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Hi Frodo.
Nice day here. Got another couple of places done.


I've got a tumble dryer but I never use it nowadays. Less chance of it catching fire that way.

I just dry stuff on a clothes horse thing in my dining room, when I can't dry it outside.

It takes longer than the tumble dryer, but as I'm on my own, and only have one person's clothes, it works for me.


Watched Ben Fogle's Animal Clinic and now I'm watching the Lost Weight thing.

Gogglebox later.


Hope your voice is improving Hicky?





work or garden today?

I too hope your voice is improving now.



glad you got another nice day. Are you up to date now with your final lawn cuts for the year?



I couldn't do without my tumble drier in winter with washing for 6 people, and doggie blankets too now and again. We went for Miele, who are more expensive than other makes, but very reliable.

How are your pets? I bet you found it hard work looking after them whilst you weren't well. Do you think they realised you weren't well?  I am sure our dog knew how unwell I was when I came out of hospital, she was so quiet, just sat around close to me.


Nice morning today, so doggie and I enjoyed her walk.


Looking forward to one of my fave shows soon...Gogglebox, wonder what Sandra will be eating tonight?   I think she managed kebab, chips and pizza served at the same time together last week.   And I wonder if the posh couple will have an alcoholic drink or two this week?


Have a good evening all xxx


Hello all


just a happy Halloween to all 


Mollie I know the dogs love me... but they are so faithful to my son '''' .

whatever his failings he loves them and to be honest I was to under the weather to care ....he goes on a trip every so often and gets four chickens cooked ..for ÂĢ10 which I freeze two ....we have a massive box of treats shesh the new age ones 'you name It they have It .


Decorating Is going well ...not posh but nice ...and a dream after the awful colour I had .doors floor shelves dark ..walls almost white chocolate coloured unit with cream cushions and colours undecided ..cos Its too brown& white 


I need a dryer like emptybox I have a thingy you put clothes on but Its useless unless the heating Is on ....I'm thinking Is this why I was laid up for so long ....



hey happy halloween and for those who close the curtains after a certain time me included ..good luck




The Wicked Witch of the West - Wizard of Oz



Good evening all


No Hicky for a couple of days, hope he is ok and that the gazebo work is going well.



glad you are getting there work wise.

Yes indeed, Gogglebox was brilliant last night.

Sandra and the mouse also made me   and aaaww at how they all cried at the lad with the stutter. What a great series that Educating Yorkshire was.



Pleased to hear your son is good with the dogs, so you didn't have to worry about them whilst you were ill.

at your Hallowenn piccie.

We only had 3 little girls knock the door tonight, as there are not many youngster round here. They were sweet and dressed up in cute colourful frocks. Now though, there is still plenty of sweets left for me and the family....and of course it would be a shame to waste them. 


But to be honest, generally, I am not a real fan of Halloween as I think it is an American thing bought over here for commercial reasons, and I don't like the idea of kids knocking on strangers door, nor the way some kids use it as an excuse to cause trouble and scare pensioners.


We always tend to celebrate our traditional firework night though, with toffee apples, hot dogs etc at home. And my OH lets off some fireworks in the garden. He loves doing that.   Often we end up having to try and rush the fireworks inbetween the showers though. 


Not much on tv tonight, roll on IAC I say.


OH's tooth is no more, but he seems ok and said it didn't hurt. He never makes a fuss though. I am now glad he has a few days at home though, for a change.


Have a good evening all xxx



Another nice day here, so I got some work done. It's been raining this evening though.


Glad the decorating is coming along well Frodo.

Yes, drying clothes inside works best when the heating is on.


Hi Mollie. Glad your OH's tooth has been dealt with.

I don't bother with Halloween or bonfire night nowadays, although I enjoyed both when I was a child. Didn't get any visitations tonight, and didn't expect any.


Watched George Clarke's Amazing Spaces and then Truckers



Evening Everyone.


Can't remember all your posts, so many.


Frodo, the Jam, you need a large Jam/Preserving pan if you are going to make 1kg  or more.

One of these:


You need to put a small plate in the freezer for later to test if the jam will set.

You need to sterilise all the jars you are going to use.


You need the same amount of sugar as you have fruit.

I had to start 1kg Raspberries, so 1kg Jam Sugar Y juice of 1 lemon.

Half the fruit, put half the fruit into the jam pan and crush over a low heat, can use a potato masher to crush the berries.

