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thanks for the lappy security info, will ask OH about them.

Glad you are enjoying your jam.

Let's hope for dry weather so you can get your gazebo done before winter.



oh dear, such a shame about the mice, yes a horrible thought to kill them, I know they do make humane traps, that is what OH used to get rid of the ones in our garage, but he had to go down the road to release them. It will not be good if they do cause damage to your car as you have already had big car expenses. Glad you seem better now.



glad you had a word with your son, and he says all is in hand, let's hope it is. It must be so difficult for you deciding whether it is best to say something or not. I am like that with my kids, never know if best to state my opinion or recently when daughter deciding whether to go to Uni or not. But I guess at the end of the day, although the decision is their's all we can do is try to give our opinion, and let them know we are only trying to help and support them.

Sorry  to hear that the cough is keeping you awake.   Hope it eases soon.

I didn't have time to watch the Midwives, but I love baby tales.

The Downtown story made me uncomfy watching it, but they say awful things like that really did happen in those days.


Going to watch Sarah Beany and then The Wrong Mans on bbc2 with James Cordon, that is a good programme. Anyone else watch it.?


Drizzle this morning, but lovely this afternoon. Really warm still, but we have been warned it will change and go cold Wednesday night. Think i will go tomorrow and change mum's quilt to her winter one now.


VAT time again, but have only started to think about doing it so far.


Son gone to drama club, they are doing Phampton of Opera next. They have to audition for parts.


have a good evening all






Not bad day here, quite warm. Got some work done anyway.

The forecast is for colder windier weather coming in tomorrow.


No more mice, but one of the traps had been set off and the chocolate eaten, so they're still there.


I watched Sarah Beany as well. That barge was fantastic.

Hope your son get's the part in Phantom that he wants.


Hope you are feeling better Frodo? I still haven't shaken it off completely. I've still got my tickly cough and a slight sore throat. Taking a while.

Yes a cup of hot chocolate sounds like a good plan. Think I'll join you.


Hi all 


sunny here again to-day ,but might as well make the most of It as Its forecast

rain here for to-morrow.


Still can't get rid of whatever's ailing me feeling clammy and light headed ,but bathing and clean Jammys help ,Its almost too much trouble to get out of bed and I'm always up around 7am not like me to be moaning ,like most I have a routine polish etc specially the blinds they are wood and a pain if you leave them ,ah well hopefully back to normal soon whatever normal Is for me


My son went out for the day and I got four cooked chickens two for ÂĢ5 you have to be there a the last minute though just before they close,I froze two they are for the animals and my son .


Made a massive Quorn shepherds pie and froze It before this cold started and Its been yummy  blowing my own trumpet again sorry about that  ,must get some dried mash though peeling spuds Is a pain and I like instant mash .


My son Is a meat eater he makes these lasagna's for them both... uses wine and fresh pasta he Is a good cook ,but I don't like mince steak .


The Great British Bake Off was a pain last night and Ruby was the star baker again this review sums It up for me


It was brutal and unfair just my opinion ,so feel free to disagree good to have differing opinions.


Emptybox hope your mice are all gone ,how can you stop them though when field mice are determined to find a warm spot for the winter a nightmare around here ,never leave my back door open but they can get through the teeniest cracks ,I have that wall cavity but that didn't stop them.


Mollie you OK ? thinking of you and your family ,how Is your mum and you ?   any news about different B&Bs hope everything turns out well .


How did your son's audition go Phantom of the Opera ,love It I have seen most musical versions and the film ones ...let me know would be over the moon for you If he got a part xx


I think Downton would be better a little longer ,to me they are rushing thro' storylines and you simply don't get time to digest them ...a little like my post all jumbled.


I hope Hicky Is well take care all ...mwaaaahxx


mean't to mention this 


when my laptop went funny ,there Is sort of a thing at the end which you press and speak into It a sort of thistle It says press and speak ,I did so funny 

I kept saying all these funny things ,do you think the yorkshire accent was to blame ? but I 'm not broad LOL ....COUGH COUGH splutter atchoooooooooooo  must go 



Hi Frodo.

Pity you are still feeling shaky.

Must admit I seem to be better today.


Not bad day here. Windier and colder than before, but still dry and sunny. Got a couple of jobs done. The grass is still growing round here anyway.


Caught another mouse here this morning.

