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Evening Everyone.


Emptybox, the saw i got is this one.


My Salamanda came today, wow, love it.

I got a free Kitchen knife set with a knife stand, it cost me 1p but of course i don't need it so will have to find a home for it.


Need a heat proof sheet or board to go underneath it, in the front anyway, think it's made to go on the wall though, but you can use it on the worktop, it's at eye level at the mo on top of the oven which is high level.


Had quite a lot of rain lately.


Had curry the last 2 nights, bought 2 from the little co-op store, 2 for ÂĢ5 1 Madras, 1 Jalfrezi.


Not sure if it's a good think to try and build a false roof in the Gazebo, it will take a lot of wood and cost.


My bosses said today i can stay at work for as long as i wish to, and work more hours if i wanted, i said well just pay me a bit more, they said ok and gave me a 25% rise.

I can buy more stuff for the garden now.


Forgot to order the Chanelle Calendar as well.


Ordered my Flu jab, got to wait a few weeks, it's not in yet.


Hope you and your Mum are ok Mollie, it's tough on you with all this worry.


Just remembered i forgot to take a piece of salt fish out of the freezer for the morning, will have to go out to the garage, all the lights come on if i go out.


Afternoon all 

thats a smart looking grill Hicky ,you can get plenty on that,enough for a snack for you  seems to me you are needed at work must be lovely to be so well thought of ,must be good at your job ..good luck and as you say more money for your hobbies a lot of loving care has gone into that garden so good luck


Turn of the page so I'm trying to answer Mollie I do watch Gogglebox came buy It by chance so funny them all sat there really reviewing the telly programme's with fun  yes the plates etc not enough for you I intend getting some different ones ,I have a black set with those new kind of bowls but no-one likes the colour so they just sit there .


The injection and a packet of in between frontline doses three to be exact ..still It seems to have worked so It was worth It .


Raining again... and If I haven't mentioned you emptybox hiya ,thinking of having a laminate floor as I will still be here waiting for the floor to be sanded then cleaned then varnished ...sheesh I could go on 


take care all 


so good you are back Mollie ,I know I go off sometimes have to ,but I'm new not the same without you ,so I hope family things go well for you x

Last edited by Former Member

Good afternoon all



Wow !!!  A nice 25% pay rise, that was certainly worth asking for. Congratulations. It just goes to show what a good job you are doing as you are so valued there. As Fredo says, this should give you a bit more cash to get what you need to keep up the work in your lovely garden. Your grill looks great, remember to tell us the 1st thing you cook on it and how it goes.



thanks for your kind words, I am always pleased to see you back on here too. I so hope I can keep posting because my lappy is getting worse, will have to try stronger sellotape.

Raining too here today, but managed to get an early morning walk in with the dog whilst it was still dry, as she hates the rain. Yes indeed it was worth the injection costs as it has at last knocked the problem on the head. We had laminate in our last house, and although it did not look posh, it certainly was brilliant because with pets it is so easy to keep clean. I abosoultely hate the beige carpets we have in this house, so difficult, even my vacuum doesn't pick up dirt/fur trapped in to.   Meant to say, I am glad you put the link up to your plates, because that is a great site for homewear things.


Just got off phone from booking yet another B and B for OH, so I now have the next 2 weeks booked up. Luckily the prices seem to be going down as we get into autumn. So far I have now booked 5 different places. Some better than others, but luckily as I use trip advisor reviews, I haven't booked anything too bad. Using trip advisor is quite time consuming, but worth it. 


We have had a bit of thunder this morning and heavy rain, but good forecast for the weekend, hope that proves right.


Wonder if it is too wet for Emptybox to do his gardens today?

Have a good day all.  xxx







Bit of a wet start, but the day was mostly warm and dry, so I got some jobs done.


Hi Mollie. I suppose it would make sense for you to move, if your OH was going to continue getting work away from where you are now, but of course your Mother would be a concern in that case. A difficult decision I guess?


I watched Gogglebox last night as well.


Hi Hicky.

Enjoy your new saw and grill.

That's a great pay rise. Your bosses must really want to keep you in harness for a few years yet?

Good idea to order your flu jab early.


Hi Frodo. Pity you are getting the rain. It's been mostly dry here so far; better than was forecasted.

I bet laminate floors would look just as good as floorboards.


Still got a bit of a sore throat and cough, but not too bad. Hope it goes away soon.

