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Good evening all



hope the ceiling does dry up ok, good job it is mild, it should help with the drying process.

I agree, Sam Bailey was not so good this week. I think the young 16 year old (Nicholas?) is really gifted though, has a great voice and wonderful stage presence for someone so young.



good job you managed to get your gazabo work done before the rains came. Shame it got a bit too busy and rowdy in Red Hot. I think it does tend to get like that latish evenings.


Looking forward to results show soon.

I have my treat of a Cadbury Scream egg in my pocket all ready.

Very windy on seafront today, but lucky only a few quick showers today, so got washing dried. 


X factor time.


have a good evening both xx







Good Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Another strange day, rain / sun but not too bad.


Found the brackets on the web that i need but they are in the USA.

Not sure if i could even get them shipped over.

These are the brackets.



Did some more work on the gazebo woodwork, really need the brackets, might have to get them made if i can't buy them online.

Nothing in the UK.


Had dinner at my lads, a Lamb roast.

Have labelled the 2.5kg of Raspberry Jam.

Gave 2 jars to next door, the ones with the chickens.

Taking 3 Jars to work for those there.


Watched Strictly, wasn't surprised who went really.



Not bad day here. A bit of sunshine anyway.


I guess the X-Factor result was inevitable Mollie.

Nicholas is good, as you say. I voted for Tamara(?) in the flash vote.


Hi Hicky. You are very generous to your neighbours, distributing your jam.

Pity you are having trouble sourcing those bracket, but I'm sure you'll work it out.





hope work was not busy today, you need time to catch up with your forums and eating your brekkie.   I bet work and neighbours are well pleased to receive your jam. Hope you can get your brackets over here ok, shame they don't stock them in this country.



Yes X factor result was inevitable, shame as I thought she sang quite well last night.


Weather here very windy and showery today.


OH's tooth broke over weekend.  His dentist doesn't work Fridays, so now he has to lose a day and half pay to get home Thursday to see his dentist.

He said it was a good job he didn't have that long drive from home this morning, as it took him nearly 2 hours and he was already in Devon,   atrocious weather to blame. Another weather warning for strong gales and heavy rain for here tonight.  

The good news is that at last we have found a suitable B and B and at the right price too. It is the one daughter and I originally found, but he had to wait until now to stay there, as the owners were on holiday until today. So at least I don't have to keep hunting for different B and B's now.


Have a good evening both xx

Watching Doc Martin tonight.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


I don't make the Jam to eat myself, it's just to give away.

I do have a jar in the fridge for when i feel like some on toast.


I could get the brackets made at work, the boss said i could, they have a laser cutter that would cut them out.

But they are so busy and i don't like bothering them.


Bad news about your O/H's tooth, could do without that.

Good news about the digs though.



Hi Mollie and Hicky.

Wet here as well, although it was fine early morning.


Pity about your OH's tooth Mollie, but at least you've got the B&B situation sorted.

Hope the forecasted bad weather doesn't disrupt your OH's toing and froing.


Hi Hicky. That's good if your work can make the brackets, when they've got a spare moment.

I like strawberry jam sometimes on my breakfast toast. Either that or marmalade or honey.


Under the Dome tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all



it is nice that you have been able to make all that jam to give away, at least that good crop of raspberries have not been wasted. Hope you manage to get the brackets made at work, that will be very handy.



Are you up to date with your gardens now autumn has arrived?


Not a bad day today after the early morning rain had gone, took dog a nice walk and it was mild. Went to mums to do her cleaning and did food shopping with daughter in Co-op. Was done in when I got home, tiring doing mum's jobs as well as mine and a food shop.

But at least I can have a nice sit down now and watch a bit of tv.


Have a good evening all xxx



Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Not too bad a day, some rain, cloud etc.


Had a call from the local blacksmith, back from holiday, will see him Thursday.

If he can make what i want it will do me fine.


I'm working out the design for the top

Like this.


Also seeing the Doc Thursday about my voice.


It's hard for you Mollie with 2 places to look after & cleaning and shopping.


Been watching the baking.

Will be getting more wood Thursday or Friday.

The roof needs 98m of 120x25mm decking.

The side bars need 38m of 65x38 treated wood.

The roof area is 11.01m to be covered with either wood shingles or some other material.




Mild here but wet most of the day.

No I'm not up to date gardeningwise Mollie. I've still got a few lawns that I've got to cut, but it may stay too wet to get them done.