Get as much juice out as possible then put the lot through a sieve, use a wooden spoon to press everything you can through, except of course the seeds.

Throw the seeds away and any pulp you can't press through.

Put the sieved juice and pulp back into the jam pan, turn on the heat and slowly add all the sugar, stir until the sugar has dissolved.

Add the lemon juice.


Add the rest of the Raspberries.


Bring to the boil and boil on a highish heat for 15 minutes.

It will boil up the pan so be careful, it is very dangerous because of the temperature.

After the 15 minutes take the pan off the heat, test a very small amount by putting in onto the plate from the freezer, give it 1 minute then see if when your push the mixture with your finger it should ripple as if it's setting.

If this is the case then it is ready.


Use a ladle to fill the jars, i have a jar filling funnel.


Leave 1/2" space for expansion (12mm) put the seal on the jar and replace the lid.


You can clean all the utensils by adding hot water to the jam pan and cleaning using a pan brush, the jam comes off pretty easy.


Happy Jam making.



Gazebo coming along ok, rain is slowing it down.

Still not decided on the new saw, there are so  many, but reviews not good.

Also, the cheap ones have limited sizes that can be cut.


My throat isn't too bad.

Also not getting much pain from my joints.


About the clothes drying in the house.


It really isn't a good thing to do.

All the water from the clothes is going to go into the air in the house, this will condense on anything that is cold so water will form, this could effect your chest as any form of virus etc can be floating around in this water laden air.


If you dry your clothes in the kitchen keeping a window open then at least some of the water might get out.

If you use a dryer it either need an outlet to the outside or if it's like ours it has a tank that collects the water and we just empty it before we use it.


I had so many children round last night i almost ran out of sweets, went through 50 bags of Haribo sweets.


Need some more wood as well, almost finished the Capulo i'm making.


Evening all.

Another nice day here so I got another couple of jobs done.


Hi Hicky. Glad your throat and joints aren't too bad.

Yes, I guess drying clothes inside could generate moisture. I sometimes use my dehumidifier to speed up the process.

So was it all treats and no tricks, with all those kids last night?


Not much on TV tonight. 3 hours worth of comedy characters on 5?


Going across to see my brother tomorrow, so I may not get on here.





I bet Fredo will be pleased with your jam recipe.

Shame the rain is slowing down your gazebo. Let's hope things dry up a bit soon.

  5o bags of Haribo... wonder where all those kiddies came from?   We didn't even get rid of one bag of sweeties, The mere 3 kiddies we had, I had to talk them into taking what they did.

Good point about damp washing adding to the humid air in the house, I will have to remember that, as this house has a terrible damp problem. It is a good job we have a tumble drier.

Glad your throat and aches aren't too bad.



that is good that again you managed to get a few jobs done. It was drier here today than I thought it would be, looked real grey, but then we didn't get a lot of rain at all.

I hope you have a lovely day visiting your brother tomorrow.


We went for tea at the Harvester today. Very nice, I really like the help yourself salad cart, but it was so busy, they ran out of mayo, and I don't like my salad with no mayo, so OH did a quick jog over to Sainsburys to buy me a jar to have on my salad.   So thanks to him, my salad was saved.


Hope all is well with you Fredo.


Goodnight all xxx


  Good evening all


Hope Emptybox is having a good day at his brothers.


Wonder if you managed to get in your garden today Hicky?


The weather here has been bad today. We were going to go to the shops on the way to Cardiff today, but we were turned back with all the rest of the traffice, turns out the road was closed both ways from a fallen tree. When we got back home, I read of lots of problems with fallen trees, power cuts from fallen cables....., 10,000 in Wales with no power, motorway closed from overturned caravan, bridge to England closed.  Seems the storms that missed Wales last week, hit us today,  Hope things calm down for my OH's long journey in early hours of Monday.



Enjoyed X factor tonight. 


Hope you are ok Fredo.


goodnight all xxx




Evening Everyone.


Weather not too good, managed to get to B&Q for another 20 lengths of decking for the gazebo roof.

Still need a lot more, the roof needs 54 lengths alone.

Gone off the wooden Shingles, will settle for the Armourshield Hex ones.



There is 96 pieces of wood top cut for the roof, not counting the 6 main rafters.


Have you seen this 9 year old singing?