My Dad had a sonic device that scares them away. Think it's still around here somewhere? The downside is it needs to be powered, and when he connected it to his car's cigarette lighter socket it drained the battery, so he didn't use it much. Might give it a try though, if I can locate it.


That's good that your son is a good cook, even if you don't like the dishes he makes. It'll stand him in good stead.


Watched Downton now. I think the rape thing was a plot device to cause tension between Anna and Bates. Perhaps Julian Fellowes thought the viewers would be bored if they were happy ever after?


Erm...not sure what you mean about talking into a thistle? Is that on some website or other?





I have heard about those sonic mice repeller thingies, but as you say, unfortunately, they need power. However why don't you try peppermint oil? Cheap and does the job so says the reviews, and you don't get to kill the mice either.

See reviews on amazon here...

There are also some battery repellant ones at Amazon.

Glad you managed to get a couple of jobs done, it should be calming down work wise for you soon, shouldn't it? But I guess you have had a longer season this year with the milder weather.



Good job you have the pre-made qourn pie to eat whilst you have been ill. That is good that your son is a good cook. My daughter loves cooking and baking, we got some lovely toffee flavoured cakes today.

My mum is fine thanks, but very forgetfull. I don't expect that to improve though. I am so glad I got the meals on wheels sorted in the week for her, so I know she gets a hot meal each weekday.

A good idea to have a nice hot choc, it is supposed to be good for a cough. Hope you feel yourself again soon.


Hope Hicky has had a good day, and has managed to get into his garden.


One of my boys now has the coughing lurgy.   Sounds like it is doing the rounds.


Have a good evening all xxx




Hello all

I Have those mice repellent thingies had them for ages ,you plug them in 


You need a cat Emptybox ;oh I so wish this little love I feed could be spirited away lovely .The dogs would go wild though so no chance of bringing It in


Still feeling rough Is that normal after all this time ? but things seem to be on the mend .


Goggle box fantastic LOL ...THE SEX BOX LAST NIGHT so funny IS It Carol Aherne and Graig Cash from 'The Royle Family' narrating?...please the red lines tell me spelling mistakes and usually I would respond ..but not now 


please let me off this once  cos I'm feeling rough



be back later xx





sounds like you are going to be busy painting soon. Take care though, you don't want any more accidents after that last nasty one. Did that bad leg fully heal ok?  Sorry to heal the cold is still hanging on, and yes it can be normal to have a real nasty virus that hangs on for weeks. Hope it goes soon though.


I agree Gogglebox was hilarious last night.   The things these people say, and at the Sex box they were watching. (or not watching as more of them left the room). 


Lovely sunny day here today, dog enjoyed walk on seafront, she prefers it cooler, as I do when doing a longish walk. Few people were surfing today and some in those little cano things.


have a good evening all, time to sort dinner out.







Wet here today, and much colder.


Another two mice caught today. Can't find that sonic deterrent, so I'd have to buy one of those battery ones if I wanted one. Not sure if they'd work outside though?


Watched Googlebox. Quite funny, but I don't like the commentator (the Royle Family bloke), or at least I don't like the voice he puts on.


Watched Location, now watching Truckers on BBC1, with Stephen Tompkinson. It's quite good.


ETA: Hi Hicky. Best of luck with the dentist tomorrow.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Everybody.


Went out for dinner last night, just had whitebait starter and a lovely meat & grave pie for dinner with fruit crumble.


Not too bad a day, cooler but sunny at times, dry anyway.


Had salfish for brekkie, it had worked ok.

Have salted more today as well.

Nice to have in.


Had a chippy meal just now, donor mean with chips and curry.


Was going to make more Jam tomorrow but they have ran out of the Kilner 0.25 litre jars a wanted.

have now ordered them off Amazon, with spare lids, labels, tongs & wax disks.


Have changed the method of building the new gazebo, need a special hex bracket making but the person i was going to ask to make it is on holiday.


Went to B&Q for more wood and brackets etc, got my 10% off again.


Hope you get rid of the mice emptybox, aren't they cheeky blighter's?


Glad you are on the mend Frodo, i'm not 100%, got the dentist tomorrow.





as Hicky says, they are cheeky blighters, those mice. I reckon you should try my peppermint oil to stop them coming back, and then you could have a mice free car,that smelt like a humbug.

(Couldn't find a humbug, so that lolly was the nearest).