Bad forecast for tomorrow morning as well.


Glad you got a dog walk in Mollie.

Yes it must be tiring having to do all your Mother's housework, as well as your own commitments.


Hi Hicky. That's an ambitious top for your gazebo. It'll look great, I'm sure.

Hope you get on OK at the docs on Thursday.


We're supposed to be having a power outage here tomorrow, so they can do work on the line. 9am - 4.30pm. That'll be a riot if it's wet, and I can't get out.


Watched Sarah Beany again. Fantastic houses, but I always wonder how they get planning permission for all these alterations? I think the planning department round here are very strict.


Good afternoon Everyone.


Good Afternoon Emptybox.


Not a bad day at work, one of the bosses has gone to stay for a few days, he has bought a Range Rover Sport as well, mind you production of that has finished i think, the new Sport can be converted to a 7 seater.

should be building that one soon.


My Grass is soaking as well but the neighbours have all been cutting theirs.


Just heard we are going early as the re is a fire evacuation test at 5pm so we are going at 4pm, great.


Might get these Superglass Biber Shingles, only ÂĢ35 for 3 sq metres.

I'll talk to my O/H and see what she thinks.


Had a nice brekkie, 3 bacon, 2 sausages, 1 egg, 1 black pud, beans and 2 toast.


Have received the Chanelle Calendar, haven't opened it yet, bad luck.

Going to get the Gina one as well.


Calendar out soon! Photos are amazing! Cannot wait x


And Hazel might be in the Jungle.



Hi Hicky and Mollie.

After a wet start it turned into a nice sunny day.


The electricity went off at 10.30am so I went out soon after.

I got 3 customers lawns cut, so that's a start on the last cuts.

The leccy was back on at 4.30pm when I got back.


That was lucky, getting an early finish Hicky.

I've got my Chanelle calendar as well.

Think I might give the Gina one a miss?


I heard the rumour about Hazel maybe going on I'm a Celebrity. I'll believe it when I see it.

Hope the doc gives you good news tomorrow.


Hi Mollie.

Here's a video that your guitar playing son may enjoy.

It's my fave Joe Satriani giving an hour's guitar lesson to someone who won a competition.

The fellow is already a good guitarist, so Joe is not teaching him the basics, but he gives him tips on how to improve, and shows him good practise techniques.

A lot of the music theory goes over my head TBH, so I guess it depends on what level your lad is at, as to whether he get's much from it. But I just enjoy listening to him talking as he is so enthusiastic and engaging.


Not sure what to watch this evening? Might have a glance at the 70 stone man on 5? You could fit 6Â― of me in him.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening Emptybox and Hicky.



glad the weather meant you managed to get a bit of work done, and that the electricity going off did not affect you too much. Thank you so much for that guitar link,  I will pass it on to my son. I think the student there is a lot more advanced than my son, as he is only working on his 2nd grade (exam soon), but I am sure he will still find the video of interest.



that is lucky that you got away from work early today. Sounds like you got a nice filling brekkie today.  That top for your gazebo looks great.  Those weather vanes to go on top also look great, are you thinking of getting one of those?  Sorry to hear you are having voice problems, hope the doc's visit goes ok tomorrow.


I don't fancy the thought of Hazel on IAC, didn't like her in the house. Wonder when it starts? I know it usually finishes a couple of weeks before Christmas.


Nice afternoon here too, so took dog nice walk, washing got dried too.


Watching build a house for ÂĢ100k.

Then looking forward to Gogglebox.

have a good evening both xx




Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Just as well you were out when the leccy was off.


I can't see Hazel going in, she isn't on the list of possibles anyway.


Mollie, not sure about a weather vane, want a top on it though for air to escape and let the flies out.

Thinking of getting heavy gauge clear plastic flexible sheet for the sides, maybe better than curtains which let the rain through, want them to be removable though, just hang them on when needed.


The Docs isa bit early in the morning, thats one lay in i won't get.


Been looking at the wood Shingles, problem is i may have to get another type of saw to cut them at an angle.


Good afternoon



pity the early doc's appointment meant you missed out on your day off lie in. Hope you managed to squeeze brekkie time in though. I know the type of plastic sheets you mean, sounds like a good idea to put them to keep the place dry.

Pity you need to get another saw for the wind shingle, as that will really add to the cost. But I guess once you have bought a new saw, you will be able to use it for other things in future?



hope you manage to get some work done today, but if you have the nice weather there, that we have got here today, you should do.


