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sounds condescending saying good to have you back ...sorry cos sometimes I'm the one who goes awol ...It came out wrong I meant to say missed you .


I have to give credit though things have been ok ....we have a relaxed home here and I think finally It has hit home 


byee  but I will say this to you Hicks and emptybox




LOL that sounds suggestive ...just love the song ...yeah come up and see me with your family   good job you know me ..laughs nervously or not 

Last edited by Former Member

Hi guys.

Nice sunny day here, but very frosty. The gravel in my yard stayed frozen all day, so not suitable for gardening.


Glad you had a good time in Brum Mollie.

Not a fan of a mulled wine, me.

Wine - Yes, but not a fan of the mulling process.

My Brother makes sloe gin every year, and I have the same opinion of that. Spoils the gin.


I'm still liking X-Factor Hicky. I think Hannah was the right one to go. I always think she's straining to hit the notes. Her sing-off song was too low for her voice. Mind you, I guess Tamera should maybe have gone, as that's two weeks in a row that she's messed up the words.

I think Rough Copy are quite good actually, but Sam Bailey is still my fave.


Hi Frodo. I have oven chips as well, and agree they are not as good as fried ones, but they're better than nothing.

I've needed some extra heating on today as well, as I'm sitting in the house during the day.


I think Rebecca has been a bit of a damp squib on IAC? You'd think an Olympic athlete would be a bit more robust? Still quite like her though.


My Brother gave me a smart phone that he no longer uses, an Orange San Francisco (ZTE Blade). It's OK, but I think it might be faulty as I can't get it to work with a micro SD card (I've tried two different ones), It just keeps mounting and dismounting it and won't go any further.

And without an SD card for storage it won't take any photos or download any files or play any music etc.

It still works as a phone, so I guess I shouldn't look a gift horse etc, but I think I'll just keep it as a spare and carry on using my old half-witted Blackberry.


I'm sure he was using it with an SD card, but he must have removed it before he gave it to me. He seemed to think it was all working,

I'll seek his advice the next time we talk on the phone.

Last edited by emptybox

HI empybox 

nearly xmas time for a mwahh I hate oven chips but these ones are yummy 

from the others..I have two freezers so time to run one down ...silly really but when things are on offer you tend to stock up 


I will never stop making my own bread to yummy ,make It with butter now a

tip from the baking on BBC .


The heating thing is outrageous be honest I have read some people leave their heating on day and night how ....But no way I would go cold so I will leave It at that cos ...thinking of folks who have no choice food or heating upsets me 



byee for now


Good Evening Everyone.


Had a busy day really, not too cold though.

Worked in the garden, went to Costco, went to B&Q for some Coach Screws M6 x 30mm Galv.


I've fitted the 6 roof rafters, fitted like a glove, they meet at the top onto a bracket i had made.

Still lots to do but it's good Fun, the inside edge of the top peak is 2.85m above the decking, the sides are 2m high, each of the 6 sides are 1800 centres.


Emptybox, I've given up on X factor, the voting & the judges ruin it so can't be bothered with it now.

Enjoying the Dancing but again, there are other forces at work which may spoil the show.


Rebecca has been disappointing to me as well, enjoyed Joey though, even if he is as bright as a low energy lamp.


I think your phone will be ok after you speak to your brother about it.


Yes Frodo, it's hard to keep the heating off but it's very expensive.

My lad has given me his old thermostat controller which gives you 6 setting of temperature a day.

It's a wireless one but need fitting yet.


Mollie, glad you enjoyed your break, you are so busy, hope your mum is keeping well, shame your hubby is working away, but things change quickly.


Courtney is rather lonely since she left her Hubby.




Good evening all



gosh you have been a busy bee with that gazebo, but well done on fitting all 6 rafters. But it sounds like you are enjoying it, so that is the important part. Good idea to use a room thermostat, such a rip off these awful energy companies are, Disgrace how our energy suppliers were sold off to foreign companies, who can just keep on putting up our prices unchallenged.

Me and daughter have a fluffy blanket to put over us at night whilst watching tv. I do have the heating on as it has been below freezing at night, but I only have it on low. Can't have the pets getting too chilled, can I?



it must of been cold yesterday up there if it stayed frosty all day.