Holland's Got Talent 2013 - Amira Willighagen (9)


Have ordered some of the couch screws needed, also ordered a clear waterproof Tarpaulin sheet, hoping top keep some of the rain out from the sides.



Hello Mollie Hicky Emptybox 


one long post lost drives me crazy when that happens ,thanks Hicky for the jam recipe much appreciated and I will let you know how It goes xx


Halloween went down fairly well about 15 to 20 around here but I love to see them but after a certain times out went the lights too tiring banging at the door ....had a doorbell once never again I'm still haunted by the chimes


Three days of fireworks around here... last night Nov 5th ..and the weekend nightmare for me as a pet owner they were terrified ...but I never begrudge the kids love to see them



Hope you are all wellx



Got back from my Brother's this afternoon.

Absolutely horrible drive over there yesterday. Driving rain and the roads starting to flood in places. But a lovely sunny day today. What a difference a day makes. 


Had a lovely meal at an Italian restaurant to celebrate my Brother and SiL's silver wedding + my birthday next saturday and my youngest nephew's the day after.

I had breaded calamari and salad for starter, scallop and prawn linguine for main and caramel shortbread with icecream and strawberries for pud. Washed down with a nice pinot grigio.

I think I must have been chanelling Hicky with my seafood choices?


Hi Mollie. Pity your shopping trip to Cardiff was thwarted by the effects of the weather. But at least you had a nice Harvester meal the night before.


Hi Hicky. That 9 year old sure is a good singer. Don't like the way the judges chat during the performance though.

I'm sure the shingle roof will look great on your gazebo.

(must admit I had to look up shingles the last time you mentioned them. I thought they were a disease. )


You had a lot of Halloween visitors Frodo.

There were fireworks going on in my Brother's neighbourhood last night. I'm back to the quiet now though.


Watched X-Factor at my Brothers; or at least I caught some of it on +1 after the meal. Still rooting for Sam Bailey.


Good Afternoon Everyone.


Oh dear Frodo, nothing worse than losing a post.


I see you were busy at Halloween as well, lovely seeing them all dressed up.

Very hard to tell who they are though.


Fancy a 9yr old being able to sing like that.


Emptybox, that sounds like a fantastic meal, one i would get anyway.

It's no fun driving in all that rain, been awful for days here, still tons to do in the garden, been getting some of the roots up from the spent veg pots.


Watched the Dancing and X Factor, the public voting is going to spoil it, the best singers / Dancers are going to get kicked out, thats not right.


Very strange this morning, get in the office at 5.30 and the kettle was on, and the water was boiled, noone had been in, they don't start till 8am.

But the lid wasn't closed and there was still a little water in the bottom, but it had switched off, scary eh.



Have you seen this.


It's to do with Gina's new show.





Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky. Perhaps your office has a thirsty ghost?

Think that Gina vid is just the work of an enthusiastic fan? No?


Very frosty this morning. The cars and lawn were white, but the sun soon got rid of it. Got the couple of jobs I needed to, in the afternoon.


Watching Phil Spencer on More4 (he's been demoted), then going to watch Under The Dome on 5.


Hello all

emptybox the meal sounds wonderful ,and yes your birthday Nov 9th 30 again?    never tried Squid thoughts of the suckers puts me off ..I'm a hypocrite cos I eat seafood and some other foods chicken


Blasted nightmare with the fire works three times this week Sat midweek and this coming Saturday.


Someone coming to price the floor to-morrow loathe to commit at the moment though as things are coming down in price ....I'm not one for outdoing the the neighbours ,just a dark floor reasonably priced will do me .


Can I brag ?Wilco's own emulsion looks lovely ...just a very off white ...dark doors and floors and cream rugs ...does that sound posh nahhhhh done everything on a budget



Wanted the most glorious lamp ended up with this



Dual Purpose Floor Lamp



Sorry It would not let me reply...blinds from Hillarys are causing a commotion cannot get the little suckers down ,,,the front pelmet or so It Is called yes but can't fathom the brackets out and I have downloaded the instructions still baffled though .


I wanted to paint the porch but have at least 50 ladybirds hibernating in there 

so a nono hopeful some will survive as when the sun comes out they start moving fatal cos there Is no insects for them to gobble 


My little cat was missing for a while really upsetting but a big bowl of chicken awaited her ..I bl**dy hate people who get animals willy nilly and then neglect them .