Looking forward to Location, Location, Location in a bit.


Evening Everyone.


Evening Mollie, Frodo & Emptybox.

Had some Saltfish for brekkie, needed soaking longer really.


We tried the grill out last night making cheese on toast, O/H was happy with that.


I used it for doing the bacon this morning, put some foil in the bottom of the grill pan.

It sure heats up, wow, terrific.

Have ordered an aluminium baking tray to use for cooking my bacon etc.


Just had fried rice i made with roast peppered squid with a Satay sauce from a tin.

Very nice to.


Hi Frodo, we have the laminated flooring, so easy to clean, can't beat it really.


Mollie, it can be a trial and error getting these digs, think we often had to pay by the week x 7 days so the room was kept for us.

We often used to travel in a pack, say 8 or more, when we were in Belgium we stayed at times in a Hotel and took the whole 2nd floor at a special rate.


In London, Ilford or Dagenham or around there we used to pay about ÂĢ18 a night.


Emptybox, we have had quite a lot of rain here today as well, stopped me doing a lot of work.

Picked another container of Raspberries, they grow and ripen so fast.

I put them in the freezer as i didn't see anyone to give them too.


Hope that throat of yours clears up.


Watching the X Factor USA.


Frodo, as I don't know what make of laptop you have, the only thing I can suggest is that you find a local computer repair shop to have a look.


It may be something fairly simple or more complicated.

It could be that the keyboard needs cleaning.

Link to an article about how to do this but as it involves taking the keys off you probably would want a computer repairman to do that.

It doesn't sound as if you've accidentally locked the keyboard as then you wouldn't be able to type anything.

El Loro

STILL not working properly but much better could not write to find out

what was wrong ,,,having to be careful looks like this laptop has had Its days 



feeling lousy with a cold headache sore throat etc ...the middle row of letters just packed in and I was up till the early hours trying to fix It 

take care all hoping I can get It fixed ...thanks El Loro for your help I weas panicking ..only  Cheap Lappy an Acer x thanks ..pushing my luck now or has It sorted ...truly hope so 


I keep testing ,last night the records were playing through the Tele (please in this instance forgive the spelling  a surge in leccys cos It went to high pitch and scared my son and I silly,then the laptop started going funny quivering lines going up and down and I could not reply chance of reporting how could you when you cant use the lappy?


Do you believe spooky things tell you sometime without the laughs Is a very special day for me ...tell you sometime 



and to El loro a gent thankyou xxxxxxxxxxxxx


Good evening all



Glad you are pleased with the grill, I love cheese on toast.   I like a bit cherry tomatos on top of it too. That sounds like a good idea to pay for the 7 nights over the busy period if OH finds a particular place he likes. Was it a long time ago you stayed in B and B's? Were you too doing IT contract work then? At least I am gradually getting the price down...week 1 ÂĢ113 a night, and no food..  week 2 ÂĢ49, B and B, week 3, ÂĢ45 B and B, next week ÂĢ40 B and B, week after, ÂĢ30 as I got a reduction for no brekkie, he'd rather get in work early anyway. Shame the rain stopped you doing things today, Your raspberries have done really well though, haven't they? I bought some nice UK ones from Tescos today, but I bet they are not quite as nice as your home grown ones.



how is the throat/cough now? Hope it doesn't last much longer.

Yes if we move, we can't go without my mum, she just cannot look after herself now, but we should get a place big enough if we add the amount she is paying in rent, to the amount we pay. And cheaper bills wise too.


Thanks so much for that Grommit link.

Wow, that is amazing, that they raised ÂĢ2,237.000 for the children's hospital. such a good cause. We have ordered a mini one for daughter for Christmas, as she liked them so much, they too sold quickly, but only cost us ÂĢ33, bit cheaper than the one mentioned at ÂĢ34,000!

Did you manage to get out to your gardens today?



Aaawww so sorry you are having awful lappy problems, It is so frustrating. Hope you can sort it ok. Sorry to hear you too have a nasty throat and bad head. I hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to hear about your spooky things and why today is such a special day for you.

As it is special, I hope you have had a lovely day.


OH got home around 2pm today, as he only does a few hours Fridays, he works over the rest of the week, so he can get home before the traffic. We went for meal in Harvester, Very nice, we had special voucher to get free drinks, starters and a desert. I love their help yourself salad there , I had a nice cauliflower cheese tart.