Took dog out early as it was nice and sunny, and have loads of washing drying nicely now.


Thought Gogglebox was really good last night.

  at Sandra hitting herself in the face with a whip, and aaawww at what the elderly man said to his wife at the end.


Have a good day all xxx


Hi Mollie.

Great weather here as well. Sunny and quite warm, so I got another couple of places finished for the season.


I like Gogglebox as well. I like the posh couple. Haven't learned their names though.


Hope your doctor's appointment went OK Hicky?


Watched Benidorm ER then truckers, now I'm watching the thing about the minicab office on 4. As it's set in Norwich, and I used to live in Norfolk, I'm loving listening to the accent again.


Evening Mollie.


Not a bad day here.


Got to Docs early, sorted tablets out, he said my throat / voice problem is because i had been taking Ibuprofen, he gave me something else instead.


Saw the blacksmith, all sorted, he's making a total of 25 brackets, 1 for the top, 6 for the opening and 12 for the 4 inner posts, and 6 for the main posts.

He will make them, after i have checked them he will get them galvanised then spray them black.


Just making the Cupola for the top, a bit of a challenge really.


Will get some more wood tomorrow if i can get the 10% off again, want to get the last 2 side frames, they are the Sunburst ones.

Need some wood to make the louvres for the Cupola as well, something like 35 x 4mm wood would do.


Went out for tea last night, had whitebait and meat & gravy London Pie, very nice too.

Just had a chicken Jalfrezi with coloured rice.


Picked more Raspberries, never seen so many in my life.


Might put a couple of plants into pots, fancy getting some Blue Berry plants as well, trouble is they prefer different potting compost to what i usually use.


At least you could get out with your dog Mollie, had a good bit of sun, not a lot of heat in it now.


Hi Frodo.

Sorry it all went pear shaped healthwise for you. Hope you get over the bug soon.

Love your halloween lantern avi.


Not bad day here. Mild and dry. I got my own grass cut for the last time, but I had to rake up a lot of leaves first. That's quite unusual here because the grass usually stops before the leaves fall.


X-Factor good . Sam Bailey back to her best tonight IMO.


Gotta remember to put my clocks back tonight.





hope you enjoyed your sphag bol tonight. Have you given yourself a weekend off your gardens?  I too like the posh couple on Gogglebox, they certainly like their booze on the show.   I have seen them on 4 In a Bed too.



Hope your voice settles ok now the doc has changed your tablets. Glad the blacksmith can sort your order out. Did you manage to get that 10% off for your wood?


Not been a bad day today, it poured later, but not till after dark. I managed to take mum a little walk in the park, she was cold though she said, and she had about 4 layers on. She always feels the cold though as she is so tiny.

Took the dog a walk too, and ate a nice brekkie in the local cafe.


Enjoyed X factor.

OH may leave for Devon tomorrow afternoon, as some weather warnings here and such a long journey for work on Mondays.


Have a good evening all xxx

Originally Posted by frodo:

Hello all 

long time posting ..flu? no way of knowing,If this was a common cold then 

sheesh ,It went to my chest and then a tummy bug on top of this .

sorry for not posting 


take care all ...the laptop has not been used in yonks to all when I feel a little stronger .will post love to all xxxx

Aaaawww Fredo

sorry to hear you have been so unwell.

This sometimes happens when we got a nasty bug, takes ages to get rid of it, then we get something else.

Take it easy, I expect you will be feeling extra tired out after all this, and I hope you get well soon.



glad you got weather dry enough to get your own garden done.

Yes Sam Bailey had a better week this week, I like young Abi, but that song was not a good choice for her.


Forgot to say I have a real sore left shoulder, OH closed the car boot on it, when I was getting a bag out. ouch!!!   He did feel real guilty though. I had to go round M and S food hall, with an ice pack shoved down my jumper. But had a glass of wine in their coffee bar to ease the discomfort.


Just seen Alfie Bou on Jonathon Ross, we saw him in concert, he is a great singer. 


Goodnight all xxx


Evening all.


Hi Frodo, sorry to hear you're not well, hope you're ok soon though.


Yes Emptybox, it will take a few days for the meds to settle.

I was going to cut my grass as well but it's so wet.


Yes Mollie, got my 10% off, in fact the wood i got had a 10% off if i bought 20 lengths, so i got 2 x 10% off.