X factor... I am still enjoying watching it although I do not think last weeks was very good -  song choice wise, and I too like Sam Bailey, but I also think young Nicholas has a good voice.

Hope you can get your gifted smartphone to work ok.

I am thrilled with my new phone I bought a few weeks ago, to replace mine that broke. It is pink and cost me ÂĢ9.99

All the family laughed when I chose this phone and said it would be rubbish, but the laugh was on them recently, when the kids tried to ring OH, and his iphone failed, but my cheapo phone rang no problem. 

here it is....



hope your little doggie is feeling better now. Shame you too have to watch the heating. If you don't try it already, I can recommend a soft fleecy blanket on your lap, because it does help a lot though.

I love home made bread, but don't have the time right now, However one of my fave breads now is the beetroot and apple one from our local Co-op. I bet your house smells lovely when you make your bread.


No IAC, but football instead... so annoying.

So I am watching the channel 4 The Sound of Musicals instead.

talking of musicals, son got a small part in Phampton of Opera, so is at rehearsals tonight.


have a good evening all, hope you all keep warm.







Good evening all



hope progress has been made with the phone.


bit dull here today, but at least it was dry, so me and doggie enjoyed our walk.


hope Hicky got in his garden if it was not work today, and hope Fredo stayed warm. it was milder here today, so at least I did not need to have the heating blasting away.


Hour and half of IAC. Good.

so must go and get jobs done, so I can watch it later.


have a good evening all.


Hello all 


Its been brrrrrr here .. hi Mollie yes you have to have the heating on for the pets LOL but seriously I'm the same I moan but bung It on Its been that cold here and the washer Is nonstop too so how you cope with your larger family must be a nightmare this weather


My friend has had her hallway done by my say so with the man who did my room and she Is thrilled with It a paler colour ..he has recommended a swiffer to clean It ,,,,must Google It



Just caught up on last nights Celeb ,I'm so confused as to why Rebecca Is constantly excused trials and seems to nod her head as If Its the norm 


most people are sick of Joey doing the trials but we are picking him  rant over.


Its cold dark and drizzly here ,but hey whats new ..I hadn't seen the little cat for a while but she/he was back this morning .


Had an almighty set to with my son over chicken kievs (homemade ) the things he makes are good .but this was in the fridge I opened the foil and It did not smell right way was I going to eat that, maybe me: cos he said It was fine


you eat It then * ended up with me telling him where to go to ######  I will be so well off without him ....hurrah 


by the way he calls me some awful names ...this was the last straw .



Mollie so used to making my own bread Its so easy for me are run off your feet ,with a family and your mum to look after ...after your illness I don't know how you cope take care 

Last edited by Former Member

Hi emtybox


part of my laptop Is dicky so Its sot4rt of trial and error ,the arrow keys for a start ..I'M TRYING TO MAKE It eke out for a while a mixture of caps and normal please excuse me .


Yes with the oven chips although these are quite nice ..I got sick of deep fat fryers no matter how you promise yourself I will clean this ...It never happened for me same with a new cooker


Rebecca has been a huge disappointment for me ,why Is she excused and what Is wrong with her looks hey welcome to the rest of us ..amy Is pretty but so Is she in her own right ,and to be honest medals and an OBE  what an achievement ...I think I would have told M. Wright to pee off  thought he was out of order in their faces ...only me folks


Hello Hicky I only wish I lived near you to see your garden sounds wonderful 


will It be lit up for Christmas ?I hope we get pictures ,don't you ever rest up      take care all


Evening Everyone.


Slightly warmer today.

Didn't post from work, Gaga isn't very good trying to get the reply system to work, sometimes i don't even get the hand and the reply button is inactive.


Glad the jungle is back on tonight.


No Mollie, i work Monday & Wednesday, unless the Monday is a Bank Holiday, then i move days.


Frodo, If the Chicken Kiev doesn't look right, smell right or taste right then you bet it's not right.

You were correct of course to refuse it.

And Chicken is worse than a lot of other meats for going off.


I have a lot still to do on the Gazebo, but it can't be rushed, but i'm off now till Monday so i can steam ahead, just need some dry weather.


