i think they were just jealous.

Amy did very well.

Lucy and Rebecca were just so jealous of her.


I haven't posted pics of the lights yet, lights don't really post well.

Meant to post one of the Gazebo but forgot to take it.




Hi Hicky,

I am understanding what you are meaning about the quote box, I'll post a suggestion to that effect in the Support Forum.


Re Scrolling up and down. My understanding of the development and inclusion of the 'Multiple Quote' button was so that you can reply to more than one post in a single reply box, but without HAVING to scroll up and down or drag the reply box with you as you go.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing


Drizzly and wet here but mild.

Spent some of the day working out how to deal with flac audio files in Windows Media Player....well it kept me busy.


Hicky, glad you were able to get on in the garden, with your gazebo and trees.


HI Frodo. We don't care if you have a big nose. Have a bit of a conk myself.

Still glad  Kian won though.

Glad the wee cat showed up looking healthy.


Really hope Sam wins X-Factor next week.


Hope you are having a good weekend Mollie?

Last edited by emptybox

good evening all


been very busy today, so I have just managed to dash in to post our advent pic for day 8 of December before the end of the evening. This one makes me laugh.


Love your cute Christmas piccie Fredo. Sounds like that cat is doing well with your good care.



I bet that snowman in your bedroom looks lovely.   Sounds like you are going to have a good supply of fruit again next summer.



glad you managed to mend the trellis, let's hope no more strong winds like that again, so it stays put now.


Hate Sunday nights... OH gets bags packed and I make his sandwiches for the day and pack snacks for the week, then he has to go to bed early ready for the 200 mile drive and 4.30am Monday start.

Did a bit of Christmas shopping today.


What a nice atmosphere on the final for IAC. Nice to see David and Kean together as well deserved finalists.


goodnight all xxx



Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Hi Hicky,

I am understanding what you are meaning about the quote box, I'll post a suggestion to that effect in the Support Forum.


Re Scrolling up and down. My understanding of the development and inclusion of the 'Multiple Quote' button was so that you can reply to more than one post in a single reply box, but without HAVING to scroll up and down or drag the reply box with you as you go.


The multi-quote would be ok if you outline the quoted post, i have trouble seeing what is what unless it's outlined.

Or have the difference more noticeable, the quote colour i can't see without hurting my eyes.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Have ordered 2 more Cordon Plum Trees.


Emptybox, shame you had drizzle today, thats awful stuff, it soaks you right through.


Mollie, love the Advent gif.


Pity your O/H has to get packed for going away, shouldn't always be like that.


Enjoyed the IAC final, thought Kian would win, but David was good in the jungle.

That final trial was awful eh.



Meant t post this video of West Kirby lake, the road alongside the lake wall, wow, the tide came right over the sea wall as if didn't exist.

Last edited by Hicky

Well, I've posted the suggestion about a visible border for quote content and a line above the buttons at the bottom. All we can do now is sit back and wait for a reply.


In the short term, each quoted post in a miltiple quote reply box would have the 'Originally posted by [user]' above it and there would be a blank line between each one.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by emptybox:

Evening guys.

No frost today, just a bit damp and dull.



Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I'm not a great fan of the 'LIKE' button myself, but apparently a great many of users were asking for it. So they added it to all their sites - not just GaGaJoyJoy.


Originally Posted by emptybox:


Drizzly and wet here but mild.

Spent some of the day working out how to deal with flac audio files in Windows Media Player....well it kept me busy.



Originally Posted by *mollie*:

good evening all


been very busy today, so I have just managed to dash in to post our advent pic for day 8 of December before the end of the evening. This one makes me laugh.


E.G. Multiple Qoting^^^^


You can reply under each quote, or put all your replies blow ALL the quotes.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing




hope you are pleased with your plum tree when it comes. What happened to your figs? Did you cover them for winter? 

  at that storm video of West Kirby. It never looked liked that when we visited there.

Yes indeed that last trial was just awful.   Didn't mind which of the 2 won, they were both nice and did well in trials. 


Hope Emptybox got a bit of decent weather, so he could get some gardening work in.

And hope Frodo's decorating is going well.


OH back in his boring B and B tonight. But at least he has a job and it is only 2 weeks  until his Christmas break.


Day 9 of our advent calendar.....and as I like Frodo's tree piccie so much, I have found a twin tree to keep hers company.  

Off to college now to collect son...








Last edited by *mollie*
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

Well, I've posted the suggestion about a visible border for quote content and a line above the buttons at the bottom. All we can do now is sit back and wait for a reply.


In the short term, each quoted post in a miltiple quote reply box would have the 'Originally posted by [user]' above it and there would be a blank line between each one.


A distinct line around the quoted text would be good.