Think i'll get one of these saws next, will need it for the roof.;partNumber=172475


Don't fancy getting it off Amazon as it's awkward to take back.

Argos have it as well.


Yes Mollie, with the nasty weather due it may be best for O/H to get to the area Sunday.

Oh dear, thats awful Mollie, I would think he would feel guilty, trapping your shoulder in the boot lid, ouch.


Watched Strictly, X Factor, Ross.


Got to put the clocks back now, done some of them.


Hi Mollie, Hicky and Frodo.

Nice sunny day but windy.

I think there's very stormy weather coming in tonight, but hopefully Scotland will escape the worst. I'll feel sorry for you lot though.


Sorry to hear about your sore shoulder Mollie. I'm confused as to why your OH might be trying to shut you in the boot though?


I quite like Abi as well, but I can't help thinking that she's deliberately trying to look like that blind girl Andrea, who won The Voice. What with her hairstyle and the thick rimmed specs that she wears on stage? I noticed she wasn't wearing them when she went to that premiere, so she can obviously do without them.

I guess it doesn't matter though, if she delivers with her singing? But she didn't this week.


Hi Hicky. That was a good discount for the wood.

Yes probably better getting something big like a saw locally, so you can easily return it if something goes wrong.


Although I said it was sunny, I just noticed spots of rain on the window.

Going to get my lunch in a minute, then off to the supermarket.

I've changed the clocks in the house, but I'll have to do the one in the car. I always have to look in the manual for that one.


Good evening all



Good on you getting 2 x 10% off, it all helps.

That is a nice looking saw, yes good thing about Argos is that they always make it easy to take stuff back.



Day off the gardens today? Do you use that new Sainsburys by you now? I like Sainsburys, their fruit and veg seems to be good quality. Hadn't thought of it before but yes, I guess Abi is similiar to Andrea, but not sure why she would want to copy her? I assumed Abi had always had those glasses, and maybe just left them off now and again?  Don't think Abi has much confidence in herself though, but of course she is very young still.


OH got to Devon around 3.30pm, traffic real heavy he said. He went to pub for dinner and watched footie, Am glad he doesn't have to travel early tomorrow now, as such a bad forecast for here and round there too.


Took dog down seafront this morning and at the tide and winds. The waves were HUGE, and smashing onto the rocks, and as high as the top of the lighthouse, A crowd of people by the lighthouse taking pics. The froth off the sea was all over the cars parked on the seafront and as we walked you could taste the salt from the sea spray. Looked very pretty, hard to stand up though. Just had to put the dog in the garden, ,and although I could still hear the noise of the crashing waves from our garden, the wind had gone completely now, which is strange, as they we are due even stronger winds later tonight.


I don't think they are forecasting problems up north for you though, are they? But of course if weather problems hit London area, we never hear the end of it on the media.


Have a good evening both xx

Originally Posted by emptybox:


Sorry to hear about your sore shoulder Mollie. I'm confused as to why your OH might be trying to shut you in the boot though?


Now that made me LOL...

I am sure he feels like doing that sometimes when I nag him about eating his veg or taking his shoes off indoors, but we were only getting shopping bags out of the boot, and as I was leaning in boot getting my bag out, he forgot I was leaning in the boot.


I have a nice bruise developing now and a lump there, despite the ice pack, but at least it is not so painful now.


X factor... good that Abi is through, But what on earth is Hannah doing in the bottom 2 ?  I think she has a great voice.


Hello all

can't tell you how good It feels to be back...feeling so much better ,the laptop Is probably feeling the strain as I am using the the arrows on the right hand side for pointing right ...does that make sense as the keyboard is completely out of sync ,and I haven't a clue how to fix It .


Sorry that I haven't been following you all , I need a good read back to catch up and then I'll comment ,thankyou for the good wishes ...never had any thing like this *FLU*  never had that so I can't comment .


When I have read back I'll say more ...but hoping that Mollie Is well and love to her mum ,same to you Hicky and empty box 


will be back later xxx 


Good evening all



so good to see you back and I am so pleased to hear you are feeling so much better. Yes real flu is a real bummer, takes weeks to get over it, not like a cold at all. It really takes it out of you, it does. You will have to take it easy now, and build your strength up again slowly.


Glad OH went to work day early as they close both bridges into England, when he would of needed to drive there.