Remember 8 out of 10 cats starts again tonight at 9pm.


have a good evening all xxx


Hello Mollie 

so strange as I said last night you must have guessed about my OH and this day was special to him ,,,so perhaps I read more into It my imagination ..was in overdrive 

all I can say It was impossible for me to post tried everything  second of line of the keyboard would not work .....he was my soulmate does that make sense so perhaps I'M going this way as posted on another thread ?







Originally Posted by *mollie*:

Good evening all



Glad you are pleased with the grill, I love cheese on toast.   I like a bit cherry tomatos on top of it too. That sounds like a good idea to pay for the 7 nights over the busy period if OH finds a particular place he likes. Was it a long time ago you stayed in B and B's? Were you too doing IT contract work then? At least I am gradually getting the price down...week 1 ÂĢ113 a night, and no food..  week 2 ÂĢ49, B and B, week 3, ÂĢ45 B and B, next week ÂĢ40 B and B, week after, ÂĢ30 as I got a reduction for no brekkie, he'd rather get in work early anyway. Shame the rain stopped you doing things today, Your raspberries have done really well though, haven't they? I bought some nice UK ones from Tescos today, but I bet they are not quite as nice as your home grown ones.



how is the throat/cough now? Hope it doesn't last much longer.

Yes if we move, we can't go without my mum, she just cannot look after herself now, but we should get a place big enough if we add the amount she is paying in rent, to the amount we pay. And cheaper bills wise too.


Thanks so much for that Grommit link.

Wow, that is amazing, that they raised ÂĢ2,237.000 for the children's hospital. such a good cause. We have ordered a mini one for daughter for Christmas, as she liked them so much, they too sold quickly, but only cost us ÂĢ33, bit cheaper than the one mentioned at ÂĢ34,000!

Did you manage to get out to your gardens today?



Aaawww so sorry you are having awful lappy problems, It is so frustrating. Hope you can sort it ok. Sorry to hear you too have a nasty throat and bad head. I hope you feel better soon. Can't wait to hear about your spooky things and why today is such a special day for you.

As it is special, I hope you have had a lovely day.


OH got home around 2pm today, as he only does a few hours Fridays, he works over the rest of the week, so he can get home before the traffic. We went for meal in Harvester, Very nice, we had special voucher to get free drinks, starters and a desert. I love their help yourself salad there , I had a nice cauliflower cheese tart.


Remember 8 out of 10 cats starts again tonight at 9pm.


have a good evening all xxx


Last edited by Former Member


Wet here most of the day, sometimes very heavy rain, so no work done.


Hi Frodo. Pity you are feeling bad now as well. Wonder if you have the same thing as me? I see quite a few on twitter complaining of sore throat etc.

I also had a slight headache, and sore neck as well as a sore throat and cough.

I'm a bit better today, but still can feel a small tickle in my throat, but I think I've turned a corner.

Hope you get better soon.


Pity about your lappy. Sounds like you'll have to bite the bullet and buy a new one.  

If all you are wanting is something to surf the web, then maybe consider a tablet?

Tesco have brought out a 7" android one, called the Hudl, for ÂĢ119. Gets good reviews.


Hi Mollie.
What a difference in B&B prices? ÂĢ113 a night? I'd be expecting a luxury hotel for that.


Yes, I guess you would be better to find a house that's big enough for your Mum as well, if you have to move. Which area is it your OH is working in, if you don't mind saying? (geographical area, I mean )


That's a great sum that has been raised by the Gromits. And to think I thought it was a crackpot scheme.


Watched Marvel's Agents of Shield, then turned to BBC2 to watch the prog about them releasing Orangutans back into the wild.


hello emptybox have you passed your cold on  why has Mollies post popped UP curious and more so said Alice ,,,do you think I'm going mad said the Hatter  methinks this cold and fever needs some hot tea ...move along move along says the march hare 



      Hello all lost It atchoooooooooooo sniffle pass the loo roll 

night all ..were off to see the wizard ,,,lost IT FOLKS XXX


Now for the serious Mollie 


I did not know you where thinking of moving and how lovely of you about your mum  I never try and ask things Mollie ..but whatever you say would remain private ...I just get the gist as you thrtee have been mates for ages 


you take care ,must go feeling really rough ,my head feels as though It may explode ....night all x


Evening Everyone.