Couldn't you put the battery one in the car instead of outside? It should work there.

I am not keen on the man commentator on on googlebox either, Caroline was much better, but even so, still think the programme is funny.



Hope the dentist went ok. Sorry to hear you too are not feeling 100%. Do you think you are getting a cold too?

Glad you had a nice meal out.  Good job we can buy most things we run out of on Amazon.

Hope the gazebo person isn't away too long, I know how keen you are to get on with it.



hope you feel a bit better now.


OH home from work now for weekend, he works over in the week so he can leave early Fridays. Poor thing got home and is having to fix a broken toilet, can't find stop tap though.    We will go out for dinner tonight though.


have a good day all xxx





Not bad day here, but pretty cold in the wind.

Got some grass cutting done. Will have to do one job tomorrow if it's dry.


I'll look out for peppermint oil Mollie. I caught another mouse this morning, which I think is 8 so far.

Did your OH manage to fix the toilet? Hope it didn't cause a flood.

Enjoy your meal out.


Hope you didn't need any work done at the dentist Hicky?

Pity you couldn't get hold of the bracket you were after for your gazebo.


Hope you are feeling better Frodo?

I'd wait till you are fully recovered before you start on your decorating.


Looking forward to watching Agents of Shield in a bit.

Haven't decided what to have for supper yet, but it'll be something with chips.


Evening Everyone.


Evening Mollie & Emptybox.


Dentist was ok, had an extra filling to do as well as one came out the other night when i was having a chewy sweet.

He tidied up all the nasty sharp teeth, most had been damaged eating either Nectarines of other stone fruits.

He must have touched up 6 in all.

Very proud of myself being brave and not having the needle, mind you it was probably because there was no nerve involved.


Ordered another Grill tray, a bigger one that will stick out so we can get hold of it easier.


My jam Kilner jars have been dispatched, along with the other bits i ordered.


Did a days work on the gazebo, i can get a lot done in advance, love this new saw machine, it's great.


I hope i can get this bracket made otherwise it's plan 'P', (panic)


I am going to waterproof the roof using felt or that type of tile, one you cut with a knife, problem is there's 6 ridges.


Mollie, glad your O/H is home early, pity about the Loo.


Emptybox, Hope it's dry for you to get some more work done.

It wasn't too bad here today, cold though most of the time.


Did a little RibEye steak for tea, with mash, fried onion & mushroom.


Been watching Ext People, Hens, Celeb wed planner.


Hope Frodo is a lot better.



A bit dull and drizzly here, but I got the job done that I needed to do.


Sounds like you had to get quite a bit done at the dentists after all Hicky.

I'm a cushie, I always get an injection if I'm having a filling.


Sounds like your gazebo modifications are coming along?


I dug up the rest of my potatoes and am drying them in my back kitchen before I put them in a bag. Quite a good crop. Should keep me going for a while.


Looking forward to X-Factor later - after my bath, and spag bol.


Evening Emptybox.


10C here today, had my warmer jacket on.

Working on the Gazebo.


Going to my lads for lunch tomorrow, we bought a nice Pork Joint for him to cook.


Glad you managed to get the job done.


These teeth feel strange, not used to some of these being able to close together.

It's good though.


You need to dry off those spuds, they need to be kept cool and dry preferably in a garage or something.

You need to check them every month to see if any have rotted and take them out.

I used to keep mine in wide boxes like they have in the supermarket to sell the veg, keep the without touching if you can.


Going to try and get enough Raspberries to make double the jam this time.

The jars should be here next week anyway.


Watched Strictly & X factor.


Good evening all



glad you are pretty up to date work wise. Sounds like you will have plenty of nice potato meals to come now.



Hope you are having a nice day at your lads.

Bet you are glad your dentist visit is all over now. Good job all is fixed so you can enjoy your food, you were brave too with no injection. Hope your jars come soon. Good luck with the gazebo work.


wonder how Fredo is? Hope she is feeling better.


My lad still not well, he was disappointed that he had to miss an all day drama event in the big theatre in the city today. His cough is too bad, and you can't sing or show people to their seats with a bad cough.


OH managed to fix the toilet. he had to replace the valve, not a good way to spend his Friday afternoon after a 3 hour drive home. But at least he fixed it, if we had to tell landlady, it would of probably taken weeks.


We rejoined Costca again, so stocked up with a few things yesterday.