Can I brag again so pleased with the room so wish I knew how to take a photo ''I hate posh Its comfy and lived in LOL dogs blankets match the decor


Red cabbage time love It the shredder makes It so fine and the sweet vinegar yummy ...


Wow the sun has come out to play take care all Hicky's jam red cabbage .chutney time ..wonderful 

sees you xxxxxxxxxxx


Mollie last but never forgotten

fell asleep on Sunday while Downton was on ,room done almost kitchen next 


AH  mollie how I long for the most delicious kitchen ,mine Is like this two rooms downstairs the kitchen Its long and narrow large fridge /freezer and small one  

A wonderful old dresser that someone loved full of my mums treasures at one end and a table pale blue black and white 


would love a modern kitchen but It suits me off to make some jam patties 



love too all sees you



Very strange this morning, get in the office at 5.30 and the kettle was on, and the water was boiled, noone had been in, they don't start till 8am.

But the lid wasn't closed and there was still a little water in the bottom, but it had switched off, scary eh.



Wow Hicky very strange  no serious as Halloween joke ? or true 




my old lappy playing up, but managed to get back here at last. (with bit of help from techy son)....



so pleased to hear you got out for a nice meal with your family.   Yes your choice sounds similar to what Hicky would of chosen thee with the seafood choices.

Shame you had to drive back in the bad weather, Seems hard to avoid this torrential rain or strong winds lately. Frost already? Hope you are well stocked on the oil front. I agree Sam Bailey was great on X factor. Preferred her singing disco to ballads, thought she looked great too.



  what weird going on's at the office....sounds like your work Halloween ghost called in late.   Hope you get some dry weather to get your garden work done now. Thanks for the video..what a voice for a 9 year old.




sorry you lost your post, so annoying.

Sounds like you are still busy sorting out your house. Glad you are pleased with the room, Hope you sort the blind out and , hopefully you will get a decent price for your floors as it is just before Christmas. That looks like a lovely lamp.

I too would love a nice modern kitchen, even nice flooring, but as our place is only rented, we can't do much about it. It has a damp problem too, think the whole place needs re-rendering, but can't see landlady spending the money to do that.   Never mind, might be moving closer to OH's work soon.

I bet your old dresser looks lovely, especially as it is full of character as it has your own mum's things in it. I love things like that.

I bet you were worried about your little cat, hope all well now with her.


Yes I too like to see little kiddies in good Halloween fancy dress, and am happy to give them sweets. So it is fun for all, if parents keep a good eye on the children, and know which houses they visit. But why I am not keen on trick and treat is the other side of it that seems to be getting worse. Calls to the police were up by 20% since last year in one council area alone round here, with incidents including stones thrown at cars and people, cars and houses egged, fireworks thrown, and one bunch of drunk teenagers went round to elderly people's property knocking on their doors and  deliberately scaring them. My mum used to be scared stiff each Halloween, but luckily she is ok now she is in an over 55's block of flats with security entrance. Such a shame some ruin it for others.


We are looking forward to going to fireworks tonight, so hope it stays dry.

What a shame the fireworks are so noisy by you for days Fredo, my dog would hate that. We don't have much trouble with that here because they always do a giant free firework display where they set them off from this outlet over the sea. So they are a long way away from anyone, loads of people go, you can see them from the beach and seafront clearly. Hot dogs, chips and toffee apples for the family tonight.


Have a good day all xxx







Last edited by *mollie*

Mollie thanks for your lovely post 


The dresser was thrown out so believe me Its not posh old and someone must have treasured it ...I took It in put my mums teacups and saucers from ages ago  not really expensive but loved 


An old large blue bowl called lovers of the blue and white is on my kitchen table but the units need replacing 


the painting in the room looks pretty though surprising what a good lick of paint can do 


Deffo my son has gone dolally with this new girlfriend ,the names he calls me 

I could not repeat realise this IS WHY I don't post as much too ashamed to repeat 



take care all xx


meant to say In case It seems like bragging house is old only small 



so I'm only excited cos Its the first time in ages Its had a lick of paint 


when my husband died I had these dark oak doors inside half panelled glass 

not realising they where outside ones .,but they look good I just stain them pale


the house had three bedrooms ,bathroom downstairs removed that had a larger kitchen and two the bathroom IS

large ...the kitchen needs decorating now probably why I'm excited cos the room looks good after this flea outbreak ...good to be back to normal 


NOW IF my house was like Hicks WOW  but I never envy anyone ,,but I do love his garden etc 





OH Mollie 

only just read through your post about Halloween ...we get that too 

after a certain time off went the lights ,but why ...why should people be so scared , I did at one time  on trick or treat give out 50p wrapt in silver paper ..