Did our sausage and bacon this morning and some meatballs tonight.

You can have the food as close as you like and set the heat to what you want.

Will take a bit of getting used to.


The grill is great, showed my lad it this morning.


Been making headway on the work required to make a wood false roof on the gazebo, it's coming together, this new saw is fantastic, wow doesn't half make life easy.

Of course their are 6 sections so after i get 1 sorted it should be easier.

Need a lot more wood of course.


Made Raspberry Jam this afternoon, had used 1kg Raspberries, some lemon juice and 1kg of Jam Sugar.

Put it into 4 small jars and a bigger one.

Giving those 4 away and having the bigger one myself.

2 are for my neighbour and her daughter, 1 for SIL, 1 for MIL.

O/H doesn't eat jam as it's too sweet for her.


Had 12 meatballs for tea with sliced fried spuds and gravy.


Mollie, i was in BB's and Hotels for many years probably 30yrs anyway, i was contracting, worked for a few interlinked companies, last 20 years been self employed.

I always got expenses for digs & meals which covered everything but we tried to get the cheapest we could to have more money to eat.


Frodo, sorry to hear about your keyboard.


You quoted Mollie's post but i couldn't tell what you added, it looks the same.

I'm confused.

You must have pressed 'Multi Quote' button.


Emptybox, that rain is bad news, it seems we have a dry spell coming here.

Wanted to cut the grass but it's too wet still.

I've had digs and hotels in many uk cities and many countries abroad.





Lovely day here, and warm this evening too.

If this continues then the gardening season is likely to go on for a while yet.

Good for my business though.


Sorry you are feeling bad Frodo. Sounds like you have it worse than I did? Hope you get better soon.


Hi Hicky. I see you've been busy with your gazebo project.

The jam sounds great. I prefer strawberry myself, but raspberry's OK.

I think it's a dry forecast for here next week as well?


X-Factor then Through Keyhole tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Good evening all


I am glad to say that my son has fixed up an old lappy for me, and transferred all my stuff onto it..... it is boiling hot, so I have to use it on a cushion, it is slow to connect, and slips lines when  I type,  but at least it is better than nothing, as mine has completely defunked now.



Sorry to hear you are feeling so unwell. hope you feel better soon. Poor you, not nice when it is so bad, that you need to go to bed.

Hope they sort your power out.

The power companies need to sort their act out, they certainly charge us enough. 



Glad you are finding plenty of things to cook on your grill. Sounds like you are busy now on your gazabo roof project. You certainly spent a good many years in B and B's.



Glad you got the nice weather today, we did too. I sat on the swing chair for awhile and the sun was real warm. Got lots of washing dried.

I too watched X Factor and Keith Lemon, i like both shows.

The ÂĢ113 hotel was only a basic Premier Inn, it it was all I could find, as it was fully booked everywhere at the time.


Just had a Cadbury Scream Egg. It is a halloween equivalent of a Cadbury Creme Egg, and filled with green centre.


Have a good evening all xxx



Evening Mollie


You need to have your Lappy on a flat surface, you can put a cushion under a tray but the underneath of the lappy must be free or the lappy may switch off.


I always enjoyed B&B's but a lot of abroad was in Hotels as B&B's can be awkward when they don't speak English.

But the Hotels do.


Got my Halloween sweets ready anyway.


Hope your mum is ok.


Originally Posted by Hicky:


I would have made Strawberry Jam, but it's difficult with Raspberries.



I appreciate that Hicky, but you could at least have made the effort.

Yes, it's definitely into Autumn now, even though the temperatures are still up.


Hi Mollie.

Sounds like you and Frodo both need new machines to access the web. I regard that as an indispensable service nowadays.

Did you see my mention of the new Tesco tablet? You could probably pick one up for free with your vouchers?


A scream egg with a green centre eh? Think I'll pass.

Last edited by emptybox

Hi all


first let me try and straighten the problem with the laptop ,first the record player went haywire and when I tried to post but the keyboard would not work

so I couldn't get to the trouble shooter on Google,they are always digging the roads around here ...then that night we had a power cut,so I'm guessing that was the problem or perhaps It needs a good clean I did try with a tiny brush and loads of gunk came out


I can't remember the last time I had a cold but this Is something else ,eyes nose I use loo rolls tissues are no use and I ache all over Im upstairs now and going back to bed (sorry for moaning Its not like me to give in to a cold)


I loved strictly come dancing last night ,enjoyed all of them ,but if I'm going to be fair I think Tony Jacklin was the worst ,but I thought they were all good sports....Sophie Ellis Bexter (excuse spelling to-day) wow she was brilliant .