Enjoyed X factor. wonder who will go?

Hope OH's B and B this next week is ok he said the bed last week was far too hard.

have a good evening all xxx


Evening Mollie.


Glad your Toilet got fixed, you need that.

Glad you rejoined Costco, they have fantastic stuff, love them.

It's hard to find suitable digs, can only try.


Went to my lads for lunch, roast pork dinner, very nice.


Did more work on the Gazebo, still loads to do, will get more wood next week.

Because i've altered the angle of the roof i will have to take the original roof off to install the new one.

Can't do that until i get the bracket for the top that joins the 6 main stays together.


Will be watching Strictly then X Factor then probably The Ottomans.


Gathered more Raspberries, trying to get the 2kg.

The Peaches are ready, only got 3 left i think.

But at least they grew.


Can't see these 100 figs reaching maturity, will look and see if i can do anything with unripe ones.



Hi guys.

The day started off sunny but turned to rain at noon.

I had some washing out on the line, but had to bring it in quickly.


Pity your lad wasn't well enough for his drama Mollie.

Good job your OH was able to fix the toilet.


Hi Hicky. Glad you enjoyed your family lunch.

The gazebo work sounds complicated.


I watched X-Factor but am now watching the Tom Hanks film 'Angels & Demons' on 5.

I'm recording Downton and Homeland for later.


My brother and his wife are on holiday in Egypt just now. Scuba diving in Sharm El Sheikh, so I won't get a phone call from him tonight.


Morning Emptybox.


Cool and damp here today, but not too bad in the office.


Looking forward to Red Hot Friday night, my lads Birthday, this one is 36 i think.


It's good fun working on the Gazebo, love playing with timber, if it's wrong you just recut it, throw it or use it for something else.


It's ok for some then, Sharm El Sheikh eh.


Pretty quiet at work today, get most of it done by coming in early.





that is so annoying when you spend ages pegging out the washing and it starts to rain, it often happens to me. Good forecast for tomorrow, so hope to get a few loads on the line then.

Should be nice and warm over there for your brother anyway. I take it they don't need you any more for the dog now the kids are older?



glad you weren't too busy at work today. Good job you enjoy working on the gazebo, as it sounds quite complicated.

How nice to have Red Hot to look forward to on Friday, it's a great place to go for a birthday treat.   Such a huge choice of food on their evening menus.


OH left at 4.45 am, so got in work on time at 7.45.

Mondays are long days for him.


Daughter feels unwell now. Hope we don't all get this cold now. Lots of these horrible bugs around right now.

Hope Fredo is over hers now.


have a good evening all, going to watch Doc Martin now.


Hello Mollie and Hicky.

Not bad day here, not too cold. Managed to get some work done.


My Brother and wife have left the kids behind, so they'll look after the dog. Think the MiL is staying to babysit the younger nephew. The holiday is to celebrate their 25th anniversary, which is actually next month.


That is a long drive for your OH Mollie. No wonder you are considering a move nearer.


Hi Hicky. I suspected you had fun doing these projects in the garden, you do so many of them.

Enjoy your red hot meal on Friday.


Watching Crimewatch at the mo, about Madeleine McCann, then I'm looking forward to Under The Dome.

Aisleyne is going to be on Daybreak tomorrow morning talking about the proposition to ban Lads Mags like Nuts from being on sale in supermarkets etc. I'm hoping she'll be against a ban.


Pity your daughter is now coming down with something Mollie.

Although I'm more or less recovered now, I still have a little tickle at the back of my throat at times, and that's over two weeks since it first came on.

Last edited by emptybox




glad your cold has gone, but those tickly coughs do sometimes seem to take forever to clear completely. I thought your brother had left the kids at home, that sounds a nice way to celebrate a special anniversary,


Hope you all had the gorgeous sunny weather we had here today.

My friend came over and we sat on the swing chair in the sun and I got loads of washing dried nicely.

Weather forecast says we won't be so lucky tomorrow.

Hope Hicky managed to get into his garden today.


Drama son still coughing, but is well enough to go to drama club tonight. But now other son feels unwell, daughter bit better though.


Am watching Sarah Beany, I like her shows.


have a good evening all xxx



Hi Mollie. Glad you got the sunshine. It was a bit dull here, but a wee bit sun. Grass was very wet though.