Originally Posted by *mollie*:




hope you are pleased with your plum tree when it comes. What happened to your figs? Did you cover them for winter? 

  at that storm video of West Kirby. It never looked liked that when we visited there.

Yes indeed that last trial was just awful.   Didn't mind which of the 2 won, they were both nice and did well in trials. 


Hope Emptybox got a bit of decent weather, so he could get some gardening work in.

And hope Frodo's decorating is going well.


OH back in his boring B and B tonight. But at least he has a job and it is only 2 weeks  until his Christmas break.


Day 9 of our advent calendar.....and as I like Frodo's tree piccie so much, I have found a twin tree to keep hers company.  

Off to college now to collect son...








I haven't covered the fig trees yet Mollie, it's more awkward this year as they have lots of branches, not sure what to do.


I might get these shingles for the roof, and the roof felt is pretty cheap as well to use as underfelt.



Hello all


what a last few days she (the female dog  has come into season ) the dog has been seen too....good job   but my son keeps saying Its a big operation ,I'm so annoyed with him ,she Is chasing the male dog so she has those special pants that dogs wear ,so their tail can stick out ...deffo off to the vets after this 


I have started watching LifeTime 156 on Sky ,not sure on other stations though ,some really good programmes .I love the X Files and The  Real Housewives series 


Its been really cold here to-day and damp so I've had the heating on and after this post going to have a large mug of drinking chocolate 


Don't forget that I'm A Celebrity Coming Out is on to-morrow night

 have you read this ^


Love your little comic thing Mollie Brilliant


I kept wondering how you all knew Fluffy's name  then I realised Its the the Initials  of her forum name  this Is what I need










love to all byee for nowxxx







Last edited by Former Member

Evening everyone.


Hello Frodo, i heard about the girl voting for Lucy on the radio, no wonder she didn't get evicted when she should have.


I'l watch that tomorrow, like to see what they get up to after they come out.


Emptybox, can't wait for more fruit trees to arrive.

Been working on the new Cupola i'm making, finished it now.

Will give it a coat of decking oil soon.

Will have to see if i can get it onto the top of the Gazebo so i can take a picture.


Just ordered some Eave protector, it's to let the rain run off instead of trying to run on the wood by the eaves.


can't wait for CBB to start.



Another very mild day here.

Sent off my first few Christmas cards. That's early for me.  


Hi Frodo. I'm looking forward to that IAC prog tomorrow. There was some 'Best or...' stuff on ITV2 tonight.

I don't see how the mother can blame anyone else, for her daughter making all those calls?


Hi Mollie. Looking forward to your animal story.


Hi Hicky. I'll look out for the pics of your finished gazebo. Bet it will look epic?

What will you construct next?

Last edited by emptybox

Hello all 

It must be around 1-45 am ,someone Is letting a dog bark ..Its been going on forever even through the glazing you can hear It .


I opened the window and Its horrendous how the people around It are sleeping Is beyond me ,some folks round here treat animals like sh*te ,must try and find out where Its coming from in the morning ,could be anywhere Its so open around here ...night again




Morning all 


I think I have a pretty good Idea where (were or where always confuses me)the dog lives ,bliddy disgraceful ,the thing Is he has a massive shed in his garden he could get a car in It ,and leaves the dog in a piddly kennel barking and crying day and night ,Its pitiful to hear It and cruel in this weather


Just been reading back no emptybox I have not got a big conk LOL I was just saying that as an examplemine Is more of a blobby one.


Trimmed up a little with silver & gold garlands my tree Is about as big as my Avi but I have made the effort to put fairy lights around the Hearth so that's me done .



Not long now till CBB ...anyone know the starting date? wonder If we will get any live feed this time around ,they might be kind cos It's around New Year time


Why isn't your Penguin dressed up for Christmas emptybox isn't he feeling festive ? see I just can't get the excitement this year ...not long to go now though.


Thanks for all the Advent Pictures Mollie  they have really been a treat.


Hope you aren't feeling so tired to-day and manage to get some rest


Any sign of your car Hicky ? no pictures of the Gazebo yet plenty of time cos I know your busy working and none of your food stories I love those 


Hi Fluffy thanks for all your help ...see you all later




Last edited by Former Member

Hi Frodo.

Nice mild day here again, hardly need the heating on.

Did some more planting of bulbs, and split up and planted some crocosmias.


Yes, I don't understand keeping dogs in kennels all the time. Different story if they are farm dogs or working dogs. But I don't see the point of keeping pets if they are not allowed inside.


No, I can't really get into the Christmas spirit yet, although I did write the rest of my cards today.

I'll maybe put up some decorations a week before Christmas.

I'm sure your little tree looks very festive though.

I don't usually dress my penguin up. Wouldn't want him to get too hot and bothered. He's a native of antarctica you know.

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Hi Frodo.