Hope your garden was ok in the wind Hicky.

and hope Emptybox's temperamental electricity held up.


has anyone seen the Ant/Dec ad in the back of the Ozzie van?   Good to see it, as it means IACGMEOOH is not far away.


have a good evening all xxx


Evening Frodo, Mollie & Emptybox.


Glad your a lot better Frodo,


Yes Emptybox, found some good Bench Saws, but when i read the reviews it puts me off.

Problem is the very good ones seem to be too expensive.


Had to change 10 clocks / watches Sat/Sun.


Mollie, hope your shoulder is easing,  thats awful, hope you ok soon?


I don't know that B&B, it's in New Brighton but i only know the main road on the coast so not sure where about it is, i don't go into the village.


The have to close some bridges in high winds.


the Gazebo seems ok, but the strainer tie back on to stop the roof coming off.


IAC starts next month.


An awful lot of trees down in the south, 4 dead, dreadful.


Hi all

It was forecast sunny to-day ,It Is but very cold .


Advice Mollie or emptybox or Hicks the room Is almost finished .crushed almond Is the colour Wilco's own  Its an off white ,the doors are stained as is the mantel shelf and the surrounds a sort of medium varnishy warmish brown

so Is the unit we sit on ,I prefer this .my son wants to inject colour ,.but I say you can do that with doo daas you know extra's etc .


Feeling so much better lost tons of weight and not through trying .


Do you you think the energy firms will squirm when they are grilled not a chance in hell ..outrageous in my opinion ...lets hope they get a good grilling 

doubt anything will come of It though...still haven't read back properly going too now 

take care all x


Back again 

only for a short while ,Googlebox Is one of my favs ,the posh couple too his laugh Is infectious ,and the tiny dog ahh .


Only just watched the G.B.Bake off and I was convinced Ruby was the winner

forgive the people who wanted this but not me Francis was my choice      ...I have read back forgive me as there Is too much to comment on ,the one thing that stood out was why I wanted to join in the first place ...such lovely close friendship between you three ...nice to be a small part of It


forgive me not feeling that much A1 better... but someone's birthday Is coming up and on Nov 9th ...


Jam making Hicky I haven't a clue any tips 


see you all 


Good Afternoon / early Evening Frodo.


Weather not so good here, been doing a few jobs in the garden, just taking out the watering computers, removing batteries, will buy new for next spring.


Got enough raspberries to make another batch.

Have made 4.5kg so far, but gave all the 0.25L jars away so might have to buy another batch.


Frodo, if you want to make jam, i just had 1kg raspberries, 1 kg Jam Sugar, juice of 1 lemon.

If you want to know how i made it just ask.


Been working more on the Gazebo, need more wood of course.


Have to go, making a roast dinner.





glad you did not lose your electricity for a change. Work day today?



Wow, your crop of raspberries certainly seems never ending this year. Did you have to give them a lot of attention over the year to get such a good crop?

I am not surprised you need more wood for the gazebo, it must take a lot to make one. It is certainly an ambitious project of yours to make one of those.

10 watches and clocks, you certainly have a lot of time keepers then.

Yes my shoulder is easing now thank you.

How is your voice now? has it started to ease at all now you have changed your tablets?

Yes, so sad how people lost their lives in that horrid storm.



Glad you are at last feeling better, but I am not surprised you lost a lot of weight after having real flu. Flu is very nasty. Yes I like a bit of colour in a room, but you can add it with items like cushions.


Tired tonight, did lots of washing today which dried nicely in the breeze, took dog long walk as so sunny, and did food shopping with daughter.

Not much on tv tonight, but as we know that will soon change when IAC starts.


Have a good evening all xxx


Evening Frodo and Hicky.

Lovely day here. Sunny, but not warm, as you say Frodo.

Got a few more gardens finished for the season.


The room sounds nice Frodo. Nice colour combination. Not sure I can give any advice. I've never really gone in for decorating.


Pity you didn't get the good weather Hicky. But at least you got to faff around with your garden computers.


I bit the bullet and put my heating on tonight. I think it's not bad that I waited till after the clocks changed before I put it on.

Watched Obsessive Compulsive cleaners earlier.


Morning all


after reading my room sounds a bit posh LOL ...So far from the truth Its comfy 

and lived In ...just ideas that I need thats all .


Take my kitchen ...yes please take It ...It's large  I have a dresser Its an old one It was discarded and very old ,someone must have loved It ..I have my mums treasures on It and large and small jars full of different things  and a table the top end could really do with new cabinets ...but I like It 


see you soon x


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