Hi guys.

Nice today, and mild too. I got a tidying up gardening job done.


Sorry to hear about your kerfuffle over a kiev Frodo. Hope you and your son sort it out. 


Personally, I think Rebecca looks great, but I don't know why she gets excused the trials, nobody seems to be saying? Seemingly her boyfriend had to deny she was pregnant, but he didn't shed any light as to what the real reason was.


Hope you had a good day at work Hicky?

This site is not good on my tablet. I often have to abandon a post and finish it on my desktop.


Hi Mollie. Glad you got a dog walk in.

Last edited by emptybox




yes I agree with Hicky, you certainly did right turning down the kievs, even if your son was not pleased with you. You have only recently had a nasty illness, you certainly can't afford to be ill again.


Talking of food the Welsh government have made it law to put food hygiene stickers in all food outlets widows or doors. Great idea I reckon, Up till now we only got to see the 4 and 5 star stickers, as places who had less stars than that, didn't bother putting their gradings in their windows.


If you do get a phone like mine Fredo, I am sure you will like it. Obviously it doesn't do fancy stuff like photos or internet, but I am quite happy as not only are phone calls clear, but I can also listen to radio 1 on it.   They even supply headphones for it. And the batteries in my phone last a lot longer than the ones do in the fancy phones.



hope you got a good day in, working on the gazebo. Don't forget to take some "job in progress" pics for us to see.



glad to hear you got a tidy up job done yesterday in the mild good weather. Are you fairly up to date work wise now?


Nearly weekend and time for OH to come home at last.

Busy again tomorrow..... have to go to college for 9am with son, as he is nervous about choosing his next college course, so wants me to go with him to speak to his tutor, then do mum's jobs, then do my jobs/washing etc, then take son for music lesson, then off to Cardiff with daughter to meet OH and do a bit of Christmas shopping, and we are going to see the mini elephants. Hopefully all 14 of them throughout the city.


Nearly time to relax and watch IAC.   Loving Ant and Dec's cheesy jokes.


have a good evening all xxx


Evening Everyone.


The day started warm but with drizzle, anyway, the drizzle soon stopped.

Got some work done on the Gazebo, put an extra section of wood around under the top rail to hang the clear side panels on.


For the roof section i cut 6 lengths of decking to size for each 120mm as i screwed them onto the rafters. the wide size of the next piece is equal to the narrow size of the piece before.

And as the wood is 12omm wide each length added is 120mm shorter than the last.

I managed 24 pieces, then had to make a roast dinner, had belly pork.

Will carry on tomorrow if the weather holds.


Emptybox, i think Rebecca is fine, she just has a lot of nasty comments i suppose.


Ordered some more trees, Cordon ones, thats 1 apple and pear stepover, 3 Cordon Cherries, 2 Cordon Plums and 1 Cordon Gage.


Mollie, O/H will soon be home again, the weeks go so quick, almost end of November.

You have a busy day ahead, you really need to rest, just not sure when.


Looking forward to IAC, think Lucy is very jealous of Amy so is giving her a rough time, we only see them a few minutes so you can imagine whats it's like all day.


Hi folks, may I but in and ask a question?


As some of you might be aware, yhose of us who frequent the Big Brother forum have been plagued these last few weeks by slow page loading or refreshing and interminable cog whirring when we try to post. Especially during the most popular to post about programmes. So I was just wondering if these problems are affecting you over here in the Lounge? 

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing



Hi EFFT. I must admit I have found the site itself slow to load initially, over the past few weeks. But once in here it seems OK.


Spent a lot of today unblocking my kitchen drain.

I had my dishwasher on last night, and I noticed it hadn't washed the dishes. Can't remember why, but I looked at the drain outside, and it wasn't running away. I got the help of one of the farm workers who got hold of the farm rods.

Turns out the drains of all the cottages were blocked, but we got them freed off.


Unfortunately my dishwasher still won't work. Not sure if there is a connection with the blocked drain? Perhaps it couldn't get rid of the water and the pump burned out? Anyway it's not washing the dishes. I've tried running it a couple of times since.