Don't know where I went wrong with the quote Hicky ,as you say I must have pressed the wrong button ...sorry about that.


Yes getting into Autumn ...dark nights now clocks alter later this month so It will be really dark then ..halloween at the end of the month too .


Mollie they do have some good bargains on there I always look through the bargains ...need some more soup bowls and other bits ,and yes as you say Laminate flooring seems the way forward 


hope you are all well can't stop coughing must go sees you frodo


HI emptybox 


I agree with you about the web ..but at least I got some pleasure that It sort of worked (the laptop) make no mistake if this conks I'll have to get another

don't work to hard  I have a recipe out of the DMail for none cooked jam which you can keep in the freezer ,when I feel better I'll post IT


TA TA for now





the grill sounds fantastic ,and you food tales have me in stitches ,are you slim ? how can you eat so much have you hollow legs ,lucky lucky you to burn things off but then you are always busy .


I'll bet the Gazebo will be good when finished  and lit up at night It must be really's please when you are finished


You make jam wow never tried .but I always have a jar of strawberry in the fridge ,love pineapple and blackcurrant too ,not that keen on marmalade .


Yes I always love Halloween for the kids and have some sweets in need more though...but as we live on a sort of off road with not many houses ,we sometimes get missed ....posting now as I am feeling a little better and It seems to have moved on to my chest .


Lovely here to-day and yesterday we have been pretty lucky so far.



Mollie my laptop Is not that old ,but I'm not techno minded and for people that are ...Its hard to understand us newbies at It ,so when I can't download a malware programme or something else that I know Is safe and my laptop says no ...I try and rectify It and b*gger the system up 


yacked enough byeee all xx


Good evening all

well I am on the old lappy and after a few tweaks, it seems to be working a bit better. Son took off Norton as it was slowing it even more, and put avg on it.Then OH had to spend ages sorting out an avg firewall thingie then.

Fredo...I sympathsise your difficulty understanding techy stuff, as I don't either.


Fredo...sorry to hear this cold is so nasty for you, having had awful cough problems in the past, (and still do now and again), I know how draining a bad cough is, especially when it disturbs your sleep. Do you know where you got this cold from? Has someone else in the family got one?Hope you feel better soon.



I bet your raspbery jam is lovely.

Yes, amazing how quickly the dark nights seem to have arrived. Shame it means you can't get so much done at nights now in your garden. Thanks for the hints for the hot lappy. I think we have a lappy tray somewhere.

Yes i like little homely B and B's, I am hoping he likes the little one I booked for him next week.



how are you now? Hope your cold has cleared up a bit now.

Yes thanks I did see you mention the new Tesco tablet thingie, but I was wondering if it would be a bit too small for me to read it easily? I will take a look though. I am looking for a phone from tescos too because the sound has gone on my old mobile, don't mind what sort, as long as it is not too expensive, but it has to be a pink one, like my last one was. And I will use the good old vouchers to pay for it.

That is good that you too have the mild weather there too, I went back to my flowery summer frock and sandals yesterday as it was so warm in the sun today and yesterday.


Like Fredo we too don't get many kiddies for Halloween, but we still get the sweeties in, just in case.


Had another busy day, first thing, I took dog walk on beach with OH , because it is October, doggies are allowed on beach now summer is over again, then out to brekkie with OH at our fave cheapo cafe, then Tescos, then go to mums to do her housework and empty bins, and pick her up to come to our house, give her soup and toasted muffin for lunch, and  pudding at our house, then dash off to take daughter to archery, (one hour round trip), I went for long walk up the hills with son whilst we waited for her, then home, and daughter and I cooked dinner for 6 of us and dog, then take mum home, then give son a quick lesson in how to help iron OH's shirts for work, (OH real busy doing timesheets, expenses etc, and packing suitcase)...then tidy up kitchen, and phheeww finally sit down in time to see X factor.   Bit boring though, I am tired of all the constant cry, cry, crying now.  

at Downtown Abbey, poor Anna.


time for a nice read of my mag in bed now.


goodnight all xxx





Evening guys.