Pity your other son is coming down with something now. Hope you or your OH doesn't get it.


I watched Sarah Beeny too. I like all those shows.

Yes you're right, Ash was against banning the Lads Mags. Put her case very well too.


Hope Frodo is recovered now.


Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.


Not too bad here, some rain expected, but i'm at work.


Am restarting the gazebo again, need it higher but will have to take old one down to erect it.

Need to get a load of steel brackets made though.

Going to buy new thicker posts, 6 off.

Found a brill program on line that works all the calculations out for you.



Should be making the jam Friday i think, if i have the 2kg of raspberries by then.


Yes Mollie, leaving for work at 4.45 is what i do as well, mind you i arrive at about 5.25am.

It's not that far for me, but at night i can be held up in traffic, nightmare.


Have to go through Liverpool, although i don't go through the centre, neither does anyone else.


Hope your lads cough doesn't persist, although my chest hasn't been all that good, going for jab Saturday.


Yes Emptybox, fancy trying to ban lads mags, crazy.

Good on Ash standing up to them.


Hope Frodo is ok, always lot of problems to contend with.



Hi Mollie and Hicky.


Bit of a crisis here this morning.

I came downstairs to find water all over the kitchen floor and dripping from the ceiling. I looked in my bedroom and noticed the plaster in one corner of the ceiling was wet. Then I opened the hatch and looked into the loft, and there was water lying underneath the cold water tank.


I phoned the landlady, and luckily she had a plumber here within an hour or so. In the meantime I had turned the water off and drained the tank.

The plumber found the ballcock system had broken and the tank had been overflowing. There is an overflow pipe, but seemingly there was a hole in the tank at the same level that someone had made, and the water had been coming out of this into the loft, and obviously made it's way down to the kitchen.


He's replaced the ballcock and plugged the extra hole, plus he's fitted an isolation valve so I could turn off the feed to the tank without turning all the water to the house off.

Everything is still wet up there, but he says it should dry up itself if I leave the hatch open.

I'm also hoping the plaster in the bedroom ceiling (and kitchen ceiling) will dry up without any redecoration needed.

So I think I've got away quite lightly, without any ceilings coming down, or any major damage.


The plumber only left about 2.45pm, so I haven't been out doing any work.


I'm sure you'll enjoy planning and rebuilding your gazebo Hicky.


Yes I think the Lads Mags are harmless fun, if a bit cheesy, and there seems to be a certain amount of hypocrisy about it. Nobody seems to be talking about banning topless pictures of Justin Bieber or David Beckham from teenage girls or womens' mags?

The covers are censored anyway, so you have to open them up to see any topless pictures (so I'm told )


I guess it's Grand Designs then Gogglebox tonight? Or maybe I'll peep at 'When Gastric Bands Go Wrong'?


Evening Emptybox.


Not had a bad day really.

Had a nice brekkie, had a nice Jalfrezi for tea, one of the stock ones in the freezer.

Then i had a tin of tomato soup. 

Yes Rick Stein, River Cottage, Gastric Bands, The only way is Essex.


it might be a nice day tomorrow so i will get any more Raspberries that are ready, will weigh what i have so i can see where i am up to.


Am soaking saltfish for brekkie, with grilled bacon.


Bad news about your ballcock, fancy there being an unplugged overflow hole.


Hope the ceiling drys out without any problems.


I think the lads mags are harmless as well.


I suppose this is the first nail in the mags coffin.


Hi Hicky.

Hope you had nice weather to pick your rasps?

Wet here today, so didn't get out.


I updated both my Windows 8 computers to 8.1, which came out today.


I'm running a de-humidifier and a fan heater to try to dry the ceiling in the bedroom, but no luck so far. I suppose it'll have to dry out in the loft before it dries up lower down? I've left the loft hatch open to see if that helps.


Watched Location then Truckers, and now I'm watching a prog about nightclub toilets. What is the world coming to?


Evening Emptybox.


Not too bad a day here, terrible night, lightening thunder pouring rain.


Had my saltfish this morning with bacon and poached eggs.


Went to Costco this afternoon, got some good stuff, loads of fruit as well.

Got a big 1,3kg black pudding to cut up and freeze, also got a Haggis to cut up, each gave me 10 meals.

Bought a pack of Back Bacon, just to try really but the pack is 2.3kg so i have split it down into 6 packs for the freezer.