Not sure if I'll buy another one  (or try to get this one repaired) or if I'll just wash my few dishes myself? I'll see.

We got this one second hand about 8 years ago. It was needed when there were three of us in the house, but there's only me now.


Hi Hicky. Glad the drizzle stopped to allow you to get on with your gazebo.

I'm surprised you've got room for any more fruit trees?


Crikey, that's a busy day for you tomorrow Mollie?

Are these mini elephants anything like the Bristol Gromits?


Unfortunately my faffing around with the new phone has resulted in one of my micro SD cards not working any more. It's now not recognized in anything, even a card reader connected to my computer can't see it.

Luckily it's just a 4GB one, that I had in my Blackberry, and I've now got the 8GB one that I bought on Sunday working in the Blackberry. Still can't get anything working in the android phone though.

I'm hoping my Brother has kept the 2GB card that originally came with the phone. Not sure why he removed it, but I guess there were some photos on it that he wanted to keep.


I'm not too bad workwise now Mollie. There's still a few jobs I'd like to get done before the big snow though. (if there's going to be a big snow?)


Hello all 

to fluffy   never had a problem on here ...perhaps I don't notice  just the normal to me as my laptop Is dicky .


to you my mates tried to de register It all started with K. Price  and escalated 


listen my fault too no way was I blameless ..but when folks tell you about quoting insulting that way you are my mates what AM I doing wrong with the quotes ...please this site confuses  me with that button ?


off for a while If you don't mind the way the rug came ...really I had to laugh although It measured 100X 150 YOU COULD LIFT It with your little finger ....pretty down though and washable ...must go ...please AM I prick 

feel like one at the mo ....see you





Evening Everyone.


To the Moderator named Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing.


While at work i have problems all the time loading the page, finding a log in econ, also when the page loads the reply button isn't active, i then have to keep F5'ing till it becomes active.

Then when i post it all freezers for yonks, it really is a mess, but it has been like this a long time.

I assumed it was because the threads are too long, on DS they close the thread and put a link to the next section, the thread name carries on just the post count starts again.


PS, I wish you would untick the box for 'Follow This Topic' it should default to off not on.


Emptybox, shame about your Dishwasher, the first thing it does on startup is pump any standing water in the base.

I've got a Bosch, just love Bosch.


Got another 3 layers of the Gazebo roof done, weather was awful though, gales blowing.


Can't you just get another SD card, don't think they are very expensive these days.


Frodo, I don't use the quotes as the system on here is not very good.

a quoted section of text should be in a lined box so you know where you are.


Not sure what you are trying to say about the quotes.


Oh, and i have bought another car, it's the Land Rover Freelander Adventurer 2.0 Diesel 6 speed Automatic 2006 YM.


Evening guys.

Not bad day here.


Spent the morning trying to work out what was wrong with my dishwasher (It is a Bosch Hicky).

I removed the filter and plate and unscrewed the cover of the pump, but there didn't seem to be anything blocking it. I then disconnected the drain hose from under the sink and ran it into a bucket. The water seemed to be pumped into the bucket OK, so there doesn't seem to be any blockage there either. I don't know what might be wrong?


When you start it off it seems to take some water in and swish it about for a minute or two, then it just seems to stop and not do anything else. When you press the reset buttons it seems to pump out the water without problem as I said, so I'm stumped. It just seems to have lost interest in washing the dishes.


This afternoon I went into town to get my lottery tickets. I also called into the hardware store to look at dishwashers. The cheapest was a Beko at ÂĢ250. A Bosch would obviously be more.

At the mo I'm thinking I'll just spend an extra 10 minutes a night washing my dishes rather than getting a new one. But I might change my mind after doing that for a few weeks?


I could buy another SD card Hicky, but the mobile has refused to work with 2 perfectly good ones, so I have no faith that it would work with another one. It seems to be very picky. The best chance is for me to get hold of the one that was originally in it, if I can. It's kinda crippled without one.


Congrats on getting another car. Is that basically an updated version of the one you have now?


Hi Frodo. Was the rug smaller than expected? Glad it's a pretty one anyway.

If you want to quote a single post click the red button with the inverted commas on it. If you want to quote more than one post then click the plus sign button under each post and the inverted comma button under the last post.