Quite warm again here, but not sunny.

Think the colder weather is supposed to come in mid-week.


I've got a problem with mice getting into my car. They get in under the bonnet, and have ripped up the lining of that, but they also get inside the cabin. I've set traps and have caught three over the last couple of days; two under the bonnet and one in the drivers footwell.

Don't know why they are going in now, because it's still relatively warm at night. Hopefully I'll manage to catch them before they do too much damage.


Thought I was over the cold but had a bit of a relapse today. I've had a headache most of the day. Easing a bit now.


Sounds like you've had a busy family day Mollie? Tiring but enjoyable.

Glad your old lappy is not too bad. Yes the 7" tablet would probably be too small for you. Certainly couldn't do touch typing on it anyway.

I've recorded Downton to watch later, so i don't know what happened on it.


Hi Frodo. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

I wouldn't think a powercut would cause your laptop keyboard to play up? It might damage the power supply on it, if it was connected to the mains at the time, but I would have thought the battery would insulate it from any spikes? But you never know.


We never get any callers at Halloween here. But I've always got my supply of choccy bars that I could give out.....or I could turn the lights out and pretend there was naebdy hame.


Morning all 

sorry you are feeling rough emptybox ,my cold started with runny nose and eyes and this awful sweating and shaking,Its moved to my chest now but I still feel wobbly...just bathed and c.hanged into some clean jammys and off back to bed


Wont mention Downton Abbey until you have have had a gander at It


GoggleBox has me in stitches the posh couple are TV gold they are so funny love that programme.

Are so Tony Jacklin was eliminated ,mind you he was bad ,but If they were all fantastic dancers how boring It would be ,Iwatch the X FACTOR AND THE American version ,I love Simon Cowell sorry but he makes a programme for me 


Wow mice in the car empty box ,hope you get rid of them soon




I'm terrified of spiders and one scuttled across the room a tarantula It was and had the gall to sit near my bed knowing a wouldn't sleep ,but I caught It in a jug and put It outside .


The little cat I feed Is looking very sleek and healthy now ,wonder If It stops off at more places ,It seems terrified of humans though and still won't let me stroke It


see you all later x

Originally Posted by emptybox:

Evening guys.

Quite warm again here, but not sunny.

Think the colder weather is supposed to come in mid-week.


I've got a problem with mice getting into my car. They get in under the bonnet, and have ripped up the lining of that, but they also get inside the cabin. I've set traps and have caught three over the last couple of days; two under the bonnet and one in the drivers footwell.

Don't know why they are going in now, because it's still relatively warm at night. Hopefully I'll manage to catch them before they do too much damage.


Thought I was over the cold but had a bit of a relapse today. I've had a headache most of the day. Easing a bit now.


Sounds like you've had a busy family day Mollie? Tiring but enjoyable.

Glad your old lappy is not too bad. Yes the 7" tablet would probably be too small for you. Certainly couldn't do touch typing on it anyway.

I've recorded Downton to watch later, so i don't know what happened on it.


Hi Frodo. Hope you feel better tomorrow.

I wouldn't think a powercut would cause your laptop keyboard to play up? It might damage the power supply on it, if it was connected to the mains at the time, but I would have thought the battery would insulate it from any spikes? But you never know.


We never get any callers at Halloween here. But I've always got my supply of choccy bars that I could give out.....or I could turn the lights out and pretend there was naebdy hame.



LOL empty box about Halloween made my day ,switched the lights out sometimes myself    PS don't work to hard



oh bubble bubble toil and trouble ...we are off again 


don't oft share my family probs ...but eight months ago my son met someone 

when she IS TIDDLEY she calls him everyname under the sun thats why I go offline sometimes ,,,he takes It very badly and I get upset 


believe me I do not take sides ;;but she Is back came here roaring drunk last night ,I was asleep and had been most of the day ..and of course he has taken her back ....and I will not interfere Its his life cos  I want him to be happy and obviously she makes him happy I stay out of It ..but he drags me in when he gets upset ...sees you 


if you dont here from me for a while will know why xx



going back to bed now but would like your opinion 


seen this emulsion paint called Silver mist have this sticky out chimney breast with two alcoves thought that would be ok on there and white the rest of the room .darker floor perhaps my unit Is very dark brown with cream cushions


tell me what you think or would you go for a darker paint the doors are varnished brown thinking of painting them white they are half glass 



any ideas must go now ...boring you all to death byeeeeex





mice in your car, and damaging it too, the little blighters, how very dare they? Sounds like there must be quite a few of them too. Hope you can get rid of them. Can't you put out some choccy nearby , I know they  love choccy. They got in our garage and ate the kids Christmas chocs once. Sorry to hear you have not got over the cold yet, sometimes they do hang on, especially if you try going back to work before you have recovered.