It got scary.... so the last few years Its been a bag with sweets and crisps and the lights off after a certain time   but for all happy bonfire night love vthe little ones faces xxxxxxxx



Not bad day. Started frosty, then a sunny morning, but a little drizzle at times this afternoon.

Got a tidying up job done.

I might have finished grass cutting now, but I've got another couple of places to look at.


Hi Frodo. That's a nice looking lamp.

Do ladybirds hibernate? (Yes they do - just looked it up)

Your house sounds great, and you've obviously made some great improvements to it.


Hi Mollie. Pity about your laptop.

Hope you enjoyed your fireworks display.

I don't like the idea of 'trick or treat', but didn't realize it could turn nasty in places.


It's been much colder here the last few days, so I've increased the hours that the heating is on. A couple of hours in the morning, then 5pm to midnight.

Still got plenty of oil at the mo.


Watched Obsessive Compulsive Cleaners, then the doc on the guy who lost half his face. What a brave guy, don't know if I could go through an operation like that?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everyone.


Yes Frodo, still haven't fathomed out the kettle boiling, asked the other boss and he said he didn't have a drink at all sunday.

I said his cup was by the kettle with coffee, milk and sugar in, he said the Autocad operator had got that ready for him in the morning but he had to go into the factory so never had the coffee made.


Not been able to do much with this weather.


All my couch screws have arrived, my clear pvc heavy duty Tarpaulin arrived, fitted that inside the Gazebo to 3 of the sides.


We had Beef & Mushroom with 1/2 & 1/2 tonight.


Last night i had a starter of Squid rings then a chicken madras.


Frodo, the suckers are on Octopus, squid doesn't have them.


Emptybox, i have the heating turn on at 8am till 10am then 5pm till 8pm i want to ask my lad if he has the clock/room stat circuit so i can add another timer for evening and a stat also for the evening so i can set the night time temperature to keep the house getting too cold.


Mollie, i see you old Lappy is still playing up, i thought you were getting a new one.


I see the Jungle starts on Sunday the 17th at 9pm for 90mins, my 40th Anniversary.



Lovely day here. Got a big hedgecutting job done.


Hi Hicky. Glad some stuff came that allowed you to do a bit on your gazebo.

If I turned my heating off at 8pm my lounge would be cold by 9pm, and I don't want to go to bed at 9pm, so I keep it on till midnight, so I can go to bed around 1am.

That's because it's got a huge single glazed window.


I was trying to get Arch Linux installed earlier, without much success. You've got to do it all through the terminal.

Enjoyed watching Trucker on BBC1


Evening Emptybox.


You could get some good curtains that would keep a lot of the heat in surely.

Or maybe get an electric fan heater with a thermostat, that at least would turn off when the room reached temperature.

You would still need good curtains.

Or even wallpaper the outside walls with that thin polystyrene wallpaper if they still sell it, it would sure stop the heat loss.


It's been a good day, got quite a lot done.

Covering my empty garden tubs with fallen leaves, about 6" deep.

Still getting some raspberries though, will be making jam again this week.


What do you want Arch Linux for, and which terminal do you need.


Will get more wood tomorrow if they let me get the 10% off.





thanks for the info about the start date of IAC. Can't wait to see it, always a good show, hope they don't give away everyone who is going in before the show starts, as a few surprises are nice.

Glad you got a good day yesterday to get on with your garden.

Hope work is not too busy today, and you got a nice brekkie to keep you going.

Still haven't found a lappy I like yet, I only want a basic one, but it must be pink.



that is good you managed to get a hedge done, I know weather this time of year is hit and miss.

Wasn't Gogglebox good again, a good mix of funny and sad. I see Sandra was eating the posh Hagen Daz this week.   Yes whilst trick and treat might be fun for little kids, it can give problems at times, my OH's car got egged once when we lived in Somerset, bunch of older kids wearing masks were just going round the area chucking eggs all over the place, but using Halloween as an excuse.



what a bargain your lamp is.   Your little house sounds lovely and homely. Bet it looks nice and clean too with the new paint. Sorry to hear you are having problems with son and his gf.   Hope things improve soon.