The quote boxes will appear in the order you clicked them, but it's up to you to make sure you type between and under the quote boxes rather than in the boxes.

But as Hicky says, this forum is confusing as the quote boxes are not obvious enough.


Quite enjoying IAC again.

I do like Rebecca and Lucy, but think they are a bit unfair to Amy.

I was very impressed with Amy at the beginning, thinking she was confident and intelligent, but she seems to have turned into a bit of a sulky teenager.


Evening Emptybox.


Not sure what could be wrong with your washer, they work on a big range of sensors, without testing equipment it would be hard to tell the problem.

Is there a Bosch repairer local, they would sort it i bet.

It sounds something simple and fixing may cost less than a new one.


Strange the Mobile could be fussy about a 3D card.


This Freelander Adventurer looks good, Silver the same as mine now, but it's a 5 door with a better interior.

Here's the car:



Here's the Gazebo so far:

Finished the roof today and put a sheet over it.



Here's the car i'm getting next week


Freelander Adventurer 2.0 TD4 2006 MY Model

Here's a video showing some things about a similar vehicle, not this one though.



Images (2)
  • Gazebo-Nov-2013-0001: Gazebo part built November 2013
  • Freelander Adventurer 2.0 TD4 2006 MY Model: Freelander Adventurer 2.0 TD4 2006 MY Model

Evening. Not bad day here, but I didn't go anywhere. Hoovering and dusting for me.


Almost a disaster this evening. I found I didn't have enough spaghetti. But I found some macaroni in a jar, and made up the pasta with that. God knows how long it had been there? Certainly more than four years.But it wasn't bad.


That's a nice car Hicky. Very similar to your old one....but better.

That gazebo is quite a construction. Are you sure you don't need planning permission for it? (just joking)


There is a domestic appliance repairer in Kelso, but unfortunately they don't specialize in Bosch, but they might be able to fix it? But I might spend ÂĢ100 only to be told it can't be fixed?

Haven't decided. It's an old machine anyway. Think it only cost us ÂĢ60 second hand?


TBH if you hadn't mentioned the 'Following this topic' button I would never have noticed it. I've no idea what it does? I've never been sent notifications from here, apart from about the dialogs.


X-Factor good tonight. And Sam is actually a lovely mover.

IAC, the knives seem to be out for Amy for some reason? I'm aware it's heavily edited though, and they only show what they want us to see.

Originally Posted by emptybox:


TBH if you hadn't mentioned the 'Following this topic' button I would never have noticed it. I've no idea what it does? I've never been sent notifications from here, apart from about the dialogs.



Basically it will tell the site to notify you when someone posts to a thread you have started or contributed to, but its exact functioning will depend on the settings of the'My Notifications' section of your extended personal profile.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:
Originally Posted by emptybox:


TBH if you hadn't mentioned the 'Following this topic' button I would never have noticed it. I've no idea what it does? I've never been sent notifications from here, apart from about the dialogs.



Basically it will tell the site to notify you when someone posts to a thread you have started or contributed to, but its exact functioning will depend on the settings of the'My Notifications' section of your extended personal profile.

Ah yes I see. I must have unticked the relevant box at some point.




December at last, so time to start the advent calendar....hooray!!!

Day 1 - and it is hugs for my 3 friends here.


sorry i haven't been on for a few days, been rushed off my feet, so no chance to go on pc...even did not have chance to watch X factor last night.


will read back your comments now, and will reply when I get chance tomorrow. hope you are all well.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Just had to show you Kelly Brook singing Santa Baby, phew, wonder the snow didn't melt.


Hope everyone is well, quiet at work, one boss was here last night checking some work on a scissor lift, fined by 4am but waited to show me some work for today then went home at 5.30.


Glad Annabel went from IAC last night, what a wimp, i wonder why she went in, must have been desperate for the money i suppose.


Rang up the insurance people this morning, wow, there are so many options to choose.

Sorted anyway.


Enjoyed Abbey on the dancing, wow, 4 x 10, the first of the season and it isn't even the final yet.