Nice mild day here again, hardly need the heating on.

Did some more planting of bulbs, and split up and planted some crocosmias.


Yes, I don't understand keeping dogs in kennels all the time. Different story if they are farm dogs or working dogs. But I don't see the point of keeping pets if they are not allowed inside.


No, I can't really get into the Christmas spirit yet, although I did write the rest of my cards today.

I'll maybe put up some decorations a week before Christmas.

I'm sure your little tree looks very festive though.

I don't usually dress my penguin up. Wouldn't want him to get too hot and bothered. He's a native of antarctica you know.

emptybox would this be the right place to quote I'm scared of trying now








sorry to hear about your lack of sleep, and the reason for it makes me sad. How can people be so cruel as to ignore an animal who is uncomfortable?

Poor animal, I hope it is a one off, and you get some sleep tonight. I love your lttile pics, especially the one of the snowman, and LOL at the extra big nose pic. I too thought you were saying you had a big nose. Bit of a concern having a dog in season, I know because i have a girlie dog, sounds like those dog pants are needed. I have bought my doggie a nice new coat, it is a santa one.   Christmas morning we go to the charity swim and most people dress up, including their dogs for that.

Excelllent news about Gogglebox staying for another series, I love the characters on this series.



looking forward to seeing your pic of the cupola and gazebo. Hope your trees arrive soon. What colour shingles are you going for?



glad you have been getting some mild days, all helps save on that oil. Well done on getting all your cards written, I have not quite finished mine yet.


Yes IAC should be very interesting tonight.

When is CBB on again then?


My story from yesterday is as follows...yesterday morning the sky man came to fix our "broken box" that i had complained about as I haven't been able to record on it for weeks. (not that I have much time to watch tv lately, but still annoying). Anyway, he couldn't understand what was wrong, he messed with box, then went on roof for ages and replaced a few connectors and it still didn't work. Then eventually he looked behind tv, and he then saw there was something wrong with the wiring. It was not till later when OH phoned me that I realised why the wiring was duff.....the dog had recently squeezed round back of tv....and she had been biting through the cable.  Luckily at the time the engineer  didn't cotton on it was the dog that did it.  But I felt bad later when I realised he had gone up this ladder on the roof for ages, for nothing.
I should of realised earlier the real problem because a  few years ago, i also rang sky and complained how their equipment was rubbish, then OH realised our house bunny had bitten through the cables. 


have a good evening all and enjoy IAC. XXX




Last edited by *mollie*
Originally Posted by frodo:

I kept wondering how you all knew Fluffy's name  then I realised Its the the Initials  of her forum name  this Is what I need











Now that really, really made me LOL!   


and it is just the sort of ditzy type thing I do.


I like the Simpsons brain piccie too.


Yes, you're quoting away like a good-un Frodo.

(but give us prior warning before you attempt the 'big one', won't you. )


Perhaps I've led a sheltered life, but I don't think I've ever seen a dog wearing pants? But I suppose if it discourages male dogs from trying to do the bizzo...(is that the idea?).


That's unfortunate about your doggy damaged cables Mollie. Could be dangerous if it was a live electrical cable? Perhaps there would be a way of boxing them in, or using some kind of trunking? Or not let doggy in lounge unattended?

Thanks for all your advent pics. I know I pretend to be scrooge-like, but I appreciate them really.


Just about time for Gogglebox.

Last edited by emptybox
Originally Posted by frodo:

Morning all 


I think I have a pretty good Idea where (were or where always confuses me)the dog lives


As a youngster that used to puzzle me, as to how people were confused over whether they should use 'were' or 'where'. 'Cos in Scotland we have a sound for 'wh' that is diferent to just 'w'. Also in 'were' the first vowel sounds 'eh' (as in bed) whilst in where, it sounds 'ay' (as in play) and as a youngster I didn't know that we didn't all pronounce things the same throughout the whole of the British Isles.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

Evening everyone.


Wish they would sort this stupid reply box out.

It should stay where it is not move up when i scroll.

I bet if it was an advert they could make it stay in view and not disappear when i scroll.


Rant over.


I'm afraid i can't go right up the page to find out what you posted.


I'll just answer what i remember.

Mollie, I  will be getting Green Felt Hex Shingles, have made the new cupola just got to coat it in Decking oil.

Now making some removable seating for the gazebo.

Might order a Family apple tree and a Family Pear tree, you get 3 types on each tree.


Frodo, thats not nice having a dog barking all the time, they shouldn't leave it barking, you should report it, it can't be allowed to bark like that.

There must be a law against it.


Emptybox, will take another picture of the gazebo, i had to take the rain cover off as the storm was too strong and haven't put it back yet as it's really needs 2 people.


I'll order the felt tiles the weekend i think, been watching video's online for laying them.


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