Yes good point, a tablet wouldn't suit if I couldn't do my touch typing. This old one is old starting up but isn't too bad when going, I haven't got one of those photo slot things though. But it is fine for now.



Sounds like you have had a nasty bug, no wonder you still feel wobbly.

I am sorry about your family worries,   I can understand why you feel so down when your son gets upset about this. If you feel up to it, I  advise you don't disappear from here though if you are upset, I think it is good for us to come here and share things with our friends here and for a bit of light relief too. But of course if you don't feel up to calling in , we all understand.


hope you have not been too busy at work today Hicky.


off to get son from college.


Evening Everyone.


Nice to hear from Mollie, Frodo and Emptybox.


Another duplicate quoted post. Emptybox/Frodo


Will be making more jam if weather lets me get more Raspberries.

Had some jam on toast to test it, very nice.


A lot to do on my Gazebo, not sure if i will be able to finish it before the winter sets in.


Sorry to hear about your lads GF, can't see any future there, sad.


Hope you cold goes Frodo, nothing worse, got my Flu jab on the 19th, Dentist this Friday.


Wow, Emptybox, mice in your car, can do a lot of damage as well.

Maybe you should just fumigate it, is that possible?


My new grill tray came today, want to try it with bacon.


Mollie, i stopped using Norton years ago as it messed up.


You only need either Avast, which is free or Microsoft Security essentials which is free also.

They are both excellent and free.





Dull day here but dry.

Feeling OK today.


Hope you feel better soon Frodo.

I've heard what happened to Anna in Downton, although I haven't watched yet, but feel free to discuss with Mollie if you like.


Caught another mouse this morning.

I get problems every year with mice and rats coming from the field next door. Usually only when the weather is colder, so these blighters are taking the p.

I don't usually like killing animals, but if you take up residence in my car then you become my enemy, and I don't feel guilty.

I've tried poison in the past, but that takes time to work, and can actually attract them in the meantime.


Not sure about putting chocolate nearby Mollie? They might just take it into the car to eat it, if they regard it as their home? Not sure what you mean by fumigate it Hicky? But I think the mice just go in there at nighttime.

I guess the problem is that I don't use the car everyday. I don't usually get them in the van.


Hi Hicky. Glad your new grill tray came.

You're certainly making a lot of jam.


Enjoyed 'Under The Dome' tonight.


morning all 


found the booklet for the freezer jam but on reflection unless you have the fruit to hand like Hicky ,there's quite a lot  of faffing around ,for me Its just easier to buy a jar .


I quoted the post Hicky but answered at the bottom .if you know a better way I would be grateful and I'm not being clever ...any easy way Is good for me I'm scared of rubbing out posts 


I tried to explain to my son this morning that Its not acceptable to treat people ,calling them names etc ..he says Its all in hand I certainly hope so .


Thanks Mollie  I will stay but remember If some people read this Its letting on to other folks my problems which I'm more than happy to share with emptybox and Hicks who I  too .


Still feeling woozy Is lightheaded a better phrase ,been bathed and in clean jammys but back to bed ? 


Did you watch the Midwives It was wonderful And I was tearful most of the way through It ....


Did you think the rape scene was handled badly I thought It was a bit flippant ,,,love to hear your view Mollie as you can put things better than I can 


see you frodo xx




can understand your pain with the mice ...we have fields around here at the bottom of the road over the back ...our gardens are huge .


my neighbour who Is great was feeding pigeons etc and leaving nuts feed etc in her pantry ''the house has not been modernised and they got through to mine ...someone must have reported It not me I assure you .

not seen any for yonks but we have dogs so I really know what your about 

pesky little critters .










take care xx



PLEASE in caps  not for Hicky  


do you have to put up with your doggie upstairs Mollie ? double bed they are stretched out on their own their blanket might I add ,sorry If I offend some 


but I love them they are tired out  byee for now shattered coughing all night 






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