Hello all 

just wrote a long post twas lost


The advent picture was brilliant Mollie waitin for no 2 ,I want to trim with garlands ...I have the teeniest tree but I light the room up with other things ..but a little early 


Is It me thinking the right choice to leave last night was Annabel ...why are they all against Amy (am I missing something Is she so spiteful) not in my opinion hey ho perhaps I'm wrong)


Had a letter through to-day a parrot has gone missing Its true whistles etc .


Folks are pretty callous around here with animals   seem to leave them out in all weathers ...little cat Is now being fed on  fish too ..two bowls are put down 

fish and chicken almost finished and It looks bland needs a splash of colour ....bathroom  now being creamed have pink or blue towels and bathmats as a change and cheerful Is the motto any cheap tips welcome to make It jazzy and welcome     expensive times but fun trying to keep prices down any bargains let me know 



sees you


Evening. Dull day here.


That was conscientious of your boss, doing a night shift Hicky.


I would think the reason Kelly didn't melt the snow was that it was artificial? That's my theory anyway.

Lovely pics of Deana. Pity the text was light grey on white.


Hi Frodo. I'm sure your rooms are going to look great.

I would think a wayward parrot in your neighbourhood would be quite difficult to miss? Hope the owner gets it back.


My brother says he will post me the original SD card for that phone, so I might get it working yet.


Yes I think Annabel was the right one to go on IAC.

I think it's bad of the others picking on Amy, and I hope Matthew or Laila (Mo) goes next.

I'm not Amy's biggest fan though; she does frustrate me. When she went in she seemed confident and intelligent, but at times she acts like a sulky teenager - lazing around, refusing to help, being selfish about the things she brought in etc. But she is willing during the trials, and I don't think she's half as bad as Matthew Laila or Lucy make out.


Hello all 

just a quick  post I'm glad that Mo  (Laila) real name went and yes emptybox I agree that Amy can be a little sulky but two years on from a teen-ager aren't they all ?


Personally I think she has handled the whole thing above her age and with a teeny bit of class .



S cold here to-day BUT I have claimed another ÂĢ100 pounds back off my leccy bill ...I was nearly double that amount in credit  second time I have claimed 


thinking this will be the last the way things are going ...yes funny about the Parrot ...My garden Is so enclosed and full of trees needs pruning again .I hope It gets found 




night all xx




day 2 of our advent a reindeer. (I am going to look like this when I try and sort the lights out whilst OH is away)...


been busy again... so only just managed to get on lappy, hope to have a bit more time to post tommorrow. pleased you have treated yourself to a nice new car. Wow...that gazebo is looking good, what a great job you are doing.


Emptybox...shame about your dishwasher, so annoying when electrical stuff goes wrong. LOL at your tale of the old sphagetti, good job you are still here to tell the tale.


Fredo...glad the home decorating is coming on nicely. How are your dogs and visiting cat? I love your new Christmas avatar.


IAC...I do not like Amy at all...think she is lazy and not a team player who plays the victim....and I have a feeling she is telling a few porkies. eg...Can't imagine who in there would borrow her concealer. and did Alfonso really say those things about Lucy? I think Amy really stirred things up there.

I thought Ashley last year was more attractive and a much better fair team player.

Don't like to see them all gossip about Amy too much though, but it must drive them mad if she is not pulling her weight as a member of a team.

Interesting how we all see things different when we watch tv. 

Still think Ant and Dec are the best thing about the show this year. I enjoy watching tv to see humour like this.


bedtime have an early start tomorrow, will tell you what I have been up to tomrrow good night all xxx


Last edited by *mollie*

Good afternoon all.


and already it is day 3 of our advent calendar.....and time to treat ourselves to a warming hot choccy and cookie.



glad you got ÂĢ100 off your electric. Utility bills are certainly sky high now though. Aaaww that is sad that someone lost their parrot.


off to read Hicky's link about Deana, I liked her.



let's hope the phone does work when you get the card.


friend coming over in a minute. Poor thing, upset about her OH's gambling getting worse.


wonder who will leave on IAC, I hope it is Amy, because I think the atmoshpere will become more relaxed then, but doubt it will be. More likely to be Lucy/Alfonso I am guessing.


off to tidy up.


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