I am stressed because I think our LL is up to something, he says he wants a gas inspection, but that is not due for months, then he says it is a plumber he wants to call and now a roofer. Think he might be getting ready to sell. So we might need to move quicker than anticipated. This house is riddled with damp though and getting worse as autumn goes on.

Trouble is I have mum to think about too now, can't move far from her, had to drive over to her again last night as she hadn't put her phone back on the hook. she needs it for her alarm system.

Good job it is the weekend so OH is home and we can do bit of house hunting.


Pouring today here, hope it clears later.


have a good day all. xxx



Last edited by *mollie*

Hello all

what a palaver with the lamp ...the shades look glass ,,no way they are sort of a plastic ..what an argy bargy to assemble the bl**dy thing when.You really get to grips quite simple ...the base Is sturdy thats one thing 



OH Emptybox my house  Is far from the norm no posh units In the kitchen etc


at one end the table and an old dresser really old someone must have loved It


a fridge freezer and small one .

The ROOM Is being done Tuesday a kind of oak the person tried to get me to have this piney colour but I prefered the darker one ÂĢ338 is the price 


forgive me the laptop needs replacing ....wonder who Is having a birthday to -morrow ...emptbox please let my laptop not konk out xxxxxxxxxxx


Oh by the way ladybirds do hibernate 

before I had the d.glazing in the porch the house they flocked here 


sadly even though I let them in the sun Is all around here so some die waking up no feed ,,,,I want to paint the porch no chance AND Its tiny ...many will survive ...same with the little cat looking healthy and if my son objects which has been the case ...finally got my voice when you contribute to the house 

you have a say ....Is this really me    I have other kids backing me up 




Mollie just read back your post 


here I am moaning ,what awful luck you seem to be having xxx


I don't know much about your circumstances ,but what I have seemed to surmise you have a very clever husband ,very educated and have had a wonderful life ,,,very articulate and wonderful people ..too caring to leave a mum behind ,,,all I can wish Is that things turn out for you xx 


Evening Everyone.


It cleared up after an early raining start.


Got my wood from B&Q at last, waited for the rain to go.

Got another 25 2.4m lengths of decking.


Finished the Cupola for on top of the roof.


Fitted the clear Tarpaulin that came, have ordered another one, a bit shorter, the 2m x 3,6m size.


Hoping to make jam the weekend all being well.


Sorry to hear about your situation Mollie, i wonder what is going on with the LL, why would they want you out?

Glad you O/H is home for the weekend.


Frodo, strange about the Ladybirds, they must love your hallway, pity you can't paint yet.



Hi Frodo.
Thanks for the Birthday greeting, and the cat video brings a smile at the end.
Not sure I would have the strength to blow out 54 candles?

I've never seen hibernating ladybirds. Your porch must be special.
Mind you I'd rather have them than the blinking bats. Thank goodness they go somewhere else for the winter.

Nice sunny day here, but rather cold. Think there's frost forecast for tonight.

Sorry I didn't call in yesterday evening, but I got got caught up trying to get my Arch Linux working. When I'm doing something like that I tend to get absorbed and forget to do anything else. I didn't get to bed till 3am and didn't watch a minute of telly yesterday.

Hicky. I just wanted to install Arch for the exercise. The download is very minimalistic and completely text based, so you have to install it all through the linux terminal (the equivalent of the Windows DOS prompt), and you configure it yourself.
Once you have it installed you can download a GUI and a desktop environment and can make it as complicated as you like.
The first time I tried I messed it up, but I tried again yesterday and got it all working. I've now got it configured as a nice XFCE desktop.
Course I could have got there much more simply, but that's part of the fun.

The curtains I have in the lounge are lined, so I think they're OK, although they could be a bit thicker right enough. I think it's the window that's the problem for heat loss, and I can't do much about that unfortunately.

The dining room has double glazing, and that stays warm for much longer after the heating goes off. I stay in there most of the day in the winter, but I like to go into the lounge in the evening, as it's where the big telly is.

Hi Mollie. It does sound like your landlord is gearing up to get the house in order, perhaps for sale.

Hope you find a nice place nearer to where your OH is working, so his commute isn't so long.

Gogglebox was great as usual. I'm sure they act up for the cameras, but they are naturally entertaining.

Is Sandra the one who is always eating something out of a pot?


Looking forward to X-Factor (and my spag bol and beer).


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