Hope to get some more material for the gazebo tomorrow,

Need 6 of those 75mm bolt downs, and new 69mm sq Redwood posts.

I need 5 fancy infill's for the surround sections, they are ÂĢ34.98 each but would look nice.





that must of been a bit of a shock to you to find all that water. Good job it did not cause any more damage though, what a nuisance you ended up not getting out to work because of it. Hope it dries up quickly.



hope you got what you needed for the gazebo, and hope you have a lovely evening today at Red Hot. One thing about that place is that you know the whole family will be spoilt for choice food wise.   Happy Birthday to your lad.


I agree, lads mags are harmless fun, i get the Heat and am happy to look at the torso of the week each week.


Been busy sorting out B and B's again, when I could get on my lappy, that is. ....Son has had to sort it out as it was going so slow, and then the security thing ran out, and then he had to link it to the printer ... but am finally back here again, and B and B sorted for next week.  I even had to sort a B and B for the weekend, because we decided it would be best for OH to stay in Devon, as the kids all have bad colds, so we couldn't go anywhere and he would of bound to of caught it. So it has saved him a 6 hour round drive and he is looking at areas and houses incase we move there. Found him a nice place on offer in Torquay.


Sorry to hear you have been a bit chesty Hicky. There is so many nasty bugs around. Do you feel any better now? I too have been feeling off the last few days, have been taking ecanacia and garlic tablet in the hope they help.


Corrie for me tonight, then Miranda and Have I Got New for You and 8 out of 10 cats. So a few things to watch. Pouring down now, but has been dry the rest of the day.


Have a good evening all. xxx


Hope Fredo is ok.


Evening Mollie and Hicky.


Dull and a bit drizzly here, but I did get a bit done.

The grass is really too wet now, and the ground is getting soft, so I hope it stops growing soon or I'll be unable to keep cutting it.


Hope you managed to get the stuff for your gazebo Hicky?


Hi Mollie. Pity you are now coming down with the lurgy as well.

Glad you got your OH's B&B sorted for another week. Hope you find a more permanent solution soon.

Probably a good thing if your OH stays away this weekend. Especially if you've been on the garlic.


Watched Marvel's Agents of Steel, then the wildlife prog on BBC2 about the walrus.


Evening Mollie &Emptybox.


Yes Emptybox, damp and miserable here as well, raining now.


I got my post bolt downs, the 75mm galv ones, got my new posts, and got 3 infill sections.


Had a great time at Red Hot, had some of everything really, couldn't eat any more.


Probably best your hubby stayed in digs Mollie, you really don't want him ill.


Going for my Jab in the morning, my chest isn't too bad though.





glad you managed to get a bit done, despite the drizzle. Hope you enjoy your sphag bol (and beer?) tonight.



I thought you would enjoy Red Hot.   Hope your jab went ok, and your chest is holding up. Sounds like you are making good progress on the gazebo.


Had one big downpour today, but then it ended up being a nice warm sunny afternoon. Daughter and I ate Subway on the seafront. Good to try and blow away the cold germs, I hope. Lots of people around enjoying the mild weather.


OH went to the zoo to pass a bit of time today, and drove round some different areas in Devon.


Looking forward to X factor.

We all have a Cadbury Scream Egg to look forward to.


Have a good evening all xxx


Evening Mollie.


I do love Red Hot, O/H prefers the big Chinese in Liverpool, she says it was too busy and noisy for her.

There were a lot of rowdy people in, mainly birthday parties.


It's a shame your O/H has to stay down South, but you have to do what you have to do.


Subway on the seafront is good, not too bad a day then.


Been busy today, jab this morning, working on the gazebo wood, made 2.5kg of Raspberry Jam, just cooking a big piece of Belly Pork.


Had a downpour late on after i had done the work i wanted to do.

All day it was fine.


Watching Strictly, now X Factor,


Hi guys.

Wet start here, but the afternoon ended up fine.

Still reasonably mild.


I think my bedroom ceiling is begining to dry up, but it might be a slow process. Depends if there is water sitting behind the plaster, I guess?


Glad you felt well enough to enjoy the seafront with your daughter Mollie.


That's good that you've got your flu jab out of the way Hicky. And the weather was OK to let you get on with your gazebo.


Watching X-Factor. Didn't think Sam Bailey was as good this week, although still an excellent singer.


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